Business game on museology "under seven seals." Museum quest “The story of one hero, or Chronicles of the Great Victory Quest lesson school museum

At the Museum Services Bureau of the Historical Museum, you can pick up a special guide, with which you can explore the exhibition on the first floor in the format of a quest. The essence of the game is this: an important word has been “lost” in the museum halls, the letters have scattered across different eras and are hidden in the names of exhibits. You need to travel back in time, complete tasks from the guidebook and find the lost word. At the end of the route, stop by the Internet room to check your answers and get a souvenir.

Krasnaya sq., 1

Quest “Mysteries of Ancient Moscow” 0+

The Museum of Moscow invites you to take part in an interesting quest and get acquainted with the history and everyday life of Moscow in the 12th-17th centuries. By answering questions, participants will travel back to antiquity, learn about the origins of the Slavs, the construction of fortresses, traditional crafts, folk games, trade and more. At the end of the game, participants will receive a pleasant surprise from the museum.

Zubovsky Blvd., 2

Quest “Myth” 0+

The Pushkin Museum invites you to get acquainted with the main characters of the myths of Ancient Greece in a playful way. Young participants will be asked to find images of ancient gods in the museum collection - Zeus, Athena, Hera, Aphrodite and others. During the quest, the children will hear the most famous myths and learn a lot about their main characters.

st. Volkhonka, 12

Quest “Know yourself - know the world” 0+

What sounds does the Madagascar cockroach make? Is it true that every person has his own anvil and hammer? The seeds of which tree became the prototype for helicopter blades? You can find answers to these and dozens of other questions in the interactive center of the Darwin Museum in quest format. Thanks to the latest technologies, children will plunge headlong into the secrets of nature, see the world from a bird's eye view, measure their strength with an elephant and listen to the beats of their own hearts.

Recently we ordered from our agency quest for children in the Hermitage, which was very successful and we decided that this idea was very good for both children and adults. Quest in the museum The Hermitage was attended by both adults and children, which made it possible to have an interesting family birthday.

Eexcursion quest at the Hermitage is an unusual way to celebrate a child’s or adult’s birthday, as well as an opportunity to get acquainted with the largest museum in the world in an unusual way.

Description of the quest at the Hermitage Museum:

50 years ago, employees of one of the world's largest art and cultural-historical museums, the Hermitage, created a special collection of unique exhibits that are of particular importance in art as carriers of information about time periods.

The name of the collection and the list of its exhibits were stolen by representatives of the criminal organization “Heritage Hunters” directly from the museum.

There are no copies left!

Nobody knows what's in this collection!

From year to year, “Heritage Hunters” try to stage the robbery of the century in order to steal that very “X” collection. All their attempts have been unsuccessful until today... But not this time! The criminals found out about the entire security system of the Hermitage Museum, and are now aware that once a year, for 2 hours, all protective shields in the museum are turned off in order to restart the object security program. And this is the best time to steal exhibits without resistance and go unnoticed!

Only 2 hours!

120 minutes for a robbery!

Criminals will not miss this moment. They were well prepared and developed the most convenient routes around the Hermitage.

We managed to intercept these routes, and now they are in front of you! But the “heritage hunters” turned out to be more cunning - they encrypted the names of all exhibits and at least some clues.

You have a route and riddles about the exhibits that are about to be stolen. Get to work!

Your task:

— find out the name of the exhibits included in the collection by deciphering the riddles of the criminals;

— moving along the route, find exhibits;

— record the presence of the exhibit;

— find out the name of the collection (using notes from criminals);

— prevent the robbery of the century.

You only have 90 minutes to find all the exhibits!

Remember: you are on the heels of a dangerous group, so don’t give yourself away: don’t run, don’t shout, don’t attract attention, be invisible!

Addition: The adult team also has a map, but there are no names of halls on it, only the general name of the zones: Italy, France, etc.

ECONOMY package (6900):

  • Leading
  • Necessary set of props for a quest in a museum


  • Professional presenter
  • A well-developed scenario, including the exploration of several floors in the Hermitage
  • Additional props

VIP PACKAGE (20,000):

  • Professional presenter
  • A well-developed scenario, including the exploration of several floors in the Hermitage
  • Individual changes to script elements in prompts (for example, congratulations to the birthday boy or a surprise for one of the participants)
  • Necessary set of props for a quest in the Hermitage
  • Additional props
  • Extra task on knowledge of history
  • Actor as a "villain"

Prices are for a group of up to 7 people. If there are more of you, the cost is calculated individually by phone in the upper right corner.


Photos from a children's quest in the Hermitage from the holiday agency "Mafia St. Petersburg"

The level of education: basic general education

Target Audience: Class(es): 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade or mixed groups of no more than 6 people each. The role of presenters is performed by members of the local history circle or students who have completed the game earlier.

Item(s): extracurricular activities (history, local history)

Purpose of the lesson: formation in the younger generation of a sense of civic consciousness and patriotism, respect for the memory of the dead, and a sense of gratitude to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Equipment used: stands in the room of military glory and recreation of the school, cards with tasks and tips, TV, video fragment of a film reconstruction of the events of the tank battle on the Kursk Bulge.

Short description:

The main method of achieving the goal of the event is a combination of practical work of a different-age or same-age group using various sources of information (Internet resources) based on information posted on the stands of the museum room, footage from documentary chronicles. The event contributes to the development of attention and interest of schoolchildren in the history of their Motherland, native land, encourages students to engage in research activities, develops a sense of mutual assistance, the ability to work in a group, and distribute responsibilities to solve common problems.

Progress of the lesson

Presenter 1:

War - there is no crueler word,
War - there is no sadder word,
In the melancholy and glory of these years
And on our lips there is something else
It can't be yet...
(A. Tvardovsky)

70 years have passed since the joyful event of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This victory was made possible thanks to millions of Soviet people. Each of them contributed to the Victory. Every town, village and hamlet did everything possible to ensure that we lived under a peaceful sky. Today you are going through the pages of history, which are reflected in our school museum. You have to complete tasks. When performing them, you can use the Internet. Having gone all the way, completing all the tasks, you will learn the name of our fellow countryman - Hero of the Soviet Union.

Each group receives a card with its task; only by answering the question correctly will you be able to find the necessary information at the stand and test yourself. After this, you will have the opportunity to work further and win the game. ( Participants in the game receive cards with tasks that must be completed in a group, answer a question independently or find the answer - confirmation at the stand.)

Task 1. “Amazing square”

Card text: “Select one number from each row and each column, find the sum of the selected four numbers and you will receive an answer to the question: “How many days did the Great Patriotic War last”? On which of the stands is this information posted?” (a stand dedicated to the duration of the war and the number of people killed in it.) (Fig. 1). After completing the task, the team receives the next card.

Task 2. “Bread is the head of everything”

Information on the card: “What part of the loaf of bread is shown on the plate? (Fig. 2). What information can you tell us about this part of the bread loaf? Which of the stands dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War tells about the courage and tragedy of the Soviet people” (stand dedicated to Leningrad, in the museum room).

413 218 474 567
569 74 630 979
195 0 256 349
221 26 282 375

Fig.1. Amazing square

Fig.2. Bread is the head of everything

Presenter 2:

And leaflets flew from the sky
On the thresholds of frozen apartments:
"There will be bread. Do you want bread?..."
"There will be peace. Don't you dream of peace?"
The children were crying and asking for bread.
There is no worse torture than this.
Leningraders did not open the gates
And they did not go to the city wall.
Without water, without heat, without light.
The day is like a black night.
Maybe there is no power in the world,
To overcome all this?
They died and said:
- Our children will see the light!
But they didn't open the gate.
They didn’t kneel, no!
Is it any wonder that in military work
Is our city good for a soldier?..
Peter built it in a swamp,
But you won’t find stronger earth.
1942 (Elena Ryvina)

Task 3. “Poster”

Participants in the game receive a card - a fragment of a photograph from one of the stands (Fig. 3). It is necessary to remember where they saw this photo (Stand “Battle for Moscow”) and go to this stand.

Fig.3. Poster

Here they answer the presenter’s question about which village the Great Tank Battle took place under and move on to a stand telling about the events on the Kursk Bulge.

After answering the question and moving to the stand, watch a video clip about the Battle of Prokhorovka.

Presenter 3:

Forty third
The bitterness of wormwood
It smelled on me from afar -
Charred plain
I see the Kursk Bulge.
“Tigers” are a rod,
Wildly stubborn
But with me
In this difficult moment
Straight to the panorama eyepiece
My whole regiment
Confidently approached.
It thundered
Immediately halfway around the world.
Like torches they burn...
No, it’s not in vain that he lives in me
All this
Three decades in a row!
Those fights -
As a measure of our strength.
That's why she's expensive
Stuck to death
To Russia,
Kursk Great Arc ...

(participant of the Battle of Kursk Mikhail Borisov, Hero of the Soviet Union).

The presenter gives out a card with the next task.

Task 4. “Great battles - great people”

Card text: “When people talk about the Battle of Kursk, they often mention Operation Citadel, the German offensive plan. Meanwhile, after the Wehrmacht onslaught was repulsed, the Soviet troops carried out two of their offensive operations, which ended in brilliant successes. The names of these operations are much less known than “Citadel”.

On August 3, 1943, troops of the Voronezh and Steppe fronts began the offensive operation “Rumyantsev”, named after the Russian commander. On August 5, Soviet troops captured Belgorod and then began to liberate the territory of Left Bank Ukraine. During the 20-day operation, they defeated the opposing Nazi forces and reached Kharkov. On August 23, 1943, at 2 a.m., troops of the Steppe Front launched a night assault on the city, which ended in success by dawn.

On July 12, 1943, the troops of the Western and Bryansk fronts went on the offensive in the Oryol direction. Three days later, the Central Front began its offensive. During this operation, which bore the name of another Russian commander, a major defeat was inflicted on the German Army Group Center.

Name the Russian commander. Determine which direction your group will go now. (the name of the operation is “Kutuzov”, the participants of the game must go to the “Commanders” stand).

Task 5. “Cryptographers”

Text of the card “Using the program decipher the QR code and name the statement of one of the WWII commanders. To do this, take a photo of the drawing offered to you and place it in the program.” (Fig. 4).

(There are undoubtedly few better warriors than the Sibiryak and the Uralets in the world, so the hand involuntarily writes these words with a capital letter. R. Ya. Malinovsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union).

After decoding, the team receives from the presenter a photograph with the image of the Order “Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union”.

Task 6. “Hero Star”

Presenter 4: You need to remember where you saw what is shown on the card (Fig. 5). Find this place in the museum room and complete the next task. Fill in the gaps in the text. You can restore information from memory, use the Internet or other sources of information ( Information is posted on the stand in the museum).

After finding the photo on the stand, the team receives a card with a new task.

Fig.4. Encryptors

Fig.5. Hero Star

Task 7. “Glory to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War”

During the Great Patriotic War, residents of the city of Cheremkhovo and Cheremkhovo district collected _____ million rubles. for the construction of 2 _____________________ and a squadron of aircraft. In memory of the heroes of the front and home front, ___________________ was erected on a pedestal and equipped with ___________________. It was inaugurated on November 4, 1981 on Nekrasova Street. The square where the memorial is located is named after Pavel Petrovich Postyshev. The funds were collected in _______________ years.

The names of Cheremkhovo residents who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are carved on the memorial wall - 4,769 names established by the military registration and enlistment office and the council of veterans.

Presenter 5: The history of the heroic deeds of Siberians is, first of all, the history of specific people, and the memory of them, who dedicated their lives to Russia and Siberia, should not remain just a thing of the past, it should be with us, those who will replace us.

Now you have reached the last stage of the game. You have to remember the name of the hero who brought the long-awaited Victory Day closer. The one who chronicled the Great Victory.

Before us are the pages of the newspaper “Cheremkhovo Worker” Issue No. 20 dated May 21, 2014 and a portrait of the hero drawn by a student of school No. 8 in Cheremkhovo (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Portrait of Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Petrovich Kudryashov from Cheremkhovo

In honor of a fellow countryman - Hero of the Soviet Union

The main event of the ceremonial line on the occasion of Victory Day at school No. 8 is a meeting with the descendants of Nikolai Kudryashov, a native of Cheremkhovo, who was posthumously restored to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. His nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren came to visit the children in order to remember with them the difficult years of hard times and honor the memory of our fellow countryman.

Let us recall that at the beginning of the war, Senior Sergeant Kudryashov was a rifleman of the 161st Infantry Division. Later, Nikolai Petrovich became a squad leader and commander of a rifle company. He fought on the Western, Voronezh, Bryansk and also the first, second and fourth Ukrainian fronts. He was wounded four times.

Soldier Kudryashov distinguished himself during the liberation of Kyiv, where he temporarily served as platoon commander of the 520th Infantry Regiment of the 167th Division. His platoon killed more than two hundred German soldiers at that time.

In January 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Nikolai Kudryashov was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal for the exemplary performance of combat missions, courage and heroism.

In 1945, our fellow countryman was demobilized from the army and returned to his hometown of Cheremkhovo, where he continued to work at the mine. Kirov.

As fate would have it, 1952 became a fatal year for Nikolai Petrovich Kudryashov. He was convicted of hooliganism and illegal possession of firearms, for which he was stripped of all titles and awards. It would seem like a simple hooligan act. But it was he who became a stigma for Nikolai for many years.

Soon Nikolai left for Yakutia, worked as a mining worker, and later as a forklift driver. Nikolai Kudryashov died in 1973 in the village of Nyurba. He is buried there.

For many years, his relatives sought justice, but his old comrade, aviation veteran Mikhail Tikhonov, decided to get to the bottom of the truth, and sent a copy of Kudryashov’s personal file to the right authority.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in October 2013, Nikolai Kudryashov was posthumously restored to state titles and awards.

Now another one has been added to the list of eight heroes of the Soviet Union, natives of Cheremkhovo.

Participants of the school military-patriotic club “Peacemaker” decided to open an exhibition dedicated to our fellow countryman. The guys found their closest relatives.

The school students prepared an interesting concert program for them. The guys performed the legendary dance “Apple” and showed the sketch “Memories of the Future”. It took ninth-grader Polina Khokhlova just a few hours to draw with incredible accuracy a portrait of the hero, which was presented to the granddaughter of Nikolai Kudryashov.

Presenter 1: You went through all the stages of our game, completed the tasks, learned about how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for their freedom and our lives. Today you learned the name of another hero, a resident of our city Nikolai Petrovich Kudryashov. The person, thanks to whom there is a clear blue sky above us and we can enjoy every new day.

Anastasia Loshkareva
Quest game “Museum Keepers”

Quest game

« Museum curators»

Participants: children of senior preschool age.

Requirements for participants: participants are wearing scarves of different colors

Program content:

NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development

Expand children's knowledge about fine arts, develop artistic perception of works of fine art, exercise their ability to perform exercises in accordance with assignments, and develop creative activity.

OO "Speech development"

Improve speech as a means of communication

OO "Physical development"

Develop interest in activity in independent motor activities

OO "Cognitive Development"

development of cognitive activity; develop observation, attention, logical thinking.

OO "Social-communicative"

develop children’s communication skills, unite the children’s team, develop the ability to work in a team, and foster an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

Types of children's activities: motor; gaming; communicative; figurative; educational and research

Plot quest:

Guys, today we have to visit an interesting place, we will go on an excursion to our unusual museum. Guys, were you in museums where do the paintings hang? Let's imagine that we are in museum, where paintings by different artists hang. Who are these artists? That's right guys, this is a man who draws pictures. The artist is like a wizard, a magician who admires the beauty of nature in his paintings; he depicts the splendor of the expanses of fields, meadows, lakes and rivers; he can show in a drawing the beauty of a blooming garden or the majesty of a mighty oak tree, various animals, people, the sea, etc.

Children enter museum.

Educator: Oh. Guys, something bad happened. All paintings from the museum has disappeared somewhere(watch video).What to do? We need help to return to painting museum. And the Girl-Kistochka will help us with this, curator of museum paintings. And in order to return them to us, we need to complete all the tasks. After each correctly completed task you will receive a picture and return it to museum.

Roles: Tassel girl (museum curator)

Rules of the game: If a team of participants fails the test, the entire team receives a penalty in the form of an artist’s palette, which depicts "exercise", it must be completed - only after that can you move on.

Location: music hall

Material and equipment: video film of how an evil witch steals treasures from museum, handkerchiefs of different colors; costume Guardians of paintings, Girl's costume - Tassels; audio equipment; palettes (with an additional task for the team, envelopes with hints, envelopes with puzzles, reproductions of paintings, glue, crossword puzzle, map-scheme, prize with candies.

Preparatory work: reading fiction; solving rebuses and puzzles, looking at reproductions.

Move quest games:

Watching a video.

Girl-Tassochka: My young friends! In our there was a disaster at the museum. All the paintings have disappeared, these are all the tricks of the Evil Witch, she doesn’t want the paintings to please us. In order for the paintings to return to our museum we need to complete tasks at different stations. We'll help museum curator?

Children: Yes.

Children are offered a colorful map with a picture of the route and the names of the stations.

Children walk to the station "Collector"

Tassel Girl: The first task to complete is to assemble the puzzles. Quickly assemble the puzzles and turn them into a picture.

Children receive an envelope with a cut picture. After they have collected the picture, they hand it over keeper.

next station "Guessing Game"

Girl - tassel: The second task is that you need to name the artist and the title for the proposed painting. Look at the picture and name the picture.

Children receive an envelope with a task containing a picture. You need to remember the artist and the title. After completing the task museum curator puts the picture in place.

Station "Colorful"

Girl - tassel: The artist painted autumn, spread the colors on the palette. Look at the paints and put together a picture.

On the easel is a painting depicting an autumn landscape. The envelope contains a palette with different combinations of colors. Based on the combination of colors, you need to choose the right palette. After completing the task, the children receive a picture for museum and hand it over to the custodian.

Station "Still Life"

Girl - tassel: If you see in the picture a cup of coffee on the table, or fruit drink in a large glass, or a rose in crystal, or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, or all the objects at once, know that this is a still life.

From the proposed objects standing on the table, children make a still life. Receive the picture and hand it over keeper.

next station "Colorful"

Girl - tassel: Look at the paints and set your palette.

Using a palette, paint, and a brush, children are invited to create additional colors using arithmetic examples:

yellow + red = orange

yellow + blue = green

blue + red = burgundy

Having received the painting, they return it to museum.

Station "Surprise".

Watch a video where an evil witch hides a surprise.

Girl - tassel: And we challenge boredom

Just because

Live in the world without surprises

Impossible for anyone.

May good luck, failure,

Let the flights go up and down

Only this way and not otherwise

Only this way, and not otherwise.

Long live surprise!

Surprise, surprise!

Long live surprise!

Surprise, surprise!

Long live surprise!

How will you go on the map?

You'll get to the prize right away.

Children use a clue from the video to find a surprise (a book with reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and a sweet surprise)

Girl - tassel: Thank you, my friends, for helping to return the paintings to museum!

Carefully consider the proposed color combinations.

Look carefully at what objects the artist should use to paint a still life.

Be careful when working with paint.

Be careful, there is a hint in the film.

Goncharova E.V., teacher of Russian language and literature,

deputy director for research and development

Koryakina L.I., teacher of history and social studies,

deputy Director of HR

Gukov A.Yu., Doctor of Biology, Director of the Ermine Museum, Tiksi

Quest scenario in the museum

"The Strange Familiar Arctic"

Quest goal: deepen and expand students' knowledge about the history of the Arctic, its nature, and the peoples inhabiting it.


Systematize students’ knowledge about the Arctic region of Russia;

To promote awareness that the Arctic is a unique region of our country;

To promote the development of skills in independent search for information on a given topic, its critical analysis and selection of the necessary facts and opinions;

Contribute to the development of communication skills and the ability to work in a team; promote students' awareness of the value of joint activities;

Contribute to the development of regulatory skills, including the ability to plan and evaluate one’s actions in accordance with the task, assess the level of mastery of the material;

Cultivate respect for the history of your country, small homeland, and a sense of patriotism.

Participants – students of 9th – 10th grades.

Each team chooses a name, motto, distinctive uniform or tie.


Greetings: stickers with signatures “Team 1”, “Team 2”, route sheet, pencils, notebooks.

"Who seeks will always find…": riddles about the book, printed, names Gukov A.Yu. and Gukova N.V. on separate pieces of paper (letter by letter in an envelope), books “Tiksi”, “On Untrodden Paths...”; leaflets “Ermine Museum”.

Historians of the Arctic: cards with questions (Appendix No. 1), on the back of which is a fragment of a picture (diamond and gold bar).

Gold Mine: tray, screen, cards with questions (Appendix No. 2), on a piece of paper the note “Ancient site”.

Ancient site: puzzles (Appendix No. 3), text with spaces (Appendix No. 4), on a separate piece of paper the word “Zoomir” (2 pieces).

Zoomir: printed quiz (Appendix No. 5 for presenters), cherkan.

Ethnographic: a grinder for skins, a scraper for dressing skins, a net for scooping ice from an ice hole, a taryr - a brake for a dog sled, a scoop for scooping ice from a hole, a scoop for scooping flour in a storage shed.

Final: 2 sets of text (statements, Appendix No. 6); certificates and diplomas.

Quest rules.

1. Two teams of 4-5 people take part in the game. The game begins at the start, where the presenter explains the rules, then they will be asked to go through the points. At each of these points, participants receive a certain number of points for each completed task. At the final point, participants will need to compose a statement of a famous person from individual words. The number of hint words will directly depend on the number of points.

2. The team that is the first to make a statement becomes the winner. Each team member receives a winner's diploma. Members of the team that took 2nd place are also awarded certificates.

3. Game time (including excursion) - 120 minutes.

4. Breakdown into teams. Energizer.

5. Participants: 2 students from Yakutsk, Trofimov, Nurmatov, Fedorova, Gorokhova, Afanasyev, Ovchinnikov - 8 people.


Leading. Good morning, dear guys! Today you will become participants in the museum quest “The Strange Familiar Arctic”. And we, the teachers of the Arctic Gymnasium E.V. Goncharova, will conduct it. and Koryakina L.I.

By the way, do you know what a quest is?(children's answers )

Now you must break into teams. We propose to do this by drawing lots.

Students choose stickers with the inscriptions “Team 1”, “Team 2”.

Teams are formed (4 – 5 people each)

Leading. Guys, the teams have now been formed. Now you have to come up withName to your team and motto . You are given 5 minutes to do this. Don't forget to choose a team captain.

Teams confer

prepare a greeting, choose a captain. 5 minutes.

Leading . And now the floor to the teams.

Greeting the teams, introducing the captains.

(The assignment is not graded)

Leading. So, the teams are presented. It remains to familiarize you with the rules of the game.

The rules of our quest involve reproducing the statement of a famous person at the final point. But to do this, you need to pass a series of tests and get as many points as possible, because the number of hints depends on this.

A route sheet has been developed for each team. It marks points, the passage of which requires the completion of certain tasks. As you complete the route, you will be given points. Each task will be assessed with a certain number of points. You can earn a maximum of 70 points per game.

In total you need to go through 7 points. The starting point is greeting. You've already passed it. But it is not evaluated.

All points are summed up, and their number at the end of the game determines how many clues you will receive. Try to complete the tasks carefully and correctly, getting the maximum number of points.

Route sheet

Team name __________________________

Point “He who seeks will always find...”

Leading. Our game will take place in some place that is still unknown to you. And at the first stage you must determine this place. First, solve a simple math problem.

The answer to this problem is a certain number - this will be the number of the office where you will find the second part of the task.

Exercise. The sum of the digits of the office number is 12. In this case, the quotient of dividing the last digit by the first will be the first digit. Good luck!

The guys solve the proposed problem and find the answer.

They go to room 309 – the school museum.

Having solved the problem and determined the room number, everyone goes to the school museum (room 309).

Teams in room 309.

Leading . Well done! Now complete the second part of the task.A simple riddle:

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller.

Black birds on every page

They remain silent, waiting to see who will guess them.

Leading. So, that's right. This is, of course, a book. As you guessed, you probably have to find a book. And it already contains the address of the place where the main stage of our game will take place.

Exercise: From these letters make up the surname of the author of the book. Then find a book by this author and the address will be waiting for you inside. There are two books in total. Each team finds its own book.

They find a book, and in it the address of the museum.

Stage result: The presenter gives points.

Leading. And now we’re going to the Ermine Museum, where the second stage will take place.

The teams get dressed and go to the Ermine Museum.


The stage takes place at the Ermine Museum

Arctic Historians point (historical hall)

Leading. Guys, we are in the Ermine public museum, which was created by A.Yu. Gukov. This is a man, Doctor of Biological Sciences, member of the All-Russian Geographical Society, in love with the Arctic, who has devoted his entire life to studying its nature and history. He devotes a lot of effort, time, and energy to his favorite business. A true enthusiast, he knows how to captivate everyone with his love for his native places. I hope you too. Let me introduce this man. Today Alexander Yurievich will act as an expert.

Exercise. In front of you are two stacks of cards with questions (5 questions each) from the history of the Arctic. You must provide answers to these questions. And the museum exhibits located in this room will help you with this.Appendix No. 1

So, go ahead, pay attention and work quickly. Time is limited - 10 minutes.

The guys are looking for answers

using materials from the historical hall of the museum.

After 10 minutes, the teams answer questions.

The expert comments.

Stage result: The presenter gives points.

Leading. You answered the questions correctly. Now turn over the question cards and fold the picture. This way you will know where the next point is.

Teams put together puzzles and get pictures .

Leading. What is shown in the pictures? So, the next point in the geological hall.

Point "Gold Mine" (geological hall)

Leading. We are now in the geological hall. As you understand, the tasks will be related to this topic. But before we go any further, let's take a short break. Let's have a snack. Walk around the hall, look at the exhibits and find what you could snack on in extreme camping conditions. You must complete this task in 5 minutes.

Teams walk around the hall and look for

stand with edible plants.

Then they present their three-course menu.

Leading . After our impromptu lunch, I suggest we get down to business. You are given objects, look at them, think about why they are needed and show them in action.

Exercise. Teams are given items (tray and screen). You need to determine why they are needed.

The guys work with gold miners' equipment,

find out its purpose.

Teams show how to use these items.

Time – 5 minutes.

Leading. Yes, our republic is very rich in gold. But besides gold there are other minerals. Among which diamond mining stands out. It is not for nothing that Yakutia is called not only a golden republic, but also a diamond republic.

Exercise. Teams are given tasks on cards.Appendix No. 2.

Time – 10 minutes.

Teams are looking for answers to questions.

The teams respond.

Stage result: scoring. Expert opinion.

Leading. So, the points for this task have been assigned. But the trials in this room did not end there.

In order to move to the next room, you must complete one more task.

In the Bulun region there is a unique deposit of brown coal, from which figures and souvenirs can be cut with an ordinary knife, and which can be ignited by one match. Name this coal (boghead - bull's head in English).

Find the boghead in the hall, and under it you will find a clue - the place where the next stage awaits you.

Exercise. Read the name of the next point.

The guys read the message and find out

having united, the name of the next point is “Ancient site”

Point “Ancient site” (paleontological hall)

Leading. And now we are in the paleontological hall of the museum, where animals that inhabited the Arctic in ancient times are presented. To find out what kind of animals these are, we invite you to solve puzzles and find their remains in this room.

Exercise. Each team is asked to solve three puzzles.

Animals: bison, mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, musk ox, wild reindeer, horse.Appendix No. 3

Teams solve puzzles against time. Time – 5 minutes.

They tell the answers and show them

these animals (remains and paintings) in the hall.

Stage result: scoring.

Leading. You did a good job with this task, and now the letter. But this letter is unusual, it contains missing words that you must restore. The keyword is where you will find the name of the next point.

Exercise. Teams are given text with spaces, they must restore it.Appendix No. 4

Commands work with text. Time – 5 minutes.

Find the keyword “tusk”.

Leading. Now find the mammoth tusk among the museum exhibits and under it the name of the next point. (Zooworld)

Point "ZOOMIR" (zoological hall)

Leading. And now teams are offered a quiz on the topic (10 questions).

Teams answer questions

take turns getting points.

Each team is asked to answer 5 questions.

Appendix No. 5

The presenters take turns reading the questions.

Stage result : Teams are given points (maximum 25).

Leading. Guys, now find the ermine among the exhibits and answer the question: how are this object and this animal related to each other? (cherkan - a snare for catching ermine).

Exercise. Teams are asked to explain the connection between the device (cherkan) and the ermine.

Team responses.

The teams confer and answer the question.

Leading. Thanks to all. You completed the task. And now we move on to the next stage. As you probably already guessed, you will have to work with certain objects. We go to the “Ethnographic” point.

Point "Ethnographic" (ethnographic hall)

Leading. Guys! Now you have a difficult task ahead of you - to show how people lived in the Arctic. To do this, let's move to the beginning of the 20th century - an era when this region was actively explored by travelers; the most famous hydrographic expeditions date back to this time. Of course, it was very difficult for the pioneers, and in order not only to adapt to local conditions, but simply to survive, they had to adopt the survival experience of the local population. It is this experience that you now have to reproduce.

Exercise. Teams are given the following items: a grinder for skins, a scraper for dressing skins, a net for scooping ice from an ice hole, a taryr - a brake for a dog sled, a scoop for scooping ice from a hole, a scoop for scooping flour in a storage shed.

Teams must within 10 minutes

talk about these objects and show them in action.

Teams discuss and look for answers.

Show objects in action.

Stage result: points are given (maximum 15 points).

Leading: Now let’s count the points to determine the number of clues. We suggest you do this yourself.

Teams count their opponents' points.

Point "Final"

Leading. So, our journey comes to an end. There is one last final task left. This task involves composing a statement by one famous person. The words in this phrase are your hints, earned from points. The number of hints depends on the number of points you received.

There are 10 hints in total. The team that earns more points receives more hints. The team that earns the maximum number of points receives 10 clues (words), and the team that earns fewer points receives fewer clue words. You need to choose the remaining words yourself so as not to violate the meaning of the statement.

Exercise. Teams are given words, the number of which depends on the points received.

Teams collect a phrase and voice it.

In nature, everything is wise/thought out and arranged/, everyone should/ do/ their own business/, and in this wisdom/ is the highest justice/ of life/. Leonardo da Vinci/

Summing up the quest.

Leading. Well, our meeting has come to an end. All that remains is to summarize. And we now want to give the floor to the guests. . (“Free microphone”)


1) winning team + each participant;

2) the team that took 2nd place + each participant.

Presentation of diplomas and diplomas.

Leading. Guys, thank you all very much. You have worked hard and as a reward, Alexander Yuryevich Gukov, the owner of the Ermine Museum, will give you a tour of the museum.