Test on Pogorelsky's fairy tale the black hen. Interactive game based on the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”

Test (test)

based on the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky

"Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants"

1. Indicate the correct version of the title of the fairy tale:

a) “Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants”;

b) “Black Bird, or Underground Inhabitants”;

c) “Black chicken, or underground inhabitants.”

2. Where does the fairy tale take place?

a) in a distant country;

b) in Moscow;

c) in St. Petersburg.

3. Where did Alyosha study?

a) in the gymnasium;

b) in a boarding house;

c) in a boarding school.

4. Alyosha’s favorite chicken’s name was:

a) Chernushka;

b) Chernavka;

c) Pestroushka.

5. What did the cook with the big knife ask the boy?

a) chop the onion;

b) watch the pan;

c) catch a chicken.

6. To save his beloved chicken, Alyosha gave the cook:

a) imperial;

b) emerald;

c) silver coins.

7.What did Alyosha do on Sundays and holidays?

a) went to his parents’ house;

b) stayed alone and read;

c) worked.

8.What are “winter vacations”

a) winter holidays;

b) vaccinations in winter;

c) sledding.

9. What is a dormitory?

a) children's bedrooms;

b) teachers' room;

c) bathroom.

10. Having passed through the entryway, Alyosha and Chernushka found themselves:

a) in the garden;

b) in the rooms of old Dutch women;

c) in a hall with elegant walls.

11. The little people in elegant multi-colored dresses had on their heads:

a) small white caps;

b) round hats with feathers;

c) knight's helmets.

12. Chernushka had a position:

a) chief minister;

b) advisor;

c) Minister of Foreign Affairs.

13. The king gave Alyosha in gratitude:

a) wheat grain;

b) buckwheat grain;

c) hemp seed.

14. Why didn’t Alyosha feel pleasure when the teacher praised him for the lesson he had learned?

a) his stomach hurt;

b) the lesson did not cost him any effort;

c) the teacher flattered him.

15. When rumors about Alyosha’s extraordinary abilities spread throughout St. Petersburg, he came to the boarding school several times:

a) emperor;

b) school director;

c) official - caretaker.

16. Indicate the hero’s age

a) 6-7 years b) 8-9 years c) 9-10 years

17. After some time, Alyosha became kind, sweet and modest:

a) angry and rebellious;

b) proud and disobedient;

c) wayward and impudent.

18. How did Alyosha manage to get the grain back?

a) he found it in the backyard

b) it was in another pocket

c) Chernushka returned it to him

19. When the teacher asked Alyosha to learn 20 pages, the boy could not answer the lesson because:

a) he was unable to learn such a large amount of material;

b) he was confused;

c) he lost a hemp seed.

20. What was Alyosha’s punishment?

a) sit in a room on bread and water;

b) clean the boarding house;

c) exclusion from the boarding school.

21. Because of Alyosha’s betrayal, Chernushka was forced to wear:

a) handcuffs;

c) a canvas shirt.

22. What happened to the underground inhabitants after Alyosha revealed their secret?

a) they moved to a boarding house;

b) they were forced to move;

c) everything remains the same.

teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Lyceum No. 1”, Chamzinka, Republic of Mordovia

Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna

Interactive game

based on the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky

"Black chicken"

or Underground inhabitants"

5th grade


The game can be played by two or more students or teams. Players take turns answering questions. You can test yourself by clicking on the rectangle with the answer to the question. If the answer is incorrect, it will be written on the card "Turn Transition" and this question is answered by the following. If the answer is correct, then the card will say "WELL DONE" .

Whoever scores the most points will be the winner.

You can move on to the next question using

You can end the game using the button


Start the game

Where does the fairy tale take place?

Transition move

in the thirtieth state


in St. Petersburg

Transition move

What is the name of the main character of the story?


Transition move

Transition move

Where was the boy raised?

Transition move

Transition move

in the gymnasium


at the boarding house

What is a "dormitory"?

Transition move

teacher's room

Transition move

cool room


children's bedrooms

What is the age of the main character?


Transition move

Transition move

What did the boy do on Sundays and holidays?

Transition move

went to my parents' house


stayed alone and read

Transition move

worked in the boarding house kitchen

Who are we talking about: “... they lived near the fence in a house specially built for them and played and ran around in the yard all day long”?

Transition move

about the pupils


about chickens

Transition move

about dogs

What are “winter vacations”?

the winter vacation


Transition move

vaccinations in winter

Transition move


What did the cook with the big knife ask the boy?

Transition move

chop wood

Transition move

chop the onion


catch a chicken

What was the cook's name?

Transition move




Transition move


How did the boy manage to convince the cook not to complain to the teacher?

he gave her an imperial


Transition move

he threatened her with violence

Transition move

he ran away from school

What is "imperial"?

Russian gold coin


Transition move

book about Russian emperors

Transition move

golden box

Who turned out to be the chicken Chernushka?

Transition move

Transition move

a wizard


chief minister of the underworld

Why didn’t Alyosha feel pleasure when the teacher praised him for a lesson he had learned?

the lesson didn't cost him any effort


Transition move

the teacher flattered him

Transition move

his stomach hurt

What happened to Alyosha’s character after he became famous?

to the whole of St. Petersburg with your mind?

Transition move

he became depressed


he began to put on airs in front of others and imagined himself

smarter than everyone else

Transition move

he received a cash prize

Did Alyosha manage to learn his lesson?

without the help of a grain?


Transition move

Transition move

he refused to learn a lesson

What was the punishment

for an unlearned lesson?

Transition move

clean the boarding house


sit in a room on bread and water

Transition move

work in the boarding house kitchen

How did Alyosha manage to

get your grain back?

Transition move

he found it in the backyard

Transition move

it was in another pocket


Chernushka returned it to him

Finish the wise saying uttered by Chernushka: “Vices usually enter through the door and exit through...”

Transition move


into the crack

Transition move

Why did Alyosha tell the teacher about the Black Chicken and the underground inhabitants?

to avoid punishment with rods


Transition move

he wanted to boast about his acquaintances

Transition move

The Black Chicken asked him about it

What happened to the underground inhabitants after Alyosha revealed their secret?

Transition move

everything remains the same


they were forced to move

Transition move

they moved into a boarding house

What moral lessons are contained in the fairy tale?



you have to live honestly, be modest, respect other people


you need to be demanding of yourself, be able to overcome selfishness and laziness

Antony Pogorelsky is the pseudonym of the writer...

Transition move

Alexander Perovsky

Transition move

Alexey Petrovsky


Alexey Perovsky

The writer composed a fairy tale for his...

Transition move



Transition move


Anthony Pogorelsky was...

Transition move

Nikolai Tolstoy

Transition move

Lev Tolstoy


Alexey Tolstoy



How do you rate

Test based on the story “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” by Antony Pogorelsky

    Indicate the correct version of the title of the fairy tale story by Anthony Pogorelsky:

    "Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants"

    "Black Bird, or Underground Inhabitants"

    "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"

    Where does the fairy tale take place?

    In a distant country

  1. In St. Petersburg

3. What is the name of the main character of the story?

    Where was the boy raised?

    at the boarding house

    at the boarding house

    in the gymnasium

5. What is a dormitory?

    children's bedrooms

    teacher's room


6. Indicate the hero's age

7. What did he do on Sundays and holidays?

1. went to his parents' house

2. stayed alone and read

3. worked

8. Who are we talking about: “... who lived near the fence in a house specially built for them and played and ran around in the yard all day long”?

1. about the students

2. about dogs

3. about chickens

9. What are “winter vacations”

1. winter holidays

2. vaccinations in winter

3. sledding

10. What did the cook with the big knife ask the boy?

1. chop the onion

2. keep an eye on the pan

3. catch a chicken

11. How did the boy manage to convince the Cook not to complain to the teacher?

1. he gave her an imperial

2. he threatened her with violence

3. he ran away from the educational institution

12. Why didn’t Alyosha feel pleasure when the teacher praised him for the lesson he had learned?

1. his stomach hurt

2. the lesson didn’t cost him any effort

3. the teacher flattered him

13. What happened to Alyosha’s character after he became famous throughout St. Petersburg for his intelligence?

1. he began to put on airs in front of others and imagined himself smarter than everyone else

2. he became depressed

3. He received the Nobel Prize

14. Did Alyosha learn his biggest task of 20 pages (without the help of a grain)?


15. What was the punishment for not learning a lesson?

1. sit in a room on bread and water

2. clean the boarding house

3. exclusion from the boarding house

16. How did Alyosha manage to get the grain back?

1. he found it in the backyard

2. it was in another pocket

3. Chernushka returned it to him

17. Finish the wise saying uttered by Chernushka: “Vices usually enter through the door and exit through...”

3. in the crack

18. Why did Alyosha tell the teacher about the Black Chicken and the underground inhabitants?

1. they were going to flog him with rods

2. he wanted to boast about his acquaintances

3. The Black Chicken asked him about it

19. What happened to the underground inhabitants after Alyosha revealed their secret?

1. they moved into a boarding house

2. they were forced to move

3. everything remains the same

20. How many weeks did Alyosha stay in a fever?

1. 2 weeks

2. 4 weeks

3. 6 weeks

  1. 10 – 3

    11 – 1

    12 – 2

    13 – 1

    14 – 2

    15 – 1

    16 – 3

    17 – 3

    18 – 1

    19 – 2



Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 29__________/N.P.Kotvitskaya/

Test based on the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen or the Underground Inhabitants”

Question No. 1

a) Alexey Perovsky b) Alexander Petrovsky c) Alexey Petrov

Question No. 2

a) boarding house b) school c) boarding school

Question No. 3

a) played b) drew c) read.

Question No. 4

a) lane b) square c) shop

Question No. 5

a) Chernavka b) Chernitsa c) Chernushka

Question No. 6

a) imperial b) pearl c) precious stone.

Question No. 7

a) mother b) grandmother c) director of the boarding house

Question No. 8

a) foreign minister b) chief minister c) chief clerk

Question No. 9

a) for mice b) for cockroaches c) for rats

Question No. 10

a) bean seed b) hemp seed c) pea

Question No. 11

a) self-respect b) self-esteem c) self-esteem

Question No. 12

a) emperor b) director of schools c) official - caretaker.

Question No. 13

a) he was confused

c) Alyosha lost a hemp seed

Question No. 14

A) put it on cereal b) put it on bread and water c) close it in a dark closet

Question No. 15

a) window b) window c) crack

Question No. 16

a) chain b) ring c) rope

Question No. 17

a) irresponsibility b) betrayal c) indifference

Question No. 18

a) They all died b) They all became hens and roosters V) They were forced to leave

habitable place

Question No. 19

a) despair b) remorse c) fear

Question No. 20

a) six days b) six weeks c) twelve days

Answers to the Test based on the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen or the Underground Inhabitants”

Question No. 1 What is the real name of Anthony Pogorelsky?

A) Alexey Perovsky b) Alexander Petrovsky c) Alexey Petrov

Question No. 2 What was the name of the school on Vasilyevsky Island where Alyosha lived?

A ) boarding house b) school c) boarding school

Question No. 3 What did Alyosha do on Sundays and holidays:

a) played b) drewc) read.

Question No. 4 What attracted Alyosha to the courtyard separated by a wooden fence made of baroque boards?

A) lane b) area c) store

Question No. 5 What was the name of the main character's favorite black tufted hen?

a) Chernavka b) Chernitsa V) Chernushka

Question No. 6 To prevent the cook from stabbing Chernushka, Alyosha gave her:

A) imperial b) pearl c) precious stone.

Question No. 7 Who gave the hero this gold coin?

a) mom b) grandmother c) director of the boarding house

Question No. 8 What was the position of the crested pet Alyosha?

a) Minister of Foreign Affairs b) chief minister c) chief clerk

Question No. 9 Who did the underground inhabitants invite Alyosha to hunt?

a) for mice b) for cockroaches c)for rats

Question No. 10 What gift did the king give to Alyosha? He said the following words about it: “As long as you have it, you will always know your lesson, no matter what you are given...”

a) bean seed b)hempseed c) a pea

Question No. 11 After the king gave Alyosha a grain of grain, the boy’s feeling “... came to the point that he accepted, without blushing, the praise that was showered on him. He began to think a lot about himself, put on airs in front of other boys and imagined that he was much better and smarter all of them"?

a) self-esteem b) pride c) self-esteem

Question No. 12 When rumors about Alyosha’s extraordinary abilities spread throughout St. Petersburg, he came to the boarding house several times:

a) emperor b) school director c) official - caretaker.

Question No. 13 When the teacher asked Alyosha to learn 20 pages, the boy could not answer the lesson because:

a) he was confused

b) hemp seed has lost its magical power

V) Alyosha lost a hemp seed

Question No. 14 Having punished Alyosha, the teacher ordered:

A) put it on the cereal b)put him on bread and water c) lock it in a dark closet

Question No. 15 Insert the missing word: “Don’t think,” answered Chernushka, “that it is so easy to correct oneself from vices when they have already taken over us. Vices usually enter at the door and go out at..., and therefore, if you want to correct yourself, you must constantly and strictly watch yourself."

a) window b) window V) lye

Question No. 16“Alyosha rushed to kiss the minister’s little hands. Grabbing his hand, he saw something shiny on it, and at the same time some extraordinary sound struck his ear.” What did the hero see in Chernushka’s arms?

A) chain b) ring c) rope

Question No. 17 What act did Alyosha commit when, to save himself, he told his teacher about the underground inhabitants?

a) irresponsibility b ) betrayal c) indifference

Question No. 18 What happened to the underground inhabitants after the secret was revealed?

a) They all died b) They all became chickens and roosters c) They were forced to leave

habitable place

Question No. 19 How did the boy feel after betraying the underground inhabitants?

a) despair b) repentance c) fear

Question No. 20 How long did Alyosha have a fever?

a) six days b) six weeks c) twelve days