What is a permanent epithet in literature definition. Glossary of terms

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1. linguistic Changing the usual word order in a sentence in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech.||Cf. HYPERBATON, CHIASM.

2. In combination: i n v e r s i a s a k h a r o v ( chem.) - the breakdown of complex sugars into simple ones under the action of acids and enzymes.

3. biol. A type of mutation consisting of a break and a 180 rotation of one of the internal sections of the chromosome.

4. mat. In combinatorics: violation of the normal order of two elements in a permutation.

5. mat. In geometry: special kind mapping a plane or space using inverse radii.

6. meteor. An increase in air temperature in the atmosphere with height instead of its usual decrease for the troposphere.

7. Combined: geo inversion magnetic field (physical) - change in direction (polarity) of the Earth's magnetic field to the opposite ( North Pole becomes Southern and vice versa), observed at time intervals from 0.5 to 50 million years. Inversion - related to inversion.

What's happened INVERSION, INVERSION this is the meaning of the word INVERSION, origin (etymology) INVERSION, synonyms for INVERSION, paradigm (word forms) INVERSION in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms INVERSION- Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

paradigm, forms of the word INVERSION















+ INVERSION- T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



inv e Russia


1) Changing the usual word order in a sentence for semantic or stylistic purposes.

2) An increase in air temperature in the upper layers of the atmosphere instead of the usually observed decrease.

3) Conversion complex species sugars into less complex ones in an aqueous environment under the influence of acids or enzymes.

+ INVERSION- Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Big Soviet Encyclopedia»



in biology - a type of chromosomal rearrangement (mutation), consisting in a break and rotation by 180o of one of the internal sections of the chromosome.---(from the Latin inversio - rearrangement), in linguistics - a change in the usual order of words and phrases that make up a sentence; is usually used to highlight one or another element of a sentence or to give a special meaning to a sentence. --- in mathematics -1) in geometry, inversion with respect to a given circle (or sphere) of radius R with center O - a transformation in which point P goes to point P "lying on the ray OR at a distance OR" = R2/OR from the center O...2) In combinatorics, inversion is a violation of the normal order of two elements in a permutation.--- geomagnetic field, a change in the direction (polarity) of the Earth's magnetic field to the opposite, is observed at time intervals from 500 thousand years to 50 million years. In our era (the era of normal polarity), the south magnetic pole is located near the north geographic pole, and in eras of reverse polarity it is near the south geographic pole. The reasons for the inversion have not yet been clarified.

+ INVERSION- S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language



INVERSION, -i, f. (special).

1. Changing the normal position of components, placing them in reverse order. I. geomagnetic field of the Earth. I. temperature(an increase in temperature in one of the layers of the atmosphere instead of a normal decrease).

from lat. inversio - inversion, rearrangement, transformation) - 1) (in biology) a type of chromosomal rearrangement (mutation) - a break and complete reversal of one of the internal sections of the chromosome; 2) (in mathematics) in geometry, transformation relative to a given circle, sphere; in combinatorics - any violation of the normal (ordinary, alphabetical) order of two elements, regardless of whether they stand next to each other or not.

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elementary logical cell of thinking, meaning formation, activity, social change. I., together with mediation, constitutes a dual opposition, the poles of which are in a state of ambivalence.

I. is characterized by the absolutization of polarities and the minimization of interest in their interpenetration through each other. According to I.’s logic, every phenomenon is a werewolf. those. is capable, by touching the opposite pole, of becoming its opposite, turning from good to evil, from human to animal, etc., replacing one pole with another. I. can act as the dominant form, containing mediation “underneath” in a hidden, undeveloped form, which indicates the dominance of emotional decision-making mechanisms. But I. can be relegated to the background and act as a subordinate moment of mediation. It never completely disappears, it is always present at least as a psychological impulse. Thinking following inversion logic comprehends the subject of thinking and his actions through the transition from his identification with one of the poles of the corresponding dual opposition (oppositions: good - evil, beautiful - ugly, useful - harmful, and so on ad infinitum) to identification with the opposite pole. For example, I. is a transition from evaluation this person as a friend, the embodiment of goodness to his assessment as an enemy. I. appears as a falling away from one pole of the opposition and at the same time participation to the other. AND.

the identity of these concepts. It exists as an inversion cycle in the unity of direct and reverse I. Reverse I. arises as a result of growth internal contradictions, conflicts in the process of direct I. The difference between direct and reverse I. is relative.

Inversion transition from pole to opposite, i.e. the turning of a phenomenon into one pole, in order to then turn into another, is quick, logically instantaneous, timeless. A person with the dominant inversion logic psychologically cannot stand the difficulties of transition. They must be immediately passed through as a zone of increased radiation. The wrapping itself is the result of the subject's emotional arousal. It is a reaction to an uncomfortable state that arises as a result of a crisis in the existing identification of a particular phenomenon, for example, a given person with a friend, as a result of his real or imaginary betrayal, slander against him, the growth of his own irritability, the subject’s phobias, and the desire to explain his miscalculations by external forces. The resulting emotional explosion through a kind of null transportation, through which science fiction writers instantly transport their heroes to distant points in space, throws the subject from one state to the opposite, from uncomfortable to comfortable, i.e. into the natural world of a given culture. This act allows us to comprehend a previously disordered, chaotic reality. The emotional need for information is associated with a tense, possibly stressful situation in extreme forms, with an excess or, conversely, with a lack of information, with the need to quickly, instantly find a way out of a critical, uncomfortable situation. I. as such does not know the problem. It is natural for consciousness with a dominant emotional mechanism of decisions that does not know rational ways of forming new intermediate options.

When absolutizing I., a person is not considered as a subject, since he endures zeal impulsively, following a situation that can be a stimulus for turning on, switching the inversion mechanism. A person in I. seems to follow orders from the outside, coming from culture, from the situation. Consistent I. is characterized by ignoring, denying the very possibility of some third, middle culture, which have no place in dual opposition.

Hence the possibility, which is realized only in special historical conditions split, i.e. absolutization of the polarities of dual opposition, ignoring the transition between them. The very nature of werewolf logic excludes the possibility of being in thought, meaning, and action somewhere between polarities.

Of course, such “accidents” actually happen, but this is a betrayal of the principle, which one has to accept, but which only gives a new impetus to I. A decision based on I., in fact, is not the result of a positive choice, a painful search, but, perhaps, prolonged accumulation of discomfort. AND.

the ability to operate with an already established culture, i.e. represents her conservative side. There are no problems here, i.e. creation is already contained in destruction, since the rejection of one opposition is not a prerequisite for the transition to another, but is literally this transition itself, the very turning around. This is the most important manifestation of the essence of syncretism. When you turn the page famous text New text appears automatically.

Such logic is possible in static conditions, in an unchanging world.

dominance is characteristic of cultures oriented toward the constant reproduction of the world in its previously established forms. It dominates traditional civilization, but is never the only one. Inversion logic is characterized by a monologue, the ability to respond to any danger, to any challenge of history with the already proven experience of history. However in life real person I., inversion logic never exhausts all logic, which allows us to consider a person as a subject at all stages of the development of society, in all cultures.

Dual opposition, being the initial cell of activity, thereby makes I. the initial logical form human history, especially mass processes. The growth of disorganization in society, mass phobias against the carriers of world evil, exposed werewolves can cause a sharp inversion explosion, expressed in the form of a riot, pogrom, mass unrest, which carries the danger of an inversion scythe for statehood, for segments of the population considered as carriers of evil. In less vivid forms I.

permeates all human behavior, is one of the necessary elements in explaining the mechanisms of individual and mass behavior, the hidden spring historical events. The authorities sometimes specifically try to provoke I., to fit into it, for example, inciting the people against the boyars by Ivan IV, putting forward the slogan “rob the loot” after 1917, the cultural revolution in China, etc., i.e. an attempt to provoke mass anger of the people against certain external and internal enemies, which is caused by the desire of the ruling elite to increase the flow of social energy to strengthen the mediator using the sailboat effect. However, the ability to cause an inversion through purely bureaucratic methods is very limited. In addition, this is dangerous, since I. is extremely difficult to institutionalize and ultimately, as a rule, turns against the authorities. There is a danger of an inversion trap. It can be avoided by following the law of prohibition of inversion.

I. is of enormous importance in the mechanism of functioning of the moral ideal, since he himself moral ideal ambivalent. In particularly difficult conditions, i.e. when it undergoes a certain decomposition and disorganization, mass morality can lead to an attempt to deny the prevailing morality to its very depths, in order to establish some unstable moral hybrid. In this case, under conditions of powerful anti-mediation, not only monstrous mass acts of immorality can take place, but also their institutionalization, transformation into mass morally destructive activity led by a mediator. It is expressed in terror, lies, treachery, etc., in the belief that good is everything that corresponds to the negation of the old for the affirmation of the new. In reality, this was an extreme attempt to use the entire wealth of culture to destroy it.

In the history of thinking, intellectualism is constantly supplemented and pushed aside by mediation, dialogue, and the search for a way out of the framework of existing dual oppositions. This is clearly expressed in sluggish inversions, i.e. slow movement from one pole to the other, which may not even reach the opposite pole, turn back. This is of great importance for understanding complex historical processes(see: Modified inversion cycle, Global modified inversion cycle).

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Linguistic inversion(lat. inversio inversion; rearrangement) is a change in the usual order of words in a sentence. The usual order is when the predicate follows the subject. This is accompanied by a change in intonation, which emphasizes the semantic expressiveness of the word highlighted by inversion. The member placed at its beginning is in the most advantageous position. The same can be said about something placed at the end, especially if something new is absolutely reported. Concept inversion is one of the stylistic figures. It is connected not only with the position of the correlative members among themselves, but also with the place of the word itself in the sentence. Quite often, inversion is used in poetry. They do this mainly in order to follow one or another poetic meter, which requires a certain rhythmic arrangement of words in a verse. A striking example is M. Lermontov’s poem “He happily reached the green Aragva.” There are sentences in which more than 10 are possible various options rearrangements of words, for example, “I came home last night.” Moreover, each of them will be stylistically correct, only the shade of meaning will change. Inversion is very often found in everyday speech and in fiction. Sometimes it is emphasized by repeating the same word twice. Scientific articles and speeches, on the contrary, do not abound in inversion. inversion- the most important syntactic device. It helps to transform into an interrogative. Inversion is studied by stylistics and grammar. Its style is like a speech effect. Grammar studies inversion as a violation of rules necessary for emphasis. From modern characters, who most often use this syntactic device, in first place is Master Yoda from Star Wars. His speech - the clearest example linguistic inversion. “When you are 900 years old, you won’t look so cheerful.”

one of the tropes of folk poetry: a definition word that is consistently combined with one or another defined word and designates in the subject some characteristic, always present generic sign (a pillar path, a red maiden, a good fellow, a blue sea, a clean field, black clouds) . Such P. e. (see epithet) were a means of typification. Moreover, a word used with P. e. acquires a new quality, a meaning that differs in meaning from each of the words separately. The combination red maiden means “a beautiful girl, no different from others: neither prettier, nor smarter, nor richer than others.” If an ancient storyteller or singer needed to characterize the special properties of his characters, he looked for an epithet of an individualizing nature. Prince Vladimir, who is planning to get married, wants to find a bride worthy of his princely title, and creates the image of an ideal, from his point of view, girl: As if that girl were stately in figure, stately in figure and accomplished in mind, her white face, as if white snow...

The role of P. e. in folklore is huge. They are one of the main means artistic expression epics and songs, tales and legends. Some P. e. widely used in all types of folklore: good fellow, the field is clean, the sea is blue, the forests are dark, the meadows are green. Others are found primarily in certain genres of folk poetry, while performing specific ideological and artistic functions. For example, P. e. is widely used in fairy tales. fantastic character: golden palace, crystal bridge, underground kingdom, firebird, flying carpet. In the epics of P. e. serve as an important tool in creating images of heroes, describing their armor and the situation of battles: mighty hero, good horse, red-hot arrow, damask club. Unlike epic genres folklore, where P. e. play a mainly descriptive and figurative role; in folk poetry, the function of poetic e.g. predominantly expressive, emotional and evaluative. For example, in traditional lyrical songs the following emotional and evaluative E. are often found: dear mother, dear father, dear friend, soul-maiden, poor little head, burning tears. P. e. are specific. ditties: cheerful little girl, dear fun, sweet drolya, desperate little head.

P. e. found in epic poetry different nations. Thus, Homer’s “Iliad” is characterized by P. e.: cloud-catcher Zeus, pink-fingered Eos, silver-legged Thetis.

Lit.: Epithet in Russian folk art. - M., 1980; Lazutin S.G. Poetics of Russian folklore. - M., 1981; see also lit. to the article Epithet.

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An epithet is a kind of verbal definition that can update the overall semantic load of a word or enhance one of its characteristic features.
The epithet is characterized by constancy or attachment to certain archetypes. That is, it can be constantly used along with certain words. So, for example, the sea is always dark, the bridle is silk, the yar is deep, the heart is sincere, the mother is dear, and spring is red.
Such constancy was formed as a result of the evolution of lyric-epic creativity with its heroic and historical songs. Using constant epithets, the author draws inspiration from the depths folk wisdom and completely trusts the charms folklore images. Such artistic media express national mentality, found in the pearls of folk song literature.
Constant epithets have a generalized meaning that characterizes the word regardless of the context. Thus, a noun, along with a definition that highlights its main feature, merges into a constant artistic technique, who travels the paths of works.
There are two significant groups permanent epithets that are tied to a Person or natural phenomena. You can often find images beautiful girl with brown eyes, a light brown braid and a delicate condition, next to which her dear guy, a brave warrior, gallops on a black horse with a sharp saber. The listed definitions act as permanent epithets that convey appearance.
The epithets “orphan girl” and “idler boy” have a social orientation, indicating the hero’s position in society. Separately, there are constant epithets with a touch of tautology: dark dungeon, stone wall, young girl. They have a bright stylistic meaning and are more pronounced for emotional perception. Epithets that are assigned to specific nouns have become abstracted over time, acquiring a generalized symbolic content. On their basis, some writers create their own neologisms with characteristic means of expression and semantics. Others use those already developed by the people in oral creativity samples that reflect the song charm native language.

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What are permanent epithets?