Concept of installation. What is installation, types of installation

The word means "selecting and combining different parts into one whole." A literary work, a painting, a film is created by combining materials.

In the process of developing civilization, people mastered painting, created literature, invented theater, invented cinema, and finally realized that since the appearance of language, they have been using montage.

All screen works - films, television programs, video clips, commercials - are always stories.

A screen story is a sequence of images appearing on the screen that are connected according to certain principles. These images necessarily create a single row in accordance with the creator’s intention.

Images are divided into static plastic images And plastic modes of action. They are the content of the frames.

An editor who creates a film, selects and cuts frames, must be guided by two main principles:

Firstly, the viewer must have time to understand what exactly is being shown on the screen, i.e. recognize this image;

Secondly, the image must have a certain degree of completeness and be continued in the next frame.

The more complex the image, the longer the viewer’s perception of it. This is what determines the length of the frame, that is, the duration of its display on the screen.

If the frames are too short, the viewer will not recognize them or will not have time to understand exactly what images are being shown on the screen.

We can often see random flashing of frames on the screen, a real kaleidoscope (modern action films are especially guilty of this). According to the director, a quick change of frames should convey the dynamics of events.

In reality, the viewer does not have time to recognize the images, associate them with each other and does not perceive the events on the screen. This installation causes nothing but irritation.

Thus, the duration of the frame must be sufficient for the perception and awareness of the images on the screen.

The frames need to be edited in such a way that the viewer does not feel the discontinuity of the on-screen narrative, so that it does not fall apart into separate pieces, but is perceived as a single whole.

Literature uses various storytelling techniques: sequential, parallel, associative, etc. These techniques were transferred to cinema, they began to be called editing techniques.

There are various editing techniques: sequential, parallel, from general to specific, associative, thematic, analytical, etc.

These techniques can be used both when editing images of one scene (a scene is called a screen work in which the action takes place over a continuous period of time), and parts of the scene.

Sequential installation- this is a way of presenting material in which the action of the film takes place without a break in time visible to the viewer.

This type of installation is the simplest and most common. It is used in making feature films, documentaries, and educational programs.

The images of the previous frame flow into each subsequent frame, and at the same time a sequence of images is created, connected to each other like links in a chain.

Parallel installation- this is an alternating display of two or more actions or images that occur either at different times or simultaneously in different places.

Surely, you can easily remember films that use this method of storytelling, because it occurs often.

A parallel display of the development of different events that are united by one plot move is a special case and is called cross mounting.

Example: frames alternate on the screen: a child steps out onto the road - a speeding car - a person rushing to help. Such a display creates a feeling of dynamics and makes the viewer experience the plot more acutely.

The technique of parallel editing is used not only in films, but also in television programs and live broadcasts.

If two football matches are taking place simultaneously, the broadcast is carried out from both stadiums. Commentators report in turns, can talk to each other, and the director switches the broadcast on air in accordance with their comments. You yourself can remember a lot of similar examples.

Associative editing- this is the use of frames and episodes that evoke certain associations, images, and comparisons in the viewer.

Often this method is used to create a certain mood, giving scenes an emotional coloring.

For example, beautiful landscapes and pictures of nature create a mood of calm, peace, and joy. A close-up of a ticking clock and water dripping from a tap emphasize the anxious anticipation. Thunderclouds and trees swaying in the wind evoke a feeling of anxiety and impending disaster.

This method of editing opens up space for the director's creativity; associations are a powerful tool that makes it possible not to follow standard rules for constructing an episode, but to show originality and creativity.

There are also concepts such as intellectual montage, constructive montage, psychological montage, etc.

You can choose one type of installation or combine them, use them in different combinations.

(Materials from A. Sokolov’s article “Montage” were used)

Installation I Installation (French montage - lifting, installation, assembly, from monter - to lift)

assembly and installation of structures, structures, technological equipment, units, machines (see Assembly of machines), apparatus, instruments and other devices from finished parts and elements.

M. in construction is the main production process performed during the construction of buildings and structures or their reconstruction, as a result of which a building structure, engineering technological equipment, etc. are installed in the design position. M. of technological equipment also includes connecting it to energy supply sources and purification systems and waste disposal, equipment with instruments, automation and control equipment.

M. consists of a number of sequential operations: connecting the mounted elements with the working parts of the mounting means, lifting, moving to the installation site, pointing, orienting and installing the elements, and securing them in the design position. The machining of building structures and technological equipment is carried out using various installation means (mainly cranes (see Crane)). When installing special structures and in cramped conditions, machining is done using masts, booms, etc. To increase the accuracy of installation of mounted elements, mounting equipment (links, stops, clamps, etc.) is used that limits the movement of elements. M.'s effectiveness can be significantly increased through the so-called. enlarged assembly of structures and equipment, i.e., the transition from the machining of individual elements to block machining. In the latter case, the structural elements of buildings and technological equipment are preliminarily (at ground level) assembled into blocks with the implementation of design interfaces (welding, installation of seals, etc.). etc.) and some related processes (painting structures, applying protective coatings, laying insulation, etc.) and in this form are mounted at the design marks. For the construction of some multi-story buildings, the method of machining is effective, in which the floors (or floors of the building) assembled at the bottom are raised to a given height by synchronously operating jacks (see Raising floors method). When machining technological containers (reservoirs, gas tanks, scrubbers, etc.), it is widely used to deliver them to the machining site in the form of rolled blanks, which during the machining process are “unfolded” to the design dimensions.

Lit.: Leibfreid Yu. M., Shvidenko V. I., Installation of building structures, 3rd ed., M., 1965.

M. Ya. Yegnus.

M. radio-electronic equipment - the main process of assembling equipment from individual electrical and radio elements (ERE), electrical insulating parts, boards (See Board) , load-bearing structures (chassis, printed circuit boards (See Printed circuit board)) and connecting electrical wires (EC). M. on the chassis is carried out by sequentially performing the following operations: 1) installation of insulating parts (racks), on which there are contact pads corresponding to the design location of the current-carrying terminals of the electronic electrical equipment; 2) placement of ERE components (capacitors, resistors, modules, integrated circuits, etc.) in accordance with the design location and connecting the leads to the contact pads by soldering, welding or other methods of ensuring electrical (ohmic) contact (if the ERE terminals do not have the necessary mechanical strength ERE are attached to the chassis with brackets, clips, adhesives and other methods); 3) connecting the contact pads to each other with conductors (in microwaves, radio waveguides are used as electronic circuits , microstrip and stripline (See Stripline) or coaxial cables (See Coaxial cable)) ; 4) attaching connectors to the chassis for connecting to a power source and other devices.

When M. on a printed circuit board, a chassis is usually not required, since the board itself is a supporting structure (see Printed wiring). The use of printed circuit boards has made it possible to automate (with the help of a computer) the design of electrical connections between electrical components and the technological process of connecting electrical electronics using electrical electronics.

The creation of microminiature electric power electronics significantly increased the quality and reliability of metallurgy, and also made it possible to fully automate its entire process.

Lit.: Belevtsev A. T., Technology of production of radio equipment, M., 1971; Gusev V.P., Radio equipment engineering technology, M., 1972.

B. F. Vysotsky.

II Installation

in cinema, the creative and at the same time technical process in creating a film, a special form of artistic thinking, interpretation of filmed film material through selection, combination of individual pieces of the image, or the so-called. editing shots (see Frame). M. is associated with the dramatic or thematic structure of a film and is determined by its script or shooting plan, and in documentary films, sometimes by the very course of an event filmed through film reporting. The frames included in the film are combined into large and small groups, montage phrases and entire episodes, making up the composition of the film; semantic, visual, large-spatial, dynamic and sound relationships are established between the frames. The expressiveness and emotional coloring of music depend on the nature of the action and the acting; its purpose is to find a certain tempo rhythm for alternating frames and place accents in accordance with the director’s intention. A particularly important role in the formation and development of the installation form was played in the 1900s. directed by A. Smith (Great Britain) and E. Porter (USA), during the heyday of silent cinema in the 1920s. - T. Ince, D. W. Griffith (USA), A. Gans (France), Soviet directors S. M. Eisenstein, L. V. Kuleshov, V. I. Pudovkin, D. Vertov. The introduction of sound into cinema greatly changed and expanded the expressive capabilities of music and gave rise to new technical techniques. Already in the first years of sound cinema, films were created that used these new possibilities of M. In the cinema of the 60s and early 70s. The main forms are: dissected photography—dividing the action and mise-en-scène ensemble into separate frames-fragments filmed from different points; M. on the movement moving from frame to frame; M., subordinate to the content of the dialogue or the author’s text; parallel M. - alternation and comparison of several actions occurring simultaneously in different places; thematic M. - based on the principle of semantic generalization or listing of similar facts and phenomena; M., in which real action is combined with imaginary, subjective images (memories, dreams, etc.); intra-frame photography is a change in shooting objects and their “largeness” within one piece of action filmed by a moving movie camera. The editing style of a film is highly dependent on its genre and the creative aspirations of the director who chooses one form or another. Montage vision has become a new aesthetic category, one of the characteristic properties of cinema in the first half of the 20th century. Using the techniques of cinematic M. uses television, its influence is manifested in some works of fiction, in the field of fine arts, in the printing press, in the display of exhibitions.

As a technical process, filmmaking is produced at Film Studio X in special workshops connected in their work with the film processing workshop and the sound workshop. Editing shops are equipped with editing tables and equipment - film rewinders, splicing presses, synchronizers, meters, etc. Usually, the editing shop has small film projection rooms where parts of films are viewed at different stages of their readiness, duplicates of episodes are selected, and image synchronization is checked. and sound, etc. M. is carried out by a group of specialists according to the script or plan of the film and the instructions of the director.

M. goes through a number of successive stages. The resulting material - film with a positive image of the episodes and a magnetic tape with a soundtrack - is prepared for viewing: pieces of film are glued and labeled, image and sound are synchronized. Scenes and plots are compiled from selected takes of episodes. Pieces of film with episodes are usually repeatedly rearranged and trimmed, as the editor strives to find the most accurate and expressive combinations. To speed up work on a film, shooting is sometimes carried out in parallel with the filming of subsequent episodes.

After filming is completed, all previously edited episodes are viewed in their plot sequence, title and other inscriptions (titles) are inserted, and sometimes necessary scenes are additionally filmed. M. ends with dubbing the phonograms of the sound components of the film, placed on 3-5 magnetic tapes, onto one common tape. After this, the film takes on the form of the so-called. working copy on two films (one with an image, the other with a soundtrack). It is transferred to the film processing workshop, where a Negative is made from it and a control Positive is printed. , in which the image and soundtrack are combined on one film.

Television films also go through the same stages of M.

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word montage

montage in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


installation, m. (French montage).

    Assembly and installation of machines (technical).

    Selection and combination of various parts into one whole (art.). Cento. Musical montage. ? A film, painting, literary work composed by such a combination of materials. Interesting photo montage. Book-m. from biographical materials about Gogol.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


іР, -а, М. Editing specialist (in cinematography, photography). M. film.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Assembly and installation of machines, structures, structures, etc. from ready-made parts.

    Composing a single whole from individual parts, selected according to a specific topic or plan.

    Literary, musical, etc. a work composed by selecting and combining various works or their parts into a single composition.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


EDITION in cinema is a stage in the creation of a film, the next one, as a rule, after filming. Includes selecting filmed fragments in accordance with the script and director’s intention, gluing individual fragments into a single whole, dubbing soundtracks, etc.


INSTALLATION (French montage) in technology - assembly and installation of structures, structures, technological equipment, units, machines, devices, instruments, radio-electronic devices, etc. from finished parts (assemblies) and elements.


one of the first sound editing devices for film - “Moviola” (1924) In addition to inter-frame editing, obtained by gluing individual editing frames into a common sequence, in cinema and television there is also the concept of intra-frame editing. Intra-frame editing is a compositional structure within one editing frame that combines the actions taking place in it into a single mise-en-cadre. This is achieved by organizing the action in the frame by the director and cameraman, and does not require separate technology necessary for inter-frame editing.

Installation (disambiguation)


  • Editing video or audio material is the process of processing or restructuring the original material, resulting in a different target material. The person involved in this activity is called an “editor”.
  • Installation- the process of assembling, installing structures, mechanisms, electrical circuits, etc. A person engaged in this activity is called an “installer”.
  • Montage in photography is the process and result of creating images made up of parts of various photographs.
  • “Montage” is a satirical television program by Dmitry Dibrov and Andrei Stolyarov, aired in the early 1990s.

Examples of the use of the word montage in literature.

Born in the eighteenth year in the Smolensk region, before the war he was a fitter, worked in Arkadak, Omsk, Chelyabinsk and other cities of Siberia, then in Kushka, Petropavlovsk and Moscow - wherever he was sent on business trips as a specialist in installation railway bridges.

Chelyshev proposed transferring the unfinished Kursk plant to the Bakal site, where the war had already begun before the war. installation the first furnaces, but ended up near the front line, as a result of which work stopped.

Senior Lieutenant Mikhailenko attempted to unhook the canopy of the main parachute, but the left free end did not detach due to incorrect installation flexible hose KZU and the absence of bandage firmware on the right shoulder girth of the suspension system.

However, Trurl guessed what was going on here: when installation he used parts of a dismantled barrel lawyer and the memory of that history was deposited in the contours of the new unit, giving rise to a subconscious complex.

To resolve questions about the technical condition of identified sources of pollution, quality installation technological equipment of individual installations and treatment facilities, to establish the correctness of the calculation of water flow both in the water use zone and at the wastewater discharge site, a hydraulic technical examination is carried out.

An engineer who decided to install a water economizer and an air heater above the pipe would be considered out of his mind: operation is difficult, the cost is too high installation and, in general, everything is not according to tradition.

At this height the error installation blocks had to be reduced to a minimum, and the end-to-end connection of the molecular layers of the faces had to be carried out especially carefully.

In deliberately formal terms, I talked to the demonstrators about installation additional controls, brake pedals and gear levers.

Typical projects were carried out using large-block and large-panel methods installation parts manufactured at house-building factories.

It would be more accurate to say that development installation clarified the concept of the frame, made clear what was hidden in any type of artistic film.

It is in this sense that Eisenstein spoke of the composition of a frame as installation.

Therefore, although installation by its nature, it presupposes discreteness; when demonstrating a film with an immanent transition from frame to frame for the viewer, discreteness is concealed in the same way as in live speech the boundaries between structural units are concealed.

Modern film technology provides the finest image and sound processing at the stage installation, which is capable of giving a strictly calculated work a visible naturalness.

For the first time, Seryoga felt that he and his friends were not on the same path, when Gulyai’s brigade received an outfit for installation feed shop in the Deryuginsky branch.

However, having received an outfit for installation feed shop, Gulyai for some reason was in no hurry to go to Deryugino.

“Eisenstein based his position on montage on the combination of pieces with each other according to their overwhelming characteristic, that is, “montage according to dominants.” And the nature of this “dominant” also determines the nature of the editing, for example: EDITION BY TEMP, EDITION BY THE MAIN INSIDE FRAME DIRECTION, EDITION BY LENGTH (duration of pieces), INSTALLATION BY THE FOREGOING, TONAL EDITION, etc.

But Eisenstein breaks down the dominant itself, that is, the main feature, into its component parts (just as there are overtones in music). Thus, the complex that arises from collisions and combinations of individual stimuli inherent in it is taken as a general characteristic of a piece.

In his article “The Fourth Dimension in Cinema,” Eisenstein examined in more detail the types of editing along the line of the kinetic series:

"1. Metric installation
The main criterion for construction is the absolute lengths of the pieces. Combines pieces with each other according to their lengths in the formula diagram. It is implemented by repeating these formulas. Tension is achieved by the effect of mechanical acceleration through multiple cuts of pieces with the condition that the formula for the relationship of these lengths is preserved (“double”, “triple”, “quadruple”, etc., or Kuleshov’s three-quarter, marching, waltz montages). Simple relationships, ensuring clarity of perception, thereby determine the maximum impact. Too much complexity of metric relationships instead gives chaos of perception instead of clear emotional tension. The most complete metric installation method is in a complex alternation of pieces that are simple in relationship to each other (or vice versa).

2. Rhythmic editing
Here, in determining the actual lengths of the pieces, their intra-frame fullness comes into play as an equal element. The actual length does not coincide with the mathematical length assigned to it according to the metric formula. The practical length is defined as the derived length from the specifics of the piece and its “theoretical” length, which is assigned to it according to the scheme. Formal tension through acceleration is achieved here by shortening pieces, not only according to the multiplicity formula of the main scheme, but also by violating this canon or introducing more intense material in the same tempo characteristics. A classic example is the Odessa Stairs (Battleship Potemkin).

3. Tone editing
In rhythmic montage, movement within the frame was taken to be the actual movement of either an object in the field of the frame, or the movement of the eye along the guide lines of a stationary object. In this case, movement is understood more broadly. Here the concept of movement embraces all types of vibrations emanating from the piece. Here the editing is based on the emotional sound of the piece. And dominant. The overall tone of the piece. Playing on combining levels of illumination or different degrees of sharpness is a typical example of tonal editing. Movement is the movement of what is being edited according to a tonal rather than a spatial-rhythmic basis. Here spatially incommensurable movements are combined in their emotional sound. Examples include “Mists in the Odessa Port” (the beginning of “Mourning for Vakulinchuk” in “Potemkin”). Here the editing is based solely on the emotional “sound” of individual pieces, that is, on rhythmic vibrations that do not produce spatial movements.

4. Overtone installation
Overtone montage is a new editing category in a number of montage processes known to us so far. It is an organic further development of the tonal editing line. It differs from it in the total accounting of all irritations of the piece. And this feature takes perception from melodic-emotional coloring to direct physiological perceptibility. These four categories are montage techniques. They become actual montage structures when they enter into conflicting relationships with each other.... The transition from a metric to a rhythmic device is created as the establishment of a conflict between the length of a piece and intra-frame movement. The transition to tonal editing is like a conflict between the rhythmic and tonal beginning of a piece. And finally, overtone montage - as a conflict between the tonal (dominant) beginning of a piece and the overtone. The most complex and exciting type of construction of the last category will be the case when not only the conflict of pieces as “physiological” complexes of “sound” is taken into account, but when the possibility of the individual stimuli composing it, in addition, to enter into independent conflictual relationships with the corresponding stimuli of neighboring pieces is taken into account. Then we get a kind of polyphony.

The film begins where the collision of different cinematic dimensions of movement and vibration begins. Let us note what characterizes the impact of certain types of montage on the “psychophysical” complex of the perceiver. The first category is characterized by gross motor skills of influence. It is capable of bringing the viewer into certain external motion states. The effect is the same as that of a drum and brass playing a simple marching march. We call the second category rhythmic; it could be called primitively emotional. Here movement is taken into account more subtly. The third category - tonal - can be called melodically emotional. The movement turns into vibration. The fourth category, as it were, repeats the first category in the highest level of intensity, again acquiring the stage of intensification directly by historians.

5. Intelligent installation - this is a montage not of crudely physiological overtone sounds, but of overtone sounds of an intellectual order, that is, a conflicting combination of intellectual accompanying effects among themselves...”

To the material quoted with abbreviations we will also add that S. Eisenstein developed a system of editing along two lines of the kinetic and SEMANTIC series, and therefore again more than a summary quote:

“Types of editing along the semantic line. Installation is parallel. There are several types of parallel installation:
a) parallel to the developing course of the event (primitive informational),
b) parallel to the course of several actions (parallel installation),
c) parallel to sensation (montage of primitive comparisons),
d) parallel to sensation and meaning (figurative montage),
e) parallel to representations (constructing a concept).”

Primitive information editing should be understood as sequential-time editing, in which all frames of the film are edited in the order of the logical progression of the plot, in the order of transition from one point of view of the film camera to another. Actually, parallel editing is the showing of two or more parallel actions so that the viewer perceives them as occurring simultaneously.”

Sarukhanov V.A., ABC of television, or What, how and why?.., St. Petersburg, “World Word”, 2005, p. 342-344.

Installation work in construction is the assembly of metal and reinforced concrete structures, pipelines, preparation of construction equipment for main work. In a word, installation is the initial preparation of a construction project for work.

When carrying out this, great attention is paid to compliance with safety precautions. Installation of building structures is included in the list of hazardous work for both direct workers and strangers who find themselves on the construction site. There are many known cases of high-rise cranes falling onto residential buildings and interfloor ceilings collapsing. All this happens due to violation of technological requirements. Yes, and during the work parts may break and fall. One of the most important points is the fencing of the construction site, the inadmissibility of unauthorized persons entering the site, the place of work for assembling structures must also be fenced.

The cost of installation work is calculated based on regulatory documents that set out all-Russian prices (EniP) and regional prices (EREP) for different types of installation work. They include installation of equipment, assembly of reinforced concrete structures and their maintenance. It also includes the area of ​​work performed, volume, complexity of work, and climatic features. Be sure to take into account various errors that may arise during the work and a possible increase in costs.

Installation work is an important stage in the construction of multi-storey buildings, on the quality of which all further operation of the structure in the future depends.