Blue dream meaning. How do you understand the phrase “blue dream”? The meaning of a blue dream in a phraseology reference book

Palermo Cathedral, named after the Assumption Holy Mother of God, is the main church of the capital of Sicily, which houses the relics of Saint Rosalia, the patroness of the city. In addition, it is the center of the cult of this saint, which has existed in Sicily since the 17th century. Because for my long history The cathedral was rebuilt several times; today you can see in it features of the Arab-Norman and Gothic styles, as well as classicism. Inside are the tombs of Sicilian kings and German emperors, thanks to whom the Kingdom of Sicily once flourished in the Mediterranean.

Back in the 4th century, on the site of the modern cathedral there was a church dedicated to the martyr Mamilian. Then, at the beginning of the 7th century, a cathedral was built here in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which two centuries later was converted into a mosque by the Arabs who captured Palermo.

In 1072, the Normans, led by Robert Guiscard, overthrew Arab rule in Sicily, and the mosque again became a Christian church - the first liturgy was held according to the Greek rite. Already at the beginning of the 12th century, the cathedral became the main church of Norman Sicily - it was here that Roger II, the first ruler of the Kingdom of Sicily, was crowned. He was also buried inside the cathedral. From the original church building, only the crypt and one of the columns of the southern portico with a quotation from the Koran have survived to this day - they date back to the 7th-12th centuries.

In 1179-1186, a new, more majestic cathedral was built on the site of the old cathedral, which was supposed to compete in beauty with the Monreale Cathedral. In 1250, graceful corner towers were added to it, and ten years later a sacristy was added. The eastern part of the cathedral has retained its Arab-Norman appearance - narrow lancet windows, false arches, numerous inlays, floral ornaments. In those years, the emperors Henry VI and Frederick II and their spouses were buried in the basilica - their sarcophagi can be seen in one of the side chapels.

The construction of the cathedral actively continued in the 14th-16th centuries: a western portal in the Gothic style and a southern portico with three pointed arches were built, and an icon of the Virgin Mary by Antonio Gambara appeared above the southern portal. In the 15th century, a garden was laid out next to the church, and a statue of the Virgin and Child and the relics of Saint Rosalia were placed inside the cathedral. The northern portico was added in the first half of the 16th century according to the design of the famous architects Vincenzo and Fabio Gaggini. Vincenzo Gaggini was also the author of the marble balustrade with statues of saints, installed in the square in front of the cathedral. Finally, in 1685, a fountain was erected on Cathedral Square, which was later crowned with a statue of Saint Rosalia.

Serious reconstruction work under the direction of Ferdinando Fugue was carried out on the cathedral in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, as a result of which it significantly changed its appearance. A classic dome, 14 new chapels, new northern and southern facades appeared, giving the cathedral classic look. The carved wooden ceiling was replaced with low vaults, which also gave the church a more restrained appearance.

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Italian: Cattedrale di Vergine Assunta; Madre Chiesa) - Cathedral Archdiocese of Palermo (Sicily). It is the site of the relics of the city’s patroness, Saint Rosalia, and the center of the exclusively Sicilian cult of this saint, known since the 17th century. During the XII-XVIII centuries it was rebuilt several times, combining the features of Arab-Norman architecture, gothic style and classicism. Known for the unique tombs of Sicilian kings and German emperors, during whose reign the Kingdom of Sicily reached its peak. On July 3, 2015, it was included in the UNESCO list of World Cultural Heritage Sites.

History of the cathedral

Prehistory (IV-XII centuries)

In the 4th century, on the site of the current cathedral, a church was built in honor of the local martyr Mamilian, which was later destroyed by vandals. Under the Byzantines in 604, a new cathedral in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built on the same place, consecrated according to local legend, Pope Gregory the Great. In 831, Palermo was captured by the Arabs, who turned the cathedral into the Friday Mosque. On January 6, 1072, the Normans, led by Robert Guiscard and his younger brother Roger took Palermo. On the same day, the Friday Mosque was reconsecrated in honor of the Virgin Mary, and here Archbishop Nicodemus of Palermo celebrated the first liturgy according to the Greek rite and a thanksgiving prayer in honor of the winners. In the same year, 1072, the Palermo see was transferred to the Latin clergy, and Bishop Nicodemus, who served according to the Greek rite, was sent to Mezzomonreale. After Adelaide of Savona, mother of Roger II and regent during his minority, moved to Palermo (no later than 1112), the cathedral of Palermo became the main one in Norman Sicily. On December 25, 1130, Roger II was crowned in the cathedral as the first monarch of the Kingdom of Sicily. It was here that his successors, William I the Evil (April 4, 1154) and William II the Good (May 10, 1166), were subsequently crowned. In 1154, Roger II was buried in the cathedral. From the building of the cathedral of the 7th-12th centuries, only the crypt, from the shape of which one can judge the original structure, and the left of the four columns of the southern portico, on the trunk of which a quotation from the Koran is carved, have survived to our time.

Norman cathedral of the 12th-13th centuries (Basilica of Gualtero)

In 1179 - 1186, on the site of the old cathedral, the ambitious and influential Archbishop of Palermo Gualtero Offamilio (Walter Mill) built a new cathedral. The construction of the new cathedral was caused by Walter Mill's desire to emphasize the metropolitan status of his diocese in contrast to the Monreale Cathedral built by William II the Good, which became the center of the new archbishopric. Since the capabilities of the archbishop were significantly inferior to those of the king, the Basilica of Gualtero was significantly inferior to its competitor from Monreale in the splendor of its decoration. Palermo Cathedral was a three-nave basilica with three apses. In 1250, the four corners of the cathedral were crowned with graceful towers, and in 1260, to the south-eastern part of the cathedral...

Business card Palermo is its churches, of which there are almost three hundred

Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady (Cattedrale di Santa Maria L "Assunta)

The Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Palermo (Sicily) is the site of the relics of the city's patroness, Saint Rosalia, and the center of the exclusively Sicilian cult of this saint, known since the 17th century.

At the beginning of the 11th century, the Normans began to settle in southern Italy. Having taken power into their own hands, they immediately took care to replace the Muslim mosque with a Christian church. In 1184, the Archbishop of Palermo, Gualtiero Offamilio, ordered the demolition of the building and the construction of a new majestic cathedral in its place, which would become a symbol of religious authority in the city. A year later, the cathedral was consecrated, and in subsequent centuries it repeatedly changed its appearance.

As a result of repeated rebuilding and reconstruction of the cathedral, stretching over seven centuries, characteristics different eras And architectural styles overlap each other. However, in appearance The cathedral has distinct Arab-Norman (especially in the eastern part), Gothic (western façade and southern portico), and neoclassical features (dome).

Eastern part of the Cathedral

View of the dome of the cathedral and the statue of Saint Rosalia

Statue of Saint Rosalia slaying the plague, by Vincenzo Vittaliano

In 1250, the four corners of the cathedral were crowned with graceful towers, with double windows and columns (on the left is the south tower, on the right is the east)

View of the bell tower and the western tower

South façade of the cathedral

One of the domes of the side chapels

South portico with three pointed arches, designed in the Catalan Gothic style (designed by Antonio Gambara)

Mosaic icon of the Virgin Mary enthroned above the entrance of the south portico (also by Antonio Gambara)

The cathedral has three naves. Along the walls there are giant marble statues, depicting saints, paintings by artists, some of them are gifts and sacrifices of parishioners. During the 12th and 13th centuries, all the kings of Sicily were crowned in the Palermo Cathedral. In the first and second chapels of the right nave there are the tombs of the Sicilian kings and German emperors, during whose reign the Kingdom of Sicily reached its peak. Noteworthy is the treasury containing jewels and embroideries found in royal and imperial tombs, ecclesiastical vestments and various cups.

Main nave of the cathedral

Dome over the Chapel of Saint Rosalia

Part of the vault over the Chapel of Saint Rosalia

Chapel of Santa Rosalia, where the ashes of the patroness of Palermo are kept in a silver urn from 1631.

"Ascension of the Virgin Mary" (left); on the right - "Crucifixion"

Chapel of Relics

Madonna Libera Inferni

Meaning of BLUE DREAM in the Phraseology Guide


an idyllic, often unattainable dream. According to one version, the expression appeared under the influence of the popular fairy tale play by M. Maeterlinck " Blue bird"(production 1908). According to another - an inaccurate tracing from the German die blaue Blume "blue flower" (from the novel German writer Novalis "Heinrich von Ofterdingen", 1802). Blue flower - a symbol of high and pipe dream dreamed by a young poet.

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a BLUE DREAM is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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/ / / How do you understand the phrase “blue dream”?

“Don’t cherish a blue dream”, “Lives a blue dream” - this is what they say about a person who harbors unfulfilled aspirations in his soul. Thus, the stable phrase “blue dream” is interpreted as something that is not destined to come true due to objective reasons. Such an idyllic dream.

This phraseological unit came into our language from foreign literature. Most researchers believe that it was borrowed from the work of the German pen master Novalis “Heinrich von Ofterdingen”. His main character saw a flower in a dream blue color. He became a symbol of high, unrealistic aspirations. The phrase “blue flower” was inaccurately translated into Russian, and this is how the mentioned phraseological unit appeared.

There are many heroes in literature whose dreams can be called “blue”. A striking example is Assol from A. Green's extravaganza story " Scarlet Sails" The heroine grew up without a mother, but her sailor father Longren did everything so that she would not feel like an orphan. Longren was not very popular in the village, since he did not save the innkeeper Menners. The fellow countrymen also treated little Assol cruelly. The baby's only friend was her father. The girl did not suffer from loneliness. Her friends were replaced by fantasies and dreams.

The heroine's father made models of sailboats and ships for sale. This is how they lived. One day my father built a yacht with scarlet sails. It was from that toy and from the prediction of the old song collector that the girl had a dream about a prince who would come for her on the same ship with scarlet sails and take her to beautiful lands.

The villagers learned about the girl’s naive dreams. They started making fun of Assol. And how could it be otherwise, because how could a prince sail to the shore of their village? It would be a real miracle.

The ideological sound of A. Green's story required happy ending, so the handsome man on the ship with scarlet sails still sailed to the girl. Nevertheless, Assol’s dream can be called “blue”, because such dreams usually come true only in fairy tales.

Example main character The story “Scarlet Sails” proves that, despite the interpretation, the “blue dream” can still come true. You just need to believe in it and not despair when others say otherwise.

Let us also turn to F. Dostoevsky’s story “White Nights”. Her main character- writer and incorrigible dreamer. The guy has no friends, and his dreams are to meet with ideal woman, pure and sincere love. Fate gives young man chance. He meets a girl and falls in love with her, but the relationship does not last long. The girl's ex-fiancé returns to the city, and she leaves with him.

The dreams of the main character of the story “White Nights” seem quite feasible, especially if you compare them with Assol’s dream. But the fact is that it is unrealistic to meet the ideal other half and not everything is simple in love, so the dreamer’s aspirations turned out to be a “blue dream”.

We can conclude that a “blue dream” is a dream that is impossible or difficult to realize. These are ideal images of something for a particular person.