Scenarios of musical living rooms in the dhow. Musical living room in kindergarten


What is Geocaching?

The word “geocaching” comes from the Greek “geo” - Earth and the English “cache” - cache. Geocaching is a kind of tourist game that has already won crowds of fans all over the world.
Geocaching can also be played in kindergarten, because every child dreams of finding treasure. The students, of course, do not use a navigator; they look for a place based on its description, photograph, drawing, plan, diagram, map. And the treasure is candies, sweets, toys.

Target: bring children joy and pleasure from educational games. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, desire to play, showing persistence, determination, and mutual assistance. Reinforce children's previously acquired knowledge.
Objectives: Labyrinths help children develop qualities such as determination, concentration, and stimulate the development of thinking abilities. To develop in children the ability to navigate the terrain using a map - diagram, and determine the direction of the route. Develop children's interest in independent decision cognitive, creative tasks.

Equipment: letter from a computer navigator, route map, labyrinths, 5 keys, gymnastic bench, hoops, balls, pencils, coloring book Khokhloma painting, chest with Khokhloma painting.

Approximate course of the game

Unknown - (brings a letter received by fax)
Letter - hello guys of the group “Ryabinka”, I suggest you play the game “Geocaching”, from the translation into Russian find the treasure on the map. I hid a treasure in your kindergarten and I invite you to find it and take it.
But before you find the treasure you must complete some tasks.
Find the map.
Complete tasks on the map.
Collect 5 keys. (But to collect 5 keys, you must follow the map route).
Find the treasure.

Teacher - well, guys, do you agree to play the game “Geocaching”
The children's answers - they agree.
Educator - the map is somewhere in our group and we need to find it.
(the map hangs suspended on the window)
Children find a map and study it. The map shows 5 photographs “a group, a locker room, a neighboring group, a medical office, a sports and music room.”
Children will learn the route and to find the keys and complete the task.

1. Task. “Go through the labyrinth” (pictures with labyrinths - you need to find the correct answer. The task is completed, get 1 key.

2. Task. To find the first key, you need to leave the group, turn right, then stop at the reception, and count 5 cabinets on the left side and there is 2 key in it.

3. Assignment according to the route map, the guys must get into the neighboring group and guess the riddles.

The pilot Borya has a friend
Paints everything around.
It's raining on the window,
So he will grow up (artist)

Jack of all trades
He will sew a jacket and trousers for us.
Not a cutter, not a weaver.
Who is she, tell me? (Dressmaker)

Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
He instantly starts the engine,
Speeding in a car (driver)

In reality, not in a dream
He flies on high.
Flying a plane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

Dark night, clear day
He fights fire.
In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,
Hurries to a fire (firefighter)

All products on display:
Vegetables, nuts, fruits.
Tomato and cucumber
Offers (seller)

He puts the bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for the children
Not a miner or a driver,
The builder will build us a house

He is a very good master
He made a wardrobe for our hallway.
He is not a carpenter, not a painter.
Furniture making (carpenter)

Knock flies from under the wheels,
An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.
The train is not driven by a taxi driver,
Not a pilot, but a (driver)

Who is sailing on the ship
To an uncharted land?
He is cheerful and kind.
What's his name? (Sailor)

Nails, axes, saw,
There's a whole mountain of shavings.
This is a worker working -
Makes us chairs (carpenter)

He is on duty in the snow and heat,
Protects our peace.
A man who is faithful to his oath,
Called (military)

Who will prescribe vitamins?
Who can cure a sore throat?
Don't cry during vaccinations -
(doctor) knows how to be treated

The task is completed - get the 3rd key.

4. Assignment along the map route: children go down to the medical office, listen to a story about the benefits of vitamins, answer questions about what needs to be done to be healthy. The task is completed, get the 4th key.

5. Assignment. The guys set off further according to the route plan. They end up in the sports and music hall. There is a gymnastic bench in the hall - the task is “crawl along the bench”, jump on one leg from hoop to hoop, throw all the balls one after another into the basket (at the bottom of the basket there are coloring books, paint with a Khokhloma painting pattern.
The task is completed, get the 5th key.

The last task is needed in sports - music hall find a chest painted with Khokhloma painting.
Children find a chest, take the treasure, and leave 5 keys in the chest in place of the treasure.
Summarizing. Did you like the geocaching game?
Children's answers.

Eleonora Ryabkova
Project of problem-search situation in senior group on the geocaching game “We are small guys - we are treasure hunters”

Project of a problem-search situation in a senior group on a geocaching game

"We little guys - we are treasure hunters»

Implementation period: short: 1 Week (October 2016)

Made a plan: Educator

Ryabkova Elmira Vladimirovna

Explanatory note

IN senior At preschool age, the psychophysiological capabilities of children increase, which makes it possible to increase the volume of cognitive material and complicate the requirements for quality and methods of its assimilation.

The problem that players solve in geocaching- this is a search for hiding places, treasures. Educational geocaching is another pedagogical tool in the process of education and development of schoolchildren and preschoolers. Modern technologies allow children to learn in the form of a game, making learning interesting, creative and meaningful for the participants. Fantasy is welcome here. Geocachers welcome hiding places with creative riddles, drawings, photographs. The same applies to the location of caches. They may be very close, or they may require overcoming serious obstacles. To solve the set educational tasks, GCD is carried out in the form of a game. The game has exceptional meaning: a game for children is study, a game for children is work, a game for children is a serious form of education. Games that promote the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, development creativity, are aimed at the mental development of the preschooler as a whole. Based on extensive practical actions with objects, visual material and conventional symbols, thinking and elements of search activity develop. In GCD, learning is built as exciting problematic-game activity. Such activities create positive, emotional background learning process, increases children's speech activity and maintains interest throughout the entire educational activity. Use in GCD problem-search situations made it possible to concretize and expand ideas, determine the effectiveness of their application and, most importantly, intensify the child’s interest in knowledge. During the ECD, visual, verbal and practical methods were used, aimed at using speech, cognitive, motor, practical skills and abilities and improving them. Throughout the entire NOD, the children were friendly, responsive, and helped each other.

Goal and tasks project

Target project: To bring children joy and pleasure from educational games. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, desire to play, showing persistence, determination, and mutual assistance. Reinforce children's previously acquired knowledge. The goal of the game geocaching, is propaganda healthy image life through sports and educational games, developing useful habits to maintain one’s health and motivating children to exercise physical culture and sports.

During the game geocaching Children not only move actively, improve their physical skills and abilities, but also develop mentally. By participating in the game, children consolidate the knowledge they have already acquired, learn new information that enriches their understanding of the world of people and animals, moral values, about the importance of their health and the health of others, learn the rules of safe behavior. But most importantly, students get joy from communicating with peers and adults.

During geocaching carried out comprehensive solution a whole range of tasks that contribute to the harmonious development of the child. Properly selected thematic outdoor games, logical tasks, exercises, health-saving technologies.

Tasks project: Labyrinths help children develop qualities such as determination, concentration, and stimulate the development of thinking abilities. To develop in children the ability to navigate the terrain using a map - diagram, and determine the direction of the route. To develop children's interest in independently solving cognitive and creative problems. Introduce children to the method of visual modeling (cards- symbols: "one-many", "split the word into parts", "say it the other way around"). Continue to develop children's understanding of concepts "sound", "syllable", "word". Strengthen the ability to select words with opposite meanings.

Materials and methods.

No matter what conditions the game is played in, be it a separate room, the building of the entire kindergarten, a street veranda or playground, its main tasks will: Promote the comprehensive development of children; Development of social and communicative qualities through collective decision common tasks; Encouraging cognitive and research activities through immersion in various gaming situations; Ensuring integration of content from different educational areas (according to the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard): social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development; Creating a positive emotional mood. Choosing the plot of the game - geocaching may be dictated by the calendar or project topics, as well as the decision of a specific pedagogical Problems.

Stages project:

1. Writing a script containing educational information

2. Preparation "product" For search (treasure map, treasure, tips)

3. Development of a travel route

4. Preparing props for each task

5. Search treasure

6. Problem solving

7. Going through all stages

8. Finding treasure, surprise moment

9. Photo report

10. Final event (tea party, disco, completing the final task)

11. Long-term plan implementation project.

Expected results

During the game, having received a great emotional charge, children become more relaxed in communication, increase cognitive and speech activity, learn to solve problems together, which leads to unity children's group. Teachers are moving away from the classical form of classes, immersing themselves more and more in mastering gaming technologies. Conclusion and conclusions. Modern requirements for pedagogical process in preschool education, imply close integration of all educational areas, a wide variety of forms of organizing children's activities, relying on the constant cooperation of children and adults as equal partners. And all this finds a wide response in a competently constructed and conducted geocaching game.

Approximate move project

Guys, I’ll ask you to close your eyes, (a slide with the sounds of the sea turns on, what do you hear? Yes, it’s really the noise of the sea, and what kind of ship appeared on the horizon?

Pirates sail their ship on the waves of the Pacific Ocean (they notice a bottle with a map). What do you think is in the bottle? The children answer. Yes, it could be a pirate treasure map. If we answer the tricky pirate questions correctly, we can open the bottle and get the kart.

Artistic word.

Somewhere on a wild island

Some wild pirate

In the strawberry bushes

Hid my fabulous treasure.

IN old tin box

Full of rare treasures:

Robin feather,

Domino chip

Glass, candy wrapper, rope,

Pebbles, nail, float,

All this is cleverly hidden.

Everything is locked.

Somewhere on a wild island,

On the left, behind the house, where the garden is

In the strawberry bushes

A pirate is looking for a tin.

1. Task. "Walk through the maze" (pictures with labyrinths - you need to find the correct answer).

2. Task. What are the seasons?

3. Task. What is the name of the first winter month?


"Storm"– feel like you’re on a ship! (lie down in the pipe and roll on the floor from wall to wall)

"Polundra!"- warn all pirates about bad weather (climb the wall bars and ring the bell)

So our bottle has opened. We take a card out of the bottle. Let's look at the map, I think we can use a magnifying glass (they look at it, make assumptions, determine that the search needs to start from the red mark). Now let's color the map and pave the way.

Guys, where did our card go? She's nowhere to be found. In its place is an envelope with a letter. Let's open and read. Letter: If you want me to return the card to you, complete my tasks. Signature: PIRATE

Artistic word.

We are poor, we are poor

We are poor pirates

We are very, very

It's a shame

We rob corvettes and frigates

And why? And therefore

That morals were not instilled in us.

Pirates don't need science

And it's clear why:

We have legs and arms

But we don't need a head.

1. Task. Puzzles

1. Here - where you can’t glance -

Water blue expanse.

In it the wave rises like a wall,

White crest above the wave.

And sometimes it’s quiet, then calm.

Was everyone able to recognize him? (Sea)

2. We walk in the ocean,

Like blue hills.

The ocean is our home,

It has a lot of miles.

We calm down into calm. (Waves)

3. I'm sailing on a ship,

Sometimes I lie at the bottom

I keep the ship on a chain,

I guard the ship at sea,

So that the wind doesn't blow away,

I just rocked on the waves. (Anchor)

4. Together we will find treasure,

The one who buried... (Pirate)

2. Task. A game "Vice versa"

I'll say the word "high"

And you answer - “low”

I'll say the word "far"

And you answer - “close”.

I'll say the word - "ceiling",

And you will answer - "floor"

I'll say the word - "lost",

And you say - "found".

I'll tell you the word "full"

You answer - “hungry”.

I'll tell you "hot"

You answer - “cold”.

I'll tell you the word "dirty"

You will answer me - “clean”.

I'll tell you "slow"

You will answer me - “fast”.

I'll tell you the word "coward"

You will answer - “brave”.

Now I'll say "beginning"

You answer - “the end.”

3. Relay

Relay race - run to the checkpoint and return.

Relay with the ball in pairs - hold the ball between your heads and run to the control point, return with the ball sandwiched between your heads.

Relay race with a hoop - jumping over a hoop, get to the checkpoint, return running, with a hoop in your hands.

Look, the map is under the door. The pirate returned it to us. But it's all torn. We urgently need to assemble and glue it together. Guys, we did it.

4. Assignment. A game "Find the Shark"

(You need to find all the sharks, one of them has a piece of map on it)

Artistic word:

Here is a green sofa -

This is our ship "Salty".

The wind will blow into the sail,

We're hitting the road.

The boat will be this chair.

And we’re not crowded at all,

Nearby there is a hare and a bear

We sat down to watch the sea.

We are not afraid of pirates

We will fight them bravely,

And we'll sail to the island,

Treasure We'll find a pirate one there.

1. Task. Try to determine by touch What did I hide in the bag? Children take turns taking out figures from the set “Dyenesh Blocks, talking about the signs - a large triangle, red, small circle blue... Let's play with them, and the game is called "Put it on it's place". On the ground give all their best three hoops different color and a distribution with blocks is set, the children are given a task

Place large blue pieces in the red hoop

Place all the round shapes into the blue hoop.

Place small triangles in the yellow hoop.

Place small rectangles between red and blue.

Place large yellow squares between the yellow and blue hoops.

2. Task. "Name"

What is the pirates' favorite drink? (Rum)

What is the name of the cook on a ship? (Cook)

Which seas have colored names? (White, black, red)

What is the name of the ship's rudder? (helm)

What positions of sailors do you know? (Captain, boatswain, sailor)

What is a hurricane at sea called? (Storm)



To play you will need a hoop (one per child). Hoop put on the ground. It is agreed that inside the hoop there is a water element - sea, river, ocean, etc. etc. Outside the hoop is dry (coast, meadow, beach, etc.)

By command "Sea"- children must jump into a hoop. On command - "Land!"- children must be outside the hoop.

Guys We coped with these tasks too. We have very little left.

Guys Yesterday we stopped at our site. Today we will continue our journey along the map. We get dressed and go to our site. Don't forget the map.

Children on the street look through a spyglass.

We see an island ahead, we need to go to it. Are you ready for the challenge? The children come to a sand island, next to which lies a crocodile.

Guys, look, and again the pirate left a sign. What's on this card? I think I guessed it, we're going to play a game now.

Artistic word.

I'm waiting for the golden catch!

I'll find a diamond one treasure!

"Robber"- nasty word!

I like the word "pirate"!

Skull and bones flaunt

On our pirate flag.

Out of anger at the sight of prey

The only eye sparkles.

1. Task. A game "One-many".

Everyone takes turns taking a toy out of the sand and calls: one fish - many fish.


It's time to relax and dance a little (dance "Sailor").

We will find the following instructions if you can find as many differences between these pictures as there are shells in this box.

2. Task. A game: "Find differences".

It seems to me that our search is coming to an end, look at the map, we have one direction left.

Guys, and you haven’t forgotten what you need to find treasure? Let's look at the map. Where are we heading now? But it’s not so simple, the cunning pirate didn’t indicate on the map which tree to dig under treasure. And to find that very tree, you need to come up with a word that begins with the sound A.

Children come up with words and find the tree with the clue. Guys let's get our big shovel and start digging.

Artistic word.

There are probably no people in the world

Not sought in childhood treasure.

I - found treasure in the apartment,

It contains candies and chocolate.

Whatever I don’t eat, I’ll put it back in its place.

I'm in the wardrobe, under the linen.

Yes, I confess to my mother honestly

About your discovery.

Hurray, we finally found it treasure! But you can’t hesitate, you need to leave this place as soon as possible, since a pirate could return here at any moment. We're going back to group and open the treasure chest.

Look, there's a skeleton guarding the treasure! Guys, who is not afraid of the skeleton and will help us get it? And the skeleton has some kind of letter. Letter: Guys since you are reading this message, it means you have found treasure. Congratulations, you deserve it. But there is one last task. You need to grow a magic crystal and eat skull gummies. If you do everything correctly, your dreams will come true cherished desires! Good luck! PIRATE.

Soap disco

(children dance and teachers blow soap bubbles)

Tea party

Summarizing. Did you like the games? « geocaching» ?

Which amazing adventure The pirate prepared it for us. Tell me, what qualities did you show during the search? treasure? (attentiveness, resourcefulness, ingenuity, friendship, mutual assistance). I mark the most difficult and most interesting tasks on the map.

The most important component of the game geocaching- the joy of participation, the spirit of adventure found treasure, communication with peers and adults, fairy-tale characters who accept the same as children Active participation in the game, enjoyment joint activities.

Geocaching- it's always positive emotions, joyful communication, fun competitions, sincere, welcoming laughter, surprise and delight, and positive emotions and creativity are the most important factors in healing.

Date: 2016.01.27 | Categories: Competition "Teacher of the Year - 2016" | Tags:

who you once were

and which still exists somewhere

inside you. He was given insight

these magical moments.

Yes we can stop his crying

Eric Bern

The state, schools, preschool institutions and parents are faced with a task of extreme importance: so that the child grows up not only healthy and strong, but also - of course! - inquisitive, independent, capable of solving problems in any life situation.

The scientific search for effective means of developing personal qualities of preschoolers represents current problem, requiring theoretical and practical solutions.

One of effective techniques and methods for developing curiosity and independence of preschoolers, in our opinion, is educational “geocaching”. "Geocaching" is a tourist game using satellite navigation systems, the essence of which is to find hiding places and treasures. Based on this game, there is educational “geocaching” - a new direction in pedagogy that can also be used in working with preschoolers. Already in younger age the baby can quite cope with the task of finding the “treasure”.

This direction is becoming relevant, as it helps to implement a comprehensive and active approach to the development of the personality of each child. It allows you to take learning beyond the kindergarten. This The best way introduce children to the nature of their native land, attractions and historical significance our city. After all, treasure can be found not only in the ground, but also in all the diversity of our surrounding world.

In our opinion, the problem of developing such personal qualities of preschoolers as independence and curiosity is one of the most pressing, since a person’s interaction with the outside world is possible thanks to his activity and activity, and also because activity is an indispensable prerequisite for the formation of the mental qualities of an individual, his independence and initiative. At the same time, we discovered contradiction between the urgent need to develop personal qualities (curiosity, independence) of preschoolers and insufficient use of the opportunity to improve this process in a preschool institution.

The revealed contradiction made it possible to identify problem: search for the most effective remedy development of independence and curiosity in children preschool age.

Insufficient development of the problem of developing curiosity, independence of preschoolers in solving intellectual problems, and its undoubted relevance for the theory and practice of modern preschool education, served as the basis for choosing my Topics work: “Development of curiosity, independence in solving intellectual problems by means of educational geocaching.”

Object of study: the process of developing curiosity and independence in preschoolers.
Subject of study: techniques and methods for organizing educational geocaching.

Target research: to ensure positive dynamics of curiosity, activity, independence in solving intellectual problems that are age-appropriate with the help of “educational geocaching.”

Working hypothesis: the targeted use of educational geocaching techniques will contribute to the development of curiosity, activity, and independence of preschool children.

Achieving the goal and confirming the hypothesis serves problem solving:

  • developing interest in nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; understanding the relationships in nature and man’s place in it;
  • instilling a desire to maintain your health using natural storehouses;
  • creating conditions for the implementation of all types of games;
  • formation of attentive attitude and support of the children's community;
  • formation of the basis of cultural and environmentally appropriate behavior (in nature and society);
  • development of initial geographical concepts, familiarity with the simplest methods of orienteering;
  • development of orientation in time and space.

Research methods: analysis of literature on the problem, individual and group conversations, comparison, synthesis, monitoring of results, statistical analysis received data, etc.

Methodological basis research:

  • fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists on the development of curiosity and child independence (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, Ya.A. Kamensky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.M. Matyushkin, V.A. Krutetsky , V.S. Yurkevich, D.E.Berlain, G.I.Shchukina, N.I.Reinvald, A.I.Krupnov and others.

The problem of independence is currently being studied in various aspects. The essence of independence of a preschool child, its nature are being studied (G.A. Ball, P.I. Pidkasisty, A.G. Khripkova); structure and relationship between the components of independence (Yu.N. Dmitrieva, G.N. Godina, T.G. Guskova); stages, conditions and methods for developing preschooler independence (Z.V. Eliseeva, N.S. Krivova, A.A. Lyublinskaya, K.P. Kuzovkova); the relationship between independence and various mental processes (T.I. Gorbatenko, D.V. Olshansky, N.A. Tsyrkun)

Degree of novelty The study is characterized by the fact that in the process of implementing the “educational geocaching” technology, a close connection was investigated and established between children’s search activities and increasing the level of children’s curiosity and independence. The role of parents on the problem was determined.

Practical significance The research consists of developing a set of activities using “educational geocaching” technology.

To implement the assigned tasks, we have identified the following stages:

  1. Enrichment of the subject-development environment.
  2. Ensuring safety during search activities.
  3. Organization of joint and independent activity teacher and children, as well as a child with peers.
  4. Interaction with parents.

Chapter 1. Development of curiosity and independence of a preschooler is one of important tasks in working with preschool children.

  • The content of the concepts of “curiosity, independence” in the works of researchers

Curiosity is a valuable personality state. It is characterized by a person’s desire to penetrate beyond what he sees. At this stage of interest there are enough strong expressions emotions of surprise, joy of learning, satisfaction with activities. The emergence of riddles and their deciphering is the essence of curiosity, as an active vision of the world, which develops not only in classes, but also in work, when a person is detached from simple performance and passive memorization. Curiosity, becoming a stable character trait, has significant value in personality development. Curious people not indifferent to the world, they are always in search. The problem of curiosity has been developed in Russian psychology for quite a long time, although it is still far from its final solution. A significant contribution to understanding the nature of curiosity was made by S.L. Rubinshtein, A.M. Matyushkin, V.A. Krutetsky, V.S. Yurkevich, D.E.Berline, G.I.Shchukina, N.I. Reinwald, A.I. Krupnov and others.

Morozova G.N. believes that curiosity is close to interest, but it is “diffuse, not focused on a specific subject or activity.”

Shchukina G.I. considers curiosity as a stage in the development of interest, reflecting the state of the child’s selective attitude towards the subject of knowledge and the degree of its influence on the personality.

Children's independence in Lately is increasingly becoming an object increased attention scientists, teachers and educators. This is connected not so much with the implementation of a person-oriented and activity-based approach to the development, upbringing and education of children, but with the need to solve the problem of preparing the younger generation for living conditions in modern society, a practice-oriented approach to organizing the educational process. Within the framework of this approach, it is believed that children in the process of education and training in kindergarten must learn to independently set the goals and objectives of their activities, analyze its conditions, formulate problems and hypotheses, assumptions about options for solving problem situations, find means for this, and overcome disagreements , organize and adjust the course of both individual and joint activities, achieving a positive result.
The need for the formation and development of independence is dictated by the needs of society for non-standard people who can think creatively and make discoveries for the benefit of humanity. And the solution to this issue is reflected in the process of developing independence, which allows a person to pose new problems and find new solutions.
Interest in this problem is due, first of all, to the fact that the desire for independence is characteristic of young children. This is an internal need of the child’s growing body that needs to be supported and developed. Independence is considered and studied in the works of Ivanov V.D., Osnitsky A.K., Teplyuk S., Markova T.A., K.P. Kuzovkova, SL. Rubinshteina, R.S. Bure, L.F. Ostrovskaya, T. Guskova, I.S. Kona, A. A. Lyublinskaya, E. O. Smirnova.
According to Teplyuk S., the origins of independence arise in early age, at the junction of the first and second years of a child’s life. It is here that the path to the formation of independent actions and skills begins, gradually becoming more complex in games and activities, in the perception of the environment and in communication. With the help of an adult, the child’s independent skills are consolidated and manifested in a variety of activities, gradually acquiring the status of a personality trait. An indicator of a child’s independence is the effectiveness of his actions. This indicator cannot be replaced by adult control. Control invariably presupposes obedience, and a strong union of these two concepts can develop lack of will, irresponsibility, laziness, and infantilism. Independence is a tax to internal freedom, to freedom of choice of actions, actions, judgments, in it are the origins of responsibility, confidence in one’s own own strength, the origins of creativity, self-esteem.
A.A. Lyublinskaya argues that independence does not arise suddenly, it develops from the very early childhood based on strengthening simple skills and habits.
M. Montessori considered autonomy and independence as a biological quality of a person. Nature gave people the opportunity to develop them to form all necessary skills, realization of abilities, acquisition of knowledge. All steps of a child’s development - from acquired skill in movements, learning to roll over, sit, crawl, walk, to the formation of social and communicative reactions and skills (gestures, speech, intonation, behavioral aspects...) - are a child’s step towards independence from adults.
According to E. O. Smirnova, independence is not so much the ability to perform some actions without outside help, but the ability to constantly break beyond one’s capabilities, set new tasks for oneself and find solutions to them. Independence does not mean complete freedom of action and behavior; it is always contained within the framework of accepted norms in society. Every child needs an assessment of his actions by a significant adult - his mother or father. It is important for them to please their parents with their new successes and achievements.

  • "Educational geocaching" at a preschool educational institution.

The issues of effective use of the technology of “educational geocaching” as a pedagogical means of developing curiosity and independence of preschoolers have not yet been fully resolved. Thanks to “information-prescription” learning, the child largely loses main feature exploratory behavior – search activity. And this is not surprising, because such training is based on “imitation”, “repetition” and “obedience” (V. T. Kudryavtsev). The result is a loss of curiosity, a decrease in cognitive activity, the ability to think independently, relying directly on one’s experience, and solve various problems. All this significantly blocks the child’s research activity, ultimately making the processes of self-learning, self-education, and, consequently, self-development almost impossible.

Geocaching appeared in Russia in 2002. The first enthusiasts laid a “cache” in the Moscow region, and within a year the game had grown to include 100 “cache.” main feature Russian geocaching means that “caches” are created in places of natural, historical, cultural or geographical interest. In our opinion, geocaching is effective method learn a lot of interesting, educational things about native land, be able to act in various life situations. "Educational geocaching" - educational technology helping the child to independently learn the world. The essence of technology is organization play activity children, when filling it with cognitive, developmental material. If you simplify and simplify the tasks somewhat, then geocaching can be played in kindergarten. This technology can be used not only while walking, but also at any time of the day. Children enjoy the task of finding “treasure” even at a young age. IN winter time this is especially exciting. We hide a box of candy or a toy, and the baby uses leading words to find it. Orientation in space, thinking, and understanding of speech develop. Playing with water and sand helps a lot. They become preparatory stage to find treasure. When putting things in order in the group, we create problematic situation, for example, “The doll Masha is lost,” by organizing a search for her, the baby understands that order is necessary in everything and careful attitude to all. And about morning exercises we won't forget. Transforming into small animals, or a breeze, or an insect helps the child to feel the natural world, to be a part of it, so that as he grows older, the child can retain and feel involved in the natural world. Together with an adult, children admire nature, observe changes in different time years, take part in helping birds (feeders and birdhouses). The child listens to the sounds of nature and peers at its images. And the world around us opens its pantries and helps the baby develop curiosity, observation and creativity. Organized excursions around the neighborhood helped us see how it is changing and growing. Together with the children, we made joint sketches, took photographs, and then designed exhibitions for different topics: “How many floors are in the new house?”, “Why are houses needed?”, “Why crane stay up?"

Playing hide and seek helped children better navigate in space. According to description environment invited children to find a hidden toy, overcoming various obstacles along the way: jump over a stream, sit down three times, build a bridge across a wide river, count birch trees, choose the right path. Here we take a comprehensive approach to the development of children: and mental processes, and motor activity, and mathematical concepts, and knowledge of the surrounding world, and design, and the formation of cooperation and mutual understanding in the accomplishment of a common task.

While playing, the child feels himself in natural and familiar conditions, quietly exploring the world around him. The teacher only needs to approach creatively educational activities, which, using elements of “educational geocaching” technology, gives positive results.

Chapter 2. Practical aspect.

2.1.Implementation of the “educational geocaching” technology.

At the first stage In our work, having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of developing curiosity and independence in solving intellectual problems, we realized that a “dense” group is needed development environment, which performs a teaching function, develops personal qualities child.

It is extremely important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of change, adjustment and development. Practice suggests that it is difficult to completely replace the subject environment in a group. But still, under any circumstances, objective world, surrounding the child, needs to be replenished and updated, which is what we do. Only then does the environment contribute to the formation of curiosity, independence, and activity in children. All centers in the group room are aimed at developing children's curiosity. The Experimentation Corner is updated frequently.

To implement the task of practical implementation of geocaching in educational process in our group, I did the following: I got the children interested in the game “Geocaching” through the games: “Postman Pechkin”, “Find a Friend”, “Treasure Search” and others.

At the first stage it was simple game in notes from our childhood. For example, the postman Pechkin brings a letter to the group - a drawing: “A kitten got entangled in a wire,” which indicates the location of the incident. By describing and comparing the area, children complete tasks (walk past a stream, down a hill, go around a tall tree, count Christmas trees) and look for a kitten. We establish a connection between the kitten and the wire: “Why is there a lot of garbage in the yards?”, “Why is the territory of the kindergarten clean?” And children begin to respect the work of a janitor. “Who can clean up the garbage in the neighborhood?” We interviewed passers-by and adults in the kindergarten and found out that if people themselves don’t litter, it will be clean. The children also thought about who determines order and cleanliness in the group, and how they can help with this. So, from simple to complex, children consolidate the basics of mathematics, get acquainted with nature, learn to navigate in space, communicate with each other and the people around them, and establish cause and effect relationships.

The most effective forms and methods used in the implementation of “educational geocaching” technology:

  • educational conversations; for example, “How to behave correctly in nature,” “What is autumn like?”, “What has autumn brought us?” and etc.
  • excursions to the road, to a construction site, to the forest, to a landscape park, to a stadium, etc.
  • moments of kindness; for example, “How to cheer up a friend?”, “What is love?”, “Guys, let’s live together,” “ Magic word" and etc.
  • minutes of reflection “Why doesn’t the crane go to bed?”, “Where does the traffic light live?”, “How to help the flowers not dry out in the flowerbed?”, “Where do the titmice live?”, “Why did the dandelion change its dress?”
  • stock; for example: “Bird House”, “Breadcrumbs”, “Feed the Birds in Winter”, “Week of Kindness”, etc.
  • labor landing; “Fighting the King of Garbage”, “Visiting the Fairy of Purity”.
  • environmental patrol “Young Nature Defenders”.
  • club of nature researchers “Young ecologist”
  • laboratory of young ecologist “Lyuboznayka”
  • mapping; schemes
  • collecting; for example "Herbarium autumn leaves", "Collection of candy wrappers", "Box of wonderful things", "Voronenko Collection" and others.
  • exhibitions and expositions; for example, “Such different houses”, “Grandfather Mazai and the hares”, “The forest looks like a painted tower”, “The Christmas tree is a green needle”.
  • travel games, for example, “Visiting the Breeze”, “Den for a Bear”, “Travel with a Traffic Light”, “Our Neighborhood”, “What will the crane tell us about?”
  • environmental fairy tales, for example, “How the bees saved the summer”, “Forest Tale”.

Final events held after the implementation of a particular project have become traditional. For example:

  • photo exhibitions “How our neighborhood is growing”, “Goodbye, summer”,
  • photo reports “Studying the ant family”, “Life of wonderful children”, “We went to the woods”, “Young Olympians”.
  • entertainment and leisure “Earth Day”, “Saved in Reserve”, “Flower Festival”, “Autumn Holiday”, “Visiting Lesovichka”.
  • Exhibitions creative works“My City”, “Trickster Bunnies”, “Autumn Opening Day”, “Goodbye Summer”
  • release of albums, baby books, etc.

Thus, in the process of active implementation of the “educational geocaching” technology, a preschool child acquires the ability to experiment: see and highlight a problem, accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight significant features and connections, compare various facts, put forward hypotheses and assumptions, select funds and materials, draw conclusions, record stages of action and results graphically.

Working with parents - necessary stage in research activities.

Our experience has shown that “educational geocaching” involves and “attracts” not only preschoolers, but also their parents. It is known that not a single educational or educational task cannot be successfully resolved without fruitful contact with the family. We build our communication with parents on the basis of cooperation. We use various methods of interaction with the family: visual, verbal, practical.

For this purpose we carry out parent meetings, where parents learn about the forms of implementation of the “educational geocaching” technology, its capabilities and impact on the development of the child.

We also provide consultations for parents on organizing geocaching and issue leaflets on this issue. “Homework assignments” for parents and children are very popular in the form of the game “Take an excursion to the intended object,” where parents, together with their children, are offered notes that ultimately lead to the intended object.

2.2. Identifying effectiveness

Practice shows that the impetus for starting “treasure hunting” can be surprise, curiosity, a problem or request put forward by someone. How bigger baby asks questions, the better. These questions help to collect as much source material as possible, which will then be classified. Therefore, the technology “educational geocaching” has taken its place in the system of work in kindergarten. It has become an interesting and exciting process for both children and adults.

Together with the guys we discuss the result that turned out in real life, and there is no need to try to fit it into ideas that seem correct. In the process of experiments, we note that the child’s memory is being enriched, his thought processes are being activated, since the need to perform operations of analysis, comparison, and classification constantly arises.

This helps enrich the child’s knowledge, teaches him to analyze, reflect, reflect on what he learns; has a beneficial effect on the child’s worldview and the development of his human and social feelings.

We monitor the effectiveness of the work done on the stated topic by monitoring the formation of integrative qualities “Curious, active” (the “Mosaic” program by N.V. Grebenkina), where the positive dynamics of the level of development of these personality qualities is visible. The methods and techniques I used to develop curiosity and independence led to the following results.

September 2013 (26 children).

integrative qualities Formi in the formative stage not formed
1 Curious, active 4 12 10
2 2 13 11
3 Emotionally responsive 0 26 0
4 0 15 11
5 1 2 23

Results of the development of integrative qualities in children.

May 2014 (26 children).

integrative qualities Formi in the formative stage not formed
1 Curious, active 16 10 0
2 Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers 16 8 2
3 Emotionally responsive 20 6 0
4 Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions 11 12 3
5 Able to solve intellectual and personal problems appropriate for age 16 8 2

May 2015 (31 children)

integrative qualities Formi in the formative stage not formed
1 Curious, active 21 10 0
2 Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers 23 10 0
3 Emotionally responsive 24 6 1
4 Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions 15 15 1
5 Able to solve intellectual and personal problems appropriate for age 18 11 2

Analysis of the results indicates an increased number of children with high level curiosity, independence and reducing the number of children with low level, which is the result of the work done. It became possible to verify that the technology “educational geocaching” is a special form of search activity in which the processes of goal formation, the processes of emergence and development of new personal motives that underlie the self-movement and self-development of preschoolers are most clearly expressed.


Studying literary sources, experience educational institutions on this problem, it was revealed that when active work All senses are involved in the process of learning for a child. Scientists have proven that the more sense organs simultaneously participate in the process of cognition, the better person feels, remembers, comprehends, understands, assimilates, consolidates the material being studied.

At the same time, it is important that this activity is not given in advance in the form of one scheme or another, but is built by the children themselves as they receive new information about the object. Experience shows that the use of educational geocaching in a preschool institution allows not only to maintain existing interest, but also to arouse for some reason an extinguished interest, which is the key to successful learning in the future.

The results of the work indicate that the use of “educational geocaching” technology had an impact on:

  1. Increasing the level of development of curiosity and independence; children's research skills (see and identify a problem, accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight essential features and connections, compare various facts, put forward various hypotheses, select tools and materials for independent activities, carry out an experiment, do certain conclusions and conclusions);
  2. Increasing the level of development of cognitive processes;
  3. Speech development (enrichment vocabulary children using various terms, consolidating the ability to construct their answers to questions grammatically correctly, the ability to ask questions, follow the logic of their statements, the ability to construct demonstrative speech);
  4. Personal characteristics (the emergence of initiative, independence, the ability to cooperate with others, the need to defend one’s point of view, coordinate it with others, etc.);
  5. Children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature;
  6. Increasing the competence of parents in organizing work on the use of “educational geocaching” technology.

Thus, the use of “educational geocaching” technology is effective and necessary for the development of preschoolers’ independence, curiosity, cognitive activity, persistence in searching and achieving results in the desire for further independent research and knowledge of the surrounding world.

Further activity on this issue is seen in generalizing and systematizing the acquired experience and compiling author's program on the use of “educational geocaching”.


  1. Everything about everything: A popular encyclopedia for children. – M.: Company “Klyuch-S”, 1995.
  2. Magazine "Hoop" No. 2-2011, No. 6-2012
  3. Molodova L.P. Playful environmental activities with children: Educational and methodological manual for kindergarten teachers and teachers. – Minsk: “Asar”, 1996.
  4. Smirnova V.V. “Path to nature” - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen; Publishing house "Soyuz", 2001.
  5. Solomennikova O. A. Environmental education in kindergarten. Program methodological recommendations. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2005.

The issues of effective use of educational geocaching as a pedagogical means of developing curiosity and independence of preschoolers have not yet been fully resolved. Thanks to “information-prescription” training, the child largely loses the main feature of exploratory behavior - search activity. And this is not surprising, because such training is based on “imitation”, “repetition” and “obedience” (V. T. Kudryavtsev). The result is a loss of curiosity, a decrease in cognitive activity, the ability to think independently, relying directly on one’s experience, and solve various problems. All this significantly blocks the child’s research activity, ultimately making the processes of self-learning, self-education, and, consequently, self-development almost impossible.

Geocaching appeared in Russia in 2002. The first enthusiasts laid a “cache” in the Moscow region, and within a year the game had grown to include 100 “cache.” The main feature of Russian geocaching is that “caches” are created in places of natural, historical, cultural or geographic interest. In our opinion, geocaching is an effective way to learn a lot of interesting, educational things about your native land, and to be able to act in various life situations. “Educational geocaching” is a pedagogical technology that helps a child independently explore the world around him. The essence of the technology is the organization of children's play activities, filling them with cognitive, developmental material. If you simplify and simplify the tasks somewhat, then geocaching can be played in kindergarten. This technology can be used not only while walking, but also at any time of the day. Children enjoy the task of finding “treasure” even at a young age. In winter it is especially exciting. We hide a box of candy or a toy, and the baby uses leading words to find it. Orientation in space, thinking, and understanding of speech develop. Playing with water and sand helps a lot. They become a preparatory stage for finding the treasure. When putting things in order in the group, we create a problematic situation, for example, “The doll Masha is lost,” and by organizing a search for it, the child understands that everything needs order and a careful attitude towards everything. And we won’t forget about morning exercises. Transformation into small animals, or a breeze, or an insect helps the child to feel the natural world, to be a part of it, so that as he grows older, the child can retain and feel involved in the natural world. Together with an adult, children admire nature, observe changes at different times of the year, and take part in helping birds (feeders and birdhouses). The child listens to the sounds of nature and peers at its images. And the world around us opens its pantries and helps the baby develop curiosity, observation and creativity. our excursions around the neighborhood helped us see how it is changing and growing. They made joint sketches, took photographs, and then designed exhibitions on various topics: “How many floors are in the new house?”, “Why are houses needed?”, “Why does the crane not go to bed?”

Playing hide and seek helped children better navigate in space. Based on the description of the surrounding environment, she invited the children to find a hidden toy, overcoming various obstacles along the way: jump over a stream, sit down three times, build a bridge across a wide river, count birch trees, choose the right path. Here we take a comprehensive approach to the development of children: mental processes, motor activity, mathematical concepts, knowledge of the world around us, design, and the formation of cooperation and mutual understanding in carrying out a common task.

While playing, the child feels himself in natural and familiar conditions, quietly exploring the world around him. The educator only needs to creatively approach educational activities, which, with the help of elements of “educational geocaching,” give positive results.