Park in the Kaluga direction ethnopark. Cultural and educational center "Ethnomir"

V.N. Kalutskov, A.Yu. Latysheva

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
[email protected],
[email protected]

Theory and practice of cultural landscape planning: materials of Vseros. scientific-practical Conf., Saransk, Nov. 2010 – Saransk: Mordov Publishing House. Univ., 2010, pp. 7-15.

“Ethno-village”, “ethnic village” is a rapidly developing phenomenon in the cultural and tourism space of Russia. The term "ethnic village" itself is not established; in relation to such objects the terms “ethnographic”, “national” and even “international” are also used.

Currently, there are about fifty, and over twenty ethnic villages are being designed in different Russian regions - from the Smolensk region to Kamchatka. In many ways, the creation of ethno-villages is associated with the development of tourism (ethnic tourism). There are other reasons.

The concept of an ethno-village can be viewed from different positions. From the perspective of ethnography, an ethno-village appears as a settlement that has retained its so-called “ ethnic type", with a system of characteristics characterizing the traditional culture of the ethnic group. In the field of tourism, the concept of “ethno-village” is interpreted as a tourist facility, a specially equipped place (complex) for the development of ethnic tourism, as well as in combination with agro-, ecotourism, etc.

From the position of ethnocultural landscape science, an ethnovillage is considered as a new type of cultural landscape, a cultural landscape of the 21st century. In principle, an ethno-village is a simulated cultural landscape. Even in cases where an ethno-village is created on the basis of a real village, the “ethno-village cultural landscape” acts as a model, replica, imitation, and sometimes figurative stylization of a traditional village landscape with all its connecting components (Kalutskov, 2000). It is obvious that the material components of the cultural landscape are better suited for modeling - natural landscape, architecture, village layout, elements of traditional economic activity, agricultural and fishing. However, considerable experience has already been accumulated in modeling spiritual culture. On the basis of ethno-villages, folklore festivals, festive ritual events are held, weddings are celebrated according to ethnic patterns, etc.

Ethnic villages differ in their purpose, functions and specifics. The following goals for creating ethno-villages can be distinguished: preservation of valuable, unique and typical architectural structures traditional for a given area; demonstration of planning and spatial-organizational ethnic traditions; demonstration of the main economic and fishing characteristics of the ethnic group; holding traditional folk festivals; organization of ethnocultural tourism.

Among the functions of ethno-villages, the following stand out: the function of protecting objects of ethnographic heritage; educational, educational and educational; recreational and tourist.

Let us consider the origins, formation and current state of ethnovillages in our country from the position of ethnocultural landscape studies, as a new type of cultural landscape, dynamically developing in the context of globalization.

Start. In Russia, the creation of ethno-villages in the form of museums of wooden architecture dates back to the 1960-70s. This stage of development of ethno-villages is characterized by an orientation towards preserving unique and typical of this region traditional village buildings - temples, residential buildings, utility buildings. The activities of the museum-reserves themselves were dominated by protective and educational functions. Open-air museums in Arkhangelsk “Malye Korely” and Novgorod “Vitoslavitsy” can be called typical for this period. In the organization and functioning of these museum-reserves, the most important principles of their activities are visible:

Regionalism (orientation towards the full territorial coverage of the regional-regional cultural tradition in all its subregional and ethnic occurrences),

Taking into account the cultural diversity of the region (sectoral organization of field exposition in sectors corresponding to the local cultural traditions of the region),

Landscape design (the desire to present not only individual buildings, but their “natural” environment, economic lands and tracts, adequate natural landscape, landscape planning of the museum territory)

Landscape (modeling of the original landscape situation, the desire to convey the harmony of the traditional cultural landscape, its aesthetic interpretation).

The implementation of these principles in a situation of planned state support has yielded results. Already by the 1980s. In many regions, full-fledged cultural and landscape complexes were created that well reflect the architectural, planning, decorative and other features of the regional cultural tradition.

A crisis. On the one hand, the crisis of the 1990s suspended the systematic activities of wooden architecture museums for a long time. For this reason, for example, in the Arkhangelsk museum of wooden architecture “Malye Korely” there is still no sector of Pomeranian culture - the “nuclear” culture for this regional tradition (“We didn’t have time!”). But, on the other hand, there are also positive aspects. Already in the 1980-90s. the revitalization of the architectural landscape of museum-reserves occurs through the support of traditional crafts with the organization of fairs on their territory, and subsequently master classes, the revival of traditional holidays with the invitation of folklore groups, folk craftsmen, musicians, singers, conducting folklore festivals and competitions. Museum-reserves are becoming centers of regional cultural life and are beginning to work more actively with external tourist flows.

Current situation. In the 2000s. In the situation with ethno-villages, new directions of development have emerged. The active movement to create more and more ethnic villages turned out to be connected not only with the requirements of the tourism sector, but also with global processes, with the national policy of the Subjects of the Federation, with the processes of development of regional and local identity. New types of ethno-villages, new subtypes of “ethno-village cultural landscapes” are emerging - national villages, regional ethno-villages national republics, local ethno-villages, including ethno-villages of small peoples of Russia, as well as world (global) ethno-villages.

Rice. 1. Ethnic villages in modern Russia

  1. In the new situation, the regional principle of organizing ethno-villages received new content. This is manifested in the creation, on the initiative of regional administrations, of the so-called national villages(for example, national villages of the peoples of the Saratov and Orenburg regions). Their creation by the administration is considered as an element national policy in a multinational region. Architectural authenticity in in this case no longer has of great importance. The buildings in such ethno-villages are figurative stylizations of different ethno-architectural styles. On the basis of such ethno-villages, ethnographic exhibitions, museums, ethnic clubs, folklore groups. This supports different ethnocultural identities in the regions.
  2. “Regional ethno-villages” of national republics, reflecting the traditional ethnic cultural landscape of the republic, in their spatial organization and operating principles they are close to museums of wooden architecture. The most interesting ethno-villages of this type are located in Chuvashia, the Ibresinsky Open Air Ethnographic Museum, and Buryatia. Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia in Verkhnyaya Berezovka, in the Mari-El Republic, Ethnographic Open Air Museum in Kozmodemyansk (Museums of Russia,
  3. Local ethnovillages, or ethno-villages of local cultural traditions and small peoples of Russia, are created on the initiative of local communities and municipalities. They imitate the landscapes of local cultural groups. These, for example, include the Pomeranian Tonya Tetrina, an ecological ethnographic complex in the Murmansk region, which is a museum-like fishing camp. Its creators permanently live in the camp; they are engaged in traditional Pomeranian crafts, in which ethno-tourists can also take part. "Museum exhibits" at the camp ( vintage scales, samovar, cast iron pots, boilers, gramophone) are themselves objects of modern use. This is an example of a living cultural landscape, a full-fledged landscape imitation, adaptation to a bygone, but historically attractive cultural tradition.

Activities based on the ethno-villages of small peoples of Russia have a pronounced ecological, cultural, protective nature. In this regard, children's ethno-health centers in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are interesting, for example, the ethnic camp "Man Uskve", created specifically for children of small peoples of this territory in order to preserve their culture, peculiarities of their worldview, language and methods of farming, as well as the health of children. The activities of other ethno-villages of small peoples are focused on promoting spiritual culture, familiarization with elements of material culture, ideological aspects of relationships with nature (complexes “Bakaldyn”, “Us Khatyn”, etc. in Yakutia; Itelmenskaya village, “Menedek” in the Kamchatka Territory; ethnographic complex in the village of Gornoknyazevsk, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

  1. World (global) ethnovillages represent a tourism product designed for entertainment services with an ethnic connotation. Local cultural traditions are usually not taken into account when creating them. "Ethnomir", located in the vicinity of the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region, - shining example commercially large-scale tourism project. It is planned to place about 100 ethnic courtyards on its territory, imitating the life and way of life of the peoples of about 270 countries. Russia as a multinational country will be represented by 12 ethnic yards (peoples of the Caucasus, Volga region, Urals, Far East, Siberia). The houses will house workshops, trading shops, hotels ("ethnic homes" with all amenities) and restaurants national cuisines(“Ethnomir”,

A smaller-scale project is the ethnographic complex “Tram” in the Krasnodar Territory (Fadeevo village). It eclectically presents various cultures: elements of European medieval culture (Scandinavian castle, English tower, European mill), Circassian buildings, yurts, and the entrance gate is completely made in chinese style. In addition, the complex has a zoo, which is stylized as a livestock farm, and also contains a stable.

Some conclusions. The ethnic village belongs to the globalization cultural landscapes, representing one of the new types of cultural landscapes of the 21st century - an imitation cultural landscape. At the same time, some ethno-village cultural landscapes are immediately projected as imitatively global (“world village”), while others reflect the originality of the local cultural tradition, sometimes acting as the last stronghold of local identity.

Ethnicity in ethno-villages can be defined both as a museum exhibit and as a living cultural tradition in its various manifestations - from folklore to national cuisine.

The emerging system of ethnic villages in Russia can be considered as the infrastructure of a new type of tourism for the country - ethnocultural tourism (Butuzov, 2009). Tourism, the purpose of which is familiarization with the ethnocultural heritage, is promising for Russia. The country has a rich and diverse ethnocultural heritage, a unique combination of various ethnocultural complexes.

Along with fostering a tolerant, respectful attitude towards the “other”, towards another culture, which is especially important in the situation of multi-ethnic Russia, ethnic villages contribute to the preservation of diverse cultural traditions, increase ethnic identity, as well as the formation of the image of the regions, capable of attracting tourists both from Russia and from abroad.

List of used literature

  1. Butuzov A.G. State and prospects for the development of ethnocultural tourism in the Russian Federation, 2009.
  2. Kalutskov V.N. Fundamentals of ethnocultural landscape studies: Tutorial. – M.: Moscow State University Publishing House. 2000.
  3. Register of investment projects of tourist complexes and investment sites, 2008.
  4. Register of rural tourism objects of the Russian Federation, 2008.
  5. Register of tourist routes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2008.
  6. (Museums of Russia).
  7. (“Ethnomir”, “ethno-village of the world”, Kaluga region).

Application. Collection of ethno-villages of Russia

Existing ethnovillages

World ethnovillages:

  1. Ethnomir, ethno-village of the world (Kaluga region, 80 km from Moscow, near Borovsk, Petrovo village)
  2. Tram, Ethnographic complex (Krasnodar region, Fadeevo village)

Regional museums of wooden architecture:

  1. Angarsk village, architectural and ethnographic museum (Irkutsk region, Bratsk)
  2. Architectural and Ethnographic Museum of Wooden Architecture in Vasilevo (Torzhok, Tver region)
  3. Vitoslavlitsy, Novgorod Museum folk wooden architecture (Novgorod region, Veliky Novgorod)
  4. Vladimir-Suzdal medical center and peasant life (Vladimir region, Suzdal)
  5. Friendship, Lena Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve (Yakutia, Ust-Aldansky ulus, Sottintsy village; right bank of the Lena River, 70 kilometers from Yakutsk)
  6. Ibresinsk ethnographic open-air museum, branch of the Chuvash national museum(Chuvashia, Ibresinsky district, Ibresi village, 114 km from Cheboksary)
  7. Kizhi, Museum of Wooden Architecture (Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Kizhi Museum-Reserve) State Historical-Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve KIZHI

10. “Kolomenskoye”, Museum of Wooden Architecture (ethnographic center on the territory of MGOMZ Kolomenskoye) (Moscow)

11. “Kostromskaya Sloboda”, architectural, ethnographic and landscape museum-reserve (Kostroma region, Kostroma, next to the Ipatiev Monastery)

12. Ludorvay, Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve (Republic of Udmurtia, Izhevsk)

13. “Malye Karely”, museum of wooden architecture (Arkhangelsk region, 25 km from Arkhangelsk, near the village of Malye Karely)

14. Museum of Wooden Architecture (Vologda region, Semenkovo ​​village)

15. Nizhny Novgorod Ethnographic Museum on the Shchelokovsky farm - Museum of Architecture and Life of the Peoples of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga Region (Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, Shchelkovsky Khutor forest park)

16. Nizhne-Sinyachikha Museum-Reserve of Wooden Architecture and folk art (Sverdlovsk region, Alapaevsky district, village. Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha)

17. Razdorsky Ethnographic Museum-Reserve (Rostov region, Ust-Donetsk region, Razdorskaya village, Pukhlyakovsky and Kanygin farms)

18. “Old Surgut”, Historical and Ethnographic Complex (KhMAO, Surgut)

19. Taltsy, Irkutsk Architectural and Ethnographic Museum ( Irkutsk region, Irkutsk)

20. “Tomsk pisanitsa”: Architectural and ethnographic complexes “Shorsky ulus Kezek” and “Russian Siberian village” (Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, territory of the Historical, Cultural and natural museum-reserve"Tomsk Pisanitsa")

21. “Khokhlovka”, Architectural and Ethnographic Museum of Wooden Architecture ( Perm region, Perm district, village. Khokhlovka, 45 km from Perm)

22. Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia, open-air museum complex (Republic of Buryatia, Verkhnyaya Berezovka village, 8 km from Ulan-Ude)

23. Ethnographic open-air museum ( Krasnoyarsk region, Shushenskoye village)

24. Ethnographic open-air museum (Republic of Mari-El, Kozmodemyansk)

New regional ethno-villages:

25. Ataman, ethno-village (Krasnodar region, Taman station)

26. Another world, ethno-village (Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl)

27. Mandrogi, tourist village (Leningrad region, Podporozhye district, Verkhniye Mandrogi village)

28. “National Village of the Peoples of the Saratov Region.” (Saratov region, Saratov)

29. “National Village of the Peoples of the Orenburg Region.” (Orenburg region, Orenburg)

30. “Russian Village”, architectural and landscape ensemble (St. Petersburg, Peterhofskoe highway)

Local ethnovillages:

31. “Altyn-Sus”, ecological-ethnic village (Khakassia, Abakan)

32. “Bakaldyn”, ethnographic complex (Sakha, 45 km from Yakutsk)

33. “Village in the mountains”, agrotour to the village of Irgizly (Bashkortostan, NP “Bashkiria”, Nugush village)

34. Itelmen village, tourist village of the Itelmen community “Pimchakh” (Kamchatka Territory, Sosnovka village, Elizovsky municipal district)

35. “Man Uskve”, ethnic camp - children's ethno-health center (KhMAO, Yasunt village, Berezovsky district)

36. “Honey Farm”, estate-farm museum (Pskov region, Pechora district, Dubrovka village)

37. “Manedek”, Even camp, ethno-cultural complex (Kamchatka region, Bystrinsky district, Anavgai village)

38. “Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan”, ethnocultural tourist complex ( Khabarovsk region, 50-75 km from Khabarovsk, village. Sikachi-Alyan)

39. Pomeranian Tonya Tetrina, Ecological ethnographic complex (ecological village) ( Murmansk region, d. Tonya Tetrina)

40. Svengard, medieval estate (Leningrad region, Vyborg)

41. Old Umba, Pomeranian ethnocultural village (Murmansk region, village of Umba)

42. “Tek Kurt”, children's language village - ethno-health center (KhMAO, Tegi village, Berezovsky district)

43. “Ulch Village”, open-air museum (Khabarovsk Territory, village of Dzhari, Nanai district)

44. “Us Khatyn”, ethnographic ritual complex (Yakutia, Namsky tract)

45. Cherkekh historical and ethnographic complex (Yakutia, Cherkekh village)

46. ​​“Chochur Myran (Muran)”, ethnographic complex (Yakutia, within the city of Yakutsk, along the Vilyuisky tract)

47. “Chuaneli”, children's ethno-health center - school of work and rest (KhMAO, Chuaneli village (tract) of the Berezovsky district or Vanzetur village)

48. “Ytyk-Khaya”, Ethnographic complex Tourist Center (Yakutia, 6 kilometers from Yakutsk, along the Vilyuisky tract)

49. Ethnographic village, Settlement of a Nanai family at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century (Khabarovsk Territory, Bolognsky Nature Reserve, village of Dzhuen)

50. Ethnographic complex (village Gornoknyazevsk, Priuralsky district, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 12 km from Salekhard)

51. “Yamshitskoye Compound”, cultural and ethnographic complex (Yakutia, village of Elanka, Khangalassky ulus)

Designed ethnovillages

52. “Altai”, an ethnic village as part of the SEZ TRT “Altai Valley” (Altai Republic, Maiminsky district, 25 km from Gorno-Altaisk)

53. Far Eastern International Ethnographic Park “Dialogue of Peoples “Renaissance” (Primorsky Territory, Nakhodka)

54. Ancient Vald ethnographic tourist village on the territory of the Valdai SEZ (Novgorod region, Valdai village)

55. International Village, Ethnographic Municipal Unitary Enterprise (Voronezh region, Voronezh)

56. “Kamchatka Tablets”, tourist and ethnographic center (Kamchatka Territory, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)

57. “Mezhdurechye”, ethnic village (Cossack kuren), open-air museum (Krasnodar region, Slavyansk-on-Kuban)

58. MZD (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yeniseisk)

59. MZD (Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa)

60. “Lenin Hills”, national village (formerly a cultural complex-museum) (Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk)

61. “Native Village”, historical and ethnographic complex (Bashkortostan, NP “Bashkiria”, Nugush village)

62. “Russian village”, ethnographic village - tourist complex (Kostroma region, village of Igorevo, Galich district)

63. “Russian World”, National Cultural and Ethnographic Park, Cultural, ethnographic, handicraft, trade, educational and social project(Moscow region, Sergiev Posad)

64. “Siberian Compound”, tourist center (Tyumen region, Tobolsk district, Abalak village)

65. “Old fortress “Cherkasy fortress”, museum and tourist complex (Penza region, Penza)

66. Central Asian farmstead, “Ethnic village of artisans of the Urals” (Sverdlovsk region, outskirts of Yekaterinburg)

67. “Yb”, a museum and ethnographic complex of wooden architecture in the open air (Komi Republic, southern part of the Syktyvdinsky district, 49 kilometers from the regional center of the village of Vylgort and 55 kilometers from the city of Syktyvkar, village of Yb)

68. Ethnographic and ecological villages on the territory of the tourist SEZ (Kaluga region, Tarussky district)

69. Ethnographic village of Old Believers (Krasnodar region, Primorsko-Akhtarsky district, Novopokrovsky village)

70. Ethnographic village (Republic of Mordovia, Saransk)

71. Ethnographic village (Adygea, 10 km from Maykop)

72. Eco-ethnic villages and the “around the world” tourist route historical journey" (Krasnodar region, Sochi)

73. Ethnographic complex (ethnopark) “Three Epochs” as part of the Megapark “Land of Kutha” (Kamchatka Territory, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)

74. Ethnographic Museum of Orochi on outdoors(Khabarovsk region, Vaninsky district)

Ethnomir (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The ethnographic park-museum Ethnomir is a real world in miniature: on the territory of 140 hectares there are thematic corners illustrating the architecture, culture and traditions of different peoples of the planet. “Villages” of Ukraine and Belarus, homes of the countries of Central Asia, a Russian courtyard, creations of architects of the Russian North, Siberia and the Far East, copies of monumental buildings of the countries of South Asia and the amazingly beautiful Street of Peace, which presents blocks copied from real cities different countries- here is just an incomplete list of the wonders of the Ethnoworld. And here you can go inside a real Russian stove, visit the museums of samovars and irons, feel nostalgic for the friendly past at the Museum of the USSR, admire the dolls of the peoples of the world and delve into the intricacies of the process of obtaining honey at the Beekeeping Museum. Themed hotels and restaurants are included, so you don’t have to leave Ethnomir for several days.

IN exhibition complex“Peace Street” you can visit 43 national pavilions of different countries.

What to see

Ethnomir Park is a grandiose complex in the Kaluga region, where you can go on a weekend from Moscow. However, it is better to take several days to visit, or return here more than once. The territory of the complex is divided into 6 ethno-yards, in each of which the flavor of a separate country or geographic region is recreated: “Russian Compound”, “Ukraine and Belarus”, “Countries of Central Asia”, “Museum of the Russian Stove”, “North, Siberia and Far East" and "Countries of South Asia". Here you can see not only examples of characteristic buildings with completely original interiors, but also stay in a themed ethnic hotel and taste national food. Traditional events are also held in each ethnoyard: folk dances, performances, carnival processions.

In the exhibition complex “Street of Peace” you can visit 43 national pavilions, where they conduct excursions, organize culinary and craft master classes, hold exhibitions and sell folk crafts.

In addition, in Ethnomir it is worth visiting an open-air park dedicated to the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, where you can see 40 dwellings of the indigenous peoples of the North: tents, yurts, log houses, booths and much more.

There are also about a dozen magnificent museums: irons and samovars, wildlife, beekeeping, antique cameras, the USSR and so on.

Hotels and restaurants

On the territory of Ethnomir, 10 themed hotels await guests, whose architecture and interior decoration They replicate the structures of ethnic courtyards. In particular, you can stay at the Russian House, Ukraine, Belarus hotels, at a Central Asian nomad camp, in a caravanserai or an Indian mansion.

Six Ethnomir restaurants will feed visitors with traditional dishes from the cuisines of the peoples of the world presented in the exhibition. Russian dumplings and Ukrainian borscht, pizza and pasta, Uzbek pilaf and tea and much, much more - here you can take a gastronomic journey across countries and continents.

One day in Ethnomir

Practical information

Address: Kaluga region, Borovskoy district, Petrovo village.

You can get to Ethnomir by car along the Kievsky (91 km from the MKAD) or Minsk (70 km from the MKAD) highway, by train from the Kievsky railway station to the Balabanovo station and then by taxi (30 km and 400 RUB per car) or by organized transfer departing on Saturdays and Sundays at 10:00 from the Molodezhnaya metro station.

Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 21:00.

The cost of visiting is 600 RUB on weekends and 500 RUB on weekdays. The price includes staying in the complex all day and participating in all activities.

Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Ethnoparks and open-air ethnographic complexes are one of the most interesting and accessible entertainment for all ages. Visiting them allows you to better understand the worldview, culture and art of the indigenous peoples of Russia, and just have fun with the whole family.

The analytical agency "TurStat" presented a list of the most popular Russian ethnoparks and open-air ethnomuseums in 2018. Their ranking is based on statistics of visits and offers for tourists.

This is one of best museums wooden architecture, if you are interested in the Russian north with its original architecture. There are more than 100 wooden buildings on an area of ​​140 hectares.

You can take a tour of the museum on your own; fortunately, there are signs and diagrams along the route. But it is better to use the services of an experienced guide. It will guide you through four different sectors.

Each of them shows an ancient village with a special layout and a model of the life of a northern village. There are also interesting displays and exhibitions dedicated to the interior of a northern house, local means of transportation and famous people.

9. “Vatan”, Republic of Bashkortostan

This park is one of the most interesting projects implemented in preparation for the SCO and BRICS summits in 2015. It was built in the city of Ufa, in a picturesque area with a beautiful view of the Belaya River. And demonstrates to everyone the peculiarities of life of the peoples of Bashkiria.

On the territory of “Vatan” there is a library, as well as many yurts, including a tea room and a souvenir room. At informative stands you can admire the beauty of Bashkiria. And along the well-groomed paths and squares it is pleasant to take a leisurely stroll with the whole family.

Near the park there are many cafes, restaurants and hotels.

8. “My Russia”, Sochi

The opening of this park was timed to coincide with the 2014 Olympics. It is located in the village of Esto-Sadok, and houses eleven pavilions demonstrating the history and life of the peoples from different regions Russia.

Children under 6 years old enter the park free of charge, and there are discounts for different categories of citizens.

There are several cafes and a museum of Cossack life in the park.

However, you will have to conduct excursions around “My Russia” on your own, since there are no audio guides or live guides in the park. Perhaps this omission will be corrected soon.

7. “Golden Horde”, Irkutsk region

One of the best ethnoparks in Russia is located in the village of Ust-Ordynsky, on the road to Lake Baikal.

It offers an introduction to the cultural features and everyday life of the Buryat people, carefully preserved over the centuries.

The park contains the most beautiful carved yurt in Russia. And when you get tired from a long walk, you can eat dishes of national Buryat cuisine. The Golden Horde hosts permanent and seasonal thematic exhibitions, sports competitions, master classes (including gastronomic and applied classes), historical quests, and national rituals.

And young visitors will certainly be delighted with the petting zoo, with sheep, horned goats, horses and yaks.

6. “Tygydym”, Yaroslavl region

An ethno-village with a funny name is located in the village of Mukhino. Its special feature is a quest called “Secrets of the Tygydym Horse”, recognized as the best children's event in Russia in 2015.

To unravel the mystery of the magic horse, you will have to work hard: light the oven, get honey, feed the horse and do many other good and useful deeds.

All guests of the village can try ancient peasant dishes, learn about the rituals and superstitions associated with the peasant table and admire

Children under 3 years old will be able to see the famous Tygydym horse for free.

5. “Nomad”, Moscow region

TurStat gave fifth place in the ranking of the most popular ethnoparks in Russia to an excellent place for family vacation. The park is located in Khotkovo, just 45 kilometers from the capital.

In “Nomads” you can learn more about life and everyday life nomadic peoples, feed the animals at the zoo, visit different kinds yarang, tents and yurts (including a music and tea room), attend thematic master classes, as well as various performances for children.

Little nomads will probably want to shoot at a shooting range, ride a camel, or ride a deer. And the big ones might risk trying special Mongolian tea with salt and milk.

Children under three years old are admitted to the park free of charge.

4. “Okolitsa”, Tomsk region

A famous Russian rural park located in the village of Zorkaltsevo. This is the embodiment of the beautiful and ancient wooden architecture of Siberia. The open-air museum occupies 17 hectares, although only half of this territory has been developed so far.

The mini-farm operating on the territory of “Okolitsa” contains a Vietnamese fold pig, horses, rare breeds of chickens, moose and many other animals that children love to play with.

Perhaps the museum’s most famous program is the “Axe Festival,” which this year will take place from August 21 to 26. In addition to “traditional” carpenters, lumberjacks, woodcarvers and woodworkers, glassblowers and birch bark makers will also be invited.

3. Finno-Ugric Ethnopark, Komi Republic

This ethnocultural park is known not only for its infrastructure, but also for the unforgettable name of the village in which it is located. It is called briefly and succinctly - Yb.

Visitors are offered excursions dedicated to the life and customs of the inhabitants of Komi, quizzes, as well as master classes, such as making a rain stick, weaving dolls and wreaths from grass, and creating a talisman doll. You can have a very tasty lunch at the local cafe “Finnougoria”. Adult excursionists are also allowed to shoot with a bow, a gun or a crossbow, soar in a bathhouse “in black” and are entertained by performances of rural ensembles.

At the beginning of May, the ethnopark will host a gastronomic festival, and at the end of June, an aeronautics festival.

A special feature of the Finno-Ugric ethnopark is free entry. But you already have to pay for participation in various programs.

2. “Ethnomir”, Kaluga region

In second position in the list of the best park-museums in Russia in 2018 is the ethnographic museum built in the village of Petrovo.

On the territory of “Ethnomir” there is an eco-bath “Bereginya”, a huge number of excursions are held, such as “Mother Stove, the Soul of the Russian Home”, “Travel to Asia”, “Travel to India”, lectures and master classes. Children will love the dinosaur park, rope course and maze.

The area of ​​this ethno-museum is simply huge, and it is unlikely that you will be able to get around it in a day. But this is not a problem, because “Ethnomir” is also a cozy and comfortable hotel where you can stay with the whole family.

1. “Ataman”, Krasnodar region

First place in the top 10 went to tourist complex, located in the village of Taman. This life-size Cossack village was visited by 2 million people in 2017.

“Ataman” is a visual illustration of the life and everyday life of the Kuban Cossacks, which you can touch with your own hands. And also give it a try, because the village offers excellent dishes of Ukrainian, Russian and Caucasian cuisine.

Each farmstead (kuren) in this historical and cultural complex is dedicated to a particular craft, occupation or aspect of Cossack life. For example, there is a farmstead of a potter, a cooper, a saddler and a blacksmith.

Houses, Cossack utensils, britzkas and carts that will take you to the desired building, creative teams in traditional dresses - all this immerses you in a special atmosphere of antiquity. A funny Games, competitions and performances will not let even the most jaded tourist get bored.

On the outskirts of Atamani there is a stunningly beautiful view of the sea.

“Ethno-village”, “ethnic village” is a rapidly developing phenomenon in the cultural and tourism space of Russia. The term "ethnic village" itself is not established; in relation to such objects the terms “ethnographic”, “national” and even “international” are also used.

Currently, there are about fifty, and over twenty ethnic villages are being designed in different Russian regions - from the Smolensk region to Kamchatka. In many ways, the creation of ethno-villages is associated with the development of tourism (ethnic tourism). There are other reasons.

The concept of an ethno-village can be viewed from different perspectives. From the perspective of ethnography, an ethno-village is presented as a settlement that has preserved its so-called “ethnic type”, with a system of characteristics characterizing the traditional culture of the ethnos. In the field of tourism, the concept of “ethno-village” is interpreted as a tourist facility, a specially equipped place (complex) for the development of ethnic tourism, as well as in combination with agro- and ecotourism.

From the position of ethnocultural landscape science, an ethnovillage is considered as a new type of cultural landscape, a cultural landscape of the 21st century. In principle, an ethno-village is a simulated cultural landscape. Even in cases where an ethno-village is created on the basis of a real village, the “ethno-village cultural landscape” acts as a model, replica, imitation, and sometimes figurative stylization of a traditional village landscape with all its connecting components (Kalutskov, 2000). It is obvious that the material components of the cultural landscape are better suited to modeling - the natural landscape, architecture, village layout, elements of traditional economic activities, agricultural and fishing. However, considerable experience has already been accumulated in modeling spiritual culture. On the basis of ethno-villages, folklore festivals, festive ritual events are held, weddings are celebrated according to ethnic patterns, etc.

Ethnic villages differ in their purpose, functions and specifics. The following goals for creating ethno-villages can be distinguished: preservation of valuable, unique and typical architectural structures traditional for a given area; demonstration of planning and spatial-organizational ethnic traditions; demonstration of the main economic and fishing characteristics of the ethnic group; holding traditional folk festivals; organization of ethnocultural tourism.

Among the functions of ethno-villages, the following stand out: the function of protecting objects of ethnographic heritage; educational, educational and educational; recreational and tourist.

Let us consider the origins, formation and current state of ethnovillages in our country from the position of ethnocultural landscape studies, as a new type of cultural landscape, dynamically developing in the context of globalization.

In Russia, the creation of ethno-villages in the form of museums of wooden architecture dates back to the 1960-70s. This stage of development of ethno-villages is characterized by a focus on preserving traditional village buildings that are unique and typical for a given region - temples, residential buildings, and utility buildings. The activities of the museum-reserves themselves were dominated by protective and educational functions. Open-air museums in Arkhangelsk “Malye Korely” and Novgorod “Vitoslavitsy” can be called typical for this period.

The implementation of these principles in a situation of planned state support has yielded results. Already by the 1980s. In many regions, full-fledged cultural and landscape complexes were created that well reflect the architectural, planning, decorative and other features of the regional cultural tradition.

On the one hand, the crisis of the 1990s suspended the systematic activities of wooden architecture museums for a long time. For this reason, for example, in the Arkhangelsk museum of wooden architecture “Malye Korely” there is still no sector of Pomeranian culture - the “nuclear” culture for this regional tradition (“We didn’t have time!”). But, on the other hand, there are also positive aspects. Already in the 1980-90s. the revitalization of the architectural landscape of museum-reserves occurs through the support of traditional crafts with the organization of fairs on their territory, and subsequently master classes, the revival of traditional holidays with the invitation of folk groups, folk craftsmen, musicians, singers, holding folk festivals and competitions. Museum-reserves are becoming centers of regional cultural life and are beginning to work more actively with external tourist flows.

In the 2000s. In the situation with ethno-villages, new directions of development have emerged. The active movement to create more and more ethnic villages turned out to be connected not only with the requirements of the tourism sector, but also with global processes, with the national policies of the Federation Subjects, with the processes of development of regional and local identity. New types of ethno-villages are emerging, new subtypes of “ethno-village cultural landscapes” - national villages, regional ethno-villages of national republics, local ethno-villages, including ethno-villages of small peoples of Russia, as well as world (global) ethno-villages.

In the new situation, the regional principle of organizing ethno-villages received new content. This is manifested in the creation, on the initiative of regional administrations, of so-called national villages (for example, national villages of the peoples of the Saratov and Orenburg regions). Their creation by the administration is seen as an element of national policy in a multinational region. Architectural authenticity in this case is no longer of great importance. The buildings in such ethno-villages are figurative stylizations of different ethno-architectural styles. On the basis of such ethno-villages, ethnographic exhibitions, museums, ethnic clubs, and folklore groups are created. This supports different ethnocultural identities in the regions.

“Regional ethno-villages” of national republics, reflecting the traditional ethnic cultural landscape of the republic, are similar in their spatial organization and operating principles to museums of wooden architecture. The most interesting ethno-villages of this type are located in Chuvashia, the Ibresinsky Open Air Ethnographic Museum, and Buryatia. Ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia in the village of Verkhnyaya Berezovka, in the Mari-El Republic, Ethnographic Open Air Museum in Kozmodemyansk.

Activities based on the ethno-villages of small peoples of Russia have a pronounced ecological, cultural, protective nature. In this regard, children's ethno-health centers in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug are interesting, for example, the ethnic camp "Man Uskve", created specifically for children of small peoples of this territory in order to preserve their culture, peculiarities of their worldview, language and methods of farming, as well as the health of children. The activities of other ethno-villages of small peoples are focused on promoting spiritual culture, familiarization with elements of material culture, ideological aspects of relationships with nature (complexes “Bakaldyn”, “Us Khatyn”, etc. in Yakutia; Itelmenskaya village, “Menedek” in the Kamchatka Territory; ethnographic complex in the village of Gornoknyazevsk, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

World (global) ethnovillages are a tourism product designed for entertainment services with an ethnic connotation. Local cultural traditions are usually not taken into account when creating them. “Ethnomir”, located in the vicinity of the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region, is a vivid example of a commercially large-scale tourism project. It is planned to place about 100 ethnic courtyards on its territory, imitating the life and way of life of the peoples of about 270 countries. Russia as a multinational country will be represented by 12 ethnic yards (peoples of the Caucasus, Volga region, Urals, Far East, Siberia). The houses will house workshops, retail shops, hotels (“ethnic homes” with all amenities) and restaurants serving national cuisines. A smaller-scale project is the ethnographic complex “Tram” in the Krasnodar Territory (Fadeevo village). It eclectically presents various cultures: elements of European medieval culture (Scandinavian castle, English tower, European mill), Circassian buildings, yurts, and the entrance gate is completely made in the Chinese style. In addition, the complex has a zoo, which is stylized as a livestock farm, and also contains a stable.

The ethnic village belongs to the globalization cultural landscapes, representing one of the new types of cultural landscapes of the 21st century - an imitative cultural landscape. At the same time, some ethno-village cultural landscapes are immediately projected as imitatively global (“world village”), while others reflect the originality of the local cultural tradition, sometimes acting as the last stronghold of local identity.

Ethnicity in ethno-villages can be defined both as a museum exhibit and as a living cultural tradition in its various manifestations - from folklore to national cuisine.

The emerging system of ethnic villages in Russia can be considered as the infrastructure of a new type of tourism for the country - ethnocultural tourism (Butuzov, 2009). Tourism, the purpose of which is familiarization with the ethnocultural heritage, is promising for Russia. The country has a rich and diverse ethnocultural heritage, a unique combination of various ethnocultural complexes.

Along with nurturing a tolerant, respectful attitude towards the “other”, towards another culture, which is especially important in the situation of multi-ethnic Russia, ethnic villages contribute to the preservation of diverse cultural traditions, increased ethnic self-awareness, as well as the formation of an image of regions that can attract tourists both from Russia and from abroad.

Ethnopark and camel farm “Nomad”
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district
Open on Saturday and Sunday

The open-air ethnographic park “Nomad” introduces guests to the traditions and culture of nomadic peoples of different countries. The park has several zones - the Mongolian courtyard (the culture of the nomads of Mongolia, Buryatia and Kalmykia), the Turkic courtyard (the culture of the nomads of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan), the Northern camp (the culture of the nomads of Chukotka, Yamal, the Komi Republic and adjacent regions). Here you can see authentic dwellings: Mongolian yurts, Turkic yurts, Chukotka yaranga, Nenets plagues, and also a zoo with Kalmyk camels, Mongolian yaks, a donkey, lambs, goats and geese.
During ethnographic excursions they will tell you about the life, traditions and culture of nomads of Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Chukotka and Yamal.
You can come to the ethnopark for an excursion or a concert of its own ensemble “Nomad”, which performs Chukchi, Eskimo, Koryak, and Nenets dances. You can also attend handicraft workshops on creating traditional amulets and leather jewelry.

Historical Park "Ratobor Field"
Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district
Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday

The Ratobor field, 40 km from Moscow, was invented by the Ratobortsy historical projects agency. Here are located an ancient Slavic farm, a tournament stadium, Mongolian yurts and an ethnopark. During a visit to the Ratobor Field, guests enter the world Ancient Rus' and get acquainted with her life on a farm in the 10th century. The ethnopark introduces you to the authentic dwellings, life, traditions and culture of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia, Buryatia, Kyrgyzstan, Chukotka, Kazakhstan and Yamal. In summer you can ride a camel or donkey, in winter you can ride a dog or reindeer sled. Historical festivals are held on the field, and here you can also shoot in a medieval shooting range and relax with your family in a yurt or an Irish house. There is a playground for children fairy world Scandinavian myths.

Ethnopark "Ethnomir"
Kaluga region, Petrovo village
Open daily

One of the most popular and largest ethnopark in Russia. You should come to Ethnopark for festivals and holidays, at any time - to look at the traditional homes of different countries. The museum has ethnoyards “Ukraine and Belarus”, “Museum of the Russian Stove”, “Countries of Central Asia”, “North, Siberia and the Far East”, “Countries of South Asia”, “Russian Compound” and “Peace Street”, which introduces life of European countries, Asia, Africa, Australia and Latin America; as well as museums: Museum of Samovars, Museum of Dolls of the World, Museum of Irons, Museum of Russian Stoves.
In “Ethnomir” you can live in the nomadic houses of the peoples of Kyrgyzstan, Tuva, Kazakhstan and Tibet or in Indian tipis. Keepers of the courtyards will talk about traditions and introduce folklore and legends of their people.

Museum of Nomadic Culture
Moscow, metro station Aviamotornaya
Open daily from 10 to 19.00, by appointment

Small, but interesting museum nomadic culture introduces visitors to the life of nomadic tribes of Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and the Far North. On interactive excursions which take place in a yurt, tent, yaranga, tent, tipi or Tibetan tent, a guide in traditional clothes nomads tells about the life of each people. All exhibitions are located in real nomadic dwellings; the exhibits can be touched with your hands. In total, the museum has 4 main exhibitions: Steppe, Desert, North and New Dwellings: Tibetan tent, Indian tipi (Lakota), Gypsy tent.

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
Moscow, metro station Maryina Roshcha
Open daily except Saturdays and Jewish holidays

In the fully interactive Jewish Museum you can get acquainted with the culture and life of the Jewish people from the reign of Catherine II to the present day. Permanent exhibition The museum includes 12 thematic spaces, each of which corresponds to a specific period of world and Russian history. Here you can visit the local bazaar, overhear conversations in the kitchen and stories of dissidents. The Jewish town (shtetl) is the central space of the museum, from where you can enter the halls, dedicated to life Jews in big cities Russian Empire And Soviet Russia. During the excursion, visitors are introduced to the traditional Jewish way of life, laws, customs, holidays and rituals. The museum has a wonderful Children's Center.

State Museum of Oriental Art
Moscow, metro station Arbatskaya
Open daily except Monday

IN State Museum East you can get acquainted with the enormous cultural heritage of the peoples of the Near and Middle East, Asia and the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far North. The museum's collections contain works of painting, sculpture and decorative arts from Japan and Korea, China and India. On excursions, children can get acquainted with fairy tales and legends of the East, attend a tea ceremony and visit the “Special Pantry” exhibition, which presents the peoples and cultures that existed in the North Caucasus from the 5th century. BC. to 14th century AD