Moliere short biography. Jean Moliere

Oblomov's image

1. Lifestyle of Ilya Ilyich.

2. Oblomov's image and those around.

3. What is Oblomovism?

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lives in big house on Gorokhovaya Street. This is a young man, a landowner, “about thirty-two years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in the facial features... softness was the dominant and basic expression, not only of the face, but of the whole soul; and the soul shone so openly and clearly in the eyes, in the smile, in every movement of the head and hand.”

Oblomov's image prefers a comfortable robe, which he wears at home without a vest or tie. His pastime is the same for any time of day: Ilya Ilyich almost always lies down. He can't even find the strength to get up and wash himself. Goncharov compares his hero with a patient, saying that lying down is an urgent necessity for both the patient and Oblomov. Everything goes on in the house without Oblomov’s participation in this; even the old servant Zakhar, who raised him since childhood and still lives with him, does not keep order. He himself decided what was his responsibility and would not do anything else.

Everything is left to chance, Ilya Ilyich, of course, likes cleanliness, but he would prefer it to arise by itself. A letter arrives from the village of Oblomovka, the estate of Ilya Ilyich: the headman writes that the men are scattering, there is no harvest, and, therefore, Oblomovka will bring less money. It is obvious that the headman is not clean, but Oblomov can neither go to investigate on the spot nor write him an answer. At first there is ardor to answer, but no paper, then, when paper is found for writing, the ardor disappears. Either you have to have breakfast or you run out of ink. The move from an apartment, which the owners are planning to renovate, and the search for new housing are also progressing.

Oblomov has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years. He gradually moves away from society, limiting himself to communicating with the acquaintances who come to him. At first he was ready to enter the service, but it soon disappointed him: it was tedious to write endless papers. He used to understand service relations almost like a family, I thought that the boss should take care of him as if he were taking care of himself, be like his own father. But the illusions collapsed when Oblomov, a clerical official, accidentally sent important document instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk, mixing up the cities. Ilyo Ilyich was not fired, but he himself, fearing a reprimand from his superiors, called in sick and then, without ever returning to work, quit.

Wayward in society Oblomov's image he didn’t get along either, he gradually got tired of going to parties, it was hard to put on a tailcoat and shave every day. He did not have close relationships with women, he only bowed at a distance. Over time, only Stolz could bring him into the public eye, and he was often out of town. Therefore, Oblomov spent more and more time at home. He was unaccustomed to going out and was afraid of them, since he was not used to crowded bustle. Even if a spark lights up in Oblomov, his determination to change his life at least a little does not last long.

It’s hard for him to read, the bookmark in the book may lie in one place for a long time, even the book itself will be lost somewhere, while Oblomov “reads” it. The passion for poetry passed without a trace. Looking at Stolz, Oblomov's image becomes infected by his youthful heat, but quickly cools down if Stolz does not control him hourly.

Goncharov compares his hero's head with a library of scattered volumes of different contents. Oblomov, in moments of elation, encouraged by Stolz, seriously thinks about his destiny, looks for his place in life. But it all ends with dreams on the couch. His inner life is in full swing, Ilya Ilyich imagines himself as a great commander, artist, thinker. But for some reason everyone around him thinks that he is not doing anything. In the end, Oblomov thinks about the quiet family happiness and worries about the estate, mentally draws plans and draws up estimates. This goes on for several years.

Life is in full swing around Oblomov, acquaintances visit him, talk about weddings, promotions, and invite him somewhere all the time. He is motionless. Ilya Ilyich receives visitors so that he has someone to complain to and ask him to lift his handkerchief, read a book, or write a letter. The doctor says that with this lifestyle, Oblomov will die of a stroke in two or three years. He recommends that he not read, avoid thoughts, more walk, dance and hunt, go abroad. But Oblomov's image is not capable of such decisive steps.

Stolz helps him, introducing him to Olga, for whose sake Oblomov's image I have become more active in my lifestyle. But the relationship did not end with a wedding, as he dreamed: he could not stand this rhythm. The idyll of Oblomov’s life appears in his dream: the quiet, sleepy village of Oblomovka, where nothing worries people, even a thunderstorm comes at the appointed time. Particularly striking is the picture of universal afternoon sleep, which is like a general disease. From childhood, Oblomov absorbed the attitude of those around him, who were not burdened with affairs, towards life, and this brought results.

Closest to Oblomov are his faithful servant Zakhar and friend Andrei Stolts. For Zakhar, his master is superior to everyone. Stolz is German on his father's side, Russian on his mother's side, and received a practical labor education, different from Oblomov's. He accomplished a lot: he served and retired, made a house and money. Oblomov's image the same, according to Stolz, like a lump of dough. Andrei takes him everywhere with him, but Oblomov gets tired and says that his ideal is to get married, go to the village and live there leisurely. Stolz tells him that this is not life, but Oblomovism. This is how Ilya Ilyich’s life ends: he finds his dream in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna, which does not require him to change his life.

Dobrolyubov, in the article “What is Oblomovism,” condemned the “apathetic” master, spoke about the inertia of feudal Russia, and saw in “Oblomov” its collapse. The hero for Dobrolyubov is “a living, modern Russian type, minted with merciless severity and correctness.” He ranked Oblomov among the “superfluous people” - Onegin, Pechorin, Rudin, Beltov.

Aesthetic criticism saw a pure, gentle nature in the hero. Oblomovism is a typically national phenomenon; it is a common path for provincial nobles. Service in the department is beyond Oblomov’s strength, who preferred lying on the couch to a career. The first part of the novel describes the disease, and the second gives an explanation for it. The kingdom of serf Russia is the origin of Oblomov’s apathy, inactivity, and fear of life. Oblomovism is an expression of the social disorder of feudal Russia. Its reason is the habit of receiving everything for free, without labor.

Oblomov, as Goncharov wrote, is “the embodiment of sleep, stagnation, immobility, dead life, - crawling from day to day, in one person and one setting, and at the same time Oblomov's image absorbed the main features national character... both the best and the worst."

The pinnacle of creativity of the talented Russian prose writer and criticism XIX century, Ivan Goncharov became the novel “Oblomov”, published in 1859 in the magazine “ Domestic notes" Its epic scale artistic research The lives of the Russian nobility in the mid-nineteenth century allowed this work to occupy one of the central places in Russian literature.

Characteristics of the main character

The main character of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a young (32-33 years old) Russian nobleman who idly and carefree lives on his estate. Has a pleasant appearance main feature which is gentleness in all his features and the fundamental expression of his soul.

His very favorite hobby- this is apathetic lying on the sofa and meaningless spending of time in empty thoughts and dreamy thoughts. Moreover, the complete absence of any actions is his conscious choice, because he once had a position in the department and was waiting for promotion career ladder. But then he got bored with it and gave up everything, making his ideal a carefree life filled with sleepy peace and tranquility, like in childhood.

(Old faithful servant Zakhar)

Oblomov is distinguished by his sincerity, gentleness and kindness; he has not even lost such a valuable moral quality like conscience. He is far from evil or bad deeds, but at the same time it is confident to say that he positive hero, it is forbidden. Goncharov drew for the reader scary picture spiritual desolation of Oblomov and his moral decay. Old and faithful servant Zakhar - mirror reflection the character of his young master. He is just as lazy and sloppy, devoted to the depths of his soul to his master and also shares with him the philosophy of his life.

One of the main storylines in the novel, which reveals the character of the main character in the best possible way, is Oblomov’s love relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. The romantic feelings that suddenly flared up in Oblomov’s heart for this young and sweet person awaken in him an interest in spiritual life, he begins to take an interest in the art and mental demands of his time. Thus, there is a ray of hope that Oblomov can return to normal human life. Love opens up new things in him that no one has ever seen before. famous features his character, inspires and inspires him to a new life.

But in the end, the feeling of love for this pure and highly moral girl becomes a bright, but very short-lived flash in the measured and monotonous life of the lazy gentleman. The illusions that they can be together are dispelled very quickly, they are too different from Olga, he will never be able to become the one she wants to see next to her. There is a natural break in the relationship. In the process of choosing between romantic dates and the serene sleepy state in which he lived most In his conscious life, Oblomov chooses his usual and favorite option of doing nothing. And only in the house of Agafya Pshenitsina, surrounded by such familiar care and an idle, carefree life, does he find his ideal refuge, where his life quietly and imperceptibly ends.

The image of the main character in the work

After its release, the novel received close attention from both critics and readers. By the name of the main character of this work(on the initiative of the famous literary critic Dobrolyubov) a whole concept of “Oblomovism” appeared, which subsequently became widespread historical meaning. It is described as a real disease of modern Russian society, when young and full of strength people of noble origin are busy with reflection and apathy, they are afraid to change anything in their lives and prefer lazy and idle vegetation instead of action and struggle for their happiness.

According to Dobrolyubov, the image of Oblomov is a symbol of serf society in Russia XIX century. The origins of his “disease” lie precisely in the serfdom, in the technical backwardness of the economy, in the process of exploitation and humiliation of forced peasant slaves. Goncharov revealed to the readers the entire path of development of Oblomov’s character and his complete moral degradation, which extends not only to one individual representative noble class, but also for the entire nation as a whole. Oblomov’s path, sadly enough, is the path of most people who do not have specific purpose in life and absolutely useless for society.

Even such noble and lofty feelings as friendship and love could not break this vicious circle of laziness and idleness, so one can only sympathize with Oblomov that he did not find the strength to cast off the shackles of sleep and live a new, full life.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a gentleman brought up in the patriarchal environment of the family estate. “What is Oblomovism?”; the main idea is that Ilya Ilyich is a natural person, and Oblomovism is an artificial, incorrect world that has disfigured the lives of both Oblomov himself and those people who ended up in this world. Oblomov did not harm anyone; he lived his life like a child. Oblomov is a product of the “three hundred Zakharovs” constantly looming behind him; Oblomov’s life is the result of disharmony in relationships between people: as a child, Ilya could kick Zakhar in the face if he wore his boot poorly, and in the end Oblomov himself is enslaved by Zakhar, dependent on him. Oblomovism is the impossibility of action, and this quality has become a generic property of the Russian mentality. Article by A.V. Druzhinin “Oblomov”, Goncharov’s novel” - Oblomov deserves love: because he is kind and incapable of an evil act. The image of Oblomov reflects the immaturity of society as a whole; it is not Oblomov’s fault that he is like this. The first part of the novel is a description of one day of Oblomov. The furnishings of Oblomov’s room are described in detail: among the general desolation is the figure of the owner, peacefully sleeping on his sofa. The robe and shoes symbolize general atmosphere sleepy peace in which Oblomov exists. The role of “Oblomov’s Dream” in revealing the image of the hero and the composition of the novel. Oblomovka, her life, which shaped the character of the hero. Social and everyday life; the idea of ​​labor as punishment. A dream as a true reality. Confinement of space for residents of Oblomovka. Fear of sudden changes. One day of Oblomov. Stages of Oblomov’s life: former activity, youthful faith in ideals, apathy towards life; awareness of one’s own uselessness and meaninglessness of existence. Positive features(gentleness, simplicity, generosity, kindness) and negative traits(apathy, laziness, lack of purpose and interest in life, indifference). Oblomov's assessment in criticism. Article by N. A. Dobrolyubov
Oblomov in the character system.
Oblomov and Zakhar. Oblomov's features in Zakhara. Oblomov and Stolz. Stolz is the antipode of Oblomov. The author's attitude towards Stolz. Stolz's activities and his ideological position. The main character traits of Stolz: the meaning of life in work, efficiency, enterprise, lack of dreams. The desire for personal independence. The habit of relying only on one’s own strengths, achieving everything through one’s own labor. Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga's main character traits: dissatisfaction with herself and life; desire for active work, naturalness. The problem of women's equal rights with men. The originality of the heroine's nature. Oblomov and Pshenitsyna.

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  1. Oblomov and “Oblomovism” in I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” I. Goncharov’s moral sensitivity. Modern society presented in the novel, in the moral, psychological, philosophical and social aspects of its existence. II. “Oblomovshchina.” 1. Oblomov...
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  5. Oblomov's personality is far from ordinary, although other characters treat him with slight disrespect. For some reason they read him as almost inferior in comparison to them. Exactly...
  6. The reason Oblomov wrote the letter was the words Olga said to him. After her declaration of love, he thinks for a long time. Oblomov stands in front of the mirror, looks at himself and says that Olga is wrong, that...
  7. Always look at the hearts of your fellow citizens. If you find calm and peace in them, then you can truly say: everyone is blessed. A. Radishchev Goncharov’s Roman “Oblomov” was written at the junction of two eras, two historical...
  8. Goncharov wrote three novels, which, being neither highly social canvases nor examples of complex psychologism, nevertheless became a kind of encyclopedia of national character, way of life, life philosophy. Oblomov is stable, pure...
  9. The image of Oblomov in Russian literature closes the series of “superfluous” people. An inactive contemplator, incapable of active action, at first glance really seems incapable of a great and bright feeling, but so...
  10. Goncharov said: “Love moves the world with the power of an Archimedean lever.” These words can be taken as an epigraph not only to Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”, but also to all human life in general. Love in...
  11. The novel “Oblomov”, which occupies central place in the works of the wonderful Russian writer Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, delights readers to this day. The author wrote “Oblomov” for more than ten years, gradually honing his skills, style,...
  12. Russian literature 2nd half of the 19th century century “The purpose in life is the core of human dignity and human happiness” (K. D. Ushinsky). Oblomov's companions. (Based on the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov) After release in...
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  23. “Oblomov” - greatest work Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, “one of the most outstanding novels classical literature" This novel clearly reflected the leading features of realism: objectivity and reliability of the depiction of reality, the creation of typical concrete historical...
  24. If you look at it, Oblomov, the hero of Goncharov’s novel, is not just a lazy hero, who, by the way, quite accurately reflects our modern youth. This collective image, which embodies many character traits...
  25. To condemn inactivity and justify efficiency - this was the task the author set for himself in Oblomov. The images of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolts acquired typical features, and the very word “Oblomovism” became a household word.... Russian literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century “Education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person...” (V. G. Belinsky). (Based on the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov) I recently read the novel by I. A. Goncharov...
  26. The novel “Oblomov” was created over many years with long breaks. It was started in 1846. In the summer of 1849, after a fifteen-year stay in the capital, Goncharov made a trip to his homeland. Them...
  27. The friendship between such dissimilar people as Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts is amazing. They are friendly with early childhood, and yet they have so little in common! One...
The image of Oblomov in I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

1. Lifestyle of Ilya Ilyich,
2. Stolz as an antipode to Oblomov.
3. What is Oblomovism?

This word is Oblomovism; it serves as the key to unraveling many phenomena of Russian life...
N. A. Dobrolyubov

The hero of I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” is a thirty-two-year-old landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, “of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in his facial features...”. Just as there was no idea in his facial features, there was no idea in his life. He once went to work every day, but after he sent the document to Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan, he quit. He was afraid of possible reprimands from his superiors. Previously, he thought that officials are one family, and the boss always takes care of his subordinates. He was cruelly deceived, and he was tired of writing endless papers at work. After his dismissal, he first stopped wearing a tailcoat instead of a robe, and then stopped shaving. Gradually, lying on the sofa became for this purpose young man necessity, sometimes he did not get up from the sofa even to wash himself.

Life is in full swing around Oblomov - former colleagues and friends come, people get married, go to visit, work, but Ilya Ilyich does not care about this. He cannot even make an effort to write to the headman of the village to sort out his debts or move out of his rented apartment. Oblomov “was proud that he didn’t have to go with a report, write papers, that there was room for his feelings, his imagination.” But Ilya Ilyich also does not use this space for imagination. As soon as it lights up with something, it instantly cools down. While he is dreaming, he can at least be robbed, which is what the cunning Tarantiev does. Oblomov sees his destiny in family happiness and worries about the estate. How many plans were made by him while lying on the sofa! And like castles in the air, they collapsed without being realized. Ilya Ilyich believes that his inner life she is very rich, but no one sees this, only her friend Andrei Stolz and servant Zakhar, who is lazy just like his master, and also a liar.

The hero is unable to solve his problems, and all his “friends” turn a deaf ear to his requests, rushing somewhere. Ilya Ilyich has only one hope - his old friend Stolz - he can sort everything out. Stolz, the same age and friend of Oblomov, half German, half Russian, “the good bursh,” as his father called him, was energetic and active from childhood. This is the complete opposite of the main character. Having studied, he worked for his father in a boarding school as a tutor for a salary. By the age of thirty-two, Andrei managed to retire, acquire a home, and earn capital. This man does not need advisers, he will calculate everything himself, pedantically in German. Therefore, for Oblomov, he is the solution to many problems. Sometimes a friend can even encourage Oblomov to leave the house and visit guests for a whole week. A doctor’s visit to Oblomov brings unpleasant news: with this lifestyle, he will die of a stroke in two or three years. Stolz awakens Oblomov’s thoughts of traveling around the world, Ilya Ilyich is full of determination and strength, inspired as never before. But as soon as Andrey leaves, he is again overcome by apathy. He has not gone abroad, but by inertia he still gets up at seven in the morning, puts on a tailcoat, writes and reads.

Having met Olga Ilyinskaya through Stolz, Ilya Ilyich falls in love. But after an explanation, he decides that he made a mistake. Although Olga dissuades him of this, the balance has already been upset. Soon Oblomov returns to his old way of life. He postpones the wedding for a year and moves into an apartment. Olga sees what is happening to him, and they part. From shock, Oblomov begins to have a fever, and a few years later we see Ilya Ilyich in the same position - he arranges Oblomovka in his apartment. The owner Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna becomes his wife. Olga marries Stolz. Two years later, Oblomov dies from his lifestyle.

So what is Oblomovism? The key to the character of the hero is given to us by his dream. He dreams of the village of Oblomovka, where even thunderstorms occur as scheduled, and all his relatives treat him, seven years old, with sweets. The general afternoon nap hits everyone like a disease. No one in Oblomovka is bothered by passions. Living so comfortably. Its owners are not burdened with anything. Even a fourteen-year-old barchuk gets stockings from Zakhar. Oblomovka is the ideal and norm for Ilya Ilyich. And he returns to her. It’s easier with her than with Olga - she doesn’t demand Oblomov to change.

N. A. Dobrolyubov in the article “What is Oblomovism” (1859) called the main character a symbol of serfdom Russia. It is in the serf system that the origins of this disease lie, in the technically backward economy of the nobility, in the exploitation of the peasants. This way of life comes into conflict with the new bourgeois nobility. Dobrolyubov talks about such characteristic features this phenomenon as moral slavery, lordship, idleness, parasite, social uselessness. According to the critic, Oblomov is the same “ extra person”, only of a different age and temperament, the last of them. The author showed us the evolution and degradation of Ilya Ilyich, and we can call this a national phenomenon. Dobrolyubov defined it as “our indigenous folk type.” Sadly, this is the path of most people who have no purpose in life. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov considers his hero “the embodiment of sleep, stagnation, immobility, dead life - crawling from day to day, in one person and in one setting, and at the same time Oblomov absorbed the main features of the national character; one cannot relate unambiguously to Oblomov, in whom they were embodied We look at both the best and the worst sides of the national character, we do not accept Oblomovism (laziness, apathy, inaction), but we see in him generosity, nobility, honesty, and purity.”

Oblomov was ruined by the habit of getting what he wanted without difficulty, and he became more dependent on Zakhar than the servant himself was on him, the master. Oblomov asks Stolz for help even in small matters, because he cannot solve anything on his own. Oblomov initially had everything that Stolz did not have, so he does not need to work hard to gain a position in society. This hero, according to Dobrolyubov, reflects the collapse of serfdom.


The work “Oblomov” by Goncharov is a socio-psychological novel that was published in 1859. In the book, the author touches on a number of eternal themes: parents and children, love and friendship, the search for the meaning of life and others, revealing them through the biography of the main character - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a lazy, apathetic man, overly dreamy and completely unadapted to real life. The image of Oblomov in Goncharov’s novel is central and most striking in a masculine way works. According to the plot of the book, the reader meets Ilya Ilyich, when the hero has already reached thirty extra years and represents a fully formed personality. Like many men his age, he dreams of big family, children, a sweet, thrifty wife and a prosperous end of life in his native estate - Oblomovka. However, all these ideas about the distant wonderful future remain only in the hero’s dreams; in real life, Ilya Ilyich does absolutely nothing that would bring him even one step closer to the idyllic picture that he had long planned in his dreams.

Oblomov's days pass in continuous idleness; he is even too lazy to get out of bed to greet guests. His whole life is a sleepy kingdom, a dreamy half-asleep, consisting of continuous stringing and creation unrealistic illusions, which exhausted him mentally and from which he sometimes got tired and fell asleep exhausted. In this monotonous life leading to degradation, Ilya Ilyich was hiding from real world, fenced himself off from him in every possible way, afraid of his activity and not wanting to take responsibility for his actions, much less work and confidently step over failures and defeats, continuing to move forward.

Why is Oblomov trying to escape from real life?

To understand the reasons for Oblomov’s escapism, it is worth briefly describing the atmosphere in which the hero was brought up. Home village Ilya Ilyich - Oblomovka, was located in a picturesque and quiet area remote from the capital. Beautiful nature, a calm, measured life on the estate, the lack of need to work and the excessive care of his parents led to the fact that Oblomov was not ready for the difficulties of life outside Oblomovka. Brought up in an atmosphere of love and even adoration, Ilya Ilyich thought that he would encounter a similar attitude towards himself in the service. Imagine his surprise when, instead of similarity loving family, where everyone supports each other, a team with a completely different attitude was waiting for him. At work, no one was interested in him, no one cared about him, since everyone thought only about increasing their own salary and moving up the career ladder. Feeling uncomfortable after his first mistake in the service, Oblomov, on the one hand, fearing punishment, and on the other, having found a reason for dismissal, he leaves his job. More hero did not try to get a job somewhere, living on the money that was sent to him from Oblomovka and spending all his days in bed, thus reliably hiding from the worries and problems of the outside world.

Oblomov and Stolz are antipodal images

The antipode of the image of the main character in the novel “Oblomov” by Ilya Ilyich is his childhood friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stolts. By character and life priorities Stolz is the complete opposite of Oblomov, although they come from the same social class. Unlike the lazy, apathetic, dreamy Ilya Ilyich, who lives exclusively in his past, Andrei Ivanovich always strives forward, he is not afraid of failures, since he knows that in any case he will be able to achieve his goal, to reach ever greater heights. And if the meaning of Oblomov’s life is illusory world, which he builds in his imagination and for which he lives, then for Stolz hard work remains such a meaning.

Despite the fact that in the work the heroes are contrasted as two differently directed principles and two antithetical personality types - introverted and extroverted, Stolz and Oblomov organically complement each other and need each other. Without Andrei Ivanovich, Ilya Ilyich would probably have completely abandoned business in Oblomovka or sold it for pennies to someone like Tarantiev. Stolz most clearly understood the harmful influence of “Oblomovism” on his friend, so he tried with all his might to return him to real life, taking them with them to social events or forcing them to read new books.
The author's introduction into the narrative of such a character as Andrei Ivanovich helps to better understand the image of Ilya Ilyich. Compared to his friend, Oblomov, on the one hand, looks passive, lazy, not wanting to strive for anything. On the other hand, his positive traits- warmth, kindness, tenderness, understanding and sympathy for loved ones, because it was in conversations with Ilya Ilyich that Stolz gained peace of mind, lost in the constant race of life.

Revealing the image of Oblomov through love

In the life of Ilya Ilyich there were two different loves– spontaneous, all-encompassing, stormy and revitalizing love for Olga Ilyinskaya and quiet, pacifying, based on respect, full of peace and monotony love for Agafya Pshenitsyna. The image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is revealed differently in relationships with each of the women.

Love for Olga was that bright ray that could pull the hero out of the “swamp of Oblomovism,” because it was for the sake of Ilyinskaya Oblomov forgets about his favorite robe, begins to read books again, it’s as if his wings grow, as a real goal appears - a possible happy future with Olga, a family and his own comfortable estate. However, Ilya Ilyich was not ready to completely change; Ilyinskaya’s aspirations for constant development and achieving new heights were alien to him. In a relationship with Olga, Oblomov is the first to retreat and the first writes her a letter in which he says that her love is not true feelings. This act can be considered not only as the hero’s weakness, his fear of change and internal passivity, but also as better understanding spheres of feelings, excellent intuitive sense and understanding of the psychology of other people. Ilya Ilyich subconsciously felt that they life paths too different that Olga needs much more than he is ready to give her. And even if he tries to become for her the very ideal of a gentle, kind, sensual, but at the same time continuously developing, active person, he will be unhappy for the rest of his life, never having found the desired happiness.

After the difficult but predetermined separation of Oblomov and Olga, the hero finds solace surrounded by the care of Pshenitsyna. Agafya, by nature, is the ideal of the “Oblomov” woman - poorly educated, but at the same time very kind, sincere, economic, caring for the comfort and satiety of her husband and adoring him. Ilya Ilyich’s feelings for Pshenitsyna were built on respect, which gradually grew into warmth and understanding, and then into a calm, but strong love. Let us remember that when Stolz tried to take Oblomov with him, he did not want to go, not because he was lazy, but because it was important for him to stay with his wife, who was able to give him the happiness that he had dreamed of for so long.


Analysis of Oblomov’s image makes it clear that interpreting Ilya Ilyich as unambiguously positive or negative hero it is forbidden. He attracts the reader in his own way, but also causes antipathy with his laziness and passivity, which indicates the versatility of the character’s nature, his inner depth and, possibly, powerful unrealized potential. Oblomov is a composite image of a typical Russian person, a dreamy, contemplative personality who always hopes for the best and sees true happiness in monotony and tranquility. As critics point out, Goncharov largely copied Ilya Ilyich from himself, which makes the novel even more interesting for modern reader, interested in the work of the great Russian writer.

A detailed analysis of the image of the hero of Goncharov’s novel will be useful for 10th graders when writing an essay on the topic “The Image of Oblomov in the novel “Oblomov”.”

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