David Gvinianidze in contact. - And finally

Gvinianidze (baritone) is the president and artistic director of the Talents of the World Foundation.

Born on December 3, 1977 in Georgia. Graduated with honors from the Tbilisi Music Academy named after. M.Paniashvili. As a second-year student, he becomes a presenter on Georgian television and hosts his own weekly program “Tenor,” which tells a wide audience about classical music, opera stars, composers, performances... The program had such a wide public response that after just a few episodes it began to be broadcast not only on national but also on international cable television.

Third-year student David Gvinianidze is invited to be a soloist at the Batumi State Opera and Ballet Theater.

After graduation Music Academy was invited to the Newport Opera House (Great Britain), and a number of others opera houses Europe.

Rejecting these offers, in 2000 the young singer came to Moscow, where immediately after the first round of auditions he became a soloist of the Moscow Theater " New Opera».

In the period from 2000 to 2003. David actively combines work at the Novaya Opera Theater with participation in international competitions: 2001 and 2002 brought him laureates at the Festival. S. Rachmaninov “White Lilac” (Moscow), 2002 he became the winner of the 1st prize at the International Competition of Russian Romance Performers “Romansiada” (Moscow), in 2004 - laureate of the International Vocal Competition named after. N. Sabitova (Ufa). In June 2006, David Gvinianidze became a laureate international competition vocalists "Valsesia-Music" (chairman of the jury - Fiorenza Cossoto) (Milan, Italy). At the same time, he founded the “Talents of the World” foundation and continued his active concert activities.

In January 2003, at the invitation of the management, David Gvinianidze became the soloist of the Moscow Musical theater"Helikon Opera".

Until 2011, David Gvinianidze, as the owner of a velvety “intoxicating” lyric tenor with a wide range and a textured appearance of a romantic “macho”, embodied such diverse roles on the stage of opera houses as: the Duke of Mantua (G. Verdi, “Rigoletto”); Prince Sinodal (A. Rubinstein, “The Demon”); Berendey (N. Rimsky-Korsakov, “The Snow Maiden”); Turiddu (P. Mascagni, “Rural Honor”); Lensky (P. Tchaikovsky, “Eugene Onegin”); Alfred (G. Verdi, La Traviata); Macduff (G. Verdi, “Macbeth”); Harlequin (R. Leoncovallo, “Pagliacci”); Kote (V. Dolidze, “Keto and Kote”); Malkhaz (Z. Paliashvili, “Daisi”); Alfred (I. Strauss, “ Bat"); Ernesto (G. Donizetti, “Don Pasquale”); Don José (J. Bizet, “Carmen”), Poponel Skosvodmonit (L. Minotti, “The Boy Who Grew Up Too Fast”), etc.

Since 2012, the singer has made a revolutionary decision for himself and changed his tenor role to baritone. In a new vocal capacity, David Gvinianidze brilliantly performs arias from operas by P.I. Tchaikovsky (Roberto from the opera Iolanta, Gremin from the opera Queen of Spades"), G. Verdi (Rodrigo from the opera "Don Carlos"),

J. Bizet (Escamillo from the opera “Carmen”), as well as bright arias from classical operettas by I. Kalman (Mr. X from the operetta “Mr. X”, Tassilo from the operetta “Maritza”).

In addition, the singer’s concert repertoire includes more than a hundred arias from world vocal classics, as well as romances by Russian and foreign composers.

As the author of all concert programs and the artistic director of the Talents of the World Foundation brought to life stage areas Russia such projects as “Constellation of Tenors”, “Constellation of Bass”, “Duel of Tenors and Bass”, “Royal Tournament, or Competition of Tenors, Baritones and Bass”, “Constellation of Mezzo-Sopranos”, “Girl Trouble, or Rivalry between Sopranos” and mezzo-soprano", a concert performance of J. Bizet's opera "Carmen" (in which artists from Moscow opera houses, recognized the best performers for each of the roles), author’s performances “Anthology of Romance”, “ Love triangle", "Poetry of Pushkin's verse", and many others. As part of the author’s cycle “Idols for all times,” he organized concerts with the participation of People's Artist USSR Maria Bieshu, People's Artist of the USSR Nani Bregvadze, opera diva USA Patricia Miller (Metropolitan Opera).

And these megastars of the domestic and foreign stage are not his only famous stage partners. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation L. Magomedova, National artist USSR V. Piavko, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation A. Volochkova, People's Artist of Russia Gerard Vasiliev, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Vedeneev, People's Artist of Russia Svetlana Varguzova, People's Artist of Georgia A. Khomeriki, People's Artist of the USSR M. Kasrashvili, soloist of the Israeli national opera Mila Edelman, diva of the Bucharest National Opera Ecaterina Tutu, Italian opera diva Gabriela Morigi, world famous Italian tenor Francesco Anile, US tenor Alejandro Almedo, and this is far from full list star names with whom he shared his success.

The singer has already given many concerts in countries near and far: Austria, Armenia, Great Britain, Israel, Greece, Georgia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the United Arab Emirates, the United States of America, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and tours with constant success by cities of Russia.

In recognition of his achievements in the field of culture, on July 17, 2005, the opening ceremony of D. Gvinianidze’s star took place on the symphonic stage of the Sokolniki Culture and Recreation Park. A few months earlier, the Society theatrical figures Russia awarded him the gold medal “For Patronage”.

David Gvinianidze has received awards from many festivals, for example, such as: Pushkin festival “Boldino Autumn” (Novgorod), “Musical Kharkov” (Kharkov, Ukraine), “Moscow. Pushkin. Musical evenings on Arbat”, festivals of Russian music in Veliky Novgorod and Pskov, festival “Maria Bieshu invites...” (Chisinau, Moldova), etc. As one of the organizers, as president of the Talents of the World Foundation, he participated in the revival of the opera festival in Georgia.

As an honorary guest in 2006, David Gvinianidze was invited to a session of the world public forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”, held annually on the island of Rhodes (Greece). State and public figures, representatives of science and culture, religious figures from many countries of the world. In the same year, the Talents of the World Charitable Foundation, founded and headed by him, became a full member international association“Knowledge”, heading the department of culture and art in this widely known educational organization.

In 2007, the name of David Gvinianidze was included in the encyclopedia “People of Our Millennium”, and in December of the same year he was awarded the UN medal “For Contribution to the Development of Culture”.
In 2008, in the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music, a ceremonial presentation of one of the highest public orders of Russia, the “Ruby Cross of Glory”, awarded to the performer for a significant contribution to the development of science, culture and art, took place.

In 2012, David Gvinianidze was awarded certificate of honor Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation “For great contribution to the preservation of the traditions of the performing arts of the Russian vocal school and many years of fruitful work"

In 2013, the name of David Gvinianidze was included in the encyclopedic publication Russian Academy sciences “Who is who” and in the Swiss encyclopedic publication “Who is who”
Davide Gvinianidze is a frequent guest on television programs and a participant in concerts. television programs. His activities as opera performer widely covered by the media: newspapers Trud, Moskovskaya Pravda, Novaya Gazeta, Leisure in Moscow, Moskvichka, regional press, ITAR TASS, magazines Meridian, Antenna, Russian Open Spaces etc., radio stations “Orpheus”, “Voice of Russia”, “Echo of Moscow”, “Moscow Speaks”, “Mayak”, television and radio channel “Culture”, “Domashny”, TV Center, “Capital”, “Trust”, “ Family", "VKT", "NTV of America", RTVI, RTN, as well as many online publications.

David Gvinianidze was born in Kutaisi, Georgia; He received his education within the walls of the Tbilisi Music Academy named after M. Paniashvili, from which he graduated with honors. Already in his second year, Gvinianidze launched his own project “Tenor” on Georgian television; In his programs, David revealed to a wide audience the world of classical music, composers and singers. Transfer enjoyed great success; soon it began to be shown not only in Georgia, but also abroad.

In his third year, David became a soloist of the Batumi State Opera and Ballet Theater and a laureate of two major competitions - the national Republican competition young performers of Georgia and the international competition "Golden Ring".

Soon after receiving the coveted honors diploma, Gvinianidze received whole line V highest degree flattering offers - he was invited to several European opera houses at once. David, however, did not go to Europe, going instead to Moscow. The Georgian tenor arrived in the Russian capital in 2000; Almost immediately - from the first stage of audition - he managed to get the position of soloist at the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater.

From 2000 to 2003, David actively worked in the theater, while still performing at different levels international competitions. He showed extremely impressive results at these competitions - in 2001 and 2002 Gvinianidze became a laureate of the Rachmaninov festival "White Lilac", in 2002 he received first prize at the international competition of performers of Russian romance "Romansiada", and two years later received the prize of the International vocal competition named after N. Sabitov. David also won victories abroad - for example, in 2006 he received a prize at the Milan Valsesia-Music competition.

It is interesting that, in parallel with working in the theater and performing at competitions, Gvinianidze managed to perform at concerts and manage the “Talents of the World” foundation he created. This foundation actively helped to revive Georgian opera; Its activities were visible not only in Georgia and Russia, but also in Europe and the USA - in 2006 the foundation was even accepted into the ranks of the international educational organization "Knowledge".

In January 2003, David moved to new scene- he was made a soloist of the Moscow musical theater Helikon-Opera. He actively performs on stage to this day; He performs all kinds of parts.

Gvinianidze continues to devote a lot of time to concerts; David sings mainly romances - both foreign and Russian - and opera arias. Gvinianidze works both in Russia and in countries near and far abroad; his singing was applauded by music lovers from Austria, Great Britain ( Great Britain), Greece (Greece), Israel (Israel), Italy (Italy) and United United Arab Emirates(United Arab Emirates).

David regularly organizes new performances for the foundation; in fact, he is the author and artistic director all his projects. It was under the leadership of Gvinianidze that the projects “Anthology of Romance”, “Constellation of Mezzo-Soprano”, “Constellation of Tenors”, “Duel of Tenors and Bass”, “Constellation of Bass” and “Girl Trouble, or Rivalry between Soprano and Mezzo-Soprano” were launched. It was thanks to the efforts of David that it was possible to organize a series of concerts by Moldovan Maria Bieşu, Georgian Nani Bregvadze and American Patricia Miller; These concerts took place within the framework of Gvinianidze’s next project “Idols for all times”.

Opera in its own way modern form originated at the very end of the 16th century. Over the past centuries, it has ceased to be art for the entertainment of mass audiences. Today, attending opera performances is prestigious. However, their main audience is intellectuals and aesthetes, well versed in classical music, who are difficult to please.

You can achieve success in the art of opera only if you have a talent, as they say, from God, so only a few manage to achieve success. Among the latter is David Gvinianidze, whose biography this article is devoted to.

early years

David Gvinianidze was born in December 1977 in Kutaisi, into a family unrelated to art (mother is a doctor, father is an academician). True, as the singer himself likes to remember, his grandmother had many sisters who had excellent vocal abilities. Thanks to them, the boy often witnessed home concerts, which he attended with undisguised pleasure.

He showed an early talent for singing, so his parents decided to send their son to music school, although they hoped that the boy with will come with age in their footsteps.

In the mid-90s, David entered the Tbilisi Music Academy. Already in his second year at this university, the young man got a job at Georgian Television, where he hosted the weekly author’s program “Tenor”. It was dedicated to classical music, composers, opera stars and performances. The audience liked the TV project so much that after several broadcasts, one of the international cable TV channels acquired the rights to broadcast it.

In addition, a year later, David Gvinianidze was invited as a soloist to the State Opera and Ballet Theater of Batumi, where he performed for 2 seasons.

Carier start

After graduating from university, David Gvinianidze was invited to work in the UK, at the Newport Opera House in England. Similar proposals came from a number of other European cities. However, the young talented baritone rejected all these offers and in 2000 went to Moscow. In the Russian capital, he successfully completed two rounds of auditions and was enrolled in the troupe of the New Opera Theater as a soloist.


During this period, David Gvinianidze actively combined his work at the capital’s New Opera Theater with participation in prestigious international competitions and was able to achieve recognition from specialists. In particular, he became a laureate of the Sergei Rachmaninoff “White Lilac” Festival, as well as the N. Sabitov and “Romansiada” vocal competitions (won First Prize).

In the 2000s, the artist had success in foreign international shows opera art. In 2006, Gvinianidze became a laureate of the prestigious international competition “Valsesia-Music” in Milan, the chairman of the jury was Fiorenza Cossoto.

Further career

At the beginning of 2003, at the invitation of the management of the capital's Helikon Opera theater, David Gvinianidze became its soloist and worked there until 2010. During this period, the singer took part in many festivals (“Boldino Autumn”, “Musical Kharkov”, “Maria Bieshu invites...”, etc.) and was awarded them.

In 2006, singer David Gvinianidze was invited to a session of the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” as an honorary guest. During the sessions of this large-scale event, which is held annually at greek island Rhodes, attended by representatives of science and culture, as well as religious, social and statesmen from all corners of the planet.

"Talents of the World"

David Gvinianidze in his public, off-stage activities is guided by famous aphorism that gifted people, unlike untalented people, need help. In 2006, the baritone founded and headed the Talents of the World Charitable Foundation. The purpose of this organization is to promote in every possible way the popularization of classical music. To this end, various events are held annually, many in an unusual format, attracting not only the traditional “opera” audience, but also young people.

To date, the foundation founded by David Gvinianidze has already implemented 60 projects. Among them are “Constellation of Tenors”, “Constellation of Mezzo-Sopranos”, “Duel of Tenors and Baritones”, “Royal Tournament...”, “Girl Trouble...”. Big interest caused the cycle “Idols for all times”, dedicated to creativity famous performers.

For children and youth

The Talents of the World Foundation, led by David Gvinianidze, is engaged in educational activities. Within its framework, the projects “Images of Italy”, “Images of Russia”, etc. were carried out. They are conducted in the format of performances, accompanied by comments from professional musicologists, and adapted for understanding by schoolchildren. In addition, for students of secondary and higher musical educational institutions The foundation regularly organizes master classes with famous opera and vocal teachers.


David Gvinianidze has a magnificent baritone. His concert repertoire includes more than 100 arias from famous works world opera classics, as well as popular and little-known romances.

In 2008, the performer received one of the highest public awards Russian Federation - “Ruby Cross of Glory”, which is awarded for a significant contribution to development national science, culture and art.

World Tour

2017 is an anniversary year for David Gvinianidze. The tenor turns 40, and he decided to celebrate this event by going on a world tour. He will speak with solo concerts in many cities of our country, as well as in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic countries, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel, the USA, Australia and in his native Georgia.

During one of these performances, David Gvinianidze, whose personal life is a mystery to his fans, told the audience that he had been married for a long time to... the stage. Thus, the singer confirmed his absolute devotion to his favorite work, which has long become the meaning of his life.

Now you know some details of the biography of David Gvinianidze, a talented opera vocalist who not only pleases fans with the delightful performance of even the most difficult parts, but also does everything to make Russians fall in love with classical music.

David Gvinianidze
basic information
Date of Birth
A country

Georgia, Russia

Singing voice

David Temurovich Gvinianidze(December 3, 1977, Kutaisi, Georgia) - Opera singer(baritone), president and artistic director of the Talents of the World Foundation.


David Gvinianidze graduated with honors from the Tbilisi Music Academy. M.Paniashvili. As a second-year student, he opens on Georgian television author's program“Tenor”, ​​which tells a wide audience about classical music, opera stars, composers, and performances. The program had such a wide public response that after just a few episodes it began to be broadcast not only on national but also on international cable television.

Third year student David Gvinianidze is invited to be a soloist in Batumi state theater opera and ballet. At the same time, David Gvinianidze became a laureate of the Republican Competition of Young Performers of Georgia, and a laureate of the International Competition “Golden Ring”.

After graduating from the Academy of Music, he was invited to the Newport Opera House (Great Britain) and a number of other opera houses in Europe. Rejecting these offers, in 2000 the young singer came to Moscow, where immediately after the first round of auditions he became a soloist at the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater.

In the period from 2000 to 2003. David actively combines work at the New Opera Theater with participation in international competitions: 2001-2002. - laureate of the Festival. S. Rachmaninov “White Lilac” (Moscow), 2002 - 1st prize at the International Competition of Russian Romance Performers “Romansiada” (Moscow), in 2004 - laureate of the International Vocal Competition. N. Sabitova (Ufa). In June 2006, David Gvinianidze became a laureate of the international vocal competition “Valsesia-Music” (chairman of the jury - Fiorenza Cossoto) (Milan, Italy). At the same time, he founded the “Talents of the World” foundation and continued his active concert activities.

In January 2003, David Gvinianidze became the soloist of the Moscow Musical Theater Helikon-Opera. David Gvinianidze has received awards from many festivals: Pushkin festival “Boldino Autumn” (Nizhny Novgorod), “Musical Kharkov” (Kharkov, Ukraine), “Moscow. Pushkin. Musical evenings on the Arbat", Russian music festivals in Veliky Novgorod and Pskov, the festival "Maria Bieshu invites..." (Chisinau, Moldova), etc. As one of the organizers, as president of the "Talents of the World" foundation, he participated in revival of the opera festival in Georgia.

As an honorary guest in 2006, David Gvinianidze was invited to a session of the world public forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”, held annually on the island of Rhodes (Greece). In the same year, the Talents of the World Charitable Foundation, founded and headed by him, became a full member of the international association “Knowledge”, heading the department of culture and art in this well-known educational organization.

David Gvinianidze performs diverse roles on the stage of opera houses. In addition, the singer’s concert repertoire includes more than a hundred arias from world opera classics, romances by Russian and foreign composers.

As the author of all concert programs and the artistic director of the Talents of the World Foundation, David Gvinianidze brought to life on Russian stages such projects as “Constellation of Tenors”, “Constellation of Bass”, “Duel of Tenors and Bass”, “Royal Tournament, or Competition of Tenors, baritones and basses”, “Constellation of mezzo-sopranos”, “Girl Trouble, or the rivalry between soprano and mezzo-soprano”, original performances “Anthology of Romance”, “Love Triangle”, “Poetry of Pushkin’s Verse”, and many others. As part of the author’s cycle “Idols for All Time,” he organized concerts with the participation of People’s Artist of the USSR Maria Biesu, People’s Artist of the USSR Nani Bregvadze, US opera prima donna Patricia Miller (“Metropolitan Opera”).

The singer gives numerous concerts in Russian cities and tours in countries near and far:

– And yet your parents contributed to the development of your vocal abilities?- They didn’t interfere. For this I am very grateful to them. My parents gave me the opportunity to try everything: I was interested in music, dancing, and swimming. But they never wanted me to study vocals professionally. My mother is a candidate of medical sciences, my father is an academician, and they hoped that I would follow in their footsteps. I think that now they understand that they were mistaken when they forbade me to enter the conservatory.

-Are you afraid of losing yours? beautiful voice?

- No, this is the least thing I fear in life. I will be able to live without him, and for humanity the loss is small. But I have a fear of losing the pleasure of singing and the opportunity to convey my talent to people. The voice expresses mine internal state, this is a kind of instrument - I use it to draw, hone my skills, like an artist. I use my voice only to create, and never to conquer or seduce. If this happens, then somehow by itself.

For a duel?
With pleasure!

– David Temurovich, you are the president and artistic director of the Talents of the World Foundation. Is it still relevant? famous phrase Lev Ozerov “Talents must be helped, mediocrity will make its way on its own”?

- Absolutely. After all talented people a lot, but they don’t always have the opportunity to realize themselves, sometimes they lack luck. I try to do everything in my power to find them and give them a start in life.

– Do you yourself think that you do more as a singer or as a patron of beginning performers?

– For me it’s 50x50. If I had to choose between the two, I would prefer to help others. Because it is in this capacity that I bring more benefits. The Talents of the World Foundation has the opportunity to invite great people, with their help we promote the art of opera and improve spiritual level Russia. After the concerts, people will no longer destroy anything.

– Last year in Naberezhnye Chelny you successfully presented the project “Duel of Tenors and Baritones”. A duel is, first of all, a matter of honor. Have you ever had to use your fists to defend your honor or your lady’s honor?

“I think that fists are the last resort, but I have had the opportunity to fight. The fact is that I am a person with a hot southern temperament, I can be provoked into a fight.

– If you were challenged to a real duel, would you accept the challenge?

- With pleasure. I always prove that I am right in life. Even if I know that this will shorten the life span allotted by fate.

– Do you give or receive more on stage?

- I’ll give it away, of course. It happens that sometimes I just hate myself after a concert, I’m dissatisfied with it. I understand that I somehow deceived the audience - I could not give 100% on stage. Sometimes I even want to just erase some concert from my life.

- And finally. When the tours and concerts are over...

- …never! (Laughs).

– ... when the time comes for a well-deserved rest, what do you plan to do?

“I secretly hope that death will overtake me right on stage.” This is, of course, a joke. I think I’ll find something to do, because I simply can’t sit idle. Right now my life is not my own. But such is fate, and there is no hiding from it.