Oblomov description of Olga Ilinskaya. Oblomov characterization of the image of Olga Sergeevna Ilinskaya

    The image of Stolz was conceived by Goncharov as an antipode to the image of Oblomov. In the image of this hero, the writer wanted to present an integral, active, active person, to embody the new Russian type. However, Goncharov’s plan was not entirely successful, and, above all, because...

    Love - the strongest human feeling - played a big role in Oblomov's life. The love of two women: one - smart, sophisticated, gentle, demanding, the other - economical, simple-minded, accepting the hero as he is. Who can understand Ilya...

  1. New!

    For all its stunning success, the play “Woe from Wit” did not fit into the usual ideas of comedy so much that even experienced writers misunderstood the originality of its concept, mistaking Griboyedov’s artistic discoveries for shortcomings in skill....

  2. And at the same time, behind the Russian type of bourgeois, the image of Mephistopheles can be seen in Stolz. Like Mephistopheles to Faust, Stolz, in the form of temptation, “slips” Olga Ilyinskaya to Oblomov. Even before she meets Oblomov, Stolz negotiates the terms of such...

    One of the outstanding works of literature of the 19th century is the novel by I. A. Goncharov \"Oblomov\". The work was a kind of mirror of its era. \"Oblomov\" became for Russian society \"a book of results\"....

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya is from a series of female portraits by Goncharov, a bright and memorable character. By bringing Olga closer to Oblomov, Goncharov set himself two tasks, each of which is important in itself. Firstly, the author in his work sought to show the sensations that the presence of a young, pretty woman awakens. Secondly, he wanted to present in as complete an outline as possible the female personality herself, capable of the moral re-creation of a man

Fallen, exhausted, but still retaining many human feelings.

Olga’s beneficial influence soon affected Oblomov: on the very first day of their acquaintance, Oblomov hated both the terrible disorder that reigned in his room and the sleepy lying on the sofa on which he clothed himself. Little by little, delving into the new life indicated by Olga, Oblomov submitted to his completely beloved woman, who recognized in him a pure heart, a clear, albeit inactive mind, and who sought to awaken his spiritual strength. He began not only to re-read books that had previously been lying around without any attention, but also to briefly convey their contents to the inquisitive Olga.

How did Olga manage to carry out such a revolution in Oblomov? To answer this question, you need to turn to Olga’s characteristics.

What kind of person was Olga Ilyinskaya? First of all, it is necessary to note the independence of her nature and the originality of her mind, which were a consequence of the fact that, having lost her parents early, she followed her own firm path. On this basis, Olga’s inquisitiveness developed, which amazed those people with whom her fate encountered. Seized by a burning need to know as much as possible, Olga realizes the superficiality of her education and speaks bitterly of the fact that women are not given an education. In these words of hers one can already feel a woman of a new time, striving to be equal to men in terms of education.

The ideological nature makes Olga similar to Turgenev’s female characters. Life for Olga is an obligation and a duty. On the basis of such an attitude towards life, her love for Oblomov grew, whom, not without the influence of Stoltz, she set out to save from the prospect of mentally sinking and plunging into the mire of a short-lived existence. Her break with Oblomov is also ideological, which she decided to do only when she was convinced that Oblomov could never be revived. In the same way, the dissatisfaction that at times gripped Olga’s soul after she got married flows from the same bright source: it is nothing more than a longing for an ideological cause that the prudent and judicious Stolz could not give her.

But disappointment will never lead Olga to laziness and apathy. For this she has a strong enough will. Olga is characterized by determination, which allows her to disregard any obstacles in order to revive her loved one to a new life. And the same willpower came to her aid when she saw that she could not revive Oblomov. She decided to break up with Oblomov and dealt with her heart, no matter how dearly it cost her, no matter how difficult it was to tear love out of her heart.

As mentioned earlier, Olga is a woman of new times. Goncharov quite clearly expressed the need for this type of woman that existed at that time.

Outline of the article “Characteristics of Olga Ilyinskaya”

Main part. Olga's character
a) Mind:
- independence,
- thoughtfulness,
- curiosity,
- ideological,
- a sublime outlook on life.

b) Heart:
- love for Oblomov,
- breaking up with him,
- dissatisfaction,
- disappointment.

c) Will:
- determination,
- hardness.

Conclusion. Olga is like a type of new woman.

/Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev (1840-1868). Oblomov. Roman I. A. Goncharova /

The third remarkable personality depicted in Mr. Goncharov’s novel is Olga Sergeevna Ilinskaya- represents the type of future woman, how she will subsequently be shaped by those ideas that in our time they are trying to introduce into female education. In this personality, which attracts one with inexpressible charm, but does not amaze with any sharply outstanding virtues, two properties are especially remarkable, casting an original flavor on all her actions, words and movements. These two properties are rare in modern women and therefore especially dear to Olga; they are presented in Mr. Goncharov’s novel with such artistic fidelity that it is difficult not to believe them, it is difficult to accept Olga as an impossible ideal created by the poet’s creative imagination. Naturalness and presence of consciousness is what distinguishes Olga from ordinary women. From these two qualities flow truthfulness in words and deeds, the absence of coquetry, the desire for development, the ability to love simply and seriously, without tricks and tricks, the ability to sacrifice oneself to one’s feelings as much as is allowed not by the laws of etiquette, but by the voice of conscience and reason. The first two characters, which we mentioned above, are presented as already formed, and Mr. Goncharov only explains them to the reader, that is, shows the conditions under the influence of which they were formed; As for Olga’s character, it is formed before the reader’s eyes. The author first portrays her as almost a child, a girl gifted with a natural mind, who enjoyed some independence during her upbringing, but who did not experience any strong feelings, any excitement, unfamiliar with life, not accustomed to observing herself, analyzing the movements of her own soul. During this period of Olga's life, we see in her a rich but untouched nature; she is not spoiled by the world, she does not know how to pretend, but she also did not have time to develop mental strength in herself, did not have time to develop convictions for herself; she acts in obedience to the impulses of a good soul, but acts instinctively; she follows the friendly advice of a developed person, but does not always criticize this advice, is carried away by authority and sometimes mentally refers to her boarding school friends.<...>

Experience and calm reflection could gradually lead Olga out of this period of instinctive drives and actions; innate curiosity could lead her to further development through reading and serious study; but the author chose a different, accelerated path for her. Olga fell in love, her soul was excited, she learned about life, following the movements of her own feelings; the need to understand the state of her own soul forced her to change her mind a lot, and from this series of reflections and psychological observations she developed an independent view of her personality, her relationship with the people around her, the relationship between feeling and duty - in a word, on life in the broadest sense. G. Goncharov, depicting Olga’s character and analyzing her development, showed the educational influence of feelings in full force. He notices its occurrence, follows its development and dwells on each of its modifications in order to depict the influence that it has on the entire way of thinking of both characters. Olga fell in love accidentally, without prior preparation; she did not create an abstract ideal for herself, which many young ladies try to bring the men they know to life, she did not dream of love, although, of course, she knew about the existence of this feeling.

She lived calmly, not trying to artificially arouse love in herself, not trying to see the hero of her future novel in every new face. Love came to her unexpectedly, like any true feeling comes; this feeling imperceptibly crept into her soul and attracted her own attention when it had already received some development. When she noticed him, she began to think about it and compare her words and actions with her inner thoughts. This minute, when she became aware of the movements of her own soul, begins a new period in her development. Every woman experiences this moment, and the revolution that then takes place in her entire being and begins to reveal in her the presence of restrained feeling and concentrated thought, this revolution is especially fully and artistically depicted in Mr. Goncharov’s novel. For a woman like Olga, the feeling could not remain for long at the level of instinctive attraction; the desire to comprehend in her own eyes, to explain to herself everything that she encountered in life, awoke here with special force: a goal for feeling appeared, and a discussion of her beloved personality appeared; This discussion determined the very goal.

Olga realized that she was stronger than the person she loved, and decided to elevate him, breathe energy into him, give him strength to live. A meaningful feeling became a duty in her eyes, and with full conviction she began to sacrifice to this duty some external decency, the violation of which is sincerely and unfairly prosecuted by the suspicious court of the world. Olga grows along with her feelings; Each scene that takes place between her and the person she loves adds a new feature to her character; with each scene, the graceful image of the girl becomes more familiar to the reader, is outlined brighter and stands out more strongly from the general background of the picture.

We have sufficiently defined Olga's character to know that there could be no coquetry in her relationship with her loved one: the desire to lure a man, to make him her admirer, without having any feelings for him, seemed to her unforgivable, unworthy of an honest woman. In her treatment of the man whom she subsequently fell in love with, at first soft, natural grace dominated; no calculated coquetry could have had a stronger effect than this genuine, artlessly simple treatment, but the fact is that on Olga’s part there was no desire to make one or another impression . The femininity and grace that Mr. Goncharov knew how to put into her words and movements constitute an integral part of her nature and therefore have a particularly charming effect on the reader. This femininity, this grace becomes stronger and more charming as the feeling develops in the girl’s chest; playfulness and childish carelessness are replaced in her features by an expression of quiet, thoughtful, almost solemn happiness.

Life opens up before Olga, a world of thoughts and feelings about which she had no idea, and she moves forward, looking trustingly at her companion, but at the same time peering with timid curiosity at the sensations that crowd in her excited soul. The feeling grows; it becomes a need, a necessary condition of life, and yet here too, when the feeling reaches pathos, to the “sleepwalking of love,” in the words of Mr. Goncharov, and here Olga does not lose consciousness of her moral duty and knows how to maintain a calm, reasonable, critical view of life. your responsibilities, the personality of your loved one, your position and your actions in the future. The very strength of feeling gives her a clear view of things and maintains firmness in her. The fact is that feeling in such a pure and sublime nature does not descend to the level of passion, does not darken reason, does not lead to such actions that would later make one blush; such a feeling does not cease to be conscious, although sometimes it is so strong that it presses and threatens to destroy the body. It infuses energy into a girl’s soul, makes her break one or another law of etiquette; but this same feeling does not allow her to forget her real duty, protects her from infatuation, instills in her conscious respect for the purity of her own personality, which contains the guarantees of happiness for two people.

Meanwhile, Olga is experiencing a new phase of development: a sad moment of disappointment comes for her, and the mental suffering she experiences finally develops her character, gives her thoughts maturity, and informs her of life experience. Disappointment is often the fault of the person being disappointed. A person who creates a fantasy world for himself will certainly, sooner or later, collide with real life and hurt himself the more painfully, the higher the height to which his whimsical dream raised him. He who demands the impossible from life must be deceived in his hopes. Olga did not dream of impossible happiness: her hopes for the future were simple, her plans were feasible. She fell in love with an honest, intelligent and developed man, but weak, not used to living; She recognized his good and bad sides and decided to use every effort to warm him with the energy that she felt in herself. She thought that the power of love would revive him, instill in him a desire for activity and give him the opportunity to put to work abilities that had fallen asleep from long inactivity.

Her goal was highly moral; it was inspired by a true feeling. It could be achieved: there was no evidence to doubt its success. Olga mistook an instant flash of feeling on the part of the person she loved for a real awakening of energy; she saw her power over him and hoped to lead him forward on the path of self-improvement. Could she not be carried away by her beautiful goal, could she not see quiet, rational happiness ahead of her? And suddenly she notices that the energy excited for a moment is extinguished, that the struggle she has undertaken is hopeless, that the charming power of sleepy calm is stronger than its life-giving influence. What should she do in such a case? Opinions will likely be divided. Whoever admires the impetuous beauty of an unconscious feeling, without thinking about its consequences, will say: she should have remained faithful to the first movement of her heart and given her life to the one whom she once loved. But whoever sees in a feeling a guarantee of future happiness will look at the matter differently: hopeless love, useless for oneself and for the beloved object, has no meaning in the eyes of such a person; the beauty of such a feeling cannot excuse its lack of understanding.

Olga had to conquer herself, break this feeling while there was still time: she had no right to ruin her life, to make a useless sacrifice. Love becomes illegal when reason does not approve of it; to drown out the voice of reason means to give free rein to passion, to animal instinct. Olga could not do this, and she had to suffer until the deceived feeling in her soul ached. She was saved in this case by the presence of consciousness, which we have already indicated above. The struggle of thought with the remnants of feeling, reinforced by fresh memories of past happiness, tempered Olga’s spiritual strength. In a short time, she experienced and changed her mind as much as she does not happen to change her mind and experience during many years of quiet existence. She was finally prepared for life, and the past feelings she experienced and the suffering she experienced gave her the ability to understand and appreciate the true merits of a person; they gave her the strength to love as she could not love before. Only a remarkable personality could instill in her a feeling, and in this feeling there was no room for disappointment; The time for passion, the time for sleepwalking has passed irrevocably. Love could no longer sneak into the soul, eluding the analysis of the mind for a time. In Olga’s new feeling everything was definite, clear and firm. Olga previously lived with her mind, and her mind subjected everything to its analysis, presented new needs every day, sought satisfaction and food in everything that surrounded her.

Then Olga's development took only one more step forward. There is only a cursory indication of this step in Mr. Goncharov’s novel. The situation to which this new step led is not outlined. The fact is that Olga could not be completely satisfied either by quiet family happiness or by mental and aesthetic pleasures. Pleasures never satisfy a strong, rich nature, unable to fall asleep and lose energy: such a nature requires activity, work with a reasonable goal, and only creativity can to some extent calm this melancholy desire for something higher, unfamiliar - a desire that does not satisfy happy environment of everyday life. Olga reached this state of highest development. How she satisfied the needs that awoke in her, the author does not tell us. But, recognizing in a woman the possibility and legitimacy of these highest aspirations, he obviously expresses his view on her purpose and on what is called in the community the emancipation of women. Olga’s whole life and personality constitute a living protest against a woman’s dependence. This protest, of course, was not the main goal of the author, because true creativity does not impose practical goals on itself; but the more naturally this protest arose, the less prepared it was, the more artistic truth it contained, the stronger its effect on public consciousness.

Here are the three main characters of Oblomov. The remaining groups of personalities that make up the background of the picture and stand in the background are outlined with amazing clarity. It is clear that the author did not neglect the little things for the main plot and, while painting a picture of Russian life, dwelled on every detail with conscientious love. The widow Pshenitsyna, Zakhar, Tarantyev, Mukhoyarov, Anisya - all these are living people, all these are types that each of us has met in our lifetime.<...>

"Oblomov", in all likelihood, will constitute an era in the history of Russian literature; it reflects the life of Russian society in a certain period of its development. The names of Oblomov, Stolz, Olga will become household names. In a word, no matter how you look at Oblomov, whether as a whole or in individual parts, whether in relation to modern life or in terms of its absolute significance in the field of art, one way or another, you will always have to say that it is quite elegant, strictly thought out and a poetically beautiful work.<...>The depiction of a pure, conscious feeling, the determination of its influence on a person’s personality and actions, the reproduction of the dominant disease of our time, Oblomovism, are the main motives of the novel. If we remember that every elegant work has an educational influence, if we remember that a truly elegant work is always moral, because it correctly and simply depicts real life, then we must admit that reading books like Oblomov should constitute a necessary condition for any rational education. Moreover, reading this novel can be especially useful for girls 3. This reading, incomparably better than an abstract treatise on female virtue, will explain to them the life and duties of a woman. One has only to think about Olga’s personality, trace her actions, and, probably, more than one fruitful thought will appear in her head, more than one warm feeling will be engrained in her heart. So, we think that every educated Russian woman or girl should read Oblomov, just as she should read all the major works of our literature.

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is a wonderful, masterful work by I.A. Goncharov, which was a great success for him. It is in the image of this woman that the author reveals the main character traits and appearance of a Russian woman.

Goncharov presents Olga as an ordinary woman. She was not endowed with great beauty, she did not have chic and brilliance. But, at the same time, her facial features came together and created harmony and grace. Such women were rare at that time.

Simplicity and naturalness were Olga’s highlight. She was alien to the surrounding society. She seemed out of place. Fortunately, her intelligence, intelligence and determination allowed her to take a worthy position among other people and find herself in life.

She attracts with her persona and is imbued with attention to Ilya Ilyich. The correlation and combination of the image of Olga and the image of Oblomov allows the author to reveal the inner world of the main character and expose all his weaknesses to the reader. It was this woman who was able to make changes in the life of Ilya Ilyich. It was she who awakened in him at least a small desire to live and move forward.

What attracts Olga to Oblomov is his simplicity, his gullibility. He is not spoiled by social life. He is not spoiled, not cynical. But such different personalities cannot build joint happiness. Oblomov's inactivity and laziness frighten him. He understands that for the sake of his family he needs to move, be active, do something, strive for something. Therefore, one never dares to change oneself.

Olga sympathizes with Oblomov in many ways. Perhaps this is the most important feeling that guided her. She considers the relationship with Ilya her mission. A sense of duty filled her soul. To some extent, she tried to prove to everyone how hard her hard work and work on Oblomov was. She was not ready to share the same path in life with him. Both heroes are waiting for the impossible. Oblomov wants to receive boundless emotions of love from a woman, and Olga is trying to turn on and inspire Oblomov. Neither one nor the other happens. Olga expresses to Ilya her thoughts that everything in his life is lost and nothing else can be changed. She decides to propose and marries him. She is happy, but sometimes her heart is filled with longing and sadness. Part of the soul that loved Oblomov dies in Olga.

Olga’s image is a living image, vital and real. This is one of the most famous female images of that time, those works.

In the novel “Oblomov” I.A. Goncharov's main female character is a young girl named Olga Ilyinskaya. This is an extraordinary woman with a complex, strong character and destiny. Her image is a bright and at the same time complex character.

The description of Olga's life in the work "Oblomov" begins from an early age. Throughout the novel, the main character grows and develops her personality. A young girl becomes a mature and strong-willed woman, she has children, and her view on many moments that occur throughout her life changes.

Olga was raised by her aunt, who replaced her parents. She is well-mannered, educated, well versed in art, and is constantly engaged in self-development and learning new things. Olga Ilyinskaya has been strong since early childhood. Assertive character. If she sets a goal for herself, then, no matter what, she achieves success. The girl loves books and is drawn to various sciences.

Her appearance consists of piercing blue-gray eyes, eyebrows that are constantly drawn together to the bridge of her nose, which is why she has a small crease between her eyebrows, and thin, pursed lips. The girl’s gait speaks of her self-confidence and inner strength of spirit. Olga has a slender figure, with a straight, proud posture, every step of the girl is light and weightless.

The turning point that changed the view on many things was a sudden and strong feeling for a young man named Ilya Oblomov. Their feeling was strong and deep, but due to their own character and life position, it did not find continuation. Young people, due to their ardor and different views on life, did not want to accept each other with all their shortcomings. Each of them had his own image of the “ideal hero of his time.”

Oblomov wanted Olga to treat him with all her feminine softness and tenderness. Olga, on the contrary, considered her goal to change Ilya’s inner world, make him more decisive, overcome laziness and get him addicted to reading and science.

In fact, Olga did not love the young man; having set a goal for herself, she tried to achieve a positive result at all costs. Ilya’s feelings were not as important to her as her own self-affirmation from what would eventually happen. As a result, not having achieved what she wanted, the girl broke up with the young man.

A completely different relationship arose between Olga and her friend Andrei Stolts. At first they were just friends, their relationship was tender and reverent. Andrei was a teacher and mentor for the girl; he admired her sharp mind and strong character. Marriage helped Olga overcome her crush on Oblomov and survive a painful separation. At first, their happiness was calm and cloudless, since the young people had similar views on life and characters in general. But gradually, after several years of living together, they began to move away from each other.

Stolz began to notice that it was difficult for him to keep up with his wife’s activity; for him, marriage was something calm and measured. Olga, on the contrary, began to feel burdened by the routine life with Andrey; she wanted knowledge and development. Olga did not want to come to terms with her destiny as a faithful and calm wife; she began to doubt the correctness of her choice. What happened next to this strong and intelligent woman is unknown. It can be assumed that Olga still left her husband, or maybe, regardless of her judgments and views, she remained close to him.

Olga Ilyinskaya is an unusual woman who is constantly fighting against the centuries-old way of life that a woman’s purpose is to raise children and run a household. Olga’s position is constant self-improvement, knowledge and development of one’s own personality. Love for her is a secondary, insignificant feeling, for the sake of which one cannot compromise one’s inner world.

Option 2

In the novel by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov there are two female characters, one of the characters is Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga is a girl of ordinary appearance who does not have graceful, beautiful features. Ilyinskaya knows what she wants from life, so she tries in every possible way to achieve it.

When Olga meets Oblomov, it seems to her that she can fall in love with him and wake him up from his many years of hibernation. Ilyinskaya tries in every possible way to stir up Oblomov and for a while she even succeeds. Olga asks the impossible from Oblomov, he is a homely man, and she strives for the light.

Olga appreciates that there is no cynicism or pretense in Oblomov, but she wants him to be like Stolz. Ilyinskaya even acts more as a teacher for Oblomov than as a beloved woman. She tries in every possible way to remake him, not realizing that then it will no longer be Oblomov.

She is assertive and stubborn and always knows what she wants; Ilyinskaya does not want to sit at home next to Oblomov and devote her whole life to him. On the contrary, she wants them to go together towards the same goal, but, alas, this is not allowed to happen. Olga Ilyinskaya created for herself the image of Oblomov, whom she would like to see, but she did not take into account that then Ilya would have to sacrifice himself, and he is also not ready for this.

Olga Ilyinskaya is demanding of those around her, but she herself is ready to put a lot of effort into her self-development. A very smart and self-sufficient woman who believes that everyone should get the most out of life. Ilyinskaya never wasted her time and strived for comfort and coziness for herself.

Realizing that she and Oblomov are too different, she without a doubt decides to break up with him, but soon realizes what a good person he is. Olga Ilyinskaya is marrying Oblomov’s best friend Andrei Stolts, she has chosen the right man for herself. Stolz, like Olga, knew what he wanted and his life was like a stormy river, so they got together. In her marriage to Stolz, Olga finds the happiness she dreamed of so much; finally, she and her beloved look in the same direction and he can become the head of the family and take responsibility for her, which Oblomov could not give her.

It cannot be said that Olga was calculating and cold, it’s just that every person has their own views on life and priorities in life.

Essay Characteristics and image of Olga Ilyinskaya

The famous Russian critic N.A. Dobrolyubov believed that a writer like Goncharov is an expert on women's hearts. Goncharov successfully created the image of Olga in his creation “Oblomov”. According to the description, Olga was not beautiful. She did not have white skin, scarlet cheeks or lips. She had no inner fire. She combined harmony and grace. According to the critic, Olga had all the qualities that attracted other writers. The heroine had a natural, lively beauty. Olga was simple and had her own outlook on life.

In society, Olga was perceived as a stranger. Due to her intelligence and determination, the girl defended her rights to behavior and life position. The girl did not adhere to generally accepted norms. The main character Oblomov considered Olga to be the real ideal of a female image. In relationships, Olga saw in Oblomov gullibility, simplicity and the absence of all conventions. She does not see cynicism in Ilya and finds in him a constant desire for sympathy. The heroine constantly thought about how she influenced Ilya. Love became the most important goal in life for Olga. For the sake of love, Olga was ready to sacrifice everything. Olga and her lover demanded too much from each other. Olga wanted Oblomov to be like Stolz. The heroine deceived herself and knew that their relationship would soon come to an end.

Olga loved the Ilya she created in her thoughts and diligently tried to change him. Goncharov portrayed the end of the relationship between Olga and Oblomov as a tragedy. The heroine married Stolz. After marriage, Olga realized that reason and common sense are the most important in life. She was happy. Stolz became a real support for her and a good husband. In her marriage, Olga began to feel melancholy. The business life and activities of the spouse did not provide opportunities for the development of the soul. Olga still loved Oblomov in her heart. She was often tormented by mental suffering.

If the author had continued the novel, then in the end, due to Stolz’s strong character, Olga would have divorced him. The Russian critic described Olga as a modern woman and emphasized in the heroine the desire for selfish and noble goals. Olga always strived for the ideal. The girl did not particularly like her husband. The heroine could fall in love with a person if he developed every day and pleased her with something new. And Stolz chose a measured, calm and stable life. Without the female image of Olga, the book “Oblomov” would not be so bright. The image of Olga completely complements the main character of the novel.

Option 4

From the pen of Alexander Ivanovich Goncharov came many excellent works, which even after so many years remain recognized by the Russian literary society. One of them is the novel “Oblomov”.

Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya is the main character of the novel, a young beauty who will now be discussed.

At the beginning of the novel, Olga is a twenty-year-old noblewoman, landowner and orphan. She lives with her aunt on a small estate. The author openly speaks of Ilyinskaya as a person with a far from ideal appearance: tall, without white cheeks and with uneven eyebrows, because of which a wrinkle appeared on her forehead, but with such a sparkle in her eyes that the first beauties do not have. This is what distinguishes her from other girls and this is what Oblomov liked, as well as her simplicity, sincerity and inexperience. She's also smart. She received a good education and does not stand still. Olga is engaged in self-development, reads books and has a passion for science. In the novel, she transforms from a young naive girl into an adult lady with her own point of view and attitude towards life. Always bringing what is planned to the end is a trait that does not leave Ilyinskaya with age.

The love she felt for Ilya Ilyich turned out to be a key moment in Olga Sergeevna’s life. This feeling arose in one moment. She learned about Oblomov from the stories of her friend, Stolz. Ilyinskaya imagined herself as a savior, an angel who would direct Ilya Ilyich on the right path of self-development and eternal movement along which she walked, she made Oblomov himself believe in it, and she almost succeeded. They called it love. However, the man's nature defeated his love for her. For the first time in her life, she gave up.

Later, Olga finds the ideal man in Stolz. He became her friend, mentor and husband. And he saw in her a partner and student, a wife who also loves to learn and discover something new. Andrei Stolts proposes to Olga immediately after breaking up with Oblomov. Largely thanks to her new love, she quickly forgot Ilya Ilyich.

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is something new and unusual, not fitting into the ideal of a woman of that time. She is not used to closing herself off from the world and sitting quietly at home, taking care of the children and baking pies; Olga is not her husband’s shadow. She's on her own. Smart and independent. For her, love does not come first and comes from friendship. Unfortunately, 19th century society was not ready to accept the image of such a woman.

Image 5

The image of Olga Ilyinskaya is one of the central female images of the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharova.

At the beginning of the novel we see her very young. Goncharov draws a portrait of Olga with warmth, noting that she is not a beauty, but she can be compared to a statue of grace and harmony. Olga attracts with her simplicity and naturalness. She is educated, well-mannered, versed in the arts and sciences, reads a lot and is constantly developing. She has a constant desire to be active.

Love for Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the main character of the novel, arose from the desire to re-educate Oblomov. Stolz pointed him out to her and at the same time revealed his merits. Oblomov has enough positive qualities: he is smart, educated, kind. If it were not for Stolz, Olga would not have paid any attention to Oblomov. She decides to experiment, hoping to awaken Oblomov from his laziness. Olga likes the role of a “ray of light” for Oblomov. Very quickly the game develops into a true feeling. Love filled Olga's life with new content.

Olga thoughtfully fights Oblomov’s habits. She always knows exactly what she wants. Olga did a lot to change Oblomov, and achieved some success. She did not take into account that she was fighting against traditions that had developed over many generations. Oblomov is incapable of taking care of himself or others. When he pushes back the question of the wedding, Olga stops believing him. Oblomov’s soul does not belong to the life that Olga offers him. She understands that his laziness has won.

Olga is growing up and gaining experience after the story with Oblomov. Abroad, where she goes for treatment, she meets Andrei Stolts. Stolz does not recognize her as the same young girl. She is very changeable, but is always frank with Andrey. He falls in love with the “new” Olga, she becomes his wife. Stolz matches her ideals of a husband; he created a comfortable life for her. But Olga is not satisfied with her quiet personal life. She dreams of a different life and almost repents of her choice; she misses Oblomov. According to the critic N. Dobrolyubov, Olga will leave Stolz when she stops believing in him.

In the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, Goncharov solved the problem of women’s equality in rights with men. Dobrolyubov saw in her an advanced Russian woman.

Essay 6

Goncharov wrote a large number of different works. But the most interesting is the work “Oblomov”. There is one fascinating hero here and he is a girl named Olga. Many men like her, but she doesn’t want to give her heart to the first person she meets, and he must first achieve her. The author managed to fit into this image the most beautiful and valuable features that a person has.

Although Olga is very young, God has not deprived her of intelligence and beauty. In addition, she is also a proud and proud girl. In order to describe it, just a few phrases will be enough. There is no lie in her, which many other people have, she also sincerely worries about every person and always tries to help him in everything, even if he does not ask for it. But, despite all this, she is an extra person in this world. And this is not considered a negative point, but rather a positive one, because it was precisely such a woman that the author of the work dreamed of, and Stolz always admired such women.

More than anything else, she likes to study something that has not yet been studied by her. If she has a free moment, the girl will either read some new book, or listen to songs and sing along with the singers. Olga had never experienced a feeling of love before, but one day it overwhelmed her. She fell in love with Ilya. She so wanted to change everything in his life and return him to normal life, and for him to understand what it means to live a normal life. If others saw him as a cynical person, then our main character did not see anything like that or simply did not want to see.

Of course, it is very difficult to change a person and she will need to expend not only energy, but also show perseverance, but nothing is impossible for the girl, and after some time she still manages to do it, and Olga is very pleased with herself. Oblomov suddenly realized that there was another world and it was much more interesting to live in it than in the one he had invented for himself. Now he doesn’t just sit at home, but visits not only museums, but also theaters. And the clothes now correspond to where he decided to go. In addition, Olga always thinks about how Oblomov is changing and at the same time growing spiritually. Gradually, there is practically nothing left of that Olga, because love completely changes her. Now she is not sweet and touching as before. She created for herself an ideal man who would suit her perfectly and did everything not to be disappointed in him.

As long as the girl believed in him, there was love between them, but one day she was disappointed in him, because he did not live up to her hopes and the love disappeared somewhere.

Now she realized that if a person does not want to change, then it will be very difficult or almost impossible to change him. And then the girl found herself another ideal man, who was real and loved her very much.

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