Short fairy tales for the middle group. "visiting a fairy tale" middle group

Tasks: summarize children’s knowledge about fairy tales they have read, teach them to recognize passages and characters from fairy tales; continue to develop knowledge about the need to preserve and improve health; ; ; ; develop communication skills in children's team, self confidence; consolidate skills and methods of proper gluing.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales; dramatization of passages from familiar fairy tales; telling fairy tales using illustrations.

Material: s Unduck, templates for the fairy tale “Turnip”, Zaitsev’s cubes, pointer, masks of the fairy tale characters, queen’s costume, tunnel, glue, Whatman paper, rags, tassels, cape.

A comprehensive lesson for children 4-5 years old is held in the “Fairy Tale Room”.

Educator (V.). Good morning! I'm glad to see you. Let's welcome our guests and say “Good morning!”

Children. Good morning!

IN. And now we will greet each other with our palms. To do this, let’s rub our palm against the palm of the neighbor on the left. Now let's greet the neighbor on the right. Amazing! Look: the weather is cloudy today, maybe if we say hello to the sun, it will come out.

Hello, dear sunshine!

Hello blue sky

Hello, Mother Earth,

Hello, my whole family.

IN. Children, do you like fairy tales? (Children’s answers) It’s very good that you all love fairy tales, which means you know a lot of fairy tales. In all fairy tales, who comes to the aid of the heroes? (Children's answers: magic fairy, good queen, etc.) I didn’t just start a conversation with you about magic and fairy tales; today we will go to a magical land, where it is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Or maybe someone has already guessed what it is called?

Children. Dreamland.

IN. Well done, you guessed right, but tell me the fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes that you know. (Children's answers.)

IN. How do fairy tales differ from other works?

Children. Animals and plants can speak in fairy tales, and unusual adventures happen to them.

IN. What always wins in fairy tales, good or evil? (Children's answers.) Today we received a package, and in it there is such a magic chest. But I couldn’t open it, we can do this together with you if we complete the task described in the letter. (The teacher reads the inscription on the envelope “For children kindergarten No. 544 of group No. 8 from the Queen of the Land of Knowledge.")

Please say it all together magic words: “According to our will, according to the royal command, open the chest!” Repeat these words three times and the chest will open. (Children repeat the words three times.)

IN. Well done! (Opens the chest, there are characters from the fairy tale “Turnip”. He invites several children to get the characters from the fairy tale, and the rest must guess the fairy tale.)

IN. Well done, you guessed it right! And the Queen of the Land of Knowledge sent her guests to us (Cat and Mouse are sitting on the tables of the centers), they also have tasks for you. After all, in fairyland It’s not easy to get there, you have to complete all the tasks. To do this, we will split into two groups. Some will go to visit the Cat (the “Scitalkino” center (mathematics), and others will go to the Mouse (the “Vseznaykino” center for speech development). The teacher distributes the children, and they disperse to the centers. There are tasks next to each guest. Work in the centers. After the “circle time” - exchange of impressions.

IN. Smart kids, you have completed the next tasks and can go to Fairytale Land. I invite everyone to board the magic train and let's go. (Children enter the fairy tale room through a tunnel. There they are met by the Queen of the Land of Knowledge)


Evening has fallen outside the window,

Shaded the colors of the day,

Shrouded the city in a gentle sleep,

The kingdom of fairy tales has arrived again...

And mom, putting aside worries,

Time forgets behind a fairy tale,

And for her, as in childhood,

The magical world suddenly comes to life.

Sleep lulled the baby,

His brave soul

Merged with the hero in a glorious kingdom,

A magical, wonderful state.

The baby fell asleep. But also in a dream

He tries on himself

The role of Cinderella, Cat, Ruslan,

The life of the elves and Tsar Saltan.

He will grow wiser in a fairy tale

And a stronger and kinder spirit.

After all, the one who loves fairy tales since childhood,

He will never be evil again in life!

Queen. Hello, my dear kids. If you have found yourself in the Land of Fairy Tales, it means you have all completed my tasks. Did you manage? (Children's answers.) I know that you love to watch and listen to fairy tales that are familiar to everyone. Do you like it? (Children's answers.) Do you like to solve riddles? (Children's answers.) Now we will check this. Listen carefully. (The Queen makes riddles based on fairy tales.)

And the road is far,

And the basket is not light,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

He always loves everyone,

Who wouldn't come to him?

Did you guess it? This is Gena

This is Gena... (Crocodile.)

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special sense of smell for honey.

This plush prankster

Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh.)

A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits.

A pair of feisty eyes glows behind the bushes...

The girl will meet someone scary now.

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive grandma to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Who is this beast?

You can now answer the riddle. (Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf.)

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good... (Doctor Aibolit.)

Evening would soon come

And the long-awaited hour has come,

May I be in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairytale ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from, what is my name,

But as soon as midnight comes,

I'll go back to my attic. (Cinderella.)

Queen. Well done, my dears! You completed this task too. And since I am a sorceress, today I will again send you to the fairyland of Fantasy. I will turn some children into artists, and others into spectators, with the help of a magic blanket. (Gathers the children who will show the fairy tale and covers them with a blanket. The teacher puts on masks under the blanket. Then the children who will be spectators are covered.

Queen. Hush, hush, don't make noise,

Don't wake up the miracle fairy tale!

One two three four five.

Let's start a fairy tale!


There is a vegetable garden near the house,

Grandmother and granddaughter at the gate,

Bug - tail in a ring,

Dozing under the porch.

Grandfather comes out onto the porch,

He is wearing a large sheepskin coat.

From open window

Grandfather can hear the music.

“Get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise!”

My health is good

I’d better plant a turnip.

The leader takes a shovel and goes into the garden.


And the grandmother has no charger,

Thank God everything is fine!


His mouth opens and he yawns sweetly.


Makes the poor thing sleepy!

I'll start on Monday.

Leading. sits on the bench -

Braids her hair.

(Bug and the cat come out.)


Let's play hide and seek!


We can do without charging.

Leading. Bug after the cat

The cat is in the window.

The mouse comes out

In sports pants

T-shirt on the body

There are dumbbells in the paws.


One and two! And three or four.

I will become the strongest in the world!

I will perform in the circus -

Raise the hippopotamus!


Runs, jumps.

Grandfather. Oh, I'm tired this morning (leaves).

Grandma. And it’s time for me to bake.

(Leaves or sits on a bench.)

Music is playing. The words are heard: “Get ready to exercise, get ready to exercise!”


Grandfather is on the porch again

Sees a turnip in the garden

And he doesn’t seem to believe himself.

He stood near the turnip.

The same music can be heard from the open window.

Eh, a bulldozer would be here,

Without him it would be a disaster!

Leading. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

Where are you, grandma?


I'm coming now!

Wow, the turnip was a success!


Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip.

How to pull? Which side?

Come out, granddaughter, to help.


Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Zhuchka came out to help.

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.


You'll have to wake up the cat

Let him work a little!


Cat for Bug,

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip.

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.


I would like to click on the yard with the mouse.


Call the mouse? What a disgrace!

We are still on our own

Looks like he has a mustache!


Here a mouse jumps out of a hole,

She grabbed the horizontal bar.


Why trample a garden bed to no avail,

Get ready to exercise.

To get down to business,

We need to gain strength!


Everyone leaves in order

They do exercises together.

Grandfather and grandmother.

Left-right, left-right

It turns out great!


Get up! Exhale, inhale!

Now it's time to pull!


A mouse for a cat

Cat for Bug,

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for the turnip.

They pull and pull - they pulled out the turnip!

Queen. Did you recognize the fairy tale? (Children's answers.) What does the fairy tale call for?

Children. Exercise, be strong.

Queen. Well done! Now guys, let's stick the characters of the fairy tale on whatman paper, as you imagine it.

(Light music plays, children stick to fairy tale characters.)

T. Buglak, S. Shubara

Educational area "Reading" fiction»

aimed at achieving the goal of developing interest and need for reading

perception) of books through solving the following problems:

formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value


development literary speech;

joining verbal art, including the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste.

Formation of interest and need for reading

    Continue to create interest in the book.

    To develop an understanding that you can learn a lot of interesting things from books.

    Offer children illustrated editions of familiar works.

    Explain how important drawings are in a book; show how much interesting things can be learned by carefully looking at book illustrations.

    Continue to teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems; remember small and simple rhymes.

    Help them. using different techniques and pedagogical situations, correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize

to his heroes.

    At the child’s request, read out a favorite passage from a fairy tale, story, or poem, helping to develop personal attitude to the work.

    Maintain attention and interest in the word in a literary work.

    Introduce books designed by Yu. Vasnetsov and E. Rachev. E. Charushin.

Reading lists

children middle group(4-5 years)

Russian folklore

Songs, nursery rhymes, chants . “Our goat...”; “Little cowardly bunny...”: “Don! Don! Don!”, “Geese, you are geese...”; “Legs, legs, where have you been?..” “The bunny is sitting, sitting...”, “The cat went to the stove...”, “Today is the whole day...”, “Little lambs...”, “A fox is walking along the bridge...”, “The sun is a bucket. ..”, “Go, spring, go, red...”.

Fairy tales. “About Ivanushka the Fool”, arr. M. Gorky; “The War of Mushrooms and Berries”, arr. V. Dahl; “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, arr. L. N. Tolstoy; “Zhiharka”, arr. I. Karnaukhova; “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, arr. M. Bulatova; “Zimovye”, arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova; "The Fox and the Goat", arr. O. Kapitsa; “The Picky One”, “The Lapotnitsa Fox”, arr. V. Dahl; "Cockerel And bean seed", arr. Oh, Kapitsa.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. “Fish”, “Ducklings”, French, arr. N. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Chiv-chiv, sparrow", trans. with Komi-Permyats. V. Klimova; "Fingers", trans. with him. L, Yakhina; “The Bag”, Tatars., trans. R. Yagofarov, retelling by L. Kuzmin.

Fairy tales. "The Three Little Pigs", trans. from English S. Mikhalkova; "The Hare and the Hedgehog", from the Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tales, trans. with him. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak; “Little Red Riding Hood”, from the fairy tales of C. Perrault, trans. from French T. Gabbe; Brothers Grimm. " The Bremen Town Musicians", German, trans. V. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. I. Bunin. “Leaf Fall” (excerpt); A. Maikov. " Autumn leaves downwind

circling..."; A. Pushkin. “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”); A. Fet. "Mother! Look from the window...”; Ya. Akim. "First snow"; A. Barto. "We left"; S. Yeast. “Walking in the street...” (from the poem« IN peasant family"); S. Yesenin. “Winter sings and echoes...”; N. Nekrasov. “It is not the wind that rages over the forest...”(from the poem “Frost, Red Nose”); I. Surikov. "Winter"; S. Marshak. “Luggage”, “About everything in the world”, “He’s so absent-minded”, “Ball”; S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Styopa"; E. Baratynsky. “Spring, spring” (abbr.); Yu. Moritz. "Song about

fairy tale"; “The gnome’s house, the gnome is home!”; E. Uspensky. "Destruction"; D. Harms. "Very scary tale».

Prose. V. Veresaev. "Brother"; A. Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, the dog Cockerel and the cat Thread” (chapters from the book); M. Zoshchenko. "Demonstration child"; K. Ushinsky. " Lively cow"; S. Voronin. "Warlike Jaco"; S. Georgiev. "Grandma's Garden" N. Nosov. “Patch”, “Entertainers”; L. Panteleev. “On the Sea” (chapter from the book “Stories about Squirrel and Tamara”); Bianchi, "The Foundling"; N. Sladkov. "Not hearing."

Literary tales. M. Gorky. "Sparrow"; V. Oseeva. "Magic needle"; R. Sef. “The Tale of Round and Long Men”; K. Chukovsky. “Telephone”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s grief”; Nosov. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (chapters from the book); D. Mamin-Sibiryak. “The Tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and about Furry Misha - Short tail"; V. Bianchi. "First hunt"; D. Samoilov. "It's the baby elephant's birthday."

Fables. L. Tolstoy. “The father ordered his sons...”, “The boy was guarding the sheep...”, “The jackdaw wanted to drink...”.

Works of poets And writers different countries

Poetry. V. Vitka. "Counting", trans. from Belarusian I. Tokmakova; Y. Tuvim. "Miracles", trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko; “About Pan Trulyalinsky”, retelling from Polish. B. Zakhodera; F. Grubin. "Tears", trans. from Czech E. Solonovich; S. Vangeli. “Snowdrops” (chapters from the book “Gugutse - Captain of the Ship”), trans. with mold. V. Berestova.

Literary fairy tales. A. Milne. “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all” (chapters from the book), trans. from English B. Zakhodera; E. Blyton. "The Famous Duckling Tim" (chapters from the book), trans. from English E. Papernoy; T. Egner. “Adventures in the forest of Elki-na-Gorka” (chapters from the book), trans. from norwegian L. Braude; D. Bisset. "About the Boy Who Roared at the Tigers", trans. from English N. Sherepgevskaya; E. Hogarth. "The Mafia and its cheerful friends"(chapters from the book), trans. from English O. Obraztsova and N. Shanko.

For learning by heart

“Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup...”, “Legs, legs, where were you?” - Russian adv. songs; A.

Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty..." (from "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes"); 3. Alexandrova. "Herringbone"; A. Barto. “I know what I need to come up with”; L. Nikolaenko. “Who scattered the bells...”; V. Orlov. “From the market”, “Why does the bear sleep in winter” (chosen by the teacher); E. Serova. “Dandelion”, “Cat’s Paws” (from the series “Our Flowers”); “Buy onions...”, shotl. adv. song, trans. I. Tokmakova.

Introduction to fiction

Teacher-speech therapist Goryacheva L.F.

From the early childhood We are surrounded by books. They become an integral part of our life. With books we explore the world, learn to think, empathize, admire, find the sometimes thin line between good and evil, and love. And just how many different books Now on store shelves! How can you avoid drowning in this “sea of ​​books”? Should we choose those books that will really become our friends and helpers in raising children? With these difficult questions, we will try to figure it out today.

Despite the instability in our society, no one has canceled moral and ethical standards of behavior. And, perhaps, each of the parents would like to see their child well-mannered, sociable and comprehensively developed. How can this be achieved? To begin with, we ourselves must fulfill the requirements that we present to the child. We are his first mentors. The baby perceives our behavior as the only correct one and tries to copy it. “You get bored with grumbling, but you teach with example.” But sometimes personal example parents are not enough, and this is where books come to the rescue.

The literary word can have a stronger impact on the child than the usual advice, and sometimes even the shouting and reprimanding of parents. Age crises They force the child to show independence, to defend his opinion and independence, but this does not need to be done with books.

What questions and problems will books help us deal with? Perhaps one of the most important is the child’s understanding of what is “good” and what is “bad.” Let's look into standard program raising and teaching children preschool age, let's see what the authors recommend reading to form moral and ethical guidelines in our baby?

4-5 years

Russian folklore

Fairy tales. “Sister Fox and Wolf” (arranged by M. Bulatov); “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” (arranged by A.N. Tolstoy); “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (arranged by O. Kapitsa).

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Fairy tales. "The Three Little Pigs", English, trans. S. Mikhalkova; "The Bremen Town Musicians", from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, German, trans. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak; "Little Red Riding Hood", from the fairy tales of C. Perrault, French, trans. T. Gabbe.

Fables. L. Tolstoy. "The boy was guarding the sheep."
Literary tales. M. Gorky. "Sparrow"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The fairy tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and about Hairy Misha - Short Tail."
Poetry. D. Harms. "Liar".
Prose. L. Voronkova. “How Alenka broke the mirror” (chapter from the book “Sunny Day”); V. Dragunsky. "The secret becomes clear"; M. Zoshchenko. "Demonstration child"; N. Nosov. "Patch", N. Sladkov. "Not hearing."
Literary tales. E. Moshkovskaya. "Polite word"; K. Chukovsky. "Fedorino's grief."

Literary tales. H.K. Andersen. "Persistent tin soldier", translated from the date A. Hansen.

Often, when reading a book, a child identifies himself with one of the characters and, sharing his joys and experiences, gradually begins to care about others. Don’t forget to discuss what you read with your child after finishing reading the work. Ask questions about the content of the text. Find out what the baby liked the most or, on the contrary, upset the baby. Provoke your child to make independent statements and reasoning. “And if you were in the place of the main character, what would you do in such a situation?”

The following works are designed to help teach a child sympathy, empathy, and emotional response to various situations:

4-5 years

Russian folklore

“Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup...”, “Laziness and cravings...”.
Fairy tales. “About Ivanushka the Fool” (arranged by M. Gorky); "Sister Fox and the Wolf" (arranged by M. Bulatov).

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. "Barabek", English, arr., K. Chukovsky; "Humpty Dumpty", English, arr. S. Marshak.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. E. Baratynsky. “Spring, spring!..” (abbr.); I. Bunin. "Leaf Fall" (excerpt); S. Yesenin. “Winter sings and echoes...”; A. Maikov. “Autumn leaves are circling in the wind...”; S. Marshak. “He’s so absent-minded”; S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Styopa."
Prose. V. Bianchi. "Foundling"; A, Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, about the dog Cockerel and about the cat Thread” (chapters from the book).
Literary tales. G. Oster. “Only troubles”, “Echo”, “Well hidden cutlet”; K. Chukovsky. "Telephone".

Works of poets and writers from different countries

Literary tales. H.K. Andersen. "Ognivo" lane. from date A. Hansen.

Each of us makes mistakes, and when little man As soon as he begins to learn about the world, it is completely impossible to protect him from mistakes. "They learn from mistakes." It’s hard to argue with this, but these lessons are very painful. But there are no mistakes life experience. How can these mistakes be made less traumatic? How to teach a child to treat his mistakes even with humor? And these books will help answer these questions:

4-5 years

Russian folklore

Fairy tales. “About Ivanushka the Fool” (arranged by M. Gorky); “Sister Fox and Wolf” (arranged by M. Bulatov); “Wintermovie” (arranged by I. Sokolov-Mikitovo); “The Picky One” (arranged by V. Dahl); “The War of Mushrooms and Berries” (sample by V. Dahl).

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. S. Cherny. "Who?", "When no one is home."
Literary tales. M. Gorky. "Sparrow"; V. Bianchi. "First hunt"; V. Oseeva. "Magic needle"; R. Sef. "The Tale of Round and Long Men"; K. Chukovsky. "Telephone".
Poetry. S. Marshak. “He’s so absent-minded,” D. Kharms. "A very scary story."
Prose. N. Nosov. "Entertainers"; E. Permyak. "Hasty Knife"; E. Charushin. “Why was Tyupa nicknamed Tyupa”, “Why doesn’t Tyupa catch birds”.

Works of poets and writers from different countries

Literary tales. H.K. Andersen. "Flint", trans. from date A. Hansen; "About the little pig Plump", based on the fairy tales of E. Uttley, trans. from English I. Rumyantseva and I. Ballod.

So we have outlined some topics that books help us reveal to our children. We selected works recommended by the program. All that remains is to read them and figure it out together with the children: “What is good and what is bad?”, “Who to be friends with, and with whom to wait,” “Why is it so important to obey your parents.” And in conclusion, I would like to note that despite global computerization modern society, books still remain our friends and helpers.

Natalia Somova

Project« Our favorite fairy tales»

V middle group


Fairy tales And inner world children are inseparable from each other. In any society, children's stories collect large audience little listeners. There are good reasons for this. Adults should remember that if they want to teach a child something or convey some important idea to him, they need to do it in a way that is recognizable, digestible and understandable.

All children love fairy tales. Exactly accessible language they understand fairy tales more easily than the insipid speech of an adult. Role fairy tales in raising children is multifaceted. Firstly, they develop imagination and encourage fantasy. They also develop correct speech, teach to distinguish between good and evil.

Telling a child a story, we develop his inner world. And the sooner we read books, the sooner he will begin to speak and express himself correctly. Fairy tale forms the basis of behavior and communication.

Target project: Consolidation and systematization of children’s knowledge about fairy tales.



Create the necessary conditions to introduce children to fairy tales;

Develop cognitive abilities child nka: curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy;

Develop sound culture speech, enrich vocabulary;

Form, understand emotional condition heroes fairy tales and your own;

Create a desire to be like positive heroes;

Lay the foundations of morality, cultivate moral values.


Develop the personal-semantic sphere (attitude to reality);

Develop group cohesion , self-esteem of children;

With help fabulous works to combat various childhood illnesses. Through fairy tale therapy work with aggressive, shy children.


Develop the ability to distinguish fabulous situations from real ones;

Cultivate a sense of affection and love for your loved ones;

To instill self-respect in children;

Stimulate interest in fairy tales.

View project: Creative.

Children's age: Average age

Participants project: Children, teachers, parents, music director.

Duration project: Short term

Stages of work on project:

1. Preparatory stage:

Studying literature on the topic

Explore best practices

Clarification of the formulation of the problem, topic, goals and objectives

Selection of visual teaching aids, demonstration material

Decorating a book corner

Planning collaboration with teachers, children and parents.

Selection of material for conversations and games with children.

A selection of illustrations and literature.

Book exhibition "Visiting fairy tales".

Consultation for parents "Meaning fairy tales in a child's life", "What and how to read to a child at home."

2. Main stage:

Reading Russian folk fairy tales

Watching cartoons

Consideration plot paintings, illustrations for fairy tales

GCD "We draw fabulous heroes from ovals and circles"

P/i "At the bear in the forest", "Fox on the hunt", "Bubble"

Round dance game "Dance the little bunny"

Tabletop theater "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Swan geese".

Working with parents (consultations on the topic)

Coloring heroes fairy tales

Drawing by fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Masha and the Bear".

Construction "Teremok"

Didactic games “Collect a fairy tale from parts", "From what fairy tales?", "Find out fairy tale based on illustration", "Favorite fairy tale hero" and exercises on fairy tales

Listening fairy tales, music

3. Final stage:

NOD "Travel through Russian folk fairy tales".

Exhibition of drawings made by hand together with the family topic: "Heroes fairy tales".

Expected result:

Gaining more knowledge about fairy tales;

Development of children's cognitive activity, creative and communication abilities;

Conducting theatrical performances based on Russian folk fairy tales;

Organization of an exhibition of drawings "My favorite fairy tale hero» (parents);

Children's creativity (drawing).


educational activities for speech development

on the topic "Journey through Russian folk fairy tales» .

Target: develop coherent speech of pupils.



1. Show the knowledge and skills of children gained as a result of acquaintance with fairy tales.

2. Form the child’s cognitive abilities nka: curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy.

3. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary with new words.

4. Form and understand the emotional state of the characters fairy tales and your own.

5. Create a desire to be like positive heroes.


1. Develop elements logical thinking, intelligence, attention.

2. Develop the ability to listen and hear the question, answer with complete answers.

3. Develop the ability to generalize and draw conclusions.

4. Develop intelligence, speed of reaction to a signal during the game and game communication.

5. Develop children's creativity in the process of joint productive activity.


1. Foster a love for Russian folk art.

2. Lay the foundations of morality, cultivate moral values.

Equipment: screen, doll "Hare",beam, Whatman paper, geometric figures, envelope, pictures of wild and domestic animals, picture of a stove.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk fairy tales, didactic and outdoor games, use tabletop theaters, reading poems, nursery rhymes, riddles about heroes fairy tales fairy tales, conversations about heroes fairy tales, watching cartoons fairy tales.

Progress of activities:

Children stand in a circle.

Educator: Guys, you Do you like to travel? Today we will go on a trip to fairy tales. And what fairy tales you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, I have a magical one "Magic carpet". We will go on a journey on it.

The teacher unfolds "Magic carpet", and there are holes in the form of geometric shapes.

Educator: Our carpet has holes in it; we won’t be able to go on a trip on it. Who did this? Children, guess the riddle and we will find out who damaged our magic carpet.

Mystery: Small stature, gray fur coat.

Long tail, sharp teeth (mouse)

Educator: That's right guys - it was a mouse that gnawed ours "Magic carpet", let's repair it.

There are geometric shapes on the tray. Children impose and determine those "patches", which are suitable for carpet repair.

Educator: Name the figures that you needed. Well done boys! We completed this task. To fly, you need to smile. Give your smile to the neighbor on the left, and then to the neighbor on the right, smile at me, and I will smile at you. And so that no one falls, you need to hold hands. Ready? Stand around "magic carpet", hold hands and fly.

If a fairy tale is knocking on the door,

Hurry up and let her in

Because fairy tale - bird,

You'll get a little scared and won't find it.

Oh, look, there is some kind of chest here. Let's see what's in it.

They take out a travel plan and an envelope with a letter from the chest.

Educator: Guys, someone here left us a travel plan. Let's read the letter. (Reads the letter). Whoever follows this map and solves the riddles will learn a lot, learn a lot!

Consider the plan diagram.

Guys, let's follow the map? Then go ahead!

First riddle.

The good girl had to lie to get out freedom:

And so, guys, we flew to the island fairy tales…(Children's answers) Right, fairy tale"Masha and the Bear". Guys, Mashenka left us a task. When she walked through the forest, she saw wild animals, but what animals will she see at home? Here are pictures of domestic and wild animals. Lay out the pictures. Send wild animals to the Christmas tree, and domestic animals to the house.

Children complete the task.

Educator: -Well done boys! You completed the task quickly. Let's fly further now.

Let's look at our map. (Look at the map).


It's shaped like a ball

He was once hot

Jumped off the table onto the floor

And he left his grandmother

Who lives on this island? fairy tale? Right, "Kolobok". Oh, and the bun also left us a task. We need to solve riddles.

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled. (gingerbread man)

She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents. (Mouse from Russian folk fairy tales"Turnip")

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children? (goats from fairy tales"The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without tips,

Who are the heroes of this fairy tales? (Three Bears)

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (Cockerel - golden comb)

Someone is walking through the forest,

He carries the box on his back.

Pies smell delicious

What the a fairy tale in front of you? (Masha and the Bear)

Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one


Which? (Mortar).

And we completed this task. We flew to the next island.

They stood around the magic carpet and held hands.

(Look at the map).

Oh, guys, there's an obstacle in our way. There is a bridge between the islands. We will follow it to another island, but we need to cross carefully; there are sharks swimming in the water. Whoever falls into the water will be eaten by them. (Children walk one after another across the bridge). And here is the island. Guys, look who's meeting us. (Stove). From what fairy tales she? Correct from fairy tales"Swan geese". So he lives on this island fairy tale…(Children's answers). Children, there is a task for us on the stove. (Di "The Fourth Wheel" By fairy tales). We completed the task, look at our map and fly on.

They stood around the magic carpet and held hands.

Guys, look, here Bunny is sitting and crying bitterly. What do you think he's from? fairy tales? (Zayushkina's hut).

Bunny (adult behind the screen): -How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. She asked to come visit me, and she kicked me out.

Educator: Guys, why did the fox’s hut melt?

Children: Because it was icy.

Educator: And the ice one, what is it made of? (children's answers)

And what kind of bast is it? (children's answers)

What is made of wood? (children - table, chair, closet, house, board)

Arrange the heroes fairy tales in order.

Who was the first to come to the bunny's aid? (children's answers)

Who's second? (children answer)

Who drove the fox out (children answer)

How can talk about the cockerel? What is he like? (strong, brave, courageous, kind, sympathetic)

Educator: -What is possible talk about the fox? (cunning, evil, ill-mannered, deceiver, greedy, insidious).

Well done! To completely amuse the bunny, let's play with him. A game "To the hare for a housewarming".

What a great fellow you are! Guys, I really enjoyed traveling with you. You were very attentive today and completed your assignments very well.

All fabulous the heroes thank us and give us a whole basket of sweets.

Games and exercises with fairy tales.


activation of cognitive interest;

development of communication;

creating conditions for creative self-expression;

development of memory, thinking, imagination, attention;

formation leadership qualities, organizational skills, mastering the roles of presenter, assistant, dispatcher, jury member, etc.;

constructive communication as part of social groups;

creating a positive psychological climate in the team.

"Guess the name fairy tales»

All participants take turns throwing the ball to each other and calling the first syllable or word planned fairy tales. The one who caught the ball says the full name fairy tales: Sivka….Konyok….Frost…Geese….Red….

"Name fabulous a hero with an unusual appearance"

Dragon (fire breathing head)

Cheburashka (large flattened ears)

Mermaid (instead of legs there is a tail)

Malvina (blue hair)

"What's extra"

The presenter names several words that appear in the intended fairy tale, one of which does not relate to its content.

Fox, hare, hut, palace, dog, rooster. "The Fox and the Hare"

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, turnip, cucumber. "Turnip"

"Find out fabulous hero by facial expressions and gestures"

“Draw fairy tale symbol»

Each participant thinks fairy tale and depicts it graphically on the sheet.

- "Two Greedy Bears";

- "Three Bears";

- "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

« Fairy tale nonsense»

Having agreed on a choice fairy tales, the game participants distribute roles among themselves. Each character is assigned a duty phrase, which he pronounces every time during the course of the game. telling a fairy tale.

Turnip – "Wow!"

Grandfather - "I'll show you!"

Grandma – "Damn you!"

Granddaughter - "Cool!"

Bug - “I’ll sing now!”

Cat - “Buble gumm!”

Mouse – "Come out you sneaky coward"

The narrator begins to tell a tale, gradually increasing the pace.


Decipher the names fairy tales and books.

1. Fox and six chickens - "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

2. King under the beans - "Princess on the Pea"

3. Dog wreck - "Cat house"

4. Turkey ducks – "Swan geese"

5. Dressed servant - "The Naked King"

6. Falling Wooden General – "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

7. Dog without sandals – "Puss in Boots"

8. Seven thin girls - "Three Fat Men"

9. Wrecked – "Teremok" etc.

"Add name"




"Answer in one word"

Baba Yagi's method of movement is stupa.

IN fairy tales that's what they call a fox - a gossip

The pride of Marya beauty is her braid

Ivanushka's sister - Alyonushka

His death was at the end of a needle - Koshchei

The fruit with which the princess was poisoned - an apple, etc.

"Russians fairy tales»

1st option

1. Ivan tried to wake up his brothers with this object - Mitten

2. This bird sometimes turned into a crooked girl - Ducky

3. On which river did Ivan fight the miracle? - Currant

4. Nickname fairy horse - Sivka

5. Many people cannot live without this animal. fairy tales - Horse

6. Baba Yaga's home - Hut

7. Name fairy-tale hero - Emelya

2nd option

1. The object thanks to which the prince found his wife? - Arrow

2. What did the bear wear when carrying the girl with pies? - Box

3. Ivanushka’s sister - Alyonushka

4. The cockerel choked on this - Grain

5. The dish from which the crane fed the fox? - Jug

6. Male name V fairy tales - Ivan

"Amazing Transformations"

Who they turned into or were enchanted fairy-tale heroes?

Prince Guidon from fairy tales« The Tale of Tsar Saltan» - into a mosquito, fly, bumblebee.

Giant in fairy tale"Puss in Boots"- into a lion, a mouse.

Eleven brothers - princes in "Wild Swans"- swans.

monster in « Scarlet flower» - The prince.

"Extraordinary Journeys"

On whom or what fabulous did the heroes make extraordinary journeys?

For honey Winnie the Pooh? - on the air balloon.

To Africa Doctor Aibolit? - On the ship.

On the roof The Kid is on Carlson.

« Fairy spells»

Who said such fairy tale words?

By pike command, according to my wish. (Emelya)

One, two, three, pot, cook. (Girl)

Sim, sim, open the door! (Ali - Baba)

"Who is who"

Moidodyr – washbasin; Uncle Fedor is a boy; Kaa – boa constrictor; Scarecrow - straw effigy, etc.

"Colored Answers"

What word should be put instead of the ellipsis?

Red... cap

Blue Beard

Blue... Bird

Blue…. birds



Yellow…. fog

gray... Neck.

"Friends and Girlfriends"

Who from literary characters were you friends?

Cards: Mowgli; Cipollino; Baby; Winnie the Pooh; Gerda; Crocodile Gena; Marquis Barabas; Ellie; Dunno; Olya.


1. Bagheera, Baloo, Kaa (Mowgli).

2. Cherry, Radish (The Adventures of Cipollino).

3. Carlson.

4. Piglet, Eeyore – Eeyore, Rabbit.

6. Cheburashka, Galya.

7. Puss in Boots.

8. Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, cowardly Leo.

9. Gunka, Znayka, Grumpy, Silent, Avoska, Neboska, Vintik, Shpuntik, Rasteryaika, Tube, Pilyulkin, Donut, Syrupchik, Toropyzhka.

"WITH with or without a hint»

for the correct answer – 3 points

from one hint – 2 points

with two – 1 point

1. To have a good lunch, this sneaky deceiver pretended to be kind old lady:

In his cap, glasses and under the blanket it was difficult to recognize him;

The girl wondered why her grandmother had such big teeth.

2. The good girl had to lie to get out freedom:

The one who did not let her in, himself brought her home, suspecting nothing;

If he had known that he was not carrying pies, the dogs in the village would not have beaten him.

3. Small traders - liars - said that their goods were magic:

Even the king believed it;

But if I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t have appeared before the people in the very funny, which you can imagine.

4. This liar knows many ways to get her way, one of them is flattery:

The stupid bird believed her;

Missing your cheese is a shame.

5. These treacherous women deceived the king by saying things that you can’t even imagine. scary:

That is why after many years he saw his son for the first time;

They themselves should be tarred in a barrel and allowed to float on the sea - the ocean.

6. This liar helped his master a lot by coming up with something new for him. Name:

Having obtained the owner a real castle and good clothes, he turned him into a worthy groom for the princess;

But the fact that he wore boots greatly surprised passers-by.

7. To transform your life into fairy tale, this deceiver stated that the unusual crystal product belongs to to her:

But it couldn’t possibly belong to her, because it doesn’t fit her;

The owner dropped this crystal object when she ran home.

8. This cunning deceiver was able to change his voice:

The children did not immediately believe that their mother had come;

Of the seven children, there was only one left, who told the goat what happened.

9. This liar came up with an idea to pretend deaf:

The stupid round one sang songs to her;

When he sat on her tongue, all that was left was to swallow it.

10. Two sisters wished only good things for the third, so they set the clocks to an hour back:

They did not know that the sister was not at all afraid of the monster;

But if she had asked her father to bring her new clothes, she would not have found her prince.

11. This little liar took the whole invention:

He himself didn’t know anything, so he always ended up in funny stories;

Then everyone found out that balloon He didn't invent it at all.

"Blitz competition "Trick Questions"


1. Is Cinderella’s shoe simple or golden?

2. How many people pulled the turnip? - three

3. Did the bun have a bow or tie around its neck?

4. How many kids did the wolf eat? fairy tale"The wolf and the seven Young goats"?

5. Masha sentenced: “I sit high, I look far away”. Where is she going? climbed in: on a tall tree or on the roof of a house?

6. For what reason did the Fly Tsokotukha collect guests: name day or wedding?

7. What has Zolushkina turned into? coach: in pumpkin or rutabaga?

8. Is Malvina a blonde or a brunette?

9. What did the old man ask the goldfish when he caught it for the first time?

10. Did Little Red Riding Hood wear a wreath of daisies or dandelions?

11. Balloon, which Piglet gave to Donkey, looked like a ball or the sun?

12. What does the clock show when it strikes 13 times? - time for repairs

13. What did the Fly - Tskotukha find when walking across the field went: samovar or kettle?

14. How many grains did Thumbelina eat a day when she lived with the mole?

15. Whose daughter did Morozko give the gift of? dowry: old man or old woman?

17. When Pinocchio received the golden key, did Barmaley try to take it away?

18. How Emelya drove on the stove firewood: bundles or scattered?

19. Who did Shapoklyak lead on a string - a cat or a dog?

20. Where did the cone hit the clumsy bear?

"The box is a mystery"

1. Are there hidden objects in the box that the girl brought from the forest in winter to please the wayward princess and her stepmother and her daughter? - Snowdrops.

2. Here is the thing that the crocodile ate. - Washcloth.

3. Using this item you can make a variety of things, or you can kill a villain. - Needle.

4. Using this item main character found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched - Arrow.

5. A toy that was given very funny name because she fell off the table. - Cheburashka.

6. In the box is something that shows the way - the path not only for Ivan the Tsarevich, but also for one mythical hero Ancient Greece. - A ball of thread or Ariadne's thread.


Material: Large sheet of paper, paint, glass of water.

"IN magical land There is unusual city. Dragon Be Afraid - The fight turned all the residents of the city into multi-colored clouds. From time to time it rains in the city, and droplets different colors fall to the ground. Necessary "revive these droplets". Children are invited to put more paint on the brush and drop it onto the sheet. “The shapeless spot needs to be completed so that it is clear what it looks like.”

"Compilation fairy tales using individual words"

Material: a set of words or their symbols (For example: sun, river, wind, rain)

"A game "Colored fairy tales»

Come up with pink or green fairy tale.


Children are encouraged to fantasize about a wide variety of Topics: "If I became invisible"- what would you use this property for? “If suddenly the toys come to life and speak”- what can they talk about? tell.


It is based on the method of focal objects, the essence of which is to transfer the qualities of various objects to the initially selected object. For example: you need to come up with an unusual chair. Children are asked to name two or three words that have absolutely nothing to do with chair, for example, "cat" And "Book", to which you need to select 3-5 quality characteristics. The cat is affectionate, fluffy, colorful; The book is an interesting adventure book, thick.

Then they begin the main part of the game - inventing a new chair.

By fairy tale"Swan geese" "A hut on chicken legs"

Use counting sticks to build a hut on chicken legs according to the model or from memory.


The goose is drawn in cells. Draw the same one.

"Kiselnye Shores"

IN fairy tale the milk river flowed among the jelly banks. What kind of jelly can be made from berries and fruits? From raspberries? Cherry?

Fill the jar (draw) jelly: do the shading as shown by the arrows. Color all the berries and fruits you drew.

"Dress the children correctly"

Select pictures of clothes, shoes, and hats.

Exercise: what clothes, shoes, hats are the children wearing?

"Portrait of Baba Yaga"

Paintings with fragments: faces; Hair; eyes and eyebrows; noses.

Describe the portrait of Baba Yaga scheme: what face? What kind of hair? What eyes? What nose?

Abstract of GCD

By visual arts (drawing) on topic: « Fairy-tale heroes»


consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales, use expressive facilities to convey the content of the text.


Develop creative imagination, the ability to solve creative problems;

Continue to teach children to use in their work unconventional methods drawing;

Cultivate confidence in your creative possibilities, neatness.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations fairy tales, theatricalization fairy tales

Organizing time.

Children pay attention to the beautiful chest that appeared in group.


You are a wonderful chest,

You are a friend to all the guys,

We really want to know

What did you bring us again?

Shh! Someone's talking

I'm a little mouse

I'm a frog frog.

Who is this? From what fairy tales? Who else lived in the little house? How did they imagine themselves? That little mansion must still be standing in the field? And what happened? Where do the animals live now?

In which in a fairy tale there is a wonderful tree stump, where to sit if the furry one is not too lazy? There was just one problem: he couldn’t eat the pie. Why couldn't the bear eat the pie?

Kind little hero shared his home with a fox. But the fox was angry and drove the hare away. He couldn’t get his house back on his own, did the cockerel help him?

In which fairy tale Did the fox drive out the bunny? And who helped him drive out the fox? How did the fox drive away the animals, what did she say and how? And what kind of cockerel?

Children guess the name fairy tales, answer questions.

Educator. Guys, look in the chest there are things of different heroes fairy tales. Which one do you think? fairy tales these things? (kerchief, basket with pies)

Children. These are things from fairy tales"Masha and the Bear"

Educator. Here's another. Big cup average and the smallest blue one. Which one is this from? fairy tales?

Children. "Three Bears"

Physical exercise.

Three bears were walking home

(children are coming)

Dad was big - big

(arms above head)

Mom with him - shorter

(hands at chest level)

And my little son is just

(sit down)

He was very small

Walked with rattles

(stand up, hands in front of chest)

Ding - ding - ding.

Educator. Look, guys, there is some kind of letter in the chest, the address of our kindergarten. Let's read it.

"Dear Guys! My daughter is very likes drawing, but someone erased her drawings and only circles and ovals remained. And we don't know what to do. If my daughter sees this, she will be upset and cry for a long time, but I don’t want that. Help us. Sincerely, King"

Educator. Look, children, at these drawings. Indeed, there are only circles and an oval. You need to think about what was drawn here. Guys, what do you think the princess drew?

Children's answers.

Educator. I think we will all try, and we will definitely be able to draw from circles and ovals fairy-tale heroes. You are ready? Get started.

Music is playing.

Independent activity of children.

Educator. You are real wizards. You did a great job interesting works. Do you like them?

Lesson summary

The teacher and children discuss each drawing.

Educator. Guys, come on our We will send the drawings to the Tsar and the Princess, let them admire them too our creativity.


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  • Details Published: 05/07/2014 20:07 Views: 40440

    To work with children in the middle group of kindergarten, we offer texts of works by poets and writers from Russia and foreign countries.

    Sample listliterature for reading to children

    Russian folklore

    Songs, nursery rhymes, chants.“Our goat...” -; “Little cowardly bunny...”: “Don! Don! Don!-”, “Geese, you are geese...”; “Legs, legs, where have you been?..” “The bunny is sitting, sitting..>, “The cat went to the stove...”, “Today is the whole day...”, “Little lambs...”, “A fox is walking along the bridge...”, “Bucket sun. ..”, “Go, spring, go, red...”.

    Fairy tales . “About Ivanushka the Fool”, arr. M. Gorky; “The War of Mushrooms and Berries”, arr. V. Dahl; “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, arr. L. N. Tolstoy; “Zhiharka”, arr. I. Karnaukhova; “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, arr. M. Bulatova; “Zimovye”, arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova; "The Fox and the Goat", arr. O. Kapitsa; “The Picky One”, “The Lapotnitsa Fox”, arr. V. Dahl; “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, arr. Oh, Kapitsa.

    Folklore of the peoples of the world

    Songs. “Fish”, “Ducklings”, French, arr. N. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Chiv-chiv, sparrow", trans. with Komi-Permyats. V. Klimova; "Fingers", trans. with him. L, Yakhina; “The Bag”, Tatars., trans. R. Yagofarov, retelling by L. Kuzmin.

    Fairy tales. "The Three Little Pigs", trans. from English S. Mikhalkova; "The Hare and the Hedgehog", from the Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tales, trans. with him. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak; “Little Red Riding Hood”, from the fairy tales of C. Perrault, trans. from French T. Gabbe; Brothers Grimm. "The Bremen Town Musicians", German, translated by V. Vvedensky, edited by S. Marshak.

    Works of poets and writers of Russia

    Poetry. I. Bunin. “Leaf Fall” (excerpt); A. Maikov. “Autumn leaves are circling in the wind...”; A. Pushkin. “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”); A. Fet. "Mother! Look from the window...”; Ya. Akim. "First snow"; A. Barto. "We left"; C. Yeast. “Walking in the street...” (from the fiction “In a Peasant Family”); S. Yesenin. “Winter sings and echoes...”; N. Nekrasov. “It is not the wind that rages over the forest...” (from the poem “Frost, Red Nose”); I. Surikov. "Winter"; S. Marshak. “Luggage”, “About everything in the world-:-”, “He’s so absent-minded”, “Ball”; S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Styopa"; E. Baratynsky. “Spring, spring” (abbr.); Yu. Moritz. “Song about a fairy tale”; “The gnome’s house, the gnome is home!”; E. Uspensky. "Destruction"; D. Harms. "A very sad story."

    Prose. V. Veresaev. "Brother"; A. Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, the dog Cockerel and the cat Thread” (chapters from the book); M. Zoshchenko. "Demonstration child"; K. Ushinsky. "Caring Cow"; S. Voronin. "Warlike Jaco"; S. Georgiev. "Grandma's Garden" N. Nosov. “Patch”, “Entertainers”; L. Panteleev. “On the Sea” (chapter from the book “Stories about Squirrel and Tamara”); Bianchi, "The Foundling"; N. Sladkov. "Not hearing."

    Literary tales. M. Gorky. "Sparrow"; V. Oseeva. "Magic needle"; R. Sef. “The Tale of Round and Long Men”; K. Chukovsky. “Telephone”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino’s grief”; Nosov. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (chapters from the book); D. Mamin-Sibiryak. “The Tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and about Hairy Misha - Short Tail”; V. Bianchi. "First hunt"; D. Samoilov. "It's the baby elephant's birthday."

    Fables. L. Tolstoy. “The father ordered his sons...”, “The boy was guarding the sheep...”, “The jackdaw wanted to drink...”.

    Works of poets and writers from different countries

    Poetry. V. Vitka. "Counting", trans. from Belarusian I. Tokmakova; Y. Tuvim. "Miracles", trans. from Polish V. Prikhodko; “About Pan Trulyalinsky”, retelling from Polish. B. Zakhodera; F. Grubin. "Tears", trans. from Czech E. Solonovich; S. Vangeli. “Snowdrops” (chapters from the book “Gugutse - Captain of the Ship”), trans. with mold. V. Berestova.

    Literary fairy tales.A. Milne. “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all” (chapters from the book), trans. from English B. Zakhodera; E. Blyton. "The Famous Duckling Tim" (chapters from the book), trans. from English E. Papernoy; T. Egner. “Adventures in the forest of Elki-na-Gorka” (chapters from the book), trans. from norwegian L. Braude; D. Bisset. "About the Boy Who Roared at the Tigers", trans. from English N. Sherepgevskaya; E. Hogarth. "The Mafia and His Merry Friends" (chapters from the book), trans. from English O. Obraztsova and N. Shanko.

    Sample list for learning by heart

    “Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup...”, “Legs, legs, where were you?” - Russian adv. songs; A. Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”); 3. Alexandrova. "Herringbone"; A. Barto. “I know what I need to come up with”; L. Nikolaenko. “Who scattered the bells...”; V. Orlov. “From the market”, “Why does the bear sleep in winter” (chosen by the teacher); E. Serova. “Dandelion”, “Cat’s Paws” (from the series “Our Flowers”); “Buy onions...”, shotl. adv. song, trans. I. Tokmakova.