Tin Woodcutter Scarecrow. The Wizard of the Emerald City - how the scarecrow and the tin woodman came back to life

All representatives of the fair sex behave differently, each has its own characteristics, some not only do not motivate a man, but completely discourage him.

Impeccability repels a partner

There is an opinion that for a man the most important thing in a woman is her appearance and experience in bed. But is this really so? Of course, men are attracted to beautiful and well-groomed women who take care of their bodies. This is a well-known truth. However, when choosing a partner, even for a short relationship, men do not rely on ideal facial features and body parameters. They are interested in: relaxation, smiling and openness.

Men don't like it when something bothers them when communicating with a girl. Makeup, constant dieting, changing your image are pointless if a woman is gloomy and withdrawn into herself and doesn’t let anyone in. In order to surprise and interest a man, you don’t need to constantly have romantic dinners by candlelight and invent new positions in bed. They love calm and control over the situation, and your importunity will only ruin everything. So we destroyed the most main myth, in which hundreds of thousands of women so sincerely believe.

“But it can’t be that flaws in appearance don’t interfere with sexual desire,” you say. Actually it can! Many men claim that for them more important aspect is grooming. Representatives of the stronger sex think about themselves at this moment, because an unkempt woman will not be able to take care of him and his heirs. This is embedded in our brain and happens reflexively. Almost all men put this factor at the forefront of choosing a partner.

Remember: it is not physical defects that discourage sexual desire, but unkemptness.

Sex and the brain

A man makes a decision about choosing a partner long before sexual intimacy. All processes in our body are controlled by the brain, and sex is no exception. He evaluates the situation as a whole, all the pros and cons, and makes his verdict: to be or not to be attracted to this or that woman. Decision making is influenced by many factors that can encourage action or, conversely, repel it.

From this it follows that all problems that relate to sex originate in the head, and only then become visible. If a man notices that he has no arousal, then this affects his self-esteem, complexes and doubts, and lack of self-confidence appear. As you know, fear is incompatible with intimate relationships:

  • sexual desire disappears;
  • concerns about your health increase;
  • thoughts of unfulfillment appear, which leads to the disappearance of sex.

But fears associated with sexual life are different. Some destroy relationships, while others, on the contrary, help make them more diverse. Sex in public place, for example, will help shake up relationships and add adrenaline to a boring process. Such fear will only bring positive emotions. There is also a place in life for lingering and depressing fears that will definitely ruin relationships. Women often use the phrase “we need to talk” and love it. But these three words have a strong influence on a man; he can distance himself from his partner.

In addition, the strong half of humanity does not like it when a woman behaves too actively. This factor will also not have a positive effect on sexual relationships. Often, too temperamental women do not take into account a man’s opinion about where, when and how many times a partner wants to have sex. Therefore, he may develop a fear of sexual intercourse.

Many aspects frighten a man if his partner is too active sexually: fear of not satisfying the woman, lack of arousal, ending too quickly. In this matter, a man is more focused on himself: receiving physical pleasure and achieving a peak, adrenaline and hormones.

What does a man expect from sex?

In bed, a man primarily wants to satisfy not physical needs, but to assert himself. For a representative of the stronger sex in sex it is important Feedback, he does not need a “log” that does not respond to any actions in his direction. A man wants to see a response from the woman with whom he has decided to have sexual relations. In other words, a man should feel like a boss, and a woman should be gentle, able to listen and support, and also fulfill any requests in bed. This principle is used by “moths” from Thailand, which earns the client’s loyalty for many years.

Female bosses cannot boast of such success in relationships with men. After all, most of them are used to managing everything both at home and at work, without showing affection and tenderness to their man. Often this situation occurs in couples over forty years old, when the man is looking for himself or has changed his job, and the woman is from the category loving wife turned into a screaming bitch. At the same time, thoughts of inferiority arise in a man’s head, which turns into sexual relations. In such a situation, the partner is afraid of not meeting the expectations of his partner. If there have already been such cases in sex, then he will completely stop wanting to engage in it. Can not be hopeless situations, therefore, the solution is to return to the man the thoughts that he is in charge here, that he has the situation under control. You need to find your loved one an activity in which he will definitely succeed, and his self-confidence will return.

The biggest killer of a man’s sexual desire is simulation on the part of his partner. Pretentious emotions and unnaturalness cannot attract the attention of a man. A woman should not try on images that do not suit her temperament. Otherwise, all this will look like a second-rate porn film, and the man will simply run away from you.

It is necessary to remember about other factors when doubts may arise in a man’s head about the correctness of his choice. There is no need to pretend to be a martyr because no one wants to feel guilty. Controlling sex or hyperactivity also repels men, but lying motionless and silent is also not a good idea. Discussion of everyday problems immediately after sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited. Also, you don’t need to show off the vastness of your vocabulary; not everyone likes it. Sex should be spontaneous, not scheduled.

And, of course, you should never compare your current man with your ex, because this can affect your entire life. sex life further.

Putting aside jokes about kefir and the TV remote control, which men constantly dream about in bed, we will give you tips on how to drive him crazy. Ready? Enjoy!


Men like women who take the initiative in sex or, even better, provoke the sexual act itself. The banal truth is that there is nothing more seductive for him than a horny girl wanting passionate sex with him. It is very important for your lover to constantly know that you want him. Don't be afraid to show your enthusiasm spontaneously. For example, by sending among broad daylight message erotic in nature. But... Be careful! Don’t get carried away with this power and return the reins of power to him more often. The man welcomes the initiative, but the woman's transition to aggressive behavior in bed will cause admiration only among a few.


For men, sex is quite a priority activity and therefore may well become a powerful argument in favor of a long and happy love, and for a woman - a kind of lever for managing relationships. Experimenting in bed is an excellent stimulant for men. Sexual desire is like appetite: we all want to try different tastes because eating the same thing is boring. A man wants to see a woman in bed who can give him new, unique sensations.


Not only women love with their ears and need to hear compliments and praise for their appearance from time to time. Men are very susceptible to sweet (and slightly flattering) remarks and words. Your partner wants to know that he has something special that turns her on. This may concern his appearance, a move he made, a good joke, or his intellectual abilities. Feel free to tell him what qualities you find extremely sexy, and his self-esteem will increase.


During sex, leave the light on and thereby demonstrate your trust to your partner. Men really like to see women naked, look at them, study them, get to know every part of their body. Stop making love in the dark or wrapping yourself in sheets! It is not necessary to light all the light bulbs in the house; the intimate light of a couple of candles, the glow of a switched-on TV, or rays of light brazenly breaking through a curtain is enough. Use these little tricks to create a movie-like effect. Men are visual by nature and get aroused by looking at their partner. In addition, most representatives of the stronger sex dream that their ladies also enjoy watching the intimate process. Those who dare to engage in explicit self-stimulation under the lights in front of their man will receive an additional passionate bonus.


Any man wants his woman to be “easy-going” and not shy about her erotic desires. There is nothing sexier than making your partner's love fantasies come true. Many men are afraid to admit their dreams for fear of rejection. Tell him about your fantasies and ask him about his. Take the first step towards making them come true: you don’t have to do everything exactly as planned, but you can find a compromise that will help both of you enjoy the process. Or, even better, come up with and carry out your dream sexual experiment together.

Men love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears - sounds in bed excite them. In the concept of “ideal lover,” they, among other things, include a soft, low timbre of voice and a quiet, seductive manner of speaking. Too many words are not needed. You shouldn’t talk incessantly in your ear about how your day went. Interesting way to kindle serious passions - “dirty” words. Strong swearing in bed must be done in a timely and masterly manner. Silly shouting of brutal nouns, verbs and adjectives can lead to irritation. Take a closer look: if there are signs of exclusively emotional, but not sexual arousal, then, most likely, the partner is simply furious.


Why spend big money on erotic lingerie if it's going to end up on the floor in two minutes? Slow down! Men adore beautiful and well-wrapped gifts and are truly delighted and awed, anticipating how they will unwrap it. Undress slowly and slowly. He will be delighted with the “preview of the picture” that will soon be in his hands. Wear your sexiest lingerie, complete your look with lace stockings and boldly take your loved one into a room with a large mirror.


Are you the kind of woman who needs to have everything thought out and ready to make love? Or in sex, as in life, do you love the element of surprise? Spontaneity is the ideal fuel for libido. Men love everything unknown, they like to feel adrenaline and new discoveries in sex. The surprise factor promotes the production of the hormone dopamine, which enhances the feeling of satisfaction and special pleasure from life. For example, every man thinks about sex in unusual places, like in erotic cinema. You don't want to be in the role main character was there another? Invite your partner to have sex at a private picnic or at the pool.


Over time in sexual relations A couple inevitably comes a time when both find 1-2 positions in which they feel comfortable. But, as statistics show, a large number of couples break up due to the fact that they are “bored in bed.” Do not hesitate to try new and unexpected things, guide your partner in the right direction with words. Men are accustomed to constantly replenish their knowledge in practice. Move, look for new poses to help him make enchanting discoveries. And remember Golden Rule all men without exception: a real woman should be a mistress in the kitchen, a modest guest and a lover in bed.

Do you know how to become known as the world's worst mistress? This can happen even to the most tender and temperamental beauty. It is enough to do one stupid thing - and the man will decide that you no longer excite him. Remember - you can’t do this!

1. Going to bed without showering

Among the things that make men lose desire, the smell of a woman's sweaty armpits or unwashed genitals ranks first. Having gathered in the smoking room, gentlemen complain about beauties who smell like stale pike in bed, and young mothers who smell like dairy farms. Males find friends by smell, so it is very important to smell pleasant, let him only see you as fresh and fragrant, like a May rose. In addition, you should always be ready to experiment - in case your partner wants to pamper you with kisses below the waist.

2. Wearing ugly underwear

Men hate the shapeless “Moscowsewing” style pantaloons that their mothers wore. In their eyes, sleeping with a lady in such underwear is akin to incest. And stretched bras, worn-out panties and torn tights indicate that a woman does not respect or love her body. Under no circumstances show a man your “wrong side”! However, in an emergency, you shouldn’t refuse sex just because you put on an old comfortable bra in the morning or managed to tear your tights.

Go to the bath under a plausible pretext, ask for a robe or his shirt, go out in a towel to naked body- and no problem.

3. Laugh at him

It’s better not to giggle at him and what he does, unless you are completely sure that he is also funny. Men hate looking stupid, especially when they are naked and defenseless, entrusting their most intimate things to your fragile hands. A sarcastic laugh can make Casanova himself impotent. If you want to get him forever, support him, reassure him, or at least tactfully remain silent when your partner looks like a character from a joke.

4. Cry

And ask if he respects you, if he will marry you, if he thinks fallen woman and a libertine. Women's tears drive men crazy, affecting the subconscious just as strongly as the crying of other people's babies affects women themselves. The partner is lost, feels helpless, unable to console loved one- and therefore, paradoxically, he begins to get angry.

But the question about the wedding will be perceived as manipulation of his natural instincts and an attempt to trap him. Even if he wants to propose to you, he is unlikely to do it in bed.

5. Talk about ex-boyfriends

How many of them do you have, where, when, how and what did you happily do with them and what assholes they all were. Men are jealous owners. In addition, they willy-nilly compare themselves with the characters in your stories and either begin to develop complexes or become filled with disgust towards “those assholes” - and towards you at the same time. Spare his pride, keep your secrets to yourself.

6. Criticize

The partner himself, his penis, the way he makes love, snores or spoils the air. Even if you are offended, dissatisfied, or want to help him improve, the likelihood that you will be heard is close to zero. Naked man especially defenseless, so he sees aggression in any harmless remark - and immediately begins to defend himself. The night will be ruined, and so will the relationship. If you don’t like something, discuss it in the morning and not in bed.

7. Discuss everyday problems

The Japanese classic Ishihara Saihaku complained about women that “in bed they can only talk about miso and salt.” He was right: on the one hand, the bedroom is a place conducive to intimate conversations, on the other hand, these should be conversations, and not boring mumbling about boring matters. Even to a good husband and the father is not interested in listening to the coming sleep about deuces in the quarter, installment payments or the neighbor’s new Mazda.

Be a real woman in bed, choose feminine, seductive, intriguing topics for conversations, charm your partner and surprise him.

You can discuss how much meat will cost in winter and whether your annoying colleague will be fired during the day with your girlfriend.

8. Sorting out relationships in any form

The bed is a quiet refuge, the “inner fortress” of every home. People go there for understanding and warmth, passionate sex and sweet dreams. After a couple of showdowns “from dusk to dawn,” a man will begin to be afraid of bed, avoid it, sit until late at night at the computer, TV or beer - just so as not to lie next to you. However, this does not mean that problems should not be discussed - just choose a time that is convenient for both of you.

9. Tickle him

Grab your legs, splash water and wake him up harshly - a man should wake up as sweetly as he fell asleep. Few people like to jump up in the morning and rush to work; most people are irritable when they wake up. There is no need to awaken the wild beast in your partner.

Show tenderness, care, passion, finally - I think he will enjoy waking up to an erotic massage or the smell of coffee with fresh buns.

Make your bed your love nest, a refuge from the hardships of a cruel world, a place where a man can safely relax and unwind, show off his unprotected belly without the fear of being hit in the belly. And believe me, once he has tasted the captivating peace, he will never leave this wonderful harbor!