Myths of the 20th century. See what the “Myth of the Twentieth Century” is in other dictionaries

July 31st, 2009

1. The struggle of spiritual values.

“You are turning not only the conquered peoples, but also the German people into weak-willed and faceless cattle, killing everything vital, freedom-loving, great in them!” says the whole world to the Nazis. The struggle for existence has made some rulers, others slaves, these animals answer.

“The task of the German state,” writes Rosenberg, is to regulate these processes by promoting dominant characters. A dictatorship of people of a higher order over people of a lower order must be established.”

There is no need to give any explanation for this so-called “struggle of spiritual values” by Mr. Rosenberg. The shamelessness with which such “discoveries” are proclaimed can only be matched by their monstrous absurdity.

2. “Purity of race” and “thirst for blood.”

At the heart of the wild and extravagant ideas of modern cannibals is the following misanthropic revelation of Hitler: “Everything in this world that is not a good race is chaff.”

What practical goals are hidden behind this supposedly theoretical cry of the enraged German Black Hundreds? Racial theory, ridiculous arguments about “purity of blood” are practically a very convenient way, on the one hand, to hide the poverty of thought, because this nonsense does not require any knowledge or any semblance of argumentation. On the other hand, the proclamation of this “worldview” opens up absolutely exceptional opportunities for terror, debauchery and the extermination of conquered peoples and states.

In fact, the animal “logic” of fascist monsters is quite simple: if it’s all about “purity of race and blood,” then it means that, for example, treacherous violation of international treaties concluded with any other supposedly “inferior” race is not evil, but good!

Thus, racial ideology gives the fascists a free hand to destroy international law and commit unprecedented treachery in the field of international relations.

Since the whole point is “the contamination of German blood,” it means that it is possible and must be destroyed, exterminate all those who disagree with Hitler and his gang, because it is assumed in advance that all brave and genuine representatives of the German people and at the same time the mortal enemies of the cannibal Hitler are racially inferior people subject to physical extermination.

Thus, the racial “theory” gives the Nazis a “reason” to ruthlessly deal with their political opponents.

For many years, the Goebbels and Rosenbergs have been poisoned preaching the cannibal idea that only the Germans are representatives of the “superior master race”, while the rest of the peoples are “half-humans” (Americans, British), monkeys (Romanians, Hungarians, Turks), “subhumans” ( Japanese), “inferior race” (), people of “spoiled blood and poisoned soul” (Italians). Hence the crazy conclusion: Germany is called upon to dominate the world, the Germans – over all nations.

Thus, racial ideology clears the way to the policy of enslaving peoples and destroying their statehood, to turning tens of millions of workers, peasants, and intellectuals into draft animals.

The spread of racial ideology is also a means of strengthening the personal dictatorship of Hitler, Goering, Rosenberg, Himmler and other criminals, turning the German people into a weak-willed, gray, faceless mass of slaves, dulled by shameless lies and demagoguery. Hitler, Rosenberg, and other “inventors” of racial “theory” at their discretion classify some as a “superior” race, others as a “lower” race, some as masters, others as draft animals. These charlatans included, first of all, the Hitlerite rabble among the “superior race”. Thus, the dominance of cannibals turned out to be “justified” from this side as well.

Thus, “purity of race” is a concept that expresses the constant need of Hitler’s cannibals for blood.

Hitler, Hitler, Goebbels and others themselves admit that all this racial nonsense was invented by them solely for the sake of achieving some practical, criminal goals. Thus, for example, Hitler, discussing the need to destroy all modern nations, declared with gangster frankness that “the concept of race is very suitable for this task. It overturns old ideas and opens up possibilities for new combinations ... I will apply throughout Europe and throughout the whole world the new method of selection and education developed by National Socialism in Germany. The chosen asset of the nation - the northern element will gain dominance and will supply teachers to everyone... Only the strongest race will survive."

There is hardly any need for a more frank exposition of the concept of “race purity” and the practical conclusions flowing from it.

This is what the cannibal Hitler says next: “20 million people must be destroyed... For so many centuries they have talked about the need to protect the poor and unfortunate that it seems that the moment has come to protect the powerful from the threat posed by the lower strata. From now on, this will be one of the main tasks of German policy... Natural instinct orders every living creature not only to beat its enemy, but also to destroy it. In the past, the winner was recognized as having the full right to exterminate tribes and entire peoples. We will prove our humanity by exterminating our enemies little by little..."

“Purity of blood” is Hitler’s omnipotent mystical means for “solving” all problems, preparing the ground for all his abominations and atrocities.

Hitler does not hide this. “They imagine,” he says, “that I will put on gloves to deal with my opponents. At the moment when I throw the flower of the German population into the hurricane of a future war, without feeling the slightest regret for the precious blood that will flow like a river, who can challenge my right to destroy millions of people of the inferior race who multiply like insects?

Hitlerism’s use of the concept of “race” and “purity of blood” for bloody bandit purposes was so widespread that it replaced everything for the fascists: the idea of ​​history, culture, civilization, progress, popular interests, the concept of humanity, etc. Moreover, for all these Rosenbergs and Goebbels there are no more hated concepts than “civilization” or “progress,” the interests of the people or “humanity.”

Take for example the concept of “humanity”. In the spread of humanity, Rosenberg sees “an undermining of the principles of every German essence.” The task, he says, is to turn the majority of the world's population into slaves, since this population is by nature destined for slavery. Humanity and the demand for equality gave rise to unrest among the dissatisfied, writes Rosenberg.

Humanity requires concern for the human person. Fascism demands the extermination of all “inferior” people and demands a forced reduction in the world’s population.

Humanity means freedom in the practical and spiritual activities of man. Fascism cannot tolerate a “dirty journalist” publishing newspapers and writing books.

Literature and the press in general are a “temporary phenomenon.” The world domination of Hitler's fascism “will mean the end of the press” - “this relic of the 19th century”, incompatible with a return to barbarism.

Thanks to “their humanity, Negroes and Jews can marry with the northern race and even occupy important positions.” Hitlerism will eliminate this “invention of the British and French” and take measures to emasculate “Negroes and Jews” so that they cannot violate the purity of the “northern race.” “Humanity must be ended once and for all.”

However, Rosenberg here only repeats Hitler: “to deprive the majority of people of the opportunity to reproduce only fairly. The systematic implementation of this would be one of the most humane measures,” writes the chief cannibal in his delusional book “”.

Isn’t the whole disgusting, misanthropic essence of the vile “ideology” of the fascists - the evil enemies of humanity - visible from the arguments just given here by Rosenberg!

3. About the “waste of racial chaos.”

Having divided the peoples of the world into two groups, into “superior”, “Nordic”, “Aryan” races, on the one hand, and “inferior”, “inferior” races, on the other, Rosenberg, following in the footsteps of his “Fuhrer”, with With the swagger of the rapist he calls the vast majority of humanity - 2 billion 100 million out of 2.169 million - “the waste of racial chaos.”

Rosenberg strives to prove the alleged inability of all peoples to lead an independent creative life. It turns out that only the so-called “Aryan race”, “called” for this reason to dominate the world, is capable of such a life.

But Rosenberg is only a shadow of Hitler. Let us therefore turn to the original.

“The Aryans,” says Hitler, “were the founders of humanity.” “Try to eliminate,” he further writes, “the role of the Aryan race for future times, and perhaps in a few thousand years the earth will again be plunged into darkness, human culture will perish, and the world will be empty.”

Eight years of fascist domination in Germany very convincingly demonstrate what a shameless mockery of modern humanity these words sound like.

The earth is indeed plunged into darkness, but only where it is trampled by Hitler's bloody boot; human culture is indeed dying, but only where Hitler’s vile degenerates burned it out; the world will truly become empty, but only if Hitlerism - this - manages for some time to devastate peaceful villages and cities, exterminate entire nations, turn millions of people working in factories and mines of German millionaires into silent cattle and driven from one region of Europe to another.

The “waste of racial chaos,” then, is indeed there. The only question is where to look for this waste. Isn’t it more plausible to look for them among the fascist scum of society, among the modern cannibals of Hitler’s Germany, and not among the workers, peasants and intelligentsia of different countries!

Behind the blabbering demagoguery about domination of the world by the “Aryan race” are hidden the selfish goals of a bunch of swindlers who are trying to take over industry, land, and wealth belonging to entire nations. The Nazis have already compiled lists of future owners of this wealth - Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Frick, Rosenberg, and others head these lists.

But how can one justify an unheard-of robbery to one’s own people? How, being bandits and robbers, can one get rid of such a shameful stigma?

The same Rosenberg and the specialist in breeding tribal Aryans, Hitler’s Minister of Agriculture Darre, enter the stage here. They developed a kind of genealogical tree, a “stud book” of the whole, proving that they are the “master race” to which the looted wealth should naturally go.

Hermann Rauschning, one of Hitler's former closest associates, writes about his conversation with Darre on this topic: “This is the source of the new nobility. We select the best blood,” Darre explained to me, pointing his finger at his metal classifiers. “Just as we revived our old Hanoverian horse by selecting thoroughbred stallions and mares, we will revive the pure type of the North German through obligatory crossing over a number of generations... Creation the new nobility is the merging of a selected part of the population in the full meaning of the word.”

In this regard, it should only be noted that the creation of tribal, purebred Aryan “stallions and mares” from the “waste of racial chaos” that fascist cannibals represent is an undertaking that in its level is completely consistent with the moral and mental character of Hitler’s cannibals.

Such is the “ideology” and predatory “program” of Hitlerism.

Such is Rosenberg, its compiler, this swindler who became a fascist “theoretician,” a man “with a broken, impersonal soul, intending to teach the world,” to use the refined language of the author of “The Myth of the 20th Century.”

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("Pravda", USSR)
(“Red Star”, USSR)
(Izvestia, USSR)
("Pravda", USSR)
(The Times UK)
(“Red Star”, USSR)
("Pravda", USSR)
("Pravda", USSR)

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Interesting video - Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian peasants at a reception with Rosenberg, the "Eastern" minister.
The text of the report is lapidary - it is very easy to understand what it is about.
They have long been saying that Rosenberg is a Russophobe, Nazis are Russophobes, in his book “Myths of the 20th Century” Rosenberg expressed the official point of view of the Nazi Party, etc. and so on.
I will not argue. Moreover, the fact that the Nazis are criminals and villains certainly does not need proof.
However, it is worth saying that 70 years later, Stalin’s propaganda should not be repeated either. And many of the Stalinists’ statements about the Nazis are indeed, in the literal sense, a myth of the twentieth century. And it's time to get rid of it.
Here is an excerpt from Hitler's Table Talk, as narrated by Henry Picker.

11.04.1942, Saturday evening

"Wolf's Lair"

At dinner, the chef emphasized that Rosenberg's Myth should not be considered a work expressing the official point of view of the party. He, the chief, at one time categorically refused to consider this book as having come from the pen of the pope of party ideology, since its name itself is incorrect. For it cannot be said that the “Myth of the 20th Century,” that is, something mystical, is opposed to the spiritual currents of the 19th century, but the National Socialist must declare that the faith and knowledge of the 20th century are opposed to the myths of the 19th century.

It is characteristic that old party members do not belong to the bulk of readers of this book by Rosenberg. In the first time after its release, it was even very difficult to sell out the first edition. And only when this work was mentioned in the pastoral message, the first 10,000 copies were sold. And thanks to the fact that the Munich Cardinal Faulhaberturned out to be so stupid and not only brought a quotation from the “Myth” to the conference of bishops, but also attacked it, it became possible to release a second edition. When the book was included in the index of prohibited literature, since heretical views were attributed to the party, the demand for it increased even more. And when the Catholic Church published all its pamphlets directed against Rosenberg’s ideas, coupled with his objections, the circulation increased to 170 or even 200 thousand copies.

He, the boss, is only pleased that, in fact, only our opponents understand the contents of this book. Like many Gauleiters, he also read only a few pages because, in his opinion, it was quite difficult to understand.

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