Who is Lena Knyazeva? The beginning of Elena Knyazeva’s career

Elena Lvovna Knyazeva (creative pseudonym BELKA) is a Russian artist, author and performer of songs, TV presenter and fashion designer. She is familiar to the viewer from filming the series “Club”, “Election Day”, “Once Upon a Time in Baden-Baden”, “Hello, I’m your Dad!”

The star is in demand, writes songs (“No Screaming”, “New Year’s”, “Let You Be Lucky!”, “Cool at Football”, “Sorry”), appears in video clips, and receives offers to participate in films. She is beautiful and sexy (she graced the covers of men's magazines XXL, WO), according to her, men fought for her, gave up everything for her, gave her apartments and diamonds as gifts.

The childhood of Elena Knyazeva

Popular singer was born on April 28, 1986 in the capital of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk. When the daughter was 4 years old, the family moved to her mother’s homeland, to the city of Dimitrovograd, located 90 kilometers from Ulyanovsk. The girl’s mother worked as a department head in the city construction department, and her father worked as a design engineer at a research institute. nuclear reactors.

Lena's abilities for music, choreography, and literature manifested themselves in childhood. She successfully played the piano, sang, wrote stories, did rhythmic gymnastics, ballet, and performed at school concerts. Children's stories and fairy tales written by the girl were read on local radio, teachers ballet dancing recommended that she go to school at Bolshoi Theater.

Elena excelled in other school subjects. After graduating from school with a gold medal, she entered Moscow State University, where she studied Italian and Romanian at the philology department. Simultaneously with studying at higher education educational institution the girl learned to trade on the stock exchange, sing, acting, appeared in TV advertisements for Panasonic products, composed songs.

The beginning of Elena Knyazeva’s career

In 2006, Elena’s composition “Without Screaming” was taken into the television series “Club”, and she herself was given the opportunity to play one of the main characters in it. Later, a fragment of the composition was included in the film “Election Day”, where the singer was offered a small role. In addition, she, in partnership with actor Pavel Derevyanko, filmed this song music video.

Elena was a participant in the second national competition for young performers “Five Stars 2006”, which was an alternative version of the Jurmala “New Wave” from Channel One. She was one of the twelve finalists. Her producer at the event in Sochi was Yana Rudkovskaya.

Elena Knyazeva - Clavicles

A year later, Knyazeva released her first single, “Without Screaming,” and shot a video clip for it. She also appeared in the interactive series “Alice’s Dreams,” where the musical accompaniment was the song “I’m Letting Go” performed by her. It was written for her by Anastasia Maksimova, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, author of compositions for Yulia Savicheva’s album for the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

Career development of Elena Knyazeva

The singer’s next round of popularity was her participation in the “STS Lights Up a Superstar” competition, where she was in the lead for a long time. She brilliantly performed the role of Mrs. Gelenka in “The Zucchini of 13 Chairs”, where she worked together with Zoya Zelinskaya, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny.

She also participated in the art festival “Stavyansky Bazaar” and in the fashion show of the autumn collection of designer Ilya Shiyan. Among the participants in the grandiose fashion event were such celebrities as Philip Kirkorov, Lolita, Dima Bilan and other stars.

In 2008, Elena played the main character, a police lieutenant, in the film “City of Brides,” which starred Ivan Gromov, Tina Kandelaki, and Svetlana Nemolyaeva. At the same time, she again performed the song created for her by Viktor Drobysh new hit“And you said it.” In addition, Elena became the TV presenter of the “Tema” program and the hit parade legendary songs last century “Forget-Me-Nots” on the music channel RU.TV, and also hosted the program “The City Sings” on Channel 3.

During the same period, the singer toured a lot, performed in concerts and at the competition “ New wave", entered into an agreement with Poly Music, a recording company in the People's Republic of China. As part of it, she released the singles “VybiRai”, “Perfect date”, “Katyusha” and corresponding video clips, and made a tour of the south of the Celestial Empire.

Elena Knyazeva - “Took the Guy Away”, performance at the European shopping center

As Elena noted, among her creative achievements she prefers songwriting. In the process of creation and processing, she constantly has a lot of material. Although the girl admitted that acting, working as a presenter and on commercial orders such as creating corporate anthems also brings her great pleasure.

Personal life of Elena Knyazeva

BELKA is not married. She noted in an interview that she would prefer a man not from the sphere of show business as a groom, since she does not tolerate the narcissism and boasting inherent in most actors and singers.

In 2009, she was credited with an affair with actor Pavel Derevianko, with whom she starred in a video. But the singer always keeps information about her personal life under lock and key, so she did not confirm these rumors. She only says that she has a personal life, but wants it to remain private.

Elena is a good housewife, an excellent cook, in particular, potato casserole, loves social networks, but adherents computer games calls them “killers of time and their lives.”

She reads “a lot and randomly”, has, in her opinion, a phenomenal memory, never tires of mentioning in interviews her education, gold medal and admission to Moscow State University, and enjoys painting, alpine skiing, and roller skating. That is, one of the most prominent representatives of the stage has a lot of advantages (perhaps excluding modesty).

Elena Knyazeva today

In 2010, Elena released her debut album “So Gently”, containing lyrical compositions and musical discoveries in the dance genre (“Princess”, “You Said”, “Klavchitsy”). Of the 13 tracks included in it, six were written by her herself.

The singer was the “face” of the social event “Horses. Grand Prix Radio Monte Carlo”, was filmed for a calendar from AirBaltic. A year later, the girl graced the covers of Playboy and the Chinese magazine for men “WO” with her photographs.

In 2012, the hardworking and talented performer for the first time, under the stage name BELKA, released the video “Fame”, “Sorry” and her 2nd album “I have come!” He included diverse compositions - both romantic ballads and aesthetic provocations modern music, all the latest dance hits from the best European authors and producers.

In 2013, “Belka” worked on the embodiment of the main character in the film “Hello, I’m your dad!”, which starred such superstars as Alexander Demidov, Alexey Panin, Lera Kudryavtseva, Olga Pogodina and many others.

She could also be seen on the cover of the Russian men's magazine XXL. In addition, as a gift for her fans for the holiday, together with the group “Heroes” she recorded New Year's song.

2014 brought new album Elena “We’ll call you in the spring.” His presentation took place at the Radio City club, where musical works singers performed with her french star Isa Ferrer, with whom she later continued to collaborate, recorded a duet, making a Russian translation of her hit “Made in Japan”. With Rodion Gazmanov, BELKA recorded a video for the song “Losing”, as well as a joint single with former member group "Parties RA" Log Dog and a video for the song "Wine".

Filming a video for the song “Wine” by Elena Knyazeva and Lok Dog

The singer has a colossal capacity for work and is full of new ideas and plans, including creating a collection of jeans under her own brand or implementing a project for the song “Give Your Heart” in partnership with Viktor Lukyanov. She is absorbed in writing and recording new songs, does not think about film roles, with the exception of her old dream of starring in Renata Litvinova. The girl considers her credo to be the desire to constantly work, trust only herself, not listen to anyone and never give up.



In summer 2010 2010

2008 2008 -2009

In summer 2010 2010 2011

Singer and actress Lena Knyazeva is a fragile and charismatic girl who seems to know how to do everything in the world - sing, dance, write music and poetry, act in films, host television programs. Lena's popularity is gaining momentum not thanks to scandals and thoughtful PR campaigns, but thanks to her hard work, skill, talent, charm and beauty.

Lena began her career with the series “Club” on the MTV channel, the stages in her career were also television projects“5 stars” (channel 1) and “STS lights up a superstar”. As an actress, we saw Lena in the TV series “Club”, “Alice’s Dreams”, in the film “Election Day” (a box office leader 2008 year), where her own songs were sounded as soundtracks.

Lena was born on April 28 in the mountains. Izhevsk. At the age of 4, her parents moved to Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, at the same time they noticed Lena’s musical talent and sent her to art studio, where the child is engaged in choreography, music, singing and drawing. In second grade, Lena enters music school piano class, then she begins to write poetry and music. Simultaneously with music and general education school, Lena is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, which will later lead to a 7-year-old passion for ballet. In 9th grade secondary school Lena decides to enter Moscow State University. , in connection with which he begins to intensively study languages ​​and literature. IN 2000 Lena Knyazeva graduates from the city gymnasium of the city of Dimitrovgrad with a gold medal and certificates of honor for taking first and second places at city and regional Olympiads in English and Russian. In the same year, having scored the maximum passing score, Lena entered the Romance-Germanic department of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. to the group for studying Romanian and Italian languages, without abandoning his passion for music.

Lena began her career with the series “Club” on the MTV channel; stages in her career also included the television projects “5 Stars” (Channel 1) and “STS Lights a Superstar”. Radio listeners know Lena from the songs “And You Said,” written for her , the tracks “Without Screaming”, “New Year’s”, “One Hundred Hours of Happiness” of her own authorship, in the videos for which such artists as Pavel Derevyanko, V.P. -senior, Marina Golub. Also in the artist’s archive are the famous tracks “Lonely”, “So Gently” and “Cool on Football” (the last two are in currently are in rotation on Russian Radio). Lena Knyazeva became the first domestic star, whom the all-China men's magazine "WO" put on the cover. This shooting is not an accident, but a completely natural consequence of the two-year work of artist Lena Knyazeva (Chinese pseudonym - LENA) in the Chinese show business market.

In summer 2010 year, the song "Perfect date" was played on Chinese radio stations on Chinese performed by a Russian artist. The track performed by Lena sounded so gentle and unusual that it immediately won the hearts of listeners. The single "Perfect date" reached 4th place in the national charts of the Middle Kingdom in 2 weeks. 2010 year with the support of Kvadro-Disk and Russian Radio, a presentation took place debut album singer, actress and TV presenter Lena Knyazeva - “So gentle.” The album includes 13 tracks, 6 of which the artist wrote entirely herself. The premiere of the title song of the album “So Gently” took place on Russian Radio. In April in Concert Hall“Gorbushka” was sold out for the first time solo concert Lena Knyazeva.

Lena Knyazeva is one of the few Russian artists who works both as a singer, author and performer of her songs, and as an actress, and as a TV presenter. WITH 2008 year, Lena was the host of the "Tema" program on the All-Russian music channel RU TV, and now also the hit parade of the very first, unusual clips Russian performers- "Forget-me-nots." Despite her young age, the Lena Knyazeva brand is sold on the Russian market, which provides the artist with constant offers of cooperation from well-known labels - so in 2008 -2009 year, a collection of jeans “Lena Knyazeva”, developed according to the artist’s own design, was developed and successfully sold in GUM. On the eve of the World Cup, the anthem of all football fans started - the song "Cool at Football", performed by Lena.

In summer 2010 year, a unique social event took place, which the Moscow elite eagerly awaits every year - “Horse racing. Grand Prix Radio Monte Carlo. The face of the event was Lena Knyazeva. All previous years, Lena attended the races as an invited guest, but last year the founders were noted creative success Lena, Active participation in social events, as well as extraordinary beauty and a sophisticated style that fits perfectly into the concept of such a significant event. In November 2010 Lena Knyazeva starred for the European calendar 2011 year of AirBaltic airline flying to 70 destinations. European and Baltic stars starred in the calendar; the Mumiy Troll group and Lena Knyazeva were honored to represent Russia in this calendar.

Today we were able to chat with our favorite singer and actress, the charming red-haired “lighter” Lena Knyazeva.

By the age of 30, Lena had reached unprecedented heights both in the musical field and in cinema. But she doesn't intend to stop. About plans for the future, goals and dreams in our exclusive interview.

Devushka.ru: Lena, you have tried yourself in both cinema and music. What is closer to you and why? What comes harder?

Lena Knyazeva: These are all components of one profession as an Artist. I'm interested in being creative in principle, no matter whether it's writing songs or designing jewelry. Music and writing lyrics just comes easier to me, because I don’t take it all by storm))) it’s a continuation of me, no matter what, I’ve always written poetry and Lyrics, and then music on them)

Devushka.ru: What role in a movie or TV series would you like to try yourself in?

Lena Knyazeva: I'm interested in transformation roles - from an ugly loser to a queen and vice versa. On the contrary, it’s even more interesting)))

Devushka.ru: Do you write music and poetry yourself? Where do you get your inspiration from?

Lena Knyazeva: I wrote my first album almost entirely myself. I write a lot of music and lyrics, but I have a lot of songs in collaboration with very good poets and composers. For example, Herman Witke wrote the lyrics for a song for me, and I wrote music for it. The song is called “Lena Knyazeva”, we haven’t released it yet, it means too much to me, I sing it at my concerts, but not at all, but only at acoustic ones. The hit #strong was given to me by the famous Ukrainian hit-maker Alexander Romansberg, now our second song with him #adultery is being released. The hit #cat was written to me and given to me by my friends, talented artists Sergei Asharin and Evgeniy Gor. The sensational song #lovetekila was written and given to me by an incredibly talented and one of the most authoritative music producers Alexander Sakharov, it was released as a collaboration between artists Elena Knyazeva and Clan Soprano. Always like this. I have a lot of very high quality musical material written by the most talented and worthy composers and producers. My last one strong work, the release of which I am really looking forward to, is a track #yura, which was written and presented by Kirill Kuzmenko (DJ Clash). I'm just in awe of his sense of music and what he does. But, of course, the most special and favorite now is a song entirely by me #today, a video for which we shot with Valik and Ira Grosu, and which is already on some radio stations.

Devushka.ru: Did you dedicate your songs to anyone?

Lena Knyazeva: Every song you perform, and especially when you wrote it yourself, is a Story. This is an experience, and one way or another, it is dedicated to those people who influenced you, the events that happened, the pain that changed you and your heart.

Devushka.ru: Are you a romantic girl?

Lena Knyazeva: Not really. Let's just say that I saw and felt a lot so that I could be surprised with something and want to surprise someone myself. I'm a Taurus, and this is the most earthly, material and realistic sign. You need to really try to stir me up to a state of romance - this is not my natural organic nature.

Devushka.ru: Have you seen an amazing cat on your social networks? Do you think your cat resembles his owner?

Lena Knyazeva: Strictly speaking, this is not my cat. Garik is the family's cat, and he is already quite famous both from his blog on Instagram @garik_cat, and from the covers of zoo magazines on which he regularly appears. I have 4 Dogs, but I don’t show them anywhere. This is my family, this is personal, and I am clearly aware of what can be made public and what never.

Devushka.ru: Lena, how do you perceive criticism addressed to you?

Lena Knyazeva: Depends on who. I am quite indifferent to both criticism and admiration. I respect myself, my work and the talent of those people who make our music with me.

Devushka.ru: Would you like to meet any of the great musicians? Perhaps do a collaboration. Who would it be?

Lena Knyazeva: I really like what the Weeknd and #21pilots are doing. I don't take them out of my ears latest albums. Of our artists, I'm most proud joint work with Lock Dog and Clan Soprano. For me personally, combinations are very complicated story. I like to do everything myself, alone, release songs under my own name, and it must be a very strong message and talent of the other party, a huge creative attraction, so that I want to do something together.

Devushka.ru: The Most original gift from fans that you have ever received?

Lena Knyazeva: From the last one, this is a huge knitted blanket with my portrait, I even laid it out, and a ring in gold with diamonds with a large emerald, which was anonymously left to the guards as a gift for the New Year. I was impressed, honestly.

Devushka.ru: What are your immediate creative plans?

Lena Knyazeva: Release of a video for my single C today, after that, the plans include video releases for the song Adultery from the author of the hit #strong and a mind-blowing creative experiment from the famous producer Dima Sher, who wrote for me the song Who Stole Belka and we shot an ambiguous video for it)) the song #nightflower will be ready soon, which we did with the very famous producer and musician Vitya Lukyanov, his friends Evgeny Usatyuk and Vladimir Osinsky. In April there will be filming in a series with a director for whom I went to auditions for several years and something else interesting)

Lena Knyazeva: I'm very motivated inner desire creative realization. For me, the most important thing in life is creativity, and I don’t need additional motivation. Everything is changing a lot. Those artists who were number one in Russia just three years ago are nowhere to be found now. And vice versa. Therefore, looking at others and comparing yourself with them is an unproductive and disastrous activity. I'm doing what I love, I have great amount my ideas, which I am in a hurry to implement while they are relevant.

Name: Elena Knyazeva (BELKA)

Age: 32 years

Height: 161

Activity: Russian actress and singer

Family status: Single

Elena Knyazeva: biography

Elena Knyazeva – Russian singer, who writes and performs songs herself. Subsequently, Elena’s creative biography was also supplemented by filming in films, creating a clothing collection, as well as experience working on a television show.

Fans of this bright and talented singer and the actresses know the girl under creative pseudonym BELKA. The girl burst onto the stage as a beauty in the style of the musical "Chicago": with short hair, purple lips and a sexy corset. And she immediately won an army of fans with her memorable appearance and mesmerizing timbre of her voice.

The identity of the mysterious singer, performing under a pseudonym, immediately raised a number of questions. Fans were interested in where Elena Knyazeva came from, who are the parents of this bright artist, author and performer of songs, TV presenter and fashion designer.

Elena Lvovna Knyazeva was born in April 1986 in Udmurtia. Her early childhood years were spent in Izhevsk. But when the girl turned 4 years old, the family moved to Dimitrovgrad, not far from Ulyanovsk. This is the birthplace of Elena Knyazeva’s mother.

Lena's parents have nothing to do with the world of art. On the contrary, they are “techies”. Mom headed the department of the city construction department, and dad has a specialty as a design engineer and works at the Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors. He is a candidate of mathematical sciences.

It is interesting that parents with a mathematical mind grew up with a daughter who is an absolute humanitarian. After the 6th grade, Elena Knyazeva transferred from a comprehensive school to a gymnasium, where she studied in the humanities class.

IN school years Knyazeva visited ballet school and section rhythmic gymnastics. And the girl also turned out to be a born artist. Not a single thing would have happened without her participation. school event or holiday. In addition, she discovered a literary gift. Elena wrote wonderful fairy tales and short stories, which were read on the local radio in a children's program.

After successfully graduating from high school (with a gold medal), Knyazeva entered Moscow State University, choosing philology. At the same time, the girl learned to trade on the stock exchange, studied vocals and attended an acting school.


The creative biography of Elena Knyazeva began with the song “Without Screaming,” of which she was the author and performer. The composition was taken into the popular youth series “Club”. The girl herself was also invited to act, and in one of the main roles – the daughter of an oligarch. Knyazeva starred in all seasons of “Club”.

A little later, a fragment of the song was included in the sensational film “Election Day”, in which Knyazeva appeared in the image of Lyolya. The film was released and immediately became a hit. Soon, in partnership with the actor, Lena starred in the video for the single “Without Screaming,” which became widely popular.

The career of a girl from distant Udmurtia is quickly gaining momentum. She is invited to the 2nd national competition young performers "Five Stars-2006". Knyazeva was among the 12 finalists. It is noteworthy that she agreed to become Lena’s producer at this event.

The next song that listeners liked was “Letting Go.” This composition by Elena Knyazeva was first performed in the series “Alice’s Dreams”. Also in this series, the singer first appeared on television. Elena Knyazeva played the role of organizer mass events Lights. The singer’s heroine organized Lera’s wedding, Alice and Phil’s concert and the presentation of Ksenia’s book all rolled into one. Svetlana also received her own love line, the girl fell in love with the Heron.

At the same time, Elena Knyazeva appeared in another series, “Club,” where she starred until 2009 and played the daughter of an oligarch. Also during this period, the singer starred in full-length film. In 2007, Elena Knyazeva received the role of Vika’s friend, Lelya Vladimirovna, in the famous comedy “Election Day”, filmed by “Quartet I” based on their own production.

Elena Knyazeva’s performing career is increasingly intertwined with acting work. The singer took part in the show “STS Lights up a Superstar”, where she for a long time was in the lead. During the same period, the artist brilliantly played Mrs. Helena in “The Zucchini of 13 Chairs.” On film set“Zucchini” Knyazeva met with real stars national cinema, such as Zoya Zelinskaya, and.

Elena Knyazeva had the opportunity to show off her performing talent at the Slavic Bazaar in 2008. That same year she played main character the film “City of Brides”, where she starred with, and Ivan Gromov.

At the end of the 2000s, the singer pleased her fans with the hit “And You Said,” which he wrote for her. Knyazeva also began to appear on screen more often, because she was entrusted with hosting two music programs at once: “Forget-Me-Nots” on RU.TV and “The City Sings” on Channel 3.

IN Lately Elena Knyazeva performs under the pseudonym BELKA. She tours a lot (she conducted a tour in the Middle Kingdom) and has released several new singles. The most famous of them are “VybiRai”, “Perfect date” and “Katyusha”. Video clips were recorded for all songs.

In 2010, BELKA presented her first album entitled “So Gently.” It included 13 tracks, half of which Knyazeva wrote herself.

Thanks to her bright model appearance, Elena Knyazeva often appears in glossy publications. Her photos graced the covers of Russian publications Playboy and XXL, as well as the Chinese men's tabloid WO.

Also in 2011, the singer appeared in films again. Elena Knyazeva played the role of the chief policeman provincial town, Lieutenant Trevogina. Here, Knyazeva’s role can hardly be called secondary. Trevogina got enough screen time and romantic line with one of the main characters.

Elena Knyazeva in the film "Hello, I'm your dad!"

IN last years Belka's career continues to develop. The singer released 2 more albums entitled “I have come!” and “We’ll call you in the spring.” In 2015, the singer began signing songs with her real name. This year’s tracks – “Let’s Call in the Spring”, “Tequila Love” and “Give Your Heart” - were released under the cover, which said “Elena Knyazeva” instead of “Belka”. Fans see this as a twist in creative biography performers.

In addition, the singer starred in the film “Hello, I’m your dad!”, where she played a fifteen-year-old goth girl, who later turned out to be a thief-clothes dealer.

Personal life

It is known that BELKA is not yet married. In one of her interviews, she noted that she would prefer a man not from show business as a husband, because most of its representatives love themselves too much.

Perhaps the singer and artist already has a beloved man, but she hides him from prying eyes. The personal life of Elena Knyazeva recently came into the spotlight because of an alleged affair with Pavel Derevianko, with whom Elena starred in a video. But none of this couple confirmed the alleged connection.

IN free time BELKA reads “a lot and randomly”, enjoys painting, roller skating and downhill skiing. Can cook well and loves to socialize in social networks, but calls fans of computer games “killers of time and their lives.”

Elena Knyazeva now

In 2016, Elena Knyazeva released the compositions “Girl”, “Adultery”, “Graduation”, “From Today” and “Hear Me” as separate singles. The last song was included in the album “Strong”, which the singer also presented in 2016.

The disc includes eleven compositions by the singer. In addition to the title song of the same name and the already named track “Hear Me,” the disc included the composition “Losing,” which the singer recorded in a duet with, as well as eight more solo songs: “The guy was taken away”, “Forget-me-nots”, “Diamonds are silent”, “May you be lucky!” and others. Elena Knyazeva has already shot music videos for some of these songs.

In 2017, the singer presented a new solo single called “Personal”, soon on the singer’s channel on “ YouTube"A video for this song also appeared. Also in 2017, the singer took part in a group project and performed the song “What Do You Want” together with foreign musicians Jakal (Hubert Edward Johnson) and Blass (Omari Carlington Thompson). An incendiary video clip has also already been shot for this song.


  • 2010 - “So tenderly”
  • 2012 - “I’ve come!”
  • 2015 - “We’ll call you in the spring”
  • 2016 - “Strong”


  • 2006-2007 - “Alice’s Dreams”
  • 2006-2009 - “Club”
  • 2007 - “Election Day”
  • 2011 - “Amazons from the Outback”
  • 2014 - “Hello, I’m your dad!”