Interesting facts about sports dancing. Interesting facts about dancing

Interesting Facts about dancing June 19th, 2017

Briton H. Ellis, who specializes in gender relations, believes that dance is just a way to convey a powerful physiological impulse to each other. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that behind the movements of the body lies the true movement of the soul.
1. Officially presented in the Guinness Book of Records, such a world record as the 37-year-old Kalamandalam Hemalente dancer from India danced folk dance 123 hours and 15 minutes. As Hemalente herself said, she set such a record because national dance her country was in a worthy place and would always be remembered.

2. A dance like " belly dance"appeared in the Middle East thanks to the same India; around the 10th century, the Ghawazi gypsies brought it there. And today there are already more than 50 different styles oriental dances.

3. Dance " Tango"spread from African communities in Buenos Aires. The very name of the dance came from the Nigerian Ibibo people, which meant “dance to the sound of a drum.” And initially this dance was danced only by men who sought the favor of women.

4. Dancing in the barn" Barn dancing" - have always been in fashion in the USA. You can get your idea of ​​what barn dancing "Barn dancing" is by watching the video of the group Rednex Cotton Eye Joe.

5. Impromptu dance for everyone famous name Salsa, - this is when the partner improvises the entire dance, and his partner obediently obeys his movements and enjoys it. If you believe the legend about this dance, they started dancing Salsa after the revolution in Cuba, and they danced it in gaming establishments that were closed by the authorities.

6. Founder tribal Jamila Salimpour is considered, as well as her students Masha Archer and Carolina Nericchio. They developed a style that was later called American Tribal Style. To form this oriental dance influenced Indian dance, flamenco, African dance, noticeable participation of yoga, modern, even hip-hop. Music for this style is mainly used from the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, and sometimes Indian trance.

7. Basic dance movements merengue- resembles a limping gait. And the main highlight of this dance is the light presence of erotic movements. You can learn to dance merengue right on the dance floor.

8. The cha-cha-cha dance, which was compulsory in many Soviet schools, is called the “coquette dance” because it is characterized primarily by expressive movements of the hips.

9. Dance reggaeton originates in Panama and Puerto Rico. To perform this dance you need to be in good physical shape. The movements of reggaeton dance may resemble the courtship behavior of some animal species.

10. Hip-hop originated in the South Bronx, New York in the 1980s. TO musical direction Hip-hop includes rap, funk and beatbox, visual art includes graffiti, and dance includes breakdancing, crumpet, C-Walk and waving.

11. They say that if you have never danced bachata, then you didn’t dance at all. The main goal in this dance is the closest contact between partners. There are few turns in the dance, but there are many side passages and “throwing” of the lady from side to side.

12. If you have heard the name at least once Italian dance tarantella, they probably noted the similarity of this word with the word “ tarantula" They are truly "relatives". In the 15th century, Italian doctors “invented” such a disease as tarantism - the insanity of a person bitten by a tarantula. It was believed that one could recover from illness with the help of special body movements accompanied by music. Later they became a dance.

13. Dance sirtaki, which we strongly associate with Greece, was actually invented American actor Anthony Quinn. In 1964, he starred in the film “Zorba the Greek” and decided not to stop working, even when he broke his leg outside film set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to dance. Resourceful Anthony came up with steps that allowed him to move naturally, and asked composer M. Theodorakis to write slower music for them. So if sirtaki can be called Greek dance, then only half.

14. In order to get to the well-known Viennese Christmas ball, or a charity ball, you must know how to dance waltz. Such skills are determined at special rehearsals.

It is impossible to find a clear and unambiguous definition of the word “dance”. For some, this is one of the emotional components of the soul, expressed in movements, for others it is the proximity of inspiration, emotions, feelings, mood, music and body. If you try to combine all the definitions, it will turn out to be very voluminous and ambiguous. If you collect all the concepts, interesting and surprising facts about dance, you will get a huge multi-volume encyclopedia.

Amazing and unusual dances of the world

Each dance is a separate world, which has its own history, its own heroes. There is a dance of the moment of happiness, grief or joy and it belongs to one person, and there are dances that live for centuries and are the property of entire nations.

Scissor Dance (Peru)

The dance with scissors is a long-lived dance - it is more than 400 years old. Presumably it arose in the first half of the 16th century in the southern part of the Andes, when the local population actively resisted the Spanish conquistadors.

They decided to turn to the gods for help, inviting them through singing, music, and dancing. The loud music was heard by the gods and, descending to earth, one of the gods merged with the most energetic participant, charging everyone dancing with energy.

The dancers were identified with wizards, magicians who calmed the gods. Achieve high level spirituality and becoming a performer is not easy - you need to learn to walk on hot coals, swallow glass, expose your body to sharp objects.

Participants, as a rule, are either two people or two teams who compete in performing complex tricks, dance moves, holding sharp scissors with long blades (25 cm) in your hands. The musical accompaniment of the duel includes harps and violins.

Reference! The competition continues until one of the participants admits defeat. Sometimes the dance-duel lasts more than one hour.

Interesting facts about dance:

  • the dancer participating in the dance is called danzak;
  • spectacular dance is a mandatory attribute of all Catholic holidays in Peru;
  • dancers’ clothing should be bright and shiny - decorations include sparkles, small mirrors, and gold embroidery;
  • dance is included in the List of intangible cultural heritage humanity.

Dance of a Thousand Arms (Thousand Armed Guanyin, China)

It's incredible to see this beautiful dance takes you away from reality into a fantastic world of beauty, peace and tranquility. The audience is mesmerized by the play of the fingers, hands and bodies of the dancers (there are 21 of them), dressed in golden robes.

Their movements are so coordinated that they seem to be an action performed by one person with many hands. This synchronicity is even more striking when you learn about amazing fact– the dancers are deaf and mute and do not hear music.

The dance of the Thousand-Armed Guan Yin is the personification of the goddess of mercy Guanyin (Hearer of the cry of the Universe) observing the world of people and noting those who need help and compassion. For this she was given a thousand hands and a thousand eyes. The goddess takes on different guises, and her help does not require payment.

On a note! The hands of the dancers with eyes depicted on the palms symbolize the thousand hands and thousand eyes of the goddess. The effect is enhanced by false nails, making your arms longer and more expressive. The dance lasts only 6 minutes.

The ensemble is led by deaf and mute Tai Lihua. The dancers are helped to “hear” the music by people standing at the edges of the stage, showing the rhythm and various nuances in the music with special gestures.

Haka - dance of courage and strength (New Zealand)

The dance owes its appearance to the Maori people of New Zealand. In their language, "haka" refers to the song that accompanies the dance, where all parts of the body, eyes and tongue perform their part.

There is more than one legend explaining the reason for the appearance of such an unusual dance. According to one of them, the women of the Maori tribe wanted to find the person who killed the whale, which was the property of their leader. They didn’t know any signs other than the fact that this man had crooked teeth. The women decided to perform funny dance, which made the crowd watching them laugh. So among them a man with crooked teeth was discovered.

Initially, the dance was performed in the evening, when all work was finished and you could have fun. There is a children's, women's, men's, and joint version of his performance. Guests were also greeted with dance, but the mood was militant, since the intentions of those who came were not always known, and the dance warned that there would be an appropriate response to evil.

A variation of hacka is peruperu. This is a military dance and was performed to raise the spirit of soldiers before the battle and after its end in case of a successful outcome. The goal is to intimidate the enemy and show your strength and power.

The powerful energy of the performers, the militant appearance, the rhythmic loud stamping of feet, bright coloring body, grimaces and body movements, rolling the eyes, sticking out the tongue - all this should frighten the enemy and make him flee.

Interesting fact about dance! The world community learned about the unusual dance in 1888, when athletes from New Zealand began their match with it at a rugby competition. This tradition has been preserved by New Zealand rugby players to this day.

Kalbeliya dance (India)

In India (the state of Rajasthan), in a desert area near the border with Pakistan, there is still a caste of snake charmers leading a nomadic lifestyle. Their way of life has changed little over the years last decades. They also live by treating snake bites, catching and selling them, and performing tricks with them.

Women also contribute to financial well-being tribe performing the traditional Kalbeliya dance for money. He gained widespread fame after one of the dancers, Gulabi, was invited to a mass show, where she showed the art of performing an unusual dance.

The tribe avoids unnecessary contacts with the outside world and the rebellious one was expelled from the caste for violating the ban. After some time, having already gained great fame, she was forgiven and her rights as a full member of the tribe were returned to her.

Interesting facts about dance:

  • Kalbelia was based on plastic movements snake body and the dancer, portraying a snake, must show as many of these movements as possible to the rhythmic music of punga, dulcimer and chang;
  • various rotations at different paces, leaps, jumps, manipulations with a long multi-colored skirt - all this imitates the behavior of a snake in various situations;
  • the dance is filled with complex gymnastic elements, their implementation requires great flexibility and endurance: half-split with additional movements of the body and legs, a bridge with the lips (“cobra tongue”) and eyelids (“cobra eye”) of jewelry lying on the floor;
  • women, in addition to performing certain movements, perform vocal compositions with a peculiar sound - long vowel sounds and rapid pronunciation of syllables;
  • The dancers' clothing is usually bright, with many bracelets on the wrist, forearms and legs, but there are dance options that involve a black skirt and a black cape;
  • are held in India traditional festivals, where kalbeliya performers compete.

Information! Musical culture caste, in addition to the snake dance, includes two more dances: “uterus” - rhythmic women's dance without vocal accompaniment and “lur” - light dance movements accompanied by the performance of funny, cheerful songs.

Men's dance - kecak (Bali)

Anyone planning to visit Bali should definitely see the group dance of Balinese men - kecak. Dance is a kind of gratitude ceremony higher powers and ancestral spirits, protection from evil, guidance and blessing.

For men, there are from 30 to 150 people performing the dance, the only clothes on their bare torsos are sarongs and, moreover, always checkered ones. The participants, sitting in several circles around the stage, begin to slowly and rhythmically pronounce the words “chak ke-chak ke-chak ke-chak” with different intonations and volumes, and shake their raised hands and fingers. The pace gradually quickens, the participants jump up, shaking their arms, may fall to the ground, then sit down again. At a certain point, scenes from the Ramayana begin in the center of the circle.

There is no musical accompaniment in the dance - all actions take place to the accompaniment of the participants.

Initially, kecak was a trance dance and was performed only in the temple during ceremonial events that lasted several hours. Through dance movements, the participants conveyed their messages to the upper world, and it was believed that the kecak was a mediator between the worlds. In a trance, dancers could walk barefoot on the glowing coals of a fire.

One day weird dance Walter Spitz (1936), an artist from Germany, saw it and decided to combine its action with scenes from the Ramayana. This interpretation was liked, and kecak is still performed together with scenes of the battle between Rama and the demon Ravana. Nowadays, the Kecak dance festival is regularly held in Bali.

Shamans, chosen by spirits, have always been associated with something unusual and supernatural, since their actions seem strange and incomprehensible.

Dancing is part of the shamanic ritual and has its own interesting features:

  • with the help of dance, the shaman releases accumulated energy and receives a new energy charge;
  • the dancer does not demonstrate the plasticity and beauty of movements, but obeys his body, giving it will and freedom;
  • during the dance, all tensions and complexes go away;
  • to set the rhythm, a tambourine with a deep resonating sound is used, the design and decoration of which the shaman sees during a special dream;
  • dance movements often imitate the movements of some animal that the shaman saw during the ritual, and are accompanied by appropriate sounds;
  • in a state of trance, consciousness goes to other worlds, where in the form of visions it receives answers to questions, and after returning they are given an interpretation related to reality;
  • movements in each dance have a specific goal: treating an illness, changing the parameters of one’s consciousness, preparing for some action, communicating with spirits, etc.

Interesting fact! Rhythms with a certain beat frequency and repeated cyclically can put a person into a hypnotic state, similar to the trance state of a shaman.

A little about the world of dance

Dancing is such a multifaceted concept that we can talk about it endlessly. You can write poems and poems about them, show films, compose music for them, or you can simply dance with your soul and body whenever you want. Dance has accumulated the history and development of humanity, the spiritual world of man.

Amazing and interesting facts about dancing:

  • in the Russian language there was no word “dance” (they used the word “dance”) - it began to be used everywhere in the 27th century;
  • Initially, the Christian religion allowed religious dances in churches and cemeteries, but gradually these traditions disappeared, only some religious dances remained;
  • the world's first dance academy was opened in Paris (1661) by Louis XIV, a great admirer of them;
  • minuet in the 16th-17th centuries. was considered the dance of aristocrats and was an example of salon dance art;
  • a dance from Europe, learned by Peter I, was the polonaise, which became the first European dance in Rus';

  • in some countries there are banknotes and coins with images of dances and dancers (Sri Lanka, Portugal, Cambodia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, etc.);
  • the creator of the twist, a dance of the 20th century, was Chebbi Checker, who came up with simple movements to perform without a partner;
  • many believe that sirtaki is a Greek folk dance, but in fact it was invented for the film “Zorba the Greek” (1961), and the music was written by Mikis Theodorakis;
  • in Cuba there is fiery dance komba, where participants line up in a row, and a record was set (1988) for the number of dancers - 119,986 people;
  • the dance has its own official date - April 29 is International Dance Day;
  • Every year the World Dance Meetings are traditionally held and each time in different countries.

1. Meringue.

In this style of dance, the basic movements are similar to the gait of a lame man. But the main highlight of this dance is the light erotic movements. Meringue can be learned in any club on the dance floor.

2. Salsa.

The girl must completely improvise, following her partner. The head of salsa is the partner, but the girl should just enjoy the dance. There is a legend that says that Casino salsa began to be danced in gaming establishments that were closed by the authorities. This happened after the Cuban revolution. And now this dance is gaining great popularity, as evidenced by the large number.

This dance originated from the African communities in Buenos Aires. The name comes from a dance to the sound of a drum. And the word “tango” itself is attributed to the Nigerian Ibibio people. Initially, only men danced tango. In this way they attracted the attention of women.

4. Belly dancing.

In the 10th century, this dance was brought with them by the Ghawazi gypsies from India to the Middle East. Today, experts count approximately 50 styles of oriental belly dance.

5. Barn dancing.

Barn dancing is translated as “dancing in the barn.” This type of dance has never gone out of fashion in the United States of America. You can understand what Barn dancing is by watching a video shot to the song of the Rednex group Cotton Eye Joe.

6. Hip-hop.

The birthplace of hip-hop is the South Bronx, New York. They started dancing it in the 1980s of the last century. Hip-hop includes such trends as krump, waving, breakdancing and C-Walk.

7. Bachata.

There is a saying among dancers that if you have never danced bachata, then you have not danced at all. The purpose of the dance is contact between partners, and the closer it is, the better. The dance does not have many turns as such. But throwing the partner from side to side, as well as side passages, are used very often. This dance is one of those dances that are worth seeing with your own eyes. Better yet, try dancing.

8. Reggaeton.

The dance originates from Puerto Rico and Panama. If you are not in good enough physical shape, alas, this type dance is not available to you. By the way, when many people see the dance performed, it resembles the courtship of some species from the animal kingdom.

In order to take part in noble assembly or go to the Viennese Christmas ball, you just need to be able to dance the waltz. Whether you will get to such events will be decided at special rehearsals.

10. Cha-cha-cha.

This dance is also known as the “coquette dance”. By the way: in many Soviet schools, dancing the cha-cha-cha was mandatory. The dance received its second name due to the fact that it requires expressive movements of the hips.

Briton H. Ellis, who specializes in gender relations, believes that dance is just a way to convey a powerful physiological impulse to each other. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that behind the movements of the body lies the true movement of the soul.

1. It was officially presented in the Guinness Book of Records, such a world record as the 37-year-old Kalamandalam Hemalente dancer from India danced a folk dance for 123 hours and 15 minutes. As the dancer Hemalente herself said, she set such a record so that the national dance of her country would have a worthy place and that it would always be remembered.

2. A dance like " belly dance"appeared in the Middle East thanks to the same India; around the 10th century, the Ghawazi gypsies brought it there. And today there are already more than 50 different styles of oriental styles.

3. Dance " Tango"spread from African communities in Buenos Aires. The very name of the dance came from the Nigerian Ibibo people, which meant “dance to the sound of a drum.” And initially this dance was danced only by men who sought the favor of women.

4. Dancing in the barn" Barn dancing" - have always been in fashion in the USA. You can get your idea of ​​what barn dancing "Barn dancing" is by watching the video of the group Rednex Cotton Eye Joe.

5. Impromptu dance according to the well-known name Salsa, - this is when a partner improvises a dance, and his partner obediently obeys his movements and enjoys it. If you believe the legend about this dance, they started dancing Salsa after the revolution in Cuba, and they danced it in gaming establishments that were closed by the authorities.

6. Founder tribal Jamila Salimpour is considered, as well as her students Masha Archer and Carolina Nericchio. They developed a style that was later called American Tribal Style. The formation of this oriental dance was influenced by Indian dance, flamenco, African dance, and the significant participation of yoga, modern, and even hip-hop. Music for this style is mainly used from the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, and sometimes Indian trance.

7. Basic dance movements merengue there is a limping gait. And the main highlight of this dance is the light presence of erotic movements. You can learn to dance merengue right on the dance floor.

8. The cha-cha-cha dance, which was compulsory in many Soviet schools, is called the “coquette dance” because it is characterized primarily by expressive movements of the hips.

9. Dance reggaeton has its origins in Panama and Puerto Rico. To perform this dance you need to be in good physical shape. The movements of reggaeton dance may resemble the courtship behavior of some animal species.

10. Hip-hop originated in the South Bronx, New York in the 1980s. The musical direction of hip-hop includes rap, funk and beatbox, the visual direction includes graffiti, and the dance direction includes breakdancing and crumpet.

11. They say that if you have never danced bachata, then you didn’t dance at all. The main goal in this dance is the closest contact between partners. There are few turns in the dance, but there are many side passages and “throwing” of the lady from side to side.

12. If you have at least once heard the name of the Italian dance tarantella, you probably noticed the similarity of this word with the word “ tarantula" They are truly relatives and close ones. In the 15th century, Italian doctors “invented” such a disease as tarantism - the insanity of a person bitten by a tarantula. It was believed that one could recover from illness with the help of special body movements accompanied by music. Later they became a dance.

13. Dance sirtaki, which we strongly associate with Greece, was actually created by American actor Anthony Quinn. In 1964, he starred in the film “Zorba the Greek” and decided not to stop working, even when he broke his leg off the set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to dance. Resourceful Anthony came up with steps that allowed him to move naturally, and asked composer M. Theodorakis to write slower music for them. So if sirtaki can be called a Greek dance, then only half.

14. In order to get to the well-known Viennese Christmas ball, or a charity ball, you must know how to dance waltz. Such skills are determined at special rehearsals.

Briton H. Ellis, who specializes in gender relations, believes that dance is just a way to convey a powerful physiological impulse to each other. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that behind the movements of the body lies the true movement of the soul.

1. It was officially presented in the Guinness Book of Records, such a world record as the 37-year-old Kalamandalam Hemalente dancer from India danced a folk dance for 123 hours and 15 minutes. As Hemalente herself said, she agreed to such a record so that the national dance of her country would have a worthy place and that it would always be remembered.

2. A dance like " belly dance"appeared in the Middle East thanks to the same India; around the 10th century, the Ghawazi gypsies brought it there. And today there are already more than 50 different styles of oriental dances.

3. Dance " Tango"spread from African communities in Buenos Aires. The very name of the dance came from the Nigerian Ibibo people, which meant “dance to the sound of a drum.” And initially this dance was danced only by men who sought the favor of women.

4. Dancing in the barn" Barn dancing" - have always been in fashion in the USA. You can get your idea of ​​what barn dancing "Barn dancing" is by watching the video of the group Rednex Cotton Eye Joe.

5. Impromptu dance according to the well-known name Salsa, - this is when the partner improvises the entire dance, and his partner obediently obeys his movements and enjoys it. If you believe the legend about this dance, they started dancing Salsa after the revolution in Cuba, and they danced it in gaming establishments that were closed by the authorities.

6. Founder tribal Jamila Salimpour is considered, as well as her students Masha Archer and Carolina Nericchio. They developed a style that was later called American Tribal Style. The formation of this oriental dance was influenced by Indian dance, flamenco, African dance, and the significant participation of yoga, modern, and even hip-hop. Music for this style is mainly used from the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, and sometimes Indian trance.

7. Basic dance movements merengue- resembles a limping gait. And the main highlight of this dance is the light presence of erotic movements. You can learn to dance merengue right on the dance floor.

8. The cha-cha-cha dance, which was compulsory in many Soviet schools, is called the “coquette dance” because it is characterized primarily by expressive movements of the hips.

9. Dance reggaeton originates in Panama and Puerto Rico. To perform this dance you need to be in good physical shape. The movements of reggaeton dance may resemble the courtship behavior of some animal species.

10. Hip-hop originated in the South Bronx, New York in the 1980s. The musical direction of hip-hop includes rap, funk and beatbox, the visual direction includes graffiti, and the dance direction includes breakdancing, crumpet, C-Walk and waving.

11. They say that if you have never danced bachata, then you didn’t dance at all. The main goal in this dance is the closest contact between partners. There are few turns in the dance, but there are many side passages and “throwing” of the lady from side to side.

12. If you have at least once heard the name of the Italian dance tarantella, you probably noticed the similarity of this word with the word “ tarantula" They are truly "relatives". In the 15th century, Italian doctors “invented” such a disease as tarantism - the insanity of a person bitten by a tarantula. It was believed that one could recover from illness with the help of special body movements accompanied by music. Later they became a dance.

13. Dance sirtaki, which we strongly associate with Greece, was actually created by American actor Anthony Quinn. In 1964, he starred in the film “Zorba the Greek” and decided not to stop working, even when he broke his leg off the set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to dance. Resourceful Anthony came up with steps that allowed him to move naturally, and asked composer M. Theodorakis to write slower music for them. So if sirtaki can be called a Greek dance, then only half.

14. In order to get to the well-known Viennese Christmas ball, or a charity ball, you must know how to dance waltz. Such skills are determined at special rehearsals.

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