Photo sessions of dancers. funny dancing

In order to look at the incredible panorama and feel the unique atmosphere of the place, tourists need to turn to maps, a guidebook, and only then create a route to the most picturesque places. However, not all iconic attractions are included in standard guidebooks.

Every country has its own secret places, which either locals or tourists who have already been here know about. This place can be anything: from the beach to a cozy city courtyard. Relying on personal experience avid travelers who have visited all corners of the planet, we have compiled a map of places that offer the world's best views of the city and extraordinary panoramas wildlife that take your breath away.

Niagara Falls, USA, Canada

The complex of waterfalls on the Niagara River is located between the American state of New York and the Canadian province of Ontario. It consists of three waterfalls: Horseshoe, American and Veil. The best way to watch a huge mass fall from a height of 54 meters is from the Canadian coast.

Golden Gate, San Francisco

The suspension bridge across the Golden Gate Strait is one of the business cards America, which everyone has probably heard of. But few know that the best vantage point to view this engineering marvel is the Marin Headlands Peninsula and Fort Point.

Florence, Italy

One of the most beautiful cities Italy, located on the Arno River, is on the list of must-see places in Italy. The best way to view panoramas of the city-museum, imbued with the spirit of the Renaissance, is from Piazzale Michelangelo or from the platform on the dome of the Duomo.

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

In one of the deepest canyons in the world, traces of four geological eras of the Earth and incredible natural structures can be found, so almost anywhere national park there is something to see. The park is divided into two areas: North Rome and South Rome - the most visited and developed part. There are many vantage points along its main roads, Hermits Rest Road and Desert View Drive. Whichever one you choose, you are guaranteed to see the most incredible panoramas of the gorge.

West coast of Ireland

It is considered one of the calling cards of Ireland West Coast County Clare. This place is home to original houses, ancient ruins and the world famous Cliffs of Moher, 8 km long. and 200 meters high. To view all this splendor, it is best to rent a car and drive along narrow country roads to the picturesque shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

Manhattan, New York

Manhattan is the heart of New York; all the tallest skyscrapers are concentrated here. Tourists who have been here more than once claim that the most incredible views of the city can be seen either in the first half of the day, looking west, or late in the evening, looking east. Best view opens to the city from observation platforms 86th and 102nd floors of the Empire State Building and from a boat from the harbor.

Serengeti, Tanzania

The 14,763 sq km national park located in Tanzania is home to 500 species of birds and 3 million large animals. One of the iconic features of the park is the migration of animals. During the dry period of October and November, millions of animals flock from the northern hills to the southern plains, and in April-June they migrate west and north. The Great Migration is a stunning spectacle, the full scale of which can only be fully appreciated from an airplane or hot air balloon.

Versailles, France

In modern terms, the construction of the largest palace and park ensemble in Europe it cost 37 billion euros. 700 rooms, 2000 windows, 350 fireplaces and 70 staircases - the palace amazes with its splendor and scope. Without a doubt, everyone deserves attention square meter complex, but the most spectacular place is considered to be the Mirror Gallery. In it, opposite each arched window, there are seventeen mirrors. Light is reflected in them, creating a spatial effect and a play of reflections.

Amalfi Coast, Italy

April 29 is International Dance Day. And that's not only professional holiday, because dance is an integral part of the lives of many of us. Some take classes like tango or belly dancing, while others just like to put on music and dance at home. In any case, somewhere deep inside almost everyone and us lives a real dancer. Today we present to you five of the best photo projects dedicated to professional dancers off stage.

(Total 15 photos)

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1. New York photographer Jordan Matter created a project in which dancers perform their dance steps among unsuspecting ordinary people.

2. Most of places and poses are “found” at the same second, practically nothing is rehearsed in advance. Matter relies entirely on Lucky case. He chooses a meeting place and asks the dancers to bring several sets of clothes with them.

3. They walk around the city (or outside the city) until they like this or that place where they can spontaneously come up with some kind of story.

4. New York photographer Dane Shitagi has long been leading the “Ballerinas” project, in which professional ballerinas are photographed in conditions far from stage ones.

6. Particularly interesting are photographs created in urban environments, in which elegance and grace contrast with modern urban views.

7. We have our own project in Russia called Dance-Petersburg/Dancing Petersburg.

8. The concept of the project is a series of photographs of dancers against the backdrop of modern St. Petersburg. Participants are dancers of various genres - from ballet dancers of the city's leading troupes, performers of classical and ethnic dances to amateur dancers of various modern styles.

9. The author of the project, St. Petersburg photographer Vitaly Sokolovsky, traveled a lot and worked in different cities, but always drew inspiration from the atmosphere hometown. Vitaly has long dreamed of implementing this project and telling in a new way about St. Petersburg - a city of amazing beauty and bright, talented people.

11. Little Shao is a French photographer who lives and works in the country's capital, Paris. Of course, only if he is not traveling. And this fan of travel street dancing and he loves hip-hop very much. Totally agree last year Little Shao has visited the USA, Russia and Hong Kong.

12. The guy positions himself not only as a photographer, but also as a film maker. He is also the art director of the Profoto photo agency.

13. Australian photographer Lisa Tomasetti has been working as a makeup artist and film studio photographer for the past 23 years. Her “nose” for cinematic drama helped her achieve particular expressiveness from “dance photographs”, in which Lisa was able to capture the exquisite elegance of ballerinas against the backdrop of the streets of metropolitan cities - Paris, Tokyo and New York.

Dancing have long been part of the culture modern society. Dance laid down in the traditions of the peoples of the world. Contemporary dance is an art form that creates artistic image through smooth and rhythmic human movements. Dance impossible without music.

dancing people

Music sets the rhythm of the dance, the speed of movement, and the mood of the dance. In the past even before the emergence of civilizations

was an element of rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations. They were used to invoke the gods or sacrifice them. Over the centuries, the dance has transformed and changed. Dancing present time are different from classical dance past years. In modern dance, freedom of movement is important. Modern dance have many styles. Dance styles are different, both in movement and in the meaning that dancers put into the dance. Dancing available to everyone. Anyone can learn to dance beautifully and interestingly if they wish. Over the years of civilization, a large number of types and styles of dances have been invented. By dancing, people express emotions, show their level of training and physical development. Dance words cannot describe it; you have to watch it or participate in it. To dance beautifully, you need to learn certain technical skills, learn to hear the rhythm of the music. Each type of dance has its own individual skills. The loads that the dancer’s body receives give training to all the muscles of the body, including the muscles of the heart. Dance allows you to get rid of excess weight body, create toned and elastic muscles. Dance teaches you to move beautifully and walk beautifully. People walking beautifully are visible from afar, it’s nice to look at them. Dance frees people from stereotypes and complexes; it makes a person more free, open, courageous and liberated. Dance teaches you to hear music, develops a sense of rhythm. Dancing is a pleasant pastime that brings pleasure and lifts your spirits. Modern life is not possible without dance, we see dancing everywhere and everywhere. Key phrase: Dancing, dance

dance in the forest

traditional dances

dances of the peoples of the world

local flavor

dance fashion

girl dancing

dance jazz

youth dances

modern dance photography

unusual dance

fashion in dance

free dance

flexible dance

dance photography

dancing people

black and white photo

Caucasian dances

interesting dances

dance of two

photo of dance


ballroom dancing

girls dance

girls dancing

I really liked the fascinating professional ones from Richard Kalmes ( Richard Calmes). Richard is one of the most professional photographers in the United States of America. After vietnam war, in 1968, he decided to devote his life to photography. He preferred portrait photography as his subject of photography. Photos of dancers and the beauty of the dance is glorified by him in every photograph.

Dance photographer Richard Kalmes

Many people think that you have to be born a dancer, but the experience of teachers proves the opposite. The most important thing is that you like to dance and have a desire to learn, and the rest will come to you with experience. Besides money and career, it is important to find something to do for your soul in life. Richard Kalmes has professional photo of dancers, and what is yours?

Dance - amazing story which he tells us human body. It can be understandable, mysterious, and soul-shattering. Each movement embodies some thought. And the beauty of the soul is reflected in the flight of the body.

The author is filming beautiful photos dancers in static poses or “catches” crazy movements. He creates black and white and color shots, sometimes using flour in his shots to emphasize movement in the frame.

The most erotic of the arts is, of course, dance. The now classic Russian ballet was at one time simply a sex provocation for Paris.

American photographer Richard Calmes travels around the USA, capturing all the details creative process dancer - from rehearsal to performance. The photographs turn out to be fascinating, dynamic and, undoubtedly, erotic!

In order to take pictures on this high level necessary professional equipment. Studio equipment, which can be purchased on the Photo Griffin website, will allow you to show all your photography skills. Here you will find absolutely everything, from photo flash to studio background.