Drawing people with a pencil. How to draw a person (people drawing lessons)

Can you draw? Or maybe you want to try how it’s done and learn the basics exciting activity? Don't know how to take the first step? It's not so easy, but if you want to try, then read on, and together we'll figure out how to draw a human figure. To work, we will need a sheet of thick, moderately sized paper, several pencils, soft and medium hard, and a white soft eraser for erasing erroneous lines.

General Considerations

The question of that occupies everyone who has picked up a pencil. It is not uncommon for a beginning artist to be disappointed when he looks at the results of his efforts. Usually they are very different from what we would like to achieve. Many people give up trying to learn to draw at this stage. But if you still have not abandoned your intention, you should change your approach to business. When asked about full height, should be answered on a systematic basis. First of all, consistency and phasing are important in drawing. For many this will sound unexpected, but before you draw something, you should think carefully. And such complex subject, as a human figure, this concerns first of all.

How to draw a full-length person so that it looks convincing?

Any drawing begins with the correct layout, that is, placing the future image on a plane. This is done with light pencil strokes, indicating extreme points depicted figure. In any drawing one should highlight some semantic composition center. One of the main rules of composition is that this compositional center should under no circumstances coincide with the geometric one. The image on the plane should occupy approximately three-quarters of the surface, leaving free space around the edges. Further, in order for the answer to the question of how to draw a full-length person to look convincing, his figure must be built in compliance with the proportions and laws of anatomy. And just as important, she must stand firmly on her feet or sit on some kind of support - so that this does not violate the laws of balance. The proportions of the figure vary depending on age; in an adult, the head is about a seventh of the height.

We build a figure step by step

Professional artists have been working on this for many years. IN art universities The course is specially adapted for artists, and when studying it they study in detail all the bones and muscles present in the human body, their articulation and interaction. This knowledge and skills are necessary for competent construction of the human figure. But for the first time faced with the problem of how to draw a person in height, it will be enough to correctly take the proportional relationships between in separate parts body to the figure as a whole. And understand the general structural and muscular systems. Building the torso of the figure, we outline center lines, shoulder and hip girdle, joints. When constructing a figure, first of all we remember balance. The figure must stand firmly on its feet. To ensure this requirement, artists have a proven technique - vertical line from the jugular cavity (the depression between the collarbones under the chin), drawn to the plane, should not extend beyond the plane of the feet. And then the most important thing - we carefully check the proportions of the limbs, torso and head, gradually building the entire figure.

Generalization of the drawing

When constructing and working out the details, it is very important to stop in time and observe the measure. From analysis individual parts one should gradually move on to generalizing the figure as a whole. As a rule, this is done with wide, sweeping strokes. Nudity does not have to be depicted too often. But basic knowledge plastic anatomy necessary for the artist in any case. It's impossible without them in the right way figure out how to draw a dressed person. When drawing a figure from any spatial perspective, you need to see and imagine it through and through. Particular attention should be paid to the patterns in which folds form on clothing. This is a very essential element in the depiction of a figure. They can emphasize movement or stability. Having outlined the general contours, we gradually give all the details volume. We model the shape with chiaroscuro. Special attention When constructing, attention should be paid to shading. Stroke - essential element in the arsenal of a graphic artist. A lot depends on the force of its pressure, length and direction. The culture of shading is developed gradually, with practice.


Correct construction of any spatial figure, in particular a person, on a plane is impossible without understanding the laws. You should understand it and understand that all parallel lines and planes have a vanishing point on the horizon. They are absent from the human figure, but she easily fits into them. And to convincingly answer the question of how to draw a full-length person, perspective construction The figure should be performed only after its position in relation to the horizon is understood. The horizon line should be drawn first in the drawing.

Let's sum it up

Let's try to critically analyze our creativity. What happened in the end? It rarely happens that a novice artist is satisfied with the results of his labors. It is possible to achieve something worthwhile only if the correct conclusion is drawn from the almost inevitable first failure and the work is continued. With each new drawing there will be fewer and fewer errors. This is the process of gradual improvement. Everyone who has achieved anything in the art of drawing has passed it before you. You should also carefully and systematically study the heritage recognized masters drawing. At your disposal are albums of reproductions and many art sites on the Internet. And in addition to long staged drawings, short sketches should be performed. In them you should catch the movement of the figure and, without fixating on the little things, achieve maximum expressiveness of the lines.

In this lesson I will try to tell you how to draw a full-length person step by step with a pencil. Drawing people is quite a difficult task, but it will be easier for you if you understand and remember the principle of constructing a human figure.

How to draw a person step by step

So, take a simple pencil, an eraser and a little patience - let's start the lesson how to draw a person step by step with a pencil.

I won’t tell you about the proportions of a person, because all this can be read in books on drawing. Reading about proportions is very boring, but believe me, it is very important! Required in free time read about human proportions.

First, let's build something like a skeleton. Circles in the figure indicate joints.

When you have built the skeleton, let's move on to the stage of outlining this very skeleton. Look carefully at the picture below and try to circle it as in the picture.

Draw circles where the joints are. They will help you later correctly outline the figure in places where the arms and legs are curved and the joints protrude. Just don’t press too hard on the pencil, because we will delete all these lines!

We got a resemblance to a human figure, only in the form of a doll. And now we need to give the figure a human appearance. To do this, we will cover all parts of the body with “flesh”. This means that the muscles need to be given a more believable shape.

Note that all muscles narrow where they attach to the tendons and widen in the middle.

In the lesson on how to draw a person step by step with a pencil, we went through three stages. Next, you need to use an eraser to remove all the lines inside the shape. You should get a human figure - see the picture below.

All that remains is to dress her, draw her face and hair!

And again, use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines after you have drawn the clothes.

In order to consolidate your knowledge, try to draw a person in different poses or, for example, with a raised leg or arm.

Each of us is surrounded by thousands of people. It would seem that we have learned proportions and features down to the millimeter human body. But here's the paradox - draw a person much more complicated than anything you have ever seen.

Sometimes when you draw someone, you are amazed - not a person, but some kind of alien. If you also can’t draw people, as they say, don’t pass by - here you will find a lot of useful and interesting things for yourself.

And the very first thing is this video that will show you how to draw a boy and a girl.

Even ancient artists, when drawing a person, tried to divide his body into equal parts, so that it would be easy to correctly recreate the proportions of the figure. After all, knowing the relationship between individual parts of the body and the figure as a whole, you can easily draw a person. At the same time, of course, we must not forget that all people have their own characteristics.

So, drawing a person, We take the head size as a unit of measurement.

The height of an adult man or woman is equal to 8 head sizes, the height of a teenager is 7, a student is 6, and a baby is only 4 head sizes.

Proportions of people of different age groups

Before drawing a person, remember a few important nuances:

  • arms should end at mid-thigh,
  • elbows are at waist level,
  • knees - strictly in the middle of the legs.

Did you know that the height of a person is equal to the length of his arms spread to the sides, and the length of his legs fits four times the height of his head?

But what amazed me even more was the size of the human foot. It turns out that its height is equal to the height of the nose, and its length is the length of the forearm.

Look how a man and a woman should be drawn correctly in different positions.

And now I will show you how to draw people step by step. I assure you, with the master class from Pustunchik it will be easy and simple.

How to draw a boy

If you need to draw a boy, use the following diagram. And I will tell you how and what parts of the body you need to draw step by step.

1. Draw an oval for the boy’s head, then a small neck and a rectangle for the body.

2. Draw another rectangle from below, divide it in half. These are the legs. Draw rectangular arms. On the upper large rectangle, make curves from the neck to the arms - these are the shoulders.

3. Erase the extra lines on the shoulders. Draw the neck of the sweater, the seam lines (but not all the way), where the sleeves connect to the main part of the sweater. Draw the fly and folds on the pants in the form of a slingshot. Now draw the shoes and hands. See the detailed diagram showing how to draw hands on the right.

4. Let's start drawing the head. First, draw a cross - it will point to the middle of the head and determine the location of the eyes. Two arches, two dots and one small arch at the bottom of the head are the top of the eyes, the future nose and lips. The ears will be located at the level of the nose and eyes.

5. Draw the eyes, in place of the dots draw small circles - nostrils. Now move on to the eyebrows and hair.

6. Erase the extra lines and, with light pencil movements, outline the folds on the clothing. Add details. Congratulations! The boy's drawing is ready.

How to draw a baby

This drawing is perfect for some comic book, and you can also draw it for kindergarten or for a student junior classes. The funny little one will also be a godsend for a school exhibition of young artists.

1. Draw an oval, indicate the eyes with dots, and show the baby’s nose and mouth with two bent arcs.

2. Mark the corners of the lips, draw ears and hair.

3. At the bottom of the head, draw a trapezoid - the boy’s body. Don't forget straight horizontal line separate the blouse from the pants, and show the pants vertically.

4. Draw the sleeves.

5. Now draw the child’s arms and legs.

6. Divide the fingers with lines. That's all! The little mischief maker is ready for some pranks :)

Drawing girls

Three beauties on one sheet at once. Would you like to have such fashionistas in your album? Then hurry up and draw these little cuties!

1. Draw sketches of your friends.

2. Design their hairstyles and draw clothes.

3. Add details: belt, lace sleeves, leg warmers, handbags and so on.

4. Draw the girls’ faces, make folds on clothes, highlight accessories. Add a unique touch to each of your friends' shoes.

Great job!

You will learn more about how to draw a girl’s lips, nose, and eyes from the following video. I warn you, the master class is not for beginners, so be careful not to miss important details.

Draw the girl's face. Part 1

Draw the girl's face. Part 2

How to draw a guy

Every girl at least once in her life tried to draw the guy of her dreams. It is, of course, different for everyone. But for now let's just draw a guy with glasses and a cool T-shirt. Go?

1. Make a template of a person.

2. Using auxiliary lines draw the head and arms.

3. Draw hair, nose, lips. Put the guy's glasses on.

4. Trace the contours of the guy's body. Draw the hands. Add shadows using dashed lines. Mark the neck of the T-shirt.

5. Remove unnecessary lines. Make the contours of a man's body clearer.

Here you go! A macho man with a serious look and cool glasses is ready to win hearts!

People who are interested in drawing are very interested in how to learn to draw a person. It’s not surprising, because every artist should be able to draw people in full height with a pencil. You can master art in art school, but if you don’t have time to visit, you can achieve your goal at home.

It takes time to create a good drawing of a person. Sometimes even a few wrong strokes ruin it finished work, resulting in wasted time. If you read the step-by-step instructions and listen to the advice, you will avoid such a fate.

  • Get to know the human figure and study proportions. A diagram of the average physique will help with this, which helps to correctly calculate the ratio of body parts.
  • The main unit of measurement is head height. To determine a person's height, multiply the height of the head by eight. You can do it easier by drawing a vertical axis and dividing it into eight parts.
  • The first upper segment of the axis is the head, and the fifth mark determines the placement of the groin area. As for the location of the knee joints, it is calculated by counting two segments from the bottom point.
  • Women's shoulders are narrower than men's. Width men's shoulders in the figure should correspond to two head heights; in the case of women, multiply the figure by 1.5.
  • The quality of the finished drawing depends on how correctly you determine the length of a person’s arms. The distance from the chin to the nails is slightly less than four measuring units. Change the proportions if necessary. It all depends on the physique of the person you are drawing.
  • The outlines of the face are built according to a similar principle. Using standard ratios of facial parts as a basis, you can change them, guided by reality.
  • Draw a rectangle on a piece of paper and divide it in half using vertical and horizontal lines. The correct position of the eyes is determined by the horizontal. The distance between the eyes corresponds to the width of the wings of the nose.
  • Basics human anatomy study gradually. So that the drawn person has perfect figure, study the location of muscles and joints. Be sure to take into account the bends of the legs and arms, the movement of muscles that changes facial expression.
  • Complement the correctly constructed outlines of the figure with clothing. If the arm is bent, place folds of fabric in the area of ​​the elbow joint.
  • Consider the stiffness of the fabric. Soft fabric follows the contours of the body, and dense material creates relief. That's why fashionable suits are drawn differently than T-shirts.

If you want to draw a person as beautiful, choose the right angle for the drawing. Don't draw big people, looking at them from below, and slender models are not recommended to be placed against the background of voluminous objects.

Video training

Be careful about lighting. The shadow should not hide the figure or face, otherwise you will provide the picture with comic effect. The legs in the shadow give the impression that the human body is floating in the air.

Draw a person step by step with a pencil

Continuing the topic of the article, I will tell you the technique of drawing a person with a pencil. The hardest thing to draw human face. It is not surprising that only a real artist who has studied for several years can draw a portrait. Just reading the material will not make you a professional. But the article will help you master the basics of drawing and learn the subtleties of art.

Some people draw dotted lines, and then circled. I recommend drawing lines in one motion. Mistakes cannot be avoided, but don't be afraid. If you intend to depict a moving person, imagine future image. This will help you correctly apply the contours and lines of the model to the paper.

I suggest step-by-step technique drawing human figure in full height. Many beginners in the drawing process, due to lack of experience, distort the proportions of the body. The result is big head or short arms. After reading the instructions, you will be able to good drawings.

  1. Draw a quadrilateral whose aspect ratio is 3 to 4 . Draw a straight line through the center of the figure, and draw a shoulder line on top. Since the model will be wearing summer clothes, add an outline of the clothing at the bottom of the triangle.
  2. Use circles to mark body parts: knees, shoulders, head and neck . First draw the outlines of the head, then the oval of the shoulders and the circles of the knees. It is not necessary that geometric figures had the exact shape.
  3. Start drawing the outline . At first glance it may seem difficult. If you look closely, you will realize that you will need two mugs for the feet and elbow joints, and two winding lines on each side of the body.
  4. Using the existing circles for the elbows and shoulders, draw the arms . If necessary, depict an object in the hands of a person. Draw the legs in the same way. During this stage, make sure that the proportions of the limbs are correct, since correcting mistakes is problematic.
  5. To make the figure come to life, remove extra contours using eraser . If during the process you touch important line, restore. This stage is simple and interesting. It remains to finish drawing a few details, including the bottom line of the trousers, sleeves and neck of the T-shirt.
  6. Draw the clothes and detail the head and face . When depicting items of clothing, add folds and shadows. As a result, the finished drawing will turn out realistic.

By using step by step instructions learn to draw a person with a pencil. Watch the training videos below to help hone your skills, talent and developed imagination will create an artistic masterpiece.

Video instruction

I will add that the quality of the image depends on the correct marking of parts of the human body. Detailing the drawing and adding new elements will not cause any difficulties.

How to teach a child to draw a person

Drawing people is not easy, but interesting activity. In order for a child to have a desire to draw a person, parents need to invent a story and offer to portray the main character. This will interest the baby and he will not pay attention to the complexity of the task.

If a child has difficulty choosing a model, he will not refuse to portray a friend. The main thing is that parents come up with a character beautiful story. For example, a friend Tanya went to the village to visit her grandmother and harvested the harvest with her. As a token of gratitude, the grandmother gave her granddaughter a puppy named Barsik. The girl and the pet had adventures.

  • Draw a straight line in the middle of the sheet . Your child may have some difficulty, so have him or her use a ruler. Divide the line into two parts. The result will be a belt point.
  • Draw a head at the upper end of the line . How correctly a child draws it depends on whether you can convey that the shape of a human head resembles an inverted egg. Next, use ovals to outline the pelvis and torso.
  • Divide the bottom of the line in half . Opposite the point are the knees. Using a ruler, outline the upper and lower limbs. If necessary, draw your arms bent.
  • Sketch the outline of a dress or skirt . As part of this stage, detail the girl's face and draw the hair. It is important that the eyes and ears are located at the same level. Two horizontal lines will help.
  • Draw the legs and feet, keeping the proportions . After drawing the details, move on to the landscape. Draw the beds and a basket with the harvest collected with your grandmother.
  • Color the drawing . The final stage involves coloring the drawing with colored pencils. To begin, use a black pen to outline the drawing. Color your arms, neck and face with a light pink pencil. Suitable for lips and cheeks dark shade Pink colour.
  • Use natural colors for clothing and landscapes . Make the dress blue or blue, the grass green, and the flowers pink. If there is a dog in the picture, make it grey, black or brown.

You have the opportunity to introduce your child to the art of drawing. Perhaps in the future drawing will become a child's hobby, which will develop into professional activity.

Video tips

In conclusion, I’ll add that drawing people helps you earn money. Don't think it's unrealistic. I will prove this fact by sharing ways to implement the idea.

Many magazines, textbooks and books use pictures to help the reader imagine the story. If you know how to draw people, become an illustrator.

Drawing portraits brings in good money. This creative activity practice at home or in in public places, including city streets, parks and squares.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a full-length person for beginners step by step with a pencil using a girl as an example.

Let's take a model. All textbooks on drawing anatomy for artists show naked forms, this is in order to fully study the human anatomy, there is nothing so shameful in this. If you decide to learn how to draw a person, then you will definitely have to work with naked bodies, sketch bodies from life, or have videos of models, get ready. Since there are a lot of children on the site, we will take a model in a swimsuit.

To start drawing you need to know the proportions of a person; there are average proportions that were developed in antiquity. The unit of measurement is the length of the head and the height of the body is 7-8 heads. But in fact, people are very different and it’s very inconvenient to calculate proportions every time, so you have to “fill” your eye when drawing a body from a photo or from a living person. Let's not get into this for now, since there are separate lessons, entire lectures on human anatomy, I will give links below.

Let's just try to draw a human body, in in this case girl. I measured the height of the head and laid down 7 of the same segments. She is almost 8 heads tall. Pay attention to where the shoulders, chest, elbows, waist, pubis, ends of the arms, knees, feet are located.

To draw a girl’s case, imagine her skeleton, by the way, the skeleton will also need to be studied, but not in much detail, at least the basic details. And depict this simply with lines that would show the pose in which the girl is standing. At first, while you are learning, always try to portray this simple form bodies. It may seem to you that this is nonsense, but at this stage we must trace the basic proportions; your arms may end above the pelvis, or your legs are very short, or your torso is long - this is not correct.

1. Draw the head as an oval, the horizontal line shows the location of the eyes, and the vertical line shows the middle of the head. Measure the length of the head with a ruler and put 7 more such pieces down. Now, focusing on the drawing, draw the so-called skeleton of the body. The width of the shoulders is equal to the width of two heads, for men - three.

2. Now draw in a simplified manner the chest, pelvic area, and, with circles, we show flexible joints.

3. Erase the original lines and make the very light lines you drew in step 2, just go over them with the eraser. Now we draw the collarbone, neck, shoulders, chest, connect the chest and ace on the sides with lines, draw the lines of the legs and arms. Try to repeat all the bends, they are formed by muscles. Those. to learn how to draw the human body you need to know the anatomy, skeleton and location of muscles, and how muscles and bones behave when different movements, poses.

4. Erase the lines we don’t need and draw a swimsuit. This is how you can use these simple constructions to correctly draw the human body for beginners.

Let's try to practice again, just take a different pose, in the middle.

Click on the image to see the photo in more detail

So, we also start with the construction simple lines and forms, pay due attention to this point, take your time. At first, you can hold a pencil to the screen and look at the direction and slope of the lines, and then draw approximately the same on paper. The distance from the toe to the pubis (pubic bone) and from it to the top of the head should be approximately the same, different deviations are allowed, because people are different, but there shouldn’t be strong contrasts. Let's draw.

Now we are trying to convey the shape of the body, again I repeat, to understand why such bends occur, you must study human anatomy; both bones and muscles can protrude.