Drawing with a pencil on a grid. Perspective grid

How to work in Excel 2010?

Microsoft® Office Excel® 2010 editor interface allows users to work with documents as simply as possible and makes it possible to quickly and efficiently obtain the best results. In this video tutorial, we will begin our acquaintance with the Microsoft® Office Excel® 2010 editor and take a detailed look at the editor's interface.

The main interface element of Microsoft® Excel® 2010 is the tab bar, which is a ribbon that runs along the top of each application window. The ribbon contains thematic sets of commands, collected in tabs and groups. On each of the tabs there are commands grouped by tasks aimed at executing related commands.

By default, the window displays a ribbon containing seven tabs. When you start the program, the “Home” tab is always active first. But as the document is formatted and when moving to new objects of work, additional tabs are automatically activated, necessary for solving new problems. Groups contain more specific sets of commands, formed according to the principle of greatest proximity to the type of task being performed. For example, in the “Font” group there is a set of tools used to work with text.

By switching between tabs, you can quickly select the tool you need. To switch to another tab, click on its name.

You can also navigate between tabs by hovering your mouse over the name of any tab on the ribbon and scrolling the mouse wheel.

Above the tab bar is a quick access panel containing the most frequently used commands in the program. By default, the button for saving the document, as well as undoing and redoing actions is active on the panel. To the right is an icon, by clicking on it with the left mouse button, you can open a list of additional tasks. Here you can select additional buttons that you want to appear on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Below the tab strip are the “Name” line and the “Formula line”. The name of the active element will be displayed in the “Name” line, and various formulas for performing calculation operations are entered in the “Formula Bar”.

The main part of the program window is occupied by the workspace of the Microsoft® Excel® 2010 environment. This area is divided into rows and columns. The lines are numbered and their meaning is indicated on the left side of the work area window. Columns in Microsoft® Excel® are designated with Latin letters.

Also, at the bottom of the window there is a navigation panel between the sheets of the workbook. By clicking on the icons on the left, you can switch between sheets. Using separate sheets, you can create documents independent from each other.

In the lower right corner of the program window there are commands that serve for the most convenient viewing of the document. Here you can select both the workbook viewing mode by clicking on one of the three icons presented, and change the document scaling by changing the position of the scale slider.

Thus, the Microsoft® Excel® 2010 editor window contains the entire set of tools with which you can ensure the most convenient and productive work with documents. In future lessons we will look at these program controls in more detail.

Program overview
1. Program interface 4:21 2 81633
2. File menu 2:28 0 24121
3. Tab bar 5:03 1 22406
4. Command menu 3:08 0 17121
5. Viewers 3:41 0 15511
6. Basic program settings 2:46 0 16396
Working with books
7. Create, open, and save a workbook 7:06 0 18135
8. Working with books 4:20 1 14366
9. Cells and Cell Range 4:39 1 18322
10. Cell names and notes 5:17 11 18584
11. Data input 2:37 0 14971
12. Autofill cells 1:34 0 17156
13. Data Search 2:23 0 15294
14. Data formatting 3:22 0 14279
15. Graphically formatting cells 2:47 0 14114
Working with tables
16. Tables 2:16 0 30898
17. Working with tables 4:00 2 34653
18. Sorting data 2:56 0 18714
19. Results 2:02 0 16532
20. Calculated Columns 2:02 0 20898
21. Data filtering 2:35 0 15513
22. Custom filters 2:03 0 12287
23. Pivot table 3:05 0 46295
24. Calculated fields 1:52 0 15345
25. Consolidation of tabular data 2:30 0 18152
26. Table design 2:23 0 13105
27. Record a macro 3:00 0 24219
Formulas and functions
28. Formula Review 2:42 0 26070
29. Copying formulas 2:35 0 13161
30. Arrays 2:34 0 15441
31. Function Wizard 3:59 0 16296
Working with charts
32. Chart overview 3:16 0 19148
33. Formatting a chart 2:22 0 6497
34. Setting up chart axes 2:02 0 31106
35. Chart scale options 1:54 0 6550
36. Data Signatures 2:35 0 5621
37. Data table 2:23 0 5412

The Microsoft Office Excel program is a table editor in which it is convenient to work with them in every possible way. Here you can also set formulas for basic and complex calculations, create graphs and diagrams, program, creating real platforms for organizations, simplifying the work of an accountant, secretary and other departments dealing with databases.

How to learn to work in excel on your own

The excel 2010 tutorial describes in detail the program interface and all the features available to it. To start working independently in Excel, you need to navigate the program interface, understand the taskbar, where commands and tools are located. To do this, you need to watch a lesson on this topic.

At the very top of Excel we see a ribbon of tabs with thematic sets of commands. If you move the mouse cursor over each of them, a tooltip appears detailing the direction of action.

Under the tab ribbon there is a “Name” line, where the name of the active element is written, and a “Formula line”, which displays formulas or text. When performing calculations, the “Name” line is converted into a drop-down list with a default set of functions. You just need to select the required option.

Most of the excel window is occupied by the work area, where tables, graphs are actually built, and calculations are made. . Here the user performs any necessary actions, using commands from the tab ribbon.

At the bottom of excel on the left side you can switch between workspaces. Additional sheets are added here if it is necessary to create different documents in one file. In the lower right corner there are commands responsible for convenient viewing of the created document. You can select the workbook viewing mode by clicking on one of the three icons, and also change the scale of the document by changing the position of the slider.

Basic Concepts

The first thing we see when opening the program is Blank sheet, divided into cells representing the intersection of columns and rows. The columns are designated by Latin letters, and the rows by numbers. It is with their help that tables of any complexity are created and the necessary calculations are carried out in them.

Any video lesson on the Internet describes creating tables in Excel 2010 in two ways:

To work with tables, several types of data are used, the main of which are:

  • text,
  • numerical,
  • formula.

By default, text data is aligned to the left of cells, and numeric and formula data is aligned to the right.

To enter the desired formula into a cell, you need to start with the equal sign, and then by clicking on the cells and putting the required signs between the values ​​​​in them, we get the answer. You can also use the drop-down list with functions located in the upper left corner. They are recorded in the “Formula Bar”. It can be viewed by making a cell with a similar calculation active.

VBA to excel

The programming language built into the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) application makes it easier to work with complex data sets or repetitive functions in Excel. Programming instructions can be downloaded on the Internet for free.

In Microsoft Office Excel 2010, VBA is disabled by default. In order to enable it, you need to select “Options” in the “File” tab on the left panel. In the dialog box that appears, on the left, click “Customize Ribbon”, and then on the right side of the window, check the box next to “Developer” so that such a tab appears in Excel.

When starting to program, you need to understand that an object in Excel is a sheet, workbook, cell and range. They obey each other, so they are in a hierarchy.

Application plays a leading role . Next come Workbooks, Worksheets, Range. Thus, you need to specify the entire hierarchy path to access a specific cell.

Another important concept is properties. These are the characteristics of objects. For Range it is Value or Formula.

Methods represent specific commands. They are separated from the object by a dot in VBA code. Often when programming in Excel, the Cells (1,1) command is needed. Select. In other words, you need to select a cell with coordinates (1,1), that is, A 1.

After studying this mini-course and applying the knowledge gained in practice, anyone will be able to draw a pencil drawing on their own. If the reader has never drawn with a pencil before and is sure that he does not know how to draw, then the proposed author’s technique will allow him to easily create a pencil drawing, strengthening his faith in own strength and abilities. The technique is fully functional and was used by the author when creating his pencil drawings. The process of creating one of them is given in the manual as an example. However, this guide is not intended to teach drawing as a skill. It's just a set techniques, allowing you to create a pencil drawing even without drawing skills, while at the same time allowing the user of the manual to feel like an artist, a creator.

Tools and materials.
Before we begin the actual topic of drawing on a grid, I will give a list of the tools and materials you need.
You will need:
♦ Pencils of varying hardness;
♦ Drawing paper;
♦ Tracing paper;
♦ Tablet;
♦ Erasers;
♦ Shading (a tool for shading graphite);
♦ Transparent plastic cover (can be purchased at the store stationery);
♦ Ruler;
♦ High-quality indelible (permanent) black marker with a thin tip (usually such markers are used for writing on CD-DVD discs);
♦ Washable marker;
♦ Knife for sharpening pencils;
♦ A strip of sandpaper;
♦ Wide brush.

Table of contents
1 Tools and materials
1.1 Basic tools
1.1.1 Simple pencils(graphite)
1.1.2 Charcoal and charcoal pencils
1.1.3 Other tools
1.1.4 Sharpening pencils
1.2 Materials
1.2.1 Drawing paper
1.3 Auxiliary tools and materials
1.3.1 Tablet
1.3.2 Erasers
1.3.3 Feathers
1.3.4 Transparent plastic covers for brochure binding
1.3.5 Ruler
1.3.6 Markers
1.3.7 Sandpaper(skin)
1.3.8 Brush
1.4 Homework
2 Manufacturing of copying grids
2.1. Making meshes for the original (photos)
2.2. Making grids for your drawing
3 Analysis of the original image and obtaining outline drawing
3.1. Image Analysis
3.1.1 Direct image transfer
3.1.2 Creating an intermediate contour drawing on tracing paper from the original image
4 Transferring the outline of the original image using grids to the worksheet
4.1. Masks - a tool to facilitate the transfer of contours
4.2. Practical use masks
4.3 Exercises
5 Tone, ways of conveying it. Hatching and shading
5.1 Transferring tone using a simple pencil
5.1.1 Hatching
5.1.2 Feathering
5.2 Tone scale
5.2.1. Five-step tone scale
5.3 Exercises
6 How to hold a pencil
7 Tonal elaboration of the drawing. From a flat outline drawing to a real three-dimensional drawing

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One of the most convenient ways drawing objects for beginners is drawing on a grid. Today we will look at this drawing technique in more detail.

When choosing a photo to copy, make sure that it is large enough and does not contain unnecessary elements that would prevent you from drawing the desired object. Also, your subject should be clearly represented in the photograph, because... blurry edges will only make drawing more difficult (see picture). Now select your grid size. Please note that what larger size cells, those most you will have to enter the drawing into it. Although there are no rules regarding the minimum mesh size, try to choose the one that is most comfortable for you. Beginners, as additional training, can print the desired photo, having previously applied a grid to it on the computer.

When drawing on a grid, use auxiliary sheets of paper with which you can cover unnecessary parts. this moment parts of the image and concentrate more on a specific detail.

Rely on the clear edges of your subject. Look at the picture below: we have outlined the edge of the vase and, moreover, one of the corners passes through the grid line. This can serve as a good guide for further drawing. At the same time, do not rely entirely on the grid, but rather visually assess the position of each part relative to the sheet (third, quarter...). Draw the shape, noting which prominent features intersect the grid lines. The darkening we see in the picture above is . Notice that it looks like an extended triangle. Negative space helps to outline the contours of our figure and draw symmetrical details more correctly.

The finished drawing will contain all the main lines of our object and environment. If you want to indicate some very light details, use a dotted line. Carefully erase the mesh and finish your design.

You can enlarge or reduce the drawing not only by constructing it, but also by using a grid of squares. The easiest way, of course, will be to do this on graph paper if you are going to use this drawing as an intermediate step in your work. But if you are going to make a picture right away, then you will need to draw a white sheet of paper yourself.

1. Outline extreme points our drawing with horizontals and verticals.

2. If we need to enlarge or reduce the drawing, we need to maintain the width and height of our future drawing. To do this, draw a diagonal from one corner of our drawing to another corner. On this diagonal you can select any point - in the direction of decreasing the pattern (point “A”) or increasing it (point “B”). From this point draw a horizontal and a vertical line. This point will limit our future drawing vertically and horizontally, that is, it will determine the size of our future drawing.

3. Draw our drawing into squares. It is better to put numbers on the long side, and letters on the short side.

4. Calculate how many squares you have in width and how many in length, and divide your future enlarged or reduced pure format into exactly the same number.

5. Find a point in the drawn picture. For example, 5D, and in the same way we find 5D on a large empty sheet. Now we find the remaining points and connect them. And thus, we transfer our drawing.