What is the name of the girl from the Harry Potter movie. Magical transformation: how the actors of “Harry Potter” have changed

"Harry Potter" is a magnificent fairy tale that an entire generation has grown up with. The Harry Potter characters, like the book itself, were created by British writer JK Rowling to read to her children before bed. Who would have thought that a few years later the fairy tale would become a world bestseller, and films based on it would break many world records?

The main characters of "Harry Potter"

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is an orphan, the boy who lived. He defeated Voldemort, whose Horcrux he had been since the villain killed his mother. Smart and quick-witted. Features and abilities - a scar on his forehead in the form of a small lightning bolt, speaks the language of communication with snakes, an excellent catcher (member of the Quidditch team).

Hermione Granger (Emma Watson). The second of the mighty trinity. Harry's best friend. Throughout the film, she had the reputation of being a “nerd and a nerd,” but it was her erudition that more than once helped her friends in difficult situations. A pretty girl and a half-breed (that is, her parents were not wizards, they were Muggles)

Ronald "Ron" Weasley (Rupert Green) is a red-haired, freckled, funny and very kind guy. In the future - Hermione's lover. He is quite timid by nature and suffers from arachnophobia. Coming from a large and poor family. Plays chess excellently (this skill was useful to the trio in the first series of films, where one of final scenes- chess game). Like his friend Harry, he plays Quidditch (he is a goalkeeper).

It is these Harry Potter characters that set the plot of the film in motion; many incredible and incredible things happen to them. magical stories, which become more terrifying with each subsequent episode.

Friends and enemies of the main “Holy Trinity”

Draco Lucius Malfoy is blond with thin snow-white skin and icy gray eyes. He studies in the Slytherin house. The enemy of the main characters, tries to harm them at every opportunity. One of the Death Eaters. Has a fairly important role in the entire epic. It was he who should have killed Dumbledore, but could not.

Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley (Bonnie Wright) - sweet red-haired girl. The sister of Ron - one of the main characters - and the future lover of the main character. Her role is noticeable in the second part of Harry Potter and the last few. Very naive and talented, quite popular among males. He plays Quidditch and is successful in this matter. The only girl among all the children of the Weasley family.

Of course, these two heroes are far from alone. The list of Harry Potter characters is huge, from their descriptions you can easily create another additional volume, which will delight fans of the fairy tale beyond words.

Teaching staff

Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) - defense teacher dark arts and potions. His appearance is quite frightening: black long hair and a constantly gloomy appearance. Treated Harry extremely poorly throughout the series, but there was a reason for this. Severus was in love all his life with Potter's mother, Lily. It was because of this that he disliked the main character (since Lily preferred Harry's father, James, to him). But Severus himself, without showing his actions, tried to help Potter in many difficult situations.

Albus Dumbledore Michael Gambon) - director of the Hogwarts School of Wizardry, one of the most powerful magicians of his time. According to the creators, it is the embodiment of “all that is good”, does not contradict students, and allows them to independently learn from their mistakes. He likes to speak quite straightforwardly, even the most unpleasant facts. Unlike many wizards, he does not place a particularly important emphasis on the purebred nature of magicians - he treats everyone equally.

Minerva McGonagall is Dumbledore's deputy and later the headmaster of Hogwarts. He is distinguished by his serious character and does not like the jokes of his charges. She devoted her entire life to teaching transfiguration at school (this subject was not chosen by chance - Minerva is an animagus who takes the form of a tabby cat).

It was these characters from the film “Harry Potter” from the teaching staff who played especially important roles. By and large, they changed the course of the fairy tale with their presence.

Harry Potter characters fighting for the dark side

Lord Voldemort - main villain epic, the strongest dark magician who almost achieved his immortality with the help of horcruxes. Fiercely he hated half-breeds (children of wizards and Muggles), although he himself was the same. It was for this reason that he killed his father - a man. He looked quite intimidating: pale thin skin, dark large circles around his eyes, thin body And long fingers. Smart, was the best student at Hogwarts, strived to learn everything new, is very talented in dark magic and has outstanding abilities (however, according to Dumbledore, he often “forgot” and did not learn important subtleties).

(Helena Bonham Carter) is a death eater, one of Voldemort's most loyal associates. Black mop thick hair with a small gray strand of the same color big eyes and a dark face. She killed godfather Harry Potter - Sirius Black, who treated the main character very well. Before the Order of the Phoenix, she was a prisoner in Azkaban (a large prison for wizards, from where it is difficult to escape), but escaped with other Death Eaters.

One of the traitors

Peter Pettigrew is an animagus who takes the form of a rat, a longtime friend of the protagonist's father, James Potter. By nature, he is a weak and helpless wizard. That is why he chose Voldemort as his patron, betraying the Potter family. It was his fault that Harry's parents died. He was loved by Scabbers in the Weasley family, where he lived for 13 years. He dies from the owner's gift - a silver hand, which strangled him, regarding his fleeting weakness as another betrayal.

Magical creatures

The list of Harry Potter characters is not limited ordinary people. Since this is a fairy tale, then, accordingly, there are unrealistic heroes in it.

Dobby is a house elf with intelligence and the ability to speak. Like all such creatures, it must belong to its owner. At the beginning of the story, he was Lucius Malfoy (Draco's father), but in "Chamber of Secrets" he was released from service through a trick with Harry Potter's sock. Very good creature, more than once tried to help the main characters.

Buckbeak (does not speak) is Rubeus Hagrid's hippogriff. Proud beautiful creature: the body of a mighty horse with the wings and head of an eagle. We are very vulnerable. He was saved by Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in Prisoner of Azkaban from execution because of Draco Malfoy. Accepted Active participation in Sirius Black's escape from Hogwarts.

Other interpretations of the book series

Eat great amount computer games based on events in books and films. "Harry Potter: Create Your Own Character" is one of them. Here you can use your imagination and come up with new role“to your taste”, choose clothes and character traits for the hero. Other games are more typical. You need to complete levels in them of varying complexity, each of which is dedicated to a specific event in fairy tale. Many in this industry enterprising people They have made a fortune for themselves: the characters of “Harry Potter” are recognized and loved by everyone, and Internet users are screaming about their desire to get to Hogwarts.

In many stores you can find “paraphernalia” of the famous tape: magic wands, sweaters with scenes from the film and even raincoats. There are groups in in social networks and themed meetings dedicated to the fairy tale. Games for phones and iPads are also quite popular. Fans of the film "Harry Potter" do not spare money for this. Fanfiction based on characters occupy many Internet sites, where entire archives have already accumulated them.

A fairy tale forever

This is a superbly produced film and, naturally, a talented book. A fairy tale that teaches goodness and right actions is “Harry Potter”. The names of the characters will be remembered not only by the current generation, but also by many subsequent ones. She talks about how you can’t judge a person without knowing true reasons any of his behavior, and that happiness is around us.

Tom became famous overnight for his role as the two-faced Draco Malfoy in the fantasy film Harry Potter. In honor of Felton's birthday, we decided to find out what happened to the other young wizards of Potter, how they have changed and whether they continue to play in films.

Tom's hero is a Slytherin student, the son of the head of the Hogwarts board of trustees, an enemy of Harry Potter named Draco Malfoy.

Him blonde hair, pale and thin skin, cold-blooded grey eyes, thin build, disgusting and vile character. Throughout the entire series of the film, he hated Harry, Ron and Hermione, and played disgusting dirty tricks, but ultimately the hostility between the four ended.

In real life, Tom is very different from his character - he is a kind and sweet guy (by the way, Emma Watson for a long time was in love with him), who had experience acting in films before Harry Potter. For example, he can be seen in “Thieves”, “Anna and the King”, “Second Sight: A Game of Hide and Seek”, “Escape from Vegas”, “Thirteen Hours”, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”, “The Apparition”, “Therese Raquin” . Tom was able to establish himself as talented actor, who can play any role.

Daniel received the role of the main wizard and adversary of Voldemort at the age of 10.

Interestingly, after receiving leading role in his life, the boy had to leave school because his classmates were jealous of him, which is why they bullied him, to put it mildly.

Many thought that Radcliffe would become a hostage to one role and would not be able to break out of the role of Potter, but this did not happen. Daniel was and is being invited to play in other films and theater productions.

Thus, he played the stable boy Alan Strang in the erotic play “Equus”, however, many parents were shocked by the radical change in the image of the “young wizard” and even forbade their children to watch films with his participation. Daniel also played leading roles in the films “December Boys”, “The Woman in Black”, “Notes of a Young Doctor”, “Kill Your Darlings”, “Friendship and No Sex?” and "Horns". In the near future, other films with his participation will be released on big screens - the long-awaited “Frankenstein” and the no less interesting “Now You See Me: The Second Act.”

Emma played Hermione Granger - a brave and self-confident arrogant, best friend Harry Potter, a girl with an uneven bite and tousled hair.

The girl received this role at the age of 9 and for a long time lived as a sorceress, while also playing in other films.

Emma's other roles include aspiring actress Paulina Fossil in Ballet Shoes, assistant Lucy in 7 Days and Nights with Marilyn, reckless Sam in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, thief Nikki in High Society, and Ila in Noah.

In addition to acting in films, Emma managed to receive higher education at Brown University, launched a global campaign for gender equality, He for She, and participates in advertising campaigns for famous brands.

From the sweet sorceress Hermione, Emma has turned into a real style icon and a truly sought-after actress.

Rupert got the role of Ron Weasley at the age of 11, and it became the boy's first acting job.

His hero grew up in a large family of wizards, was the first to make friends with Harry Potter, got into various troubles with him and was a real “moron” (at least that’s what Hermione thought for the first few years). As he grew older, Ron (and Rupert, respectively) became more courageous, more brutal and... more and more irresistible.

In addition to filming the Harry Potter series, Rupert starred in other projects - Thunder in Pants, Driving Lessons, Cherry Bomb, Wild Thing, In White Captivity, Dangerous Illusion, The Club CBGB" and "Super Clyde". To focus on his acting career, Grint had to drop out of school. Interestingly, like his hero Ron Weasley, Rupert is afraid of spiders. After filming of "Potter" ended, Daniel, Emma and Rupert maintained friendly relations.

The Irish actress played the eccentric, kind and always surprised Ravenclaw student.

Evanna was a real fan of the Harry Potter book series, which drove herself to the point of anorexia, and corresponded with JK Rowling herself. Evanna couldn't believe her luck when she was cast in the role of Luna Lovegood, and the girl first appeared in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The actress not only played her character, she became him.

Not a single viewer had any doubt that Luna looked somehow different from how Evanna plays her. Note that actor career Lynch stalled on Potter, although she appeared in episodes of some films and TV series.

The twin brothers who played Fred and George Weasley in the film adaptation of JK Rowling's novels: they always go together, have an unrivaled sense of humor, especially while studying at witchcraft school and magic hogwarts.

Fred and George did not finish school, but opened a store called “All kinds of magical pests”. The further acting careers of James and Oliver did not develop as rosy as those of their colleagues.

In addition to “Harry Potter”, the brother actors only played in the series “Peter Kingdom Won’t Leave You”, the films “District 3”, “ Latin Quarter" and "Hamlet". But who knows what awaits them in the future?

The actress played another member of the large Weasley family, Ginny.

The heroine Bonnie has good taste, bottomless eyes and fiery red hair, masterfully wields the “Bat Evil Eye” spell and is passionately in love with Harry. By the way, these feelings will gradually become mutual. Starting from her fourth year, Ginny becomes very attractive, which is why she receives a lot of attention from the opposite sex.

In addition to Potter, Wright starred in other films, including The Robinson Family, Understudies, The Geography of an Unfortunate Heart, and The Philosophers. A Survival Lesson”, “Shakespeare’s Daughter”, “Before Bed” and others.

Currently, Bonnie is participating in the filming of four films, is actively appearing in commercials and is one of the most promising young actresses.

The actor became famous for his role as the clumsy, forgetful and timid Neville Longbottom (as he was before he grew up).

Towards the end of "Potteriana", his character, as well as his appearance, changes greatly - he becomes fearless, even brutal, and participates in most of the dangerous missions of the main characters.

Matthew appeared in all eight Potter films, and also manages to play in other films: “It’s Called Life”, “Dalziel and Pascoe”, “Heartbeat”, “ Children's holiday in the Palace", "Wasteland" and "Sweet Shop".

After his miraculous transformation into a Hollywood sex symbol, Matthew became simply the idol of millions of girls around the world.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for Kleo.ru, Wmj.ru, Cosmo.ru, MarieClaire.ru about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, favorite hobby- watching a good movie, and a personal recipe Have a good mood- beach holiday.

Based on the series of books by JK Rowling "Harry Potter", their sequels and film adaptations

GP: Harry Potter

Fanfiction dedicated to professional activity Aurors and the Auror, as a department of the Ministry of Magic. Aurors are not just mentioned in the text - the entire fanfic is about them.

The Dursleys in fan fiction are depicted not as grotesque “stepmothers to Cinderella,” but as completely ordinary people who adequately perceive the surrounding reality.

Azkaban is one of the important settings of the fanfic or one of the main characters of the fanfic ends up in Azkaban, which has a serious impact on the plot.

Azkaban is an ominous prison for magicians, guarded by dementors (in fan fiction this may not be the case), located on an island in the North Sea.

The animagus' abilities play a significant role in shaping the plot of the fanfic - these can be animagi known from the canon, or one of the main characters of the fanfic becomes an animagus. An animagus is a wizard who can transform into an animal.

The global AU of the world created by Rowling, which consists in the existence of a magical aristocracy. The confrontation between purebloods and muggle-born magicians is complemented (and sometimes replaced) by the confrontation between aristocrats and the mob. Often this event is accompanied by the “Rodomagic” event, but not necessarily.

The fanfiction is dedicated to intrigues in the ministry, the struggle for power, international relations and the problems of the magical world. A significant role in the fanfic is played by high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Magic, the Minister of Magic, members of the Wizengamot, as well as international organizations magicians

The fanfic takes place after Voldemort's victory. Or fan fiction describes a fight with Voldemort, which ends in his victory.

The fanfic takes place in the first half of the twentieth century, when Magic world suffered from the actions of the dark magician Grindelwald. Although Grindelwald himself may not be mentioned in the fanfic.

The fanfic takes place during the time the Marauders (James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupine, Peter Pettigrew) were studying at Hogwarts or immediately after that, but before the death of the Potters.

The fanfic takes place in the past, during the life of the Founders of Hogwarts. The main characters could be the Founders, time-traveled Potter characters, or original characters.

Harry Potter ends up in Azkaban - either on false charges or deservedly so. Azkaban is an ominous prison for magicians, guarded by dementors (in fan fiction this may not be the case), located on an island in the North Sea.

Harry Potter goes over to Voldemort's side or, regardless of him, becomes a dark wizard himself and does evil.

Dumbledore is not the good-natured grandfather whom Voldemort is somehow afraid of, but an eminence grise who manipulates everyone around him, especially the Boy Who Lived.

The main characters of the fanfic are the children of the Golden Trio, mentioned by Rowling in the epilogue, and their peers.

Another school of magic, that is, not Hogwarts, plays a significant role in fan fiction. For example, Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, Ilvermorny, Sorcerer and others.

The fanfiction mentions that anyone from this family is a wizard - Petunia, Vernon, Dudley, the Dudley children, new or canon relatives of this family.

The main character lives among Muggles, hiding or not hiding his abilities, forcedly or of his own free will.

The fanfic describes the seizure of power through betrayal or information warfare. Moreover, power is not necessarily seized by Voldemort; various options are possible.

The fanfic is dedicated to the professional activities of healers (witch doctors), or a significant part of the fanfic takes place in St. Mungo's Hospital or another hospital.

One of the main characters of the fanfic is a Muggle - a person who does not have magical abilities.

The fanfic mentions moving between worlds - Parallel Worlds, Paradise hell, higher spheres, after death, etc.

In fan fiction, a key role is played by one or more metamorphmagus (they are also called polymorphs, such as Nymphadora Tonks) or one of the main characters becomes a metamorphmagus.

Harry receives from his parents or other ancestors a multimillion-dollar fortune at Gringotts and/or magical skills that are not spelled out in the canon.

The fanfic involves a character who is the heir (son/daughter/nephew or no mention of blood relationship) of Voldemort.

In canon, Harry Potter always acts on Dumbledore's orders; in many fanfictions, Harry meets another mentor and carries out his will, either explicitly or implicitly. In this fanfiction he decides to act distinctly regardless of plans powerful of the world this or other worlds.

The fanfic takes place in a non-magical world, the heroes of the canon appear as ordinary people with their own problems and relationships. Connection with the canon is ensured by the preservation of the characters and/or features of the relationship between the characters

In the fanfic, Voldemort has more than seven Horcruxes, or the fanfic was written before the release of the seventh book and the author completely independently came up with the number of Horcruxes and the objects they were. It is also possible that the description of the Horcruxes of another dark magician - not Voldemort. Horcrux (horcrux) - item or Living being, in which part of the soul of a dark magician is placed. Until all Horcruxes are destroyed, this dark magician cannot die.

At least one of the founders of Hogwarts appears in the present time - resurrected or moved in time or turns out to be a ghost, other options are possible.

Fanfiction dedicated to daily work departments of the Ministry of Magic and professional activities of employees of these departments (Department of Secrets, Department of Control magical creatures etc.)

The fanfic takes place after graduation from Hogwarts, the characters are usually over eighteen years old, and most often thirty or forty.

In fan fiction, a significant role is given to any media structure and formation public opinion magical world.

In the fanfic, at least one of Rowling's characters is studying in a different department. For example, Hermione is in Slytherin.

In fan fiction, Harry Potter's parents did not die when he was one year old. At the same time, the parents may not be James and Lily Potter at all.

The global AU of the world created by Rowling, which consists in the existence of the so-called magic of the family. This includes all manifestations: the magical family, the heirs of the blood, the guardians of the family, generational curses etc.

The fanfic involves Harry's ability to speak the language of snakes, or some other character has and uses the same ability.

In fan fiction, Hermione plays a key role - her magical or mental abilities. Or in fan fiction, Hermione becomes a very powerful magician, similar to “Strong Harry”.

Ron plays a key role in the fanfic - his magical or mental abilities. Or in the fanfic, Ron becomes a very powerful magician and goes to foreground, similar to "Strong Harry" and "Strong Hermione".

One of the main characters of the fanfic hides his magical abilities- forced or voluntarily.

The fanfic mentions that Dumbledore had secret plan, which he did not tell Harry Potter and other Potter characters.

These girls played the roles of Harry Potter's friends and classmates in a series of films about the young wizard. We met them in 2001, when they were chubby-cheeked babies from primary school, and broke up in 2011, remembering them as angular teenage girls. And now, looking at their photographs, we open our mouths in amazement: did Hogwarts students really grow into such beauties? No, it really is magic!

Evanna Lynch

Evanna Lynch received the role of Luna Lovegood, a girl out of this world, at the age of 14. Before that, she had not acted in films, but after the saga about the young wizard she decided to take up acting career. Alas, she has no significant roles yet.

Scarlett Byrne

Performing the role of Slytherin student and Draco Malfoy's girlfriend Pansy Parkinson, Scarlett Byrne after the "Potter" series successfully played in "Falling Skies" and "The Vampire Diaries", and recently starred for Playboy magazine.

Bonnie Wright

The performer of the role of red-haired Ginny Weasley got on film set movie "Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone"at the age of 9. It's impossible to recognize that schoolgirl in this sexy beauty! It's no wonder that Harry Potter eventually fell head over heels in love with her!

Tiana Benjamin

Tiana Benjamin played the role of Angelina Johnson, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, in the Harry Potter saga. She was already the second actress taken for this role - the first, Danielle Tabor, eventually turned out to be too short for the role. However, Tiana also quickly left the saga, as the filming schedule did not fit well with her work in the TV series EastEnders.

Genevieve Gaunt

Dutchwoman Genevieve Gaunt played Pansy Parkinson in the film Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. After this, the producers replaced her with Scarlett Byrne, saying that Genevieve had too “angelic appearance” for a negative heroine. However, Genevieve was not too upset, immediately finding herself in popular TV series"Members of the Royal Family."

Evanna Lynch at a charity event

The actress who plays Luna Lovegood regularly attends charity events dedicated to helping animals. She is an active animal activist and vegan. So it was not for nothing that she was chosen for the role of Luna Lovegood - after all, in life her beliefs differ from the standard!

Anna Shaffer

Anna Shaffer played Romilda Vane in the Potter saga, a girl who was unrequitedly in love with Harry and dreamed of attracting him with the help of bewitching horses. Now Romilda has grown up to be such a beauty that now she hardly has to run after guys - there are clearly plenty of people who want to run after her!

Next, we offer a look at the grown-up children who have made a career for themselves on films about a young wizard. Now they are all far from children, but successful young people who are known and loved all over the world. The Potter series made them popular actors and many of them still continue to act in films.

Daniel Radcliffe- Harry Potter

Daniel has been in films since he was 11 years old and at 26 he is already famous actor.

Despite his small height of 165 centimeters, he became a real hipster icon and gained millions of fans all over the world.

Everything is fine with Daniel in his personal life. He's dating American actress Erin Dark, who is 4 years older and half a head taller.

Emma Watson – Hermione Granger

Emma is not only talented, but also smart. She studied at Oxford and graduated from the prestigious Brown University with a B.A. English literature.

25-year-old Emma is an ambassador good will UN, she advocates for equality between men and women and is a staunch feminist. The photo shows the actress with her new boyfriend. Her chosen one is 35-year-old William Knight, a graduate of Princeton and Columbia universities and a techie-businessman from Silicon Valley.

Rupert Grint – Ron Weasley

He is perhaps the only truly red-haired representative of the Weasley film clan.

Here's what the 27-year-old actor thought about his kiss with Hermione. “Emma and I have been friends since we were 9 years old, we were like brother and sister, and then suddenly kissing - it was wild. I remember her face, getting closer and closer, I was in a panic: “Oh, God!”, a grandiose moment, everyone around was waiting tensely... Fortunately, one take was enough.”

Tom Felton – Draco Malfoy

During filming, Emma was in love with this blond. Felton was also partial to her. Despite this, the actors played their roles perfectly, sincerely hating each other on screen.

Novel young talents didn't last long. Tom has been in a relationship with actress Jade Olivia for 8 years, who appears as Draco’s wife in the very last frames of the “Potter” series.

Matthew Lewis – Neville Longbottom

After filming the films, the guy was incredibly transformed.

Last year, he stripped off for a provocative magazine shoot, thanks to which he won the hearts of millions of girls. There was no limit to the admiration of netizens.

Tom Riddle

IN early childhood Voldemort was played by 11-year-old Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, now he is 18 years old, and he is actually the nephew of the same Ralph Fiennes, who in the film portrayed the bald and noseless Voldemort after his resurrection.

We know 16-year-old Riddle from Chamber of Secrets from the role of Christian Coulson, who was 23 years old at that time. Now he's 37 and looks a little different.

Finally, 16-year-old Riddle from Half-Blood Prince, who becomes fascinated by murder and Horcruxes, is Frank Dillane. He was 17 then, and turns 25 this year.

Dudley Dursley

At the age of 19, Harry Melling, who got the role cousin Harry Potter, lost a lot of weight and almost disrupted the filming of the last parts of the film. In “The Deathly Hallows” they even wanted to replace him, but they changed their minds and dressed him in a thickening suit.

Below: on the left is the still full 16-year-old Melling in “Order of the Phoenix”, on the right is the latest February photo of the 26-year-old theater actor.

Ginny Weasley

Actress Bonnie Wright at the age of 10 and at 25:

She shared this photo from the shoot on her Instagram page:

The Weasley Twins

On the left are 15-year-old James (Fred) and Oliver (George) Phelps at the premiere of the first film in 2001. On the right are the 29-year-old twins in 2015.

IN real life the guys love sports, especially golf, travel a lot around the world and do charity work.

Luna Lovegood

A passionate fan of the Harry Potter books, Evanna Lynch from Ireland entered the cast at the age of 14, making his first appearance in the fifth film, The Order of the Phoenix. Out of 15,000 other applicants, she turned out to be the best. “Other people could play Luna, but Evanna Lynch is Luna,” the producers said. Now 24 years old, she is an actress, model, designer, health advocate and environmentalist.