Fairy tales and parables of Leonardo da Vinci. About a wonderful transformation

The best parables. Big Book. All countries and eras Mishanenkova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Parables of Leonardo da Vinci

Parables of Leonardo da Vinci

Stone and road

Once upon a time there was a great man in the world beautiful stone. The stream flowing past polished its sides to a shine, which sparkled in the sun. But over time, the stream dried up, and the stone continued to lie on the hillock. All around him there was ample space for tall grasses and bright wildflowers.

From above, the stone could clearly see the paved road running below, along the side of which pebbles and cobblestones were piled up. Left alone without the usual murmur of a cheerful stream, the stone increasingly began to look longingly down at the road, where activity always reigned. One day he felt so sad that he could not stand it and exclaimed:

- I can’t live forever alone! What good are herbs and flowers? It makes more sense to live side by side with my brothers on the road, where life is in full swing.

Having said this, he moved from his habitual place and rolled headlong downwards until he found himself on the road among stones just like him. Who hasn’t walked or driven along the road! And the wheels of carts with iron rims, and the hooves of horses, cows, sheep, goats, and smart boots with jackboots, and strong peasant shoes lined with nails.

The stone ended up in the crush of the road, where it was roughly thrown aside, trampled, crushed, doused with streams of mud, and sometimes it was stained up to its ears with cow dung.

Where did it go? former beauty! Now he sadly looked up at the hillock where he once lay peacefully among fragrant flowers and herbs. He had no choice but to vainly dream of regaining his lost peace. It’s not for nothing that they say: “We don’t keep what we have, and when we lose it, we cry.”

Likewise, people sometimes thoughtlessly leave remote rural corners, rushing to noisy, crowded cities, where they immediately find themselves at the mercy of vanity, unquenchable thirst and endless difficulties and worries.


At the appointed time, the donkey came to water. But the ducks on the pond were so loud and playful, flapping their wings, that they muddied all the water.

Although the donkey was tormented by unbearable thirst, he did not drink and, moving aside, began to wait patiently. Finally the ducks calmed down and, coming ashore, walked away. The donkey approached the water again, but it was still muddy. And he walked away again with his head down.

- Mom, why doesn’t he drink? – asked the curious frog, interested in the donkey’s behavior. “He’s come to the pond twice now and left with nothing.”

“And all because,” answered the mother frog, “that the donkey would rather die of thirst than touch dirty water. He will wait patiently until the water clears and becomes clear.

- Oh, how stubborn he is!

“No, son, he is not so much stubborn as he is patient,” explained the frog. – The donkey is ready to endure all the hardships and sorrows. And anyone who himself lacks endurance and patience calls him stubborn.


Sticking to the leaf, the caterpillar watched with interest as the insects sang, jumped, galloped, raced, flew... Everything around was in constant motion. And only she, the poor thing, was denied a voice and was not allowed to run or fly. With great difficulty she could only crawl. And while the caterpillar clumsily moved from one leaf to another, it seemed to it that it was making a trip around the world.

And yet she did not complain about fate and did not envy anyone, realizing that everyone should mind their own business. So she, the caterpillar, had to learn how to weave thin silk threads in order to make a strong cocoon house from them.

Without further consideration, the caterpillar diligently set to work and by the required time was wrapped from head to toe in a warm cocoon.

- Everything has its turn! – she heard in response. – Have a little patience, and you’ll see.

When the time came and she woke up, she was no longer the same clumsy caterpillar. Deftly freeing herself from the cocoon, she was surprised to notice that she had grown light wings, generously colored in bright colors. Having cheerfully waved them, she, like a fluff, fluttered from the leaf and flew, dissolving in the blue haze.

Paper and ink

There were identical sheets of blank paper in a stack on the desk. But one day one of them turned out to be completely covered with hooks, dashes, curls, and dots. Apparently, someone took a pen and, dipping it in ink, wrote words on the sheet of paper and painted it with drawings.

“Why did you need to subject me to such unheard-of humiliation?” - the saddened piece of paper asked the inkwell standing on the table. “Your indelible ink has stained my whiteness and ruined the paper forever!” Who will need me like this now?

- Don't push! – the inkwell answered affectionately. “They didn’t want to humiliate you or tarnish you at all, they just made the necessary record.” And now you are no longer a simple piece of paper, but a written message. From now on, you store a person’s thought, and this is your direct purpose and great value.

The good inkwell turned out to be right. While cleaning up his desk one day, a man saw randomly scattered sheets of paper, yellowed with age. He collected them and was about to throw them into the burning fireplace, when he suddenly noticed that same “stained” piece of paper. Throwing away the dusty pieces of paper as unnecessary, the man carefully placed the scribbled piece of paper in the desk drawer in order to preserve it as a message of reason.


A cedar grew in one garden. Every year he matured and became taller and more handsome. Its lush crown towered royally above the other trees and cast a thick shadow on them. But the more he grew and stretched upward, the more exorbitant arrogance grew in him. Looking down on everyone with contempt, he once shouted imperiously:

- Take this pathetic hazel away! - And the tree was cut down at the root.

- Free me from the proximity of the obnoxious fig tree! “She bothers me with her stupid appearance,” the capricious cedar ordered another time, and the fig tree suffered the same fate.

Satisfied with himself, proudly swaying his branches, the arrogant handsome man did not let up:

– Clear the area around me of old pears and apple trees! - and the trees were used for firewood.

So the restless cedar ordered to destroy all the trees one by one, becoming the sovereign master in the garden, from whose former beauty only stumps remained.

But one day a strong hurricane struck. The arrogant cedar resisted him with all its might, holding tightly to the ground with its powerful roots. And the wind, not meeting any other trees on its way, freely pounced on the lonely standing handsome man, mercilessly breaking, crushing and bending him down. Finally, the tormented cedar could not withstand the furious blows, cracked and fell to the ground.

Snake Wits

Sensing danger, the ducks flew together over the lake. From the height it was clearly visible that the entire shore was swarming with long-tailed reptiles with a prickly scaly crest on their heads and strong clawed paws. Unlike ordinary dragons, they lacked membranous wings. But they were distinguished by incredible malice and deceit. Such a creature looks at everything - everything around withers, wherever it steps - the grass does not grow.

Hunger drove these reptiles to the shore of the lake, where all kinds of living creatures were found in abundance among the reed thickets. Frustrated that the prey slipped out from under their noses, the creatures decided to cross to the other side.

They were capable of everything, but they had not learned to swim. How to be? Then one of them came up with a cunning idea: to wrap their long tails tightly around each other, forming a kind of raft.

No sooner said than done. And so the screaming monsters swam, paddling together with their paws and raising their heads high. It seemed as if Satan himself had tied them with a rope.

Flying over the swimming reptiles, the leader of the duck school shouted:

- Look! This is what can be achieved through unity and ingenuity.

Having united, evil is capable of all sorts of tricks in order to survive and do its dirty work. It wouldn’t hurt to do good things just as resourcefully and boldly.

Flint and steel

Having once received a strong blow from a flint, the flint indignantly asked the offender:

- Why did you attack me like that? I don't know you. You're apparently confusing me with someone. Please leave my sides alone. I don't harm anyone.

“Don’t be angry in vain, neighbor,” the flint said with a smile in response. “If you have a little patience, you will soon see what a miracle I will bring out of you.”

At these words, the flint calmed down and began to patiently endure the blows of the flint. And finally, fire was carved out of it, capable of performing true miracles. So the patience of the flint was justly rewarded.

Misadventures of the Lion

Waking up at dawn, the king of beasts stretched sweetly and headed straight to the river. For the sake of order, he roared powerfully, notifying all the small animals that usually gather at a watering hole and muddy the water about his approach. Suddenly he stopped, hearing an unusual noise. Turning around, the lion saw that a hot horse was rushing towards him at full speed, followed by an empty rattle rattling, bouncing on the stones.

The lion jumped into the nearest bushes and closed his eyes in fear. Never in his life had he seen such an outlandish, rattling animal.

After sitting in the bushes and recovering a little from fright, the lion came out of the thickets, looking around, and with a cautious gait again headed towards the watering hole.

But before he could walk a few steps, a piercing cry struck his ears. Somewhere nearby a loud rooster was crowing. The lion stopped dead in his tracks, and began to tremble slightly.

Because of the tall grass, the lion could only see a trembling fiery crest and hear an unfamiliar cry: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” Not remembering himself from fear and forgetting about thirst, the disgraced king of beasts rushed off into the thicket of the forest.

Apparently, Leo sometimes has unlucky days, when everything goes topsy-turvy and misadventures lurk at every step.

Vine and peasant

The vine could not get enough of it, seeing how in the spring the peasant carefully dug up the earth around it, trying not to touch the tender roots with a spade, how he lovingly looked after it, tied it up, put up strong supports so that it could grow freely. In gratitude for such care, the vine decided to give the person juicy, fragrant clusters at all costs.

When it was time to harvest the grapes, the vine was completely covered with large tassels. The thrifty owner cut them all off one by one and carefully placed them in a basket. Then, after thinking, he dug up stakes and supports and used them for firewood.

And the poor vine had no choice but to grieve from an undeserved insult and freeze all winter on the bare ground. But on next year she was no longer so generous, and the short-sighted peasant paid severely for his greed.

Moon and oyster

The oyster was head over heels in love with the moon. As if spellbound, she spent hours looking with loving eyes at the night star. A voracious crab sitting in ambush noticed that every time the moon emerges from behind the clouds, the gaping oyster opens its shell, forgetting about everything in the world. And he decided to eat it.

One night, as soon as the moon had risen and the oyster, as usual, was staring at it with its mouth open, the crab picked up a pebble with its claw and, contrivingly, threw it inside the shell. amateur moonlight I tried to slam the doors of the mother-of-pearl dwelling, but it was too late - a thrown pebble prevented the poor thing.

A similar fate awaits everyone who does not know how to keep their innermost feelings secret. There will always be eyes and ears eager for other people's secrets.


Among the desert mountains of Asia lives a miracle bird. She has a gentle melodious voice, and her flight is full of beauty and grandeur. Whether a bird soars in the sky or rests on a rock, it does not cast a shadow because its down and feathers sparkle bright light, like the sun's rays. Even after death, she does not disappear without a trace, for her flesh is not subject to decay, and her brilliant plumage continues to emit light, as before.

But if anyone tries to take possession of this wondrous radiance by plucking out even one feather of a bird, the light will instantly dim, and the daring daredevil will immediately go blind from black envy.

The name of this rare bird is Lumerpa, which means “luminous.” It is like true glory, living incorruptibly for centuries. No one can belittle or appropriate it.

Little Bear and the Bees

Before the bear had time to leave on business, her restless son, forgetting about his mother’s order to stay at home, skipped into the forest. There is so much expanse and unfamiliar alluring smells here! Not like in a cramped, stuffy den. Overjoyed, the bear cub began to chase butterflies until he came across a large hollow, from which there was such a strong smell of something tasty that it tickled his nose.

Taking a closer look, the kid discovered that there were apparently no bees here. Some flew with a menacing buzz around the hollow, like sentries, while others flew in with prey and, darting inside, flew back into the forest.

Fascinated by this spectacle, the curious bear cub could not resist the temptation. He was impatient to quickly find out what was going on inside the hollow. First he put his wet nose in there and sniffed, and then he put his paw in and felt something warm and sticky. When he pulled his paw out, it was covered in honey. Before he had time to lick the sweet paw and close his eyes with pleasure, a cloud of ferocious bees flew at him, which pierced his nose, ears, mouth... From unbearable pain, the bear cub howled and began to desperately defend himself, crushing the bees with his paws. But they stung even more. Then he began to roll on the ground, trying to drown out the burning pain, but this did not help.

Not remembering himself from fear, the baby took off running towards the house. All bitten, he ran to his mother in tears. The she-bear scolded him for pampering, and then washed the bitten areas with cold spring water.

From that time on, the little bear knew for sure that he had to pay bitterly for sweets.

The Miller and the Donkey

Once, among friends, a noble gentleman, reputed to be a bookworm and an entertaining storyteller, began to passionately prove that he had supposedly lived in this world more than once before. In order to give more weight to his words, he even referred to famous saying ancient sage and scientist Pythagoras.

But one of the friends kept making fun of the narrator, inserting sarcastic remarks, and preventing him from finishing the story. Completely angry, admirer ancient philosophy decided to reason with the scoffer and declared:

“To prove that I’m right, I remember that in that distant time, you, ignoramus, were a simple miller.”

These words clearly touched a nerve with his friend, but he was not one of those who needed to be pulled by the tongue.

- Who's arguing with you? “You’re absolutely right, as always,” he replied. “Should I not remember that in those days it was you, my friend, who was the same donkey who carried bags of grain to my mill?”

Ant and wheat grain

The wheat grain remaining on the field after the harvest was impatiently waiting for the rain to bury itself deeper in damp earth in anticipation of the coming cold weather. An ant running past noticed him. Delighted with the find, he, without hesitation, put the heavy prey on his back and crawled with difficulty to the anthill. In order to get to the house before dark, the ant crawled without stopping, and the luggage weighed more and more heavily on its weary back.

- Why are you straining yourself? Leave me here! - the wheat grain begged.

“If I leave you,” the ant answered, breathing heavily, “we will be left without food for the winter.” There are many of us, and everyone is obliged to earn a living in order to increase the reserves in the anthill.

Then the grain thought and said:

“I understand your concerns as an honest worker, but you also need to understand my situation.” Listen to me carefully, smart ant!

Satisfied that he could catch his breath a little, the ant threw the heavy burden off his back and sat down to rest.

“So know,” said the grain, “there is a great life-giving power within me, and my purpose is to give birth.” new life. Let's make an amicable agreement with you.

- What kind of agreement is this?

- Here's what it is. If you don’t drag me into the anthill and leave me here in my native field,” the grain explained, “then in exactly a year I will reward you.” – The surprised ant shook his head in disbelief. - Believe me, dear ant, I’m telling the absolute truth! If you give up on me now and wait, then later I will reward your patience a hundredfold, and your anthill will not be at a loss. In exchange for one you will receive one hundred of the same grains.

The ant thought, scratching the back of his head: “One hundred grains in exchange for one. Yes, such miracles only happen in fairy tales.”

- How will you do this? – he asked, bursting with curiosity, but still not believing.

- Trust me! - answered the grain. - This is the great mystery of life. Now dig a small hole, bury me, and come back again in the summer.

At the agreed time, the ant returned to the field and saw a large ear in place of the grain. The grain of wheat kept its promise.


And once again the seine brought a rich catch. The fishermen's baskets were filled to the brim with chubs, carp, tench, pike, eels and a variety of other food. Entire fish families, with their children and household members, were taken to market stalls and prepared to end their existence, writhing in agony on hot frying pans and in boiling cauldrons.

The remaining fish in the river, confused and overcome with fear, not even daring to swim, buried themselves deeper in the mud. How to live further? You can't handle the net alone. He is thrown daily into the most unexpected places. He mercilessly destroys the fish, and eventually the entire river will be devastated.

– We must think about the fate of our children. No one but us will take care of them and deliver them from this terrible obsession,” reasoned the minnows who had gathered for a council under a large snag.

– But what can we do? – the tench asked timidly, listening to the speeches of the daredevils.

- Destroy the net! – the minnows responded in unison.

On the same day, the all-knowing, nimble eels spread the news of the bold decision along the river. All fish, young and old, were invited to gather tomorrow at dawn in a deep, quiet pool, protected by spreading willows.

Thousands of fish of all colors and ages swam to the appointed place to declare war on the net.

– Listen carefully, everyone! - said the carp, who more than once managed to gnaw through the nets and escape from captivity. - The net is as wide as our river. To keep it upright under water, lead weights are attached to its lower nodes. I order all the fish to split into two schools. The first should lift the sinkers from the bottom to the surface, and the second flock will firmly hold the upper nodes of the net. The pikes are tasked with chewing through the ropes with which the net is attached to both banks.

With bated breath, the fish listened to every word of the leader.

“I order the eels to immediately go on reconnaissance!” - continued the carp. “They have to find out where the net is thrown.”

The eels went on a mission, and schools of fish huddled near the shore in agonizing anticipation. Meanwhile, the minnows tried to encourage the most timid and advised not to panic, even if someone fell into the net: after all, the fishermen would still not be able to pull him ashore.

Finally the eels returned and reported that the net had already been abandoned about a mile down the river. And so, in a huge armada, schools of fish swam to the goal, led by the wise carp.

- Swim carefully! - the leader warned. – Keep your eyes open so that the current doesn’t drag you into the net. Use your fins as hard as you can and brake on time!

A seine appeared ahead, gray and ominous. Seized by a fit of anger, the fish boldly rushed to attack.

Soon the seine was lifted from the bottom, the ropes holding it were cut by sharp pike teeth, and the knots were torn. But the angry fish did not calm down and continued to attack the hated enemy. Grasping the crippled, leaky net with their teeth and working hard with their fins and tails, they dragged it in different directions and tore it into small pieces. The water in the river seemed to be boiling.

The fishermen talked for a long time, scratching their heads, about mysterious disappearance seine, and the fish still proudly tell this story to their children.

Walnut and bell tower

Having acquired a nut somewhere, a satisfied crow flew to the bell tower. Having made herself comfortable there and holding the prey with her paw, she began to furiously peck with her beak to get to the tasty grain. But either the blow was too strong, or the crow made a mistake, the nut suddenly slipped out of her paw, rolled down and disappeared into a crevice in the wall.

- Oh, good intercessor wall! - the nut sobbed tearfully, still not recovering from the cruel blows of the crow’s beak. - Don’t let me die, have pity on me! You are so strong and majestic, you have such a beautiful bell tower. Don't drive me away!

The bells hummed dully and disapprovingly, warning the wall not to trust the insidious nut, as it could prove dangerous to it.

– Don’t leave me, orphan, in trouble! – the nut continued to lament, trying to shout over the angry roar of the bells. “I was about to leave my birth branch and fall on the damp ground, when suddenly the villainess appeared. Finding myself in the beak of a voracious crow, I made a vow to myself: if I managed to avoid death, I would spend the rest of my days quietly and calmly in some hole.

The nut's passionate speeches moved the old wall to tears. Despite the warning of the bells, she decided to show the nut hospitality and leave it in the crack where it had rolled.

However, over time, the nut recovered from the fright, got comfortable and took root, and they began to bite into the hospitable wall. Soon the first shoots emerged from the crevice. Together they stretched upward and gained strength. A little more time passed, and the young shoots of the hazel tree were already proudly towering above the bell tower itself. The wall especially suffered from the roots. Tenacious and assertive, they grew ever larger, crushing and loosening the old masonry, and mercilessly pushing bricks and stones away.

Too late, the wall realized how insidious the unprepossessing, pathetic nut turned out to be with his vows to live quieter than water and lower than the grass. Now she had no choice but to reproach herself for her gullibility and bitterly regret that at one time she had not listened to the voice of the wise bells.


In the large garden behind the fence, fruit trees grew in good harmony and peace. In the spring they were drowned in a milky pink boil, and by the end of summer they were bending under the weight of ripe fruits. By chance, a hazel tree found its way into this friendly working family, which soon grew wildly and began to think of itself.

“Why on earth would I hang around in the garden behind the fence?” – he grumbled dissatisfied. “I’m not going to live here as a recluse at all.” Let my branches spread over the fence into the street so that the whole neighborhood knows what wonderful nuts I have!

And the hazel tree began to persistently climb the high fence in order to appear in all its glory before passers-by.

When the time came and its branches were completely strewn with nuts, everyone who was not too lazy began to pick them off. And if the hands couldn’t reach it, sticks and stones were used.

Soon, the beaten and broken hazel tree lost not only its fruits, but also its leaves. Its crippled branches hung lifelessly over the fence like whips, and in the dense greenery of the garden were apples, pears, and peaches filled with juice.

Donkey on ice

Having wandered through the fields until dusk, the donkey was so tired that he was unable to drag himself to his stall. The winter that year was harsh - all the roads were icy.

- There is no more urine. “I’ll rest here for a while,” said the completely exhausted donkey and stretched out on the ice.

Out of nowhere a nimble sparrow flew up and chirped in his ear:

- Donkey, wake up! You are not on the road, but on a frozen pond.

But the donkey was so sleepy that he could no longer hear anything. Yawning sweetly, he fell fast asleep, and soon steam poured out of his nostrils. Under the influence of heat, the ice began to melt little by little until it broke off with a crash. Finding himself in the cold water, the donkey immediately woke up and began to call for help. But it was already too late, and the poor fellow choked.

You should never disdain good advice, especially when you are in an unfamiliar place.


- Mother! - screamed the out of breath monkey, jumping onto the branch of a tall tree. “I just met a lioness.” How beautiful she is!

The mother monkey parted the branches and looked at the animal, frozen in anticipation of prey.

“This is not a lioness, but a panther,” my mother explained. – Take a closer look at the color of her skin.

- Yes, she’s just a sight for sore eyes! “You can’t take your eyes off it,” exclaimed the monkey. “Everything seems to be strewn with black roses.”

And indeed, from afar it seemed that marvelous double flowers suddenly bloomed among the grass that had turned yellow from the heat.

“The panther knows how attractive she is, and uses her beauty as bait,” continued the mother monkey. – Seeing the stranger’s bright attire, the bewitched animals follow her and become easy prey for the predator. And beauty sometimes serves for evil deeds.

Spider and swift

Three times the spider was forced to stretch its silvery web between the trees, and each time, flying at low level, the mocking swift tore its web with its wing.

- Why are you stopping me from working? – the spider asked indignantly. - Am I a hindrance to you?

- Yes, you are the very embodiment of deceit! - the swift chirped in response. “And your invisible web is a deadly trap for insects.”

- Should you, brother, say such words? – the spider marveled. - Why are you better than me? For days on end you run around with your beak open and grab right and left the same insects that you are now so worried about. For you, this activity is like fun. I work as hard as I can, weaving thin threads and weaving them into lace. As a reward for my zeal and honest work, I receive prey when it falls into the net.

Each person is ready to judge the other, looking at the world from his own bell tower.


In one garden there grew next to a hazel tree peach. Every now and then it glanced with envy at its neighbor's branches, generously strewn with nuts.

- Why does he have so many fruits, and I have so few? – the foolish tree did not stop grumbling. – Is this fair? Let me have the same number of peaches! How am I worse than him?

– Don’t covet someone else’s! – an old plum tree growing nearby once told him. – Don’t you see what a strong trunk and flexible branches the hazel tree has? Instead of grumbling and envying in vain, try to grow good, juicy peaches.

But the peach tree, blinded by black envy, did not want to listen to good advice plums, and no arguments had any effect on him. It immediately ordered its roots to dig deeper into the ground and extract as much life-giving juices and moisture as possible. It ordered the branches not to skimp on the ovary, and the flowers to turn into fruits. When the flowering time passed, the tree found itself hung with ripening fruits to the very top.

Filled with juice, the peaches grew heavier day by day, and the branches were unable to support their weight.

And then one day the tree groaned from the strain, the trunk broke with a crash, and the ripe peaches fell to the ground, where they soon rotted at the foot of the imperturbable hazel tree.

Captive owl

- Freedom! Long live freedom! - the blackbirds shouted, the first to see how the peasant caught the villainous owl, who at night kept the entire forest bird brethren in fear.

Soon the joyful news spread throughout the area that the owl had been caught and caged in a peasant's yard. And the man caught the owl with intent. Having planted it as bait, he set a snare for the curious birds.

- Gotcha, villain! – the birds made fun, densely clinging to the fence, bushes and trees.

The most desperate and courageous ones flew close to the cage, trying to painfully pinch an enemy so formidable just yesterday.

- And they found justice for you! Now you won't destroy our nests.

To get a closer look at the captive owl, the birds pushed and pressed on each other until they themselves fell into the trap.

Bee and drones

- There is no authority over you, you slackers! – the worker bee somehow couldn’t stand it, trying to reason with the drones flying around the hive in vain. – You just shouldn’t work. Shame on you! Everywhere you look, everyone is working, stocking up for future use. Take, for example, a tiny ant. Small, but smart. He works hard all summer, trying not to miss a single day. After all, winter is just around the corner.

– I found someone to use as an example! - one of the drones snapped, bored with the bee’s instructions. - Yes, your vaunted ant destroys the seeds of every harvest. This little thief drags every little thing into his anthill.

Don’t feed the slacker bread, but let him reason, and you won’t deny him the ability to denigrate others. He is always ready to find an excuse for his own worthlessness.

Warmth of the Heart

The two young ostriches were beside themselves with grief. Every time the female began to hatch the eggs, they burst under the weight of her body.

Desperate to achieve their goal, they decided to go for advice to a smart, experienced ostrich who lived on the other side of the desert. They had to run for many days and nights until they reached their goal.

- Help us! - they both begged. - Give some sense and teach us, unfortunate ones, how to hatch eggs! No matter how hard we tried, we were never able to get offspring.

After listening carefully to their sad story, the smart ostrich said in response:

- This is a difficult matter. In addition to desire and effort, something else is needed here.

- What? – both ostriches exclaimed at once. – We agree to everything!

– If so, listen and remember! The most important thing is warmth of the heart. You must treat the laid egg with love, constantly taking care of it as if it were your most valuable asset. Only the warmth of your hearts can breathe life into him.

Inspired by hope, the ostriches set off on their way back. When the egg was laid, the female and male began to carefully care for it, not taking their eyes off it, full of love and tenderness.

Many days passed like this. Both ostriches could barely stand on their feet from constant vigil. But their faith, patience and efforts were rewarded. One day, something shook in the egg, it cracked and split, and the fluffy head of a tiny ostrich peeked out of the shell.

Falcon and goldfinches

Returning from the hunt, the falcon, to his greatest surprise, discovered two goldfinches in his own nest, sitting side by side with his fledgling chicks. He was not in a good mood because the hunt on that stormy day was unsuccessful: only dead animals were caught. And falcons, as you know, would rather die of hunger, but would never feed on carrion.

At the sight of the uninvited guests, he became even more angry and wanted to take out his frustration on them and tear them to shreds, but thought better of it in time. Even in anger, it is inappropriate for a falcon to offend defenseless little birds.

-Where did you come from here? – the owner of the nest asked menacingly.

“We got lost in the forest during the rain,” one of the goldfinches squeaked barely.

The predator shot an angry look at him. He was bursting with anger and tormented by hunger. Trembling with fear, the two goldfinches clung to each other and did not dare to breathe or utter a word. Both were fat and well-fed, but so helpless and pitiful that the proud falcon was unable to pounce on them. He just closed his eyes and turned away so as not to give in to temptation.

- Go away! – the predator ordered loudly. - So that your spirit is not here!

And when they flew away headlong, the falcon turned to its hungry chicks and said:

– Our destiny is large prey. It is better to starve than to allow yourself to be preyed upon by an innocent bird.


- There is no justice in the world! – the mouse squeaked pitifully, miraculously escaping from the claws of the weasel.

- How long will you endure lies! – the weasel shouted indignantly, barely having time to hide in a narrow hollow from the cat.

- There is no life from arbitrariness! - the cat meowed, jumping onto a high fence and looking warily at the yard dog lurking below.

- Calm down, friends! - said the wise owl, sitting in a cage in a peasant’s yard. – There is some truth in your complaints about life. But does justice rightfully belong to any one of you?

At these words, the mouse looked out of the hole, the weasel poked its nose out of the hollow, the cat settled comfortably on the fence, and the dog sat down on hind legs.

“Justice,” the owl continued, “is the highest law of nature, according to which reasonable agreement is established between all those living on earth. All animals, birds, fish and even insects live according to this wise law. Look how friendly a swarm of bees lives and works.

The owl was indeed right. Anyone who has ever seen a hive knows that the queen bee reigns supreme there, disposing of everything and everyone with greatest mind and equitably distributing responsibilities among members of a large bee colony. Some bees' main concern is collecting nectar from flowers, while others work in honeycombs; some guard the hive, driving away annoying wasps and bumblebees, others take care of maintaining cleanliness. There are bees that must care for the queen without leaving her even a step. When the queen gets old, the strongest bees carefully carry her on themselves, and the most experienced and knowledgeable ones treat her with all sorts of medicines. And if even one bee violates its duty, inevitable punishment awaits it.

In nature, everything is wise and thought out, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.

Son's gratitude

One morning, two old hoopoe, a male and a female, felt that this time they would not fly out of the nest. A thick veil covered their eyes, although the sky was cloudless and the day promised to be sunny. But both of them saw only a cloudy haze and could no longer distinguish anything around them. The birds were old and weak. The feathers on the wings and tail became dull and broke like old branches. The strength was running out.

The old hoopoes decided not to leave the nest anymore and wait together last hour, who will not be slow to appear.

But they were mistaken - their children appeared. At first, one of the sons appeared, accidentally flying past. He noticed that the old parents were unwell and had a hard time alone, and flew to notify the other brothers and sisters.

When all the young hoopoes were gathered near their father’s house, one of them said:

– From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift- life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when both are blind, sick and no longer able to feed themselves, it is our sacred duty to cure them and nurse them back to health!

After these words, everyone got down to business together. Some immediately began building a new, warmer nest, others went to catch bugs and worms, and the rest flew into the forest.

Soon a new nest was ready, where the children carefully moved their old parents. To warm them, they covered the old people with their wings, just as a hen warms her unhatched chicks with her own warmth. Then the parents got drunk spring water, fed and carefully plucked matted fluff and old brittle feathers. Finally, the rest of the hoopoes returned from the forest, bringing in their beaks a herb that healed blindness. Everyone began to heal the sick with the juice of the miraculous herb. But the treatment was slow, and we had to be patient, replacing each other and not leaving the parents alone for a minute.

And then a joyful day came when the father and mother opened their eyes, looked around and recognized all their children. So the sons, gratitude and love, healed their parents, restoring their sight and strength.


It is known that poplar grows faster than many trees. Its shoots stretch upward right before our eyes, outstripping all other plants in the area in growth.

One day, a young poplar came up with the idea of ​​​​getting a girlfriend in life. He chose the vine that he liked.

– What a strange whim! - his brothers dissuaded him. “With this beautiful vine you will suffer grief.” What do you need it for? Our job is to grow upward, and we are not given anything else.

But the stubborn poplar insisted on its own. The ardent lover connected with the young vine and allowed her to hug him tightly, which he was incredibly happy about. Having received strong support, the vine began to quickly grow and bear fruit. Seeing that the vine had taken root well, tenaciously twining around the trunk, the savvy peasant began to trim the poplar branches in the spring so that they would not pull the vine up with them, and it would be more convenient for him to collect bunches of ripe grapes in the fall.

Where has the former stateliness of the poplar gone? He rounded up, lost his former ardor and resigned himself to fate. It stands tall, with pruned branches, serving as a support for its fertile friend. And his brothers, having thrown up their thick crowns, rustle their leaves carefree.

The Charter obliges

It is known that in certain time monks must strictly observe fasting for a year. On such days, the monastery charter prohibits them from eating meat and any other fatty foods. True, when monks are on the road or are engaged in almsgiving, then, as an exception, they are not forbidden to eat everything that fate sends down.

Once on the road on their monastic business, two monks wandered off the road to take a rest and have a snack at an inn, where chance brought them together with a passing merchant.

The owner of the inn was so poor that he could offer nothing to the guests except a pitiful, skinny chicken no larger than a pigeon. When the chicken was ready, the owner took it off the spit and served it to the table whole, hoping that the diners would share it equally among themselves.

Looking at the fried chicken and immediately realizing that it was barely enough for one eater, the cunning merchant said, turning to the monks:

“It seems to me, holy brethren, that now is the height of Lent. Is not it? I don't want you to break the law because of me. So be it, I’ll take the sin upon myself and deliver you from the chicken.

The monks had no choice but to agree with the scoundrel. They did not go into detail and explain to the merchant that some concessions are possible for wandering monks.

Kupchina devoured a whole chicken with great pleasure and gnawed all the bones, while his two dining companions had to be content with a slice of bread and a piece of cheese.

After the meal, all three set off. The monks walked because of poverty, and the merchant because of his stinginess. They waved a lot until they found themselves in front of a wide river that blocked their path.

According to the custom of old times, the tallest and youngest of the monks, who was barefoot, put the fat merchant on his back and carried him ford across the river.

But, having reached the middle of the ford, the monk suddenly remembered the strict regulations of the monastery charter and stopped in bewilderment. Bending under the weight of the burden, he raised his head up and asked the merchant, who was sitting comfortably on his back with his shoes and a travel bag in his hands:

- Tell me, my dear! Don't you have any money on you?

- What the stupid question! – he marveled. “It’s time for you, brother, to know that not a single self-respecting merchant would ever go to long journey without money.

- I'm really sorry! - said the monk. “But our charter forbids us to carry money on us.”

And with these words he threw the merchant into the water. Soaked to the skin, all red with shame and annoyance, the roguish merchant was forced to agree that he got it right from the monks for the earlier trick with the chicken.

Oyster and mouse

Somehow an oyster fell into a net and, along with a rich catch, ended up in a fisherman’s hut.

“Inevitable death awaits us all here,” she thought sadly, seeing how her fellow sufferers were suffocating without water and struggling in their death throes in a heap dumped on the floor.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a mouse appeared.

- Listen, good mouse! - the oyster begged. - Do me a favor, take me to the sea!

The mouse looked at it with a knowing look: the oyster was unusually large and beautiful, and its meat must be juicy and tasty.

“Okay,” the mouse answered readily, deciding to take advantage of the easy prey, which, as they say, fell into its own hands. “But first you must open the doors of your shell so that it will be easier for me to carry you to the sea.” Otherwise I won't be able to deal with you.

The cheat spoke so convincingly and soulfully that the oyster, delighted with her agreement, did not smell the trick and trustingly opened up. The mouse immediately stuck its narrow muzzle inside the shell to grab the meat with its teeth. But in her haste she forgot to be careful, and the oyster, sensing something was wrong, managed to slam its doors shut, clamping the rodent’s head tightly, like a trap.

The mouse squealed loudly in pain, and the cat who was nearby heard the squeak, caught up with the deceiver in one jump and grabbed her.

As they say, be smart, be smart, and watch your tail.

Tongue and teeth

Once upon a time there was a boy who suffered from a serious illness, to which adults are sometimes susceptible - he talked incessantly, without knowing how to stop.

“What kind of punishment is this tongue?” the teeth grumbled. - When will he calm down and be silent for a while?

- What do you care about me? - the tongue answered brazenly. - Chew to your health and keep quiet. That's the whole story for you! We have nothing in common. I won’t allow anyone to interfere in my personal affairs, much less meddle with stupid advice!

And the boy continued to chatter incessantly, inappropriately and inopportunely. The tongue was at the height of bliss, pronouncing more and more sophisticated words, although it did not have time to thoroughly understand their meaning.

But one day the boy got so carried away by chatter that, without knowing it, he got into trouble. In order to somehow get out of trouble, he allowed his tongue to tell a deliberate lie. Then their teeth couldn’t stand it – their patience ran out. They closed at once and bit the liar very painfully. The tongue turned purple from the blood that came out, and the boy cried from shame and pain.

7. LEONARDO DA VINCI And I will die a very old man, showered with honors, and kings will mourn me. I'm Leonardo da Vinci. Manly Wade Wellman, “Twice in Time” Some very respectable scientists have proposed introducing the term “Leonardo da Vinci effect” to refer to

From the book Great Prophecies author Korovina Elena Anatolyevna

From the book Leonardo da Vinci and the Brotherhood of Zion [Part 1] by Picknett Lynn

From the book The Great Transition. Before and after 2012 by Carroll Lee

9. DA VINCI AND THE LAST SUPPER. Painting " last supper"da Vinci's brushes are one of greatest works art in the history of mankind. My research suggests that da Vinci belonged to a group of people called the Literati. It's quite powerful

From the book The Best Parables. Big Book. All countries and eras author Mishanenkova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Chinese parables Just repeat In one Chinese monastery, students practiced a combat movement. One student was having trouble with this movement. No matter how they showed him, no matter how they told him, he could not do it correctly. Then the master came up to him and said something to him

From the book Big Plan for the Apocalypse. Earth on the threshold of the End of the World author Zuev Yaroslav Viktorovich

Persian parables Butterflies and fire Three butterflies, flying up to a burning candle, began to talk about the nature of fire. One, having flown up to the flame, returned and said: “The fire is shining.” The other flew closer and scorched the wing. Having flown back, she said: “It burns!” The third one, having flown up

From the book The Road Home author Zhikarentsev Vladimir Vasilievich

Japanese parables Mount Obasute There was a custom in the old days: as soon as old people turned sixty years old, they were left to die in the distant mountains. This is what the prince ordered: there is no need to feed extra mouths. The old men greeted each other when they met: “How time flies!” It's time for me to

From book Hidden meaning life. Volume 2 author Livraga Jorge Angel

Greek parables Triple filter One day an acquaintance came to Socrates and said: “I’ll now tell you something that I heard about one of your friends.” “Wait a minute,” Socrates answered. “Before you tell me anything, it must go through a triple filter.” Before

From the book Buddha's Proclamation by Karus Paul

Vedic parables Is it time to bother me? There lived a great scientist who sang prayers in the morning for three, four, five hours in a row. And this went on for years. He was a great scholar, a great Sanskrit scholar, a very learned man. Finally Krishna took pity on

From the author's book

Jewish parables Deaf One day musicians stood and played their instruments, accompanying the game with singing. To their music, in time with the sounds and chords, a mass of people danced, marched and moved. One deaf from birth looked at this whole spectacle and marveled. He asked

From the author's book

Buddhist parables Authorship One Buddhist master read a beautiful text to his students that touched everyone. The disciples immediately asked: “Who wrote it?” “If I say that it is Buddha, you will revere the text, lay flowers on it every morning and give it away.”

From the author's book

From the author's book

The mystery of Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" The painting "The Last Supper" also causes incessant debate about what he wanted to say in it the great Leonardo. People feel there is a mystery to it and it's exciting. Now we will solve it with you. On illus. 18 and 19 presented

From the author's book

From the author's book

Parables And the Blessed One thought: “I have taught the truth, which is excellent in the beginning, excellent in the middle and excellent in the end; it is excellent and glorious in letter and spirit. But although it is simple, people cannot understand it. I have to speak to them in their own language. I

Parables of Leonardo da Vinci - contents

Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519) - greatest artist and a brilliant scientist whose merits are difficult to compare with anyone else. Born in 1452 near the city of Vinci (where the prefix of his surname came from). His artistic interests are not limited to painting, architecture and sculpture. Despite his enormous achievements in the field of exact sciences (mathematics, physics) and natural science, Leonardo did not find sufficient support and understanding. Only many years later his work was truly appreciated.

Fascinated by the idea of ​​​​creating an aircraft, Leonardo da Vinci first developed the simplest aircraft (Daedalus and Icarus) based on wings. His new idea was an airplane with full control. However, it was not possible to implement it due to the lack of a motor. Also a famous idea in the short biography of Leonardo da Vinci is a vertical take-off and landing device.

Studying the laws of fluid and hydraulics in general, Leonardo made significant contributions to the theory of locks and sewer ports, testing ideas in practice. Famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci are “The Last Supper”, “Madonna and Ermine”, “Mona Lisa” and many others. Leonardo was demanding and precise in all his affairs. Even when he became interested in painting, he insisted on fully studying the object before starting to draw. Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts are priceless. They were published in full only in the 19th and 20th centuries, although even during his lifetime the author dreamed of publishing Part 3. In his notes, Leonardo noted not just thoughts, but supplemented them with drawings, drawings, and descriptions.

Being talented in many fields, Leonardo da Vinci made significant contributions to the history of architecture, art, and physics. The great scientist died in France in 1519.

Once upon a time there was an apple tree. She loved the little boy. Every morning he came to her, climbed her trunk, swung on her branches, feasted on her apples and was happy. And the apple tree was happy.

Time passed, the boy appeared less and less, and the apple tree became sad. One day he came after a particularly long absence, and the apple tree trembled with joy:

Cute boy! Hurry up, climb my trunk - I will swing you on the branches, treat you to apples, and you will be happy.

But the boy shook his head and replied:

You know, this won't make me happy. I have no money at all, and girls don't like me. I'm naked as a falcon.

Then the apple tree replied:

Collect my apples and sell them at the market. You will have money and girls and you will


The boy did just that - he collected all the apples and left. And the apple tree was happy. However, the boy was gone again for a very, very long time. When he finally came, the apple tree trembled:

Cute boy! Climb my trunk, swing on my branches - and you will be happy!

The boy answered her proudly:

I'm too old to climb trees and jump on branches! I have so many problems! I want to get married, but I don't have a house! Now, if I had a house, then I would be happy.

And the apple tree answered:

Cut down my branches and build yourself a house. And you will be happy.

The boy did just that. He cut down all the branches of the apple tree and left. And the apple tree was happy.

After that he didn't appear for ages.

The apple tree has been waiting for its boy for many years.

And one day he really came. He looked tired, old and bloated. His hair thinned, his figure blurred. But the apple tree was unusually happy with him, she said:

Cute boy! I have no more apples to feed you and no more branches to sway you. But maybe you want a quiet, shady place to rest? I can shade you from the sun.

And the boy replied:

Dear apple tree! Nothing makes me happy on this earth. All I want is to get away somewhere far away, but I don't know how...

The apple tree thought for a minute and said:

My trunk will make a good boat. Cut down my trunk, make a boat, and you can sail far, far away. And you will be happy.

The boy did just that. And left.

And the apple tree was happy. Although it became very difficult for her.

Years passed. The stump that the apple tree became grew older. Deep cracks furrowed it. Apple Tree no longer believed that she would ever be able to see the boy. But one day he approached her. He leaned heavily on a stick, his hands did not obey him well, rare hair were gray-haired. The apple tree said to him sadly:

Literature lesson in 6th grade (extracurricular reading)

Topic: "Parables of Leonardo da Vinci"


a) educational:

Introduce him to the “mystery man” literary heritage- parables;

To develop the ability to formulate the moral of a parable, to be able to unravel the semantic meaning of a word, expression, sentence;

b) developing:

Learn to analyze facts and phenomena with subsequent conclusions, compare and highlight the main thing;

Develop communication skills, speech culture of behavior, creative imagination;

c) educational:

Vaccinate moral values behavior, nobility of thoughts and actions, respect, tolerance for each other.

Equipment, visibility:

1. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci

2. Computer presentation “The Great Leonardo”.

3. Exhibition of creative works by children: “Our favorite characters from the parables of Leonardo da Vinci.”


Verbal (teacher's story, student's story, conversation);

Visual ( computer presentation, demonstration of reproductions of paintings by Leonardo);


Problem-search (creation problematic situation, problematic conversation, text research);

Methods independent work;

Stimulation methods (entertainment situation, surprise, comparison).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher's opening remarks:

Today we have an unusual lesson - an extracurricular reading lesson. And we will also conduct it in an unusual way - in the form of an oral journal. You all know that a magazine is a periodicalprinted edition. And our magazine will be... “alive”.

And we start with "Prefaces" . (Preface given by the teacher)

We have finished studying the work of I.A. Krylov, a wonderful Russian painter. We know a lot about the fable.

Define a fable.

What is the purpose of the fable?

Complete the sentence:

“The moral of the story is...”

"Allegory is..."

Competition "Connoisseurs of Fables":

Based on the illustration, name the fable (the competition is conducted by the teacher);

Based on a fragment from the fable, guess its name (this competition was prepared and conducted by a student of 6-B class Nastya Fedkiv).

Page 1 “The Great Leonardo”

(the page is run by 6-B grade student Kostya Novoselov)

Teacher's word:

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the great master who lived in the Middle Ages - Leonardo da Vinci. At the end of the Middle Ages in Italy, a star rose that illuminated the entire subsequent development of European civilization.

Painter, engineer, mechanic, carpenter, musician, mathematician, inventor - this is not a complete list of facets universal genius. Archaeologist, astronomer, architect... All this is Leonardo da Vinci. He was called a sorcerer, a servant of the devil and a divine spirit. He was ahead of his time by several centuries. Surrounded by legends during his lifetime, the great Leonardo is a symbol of the limitless aspirations of the human mind.

Paying attention to the drawing - a self-portrait of Leonardo, the teacher talks about it.

Look how noble this man’s face is, how proud the carriage of his head is, how piercing his gaze. This is exactly what Leonardo da Vinci was like, about whom one of his contemporaries wrote: “His physical beauty surpassed all praise, in all his gestures there was more than infinite grace, he possessed a talent so complete and strong that all the difficulties that arose before his mind were resolved easily. His enormous strength was combined with dexterity, his heart and feelings were always distinguished by royal nobility. Truly amazing and heavenly was Leonardo, son of Piero da Vinci...”

Brief biography of Leonardo da Vinci (the student introduces the biography)

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the picturesque Tuscan town of Vinci. His parents were 25-year-old notary Pierrot and his lover, peasant woman Katerina. Leonardo spent the first years of his life with his mother. His father soon married a rich and noble girl, but this marriage turned out to be childless, and Piero took his three-year-old son to be raised. Separated from his mother, Leonardo spent his whole life trying to recreate her image in his masterpieces.

When Leonardo was 13 years old, his stepmother died in childbirth. The father remarried - and again soon became a widower. He lived to be 78 years old, was married four times and had 12 children. While his father was absent at work, the boy was raised by his uncle, a philosopher by mentality and a slacker by occupation. The spirit of freedom, instilled in Leonardo from childhood by the frivolous dreamer Francesco, may have subsequently encouraged the artist to abandon unfinished masterpieces and rush to new heights.

There is a legend about the beginning of the great artist’s journey. A peasant allegedly turned to Father Leonardo. He gave the notary a round shield made of fig wood and asked to find an artist capable of painting this shield. Pierrot did not look for a specialist and entrusted the work to his son. Leonardo decided to depict something “terrible”. He brought into his room many "models", snakes and insects of bizarre appearance. And he wrote a fantastic dragon on the shield. The stunned father then sent Leonardo to study with the best painter in Tuscany, Andrea del Verrocchio. So the young man found himself in the famous art workshop of that time.

Page 2 “Paintings of Leonardo da Vinci”

(the page is run by 6-B grade student Vovk Anton)

Leonardo da Vinci is a brilliant painter.

"Portrait of Ginevra de Benci." This painting, now in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, depicts a young lady against the backdrop of a mountainous landscape, with reflexes from the river playing on it. There are different points of view regarding the identification of the person being portrayed; Experts' opinions about the dating of this work are also divided. Some attribute it to the first Florentine period creativity of Leonardo, others, on the contrary, to the Milanese. Most researchers adhere to the hypothesis that the portrait represents Ginevra Benci (her name is hinted at by the branches of juniper, ginepro, which are visible in the background of the composition). It was made during the period when Leonardo freed himself from his apprenticeship to the art of Verrocchio, that is, around 1475.

In the mid-1480s, Leonardo painted"Lady with an Ermine" (Krakow Museum). The contours of the figure of a woman with an animal are outlined by curved lines that are repeated throughout the composition, and this, combined with muted colors and delicate skin tones, creates the impression of ideal grace and beauty. The beauty of the Lady with an Ermine contrasts strikingly with the grotesque sketches of freaks in which Leonardo explored the extremes of anomalies in the facial structure.

"Madonna in the Grotto" - Leonardo's first fully mature work - gives a complete picture of Leonardo's exceptional skill. The icon was commissioned by the monks of the church named after St. Francis in 1483.

The perfect coherence of all parts creates a tightly welded whole. The combination of the four depicted figures, the outlines of which are wonderfully softened by chiaroscuro, forms a slender pyramid. In their views and position, all the figures are inextricably united, and this unification is full of enchanting harmony. The look and smile that slightly illuminates the angel’s face are filled with deep and mysterious meaning. Light and shadows create a unique mood in the picture. And Leonard’s secret runs through the whole picture. All the different elements of the picture, seemingly contradictory, merge together, creating a holistic and strong impression.

The most famous portrait in the history of painting is"Mona Lisa" Leonardo da Vinci. Who commissioned the painting? Who was Leonardo's model? The artist did not leave any documentary evidence about the painting. One thing is known: this painting was very dear to the master himself. And in Milan, and in Rome, and in France, he did not part with her. And we can only admire it and unravel its secret.

Page 3 “Inventions of Leonardo. Dream of a genius"

(the page is run by 6-B grade student Ruslan Zotov)

Among other miracles of Leonardo, his mechanisms occupy a special place. In engineering structures, the genius looked for the key to the secrets of the universe. Leonardo came to the discovery of the ball bearing, several types of gears, and a roller chain. He created sketches of a submarine, a parachute, a repeating gun, a hang glider, metallurgical furnaces, a printing and weaving machine, a military vehicle, and a car. He tried with all his might to make human labor easier.

Leonardo especially dreamed of rising into the sky. He watched the flight of birds, trying to get closer to great secret nature. He developed a whole series of drawings of the aircraft. But attempts to create an aircraft with a flapping wing like a bird's were doomed to failure. Apparently, the scientist realized that a person does not have enough strength to hold himself in the air. But nevertheless, in his research he came close to discovering the laws of aerodynamics. Only adherence to the idea of ​​a flapping wing prevented the scientist from creating a device capable of lifting it into the air.

Teacher's word:

So, who is Leonardo da Vinci? What facts from human life - legends - amazed you?

Teacher's conclusion: Yes, truly, Leonardo da Vinci's personality is extraordinary. His talent has survived centuries. 558 years have passed since his birth, but conversations about the mystery and power of his talent do not cease to this day.

Intriguing question:

You are probably thinking, what does Leonardo da Vinci have to do with literature? I will answer you with a question: could Leonardo remain indifferent to literature - this wonderful art form? All his life, no matter where fate took him, he reverently loved his library, which contained more than 100 volumes? Of course not.

And those parables that we will get acquainted with today are one of man’s attempts to understand himself. An attempt made by Leonardo...

Page 4 "Leonardo's Parables"

(the page is run by the teacher)

Vocabulary work

A parable is a short story that allegorically contains a moral (or religious) lesson. You are already familiar with the concept of “parable”. Where?

Leonardo's parables, unlike the biblical ones, are secular in nature; they reflect spiritual experience not only the author, but also the entire Renaissance.

I suggest starting your acquaintance with Leonardo’s literary work with the parable “The Lion and the Lamb”.

Expressive reading parables for students (Note: the texts of the parables are given in full).

Lion and lamb.

One day a live lamb was thrown into a hungry lion's cage. The kid was so naive and good-natured that he was not at all intimidated at the sight of the king of beasts. Apparently mistaking him for his mother, the fool approached the formidable beast, bleated affectionately and stared at him with wide open clear eyes, full of boundless love, meekness and admiration. The lion was disarmed by such gullibility and did not dare to tear the lamb to pieces. Grumbling dissatisfiedly, he fell asleep hungry that time.

Questions for conversation after getting acquainted with the content of the works:

What fable by I.A. Krylov can be compared with the parable “The Lion and the Lamb”?

What are the similarities between the situations described?

How are these works different?

How do you understand the expression: “...didn’t dare”?

Is the lion’s action a manifestation of strength or weakness?

(Listening to students' opinions)

Conclusion: There are things you can't step over. You cannot betray trust, you cannot respond with evil to kindness, openness, affection (the conclusion is written down in a notebook).

Staged parable "The Bee and the Drones" by Leonardo.

Bee and drones" (the parable was staged by 6-B grade students Elizaveta Drach, Dmitry Drach, Dmitry Tylyk, Alexander Fomenko)

There is no control over you, slackers! – the worker bee somehow couldn’t stand it, trying to reason with the drones flying around the hive in vain. – You just shouldn’t work. Shame on you!

Everywhere you look, everyone is working, stocking up for future use. Take, for example, a tiny ant, small but bold. He works hard all summer, trying not to miss a single day. After all, winter is just around the corner.

I found someone to use as an example! - one of the drones snapped, bored with the bee’s instructions. - Yes, your vaunted ant destroys the seeds of every harvest. This little thief drags every little thing into his anthill. Don’t feed the slacker bread, let him reason, and you won’t deny him the ability to denigrate others. He is always ready to find an excuse for his own worthlessness.

Questions for conversation:

What fable by I.A. Krylov can this parable be compared with?

What is their difference?

Which heroes can be called humble workers?

How did life punish the dragonfly in the fable?

Is this allegory relevant today? (children's reasoning)

Conclusion: The author of the parable condemns the drones not so much for his idleness, but for his attempt to denigrate another, and a working one at that. The most immoral thing is the desire to humiliate and depersonalize a worker, thereby justifying one’s own worthlessness (the conclusion is written down in a notebook).

Students presenting their creative works

(illustrated parables)

Page 5 “Results”

How is the parable different? literary genre from a fable?

How does Leonardo da Vinci appear in his parables?

What allegorical images from parables do you remember and why?

What life lessons from the sage Leonardo would you take for yourself? (Children's opinions are listened to).


Dmitry Merezhkovsky (student recites by heart)


Oh, Vinci, you are one in everything:

You have defeated the ancient captivity.

What serpentine wisdom

Your terrible face is captured!

Already, like us, diverse,

You are great with daring doubts,

You are in the deepest temptations

Everything that is dual has penetrated.

And you have icons in the darkness

With the smile of the Sphinx they look into the distance

Semi-pagan wives, -

And their sadness is not without sin.

Prophet, or demon, or magician,

Keeping the eternal riddle,

Oh Leonardo, you are the harbinger

Another unknown day.

Look, you sick children

Sick and dark ages

In the darkness of future centuries

He is incomprehensible and harsh, -

Impassive to all earthly passions,

It will remain like this forever -

God-despising, autocratic,

God-like man.


Homework: miniature essay: “ Life Lessons Leonardo da Vinci."

Page 1 of 4

Leonardo da Vinci

“Just as a well-spent day gives a peaceful sleep, so a well-lived life gives a peaceful death.”
Leonardo da Vinci

AND painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist - all this is Leonardo da Vinci. Wherever such a person turns, his every action is so divine that, leaving behind himself all other people, he reveals himself to be something given to us by God, and not acquired by human art. Leonardo da Vinci. Great, mysterious, attractive. So distant and so modern. Like a rainbow, the master’s fate is bright, mosaic, and colorful. His life is full of wanderings, meetings with amazing people and events. How much has been written about him, how much has been published, but it will never be enough.


Flint and steel

P Having once received a strong blow from a flint, the flint indignantly asked the offender:

Why did you attack me like that? I don't know you. You're apparently confusing me with someone. Please leave my sides alone. I don't harm anyone.

“Don’t be angry in vain, neighbor,” the flint said with a smile in response. “If you have a little patience, you will soon see what a miracle I will extract from you.” At these words, the flint calmed down and began to patiently endure the blows of the flint. And finally, fire was carved out of it, capable of performing true miracles. So the patience of the flint was justly rewarded.

The tale is told for those who are timid in their studies at first. But if you are patient and diligent, then the sown seeds of knowledge will certainly bear fruit. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.


U One barber had a razor of extraordinary beauty, and in her work there was no equal. One day, when there were no visitors in the shop, and the owner was away somewhere, the razor decided to look at the world and show itself. Releasing the sharp blade from its frame like a sword from its sheath, and proudly akimbo, she went for a walk on a fine spring day.
No sooner had the razor crossed the threshold than bright sun began to play on a polished steel blade, and sunbeams jumped merrily along the walls of the houses. Blinded by this unprecedented spectacle, the razor was in such indescribable delight that it immediately became excessively proud.

After such splendor, should I really go back to the barber? - exclaimed the razor. “No way in the world!” It would be sheer madness on my part to ruin my life by scraping the soapy cheeks and chins of uncouth louts. Is there a place for my delicate blade at the barber's? Not at all! I'll hide from him in a secluded place. Since then there has been no trace of her.

Months passed. Rainy autumn has arrived. Bored alone, the fugitive decided to come out of her voluntary seclusion and breathe fresh air. She carefully released the blade from the frame and looked around proudly.
But, oh horror! What happened? The blade, once tender, became rough, becoming like a rusty saw, and no longer reflected the sun's rays.

Why did I succumb to temptation? - the razor cried bitterly. - How the kind barber cherished and pampered me! How happy and proud he was of my work! And now, oh God, what happened to me: the blade became darkened, jagged and covered with disgusting rust. I am lost and there is no salvation for me!

A sad fate awaits anyone who is endowed with talent, but instead of developing and improving their abilities, they become overly proud and indulge in idleness and narcissism. Like this unfortunate razor, such a person gradually loses the clarity and sharpness of his mind, becomes inert, lazy and overgrown with the rust of ignorance, corroding his flesh and soul.

A true friend

IN Poking his head out of the nest, the eaglet saw many birds flying below among the rocks.

Mom, what kind of birds are these? - he asked.

“Our friends,” the eagle answered her son. - The eagle lives alone - such is its lot. But sometimes he also needs to be surrounded. Otherwise, what kind of king of birds is he? Everyone you see below is our true friends.

Satisfied with his mother's explanation, the eaglet continued to watch the flight of the birds with interest, considering them from now on to be his faithful friends. Suddenly he shouted:

Ay-ay, they stole our food!


N There is no justice in the world! - the mouse squeaked pitifully, miraculously escaping from the claws of the weasel.

How long will we endure lies! - the weasel shouted indignantly, barely having time to hide in a narrow hollow from the cat.

There is no life because of tyranny! - the cat meowed, jumping onto a high fence and looking warily at the yard dog lurking below.

Calm down, friends! - said the wise owl, sitting in a cage in the peasant yard. - There is some truth in your complaints about life. But does justice rightfully belong to any one of you?
At these words, the mouse looked out of the hole, the weasel stuck its nose out of the hollow, the cat settled more comfortably on the fence, and the dog sat down on its hind legs.

Justice,” the owl continued, “is the highest law of nature, according to which reasonable agreement is established between all those living on earth. All animals, birds, fish and even insects live according to this wise law. Look how friendly a swarm of bees lives and works.

The owl was indeed right. Anyone who has ever seen a hive knows that the queen bee reigns supreme there, managing everything and everyone with the greatest intelligence and fairly distributing responsibilities among the members of a large bee family. For some bees, their main concern is collecting nectar from flowers, for others - working in honeycombs; some guard the hive, driving away annoying wasps and bumblebees, others take care of maintaining cleanliness. There are bees that must care for the queen without leaving her even a step. When the queen gets old, the strongest bees carefully carry her on themselves, and the most experienced and knowledgeable ones treat her with all sorts of medicines. And if even one bee violates its duty, inevitable punishment awaits it.

In nature, everything is wise and thought out, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.