The history of one educational institution in the Gorky colony. Labor communes

Abstracts of the co-report at the All-Ukrainian meeting of commissions on juvenile delinquents

"1. Sending a minor to a labor colony should be the main measure of the commissions, since the question of re-education in general is raised, and not just isolation. The return of a minor to the family is a neutral pedagogical measure, but patronage can only be important if the motive for the offense is only need. Artels for teenagers have many disadvantages if the members of the artel have not undergone preliminary work experience.

2. From an ideal organization labor colony we are still far away. However, not much is required to improve the colony's setup. The most important thing that is needed now is the abandonment of the craft-socialist nature of the economy. Colonies must be developed into solid farms in such a way that the colony can organize agricultural communes of graduates on its periphery or include them in the farm as workers or administrative personnel.

3.Under these conditions, educational goals will be achieved first of all, and not economic goals. In particular here we're talking about There is still very little research into the area of ​​influence of a complex and broad collective organization on a team member. But it can already be argued that this influence is positive.

4. The regime of a labor colony must find its forms exclusively in the logic of management. Everything that follows from this logic (strict discipline, transparent and accurate reporting, actual rather than legal self-government, equality of rights and duties, economy and precision of expression, clear, strictly tailored work organization) are mandatory for a labor colony. Everything that contradicts it must be discarded, even if it is recommended in pedagogical theory.

5. Towards creation special conditions children's group It is imperative to bring into this group the beginning of a game (approximately similar to the external forms of scouting), interesting and vibrant forms of collective movements, a cheerful and cheerful general tone, and pride in one’s colony.

6. Training sessions should be organized for the following purposes:

a) for the complete elimination of all types of illiteracy among already neglected adolescents;
b) for the general broad development of those who are still capable of learning further;
c) for special training of those most capable of entering technical schools and workers' faculties.

7. All of the above conditions will be beneficial only if the main attention of the NCP is paid to the organization of tact. In particular, you need:

a) complete and complete sincere ignorance of the pupils’ past and their offenses;
b) complete separation from all judicial and punitive bodies, including commissions on juvenile affairs;
c) complete rejection of forced detention in a colony and formal fight against escapes;
d) mandatory admission of a certain amount of children who have not committed an offense, at their request and by resolution of the general meeting of the colony;
e) complete rejection of the term “offenders” or “minors” in official relations with the NCP and its bodies;
f) particularly important is the careful selection of educators, which should be carried out exclusively by the head of the colony.”

Makarenko A. S. Pedagogical works: In 8 volumes. T. 1 / Comp.: L. Yu. Gordin, A. A. Frolov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1983. - 368 p., ill. - With. 37-38.

The author of this amazing good book believes that young children have the ability to learn anything. He reflects on the huge impact on newborns environment and offers simple and clear teaching techniques that promote early development child. In his opinion, what adults master with with great difficulty, children learn through play. And the main thing in this process is to enter on time new experience. But only those who are next to the child day after day can recognize this “in time.” The book is addressed to all mothers and fathers who want to open new wonderful opportunities for their young children.

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Speech therapy album for examining sound pronunciation

The album is intended for standard speech therapy examination. It consists of 64 color subject and story pictures For diagnostic work speech therapist The presented material is necessary when examining persons with sound pronunciation disorders. The pictures are selected in such a way that it is possible to determine the state of sound pronunciation in different positions in a word, as well as in words of simple and complex sound-syllable structure.

298 rub

Super brain trainer

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The book by the famous "puzzle guru" Charles Phillips contains almost 100 puzzles and intellectual tasks that will help develop the brain, exercise memory and improve the recall mechanism. The structure of the book allows, as with any training, to go from simple to complex. In the first part you will find tasks for “warm-up”. The second presents advanced “trainers” for intelligence. Part three is the real “Obstacle course”. The tasks are supplemented with "Gymnastics for the smart brain" - practical advice and tasks for the development and expansion of memory, as well as fascinating “Facts from the life of a smart brain.”

156 rub

Speed ​​reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster

You'll learn how your attitude can affect your reading speed and what you can do about it.

Gaining the amazing yet realistic ability to read a book a day is also included in this course.

Quotes from the book

Remember the goal
Remember that working with any material must be preceded by defining a goal. This is an extremely important habit to develop in order to become an effective reader. Ruthlessly cut off what is not worth reading.

Training reading
When you practice reading, especially at double or triple speed, you move forward faster than you can pronounce all the words to yourself. In this way, you kind of train yourself to send only a visual signal to the brain. And the brain has to come to terms with this.

Read... in the bookstore
John Chamberlain asks students to go to a bookstore and read two nonfiction books. The trick is that they can't buy these. The fact that they are in the store under the watchful eye of the salesperson helps them maintain a high reading speed.

Read once
As with your work materials, try to look through magazines immediately after purchasing them. One of best habits What you should develop is to look through each letter, magazine, documentary and popular science book only once.

Remember what you read
To remember what you read well, you definitely need to make a decision about it before you start reading this information. And never, under any circumstances, read the text with the aim of remembering it! Read the material in order to understand it.

Art books
Why read them? Does not exist the best way know yourself than read art books and absorb the feelings and experiences of other people. Writers reveal their innermost thoughts, feelings and emotions through the characters they create. In no other way can you gain so much experience (albeit someone else's) so quickly.

698 rub

Are scientists hiding? Myths of the 21st century

Official historians are deceiving us: in ancient times there were civilizations much more powerful than ours. It has been proven that the Egyptians could not build the pyramids, the ancient British did not erect Stonehenge themselves, and man is a product of genetic engineering of aliens. People lived on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago. The main driver of the evolution of our ancestors was radiation. You can't drink milk or eat cereals - after all, Stone Age people ate exclusively raw meat. Should we believe these statements? Why is it that in an era when genetics, nuclear physics and medicine have reached unprecedented heights, pseudoscience feels great, and scientists groan under the dominance of militant amateurs? How to properly fight obscurantism, protect yourself from pseudoscientific waste paper and not step onto the path of the “alternatives”? In his book, he ironically and entertainingly answers these and other pressing questions. Chief Editor portal ANTHROPOGENES.RU Alexander Sokolov.

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Einstein walks on the moon. The Science and Art of Memory

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423 rub

Phonetic stories. Compiling stories based on plot and subject pictures. Sounds [s], [s`], [z

243 rub

When choosing you as our boss, we were guided not by a simple desire to bear the name of a person known to the whole world, but by some kind of deep kinship between you and us.
We see and feel this kinship not only in the fact that your childhood is similar to the childhood of our children, and not only in the fact that many of the types in your works are our types, but most of all in the fact that your exceptional faith in man, something unique in all world literature helps us and we believe in it.
From a letter from A. Makarenko to M. Gorky.

My Gorkyites also grew up, scattered all over the Soviet world, and now it’s difficult for me to collect them even in my imagination.
A.S. Makarenko.

A.S. Makarenko was the founder of the labor colony named after M. Gorky and worked there from 1920 to 1928. Until May 15, 1926, the colony was located near Poltava, in Triby and Kovalevka, and from mid-May it moved to Kuryazh, near Kharkov. Therefore, the pupils who lived only in Kuryazh often called themselves Kuryazhites, and the 120 colonists who came from Kovalevka liked to call themselves Gorky colonists. But the so-called “conquest of Kuryazh” led to the rapid formation of a single team. At the end of 1927, Anton Semyonovich took part-time leadership of the commune named after F. Dzerzhinsky, where 60 Gorky colonists, who formed the core of the commune, were transferred.
A.S. Makarenko wrote in his “Pedagogical Poem”: “It was not so much moral convictions and anger, but this interesting and real business struggle that gave the first sprouts of a good collective tone. In the evenings, we argued, and laughed, and fantasized about topics about our adventures, became related on separate occasions, and formed into a single whole, whose name is Gorky’s colony.”
Unforgettable for all the colonists was the meeting with Maxim Gorky - their friend, boss and teacher, who gave everyone a piece of his heart.
A.S. Makarenko was faced with the task of creating a strong, able-bodied team from the students, who would themselves become an educational force. A.S. Makarenko came to the conclusion that a team can only be created on the basis of socially useful productive labor, in the process of which new social relations should be formed.
Anton Semenovich began his educational work in the colony with the organization of an activist group. Step by step, attracting colonists to socially useful work, setting tasks for the team as a whole and its individual members, gaining authority and respect personal example, he created a team. The colonists worked in the fields and gardens, protected the road from robbers, and the state forest from logging. Practical actions brought tangible results in the moral recovery and education of former street children.
From the first days, a library was created in the colony, staffed by Anton Semyonovich. The colonists' love of reading, as well as evening collective readings had a great educational effect. A. M. Gorky’s works “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities” were especially loved.
There were several detachments in the colony, each of them was headed by commanders who made up the Council of Commanders. Makarenko relied on him in all educational work, in organizing labor activity colonists. The Council of Commanders discussed and resolved issues of organizing everyday life and educational process, cultural and educational work, managing the colony’s economy, accepting new members and others.
The colony’s successes in educational work were highly noted by the People’s Commissariat of Education of Ukraine: in honor of the fifth anniversary of the founding of the colony, A.S. Makarenko was awarded the title “Red Hero of Labor”, and the employees were awarded valuable gifts.
The colony met the year 1926 with significant successes. The economy became stronger, and a good harvest of grain was obtained from the fields. By that time, the colony had a livestock farm, a garden, and workshops. More and more attention was paid to studies. A.S. Makarenko cared about students receiving solid knowledge, believing that this determines a person’s path in life. The team of educators has also become stronger. By that time, he could already solve any problems that required organization and strong discipline. This was especially important before moving to the Kuryazh colony, where 400 children lived in the premises of the former monastery.
The harmony of individual and collective feelings can be observed in the situation that arose in the colony before the “conquest of Kuryazh”. The colonists felt the need to give everything to the collective. And it wasn't a sacrifice at all. Answering the doubts of student Mark Sheingauz, who was afraid that the good life of the Gorkyites could turn bad in Kuryazh, Anton Semenovich said: “But they are going to fight. This, Mark, is a great happiness when you can go fight for better life».
A.M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponded with A.S. Makarenko and the students, highly appreciating the results of their work. Already in the first year of the colony’s existence, in 1921, it was named after A.M. Gorky. The name "Gorkovets" was acquired by the colonists great importance. Makarenko said that they were supported and helped by Gorky’s faith in man. Only by drawing on the best in a person can you make him more beautiful and taller.
The pupils of the colony named after M. Gorky understood that the life of the team created by Anton Semenovich was aimed at the formation of a new person, whose traits we visibly feel in the affairs of the graduates of this team. No matter what positions they worked in, they everywhere affirmed the spirit of optimism, humanism, camaraderie, and confidence in their own strengths and in the future. Through trust and respect, combined with demand, A.S. Makarenko instilled in them a readiness for work and defense.
Outstanding teacher demanded such an attitude towards work when it becomes an organic necessity. Further destinies pupils proved great power productive labor combined with mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education. According to A.S. Makarenko, in the colony and commune half of the work was done with a smile. Spirit Have a good mood and the students constantly maintained a sense of responsibility.

Colony named after Gorky

Colony named after Gorky- a labor colony for juvenile offenders in the village of Kovalevka, near Poltava.

In 1921, the colony was named after M. Gorky; in 1926, the colony was transferred to the Kuryazhsky Monastery near Kharkov; it was headed (1920-1928) by A. S. Makarenko.

It was created on behalf of the Poltava Gubnaroobraz A.S. Makarenko.

M. Gorky in the colony named after. Gorky, June 1928

Summer uniform of the colonists

A young teacher at the Kuryazh children's colony, Maxim Surin, in shorts with a belt and leggings.

From April to September inclusive, the mandatory uniform for colonists of all ages, regardless of the weather outside, included a blue T-shirt-blouse and loose briefs with a belt and two front pockets. Girls, instead of panties, wore wide, ankle-length skirts made of the same fabric.

Another common point between the goalkeeper equipment and the summer uniform of the Makarenkovsky colonists was the presence of a gray flat cap as an everyday headdress. Girls wore scarves in light colors. IN special occasions wore a cap instead dark color velvet skullcap.

Maxim Gorky observes agricultural work in the Kuryazh children's colony.

Sometimes gray or black woolen leggings were added to this uniform. But more often they got by with simple socks of the same colors. Or even put shoes on bare feet.

Instead of the usual sandals for pioneer camps of that time, the colonists wore medium-height leather boots with rather thick soles. After all, unlike the pioneer camp, the main task of the colony was education through physical labor, and not at all a relaxed rest for the wards.

This was quite tough, but very effective method hardening, borrowed by A. S. Makarenko from the British and brought to perfection: “if you’re freezing, that means move faster, work harder!”, and you had to work a lot. Therefore, even younger teachers did not hesitate to wear goalkeeper shorts all summer instead of their usual trousers, although they were not obliged to do so.


"…With early spring the colonists did not wear pants - panties were more hygienic, prettier and cheaper.”

A. S. Makarenko.

“When I arrived at the Gorky colony, Anton Semyonovich said that I needed to inspect the colony. And there were such underground passages - interesting. So he called Semyon, a guy came in wearing crimson shorts and a blue shirt - they all wore shorts..."

Kalabalina G.K. .


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Gorky Colony" is in other dictionaries:

    Colony named after M. Gorky- an educational institution for juvenile offenders on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (1920 36), which was led (until 1928) by A.S. Makarenko. Since 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and his students, the Colony was named after M. Gorky. Organized as a colony for... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    COLONY NAMED AFTER M. GORKY- will educate. institution for juvenile offenders in the territory. Ukrainian SSR (1920 36). Organized as a colony for handicapped children by the Poltava province education department (in the town of Trepke, 1920 24, and the former estate of the Trepke brothers in the village of Kovalevka, 1924 26).... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Educational institution for juvenile offenders. It was organized in 1920 by the Poltava Governorate of Education near Poltava, and in 1926 it was transferred to Kharkov (Kuryazh). In 1920, the colony was headed by A. S. Makarenko. In 1921 she was... ...

    Colony: A colony in politics and social science is a dependent, non-sovereign territory, possession of a foreign state; A colony in geography and history is a new, undeveloped territory subject to exploration and settlement; Colony in... ... Wikipedia -

    Soviet teacher and writer. After graduating from the Kremenchug City School and pedagogical courses there (1905), he taught in Ukraine. In 1917 he graduated from Poltava... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Anton Semenovich, Soviet teacher and writer. After graduating from the Kremenchug City School and pedagogical courses there (1905), he taught in Ukraine. In 1917... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

A.S. Makarenko was the founder of the labor colony named after M. Gorky and worked there from 1920 to 1928. Until May 15, 1926, the colony was located near Poltava, in Triby and Kovalevka, and from mid-May it moved to Kuryazh, near Kharkov. Therefore, the pupils who lived only in Kuryazh often call themselves Kuryazhites, and the 120 colonists who came from Kovalevka liked to call themselves Gorky colonists. But the so-called “conquest of Kuryazh” led to the rapid formation of a single team. At the end of 1927, Anton Semenovich took part-time leadership of the commune named after F. Dzerzhinsky, where 60 Gorky colonists, who formed the core of the commune, were transferred.

A.S. Makarenko wrote in his “Pedagogical Poem”: “It was not so much moral convictions and anger, but this interesting and real business struggle that gave the first sprouts of a good collective tone. In the evenings we argued, and laughed, and fantasized about topics about our adventures, became related on separate occasions, and formed into a single whole, whose name is Gorky’s colony.”

Unforgettable for all the colonists was the meeting with Maxim Gorky - their friend, boss and teacher, who gave everyone a piece of his heart.

A.S. Makarenko was faced with the task of creating a strong, able-bodied team from the students, who would themselves become an educational force. A.S. Makarenko came to the conclusion that a team can only be created on the basis of socially useful productive labor, in the process of which new social relations should be formed.

Anton Semenovich began his educational work in the colony with the organization of an activist group. Step by step, involving the colonists in socially useful work, setting tasks for the collective as a whole and its individual members, gaining authority and respect by personal example, he created a collective. The colonists worked in the fields and gardens, protected the road from robbers, and the state forest from logging. Practical actions brought tangible results in the moral recovery and education of former street children.

From the first days, a library was created in the colony, staffed by Anton Semenovich. The colonists' love of reading, as well as evening collective readings, had a great educational effect. A. M. Gorky’s works “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities” were especially loved.

There were several detachments in the colony, each of them was headed by commanders who formed a council of commanders. Makarenko relied on him in all educational work and in organizing the labor activities of the colonists. The Council of Commanders discussed and resolved issues of organizing everyday life and the educational process, cultural and educational work, managing the colony's economy, admitting new members, and others.

The colony’s successes in educational work were highly noted by the People’s Commissariat of Education of Ukraine: in honor of the fifth anniversary of the founding of the colony, A.S. Makarenko was awarded the title “Red Hero of Labor”, and the employees were awarded valuable gifts. The colony met the year 1926 with significant successes. The economy became stronger, and a good harvest of grain was obtained from the fields. By that time, the colony had a livestock farm, a garden, and workshops. More and more attention was paid to studies. A.S. Makarenko cared about students receiving solid knowledge, believing that this determines a person’s path in life. The team of educators has also become stronger. By that time, he could already solve any problems that required organization and strong discipline. This was especially important before moving to the Kuryazh colony, where 400 children lived in the premises of the former monastery.

The harmony of individual and collective feelings can be observed in the situation that arose in the colony before the “conquest of Kuryazh”. The colonists felt the need to give everything to the collective. And it wasn't a sacrifice at all. Answering the doubts of student Mark Sheingauz, who was afraid that the good life of the Gorkyites could turn bad in Kuryazh, Anton Semenovich said: “But they are going to fight. It’s a great happiness, Mark, when you can go fight for a better life.”

A.M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponded with A.S. Makarenko and the students, highly appreciating the results of their work. Already in the first year of the colony’s existence, in 1921, it was named after A.M. Gorky. The name “Gorkovets” acquired great significance for the colonists. Makarenko said that they were supported and helped by Gorky’s faith in man. Only by drawing on the best in a person can you make him more beautiful and taller.

The pupils of the colony named after M. Gorky understood that the life of the team created by Anton Semenovich was aimed at the formation of a new person, whose traits we visibly feel in the affairs of the graduates of this team.

No matter what positions they worked in, they everywhere affirmed the spirit of optimism, humanism, camaraderie, and confidence in their own strengths and in the future. Through trust and respect, combined with demand, A.S. Makarenko instilled in them a readiness for work and defense.

The outstanding teacher demanded such an attitude towards work when it becomes an organic necessity. The further destinies of the pupils proved the great power of productive labor combined with mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education. According to A.S. Makarenko, in the colony and commune half of the work was done with a smile. The students constantly maintained a spirit of good humor and a sense of responsibility.

The Dzerzhinsky commune - a children's educational institution - was created in the village of New Kharkov (a suburb of Kharkov) in the system of institutions of the GPU to combat child homelessness using voluntary deductions from the salaries of security officers of Ukraine. On December 29, 1927, the colony was opened, headed by teacher Anton Makarenko. Both street children and children from families came to the commune. The Communards received widespread general education. One of the basic principles of education in the commune was the combination of education with productive work. At the beginning of its journey, it was a very small children's group, transferred from the M. Gorky colony. This team had only one house, a small semi-makeshift workshop, which could not accommodate even the first 60 students. Over the course of five years, the commune turned into a powerful educational institution, whose students not only studied, but also worked in the power tool and camera factories they built.

Hundreds of communards studied every day for 4 hours at school or at a workers' school, and worked for four hours, producing power tools and FED cameras, from the sale of which the collective of communards had the means to support themselves and expand production. The introduced cost accounting helped the communes see the fruits of their labor, they developed a sense of ownership.

The commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky was an excellent example of the implementation of the idea of ​​combining education with productive labor, moral, physical and aesthetic education. They had real student self-government, which gave rise to an attitude of responsible dependence. Communar education gave the country a cultured worker, capable of not only being a commander in any industry, but also capable of submitting to a comrade. Commanders, as elected single commanders with great power, were tied hand and foot in those cases when they began to contrast the narrow personal principle with the social one.

In the commune, as in the colony, there were properly organized relations between the primary collectives (detachments) and the general collective. The common collective of the commune was the link between the individual and society. At every moment of impact on the communard, there was an impact on the collective. At the same time, the impact on the collective was also an impact on the individual.

The system of organizing the collective in the commune was the same as in the colony. The highest governing body was the general meeting of the communards. The council of production detachment commanders played a major role. At the head of the council of commanders was a secretary. Important role Komsomol and pioneer organizations played a role in the life of the commune.

The commune never received money from the state; at first it lived on deductions from the earnings of security officers. Last years: commune named after. Dzerzhinsky was on self-support... This is a very important circumstance: since 1930, all expenses have been paid off: for salaries of teachers, equipment of classrooms at school, for the maintenance of students, in addition, for summer trips, visits to theaters, purchase of buses, etc. . The commune provided several million rubles of net profit to the state.

Self-financing helped prepare students for life: work in production provided them with the opportunity to acquire various working qualifications. Communards worked at the enterprise 4 hours a day, studied at high school, many after school went to study at universities. Education in the commune was based on the principles developed by Makarenko in previous years; he considered well-organized production work to be one of the main links of the educational system. Work at the factory also created an excellent basis for the development of educational work.

In the commune and in the colony, elements of play were included in practical affairs with youthful enthusiasm, with a feeling of joy. Education was compulsory for everyone. Duty, chores, and assignments did not exempt students from school activities.

The commune had the opportunity to study in various circles: amateur performances, technical, subject, sports. There were clubs, a cinema, a library. In the theater, performances were staged by students. Communards often visited Kharkov theaters. Much attention was paid to the physical education of the communards.

During summer holidays They, together with teachers led by Anton Semenovich, went on tourist trips: they visited the Crimea, the Caucasus, Moscow, Donbass, and traveled along the Volga.

A.S. Makarenko considered campaigns to be a powerful factor patriotic education, social growth and physical hardening of children, increasing their cultural level. Every year, the commune summed up the results of educational work, organized production and art exhibitions. A.S. Makarenko sought to ensure that labor indicators accompanied training and education. The team constantly grew and became richer. Problems have become more subtle and considered in more depth spiritual development pupils, formation of active civic position. Anton Semenovich himself was a model and encouraged educators to work with faith in man, with heart, with real humanism, since you can raise a real Man only when you see a personality in each student. The students proudly carried the title of communard throughout their lives.

In 1935, Makarenko left his job in the commune named after. Dzerzhinsky and, having moved to Moscow, took up literary activity on the advice of Gorky.

The fate of more than three thousand pupils of A.S. Makarenko -- the best evidence of his pedagogical success and the best monument to him. The former colonists and communards produced skilled workers and engineers, major production managers, outstanding teachers and educators, military doctors, artists, performers, lawyers and journalists. Many former pupils died heroically during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. Honesty, dedication to work, a wonderful sense of teamwork, sensitivity and willingness to help others carried many of them throughout their lives. And in my heart is the bright image of my teacher Anton Semenovich. “You are an amazing person and just the type that Rus' needs,” - this is how A. M. Gorky wisely described Makarenko in one of his letters to him.