Where to go on New Year's Eve. Event plan. New Year is celebrated in parks. Opening of the skating rink at VDNKh


leisure, physical education, health and sports activities

in the Old Kryukovo area on New Year and Christmas

event title


carrying out


carrying out

Responsible for carrying out


Festive program "New Year's Eve"



district site near building 902

District government

Old Kryukovo


“The Night Before Christmas”, holiday program



district site near building 902

District government

Old Kryukovo


Job sports ground(adult hockey)

Sun. 9.00-11.00

bldg. 921

Maksimov R.


Work of the sports ground

(mass skating with musical accompaniment)

Sun. 13.00-15.00

Sat. 13.00-15.00

bldg. 921

bldg. 824

Administration of the Moscow Region


New Year's mini-football tournament



school No. 853

MBU "Slavs"


New Year's streetball tournament



school No. 719

MBU "Slavs"


Massive festive event, municipal Christmas tree “Winter-Winter”



sports ground near the building 824

Administration of the Moscow Region


"Ringing Ice" - New Year's party on ice



sports ground

at the building 921

Administration of the Moscow Region


“Musical Skates” - a sports and entertainment event for residents





sports ground

at the building 921

sports ground

at the building 824

MBU "Slavs"


“Christmas Skating” - a sports and leisure holiday on ice



sports ground

at the building 824

Administration of the Moscow Region

MBU "Slavs"

All Muscovites and guests of the capital are intrigued by what events are planned in Moscow for the New Year holidays 2018. There is no doubt that this traditional holiday will be organized on a grand scale and pathos, and will be remembered throughout the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. But what to expect?

New Year 2018 on Red Square in Moscow

Everything, as usual, will be massive and spectacular, and Red Square will traditionally attract a full house. This New Year's event in Moscow 2018 is full of Russian traditions, songs, and fun. Those present on Red Square can go ice skating, listen to the tunes of the Russian accordion, and also personally visit free concert national pop stars.

Celebrating the New Year in Moscow 2018 is not complete without a gorgeous Christmas tree, which, again, can be seen in person on Red Square. The festive program will end with the chiming of the chimes, congratulations from the President and the traditional fireworks display to the delight of all those present. On this day, the festivities will continue until the morning, and you can get home without any problems by public transport.

New Year's festivities in Moscow 2018 in the Poklonnaya Gora area

Ice Moscow in Victory Park

By the New Year holidays 2018, a model of Moscow made of ice will appear in Victory Park. Craftsmen - participants of the festival "In the Family Circle" will build in Victory Park famous buildings and monuments of the capital. The ice sculptures will reach a height of five meters. Among them is the Moscow Kremlin, Grand Theatre, the main building of the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, Ostankino TV Tower, the building of the capital's City Hall and the Moscow International House of Music, as well as monuments to A.S. Pushkin, Yuri Dolgoruky and space explorers at VDNKh, Triumphal Arch, Tsar Bell, monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”. Each figure will be illuminated, and screens with information will be placed next to them. Cars will be allowed along the small ring road, and young inspectors in uniform will regulate traffic.

As a rule, free events in Moscow for the New Year holidays 2018 are organized on Poklonnaya Hill, but this option is more suitable for a family celebration. There is no noise or crowd here, but a huge Christmas tree is also installed and spectacular fireworks are displayed.

This place is ideal for those who are tired of the bustle of the metropolis, and on this magical holiday they plan to retire and spend time with their family. A beautiful panorama inspires romantic thoughts, and the spirit of magic pushes you to do the craziest things in the future. New Year's Eve.

New Year's festivities in Moscow 2018 in Gorky Park

Sightseeing tours of the Gorky Park Museum

At the Gorky Park Museum during the New Year holidays, administrators will conduct daily free excursions by exposure. The maximum group size is 20 people, the minimum is one. The duration of the excursion is 30–40 minutes.

During the excursion, museum administrators will tell visitors about the myths and legends of Neskuchny Garden and its owners, and the history of ancient temples Vorobyovy Gory, will tell about the creation of the first Soviet “cultural complex” and “factory happy people" Sightseers will be able to experience one of the first attractions of Gorky Park - “jumping” from a parachute tower using Oculos Rift glasses.

Another free events on New Year 2018 in Moscow - Gorky Park, where people traditionally gather on this unforgettable night great amount people. Sounds funny music, families are walking, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens are coming to meet you in unlimited quantities, a forest beauty has been installed, and everyone present will be pleasantly pleased with the most grandiose skating rink in the capital.

Such New Year's festivities in Moscow 2018 are intended more for families, since you can not only go ice skating, but also visit a fair and other entertainment activities for adults and children. Every year on New Year's Eve, a lot of people gather in the park to congratulate each other on this magical holiday and have a good time.

New Year's festivities in Moscow 2018 at VDNH

Moscow events on New Year's Eve 2018 have been taking place on a grand scale at VDNKh for many years now. Since the end of November, not only a large skating rink has been operating here, but also exhibitions and museums are open to everyone. This is a museum of illusions, a house of fairy tales and a cinema museum, visiting which you can get a lot of positive emotions.

If you are wondering where to go for the New Year holidays in Moscow 2018, it is important not to forget about VDNKh, where you can also go to a restaurant or cafe, go shopping and just listen to touching congratulations from New Year's characters. The opening hours of all entertainment venues will be adjusted for the New Year, so there will be plenty of entertainment for children and their parents.

New Year's fairs and celebrations at VDNKh

Opening of the skating rink at VDNKh

Since the skating rink was given the status of the main one in the country several years ago, its opening has been celebrated in a grand manner. The entire space from pavilion No. 1 “Central” to pavilion No. 58 “Agriculture” will be covered in ice, so that the area of ​​the skating rink will be more than 20 thousand square meters, and 4,500 people will be able to ride it at the same time. On the first day of work, there will be an ice show at the skating rink, and later you can always climb onto the bridge over the skating rink or eat in the food court.

New Year's events in Tsaritsino

Duels, palace intrigues and treasures: a quest performance in “Tsaritsyn”

Ride on snow slide, compete with friends in a ski race and plunge into real palace secrets young visitors to the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve will be able to.

Children from four to 12 years old are invited to participate in the quest play “Fabulous Tsaritsyno”. The event will take place in Catherine Hall Grand Palace and will begin as a regular excursion.

Walking through the halls of the palace, the guys will look for unusual exhibits, messages and clues that will help them solve the mystery antique watch. Participants will also enjoy dance lessons and a real ball in historical costumes, palace games of a bygone era, duels, treasures and Interesting Facts from the life of Empress Catherine.

Sessions start at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00.

The season of traditional New Year's performances starts on December 26 at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. Children from five to 12 years old will enjoy the festive performance “New Year's Secrets of the Grand Palace.”

During the show young viewers They will play ancient Russian games, attend a real court ball and receive gifts from Father Frost.

The play is based on one of the first in Russia literary fairy tales, written by Empress Catherine II for her grandson, Tsarevich Alexander.

Winter excursions in Moscow parks

In winter, Moscow parks and reserves, in addition to the usual ski slopes, ice slides and open skating rinks, prepared 21 excursions. They will take place in almost all districts of the capital - in Izmailovsky and Zelenogradsky city parks, Bitsevsky forest, Arkhangelskoye-Tyurikovo estate, Terletsky forest park, Kuzminki, Biryulyovsky arboretum, Matveevsky forest, Nezhinskaya floodplain and other natural areas.

The excursion “Light environment of the city forest park” will introduce you to the elements of lighting design in Zelenograd. It will also talk about alternative lighting sources and the city’s festive illumination in different years.

Several parks in the capital will pay attention to the local fauna. For example, there is special programs: “Wintering animals in the Bitsevsky forest” and “White trail natural park"in the reserve "Valley of the Skhodnya River in Kurkino".

The aviary complex in Kuzminki invites you to participate in an interactive excursion program"Dereza goat." In addition to goats, squirrels, sheep, pheasants and turkeys live there, as well as decorative pigeons, Chinese geese and chickens different breeds, three eagle owls, Japanese green pheasants and Indian ducks. Everything about horses, the history of their domestication, breeds and varieties, features of care and training will be told in the Terletsky Forest Park.

New Year's masquerade in Vatutinki

On the night of December 31 to January 1, a masquerade New Year's journey will take place on the square near the Vatutinki cultural and sports center. A must-have accessory and the symbol of the ball will be a mask.

Guests of the celebration will be greeted by the main persons of the evening - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, who will send the ball participants on a round-the-world dance cruise on the New Year's planet. And the journey will begin from Veliky Ustyug, where guests will be invited to perform a Russian dance.

New Year's festivities in Kolomenskoye Park

Christmastide in Kolomenskoye

The Christmastide holiday at the Red Porch of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich's palace will begin with a game program. Guests can enjoy ancient Christmas games and learning carols.
The folklore ensemble will tell about the history of the holiday, perform spiritual poems, Christmas troparion and kontakion. Participants in the performance will introduce the public to Christmas signs and traditions. The artists will also perform Russian Shchedrovka and teach the audience dancing, fortune telling and caroling.

The Russians will end the holiday folk songs, round dances and dances with spectators.
Free admission.

Christmas tree in the royal palace in Kolomenskoye

December 22 - January 3
12:00 - 15:00
Interactive program “Christmas tree in royal palace" With fun games, fun, competitions and round dances await young visitors to the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve. Fairy tale heroes will entertain them in the foyer. Children will not only watch a theatrical show with circus, choreographic and vocal numbers, but they themselves will take part in it. On a journey through magical world they will help the characters overcome all difficulties.

Festive services on Christmas Day

Festive services on the night of January 6-7, 2018 will be held in all Moscow churches. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' will perform the Christmas service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

This holiday, along with Easter, is considered the main one in Christianity. On Christmas night, believers remember the gospel story of the birth of Jesus by the Virgin Mary near the city of Bethlehem.

At Christmas, it is customary to sing carols and arrange nativity scenes (nurseries) at churches - small doll compositions representing the scene of the birth of a baby in a barn.

A few more events for the New Year holidays in Moscow 2018

New Year's Bazaar in Tsvetnoy

Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 15

By floor shopping center scatter different parts holiday program: somewhere you can buy toys, ceramics and beauty items for your home, somewhere Tsvetnoy, in collaboration with Gorky Park, will present its backpacks and socks for the skating rink.

Exhibition of New Year's cards "Magic Message"

Open all winter

Moscow estate of Father Frost, Volgogradsky prospect, 168d

The organizers are especially sensitive to the backs of postcards, so they will show the exhibits from all sides. They believe that New Year's cards are... important document of its time, and not just the beautiful snowflakes and Christmas trees in the picture. Based on what our ancestors wrote, they offer to find out how they lived, how they celebrated, what they ate. All the specimens presented at the exhibition were sent to someone else in the 20th century.

School of Snow Arts in Perovsky Park

Park of Culture and Leisure "Perovsky", Lazo, 7

A snow sculpture and architecture workshop is being launched not far from Kuskovo Park. In order for those who wish to build what they have in mind, everyone will be given sets of paints, spray bottles, sprinklers and water pistols. They say that in the field of snow construction there is experienced craftsmen; They will be the ones who will teach you how to fashion a fortress, a pyramid, a hero from your favorite movie, or someone else - even a president - out of snowflakes.

Christmas tree of the Polytechnic Museum

Cultural center ZIL, Vostochnaya, 4, bldg. 1

Perhaps the only tree on which so many candidates of science worked. It turned out to be a pseudo-scientific holiday with the atmosphere of a New Year tree for our closest neighbors in space. The plot revolves around the recent discovery of the planet Proxima Centauri b, where life could theoretically exist. And if there is life, then there must be a New Year.

Christmas festivities in the “Ethnographic village of Bibirevo”

Sports competitions, animation and a concert await visitors at Christmas " Ethnographic village Bibirevo”, located in the green zone of the Chermyanka River.
Guests of the festivities will remember the traditions of celebrating the Nativity of Christ, learn a lot of interesting things about healthy way life, will show their sporting character and various creative abilities.

Santa Claus's New Year's Ball

IN holidays young guests of the holiday will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere New Year's miracles and Christmas tales. On the territory of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers there will be festive performances, attractions, creative laboratories and exposition.

Everyone will be able to take part in the interactive game program, exciting master classes and games. In big concert hall The New Year's play “The Crystal Throne” will be staged for children from five to 14 years old. And little guests from five to 12 years old will be shown the show “The Snow Queen”.

Celebrations at the Moscow estate of Father Frost

On the last weekend of the outgoing year and on all days New Year's holidays The Moscow estate of Father Frost invites everyone to traditional festive street festivities. Guests are welcome exciting games on fresh air in the company of Santa Claus's assistants, favorite cartoons on big screen and disco. With the help of a fairy-tale carousel on the street stage of the estate, the audience joins the characters musical performance"The Spruce Carousel, or the Magic Museum" will be able to make an amazing journey to different countries and to different continents, where the most cherished desires. And in the evenings from January 1 to 7, for the first time, a neon show will be held on the stage of the Moscow estate of Father Frost.

Holiday program schedule:

  • December 24 and 25, 2016 from 11:30 to 16:00;
  • December 31, 2016 from 11:30 to 16:00;
  • from January 1 to January 7, 2017 from 11:30 to 18:15;
  • January 8, 2017 from 11:30 to 16:30.

Entrance to the territory of the Moscow estate of Father Frost is free.

New Year's decorations in Moscow in New Year's Eve 2018

To decorate a variety of objects - fir trees, fair pavilions, and installations - they will use warm light yellow, not white. This will create a cozy homely atmosphere on the streets of the capital. The leading graphic motif was patterns with a combination of Russian and Italian ornaments. Teams from Russia, Italy and France will work on the project.

For example, specialists from France have developed a unique project for Tverskaya Street. According to their idea, the lanterns along the street will turn into stylized glasses with bubbles of champagne.

Manezhnaya, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya and other central squares of the city will be decorated with illuminated carved arches. They will also appear in Novopushkinsky Park, on Nikolskaya Street, Kamergersky and Gazetny Lanes.

Light trees will transform the area of ​​Kuznetsky Most and Rozhdestvenka into fairy forest. Lanterns floating in the sky will decorate Zamoskvorechye, and the volumetric figure 2018 will shine near fairs and boulevards, in parks and squares.

If you want the festive events in Moscow to be especially memorable New Year holidays 2018, then you just need to go to Kolomna. This is a unique chance to experience the old days, travel back in time and re-examine the history of the state. Gorgeous landscapes combined with traditional fireworks and folk festivals will cheer you up for the whole coming year, and an excursion to local attractions will usefully take your time and allow you to somewhat expand your own worldview.

A masquerade will be organized at the main Kremlin Christmas tree, where everyone can come in original costumes and the most unexpected images. This spectacular event in Moscow on New Year's Eve will be clearly reflected in the press, and will be complemented by the obligatory presence of the heroes of the occasion. Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka will light the lights on the main Christmas tree, and after the fireworks there will be traditional congratulations.

Another idea where to celebrate the New Year 2018 in Moscow is circus performances, some of which will take place right on the streets of the city and delight a lively crowd. New Year's events also include a visit to GUM, where not only holiday sales are announced, but entertainment programs for all visitors. And these are not all the events for the New Year in Moscow; the posters will be available closer to winter holidays. In any case, the program of events for the New Year holidays will delight you as always.

For those who decide to give up festive table and spend New Year's Eve outside the home, we will tell you where this can be done, as well as where to legally set off holiday fireworks.

Muscovites can celebrate the New Year at 38 venues, which will be open until three in the morning. You can then get home by public transport. The main thing is to dress warmly, because the temperature on New Year's Eve will drop to minus 16 degrees!

Red beautiful

It will not be possible to celebrate the New Year on Red Square this year - on main square capitals will film “Blue Light”. You can get there only with special passes. For those who do not yet know about this, the police will help. They will tell you that there are many other places around where you can brightly celebrate main holiday. There are 38 venues with their own program of events to choose from.

New Year is celebrated in parks

Moscow parks celebrate New Year 2016 with music. Almost all programs in the capital's 21 parks begin at 10 p.m.

Around one o'clock in the morning the sky will sparkle with diamonds of fireworks. Sparklers and tangerines will be distributed to all visitors. And you can skate until three o'clock in the morning.

Those who came to the park without costumes can quickly make them for themselves in special workshops: for you there are costumes from the fairy tale about Ole Lukøje, accessories in retro style or disco looks.

The main entrance of Gorky Park will become the stage on which the headliners of the New Year's open party will appear: Russian electronic musician Philip Gorbachev, famous in the West and a rare guest in Moscow (00:00), ex-art director of the Solyanka club Rozet (01:15 ), DJs Voloshin (02:15) and Futurist (23:00) with a program in the Italo-disco style.

The host of New Year's Eve in the Muzeon art park on the Krymskaya embankment was appointed wizard Ole-Lukoye along with his assistants. They will stage interactive theatrical performances for adults, and tell New Year's fairy tales to children.

In Sokolniki (Sokolnichesky Val Street, possession 1) pop groups “Demo” (21:30–22:15), “Technology” (20:45–21:30) and singer Akula (20:00–20: 45) will have a 90s disco.

The 2016 meeting in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora (Fonchenko Brothers Street, 7) will be held in an international style. Celebrants will circumnavigate the world musical journey in one night: guests will enjoy a drum show from Brazil, a Chinese dragon race, a trio on balalaikas and Bayanlayka button accordion, a Moscow school Irish dance Iridan, ethnic group "Indian show Chante Sha" and Georgian dance group"Mziuri".

The main venue on New Year's Eve at VDNKh (Mira Avenue, property 119) will be the largest ice skating rink. Its guests will be presented with a theatrical and musical program, and at exactly midnight fireworks will thunder over the exhibition. On the holiday night, the skating session will begin at 21:00 and end at 03:00.

New Year's Eve in Fili Park will be held in the spirit of the famous movie Soviet years"Carnival Night". Music lovers can go to Kuzminki Park - jazz will be played there. An ice show awaits everyone in Artyom Borovik Park on New Year's Eve, and in the Bauman Garden, Muscovites will experience a journey into the past in retro style.

Where the thunder will strike

What's New Year without fireworks?! However, it should be remembered that they are only allowed to be launched in places that comply with safety standards.

There are 140 such zones in Moscow this year - full list can be found in the “Leisure and Recreation” section of the open data portal. You can determine the site closest to your home using a map or table. For each site there is an address reference and data on the maximum permissible number of people who can be on it at the same time.

Most sites for pyrotechnics are in the South, East and West administrative districts- 31, 22 and 18 respectively. Only one such site will be equipped in the center of Moscow.

On New Year's Eve, citywide fireworks and fireworks will be launched at 25 sites in the capital: on Red Square, VDNKh, the Krylatskoye educational and sports center, 20 city parks, as well as at sites in Shcherbinka and the settlement of Krasnopakhorskoye.

New Year's transport

On New Year's Eve, 165 bus, tram and trolleybus routes will operate until 03:00.

Night routes of buses N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, trolleybuses Bch, Bk and No. 15, 63, as well as tram No. 3 will run according to the usual night schedule.

Passengers will be able to leave from Zelenograd to Moscow and back much later. From the Ocean store in Zelenograd, bus No. 400 will depart at 00:50, 01:20, 01:45 and 02:15. And from the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station - at 01:35, 02:05, 02:30 and 03:00. Departure of bus route No. 400t from the 16th microdistrict of Zelenograd - at 00:30, 01:00, 01:30 and 02:00, from the Tushinskaya metro station - at 01:30, 02:00, 02:30 and 03 :00.

New Year's trams will carry passengers in the center of the capital: on Chistoprudny Boulevard, from the Universitet and Shabolovskaya metro stations. The tram cars are decorated with flickering LEDs, New Year's cards and garlands. Passengers of this rail transport will be greeted by Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The holiday tram fare is normal.

The metro operating schedule for the holidays has also been adjusted. On New Year's Eve the subway is open until two hours. This will help city residents have time to celebrate the holiday at home and then go for walks in the parks.