How Red Square works on New Year's holidays. Red Square for the New Year: reviews

Belongs to the category of the most beloved and anticipated holidays. In this fabulous night When one calendar year gives way to another, we look forward to joyful events and new opportunities, hope for the fulfillment of desires and believe in a happy future. I want to celebrate New Year's Eve in an unusual, bright and fun way, so that I can remember this event with warmth throughout the next year.

Moscow will help you implement this plan - precisely in capital city The grandest New Year celebration will be organized. So, if you like a noisy festive crowd, colorful fireworks, balls and masquerades, lots of surprises and unusual shows– go to Moscow! Famous figure skaters will perform for you on Red Square, popular singers and DJs, and for the youngest Muscovites and guests of the capital there will be a lot of New Year's matinees and performances.

New Year in Moscow is always bright and spectacular!

An important issue is the choice of place to celebrate the New Year 2017. Of course, some traditionally prefer a rich feast and concerts on TV, many love club parties, some dream of balls in the style of noble assembly, however, such gatherings are becoming an increasingly less popular way of spending New Year's time.

If you want to plunge into the holiday headlong and get a lot of vivid impressions, you should go to the very heart of magic - Red Square. The celebration will not only be fun and filled with emotions, but also one of the most economical, since you will completely get rid of the problem and costs of clubs and restaurants, which are becoming more and more significant from year to year.

Who is this format of celebration suitable for?

New Year's Eve on Red Square - great option For big company. The meeting must be scheduled in advance, choosing the least busy place close to the center. It’s better to come to the square itself together, otherwise you risk getting lost among the celebrating crowd - mobile operators rarely cope with the “holiday” load on the network. This option for celebrating the New Year is suitable for couples in love and those who are still single - it is quite possible that New Year's miracle will turn out to be a meeting of your soulmate.

Red Square is the heart of New Year's festivities

If you wish, you can simply gather on Red Square with a group of like-minded people, having agreed in advance on social networks, and make new friends and acquaintances. But parents with small children need to think about how long your child can stay awake - transport will not run until the morning, and the cost of a taxi at this time increases several times, not to mention the fact that it is often difficult to find a free car on a holiday night seems possible.

How is the celebration going?

New Year on Red Square is an opportunity to visit the main Christmas tree of Russia. IN last minutes the President will definitely congratulate you on the new year - the video message is broadcast using huge plasma screens, which can be viewed from anywhere in the square. After the results of the year are summed up and congratulatory words are heard, the Spasskaya Tower will begin to chime the last minutes of 2016. At this time, you can make a wish that will definitely come true.

With the advent of the New Year 2017, all those gathered will be walking and having fun until the morning! Program festive events will not let you get bored - it is on Red Square that the most a large number of Father Frosts, Snow Maidens, entertainers and animators. They will definitely not let you stay away from the general fun, involving you in round dances, dancing to the accordion and various competitions with prizes.

On New Year's Square there is entertainment for every taste

The undoubted highlight of the celebration on Red Square is the grandiose laser show. Using modern equipment, sparkling balls, colorful garlands, fabulous animals and unusual landscapes. Light show, which is held in Moscow, amazes not only visiting guests, but also the most sophisticated residents of the capital, because it is prepared by real professionals in their field.

For lovers of active and have a good rest There will be a sparkling GUM skating rink with an area of ​​2,700 sq.m. Here you will find a selection of the best dance music, round dances around the Christmas tree and congratulations in all languages ​​of the world. Traditionally, on a festive night at the skating rink, you can see a show from the brightest stars of figure skating. As usual, the ticket price corresponds to the number of the coming year - 2017 rubles. Don't forget that you should purchase tickets in advance - they sell out long before the start of the holiday.

There will be discos on the streets closest to the square, ice palaces, snow towns and fairs. Let us recall that in New Year's Eve The metro works longer than usual - until two o'clock in the morning. Ground transport operates for up to three hours, then there is a short break in traffic (lasting 1 hour). From five in the morning everyone can go home.

Rules for New Year's celebrations on Red Square

The program of New Year's shows and performances starts at ten o'clock in the evening. But if you want to be closer to the epicenter of the event, you should be on the square in advance - by nine in the evening it is simply impossible to get through the metro. Personal transport is not available this night the best option for a trip - the entire center becomes a pedestrian zone, so you will have to leave the car a few kilometers from Red Square.

Consider all possible nuances of the festive event

At the entrance to the square, metal detectors are installed and there is a riot police post, so latecomers risk getting into a huge queue. If there are too many people wanting to listen to the live chimes, the passage may be closed for security reasons. Attention: alcohol (in any container) and pyrotechnics are prohibited on Red Square! If a holiday doesn’t exist for you without a glass of champagne, share a bottle with your friends in advance. But keep in mind: openly tipsy individuals are not allowed into the square.

Category: Pen stroke 02

New Year is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday for Russians of all ages. Everyone looks forward to this day to make a wish, have fun, eat delicious food and meet with family and friends. Some prefer to meet him in a family circle and in a calm atmosphere, while others have fun and noisy. It is those who dream of celebrating this holiday in a large company, accompanied by volleys of New Year's fireworks and the chimes, who should visit Red Square on New Year 2017.

Why Red Square?

There are several reasons to celebrate this day outside the home at least once:

  1. There is no need to prepare bowls of salads, set the table, and then wash a mountain of dishes.
  2. Instead of watching the chimes and fireworks on TV, it is better to see this beauty live.
  3. Look at the most beautiful and largest Christmas tree in the country.
  4. It's fun to skate and take part in competitions.
  5. Take pictures with the real Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
  6. Look festive concert and dance.
  7. Plunge into the world of Russian traditions.

Who will enjoy New Year on Red Square

  1. Celebrating New Year's Eve on Moscow's Central Square is a great idea for a large group of young people. Just keep in mind that the meeting needs to be planned in advance, not far from the center, but in the least busy part of it. But to the place of celebration itself, it’s better to come together, otherwise there is a chance that you will get lost, and mobile connection on this day he works very poorly, unable to cope with the load.
  2. A couple in love will definitely like this New Year's Eve. What could be nicer than making a wish while hugging? general desire, to the sound of the chimes. Moreover, this perfect moment to make an offer.
  3. This is a unique chance for those who are single to meet their soulmate on this fabulous day.
  4. Adventurers and just fun-loving people can make new acquaintances here. You can arrange a meeting in advance through a post on social networks.
  5. Parents and children will remember such a meeting for a long time. Children will be captivated by the animators, competitions, fun show program, and parents will be able to enjoy the music and simply take their mind off their worries. However, it will be difficult for small children to spend such time, because... On this day there are always problems with transport.

What awaits you in Central Square?

Celebrating New Year's Eve in such a place is... unique opportunity experience live those moments that were previously watched on TV screens.

Firstly, you will be able to see the main Christmas tree of the country, in all its splendor and splendor. No TV can convey the scale and grandeur of this beauty.

You will spend the passing minutes of 2016 together with the President of our country, or rather under his congratulations. They will be broadcast on huge screens that can be seen from anywhere in the area. When the results of the outgoing year are summed up, famous watches on the Spasskaya Tower, the seconds will begin to count down until the arrival of the new year 2017. It’s an indescribable feeling to hear the chimes ring live, and if you make a wish at this moment, it will certainly come true.

And after the New Year, everyone is waiting festive program, which will not let anyone get bored. Every year the largest number of Santa Clauses, their granddaughters - Snow Maidens, bunnies, clowns and other animators gather here. They are the ones who create this festive atmosphere, involving all guests in games, round dances and competitions.

Surely everyone will be amazed by the amazing beauty - Laser show. Over the square, in the sky, a real laser show will take place, fabulous animals will fly past, New Year's garlands, shiny balls and fabulous landscapes. The show program at the skating rink near Gum will be an equally attractive and vibrant spectacle. Incendiary music, congratulations in all languages ​​of the world, and funny characters will help create a festive and cheerful atmosphere. The most famous figure skaters of our country will also hold a show here. They won't let you get bored during the concert and will show you beautiful program. However, tickets should be purchased in advance, because... They sell out long before December 31st. Traditionally, the price is equal to the year, i.e. will be 2017 rub. And for those who did not manage to buy tickets for ice concert, there is a special entertainment program: discos, fairs, ice parks.

It’s worth saying that the New Year’s fair will open in mid-December and if you can’t get here on New Year’s Eve, go early, buy gifts for your loved ones and just have a good time.

How to behave on Red Square

The festive concert on the central square will begin at 10 pm, but it is better to come here in advance, an hour and a half in advance, otherwise by 10 pm you simply will not be able to break through the crowd of people wanting to attend the holiday. Also keep in mind that on this day, the center turns into a pedestrian zone, and transport will have to leave several kilometers before it.

In front of the entrance to the square itself, there is a riot police post and a metal detector frame. Therefore, it is worth showing respect for the servants of the law and not causing scandals and quarrels while standing in line. It is also worth considering that if there are too many people, people will not be allowed into the square, for security reasons.

Carrying alcohol, pyrotechnics and even glass bottles You cannot bring water with you, only plastic products. Therefore, if you want, you can drink a little champagne before the holiday, but we do not recommend doing this, again for the sake of own safety. Moreover, those who are very tipsy will simply not be allowed into the New Year's celebration. Don't expect to be able to buy alcohol in nearby stores either. On this day, starting from seven in the evening, there is a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Usually the metro on New Year's Eve runs until 2:00, and busier ground transport routes until 3:00. Public transport will resume at 5:00. If the underground transport is overcrowded, the central stations near Red Square (Teatralnaya, Revolution Square, Kitay-Gorod, etc.) may be closed.

What people say, reviews from guests and residents of the capital

Let's listen to the reviews of those who have already celebrated the New Year on Red Square:

  1. The spectacle is amazing. I’m not from Moscow myself, but we came with the whole family specifically to look at the beautiful fireworks and didn’t regret it at all. Nina, Tver
  2. Stunningly beautiful on New Year's Eve on Red Square. If you have never been, then be sure to go and have a look. What an amazing laser show. The music is fun. And most importantly, there are no drunks, as many people fear. Olga, Ryazan
  3. In 2014, I attended an ice show near Red Square for the first time. I still remember all this with wild delight. Such emotions, they simply cannot be described in words. The children remembered the ice city, my mother folk songs and dancing. Elena, Moscow
  4. If you want to get the most vivid emotions and have fun, don’t hesitate to visit Red Square. My only advice is to dress warmly and arrive around 7-8 pm. Kostya, Moscow
  5. The most memorable New Year's Eve for me is the one we celebrated on the central square of our beloved capital. As the chimes struck, my dear proposed to me. Red Square looks beautiful on an ordinary day, but on December 31 it looks like a fairy-tale winter town. See for yourself. Ekaterina, Khimki

Here is an example of what awaits you this year on Red Square:

And finally, I would like to add, because... If you spend more time outside, in sub-zero weather, you should dress warmly. There is no need to dress up pretentiously; it is better to dress warmly, giving preference to thermal underwear, a comfortable down jacket and warm shoes or a ski suit.

I think that in every city in Russia there is a kind of tradition, custom, habit (whatever you want) of going out after the chimes, after a festive dinner, to the street where there will definitely be the most beautiful fireworks on the New Year, meeting with friends, relatives, admiring the night city. Everyone has their own iconic place. But Muscovites will be deprived of such an opportunity this year.

New year's night. Red Square is not only a tourist attraction, but also, most importantly, a place many Muscovites remember from childhood, a place where children gathered to listen to the chimes live and perhaps feel all the magic that this winter holiday brings. Now that’s it: not only is the weather this year, let’s say, not winter, but now the passage to Red Square will be closed.

Not only this has become a tradition for Russians. Everyone remembers the Blue Light program, which, if my memory serves me right, has been going on since the late 80s, where songs, jokes, and congratulations are heard. And it’s great that one doesn’t interfere with the other... but it turned out that it does.

Red Square in Moscow will be closed to anyone without special passes. The reason is the filming of “Blue Light,” as stated by Alexey Mayorov, who is the head of the department of regional security and anti-corruption. This has not happened in history for a very long time.

“I would like to warn you that some of the facilities where the events will be held, especially in the center, will only allow access by inspection. The peculiarity of this New Year will be that on December 31st a festive concert in the Blue Light format will be filmed on Red Square. This year it is being filmed on Red Square. And only people who have the appropriate pass will be able to get there.”, - noted the official.

Of course, filming is filming, but what about people who come to Moscow specifically to celebrate the New Year? What should we do if we bring children to the capital to see main square countries on New Year's Day? As they say, kiss the “door” and go back?

“ have to think of this in order to announce the entrance to the main square of the country with special passes on New Year’s Eve,”- said independent analyst Alexander Klyukin on this matter.

Celebrating the New Year in Moscow 2017 is an opportunity to visit New Year's fairs and festivals, as well as see fabulous performances in the capital's parks. At this time Moscow turns into magical land, where you will feel the festive energy of the metropolis and celebrate the New Year 2017 in a cheerful and noisy company of Muscovites and guests of the capital.

On New Year's days in Moscow, hundreds of festive events are organized at all venues in the city, in parks and squares, museums, libraries and theaters.

New Year 2017 on Red Square in Moscow

For security reasons, not everyone can get to Red Square on New Year's Eve this year. These are only 8 thousand people - owners invitation cards. These are mainly those who took part in the “Active Citizen” campaign. For those who decide to visit Red Square in the first days of January, you need to reserve time - to enter you will have to go through two security lines. There may be queues at the entrance. On December 31, entry restrictions will begin at 3 p.m.

Where to watch fireworks on New Year 2017 in Moscow

The main fireworks show in Moscow will take place on Vasilyevsky Spusk. Best places for observation - the embankments of the Moscow River in the city center, the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky and Bolshoi Kamenny bridges. Please note that entrance to Red Square on New Year's Eve 2017 is by invitation only!

At the other 30 sites, the fireworks will take place an hour later - at 1:00.

Free excursions for New Year 2017 Moscow

The “Walking around Moscow” project will conduct hundreds of free walking tours about the traditions of celebrating the New Year and Christmas different peoples, about how aristocrats knew how to party in Moscow, about how they filmed the first program “Blue Light” and many others. To participate, you must register on the website

You can visit Moscow museums for free on New Year's holidays

87 museums in Moscow will be open free of charge from January 2 to 8, for example, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Museum and Exhibition Center "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", the Moscow Museum contemporary art, estates Kolomenskoye and Tsaritsyno. Please note that queues may form at the entrance to the most popular properties. Full list can be viewed here:

Festival "Journey to Christmas" 2017

Since mid-December, the Journey to Christmas festival has been taking place in Moscow; it will delight Muscovites and guests of the capital for a whole month - from December 16 to January 15. The festival includes events that will satisfy any, even the most unexpected, requests and fantasies. For example:

  • Chefs from Moscow restaurants will conduct master classes on preparing Spanish dishes, appetizers, and pancakes.
  • City of Masters "Garage Kulibin PRO" will hold master classes on robotics
  • Chess lovers are welcome at Europe Square - lectures on the history of the game and tournaments will be held here. Lessons will be held here acting and stage speech.

The entire list of events can be viewed at

Fairs on New Year 2017 in Moscow

Traditionally, fairs have opened in all capital squares, and on New Year's Eve they will be open until three in the morning. Fairs are organized on Red Square and in GUM, VDNH and Sokolniki Park. Shopping arcades are also open in the Muzeon Art Park on Krymsky Val and in the Hermitage Garden, in Vorontsov Park and at other sites in the city.

At all fairs you can buy New Year and Christmas souvenirs, gifts for family and friends, and also taste Russian cuisine.

New Year trees in Moscow

You can admire unusual designer Christmas trees on Kuznetsky Most. One of them is dedicated to Maya Plisetskaya, it is decorated ballet tutus, there is a Christmas tree that reminds us of summer days, she's all in flowers. There is also a Christmas tree installed here, telling us about the Swan Princess from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

Where to go ice skating, skiing and snowboarding

As many as five ice rinks are open to visitors in Gorky Park. A separate skating rink has been built for children. A snowboard park with slides from 2.5 to 6 meters has been built on Pushkinskaya Embankment. Guests of Gorky Park can take part in competitions and quests, admire the frozen fountain and ride through a 60-meter light tunnel of huge luminous arches.

In addition, ice rinks await you in Sokolniki, there are two free skating rinks (“Giant” and an ice track in the forest), an skating rink in the Ermits garden, Chistye and Patriarch's Ponds(free of charge), good sites have also been set up in forest parks in Moscow.

You can also go skiing in Sokolniki Park; there is an all-weather ski track that is comfortable even at zero degrees.

Main events in Moscow for New Year and Christmas 2017

Events on New Year's Eve

31th of December -
1st of January
from 22:00 3:00
Concert popular artists, dance flash mob with sparklers
31th of December -
1st of January
from 22:00 to 3:00
New Year's Eve, 90s disco, Propaganda group, fairy tale characters and “Candy-tangerine express”

Park in Sokolniki
The beginning of the holiday on Fontannaya Square

31th of December -
1st of January
from 22:00 to 3:00
Celebrating the New Year with the bands Braska, “Force Majeure” and “Meidelech”

Kuzminki Park

Events in new year holidays

December 16 -
January 15
on weekends:
from 11:00 to 21:00
from 12:00 to 20:00
Book fair - library, meetings with writers and publishers, master classes
From 1 to 8 January Free screenings of feature films, short films and cartoons on New Year's theme, as well as film premieres and creative meetings

Cinema chain "Moscow Cinema" - Fakel, Ikra and Polet, Cosmos and Salute Saturn and Sputnik

December 24, 25, 31,
from January 1 to January 8
from 11:30
Theatrical and excursion programs, celebration of the birthday of Santa Claus, children's discos

Kuzminsky Park, Father Frost's estate

Jan. 7
Holiday program "Christmastide"

Metro operating schedule on New Year's Eve in Moscow

This year, for the first time, the Moscow metro will operate around the clock. Train intervals from 00:30 to 5:30 will be increased to 15 minutes, and from 5:30 minutes the metro will operate at regular schedule. Please note that when large cluster people entering the station will be limited.

Making a wish while the chimes are striking - what could be more interesting, exciting and romantic. In fact, it often turns out that the area is already occupied by crowds of visitors, or is even completely closed, it’s cold to stand on the street, there’s a search procedure, a ban on bringing in alcohol, etc. In order not to be disappointed and celebrate the holiday properly, you need to carefully prepare.

If anyone you know has already tried such a quest, ask them about all the pitfalls. You can also further study thematic forums to develop your own tactics.

What to wear

Of course, in order not to turn into an icicle and not spend the first days of the holiday weekend in bed with a fever, you need to dress warmly. You will have to forget about ball gowns, which you can happily wear at home. Out into the street, out into the street. And this means warm pants or tights. As an option, leggings are suitable. Be sure to have a warm down jacket and a hat or scarf on your head. Don’t forget about gloves, because if your hands get cold when you need to light a sparkler, it won’t be very pleasant.

But it is better to refuse fur coats and expensive sheepskin coats. After all, there is too much concentration of people in the square, and they can easily spoil you outerwear sparkler, cracker or juices.

What time should I arrive?

What time to gather for the New Year is one of the most important questions. After all, if you decide to go there in last moment, you risk simply not getting in. Therefore, it is usually recommended to catch up around 9 pm. This way you will have every chance to take a good place and pass all the cordons, of which there may be 3 or more.

It is worth considering that the metro adjacent to Red Square will be closed, so you will have to get there in 2-3 stations, and this will also take time.

Food and drink

What would New Year be without a feast? And it doesn’t matter that the celebration takes place in the heart of the country. An outdoor picnic is even more interesting and fun. However, it is worth remembering that there is whole line restrictions that must be observed. For example, you cannot bring anything in glass containers. Accordingly, the alcohol had to be poured into plastic. And it’s not a fact that you will be allowed to bring it into the square.

All food must be prepared in advance - sandwiches are cut, fruits and vegetables are washed. Naturally, it’s better not to take salads with you. The best option is to celebrate the New Year on Red Square and then go home to the festive table.

Fireworks and clock striking

If you still didn’t have time to get to the square and were delayed for Theater Square or Lubyanka, don’t despair. After all, here you can also clearly hear the chimes and clearly see the fireworks. So just a couple of hundred meters from the square you can celebrate the holiday unforgettably.

It’s better to come to the holiday with the whole group at once, because then it will be simply unrealistic to be there. First of all, there are too many people. Secondly, as a rule, phones begin to work poorly on New Year's Eve.