How to draw a person who decorates a Christmas tree. How to draw a Christmas tree with toys and Christmas garlands step by step, easily and beautifully: master classes for children

Each of us has tried to draw trees at least once. Here we will teach you this simple art and show you how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step. A step-by-step lesson will clarify difficult points, and in the end, even for a child, drawing a spruce or Christmas tree will be quite simple. For drawing we will need the simplest materials - pencils and paper, it would also be nice to get hold of an eraser, but if you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter. It will also be very cool if you have paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils - then the drawing will turn out colorful and attractive. Let's get started!

So, to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step, we need a sheet of paper. Let's draw a base on it that determines the height of our spruce, and also mark the line of the ground - you should get something like this.

On top of the base we begin to draw the shape of the tree branches. The top of the spruce will be thin, and then everything will expand. Try to keep the lines neat.

Draw the middle part of the tree.

The lower part also needs to be drawn carefully.

Now we need to draw a spruce trunk with a pencil. As you can see, even a beginner can handle drawing a Christmas tree. You also need to draw some grass under the tree to make everything look nice. The silhouette of the spruce turned out to be quite recognizable, and even if you drew such a tree for the first time, I’m sure it turned out just fine.

To make the painted spruce look neat, use an eraser to remove all excess. The end result will be a sketch that would be great to color.

I chose green shades, but you can draw a blue spruce or a snowy one, it all depends on your imagination. I also recommend watching the lesson How to draw a Christmas tree, you will definitely like it!

Christmas tree

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the question of how to draw a Christmas tree becomes especially relevant. After all, it is she, the green beauty, who is the center of the holiday. Round dances are performed around her, she is decorated, and gifts are hidden under her lower spreading paws. And what would a winter landscape be like without its thick and fluffy branches under the snow? We offer several interesting lessons on how to beautifully and unusually depict a popular winter tree.

Step by step example

First of all, let's look at how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. To do this, let's try to draw a festive tree, with decorations and garlands.

Stage 1
Let's prepare the basis for the future drawing. To do this, draw an equilateral triangle with a base slightly smaller than the sides. In the center of the base we will mark the trunk or the installation location of our spruce.

Stage 2
Let's give the appropriate shape to the contour, as shown in the figure.

Stage 3
Let's outline the decorations with light lines: a garland, balls and a star.

Stage 4
Using auxiliary lines we will depict the gifts lying under the lower branches. The sketch is ready.

Stage 5
We draw more saturated lines with a pencil (or felt-tip pen, or pen): first the outline, then decorations and gifts. For a more voluminous design, we will add details: threads of balls, additional touches of twigs and ribbons on gift boxes.

Stage 6
Removing auxiliary lines.

Stage 7
The finished drawing can be colored or left black and white. In the second case, it makes sense to add shadows under the balls, on gifts, to depict the glow of a garland and a star.


The method suggested below on how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil is quite simple. To execute it, you only need a good pencil of medium softness and a little patience to draw the needles: in this case, the spruce will turn out to be the most realistic.

First of all, let's draw a trunk and a piece of land from where the tree grows.

Then we’ll start filling it with twigs and needles, starting from the top of the head.

You should not try to make it very even, since in nature trees do not have perfect symmetry. Let some branches be a little shorter, some longer. It is more important to carefully and tightly fill them with needles.

Draw branches with needles all the way to the base.

Now you need to give the drawing volume by adding shadows on the trunk, below the branches and near the grass on the ground. The drawing is ready.

Beautiful tree

The proposed method of how to beautifully draw a Christmas tree under the snow is very unusual, but at the same time simple.

Draw a triangular outline of the Christmas tree.

We fill this contour, starting from the top, with unusual shapes, as shown in the figure. This is snow lying on the branches. Fill it not symmetrically, but as evenly as possible.

After this, you can add snow on the ground and snowflakes for atmosphere.

Now you need to draw the branches themselves. To do this, we tightly shade small areas under the white specks of snow, as shown in the figure.

We work out the remaining unfilled areas with lighter shading to indicate soft shadows.

The result is very good and unusual.

A simple example of a Christmas tree

This easy way to draw a Christmas tree will suit even young and not very experienced artists. The resulting tree can be painted, decorated with Christmas tree decorations, and covered with snow in the winter forest.

Let's figure out how to beautifully draw a Christmas tree step by step.

Step 1
Draw the visible part of the trunk with the root system.

Stage 2
We start filling the tree with twigs and needles from the bottom. The smaller and more detailed the needles shown, the fluffier the spruce will be.

Stage 3
Gradually narrow the outline of the tree towards the crown. The Christmas tree is ready.

Christmas tree

This is another simple option on how to draw a Christmas tree.

First of all, we draw an auxiliary contour - a triangle on the leg.

Along this contour we mark the Christmas tree branches using rounded lines, as shown in the figure.

We combine them into a common shape and add a visible trunk.

We remove the auxiliary lines and decorate with a star on the top of the head, Christmas balls, a garland and candy canes.

The Christmas tree is ready!

Example of a Christmas tree in pencil

The sequence proposed below on how to draw a Christmas tree beautifully with a pencil will be useful for both the New Year's version and for a regular Christmas tree. A complex and beautiful result is achieved not so much by special skills as by accuracy and patience. Be sure to try to draw such a tree!

You should start with the auxiliary contour lines of the tree itself, the trunk and the stand.

Along the spruce triangle, we mark the position of the branches, first the main ones, then the filling small ones.

The sketch is ready. Now use a darker pencil or felt-tip pen to refine the drawing. Let's start with decorations. We use light spots on the Christmas tree balls to imitate a glossy shine.

It's time to get to the branches. We begin to apply needles along the auxiliary lines. First along the contour, then inside.

Let's highlight the trunk and branches visible through the needles and decorations and draw the stand.

Let's fill the entire tree with needles so that it looks fluffy.

The finished Christmas tree can be complemented with bright flowers.

Useful video lesson

Be sure to take a look at this video tutorial. It shows 10 different ways to draw a Christmas tree.

It's time for a festive mood. Preparing for the New Year holidays is a pleasant bustle and the smell of tangerines. Now we will talk about the main symbol of the New Year holidays - the Christmas tree. It has become an ingrained tradition of most people on earth. In every city, this evergreen tree becomes the center of cultural events. It pleases the eye, gives mood, brings back pleasant childhood memories and brings people together, because there is no better family tradition than the process of decorating a Christmas tree.
All over the world there are many types of holiday trees and ways to decorate them. Some people, when decorating it, resort to design solutions, while others like to decorate this symbol of the holiday with rare Christmas tree decorations that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Fortunately, the good traditions do not end there, because during this period children often wonder: how to draw a Christmas tree? Yes, it is on the eve of the New Year holidays, Christmas and after these wonderful dates that children are asked in schools or in creative circles to depict this beautiful and evergreen tree. Very often the desire to draw a Christmas tree comes along with a festive mood. Adults have to think about how to teach a child to draw this or that thing, but every child should be able to draw a Christmas tree. Children must develop creatively. That is why I will show you several easy ways to draw a beautiful Christmas tree.

What you will need for this:

  • a sheet of white paper (you can use a sketchbook or sketchbook);
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • Christmas mood!

  1. Consider the following fun way to easily draw a Christmas tree. Take a simple pencil and draw a line in the form of a zigzag with rounded corners. Try to repeat the same broken line shape as in picture “1”. Below we draw a “tail” - it will be the trunk.
  2. We begin to draw another similar line to the right of the one we already have. We connect this zigzag to the upper and lower ends of the already drawn line and we get such a thick, uneven zigzag in the shape of a herringbone (try to follow the example in the picture). Draw a star on top.
  3. To decorate the Christmas tree, I took a green pencil and outlined the edges with dark green. The star can be decorated in any color. Yes, yes, this is an easy way to draw a Christmas tree.

List of lessons:

In our lessons you will see more than one way to draw a Christmas tree. By following the steps, even a small child will be able to portray the green beauty. The Christmas tree is present in all drawings on the New Year theme, which is why it is very important to be able to draw it.

It will take you about 10 minutes to draw a Christmas tree, plus five to decorate it.

Lesson 1. How to draw a Christmas tree

  1. You need to start drawing with a base that has the shape of a triangle. Do not press too hard on the pencil, as the base will have to be erased later.
  2. When the base is ready, start drawing the branches, from top to bottom.
  3. Next you will need to decorate our beauty.

Lesson 2. How to draw a Christmas tree step by step

  1. This Christmas tree will be a little curved, so the base will be a little uneven.
  2. When the base is ready, you can start drawing triangles. Do not press hard on the pencil; the base and triangles will have to be erased.
  3. In the third step, start working on the branches. Start the drawing from the top of your head, gradually moving down.

Lesson 3. How to draw a Christmas tree simply

Another simple lesson that will teach you how to quickly draw a Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree consists of triangles in which curved lines are drawn. They will serve as branches. Add decorations and that's it. The Christmas tree is ready!

Lesson 4. Christmas tree

As in previous lessons, the base is drawn first. It is a triangle curved downwards. Sharp branches are drawn along the bend. The Christmas tree is wrapped in colorful lights.

If you ask any child which holiday is his favorite, then, without a doubt, any child will answer you: “It’s New Year!” New Year is one of the most famous and favorite holidays for both children and adults! We all expect a miracle from New Year's Eve, some kind of magic, we believe that everything will change. What about the expectation of gifts? What could be more exciting than this? The New Year comes to us with snow, cold weather, and the smell of tangerines and Christmas tree needles is everywhere. Today we will learn how to draw a mandatory attribute of this holiday - a New Year tree with gifts! Someone puts a live Christmas tree, spruce or pine in the house. And some, in order to preserve living trees, prefer artificial Christmas trees, which are currently very similar to natural ones. Drawing a Christmas tree is not at all difficult. Just follow our tips, look carefully at the pictures and get to work.

Stage 1. Using a ruler, we will draw auxiliary lines for our future Christmas tree. One vertical and two horizontal - shorter at the top, where the very top of the tree will be, and longer at the bottom, where its base will be.

Stage 2. Now let's start drawing the outline of our forest beauty. Stepping back a little from the top horizontal line, we begin to mark the branches of the tree on both sides of the vertical. We try to arrange them carefully, symmetrically, so that our Christmas tree will ultimately be beautiful and fluffy. This will be like the back layer of branches.

Stage 3. Now we will draw the front layer of the Christmas tree legs. We place it in front of the previous one. These branches seem to overlap the back layer of branches and make our Christmas tree even more fluffy and spreading. Don't forget to mark the top of the tree by sharpening it along a vertical line.

Stage 4. We place Christmas tree decorations on the branches of our Christmas tree - balls of different sizes. We simply draw circles of different diameters on the branches. These toys must be placed evenly throughout the tree so that there are no empty areas and our tree is beautiful and elegant. Below under the tree you need to draw gifts for the kids. Gifts are wrapped boxes containing various items that children want to receive for the holiday. They are drawn like this. Using a ruler, mark a vertical line and two oblique lines extending from it at a certain angle at the top. Then connect them together. The result is a cube shape. On the sides of these cubes we draw lines of future bows that will be used to tie the boxes.

Stage 5. Now we draw a star on the top of our Christmas tree. It is five-pointed. In order to draw it straight, you can also use a ruler. The main stages of drawing a star have already been given. Below we will draw the trunk of the Christmas tree and decorate it with a large bow. The bow consists of two identical parts, which we place symmetrically on both sides. We also decorate the upper edges of gift boxes with large tied bows like roses or flowers. We draw everything with smooth lines. The edges of the bows go down onto the boxes.

Stage 6. Now you can shade the boxes a little and give them a certain color. On the bantu around the trunk we will also mark stripes.

Stage 7. Finally, let's start decorating the Christmas tree. Naturally, the Christmas tree only comes in different shades of green. The trunk is brown or gray. We make the balls on it multi-colored. The star can be red, yellow, blue. Gift boxes - according to your taste and desire. Look what a beautiful Christmas tree we made! It would be New Year soon!