One of the busiest places in the city.

It seems that everything has calmed down after the culinary event, now we can continue the story about Kazan.
This is my most beautiful morning glorious city was on Teatralnaya Square near the Theater named after. Kamala.

You know, this is probably what a square should look like for people in our cities - beautiful, with places where you can sit and chat. There are flowers and fountains all around.

And from all sides great views. First, look to the right - there is a university.

Beautiful? Of course :) Then we turn a little and see Bulak.

And here is the theater named after. Kamala. Quite an interesting building.

As it turned out, in Kazan performing arts its development began at the beginning of the 19th century. The first Tatar play “Bichara kyz” (“Unhappy Girl”) was written in 1886 by Gabdrakhman Ilyasi (1856-1895). The emergence of a professional Tatar theater is associated with the Tatar Academic theater named after Galiaskar Kamal. The birthday of the TGAT named after Kamal is considered to be December 22, 1906, since it was on this day that the first public performance in the Tatar language took place. The first professional Tatar troupe, which became the embryo of TGAT, was “Sayar” (“wanderer”, “traveler”).

The building itself, in the form in which it exists now, was built in 1986, and Grand opening carried out in early 1987. Those. the theater is practically the same age as me) I couldn’t find any information about the design of the building, why it is what it is. I have strong associations with dostarkhan :)

There are many fountains in the square. They say that the backlight worked in them. I only managed to find signs prohibiting swimming, because it could cause electrocution. But it's still beautiful.

So I’m writing and thinking, why did I like the square so much? And the thought ripened in my head: “Because there are no stupid yellow-green fences here, like in Moscow.” Here's my honest word. They just rip out your eyes. If you noticed, there is also no cool Moscow coloring, all the fences are of a normal dark color. Near the Pyramids, near the Ice Arena, and just along the streets along Bulak - all the fences are beautifully forged and simply gray-black, damn it! You can’t even imagine how positively this affects the perception of the world around you. The eye simply rests and snatches something beautiful from the landscape when this yellow-green ugliness is not poked at it!

Well let's go back to Theater Square. There is a very interesting sculptural composition here:

We look at the sign - “Riddles of Shurale”, a gift from Megafon.
I must say that the comrades from Megafon love to give cities such gifts :) In our Saransk there are probably only about five of his monuments, there is even a whole bridge of wishes, I’ll show you later :) And it seems to me that this is not a bad tradition) Let them continue;)

In the Vakhitovsky district of the city. One of the newest and most comfortable squares and attractions of the city. One of popular places recreation for citizens and one of the stopping places sightseeing tours tourist buses.

The square is oriented along an axis from northeast to southwest and is located between the beginning of the main Tatarstan street and the northern end of Lake Nizhny Kaban from Marsel Salimzhanov street to Mardzhani street. The Tatar Theater is located on the square. Kamala, behind which and Mardzhani Street is the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda. In front of the square, across Marcel Salimzhanov Street, there is Tukay Square and then the central city Tukay Square.


On the site of the square there was a poorly preserved low-rise building that did not have much architectural and historical value, unlike some other streets and areas historical center cities. According to General plan 1969 in the first half of the 1970s. it was demolished, and for a decade and a half, this place was occupied by a simple open space and one of the city’s three long-term construction projects - the new building of the Kamala Theater, which was not completed due to the stench from the lake.

By 1986, the lake was cleared, the theater was completed and put into operation, and the current section of the square and the shore of the lake near the theater were landscaped with large square concrete slabs. Then it was planned to increase the area of ​​the square by one and a half times due to the site opposite across Tatarstan Street, connecting both sites with an underground pedestrian crossing, and also give the new large area a name Arts Square. However, this was not carried out due to the extremely high complexity of underground construction in the presence of groundwater and the proximity of reservoirs, and on the site behind Tatarstan Street, for a long time a former wasteland, by 2004 the main building of the Tatar Humanities and Pedagogical University (TGGPU) was built.

The beginning of the square and Tatarstan Street were built on the site where the southernmost Tatarsky Bridge through the Bulak canal, under which in past centuries boats and small vessels passed from Bulak to Nizhny Kaban.

Objects and meaning

For the city's Millennium in 2005, the square was seriously redeveloped. Decorative tiles and granite slabs were laid there, including the terraced levels of the lake shore, as well as on the adjacent Marjani Street, and lamp posts and audio broadcast horns were installed. Two cascades (4 in each) of light and musical fountains were installed on the square, operating from May to October. The fountains of the row closest to the lake are oriented along the axis of the square, the fountains of the row closest to Tatarstan Street are located across and have green areas and benches around. IN winter time year, the fountains are covered with planes on which openwork structures of multi-colored night lighting are installed.

At the shore of the lake on its water surface there is an illuminated dark time day with directed rays of a high-rise water fountain, and there is also a pier for a water pleasure station, where in the late 1990s-2000s. there was also a departure point for small ships plying along Nizhny Kaban.

Under the square there is a technical floor. Below it, at the beginning of the square and Tatarstan Street, there is a drainage system connecting Lake Nizhny Kaban and the Bulak Canal.

At any time of the year, until late in the evening, the square is crowded with vacationing townspeople. The square traditionally hosts the celebration of Nauruz and the Day of the Republic and the City on August 30, Days and Years different countries in Russia and Tatarstan, some official events at outdoors on the occasion of the presentation of republican awards and professional holidays(ceremonial meetings of which are held in the theater), theatrical, musical, literary, circus and other performances and cultural events (during Nauruz, congresses of Turksoy, theater associations, etc.), as well as political rallies and meetings on the main site and terrace levels of small national and religious associations, parkourists, skaters and other informal communities.

Despite the lack of pedestrian communications, the visual continuation of the square on the other side of Tatarstan Street is the site also well-equipped by the TSGPU with a monument to the composer Saidashev and the site at the southern end of the Bulak canal with a large and spectacular green sculpture of the winged leopard Ak Bars - the symbol of Tatarstan located on the coat of arms. The pedestrian continuation of the square is directly adjacent to it the landscaped embankment of Mardzhani Street and the green embankment of Marsel Salimzhanov Street along the lake.

The closest trolleybus and bus stops to the square (as well as trams until 2011) are the Kamala Theater on Tatarstan Street from the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda side and Tukay Square on Pushkin Street from the city center. Tourist buses make a stop along Tatarstan Street. Behind the Kamala Theater there is a parking lot for its visitors.

Russia A country


City Area Postcode on OpenStreetMap on Google Maps

Kamal Theater Square(tat. Kamal isemendage theaters maydany) - a square in the historical center of Kazan, in the Vakhitovsky district of the city. One of the newest and most comfortable squares and attractions of the city. One of the popular holiday destinations for city residents and one of the stopping places for sightseeing tours of tourist buses.

The square is oriented along an axis from northeast to southwest and is located between the beginning of the main Tatarstan street and the northern end of Nizhny Kaban lake from Marsel Salimzhanov street to Mardzhani street. The Tatar Theater is located on the square. Kamala, behind which and Mardzhani Street is the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda. In front of the square across Marcel Salimzhanov Street there is Tukay Square and then the central city Tukay Square.


On the site of the square there was a poorly preserved low-rise building that did not have great architectural and historical value, unlike some other streets and sections of the historical center of the city. According to the 1969 General Plan, in the first half of the 1970s. it was demolished, and for a decade and a half, this place was occupied by a simple open space and one of the city’s three long-term construction projects - the new building of the Kamala Theater, which was not completed due to the stench from the lake.

By 1986, the lake was cleared, the theater was completed and put into operation, and the current section of the square and the shore of the lake near the theater were landscaped with large square concrete slabs. Then it was planned to increase the area of ​​the square by one and a half times due to the site opposite across Tatarstan Street, connecting both sites with an underground pedestrian crossing, and also to give the new large square the name Arts Square. However, this was not carried out due to the extremely high complexity of underground construction in the presence of groundwater and the proximity of reservoirs, and on the site behind Tatarstan Street, which had long been a wasteland, by 2004 the main building of the Tatar Humanitarian Pedagogical University (TGPU) was built.

The beginning of the square and Tatarstan Street were built on the site where the southernmost Tatarsky Bridge through the Bulak canal, under which in past centuries boats and small vessels passed from Bulak to Nizhny Kaban.

Objects and meaning

For the city's Millennium in 2005, the square was seriously redeveloped. Decorative tiles and granite slabs were laid there, including the terraced levels of the lake shore, as well as on the adjacent Marjani Street, and lamp posts and audio broadcast horns were installed. Two cascades (4 in each) of light and musical fountains were installed on the square, operating from May to October. The fountains of the row closest to the lake are oriented along the axis of the square, the fountains of the row closest to Tatarstan Street are located across and have green areas and benches around. In the winter season, the fountains are covered with planes on which openwork structures of multi-colored night lighting are installed.

At the shore of the lake, on its water surface, there is a high-rise water fountain, illuminated at night by directed rays, and there is also a pier for a water pleasure station, where in the late 1990s-2000s. there was also a departure point for small ships plying along Nizhny Kaban.

Under the square there is a technical floor. Below it, at the beginning of the square and Tatarstan Street, there is a drainage system connecting Lake Nizhny Kaban and the Bulak Canal.

Celebrating Great Britain Days in the Square

At any time of the year, until late in the evening, the square is crowded with vacationing townspeople. The square traditionally hosts celebrations of Nauruz and Republic and City Day on August 30, Days and Years of different countries in Russia and Tatarstan, some official outdoor events on the occasion of the presentation of republican awards and professional holidays (ceremonial sessions of which are held in the theater), theatrical, musical , literary, circus and other performances and cultural events (during Nauruz, congresses of Turksoy, theater associations, etc.), as well as political rallies and meetings on the main platform and terrace levels of small national and religious associations, parkour dancers, skaters and other informal communities.

Despite the lack of pedestrian communications, the visual continuation of the square on the other side of Tatarstan Street is the site also well-equipped by TGGPU with a monument to the composer Saidashev and the site at the southern end of the Bulak canal with a large and spectacular green sculpture of the winged leopard Ak Bars - the symbol of Tatarstan located on the coat of arms. The pedestrian continuation of the square is directly adjacent to it the landscaped embankment of Mardzhani Street and the green embankment of Marsel Salimzhanov Street along the lake.

The closest trolleybus and bus stops to the square (as well as trams until 2011) are the Kamala Theater on Tatarstan Street from the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda side and Tukay Square on Pushkin Street from the city center. Tourist buses make a stop along Tatarstan Street. Behind the Kamala Theater there is a parking lot for its visitors.


  • 3D views of the square of the Kamala Theater and the embankments of Lake Nizhny Kaban on the website “Virtual tour of the city of Kazan”

Kamal Theater Square(tat. Kamal isemendage theaters maydany) - a square in the historical center of Kazan, in the Vakhitovsky district of the city. One of the newest and most comfortable squares and attractions of the city. One of the popular holiday destinations for city residents and one of the stopping places for sightseeing tours of tourist buses.

The square is oriented along an axis from northeast to southwest and is located between the beginning of the main Tatarstan street and the northern end of Lake Nizhny Kaban from Marsel Salimzhanov street to Mardzhani street. The Tatar Theater is located on the square. Kamala, behind which and Mardzhani Street is the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda. In front of the square across Marcel Salimzhanov Street there is Tukay Square and then the central city Tukay Square.


On the site of the square there was a poorly preserved low-rise building that did not have great architectural and historical value, unlike some other streets and sections of the historical center of the city. According to the 1969 General Plan, in the first half of the 1970s. it was demolished, and for a decade and a half, this place was occupied by a simple open space and one of the city’s three long-term construction projects - the new building of the Kamala Theater, which was not completed due to the stench from the lake.

By 1986, the lake was cleared, the theater was completed and put into operation, and the current section of the square and the shore of the lake near the theater were landscaped with large square concrete slabs. Then it was planned to increase the area of ​​the square by one and a half times due to the site opposite across Tatarstan Street, connecting both sites with an underground pedestrian crossing, and also to give the new large square the name Arts Square. However, this was not carried out due to the extremely high complexity of underground construction in the presence of groundwater and the proximity of reservoirs, and on the site behind Tatarstan Street, which had long been a wasteland, by 2004 the main building of the Tatar Humanitarian Pedagogical University (TGPU) was built.

The beginning of the square and Tatarstan Street were built on the site where the southernmost Tatarsky Bridge through the Bulak canal, under which in past centuries boats and small vessels passed from Bulak to Nizhny Kaban.

Objects and meaning

For the city's Millennium in 2005, the square was seriously redeveloped. Decorative tiles and granite slabs were laid there, including the terraced levels of the lake shore, as well as on the adjacent Marjani Street, and lamp posts and audio broadcast horns were installed. Two cascades (4 in each) of light and musical fountains were installed on the square, operating from May to October. The fountains of the row closest to the lake are oriented along the axis of the square, the fountains of the row closest to Tatarstan Street are located across and have green areas and benches around. In the winter season, the fountains are covered with planes on which openwork structures of multi-colored night lighting are installed.

At the shore of the lake, on its water surface, there is a high-rise water fountain, illuminated at night by directed rays, and there is also a pier for a water pleasure station, where in the late 1990s-2000s. there was also a departure point for small ships plying along Nizhny Kaban.

Under the square there is a technical floor. Below it, at the beginning of the square and Tatarstan Street, there is a drainage system connecting Lake Nizhny Kaban and the Bulak Canal.

At any time of the year, until late in the evening, the square is crowded with vacationing townspeople. The square traditionally hosts celebrations of Nauruz and Republic and City Day on August 30, Days and Years of different countries in Russia and Tatarstan, some official outdoor events on the occasion of the presentation of republican awards and professional holidays (ceremonial sessions of which are held in the theater), theatrical, musical , literary, circus and other performances and cultural events (during Nauruz, congresses of Turksoy, theater associations, etc.), as well as political rallies and meetings on the main site and terrace levels of small national and religious associations, parkour dancers, skaters and other informal communities.

Despite the lack of pedestrian communications, the visual continuation of the square on the other side of Tatarstan Street is the site also well-equipped by TGGPU with a monument to the composer Saidashev and the site at the southern end of the Bulak canal with a large and spectacular green sculpture of the winged leopard Ak Bars - the symbol of Tatarstan located on the coat of arms. The pedestrian continuation of the square is directly adjacent to it the landscaped embankment of Mardzhani Street and the green embankment of Marsel Salimzhanov Street along the lake.

The closest trolleybus and bus stops to the square (as well as trams until 2011) are the Kamala Theater on Tatarstan Street from the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda side and Tukay Square on Pushkin Street from the city center. Tourist buses make a stop along Tatarstan Street. Behind the Kamala Theater there is a parking lot for its visitors.

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An excerpt characterizing the Kamal Theater Square

Caraffa would never know how much effort it took me to look proud then!.. I understood perfectly well that hardly anyone or anything could help me. But I couldn't let him see my fear. And so she continued, trying to bring him out of that calmly ironic state, which apparently was his kind of defense. And which I absolutely couldn’t stand.
– Will you deign to tell me what my fault is, or will you leave this pleasure to your faithful “vassals”?!
“I do not advise you to boil, Madonna Isidora,” Caraffa said calmly. – As far as I know, all of your beloved Venice knows that you are a Witch. And besides, the strongest who once lived. Yes, you didn’t hide this, did you?
Suddenly I completely calmed down. Yes, it was true - I never hid my abilities... I was proud of them, like my mother. So now, in front of this crazy fanatic, will I betray my soul and renounce who I am?!
– You are right, Your Eminence, I am a Witch. But I am not from the Devil, nor from God. I am free in my soul, I KNOW... And you can never take this away from me. You can only kill me. But even then I will remain who I am... Only in that case, you will never see me again...
I blindly threw a weak blow... There was no confidence that it would work. But Caraffa suddenly turned pale, and I realized that I was right. No matter how much I hate the female half this unpredictable man, he had a strange and dangerous feeling for me, which I could not yet accurately define. But the main thing is that it was there! And that was the only thing that mattered so far. And it would be possible to figure it out later, if now Karaff manages to “catch” this simple female bait... But I didn’t know then how strong the will of this unusual person... The confusion disappeared as quickly as it came. The cold and calm cardinal stood before me again.
“It would be a huge loss for everyone who appreciates beauty, Madonna.” But too much beauty can be dangerous, as it destroys pure souls. And yours will definitely not leave anyone indifferent, so it will be better if it simply ceases to exist...
Caraffa left. And my hair stood on end - so strong did he strike fear into my tired, lonely soul... I was alone. All my loved ones and relatives were somewhere on the other side of these stone walls, and I was by no means sure that I would ever see them again... My beloved little Anna was huddled in Florence with the Medici, and I really hoped that Caraffa did not know where or who had it. My husband, who adored me, was with her at my request and did not know that I had been captured. I had no hope. I was truly all alone.
From that ill-fated day, endless trials began against the famous “Witch of Venice,” that is, over me... But Venice was a truly free city and did not allow its children to be destroyed so easily. The Inquisition was hated by everyone, and Caraffa had to reckon with this. Therefore, I was tried by the “supreme tribunal of the Inquisition,” which accused me of all possible vices, most of which I had never even heard of. The only bright thing that happened during all this terrible time was the unexpected and very strong support of friends, which forced Karaffa to be much more careful in his accusations, but this did not help me escape from his dangerous clutches.
Time passed, and I knew that a dangerous moment was coming when Caraffa would launch an attack. So far it was just a “not very beautiful performance” that was already going on more than a year almost day by day. And this, according to their concepts, apparently was supposed to somehow calm me down or even give me some tiny false hope that all this would someday end, and that I might even “go home happily”... For some reason, I “put to sleep”, apparently wanting to hit even harder. But Caraffa was wrong. I knew he was just biding his time. I just didn’t know what yet.
And such a day has finally come... In the morning they announced to me that “since my “case”” is especially important, and the local Inquisition is not able to solve it, I am being sent to Rome, at the blessed will of the Pope, so that finally gave me his “fair verdict”.
This was the end... No one in the world could help me if I fell into the hands of the Roman Inquisition. Caraffa rejoiced! He celebrated his victory. I was almost dead.

So, a week later, in all its dark “grandeur,” the “holy” city of Rome appeared before me... Apart from the beauty of the palaces, cathedrals and churches, the city was very gloomy and surprisingly dirty. And for me it was also the city of my death, since I knew that there was no escape from Caraffa here.
I was put in some very big palace, without explaining anything, without saying a word. I was served by a mute maid, which, again, did not bode well. But one circumstance still inspired a “ghostly” hope - I was settled in a castle, and not directly in a cell for the accused, which could mean that I would be given the opportunity to defend myself.
I was wrong...
The next morning Caraffa appeared. He was fresh and very happy, which, unfortunately, did not bode well for me.
By sitting down in a chair right in front of me, but without asking permission, Caraffa made it clear that he was the master here, and I was just a defendant in a beautiful cage...
“I hope you made it through the journey easily, Madonna Isidora?” – he said in a deliberately polite tone. - How are your rooms? Do you need anything?
- Oh yeah! I would like to return home! – Playing along with his tone, I answered jokingly.
I knew that I had practically nothing to lose, since I had almost lost my life. Therefore, having decided not to give Karaffa the pleasure of breaking me, I tried my best not to show him how scared I was...
This is not death, which is what I feared most. I was afraid even of the thought that I would never see those whom I loved so deeply and selflessly - my family. That, most likely, I will never hug my little Anna again... I will not teach her what my mother taught me, and what I could do myself... That I will leave her completely defenseless against evil and pain... And that already I won’t tell her anything I wanted or should have said.
I felt sorry for my wonderful husband, who I knew would have a very hard time bearing the loss of me. How cold and empty his soul will be!.. And I will never even be able to tell him the last “goodbye”...
And most of all I felt sorry for my father, for whom I was the meaning of his life, his guiding “star” that illuminated his difficult thorny path... After my mother “left”, I became for him everything that was left to teach and hope that one fine day I would become what he so persistently tried to “blind” me into...

In this article we will show you one of the possible routes for a walk in the city center.

From Tukay Square it is a stone's throw to the most popular attractions. Here is another pedestrian street, no less interesting - from here you can go straight. In general, just as all roads led to Rome, here all roads lead to Tukay Square.

Previously, next to the square there was Ending station trams, and in order to turn around and go back along their route, they made a circle and went back. This is where the name “ring” comes from. In addition, there is the shopping and entertainment complex “Ring” of the same name - the ugliest building, according to the residents of Kazan. Petitions have been created more than once in support of the demolition or reconstruction of the building.

On the hill you can see the monument Mullanur Vakhitov - Tatar revolutionary and public figure.

Interestingly, in Kazan there is a square of the same name - Vakhitov Square. However, the monument does not stand there, but it stands on Tukay Square. There were rumors at one time that they wanted to move the monument to “their” square and build a luxurious library on the site of the hill. Although, in all likelihood, this will remain a rumor.

Nearby is the building of the Institute of Economics and Finance of KFU. It was founded in 1931, and celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2011. In the same year, he ceased to be independent and entered the institutes. The building has several entrances, but only the main one, consisting of 82 steps, is open to students.

There is a building on the same square Pension Fund, which was built on the site of a former fish market. When they were digging a pit for the foundation, a large layer of fish scales was dug out. And literally 200-400 years ago there was a lake on the site of Tukay Square.

Shopping and entertainment complex called "Ring". By the way, his form is appropriate. There is a large ring on the facade of the building.

There is also a monument here Lev Gumilev, who is very respected among Tatar people. Initially they wanted to build a monument to Peter I here, because... this is the very beginning of Petersburgskaya street, and it would be logical to erect a monument to the founder northern capital, but the social movements of Tatarstan were against it. And so it happened that to this day, there is a bust of the great writer, who made a great contribution to the study of the Turkic (and not only) peoples.

Next is the park named after Gabdulla Tukay. This is a famous Tatar poet. If Pushkin is the greatest national poet for the Russian people, then for the Tatars it is Gabdulla Tukai.

In the photo below is the Tatar State Academic Theater named after Galiaskar Kamal, which is now located on Lake Kaban. The Tatar Theater has a rich history:

Already in early XIX century, the first Tatar amateur theater troupes appeared, which staged performances based on plays by Russian and foreign playwrights. The first Tatar play “Bichara kyz” (“Unhappy Girl”) was written in 1886 by Gabdrakhman Ilyasi (1856-1895). The emergence of professional Tatar theater is associated with the Tatar Academic Theater named after Galiaskar Kamal. The birthday of the TGAT named after Kamal is considered to be December 22, 1906, since it was on this day that the first public performance in the Tatar language took place. The first professional Tatar troupe, which became the embryo of TGAT, was “Sayar” (“wanderer”, “traveler”).

Official website of the Kamala Theater, where you can see the repertoire:

Opens from the area in front of the theater beautiful view to the lake. In the summer there are fountains that are illuminated at night and plays from horns. classical music. Here you can rent a boat with a tour of Lake Kaban or a simple catamaran. From the river you can see the entire Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda and Marcel Salimzhanov Street.

In addition to entertainment and good music, there is a sculpture of the heroes of Tukay’s fairy tale - “Shurale”. Here brief retelling fairy tales:

A young horseman from the village of Kyrlay goes into the forest in the evening to get firewood, where he is met by a shurale. Shurale is going to tickle the horseman to death, but he saves himself by cunning. He asks Shurale to help him break the wedge on the log before Shurale kills him. Not suspecting a catch, Shurale agrees and opens the gap with his hands. Then the horseman takes out a wedge, and the log forcefully squeezes Shurala’s fingers.

Against Kamala Theater There is an institute of philology, which is now also part of KFU. In front of the institute building there is a monument to the national Tatar composer Salikh Saidashev. It is his music that plays at the Kazan station when the Tatarstan train departs and arrives.

And this is now decorative, but in the past it was full-flowing and commercial. Previously, goods were delivered through Bulak along the Volga - Kazanka - Bulak route. And along the banks there were warehouses of industrialists and traders.

From this place you can continue your walk and walk along Bulak and explore all the bridges. If you reach the end, you will see the Kremlin and the Circus building.