Lesson excursion to the museum. Lesson summary on the topic "Sightseeing tour to the local history school museum "Search""

Abstract of the GCD "Excursion to the Clock Museum" according to educational field"Cognitive development" in senior group

Goal: familiarization with the variety of clock mechanisms and ways of using them in human life.


1. Introduce children to the history of watches; different types of watches (pocket, wrist, alarm clocks, wall, sand, electronic);

2. Introduce children to the dial and two hands - minute and hour;

3. Fix the names of the parts of the day by type of activity and the position of the sun in the sky.


1.Develop logical thinking;

2.Develop cognitive interest in the past and future of watches.


1. Develop the ability and ability to take care of your personal time and the time of others.

Preliminary work: getting to know watches, reading encyclopedias, didactic game"What time is it now?" working with cards, learning poetry.

Equipment: a mini-museum of clocks was created by a group of parents, which contains clocks of various shapes and sizes (wall clocks, wrist clocks, alarm clocks, oil clocks, electronic clocks, floor clocks), pictures of clocks, pictures of activities and the position of the sun in the sky.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Hello, dear visitors!

Do you want to know a lot of interesting things?

Educator: Today we invited you to our mini-museum,

Make yourself comfortable as quickly as possible.

What will our conversation be about?

You will find out if you solve the riddle.

Day and night they go.
Never get tired.
They whisper monotonously to the beat:
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
The arrows look like mustaches.
They are called...

Educator: YES, today we will talk about watches. In our mini-Museum, together with our parents, we have collected various types of watches. What clock do you see?

Children: wall-mounted, wrist-mounted, electronic.

Educator: You are absolutely right. There's even an alarm clock. What is it for?

Children: To wake you up, show the time, so as not to be late, etc.

Educator: Cuckoo clock, sundial. Of course, without watches, people would be late for work, planes, trains, and would be lost in activities... Listen to N. Chuprov’s poem “The Clock”
The clock is knocking all night.
They are not silent for a minute!
I ask: “Watch, wait,
Don't bother me
Let me sleep some more
I don’t want to get up!”
And the clock answered: “Tick-tock,
Wake up, weirdo!
The night is somewhere far away
The sun is high in the sky,
A wonderful day awaits you,
Open your eyes, my friend!

Educator: And now I invite you to see what types of watches are collected in our mini-museum. Various watches are presented here. There are alarm clocks on the top shelf. Do you know what an alarm clock is? Probably each of you has alarm clocks at home. An alarm clock helps me a lot; it stands next to my bed and wakes me up for work every morning. Guys, raise your hands, who has alarm clocks at home? I am very glad that every home has an alarm clock. This is very useful thing. Guys, what do you think, what kind of alarm clocks should I buy, large or small? (Children's answers). I think those that a person likes.

Teacher, pointing to the wall: What clock should be here? LISTEN.

G. Tereshkova "Clock"

On the wall in the room watch,
They do not hang for beauty.
And to the rhythm of knocking: tick-tock, tick-tock.
Everyone is served symbol.
Day and night change outside the window.
The dawn is wonderful. And then
In humans all year round
It's time for the day's worries. (wall). What other types of clocks do you know? (sun clocks, sand clocks, floor clocks, etc.

Educator: Guys, what watch do you choose for yourself? (beautiful, large, practical, sandy) And of course, so that the owners like the bell and the arrows show right time. Look, all clocks have two hands. Guys, do you know what the big hand on a clock is called? (Children's answers) Correct It shows minutes and is called minute. Who knows what the little arrow is called? (children's answers). That's right. This hour hand. From it we find out how many hours it is. Guys, what do you think, which arrow moves faster, the small one or the big one? (Children's answers.) Well done, they answered everything correctly.

But now I want to tell you a little about the history of watches. What do you guys think, was there a time when there were no clocks? (Children's answers)

Educator: I agree with you, to the distant times were such times. In those days, people determined time by the sun. The sun rose and people woke up, the sun set and people went to bed. Guys, what do you think, when did people sleep longer - in winter or summer?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Correct. People slept less in the summer, because in the summer the night is short, and people have a lot of work in the fields and gardens. Therefore, they tried to sleep less and work more. No wonder they said a summer day feeds the year. And in winter people slept longer, why?

Children: Because the night is longer and the day is short. People rested more in the winter, and ate what they had prepared in the summer, and the animals were also fed with summer preparations.

Mustachioed Sun
Hid behind a piece of glass.
Moves his mustache, his name is...

Children: for hours.

Educator: Guys, what shape is our clock: (answers) what people did before, before there were clock mechanisms. You can tell time by the sun. When the sun shines, the trees cast shadows. Look at this picture. Here a shadow falls and in the old days a person used it to tell the time. Guys, do you know when the shadow is longer, in the morning, afternoon or evening?

(Children's answers)

Educator: When the sun rises or sets below the horizon, the shadow is longer, and during the day the shadow is shorter. When a person noticed the properties of the shadow, then he came up with a sundial. Look, in our museum there is a picture with such a clock. But these watches did not always help a person, since such watches only work in sunny weather. And the man came up with hourglass. Here they are, standing on the shelf. They happen different sizes. These ones are for three minutes, and these ones are for ten minutes. But this watch was not very convenient either, because it had to be turned over all the time.

Let us play while the sand falls, we will walk throughout our museum, and then sit down in our seats. Let's come to the cuckoo clock.

Physical education minute

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Who in the house can do this?

This is the pendulum in the clock

Beats every beat (tilts to the right, left).

And there is a cuckoo sitting in the clock,

She has her own hut (they sat down in a deep squat).

The bird will crow for time,

He will hide behind the door again (squats).

The arrows move in a circle,

Do not touch each other (rotate the body to the right).

You and I will turn around

Counterclockwise (Rotate the body to the right)

And the clock goes, goes, (walking in place),

Sometimes they suddenly lag behind (slowing down the pace of walking).

And sometimes they’re in a little hurry,

As if they want to run away (running in place).

If you don't start it,

Then they completely stand up (the children stop).

Educator: We walked for 2 minutes, and now we’ll rest and then talk about the clock. People decided to pour oil into their watches instead of sand and they got an oil watch; such a watch did not show the time accurately. And this, guys, is it good or bad when the clock does not show the exact time. (Children’s comments)

Educator: What can happen when we don’t know the exact time?

(Children's answers)

I. Shimko
I teach my watch to walk:
-You better not rush in the morning.
People really want to sleep,
And you: “It’s time to get up, get up!”
I'll sneak off to the beach -
Spin the tendril arrows,
Please slow down
So that the forelock and panties dry.
But when in the garden -
You run faster!
And then you'll look at you,
It's like you're sleeping.
What if they suddenly punish
For anything me -
Let the arrows flash like that
Like sparks of fire.
So that I leave the corner
As soon as possible
And I was able to do it with the guys
Have time to play hockey.

Educator: And now I will show you a very unusual clock - this is a flower clock. These are the most common fresh flowers. The buds of some of them open in the morning and close during the day, while others have flowers that open only at night and are always closed during the day. You can also tell the time from them.

Educator: Guys, in our wonderful built mini-museum there is a candle clock. Look, the divisions are marked here. The candle burns out, decreases in size, and by the divisions one could determine what time it is. Over time, man came up with a special mechanism, and various watches appeared. Now I will show you the most important clock in our country. Such a clock is located in Moscow on the Spasskaya Tower, we are all excitedly waiting for the hands to connect and everyone listens to the chimes.

Educator: Our museum presents different watches. And raise your hands, those who don’t have a clock at home. I don’t see a single hand because every person values ​​his time and tries to do everything in his own time. Shops, kindergartens and schools open during this time. Planes fly and ships sail according to schedule.

Educator: Let's check if you know all the clocks that are in our museum.

What is the name of the clock that hangs on the wall? (wall-mounted)

What is the name of the clock that stands on the table? (desktop)

What is the name of the watch that is worn on the wrist? (wrist)

What is the name of the clock that wakes us up in the morning? (alarm clock). By always waking up with an alarm clock, you will have time to do all the things you have planned.

Educator: Friends, but on this shelf there are Digital Watch. I also want to draw your attention to the wall where we have a cuckoo clock hanging. True, they are beautiful, but they are also accurate. They help us do everything on time and according to schedule. During this time, they will feed you, sit you down for classes, and take you for walks.

Listen to the poem by E. Cotillard, which is called "The Clock-Clock".

There are no clocks in the world!

And each has its own secret.

There is a clock on the floor,

Bass speaking: Bom, Bom, Bom.

For the whole house.

This is a street clock on a pole

Anyone you know?

They are very necessary here:

Giant arrows

Visible from afar.

And the walkers are in the hut!

Cuckoos live in them.

The window will open

The cuckoo will start "cuckoo", "cuckoo"

Like in a forest on a branch.

And you’ll set the alarm clock in the evening

And you will go to sleep peacefully.

The alarm clock will not forget to wake you up.

Educator: Now, guys, guess the riddles. Let's summarize, what interesting things did we learn, what new things did they give you?

1. We don’t sleep during the day,

We don't sleep at night

And day and night

Knock, knock (Clock)

2.Two sisters next to each other

They run lap after lap

Shorty - just once

The one above - every hour (Arrows)

3.On the hand and on the wall,

And on the tower above,

They walk, they walk at the same pace,

From sunrise to sunrise. (Watch)

I have little ones.

Their name is minutes.

If you put them together

You will know about me. (Hour)

Educator: Our excursion has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who visited our mini-museum of watches. What was interesting for you? What do you remember?

Everyone has been to the museum,

We learned a lot

And about the hands, about the minutes

We can't forget history.

See you soon in interesting place.

The song by E. Krylatov "SONG ABOUT BELLS" sounds

"The clock is striking on the old tower,

Continuing yesterday,

And the bells are ringing...

Objectives of the excursion to the local history museum:



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten "Ryabinushka"

"Welcome to the museum!"

Completed by the teacher

MADO DSKV "Ryabinushka"

Kipko-Kulaga S.G.

Pokachi 2015

"Welcome to the museum!"

(summary of the excursion to the local history museum)


  • introduce children to history hometown.
  • introduce children to the life of the indigenous peoples inhabiting our city.


Form an idea of ​​the local history museum; expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the history of their hometown;
- develop logical thinking, curiosity, ability to conduct comparative analysis;
- cultivate love for native land, respect for our ancestors, pride for the residents of the city.

Preliminary work:

Review of the album “The Land We Live In”

Preliminary group conversation

Educator :- Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? What is the name of which district? Which main city in District?

(Children's answers)

  • There are many cities in our district - Nefteyugansk, Surgut,

Pyt – Yakh, Langepas, Pokachi and others.

Educator: Today we will talk about our hometown, get acquainted with its history, find out how it came into being. For this purpose, we will go to the Museum of Local Lore.

Excursion progress:

How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

There are many different museums in the world.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, and other settlements.

- Today we will take a trip to local history museum our city.

A story about the history of the museum.

The local history museum of the city of Pokachi was created in 1994. This year the local history museum turned 20 years old. This is real Cultural Center cities.

More than five thousand people come to its halls every year. Guests of the year also visit the museum. The museum has interesting, unique exhibits that reflect the life of the Khanty people. Many exhibits are dedicated to the history of the city.

How many of you know what exposition is? (Exposition - display of art objects). The museum has many collections:

Collection "Ethnography". The museum contains interesting, significant exhibits telling about the life, way of life, and traditions of the Khanty people. The collection contains more than 400 items, part of which consists of objects made by indigenous people, taking into account national traditions and features.

Collection "Archaeological". The collection is represented by fragments of ceramic tableware, women's and men's bronze jewelry, and leather goods.

Collection "Photography". These are mainly photographs depicting the history of the construction of the city, the development of oil production, and are the main witness fundamental change cities, a link between time and generations.

Collection "Historical". The collection consists of objects from the 70-80s of our century, which help to recreate the life, culture, and lifestyle of the pioneer builders.

Collection "Natural". The collection is represented by animals and birds of our region: bear, fox, wolf, sable, mink, wading birds, upland game, birds of prey.

How should you behave in a museum?

What do you think we might see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, guide. I give the floor to the guide.

First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.

Who are the birds?

How do birds differ from other flying animals, such as bats?

How many birds do you know? (we name one at a time, one at a time).

Look around, which one is the best big bird you see?

And the smallest?

Guess the riddles.

a) Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again


b) Flies to the feeder,

Briskly pecks at the seeds,

And even before spring

Sings a song loudly.


How to distinguish a tit from a bullfinch?

Look at the birds and say which bird you see for the first time.

- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak is large or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat the sounds it hears and even words?

And what birds stay with us for the winter?

What do wintering birds eat?

Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and a body covered with hair.

Now let's get to know what animals live in our forest.

Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)

Do all animals have their own home?

Bear - ... in a den.

Fox - ... in the hole.

Hare - ... under a bush.

Squirrel - ... in a hollow.

And the wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow near a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw until spring.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it

Listen to the riddle and come to the answer.


Who lives in the deep forest,

Clumsy, clubfooted?

In summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Taller than a cat,

Lives in a hole in the forest,

Fluffy red tail -

We all know... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter?

Walking through the forest hungry?

He looks like a dog

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Rushes without looking back

Only the heels sparkle.

He rushes with all his might,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

All the animals are scared

He's saving himself under a bush,

Yes, the wolf gets into trouble. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less than a tiger, more than a cat,
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen build a house without an axe. (Beavers)


Now we offer to look at the ethnographic collection.

How did the Khanty live before?

What clothes do the Khanty wear?

What do the Khanty like to do?This concludes our excursion. Summarizing.

In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)

Who took us to the museum? (guide)

What did the tour guide talk about?

Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which?
- What were you introduced to there? (with everyday life, how they lived before people, what kind of clothes they wore, with folk crafts).

Guys, what did you like most about the museum?

Completed by the teacher
MADO DSKV "Ryabinushka"
Gorbunova A.G.

Pokachi 2014
"Welcome to the museum!"
(summary of the excursion to the local history museum)

Goal: creating conditions for the correction and development of cognitive activity
viability of pupils.
- form an idea of ​​the local history museum; expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the history of their hometown;
- develop logical thinking, curiosity, and the ability to conduct comparative analysis;
- cultivate love for our native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the residents of the city.

Excursion progress:

How many of you have been to the museum?
- What does the word “museum” mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.
There are many different museums in the world.
- What types of museums are there?
(military, historical, applied arts, local history)
What is local history?
Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, and other settlements.

Today we will take a trip to the local history museum of our city.

A story about the history of the museum.
The local history museum of the city of Pokachi was created in 1994. This year the local history museum turned 20 years old. This is a real cultural center of the city.
More than five thousand people come to its halls every year. Guests of the year also visit the museum. The museum has interesting, unique exhibits that reflect the life of the Khanty people. Many exhibits are dedicated to the history of the city.
- How many of you know what an exposition is? (Exhibition - display of objects of art). The museum has many collections:
Collection "Ethnography". The museum contains interesting, significant exhibits telling about the life, way of life, and traditions of the Khanty people. The collection includes more than 400 storage units, part of which consists of items made by indigenous people, taking into account national traditions and characteristics.
Collection "Archaeological". The collection is represented by fragments of ceramic tableware, women's and men's bronze jewelry, and leather goods.
Collection "Photography". Basically, these are photographs that reflect the history of the construction of the city, the development of oil production, and are the main witness to the radical change of the city, a connecting link between time and generations.
Collection "Historical". The collection consists of objects from the 70-80s of our century, which help to recreate the life, culture, and lifestyle of the pioneer builders.
Collection "Natural". The collection is represented by animals and birds of our region: bear, fox, wolf, sable, mink, wading birds, upland game, birds of prey.

How should you behave in a museum?
- What do you think we can see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, guide. I give the floor to the guide.
First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.
- Who are the birds?
- How do birds differ from other flying animals, for example, from bats.
- How many birds do you know? (we name one at a time, one at a time).
- Look around, what is the biggest bird you see?
- And the smallest one?

Guess the riddles.
a) Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again

b) Flies to the feeder,
Briskly pecks at the seeds,
And even before spring
Sings a song loudly.

How to distinguish a tit from a bullfinch?
- Look at the birds and say which bird you see for the first time.
- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak is large or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat the sounds it hears and even words?
- What birds stay with us for the winter?
- What do wintering birds eat?
Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and a body covered with hair.
- Now let's get to know what animals live in our forest.
- Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)
- Do all animals have their own home?
Bear - ... in a den.
Fox - ... in the hole.
Hare - ... under a bush.
Squirrel - ... in a hollow.
And the wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deep forest
There is a hole - a reliable home.
Snowstorms are not scary in winter
A squirrel in a hollow near a spruce tree.
A prickly hedgehog under the bushes
Rakes leaves into a pile.
A clubfoot sleeps in a den,
He sucks his paw until spring.
Everyone has their own home
Everyone is warm and comfortable in it

Listen to the riddle and come to the answer.

Who lives in the deep forest,
Clumsy, clubfooted?
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Taller than a cat,
Lives in a hole in the forest,
Fluffy red tail -
We all know... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter?
Walking through the forest hungry?
He looks like a dog
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Rushes without looking back
Only the heels sparkle.
He rushes with all his might,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
All the animals are scared
He's saving himself under a bush,
Yes, the wolf gets into trouble. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen build a house without an axe. (Beavers)
Now we offer to look at the ethnographic collection.
- How did the Khanty live before?
-What clothes do the Khanty wear?
- What do the Khanty like to do?

This concludes our excursion. Summarizing.
- In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)
-Who took us to the museum? (guide)
- What did the guide talk about?
- Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which?
- What were you introduced to there? (with everyday life, how people lived before, what clothes they wore, with folk crafts).
- Guys, what did you like most about the museum?

Developed by: teacher E.A. Alexandrina

Program content:

1. To deepen children’s knowledge about the genre of painting - portraiture. Continue teaching children to describe landscapes and portraits, following a certain sequence. Develop children's speech.

2.Develop acting skills children. Facial expressions, gestures, use objects to express your feelings.

3. To consolidate knowledge of the genres of painting: portrait, still life, landscape. Practice putting them together from parts.

4.To consolidate children’s knowledge about museum workers.

5.Evoke an emotional response in children. Lead to the idea that a person is called an adult not because he tall, but because he knows a lot and can tell others.

Preliminary work:

Classes, conversations about museums and paintings.

Visit Exhibition hall with kids.

Sketches aimed at developing acting skills.

reproductions of paintings, “Living Frame”, didactic game “Artist”.

Progress of the lesson:

1 part.

Educator. The guys invited us to the museum. What is a museum?
Children's answers.
Today we will go to the Museum of Fine Arts.
Children "go" to the museum.

Educator. Look, there is a lock on the door, and the keys are strange. Yes, these are not keys at all, but a task. If we deal with him, the castle will open.
Listen carefully.
-What's happened fine Arts?
-Who is a tour guide?
- How famous Art Gallery be in Moscow?

Children's answers.

Educator. The lock has opened and we can enter. For some reason no one is visible. See note to us.
Reads the note: “Dear guys. I apologize to you, but all the museum workers left for new picture».
What to do? Do you want to be an adult? I suggest you replace the tour guides. Look carefully to see what you can tell about this picture.

Child. This picture was painted by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. It's called "Three Heroes". To be in Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. The painting depicts heroes. They sit on their heroic horses and guard the Russian land.
On foreground The paintings depict heroes. Ilya Muromets. He's with a spear. A mace hangs on his heroic hand. And with the other he holds a shield. Ilya Muromets is strong, wise, brave. The hero's black horse is as strong as its owner.
Nearby is Dobrynya Nikitich on a white horse. He is fast, brave, noble. Dobrynya is armed with a sword, which he pulled out of its sheath.
On the other hand, the youngest hero is Alyosha Popovich. Cunning, brave, kind and brave. He can sing and fight.
Behind the backs of the heroes in the background, the vast expanses of the Russian land are visible; forests, fields, steppes.
The artist used dark colors that cause anxiety and wariness.
I like this picture because it depicts the defenders of the Motherland....

Educator. Did you like the picture?
Reviews from children.

Child. The painting is called “Winter Sorceress”. It was written by the artist Yuon.
This is a winter landscape. Winter is the best favorite time year of the artist. In the foreground of the picture there is a village, a river, and trees along the banks. Winter has decorated everything around. She waved her sleeve and flew to the ground silver snowflakes. She waved another and froze the rivers.
You can see boys skating on the ice. They are having a lot of fun, they are glad that winter has come. The adults are busy with their own affairs, but it is clear that they were also waiting for winter.
In the background you can see houses, a forest, and a church. Winter has graced them too.
The artist used light colors. Yuon showed the beauty of snow; it is silvery, soft, fluffy, kind, fabulous.
I like this picture because it is magical. And winter is my favorite season.

Part 2.
Educator. Take a look and tell me what is unusual in this room? This room contains only portraits. What is a portrait?

Children's answers.

A portrait is an image not of an invented person, but of someone who really lives or has lived on earth. What kind of portrait is there depending on the gender of the person depicted in it? That's right, men's, women's, children's.

What kind of portrait is there depending on how many people are depicted in the portrait? Yes, singles, doubles, group. Let's see what portraits are exhibited in this room.

Children's stories:
- This is a child's, single portrait. It depicts a girl. She's wearing pink dress. She has dark hair. The girl lies on the pillow. She has sad eyes. She is ill.

This is a male, single portrait. It shows a man wearing clothes that have been worn for a long time. He has a sly expression on his face, smiles a little, is brave, proud.

This is a couple portrait. It depicts a mother and baby. She is dressed in long wide dress. Her face is thoughtful, affectionate, gentle, kind. She thinks about the baby. The baby holds an apple in one hand and bread in the other. He is very warm and comfortable next to his mother. The child is curious and calm.

This is a female, single portrait of a Mordovian girl. She is dressed in a white jacket and a motley, multi-colored scarf and apron. She is sitting. There are beads on my knees. The girl is in a cheerful, festive mood.

Educator. You spoke very well about portraits. And I want to draw your attention to the background behind the heroes of the paintings, i.e. to the background. It turns out that if we look carefully, we will see that in portraits artists use small elements, pieces, fragments of landscape and still life. In the portrait of the Madonna and Child, there is an apple tree in the background. And we know that nature is depicted in landscapes. This means that an element of landscape is used in this painting. And in the painting “Girl” there are beads on the girl’s lap. And he uses them in still life painting. It turns out that all genres of painting are friends, they are interconnected with each other. Portrait, still life, landscape complement each other and help the artist paint a picture more vividly and beautifully. For example, a girl’s beads create a more joyful mood and emphasize the state of celebration.

Educator. And now I invite you to play the game “Artist”.