Analysis of the excursion to the local history museum. "Welcome to the museum!" (summary of the excursion to the local history museum)

Methodology for organizing excursions for schoolchildren

Department of Educational Systems Development Management

Consultation for school museum directors

Methodology for organizing excursions for schoolchildren

Consultant: Aidarova Olesya Aleksandrovna, methodologist of the laboratory of museum pedagogy.

Keywords: excursion, school excursion, lesson excursion, extracurricular excursion, out-of-school excursion, excursion topic, excursion object, excursion text plan, exposition display.

Brief summary of consultation content

Consultation on methods for developing excursions for students in educational institutions. Forms and types of excursion activities within class and extracurricular activities. Methodology for developing and conducting excursions. Features of displaying exhibition objects.

Request for consultation

Teachers of educational institutions use excursions in their practice, using them as a form of additional educational element. In this regard, the question arises of how to make maximum use of the resources of a school museum or non-museum facility for the best assimilation of the subject by students.

Consultation text

The most accessible way to involve a school museum or non-museum object in the further education and upbringing of schoolchildren is an excursion.

In order to correctly imagine the possibilities of excursions for students, let's understand this concept.

As is commonly believed, excursion this– a collective inspection of a museum or non-museum object, carried out on a designated topic and a special route under the guidance of a specialist guide for educational and educational purposes.

At the same time, the author of the textbook “Pedagogy” V.A. Slastenin characterizes the excursion as: “A special educational lesson, transferred in accordance with a specific educational or educational purpose at an enterprise, to museums, to exhibitions, etc.”

Many museum experts note that excursion is a form of organizing the educational process aimed at mastering educational material, carried out outside the school, or using materials from the school museum.

Please note that such excursions are divided into two groups: school and extracurricular. Let's clarify the meaning of these two concepts, and so, this is a school trip– a form of educational work with a class or group of students, carried out for educational purposes when moving from object to object, at the choice of the teacher and on topics related to the programs.

School excursions have two types:

- lesson– carried out during school hours. Lesson excursions are included in the system of lessons on subjects, so the teacher plans the excursion in advance in his plan. In this regard, the teacher can independently create special conditions, the solution of which requires an excursion to the school museum or beyond. The excursion can also be included in subsequent lessons, following the thematic line.

The topics of lesson excursions can be: patriotic education of students, familiarity with the culture and nature of their native land, the literary and historical past of the locality, famous fellow countrymen, geographical and biological features of the area, production, etc.

- extracurricular– elective – conducted before or after class. The material discussed during extracurricular excursions can be an addition to the school course, or it can also contain abstract, developmental information.

Extracurricular excursions can be organized on the following topics: local history research, study of everyday life, features of festive preparations, rituals, etc.

As we see, in-class and out-of-class excursions have a common feature; their content is in one way or another connected with the curriculum of the corresponding school class. These excursions are conducted and organized by teachers of educational institutions in accordance with the work plan for their subject. It should be noted that, unlike ordinary excursions for children, school excursions provide that the teacher, at his discretion, can put the grade for the knowledge gained on the excursion in the class magazine.

Now let's turn to the concept out-of-school excursion. What are its features and specificity?

Extracurricular excursions are aimed at expanding the cultural horizons of children, educating them in the spirit of patriotism, love and respect for work, and provide a comprehensive harmonious education.

Objects of extracurricular excursions most often they become manufacturing and industrial enterprises, which professionally orients students; exits to open areas to get acquainted with nature, to a river, water utility, or grove; visiting historical places, architectural ensembles; historically famous buildings, etc.

We can consider a feature of an out-of-school excursion to be that exits are provided for children to observe each of the objects; the story in such excursions is briefer.

We must not forget that all excursions conducted for students must contain an element of relaxation - games, question - answer, etc.

A distinctive feature of excursions for children in comparison with excursions for adults is that general educational elements occupy a significant place in them, and for excursions organized for children there should be more cognitive and educational moments.

The teacher should give overview information, using excerpts from works of fiction, comparisons, poems, and interesting facts.

Let's figure out how to properly prepare a tour of your subject in order to make maximum use of the materials of the school museum, the specifics of the enterprise, the environment, the economic development of the territory, etc.

Let's start by looking at all the stages of preparing a school excursion.

Let's not forget that the success of the excursion largely depends on the preparation of the teacher and students. In the lesson preceding the excursion, the necessary connection is established with the content of the upcoming lesson, questions that will need to be solved during the upcoming excursion are proposed, and tasks for observations and collecting material can be distributed among its participants.

If the excursion goes beyond the scope of the school museum, you should first familiarize the children with the upcoming excursion route for better orientation on the area.

The teacher must clearly define to the students the objectives of the upcoming excursion. You cannot lead students along a route unknown to the teacher. A day or two before the excursion, you should visit the excursion site, outline the objects of display, choose stopping places, and more interesting moments of the museum excursion and other object. This will help the teacher choose methods of working with displaying objects, explaining production and natural processes. The teacher must also study the literature on the chosen topic in order to be knowledgeable about the issues raised. Such preliminary work will help conduct the excursion at a high level and in accordance with the planned plan.

The excursion preparation plan includes:

1. Determining the topic of the excursion.

The topic of the excursion should be carefully thought out and justified. The theme of the excursion is what is its basis, what the show and story is based on. The theme of the excursion also serves as a criterion for constructing the entire structure of the excursion.

The topics of the excursion can be: architecture of a settlement; creativity of local writers; life history of famous fellow countrymen; street history; ecology of the area; economic development, etc.

The topic that will be covered during the excursion lesson must be relevant and correspond to the lesson plan, which will help to better understand the subject.

2. After the topic of the excursion is approved, its purpose should be determined. It must be remembered that the main purpose of school excursions is an in-depth study of the school curriculum.

The purposes of the excursion may be:

● education of patriotism;

● international education;

● labor education;

● aesthetic education;

● environmental education;

● showing the achievement of a settlement in the country’s economy;

● showing the historical role of the settlement;

● acquaintance with the natural features of the region;

● broadening your horizons.

3. Then, after determining the purpose of the excursion, the excursion object is determined, which will be considered during the excursion and carry the main semantic load. The teacher needs to orient the students to the objects of display he has chosen.

The object must have bright, expressive characteristics that are interesting for tourists. What is an excursion object, you should understand this concept. Excursion object– is an object or historical (natural, mechanical) phenomenon that carries an information function.

You need to understand that the object on the tour is not only the external side, but also a specific room where historical events took place and real people acted.

The object of display is, first of all, a sign, a symbol of non-verbal communication that passes between different cultures and social strata of society.

Let's determine what can be the objects of the excursion:

● memorable places;

● buildings and structures;

● natural objects;

● production and industrial facilities;

● expositions of state museums, art galleries, permanent and temporary exhibitions;

● archaeological monuments – fortifications, temporary sites, settlement sites,

burial mounds, etc.

Note that in the excursion business there is a certain classification of excursion objects:

● by functionality: basic (serve to reveal the topic) and additional;

● by degree of preservation: completely preserved; which have survived to this day with significant changes; partially preserved; lost.

It is important to remember that the excursion compiled by the teacher should not be overloaded with display objects; one academic hour of the excursion should contain no more than 10 main display objects.

After determining the topic, task and objects of the excursion, we proceed to compiling the text of the excursion. For correct spelling excursion text you should adhere to a certain plan, which includes: introduction, main part, conclusion.

And so, let's move on to the introduction. The tour should begin with an introduction to the problem in the form of a story or conversation. Then the purpose of the excursion is explained and its main points are outlined to make the audience more interested. Administration should take 3-5 minutes.

Moving on to the excursion itself, you should make sure that it does not turn into a regular lesson or take on a lecture character; this is all another area of ​​educational activity.

During the excursion, you should show the object or objects that were planned for display, recreate a visual picture of a historical event that took place near these objects or the actions of historical persons associated with the selected objects. You can resort to the research method, it consists in students completing simple research tasks, the results of which confirm what the guide said. So, for example, on a botanical excursion you can practice the following tasks: count the number of internodes on a pine tree, which will allow you to approximately determine its age; Measure the length of the tree's shadow to determine its height. On a geological excursion, you can determine the hardness of minerals using pieces of glass that you took with you in advance; On a hydrological excursion, you can quickly and easily find out the speed of the river with the help of floats - fragments of branches, etc. On a production and economic excursion, schoolchildren, for example, calculate with interest how much of a particular type of product is produced in a certain time.

After presenting the main part of the excursion, we move on to the conclusion. In conclusion, a generalization is made of the new information that the students have learned, the teacher forms the main provisions, collects assignments (if they were given).

So, an excursion for schoolchildren should be prepared by the teacher in the following form:

Excursion name:







Results of the excursion.

Remember that showing should prevail over telling in a tour. Thus, the display of excursion objects is not a simple demonstration, it is the most visual analysis of visual information received by excursionists. A special feature of the display is the ability to discover those qualities of an object that are invisible at first glance at the object. It is advisable to begin the description of an object with external features, and then gradually move on to an analysis of its internal content.

The effectiveness of the excursion is influenced by a number of factors:

● methodology and technique;

● teacher knowledge;

● preparedness of participants to master the excursion material;

● conditions of the excursion.

The use of excursions in the educational process of educational institutions should take into account both the age and psychological characteristics of students. Preparedness of the group to perceive excursion material.

B.E. Raikov– Russian methodologist-biologist, a prominent teacher, gave basic advice on preparing an excursion for schoolchildren.

1. Remember that the excursion is not a walk, but an obligatory part of the training sessions.

2. Explore the place where you are leading the excursion.

3. Stick to the topic of the excursion, do not be distracted by random questions.

4. During the excursion, talk only about what can be shown.

5. Avoid long explanations.

6. Don’t leave the excursionists just as listeners, make them actively work.

7. Do not bombard tourists with many names: they will forget them.

8. Be able to show objects correctly and teach your listeners how to look correctly; they should be visible to everyone.

9. Don’t tire the tourists too much: they will stop listening to you.

10. Consolidate the excursion in memory by subsequent study of the material.

Based on all of the above, it follows that the excursion can be considered one of the most popular pedagogical methods in providing additional knowledge on subjects.

Thank you! Good luck!

I. Introduction
After a number of years, when attention to the education of the younger generation has weakened in our country, the question of the state’s youth policy, an important part of which is additional education, has again arisen. If children receive school education in the same amount, according to standards, then additional education is diverse, varied and multidirectional. Children choose what is close to their nature, what meets their needs, and satisfies their interests. And this is the value of additional education: it contributes to the implementation of the knowledge acquired by children at school, helps early self-determination, and makes it possible to live a full childhood, realizing oneself, solving socially significant problems.
An important element of additional education is the modern school museum - the center of museum-pedagogical work, one of the effective means of expanding the general educational horizons and special knowledge of students, developing in children scientific interests and professional inclinations, skills in socially useful activities. Only in a school museum can the idea of ​​co-creation between students, teachers and parents be consistently embodied and the principle “a museum for children, by children’s hands” implemented.
A necessary condition for the successful solution of these tasks, ideas and principles is skillful pedagogical leadership, the amateur nature of organizing a school museum, the creative attitude of children to their work, and necessarily knowledge of the basics of modern museology. It is the use of special principles that distinguishes the school museum from other forms of extracurricular work. Mastering the basics of museum work is the primary task of the head and asset of a school museum.
This program defines the main range of museological issues and offers them as a subject of special study for the museum’s assets.
The program is based on the principle of the unity and interconnection of all types of museum activities. Any member of the school museum staff must know the history and theory of museum affairs, have the skills and abilities to conduct exhibition, collecting, accounting and storage and cultural and educational work. The program provides for the study of these issues as a necessary condition for deepening and expanding both general museum and special excursion training for school museum assets.
II. Target
With the help of museum and pedagogical means, within the framework of this program, to create conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed and socially mobile personality, striving to master the moral, historical and cultural values ​​of their people.
To achieve this goal, we set tasks:
Through various forms and methods of museum-pedagogical work, to form in students such moral humanistic values ​​as love and respect for the Motherland, people, family, and team.
To develop historical consciousness in students, including in this concept such positions as awareness of oneself as a continuer of the work of ancestors, a keeper of the historical memory of one’s people, an understanding of the life and mentality of different eras, a sense of today as part of history.
Fostering museum culture and respect for historical monuments as part of a person’s general culture.
Help students develop adequate self-esteem when comparing themselves with previous generations.
Improving communication skills and culture of students; At the same time, it is advisable to use verbal and non-verbal methods of transmitting information and influencing the audience by organizing a system for training young guides.
Introducing students to fruitful ways and forms of spending free time, through involving them in culturally appropriate, leisure activities.

Without the participation of a wide range of students, the full program cannot be implemented. The work of the museum - lectures, excursions, competitions - is of interest to many schoolchildren to one degree or another. But the museum's assets should consist of those who are interested in the work itself in the museum. Some are attracted by scientific research work, others by design work, others by search work, etc. Therefore, the assets of the school museum are not some strictly limited group. It may increase or decrease during certain periods of the museum's operation. On average, the museum staff consists of 35 people and works in different directions: search, design, exhibition activities, etc.
In accordance with the type of work, members of the asset divided into groups:
search engine
collection and accounting of funds
If desired, children can take part in the work of different groups.
The coordination center for the work of the entire school museum team is the museum council, which consists of seven to nine people and is elected for a period of 1 year at a general meeting of the museum’s assets.
The composition of the museum council:
museum director
museum curator
4 - 6 of the most active members of the museum’s assets are groups of children, mostly of different ages and different levels of training, since students who have already completed the training course continue to work in the museum’s assets, helping the museum’s director.

The program and thematic plan involve conducting both theoretical and practical classes for 1 year in the amount of 216 hours. The program is designed to conduct classes with students in grades 7 - 9.
The program is expected to be implemented in the following areas museum asset work:
acquisition and accounting of funds, their storage
exhibition activities
search work
excursion - mass work
scientific and educational activities
The program pays great attention to the excursion preparation of the school museum’s assets, since guides constitute the most significant group and their activities are closely related to the museum’s exhibitions, search work and other activities.
This program includes material, the mastery of which helps to expand the general educational horizons and special knowledge of students, the formation of their scientific interests and professional abilities, and the skills of socially useful activities.
III. Program content
Recruitment for the school museum asset. Induction training. Getting to know the museum. Sightseeing tour.
Additional annual enrollment of students to the museum’s asset. Introductory briefing on safety precautions for working in a museum: behavior during work, rules of behavior on the street and when crossing the road, rules of behavior in public places and transport.
Tasks and content of the work of museologists, its features. Organization of classes.
Sections and significance of the museum, its fund. Sightseeing tour of the museum's exhibitions.
Practical lessons:
1. Preparation for the celebration of September 17, congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Hike to the Partizanskaya glade.
2. History of museum affairs
The beginning of collecting antiquities. Peter I and his Kunstkamera, Hermitage. Creation of large public museums. The emergence of domestic theory and methodology of museum affairs. The largest museums in the world, country, city.
Practical lessons: Acquaintance through literature, film materials and during excursions to museums of various profiles; conversation with an employee of the Bryansk Museum of Local Lore about the history of the museum, the formation of its collections; holding a quiz on the country's museums.
3. Fundamentals of the theory and organization of museum affairs
The social and scientific essence of the museum. Social functions of the museum.
Museum and local history. Monumental basis, objectivity and visibility in the museum. Thematic principle in exhibition, collecting and mass work. Unity and interconnection of all types of museum activities. Type and profile of the museum. Interaction between state museums and public ones. Regulations on the school museum.
Practical lessons: Getting to know the state museums of Bryansk and the State District Power Plant museum in
village B. Shores. Excursions around the exhibitions, meetings with museum staff.
4. The essence and specific features of the school museum
The school museum is the center of training and education at school. The content of the work of the school museum corresponds to the program requirements and the local history principle of education. School museum and other forms of extracurricular activities. Direct connection between the work of the museum and tourism and local history work at school. The amateur nature of organizing a school museum. Features of museum forms of work. Objectivity and visibility in the school museum. Variation of darkness and mobility of the exhibition. School Museum Profiles.
Practical lessons: Familiarity with the organization and content of tourism and local history work at school, with the organization, themes and main directions of work of the school museum.
5. Museum funds. Scientific organization of fund work.
Museum object as a source of scientific knowledge. Types and groups of museum objects. Museum objects and scientific auxiliary materials. Composition and structure of the museum's funds. Types of stock work. The study of funds as the basis for all areas of museum activity. Organization of stock work in the school museum.
Practical lessons: Studying documents about museum affairs and the fund, about the procedure for collecting, recording and storing museum objects; familiarization with the composition and structure of the school museum collections; familiarization with the techniques of identifying, classifying and systematizing museum objects.
6. Accounting and storage of funds
Inventory book, encryption, receiving and issuing items. Auxiliary files. Scientific definition and description of objects. Organization of storage. General requirements for the features of ensuring the safety of objects in exhibitions.
Practical lessons: Carrying out inventory, encryption and initial processing of the collected collection.
7. Search work
Objectives of the search work, connection with the profile and theme of the museum, with the content
tourism and local history work. Main forms: hikes, expeditions, correspondence, current acquisition. Preparation of search. Methodology for collecting and fixing materials. Formulation of the task. Requirements for organizing and conducting trips.
Practical lessons: Developing and conducting a search on a specific topic, a two-day trip.
8. Exhibition work
The ideological concept and thematic structure of the exhibition. The thematic-chronological method is the main method of constructing an exhibition. The role and place of authentic and scientific auxiliary materials. Explanatory texts. The procedure for creating an exhibition: study and selection of materials, drawing up a thematic and exhibition plan, development of an artistic design project, discussion and approval of the plan and project, production of equipment, texts, installation. Permanent exhibition and temporary exhibition. Exhibition of transport and its features.
Practical lessons: Analysis of the content, methods of construction, design of the exhibition in individual sections; development and construction of an exhibition on the topic of the search; creation of a parallel exhibition - moving.
9. School museum collections
Characteristics of city school museums, their direction and theme of work, location and origin.
Practical lessons: Excursions to museums of city schools, recordings.
10. Memorable dates of Russian military glory
Study the historical events associated with each date. Detailed
characteristics of each date.
Practical lessons: Newspaper release on each date.
11. Preparing a museum excursion
A. Basic principles of preparing and conducting excursions in the school museum.
Excursion as one of the forms of educational and cultural work.
Excursion and lecture. Excursion objects.
Principles of excursion methodology: purposefulness, thematic focus,
scientific character, logical and chronological sequence, accessibility,
clarity, specificity. Types and types of excursions. Theme development
excursions in accordance with the structure of the exhibition. Ways to use
excursions in educational and cultural-educational work at school. Order
preparing and conducting excursions to the school museum.
Practical lessons: Listening to the topics of excursions of different types; studying the topics of excursions in the school museum; listening to excursions on various topics; drawing up your own excursion standard.
b. Theme and purpose of the excursion
Topic and structure of content, excursion plan. Statement of the goal. Cognitive and educational functions of goal setting, its determining role in the development of an excursion.
Practical lessons: Distributing excursion topics among new members of the museum’s active staff and listening to them in the museum; drawing up a plan for each excursion.
V. Exploring the topic of the excursion
Compiling a bibliography on the topic of the excursion. The procedure for studying exhibits and literature. Selection and systematization of necessary information and facts. Working with records of memories, expedition diaries, letters. Checking the accuracy of this material. Detailed study of exhibits, identifying their history and content.
Practical lessons:(held in libraries, funds and museum expositions). Study, analysis of literature and sources on selected excursion topics; listening to stories from activist members about individual events and exhibits.
G. Selection of exhibits and route planning
Identification of subtopics and individual issues of the topic, their sequence and interrelation. Selection of exhibits. Selection criteria. Creation and design of an excursion.
Practical lessons: Final formulation, recording of the topic and purpose of the excursion; drawing up a thematic excursion plan; selection of exhibits; recording the excursion route, drawing a traffic schedule.
d. Working on the content of the excursion
Structure of the excursion. Its content, plan and procedure. The main part of the excursion. Working out the route. Proportionality of individual parts of content. Time tracking. Logical transitions, their variants. Systems of inferences and generalizations of excursions.
Practical lessons: Listening to a thematic excursion at the state museum; drawing up the introductory and final parts of the excursion; practicing the order of showing and telling the exhibits; formulation and recording of conclusions.
e. Excursion methods and techniques
Interaction of the method on excursions. The method of showing, a combination of showing and telling. Methods of comparison. Story method. Requirements for the language of tour guides. Acceptance of citations. Conversation method. The motor method and its limitations in excursions.
Practical lessons: Practicing at the exhibition the methodology of showing, telling, demonstrating, comparing, quoting, etc.; conducting a thematic excursion during the conversation.
and. Practicing and passing the excursion
Work at the exhibition to master the route, content and methods of conducting excursions. Definition and application of certain techniques. Record excursions.
Practical lessons: Individual and collective development of the route, content, methods and techniques of excursions; compilation of texts for excursions; listening and discussing excursions.
h. Improving excursions and the skills of guides
In-depth study of the topic. Listening to other guides of the same topic.
School for young guides. Competitions, reviewing excursions and preparing them with other guides.
Practical lessons: Introduction to the organization of the school for young guides. Finalization and improvement of excursions, drawing up conditions and programs for a competition for museum guides, questioning.
12. Memorable places of the city and village
The history of the city and village as a subject of museum study, objects of city excursion (memorable places), their classification. Monuments of history and culture. Features of the methodology for conducting city and village excursions. Route requirements. Demonstration techniques and methods of conducting excursions.
Practical lessons: Listening to 1 - 2 city excursions, discussion and analysis; preparing and conducting excursions around the city and village.
IV. Main directions and contents of activities
1. Fund work
Pay special attention to the reception, accounting and storage of museum funds: main and scientific auxiliary. Working with the inventory book.
2. Collection of funds
The acquisition of funds is closely connected with the themes of the departments of our museum and it must be carried out in different directions; work in libraries and archives, meetings and conversations, hikes, excursions and expeditions, cooperation with state museums, collectors and students.
3. Exhibition activities
The main emphasis is on creating temporary exhibitions, including those made in the classrooms and corridors of the school. Create short-term projects on which various teams of schoolchildren will work. Regularly organize exhibitions of temporary receipts and materials collected in search works. In permanent exhibitions, provide for the possibility of replacing material.
4. Excursion work
In this direction, it is planned to use both traditional forms (excursions and lectures) and new ones - competitions, participation in school and village events, museum festivals.
5. Working with the asset
Without the broad participation of the activists, it is impossible to create a museum or develop work in it. The process of active activity includes various forms of independent work: research, organizing and conducting hikes, establishing kits with public organizations, manufacturing equipment, and processing the collected material. Meetings of the museum's activists are held once every quarter. They plan new work and discuss the work done.
6. Activities related to relations with government, public organizations and the media.
This is achieved by the assistance council created at the school, which includes representatives of the village administration, patronage organizations, the veterans council, parents and school graduates.
The museum maintains correspondence with the country's archives and has a direct connection with the school and village radio centers.
7. Participation in the ASM of Bryansk
ASHM is the coordination center for the work of all school museums in Bryansk.
V. Conditions for the program
Implementation of the program is impossible without material and technical support. In recent years, the museum has acquired a television, video recorder, camera, camcorder, and audio recorder. Methodological and scientific literature, newspapers and magazines, and local history material play an important role in the work. The main and scientific auxiliary funds of the museum are sufficiently full to ensure the successful implementation of the program, but nevertheless the museum is still experiencing difficulties and needs real help, both financially, materially, and methodologically. To do this, it is necessary to involve the administration of the school and the village, the management of the Bryansk paper mill, the Bryansk state district power station, the Bryansk furniture factory, as well as the state museums of the city and the AShM in working with the museum.
There is a need to conduct a special course for museum managers.
VI. Students' knowledge and skills
During the implementation of the program, students gain knowledge and acquire certain skills.
Students should know:
history of museum affairs
foundations of the theory of museum organization
essence and features of the school museum
scientific organization of fund work
accounting and storage of funds
conducting search work
collections of city school museums
memorable dates of military glory of Russia
how to prepare a museum excursion
how to conduct a museum and city tour
Students should be able to:
work with literature, film materials, sources
conduct a conversation, conduct an interview
classify funds
properly maintain records and storage of funds
work with inventory book
search correctly
create small
Rizenko, Irina, Vladimirovna

Department of Educational Systems Development Management

Consultation for school museum directors

Methodology for organizing excursions for schoolchildren

Consultant: Aidarova Olesya Aleksandrovna, methodologist of the laboratory of museum pedagogy.

Keywords: excursion, school excursion, lesson excursion, extracurricular excursion, out-of-school excursion, excursion topic, excursion object, excursion text plan, exposition display.

Brief summary of consultation content

Consultation on methods for developing excursions for students in educational institutions. Forms and types of excursion activities within class and extracurricular activities. Methodology for developing and conducting excursions. Features of displaying exhibition objects.

Request for consultation

Teachers of educational institutions use excursions in their practice, using them as a form of additional educational element. In this regard, the question arises of how to make maximum use of the resources of a school museum or non-museum facility for the best assimilation of the subject by students.

Consultation text

The most accessible way to involve a school museum or non-museum object in the further education and upbringing of schoolchildren is an excursion.

In order to correctly imagine the possibilities of excursions for students, let's understand this concept.

As is commonly believed, excursion this– a collective inspection of a museum or non-museum object, carried out on a designated topic and a special route under the guidance of a specialist guide for educational and educational purposes.

At the same time, the author of the textbook “Pedagogy” V.A. Slastenin characterizes the excursion as: “A special educational lesson transferred in accordance with a specific educational or educational purpose at an enterprise, to museums, to exhibitions, etc.”

Many museum experts note that excursion is a form of organizing the educational process aimed at mastering educational material, carried out outside the school, or using materials from the school museum.

Please note that such excursions are divided into two groups: school and extracurricular. Let's clarify the meaning of these two concepts, and so, this is a school trip – a form of educational work with a class or group of students, carried out for educational purposes when moving from object to object, at the choice of the teacher and on topics related to the programs.

School excursions have two types:

lesson– carried out during school hours. Lesson excursions are included in the system of lessons on subjects, so the teacher plans the excursion in advance in his plan. In this regard, the teacher can independently create special conditions, the solution of which requires an excursion to the school museum or beyond. The excursion can also be included in subsequent lessons, following the thematic line.

The topics of lesson excursions can be: patriotic education of students, familiarity with the culture and nature of their native land, the literary and historical past of the locality, famous fellow countrymen, geographical and biological features of the area, production, etc.

- extracurricular– elective – conducted before or after class. The material discussed during extracurricular excursions can be an addition to the school course, or it can also contain abstract, developmental information.

Extracurricular excursions can be organized on the following topics: local history research, study of everyday life, features of festive preparations, rituals, etc.

As we see, in-class and out-of-class excursions have a common feature; their content is in one way or another connected with the curriculum of the corresponding school class. These excursions are conducted and organized by teachers of educational institutions in accordance with the work plan for their subject. It should be noted that, unlike ordinary excursions for children, school excursions provide that the teacher, at his discretion, can put the grade for the knowledge gained on the excursion in the class magazine.

Now let's turn to the concept out-of-school excursion. What are its features and specificity?

Extracurricular excursions are aimed at expanding the cultural horizons of children, educating them in the spirit of patriotism, love and respect for work, and provide a comprehensive harmonious education.

Objects of extracurricular excursions most often they become manufacturing and industrial enterprises, which professionally orients students; exits to open areas to get acquainted with nature, to a river, water utility, or grove; visiting historical places, architectural ensembles; historically famous buildings, etc.

Feature of an out-of-school excursion We can assume that there are exits for children to observe each of the objects; the story in such excursions is shorter.

We must not forget that all excursions conducted for students must contain an element of relaxation - games, question - answer, etc.

A distinctive feature of excursions for children in comparison with excursions for adults is that general educational elements occupy a significant place in them, and for excursions organized for children there should be more cognitive and educational moments.

The teacher should give overview information, using excerpts from works of fiction, comparisons, poems, and interesting facts.

Let's figure out how to properly prepare a tour of your subject in order to make maximum use of the materials of the school museum, the specifics of the enterprise, the environment, the economic development of the territory, etc.

Let's start by looking at all the stages of preparing a school excursion.

Let's not forget that the success of the excursion largely depends on the preparation of the teacher and students. In the lesson preceding the excursion, the necessary connection is established with the content of the upcoming lesson, questions that will need to be solved during the upcoming excursion are proposed, and tasks for observations and collecting material can be distributed among its participants.

If the excursion goes beyond the scope of the school museum, you should first familiarize the children with the upcoming excursion route for better orientation on the area.

The teacher must clearly define to the students the objectives of the upcoming excursion. You cannot lead students along a route unknown to the teacher. A day or two before the excursion, you should visit the excursion site, outline the objects of display, choose stopping places, and more interesting moments of the museum excursion and other object. This will help the teacher choose methods of working with displaying objects, explaining production and natural processes. The teacher must also study the literature on the chosen topic in order to be knowledgeable about the issues raised. Such preliminary work will help conduct the excursion at a high level and in accordance with the planned plan.

The excursion preparation plan includes:

1. Determining the topic of the excursion.

The topic of the excursion should be carefully thought out and justified. The theme of the excursion is what is its basis, what the show and story is based on. The theme of the excursion also serves as a criterion for constructing the entire structure of the excursion.

The topics of the excursion can be: architecture of a settlement; creativity of local writers; life history of famous fellow countrymen; street history; ecology of the area; economic development, etc.

The topic that will be covered during the excursion lesson must be relevant and correspond to the lesson plan, which will help to better understand the subject.

2. After the topic of the excursion is approved, its purpose should be determined. It must be remembered that the main purpose of school excursions is an in-depth study of the school curriculum.

The purposes of the excursion may be:

● education of patriotism;

● international education;

● labor education;

● aesthetic education;

● environmental education;

● showing the achievement of a settlement in the country’s economy;

● showing the historical role of the settlement;

● acquaintance with the natural features of the region;

● broadening your horizons.

3. Then, after determining the purpose of the excursion, the excursion object is determined, which will be considered during the excursion and carry the main semantic load. The teacher needs to orient the students to the objects of display he has chosen.

The object must have bright, expressive characteristics that are interesting for tourists. What is an excursion object, you should understand this concept. Excursion object– is an object or historical (natural, mechanical) phenomenon that carries an information function.

You need to understand that the object on the tour is not only the external side, but also a specific room where historical events took place and real people acted.

The object of display is, first of all, a sign, a symbol of non-verbal communication that passes between different cultures and social strata of society.

Let's determine what can be the objects of the excursion:

● memorable places;

● buildings and structures;

● natural objects;

● production and industrial facilities;

● expositions of state museums, art galleries, permanent and temporary exhibitions;

● archaeological monuments – fortifications, temporary sites, settlement sites,

burial mounds, etc.

Note that in the excursion business there is a certain classification of excursion objects:

● by functionality: basic (serve to reveal the topic) and additional;

● by degree of preservation: completely preserved; which have survived to this day with significant changes; partially preserved; lost.

It is important to remember that the excursion compiled by the teacher should not be overloaded with display objects; one academic hour of the excursion should contain no more than 10 main display objects.

After determining the topic, task and objects of the excursion, we proceed to compiling the text of the excursion. For correct spelling excursion text you should adhere to a specific plan, which includes: introduction, main part, conclusion.

And so, let's move on to the introduction. The tour should begin with an introduction to the problem in the form of a story or conversation. Then the purpose of the excursion is explained and its main points are outlined to make the audience more interested. Administration should take 3-5 minutes.

Moving on to the excursion itself, you should make sure that it does not turn into a regular lesson or take on a lecture character; this is all another area of ​​educational activity.

During the excursion, you should show the object or objects that were planned for display, recreate a visual picture of a historical event that took place near these objects or the actions of historical persons associated with the selected objects. You can resort to acceptance of research, it consists of students completing simple research tasks, the results of which confirm what the guide has said. So, for example, on a botanical excursion you can practice the following tasks: count the number of internodes on a pine tree, which will allow you to approximately determine its age; Measure the length of the tree's shadow to determine its height. On a geological excursion, you can determine the hardness of minerals using pieces of glass that you took with you in advance; On a hydrological excursion, you can quickly and easily find out the speed of the river with the help of floats - fragments of branches, etc. On a production and economic excursion, schoolchildren, for example, calculate with interest how much of a particular type of product is produced in a certain time.

After presenting the main part of the excursion, we move on to the conclusion. In conclusion, a generalization is made of the new information that the students have learned, the teacher forms the main provisions, collects assignments (if they were given).

So, an excursion for schoolchildren should be prepared by the teacher in the following form:

Excursion name:







Results of the excursion.

Remember that showing should prevail over telling in a tour. Thus, the display of excursion objects is not a simple demonstration, it is the most visual analysis of visual information received by excursionists. A special feature of the display is the ability to discover those qualities of an object that are invisible at first glance at the object. It is advisable to begin the description of an object with external features, and then gradually move on to an analysis of its internal content.

The effectiveness of the excursion is influenced by a number of factors:

● methodology and technique;

● teacher knowledge;

● preparedness of participants to master the excursion material;

● conditions of the excursion.

The use of excursions in the educational process of educational institutions should take into account both the age and psychological characteristics of students. Preparedness of the group to perceive excursion material.

B.E. Raikov– Russian methodologist-biologist, a prominent teacher, gave basic advice on preparing an excursion for schoolchildren.

1. Remember that the excursion is not a walk, but an obligatory part of the training sessions.

2. Explore the place where you are leading the excursion.

3. Stick to the topic of the excursion, do not be distracted by random questions.

4. During the excursion, talk only about what can be shown.

5. Avoid long explanations.

6. Don’t leave the excursionists just as listeners, make them actively work.

7. Do not bombard tourists with many names: they will forget them.

8. Be able to show objects correctly and teach your listeners how to look correctly; they should be visible to everyone.

9. Don’t tire the tourists too much: they will stop listening to you.

10. Consolidate the excursion in memory by subsequent study of the material.

Based on all of the above, it follows that the excursion can be considered one of the most popular pedagogical methods in providing additional knowledge on subjects.

Many museum experts note that excursion is a form of organizing the educational process aimed at mastering educational material, carried out outside the school, or using materials from the school museum.

Please note that such excursions are divided into two groups: school and extracurricular. Let's clarify the meaning of these two concepts, and so, this is a school trip – a form of educational work with a class or group of students, carried out for educational purposes when moving from object to object, at the choice of the teacher and on topics related to the programs.

School excursions have two types:

- lesson– carried out during school hours. Lesson excursions are included in the system of lessons on subjects, so the teacher plans the excursion in advance in his plan. In this regard, the teacher can independently create special conditions, the solution of which requires an excursion to the school museum or beyond. The excursion can also be included in subsequent lessons, following the thematic line.

The topics of lesson excursions can be: patriotic education of students, familiarity with the culture and nature of their native land, the literary and historical past of the locality, famous fellow countrymen, geographical and biological features of the area, production, etc.

- extracurricular– elective – conducted before or after class. The material discussed during extracurricular excursions can be an addition to the school course, or it can also contain abstract, developmental information.

Extracurricular excursions can be organized on the following topics: local history research, study of everyday life, features of festive preparations, rituals, etc.

As we see, in-class and out-of-class excursions have a common feature; their content is in one way or another connected with the curriculum of the corresponding school class. These excursions are conducted and organized by teachers of educational institutions in accordance with the work plan for their subject. It should be noted that, unlike ordinary excursions for children, school excursions provide that the teacher, at his discretion, can put the grade for the knowledge gained on the excursion in the class magazine.

Now let's turn to the concept out-of-school excursion. What are its features and specificity?

Extracurricular excursions are aimed at expanding the cultural horizons of children, educating them in the spirit of patriotism, love and respect for work, and provide a comprehensive harmonious education.

Objects of extracurricular excursions most often they become manufacturing and industrial enterprises, which professionally orients students; exits to open areas to get acquainted with nature, to a river, water utility, or grove; visiting historical places, architectural ensembles; historically famous buildings, etc.

Feature of an out-of-school excursion We can assume that there are exits for children to observe each of the objects; the story in such excursions is shorter.

We must not forget that all excursions conducted for students must contain an element of relaxation - games, question - answer, etc.

A distinctive feature of excursions for children in comparison with excursions for adults is that general educational elements occupy a significant place in them, and for excursions organized for children there should be more cognitive and educational moments.

The teacher should give overview information, using excerpts from works of fiction, comparisons, poems, and interesting facts.

Let's figure out how to properly prepare a tour of your subject in order to make maximum use of the materials of the school museum, the specifics of the enterprise, the environment, the economic development of the territory, etc.

Let's start by looking at all the stages of preparing a school excursion.

Let's not forget that the success of the excursion largely depends on the preparation of the teacher and students. In the lesson preceding the excursion, the necessary connection is established with the content of the upcoming lesson, questions that will need to be solved during the upcoming excursion are proposed, and tasks for observations and collecting material can be distributed among its participants.

If the excursion goes beyond the scope of the school museum, you should first familiarize the children with the upcoming excursion route for better orientation on the area.

The teacher must clearly define to the students the objectives of the upcoming excursion. You cannot lead students along a route unknown to the teacher. A day or two before the excursion, you should visit the excursion site, outline the objects of display, choose stopping places, and more interesting moments of the museum excursion and other object. This will help the teacher choose methods of working with displaying objects, explaining production and natural processes. The teacher must also study the literature on the chosen topic in order to be knowledgeable about the issues raised. Such preliminary work will help conduct the excursion at a high level and in accordance with the planned plan.

The excursion preparation plan includes:

1. Determining the topic of the excursion.

The topic of the excursion should be carefully thought out and justified. The theme of the excursion is what is its basis, what the show and story is based on. The theme of the excursion also serves as a criterion for constructing the entire structure of the excursion.

The topics of the excursion can be: architecture of a settlement; creativity of local writers; life history of famous fellow countrymen; street history; ecology of the area; economic development, etc.

The topic that will be covered during the excursion lesson must be relevant and correspond to the lesson plan, which will help to better understand the subject.

2. After the topic of the excursion is approved, its purpose should be determined. It must be remembered that the main purpose of school excursions is an in-depth study of the school curriculum.

The purposes of the excursion may be:

● education of patriotism;

● international education;

● labor education;

● aesthetic education;

● environmental education;

● showing the achievement of a settlement in the country’s economy;

● showing the historical role of the settlement;

● acquaintance with the natural features of the region;

● broadening your horizons.

3. Then, after determining the purpose of the excursion, the excursion object is determined, which will be considered during the excursion and carry the main semantic load. The teacher needs to orient the students to the objects of display he has chosen.

The object must have bright, expressive characteristics that are interesting for tourists. What is an excursion object, you should understand this concept. Excursion object– is an object or historical (natural, mechanical) phenomenon that carries an information function.

You need to understand that the object on the tour is not only the external side, but also a specific room where historical events took place and real people acted.

The object of display is, first of all, a sign, a symbol of non-verbal communication that passes between different cultures and social strata of society.

Let's determine what can be the objects of the excursion:

● memorable places;

● buildings and structures;

● natural objects;

● production and industrial facilities;

● expositions of state museums, art galleries, permanent and temporary exhibitions;

● archaeological monuments – fortifications, temporary sites, settlement sites,

burial mounds, etc.

Note that in the excursion business there is a certain classification of excursion objects:

● by functionality: basic (serve to reveal the topic) and additional;

● by degree of preservation: completely preserved; which have survived to this day with significant changes; partially preserved; lost.

It is important to remember that the excursion compiled by the teacher should not be overloaded with display objects; one academic hour of the excursion should contain no more than 10 main display objects.

After determining the topic, task and objects of the excursion, we proceed to compiling the text of the excursion. For correct spelling excursion text you should adhere to a specific plan, which includes: introduction, main part, conclusion.

And so, let's move on to the introduction. The tour should begin with an introduction to the problem in the form of a story or conversation. Then the purpose of the excursion is explained and its main points are outlined to make the audience more interested. Administration should take 3-5 minutes.

Moving on to the excursion itself, you should make sure that it does not turn into a regular lesson or take on a lecture character; this is all another area of ​​educational activity.

During the excursion, you should show the object or objects that were planned for display, recreate a visual picture of a historical event that took place near these objects or the actions of historical persons associated with the selected objects. You can resort to acceptance of research, it consists of students completing simple research tasks, the results of which confirm what the guide has said. So, for example, on a botanical excursion you can practice the following tasks: count the number of internodes on a pine tree, which will allow you to approximately determine its age; Measure the length of the tree's shadow to determine its height. On a geological excursion, you can determine the hardness of minerals using pieces of glass that you took with you in advance; On a hydrological excursion, you can quickly and easily find out the speed of the river with the help of floats - fragments of branches, etc. On a production and economic excursion, schoolchildren, for example, calculate with interest how much of a particular type of product is produced in a certain time.

After presenting the main part of the excursion, we move on to the conclusion. In conclusion, a generalization is made of the new information that the students have learned, the teacher forms the main provisions, collects assignments (if they were given).

So, an excursion for schoolchildren should be prepared by the teacher in the following form:

Excursion name:







Results of the excursion.

Remember that showing should prevail over telling in a tour. Thus, the display of excursion objects is not a simple demonstration, it is the most visual analysis of visual information received by excursionists. A special feature of the display is the ability to discover those qualities of an object that are invisible at first glance at the object. It is advisable to begin the description of an object with external features, and then gradually move on to an analysis of its internal content.

The effectiveness of the excursion is influenced by a number of factors:

● methodology and technique;

● teacher knowledge;

● preparedness of participants to master the excursion material;

● conditions of the excursion.

The use of excursions in the educational process of educational institutions should take into account both the age and psychological characteristics of students. Preparedness of the group to perceive excursion material.

B.E. Raikov– Russian methodologist-biologist, a prominent teacher, gave basic advice on preparing an excursion for schoolchildren.

1. Remember that the excursion is not a walk, but an obligatory part of the training sessions.

2. Explore the place where you are leading the excursion.

3. Stick to the topic of the excursion, do not be distracted by random questions.

4. During the excursion, talk only about what can be shown.

5. Avoid long explanations.

6. Don’t leave the excursionists just as listeners, make them actively work.

7. Do not bombard tourists with many names: they will forget them.

8. Be able to show objects correctly and teach your listeners how to look correctly; they should be visible to everyone.

9. Don’t tire the tourists too much: they will stop listening to you.

10. Consolidate the excursion in memory by subsequent study of the material.

Based on all of the above, it follows that the excursion can be considered one of the most popular pedagogical methods in providing additional knowledge on subjects.

Thank you! Good luck!

I. Introduction
After a number of years, when attention to the education of the younger generation has weakened in our country, the question of the state’s youth policy, an important part of which is additional education, has again arisen. If children receive school education in the same amount, according to standards, then additional education is diverse, varied and multidirectional. Children choose what is close to their nature, what meets their needs, and satisfies their interests. And this is the value of additional education: it contributes to the implementation of the knowledge acquired by children at school, helps early self-determination, and makes it possible to live a full childhood, realizing oneself, solving socially significant problems.
An important element of additional education is the modern school museum - the center of museum-pedagogical work, one of the effective means of expanding the general educational horizons and special knowledge of students, developing in children scientific interests and professional inclinations, skills in socially useful activities. Only in a school museum can the idea of ​​co-creation between students, teachers and parents be consistently embodied and the principle “a museum for children, by children’s hands” implemented.
A necessary condition for the successful solution of these tasks, ideas and principles is skillful pedagogical leadership, the amateur nature of organizing a school museum, the creative attitude of children to their work, and necessarily knowledge of the basics of modern museology. It is the use of special principles that distinguishes the school museum from other forms of extracurricular work. Mastering the basics of museum work is the primary task of the head and asset of a school museum.
This program defines the main range of museological issues and offers them as a subject of special study for the museum’s assets.
The program is based on the principle of the unity and interconnection of all types of museum activities. Any member of the school museum staff must know the history and theory of museum affairs, have the skills and abilities to conduct exhibition, collecting, accounting and storage and cultural and educational work. The program provides for the study of these issues as a necessary condition for deepening and expanding both general museum and special excursion training for school museum assets.
II. Target
With the help of museum and pedagogical means, within the framework of this program, to create conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed and socially mobile personality, striving to master the moral, historical and cultural values ​​of their people.
To achieve this goal, we set tasks:
Through various forms and methods of museum-pedagogical work, to form in students such moral humanistic values ​​as love and respect for the Motherland, people, family, and team.
To develop historical consciousness in students, including in this concept such positions as awareness of oneself as a continuer of the work of ancestors, a keeper of the historical memory of one’s people, an understanding of the life and mentality of different eras, a sense of today as part of history.
Fostering museum culture and respect for historical monuments as part of a person’s general culture.
Help students develop adequate self-esteem when comparing themselves with previous generations.
Improving communication skills and culture of students; At the same time, it is advisable to use verbal and non-verbal methods of transmitting information and influencing the audience by organizing a system for training young guides.
Introducing students to fruitful ways and forms of spending free time, through involving them in culturally appropriate, leisure activities.

Without the participation of a wide range of students, the full program cannot be implemented. The work of the museum - lectures, excursions, competitions - is of interest to many schoolchildren to one degree or another. But the museum's assets should consist of those who are interested in the work itself in the museum. Some are attracted by scientific research work, others by design work, others by search work, etc. Therefore, the assets of the school museum are not some strictly limited group. It may increase or decrease during certain periods of the museum's operation. On average, the museum staff consists of 35 people and works in different directions: search, design, exhibition activities, etc.
In accordance with the type of work, members of the asset divided into groups:
search engine
collection and accounting of funds
If desired, children can take part in the work of different groups.
The coordination center for the work of the entire school museum team is the museum council, which consists of seven to nine people and is elected for a period of 1 year at a general meeting of the museum’s assets.
The composition of the museum council:
museum director
museum curator
4 - 6 of the most active members of the museum’s assets are groups of children, mostly of different ages and different levels of training, since students who have already completed the training course continue to work in the museum’s assets, helping the museum’s director.

The program and thematic plan involve conducting both theoretical and practical classes for 1 year in the amount of 216 hours. The program is designed to conduct classes with students in grades 7 - 9.
The program is expected to be implemented in the following areas museum asset work:
acquisition and accounting of funds, their storage
exhibition activities
search work
excursion - mass work
scientific and educational activities
The program pays great attention to the excursion preparation of the school museum’s assets, since guides constitute the most significant group and their activities are closely related to the museum’s exhibitions, search work and other activities.
This program includes material, the mastery of which helps to expand the general educational horizons and special knowledge of students, the formation of their scientific interests and professional abilities, and the skills of socially useful activities.
III. Program content
Recruitment for the school museum asset. Induction training. Getting to know the museum. Sightseeing tour.
Additional annual enrollment of students to the museum’s asset. Introductory briefing on safety precautions for working in a museum: behavior during work, rules of behavior on the street and when crossing the road, rules of behavior in public places and transport.
Tasks and content of the work of museologists, its features. Organization of classes.
Sections and significance of the museum, its fund. Sightseeing tour of the museum's exhibitions.
Practical lessons:
1. Preparing for the celebration of September 17, congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Hike to the Partizanskaya glade.
2. History of museum affairs
The beginning of collecting antiquities. Peter I and his Kunstkamera, Hermitage. Creation of large public museums. The emergence of domestic theory and methodology of museum affairs. The largest museums in the world, country, city.
Practical lessons: Acquaintance through literature, film materials and during excursions to museums of various profiles; conversation with an employee of the Bryansk Museum of Local Lore about the history of the museum, the formation of its collections; holding a quiz on the country's museums.
3. Fundamentals of the theory and organization of museum affairs
The social and scientific essence of the museum. Social functions of the museum.
Museum and local history. Monumental basis, objectivity and visibility in the museum. Thematic principle in exhibition, collecting and mass work. Unity and interconnection of all types of museum activities. Type and profile of the museum. Interaction between state museums and public ones. Regulations on the school museum.
Practical lessons: Getting to know the state museums of Bryansk and the State District Power Plant museum in
village B. Shores. Excursions around the exhibitions, meetings with museum staff.
4. The essence and specific features of the school museum
The school museum is the center of training and education at school. The content of the work of the school museum corresponds to the program requirements and the local history principle of education. School museum and other forms of extracurricular activities. Direct connection between the work of the museum and tourism and local history work at school. The amateur nature of organizing a school museum. Features of museum forms of work. Objectivity and visibility in the school museum. Variation of darkness and mobility of the exhibition. School Museum Profiles.
Practical lessons: Familiarity with the organization and content of tourism and local history work at school, with the organization, themes and main directions of work of the school museum.
5. Museum funds. Scientific organization of fund work.
Museum object as a source of scientific knowledge. Types and groups of museum objects. Museum objects and scientific auxiliary materials. Composition and structure of the museum's funds. Types of stock work. The study of funds as the basis for all areas of museum activity. Organization of stock work in the school museum.
Practical lessons: Studying documents about museum affairs and the fund, about the procedure for collecting, recording and storing museum objects; familiarization with the composition and structure of the school museum collections; familiarization with the techniques of identifying, classifying and systematizing museum objects.
6. Accounting and storage of funds
Inventory book, encryption, receiving and issuing items. Auxiliary files. Scientific definition and description of objects. Organization of storage. General requirements for the features of ensuring the safety of objects in exhibitions.
Practical lessons: Carrying out inventory, encryption and initial processing of the collected collection.
7. Search work
Objectives of the search work, connection with the profile and theme of the museum, with the content
tourism and local history work. Main forms: hikes, expeditions, correspondence, current acquisition. Preparation of search. Methodology for collecting and fixing materials. Formulation of the task. Requirements for organizing and conducting trips.
Practical lessons: Developing and conducting a search on a specific topic, a two-day trip.
8. Exhibition work
The ideological concept and thematic structure of the exhibition. The thematic-chronological method is the main method of constructing an exhibition. The role and place of authentic and scientific auxiliary materials. Explanatory texts. The procedure for creating an exhibition: study and selection of materials, drawing up a thematic and exhibition plan, development of an artistic design project, discussion and approval of the plan and project, production of equipment, texts, installation. Permanent exhibition and temporary exhibition. Exhibition of transport and its features.
Practical lessons: Analysis of the content, methods of construction, design of the exhibition in individual sections; development and construction of an exhibition on the topic of the search; creation of a parallel exhibition - moving.
9. School museum collections
Characteristics of city school museums, their direction and theme of work, location and origin.
Practical lessons: Excursions to museums of city schools, recordings.
10. Memorable dates of military glory of Russia
Study the historical events associated with each date. Detailed
characteristics of each date.
Practical lessons: Newspaper release on each date.
11. Preparing a museum excursion
A. Basic principles of preparing and conducting excursions in the school museum.
Excursion as one of the forms of educational and cultural work.
Excursion and lecture. Excursion objects.
Principles of excursion methodology: purposefulness, thematic focus,
scientific character, logical and chronological sequence, accessibility,
clarity, specificity. Types and types of excursions. Theme development
excursions in accordance with the structure of the exhibition. Ways to use
excursions in educational and cultural-educational work at school. Order
preparing and conducting excursions to the school museum.
Practical lessons: Listening to the topics of excursions of different types; studying the topics of excursions in the school museum; listening to excursions on various topics; drawing up your own excursion standard.
b. Theme and purpose of the excursion
Topic and structure of content, excursion plan. Statement of the goal. Cognitive and educational functions of goal setting, its determining role in the development of an excursion.
Practical lessons: Distributing excursion topics among new members of the museum’s active staff and listening to them in the museum; drawing up a plan for each excursion.
V. Exploring the topic of the excursion
Compiling a bibliography on the topic of the excursion. The procedure for studying exhibits and literature. Selection and systematization of necessary information and facts. Working with records of memories, expedition diaries, letters. Checking the accuracy of this material. Detailed study of exhibits, identifying their history and content.
Practical lessons:(held in libraries, funds and museum expositions). Study, analysis of literature and sources on selected excursion topics; listening to stories from activist members about individual events and exhibits.
G. Selection of exhibits and route planning
Identification of subtopics and individual issues of the topic, their sequence and interrelation. Selection of exhibits. Selection criteria. Creation and design of an excursion.
Practical lessons: Final formulation, recording of the topic and purpose of the excursion; drawing up a thematic excursion plan; selection of exhibits; recording the excursion route, drawing a traffic schedule.
d. Working on the content of the excursion
Structure of the excursion. Its content, plan and procedure. The main part of the excursion. Working out the route. Proportionality of individual parts of content. Time tracking. Logical transitions, their variants. Systems of inferences and generalizations of excursions.
Practical lessons: Listening to a thematic excursion at the state museum; drawing up the introductory and final parts of the excursion; practicing the order of showing and telling the exhibits; formulation and recording of conclusions.
e. Excursion methods and techniques
Interaction of the method on excursions. The method of showing, a combination of showing and telling. Methods of comparison. Story method. Requirements for the language of tour guides. Acceptance of citations. Conversation method. The motor method and its limitations in excursions.
Practical lessons: Practicing at the exhibition the methodology of showing, telling, demonstrating, comparing, quoting, etc.; conducting a thematic excursion during the conversation.
and. Practicing and passing the excursion
Work at the exhibition to master the route, content and methods of conducting excursions. Definition and application of certain techniques. Record excursions.
Practical lessons: Individual and collective development of the route, content, methods and techniques of excursions; compilation of texts for excursions; listening and discussing excursions.
h. Improving excursions and the skills of guides
In-depth study of the topic. Listening to other guides of the same topic.
School for young guides. Competitions, reviewing excursions and preparing them with other guides.
Practical lessons: Introduction to the organization of the school for young guides. Finalization and improvement of excursions, drawing up conditions and programs for a competition for museum guides, questioning.
12. Memorable places of the city and village
The history of the city and village as a subject of museum study, objects of city excursion (memorable places), their classification. Monuments of history and culture. Features of the methodology for conducting city and village excursions. Route requirements. Demonstration techniques and methods of conducting excursions.
Practical lessons: Listening to 1 - 2 city excursions, discussion and analysis; preparing and conducting excursions around the city and village.
IV. Main directions and contents of activities
1. Fund work
Pay special attention to the reception, accounting and storage of museum funds: main and scientific auxiliary. Working with the inventory book.
2. Collection of funds
The acquisition of funds is closely connected with the themes of the departments of our museum and it must be carried out in different directions; work in libraries and archives, meetings and conversations, hikes, excursions and expeditions, cooperation with state museums, collectors and students.
3. Exhibition activities
The main emphasis is on creating temporary exhibitions, including those made in the classrooms and corridors of the school. Create short-term projects on which various teams of schoolchildren will work. Regularly organize exhibitions of temporary receipts and materials collected in search works. In permanent exhibitions, provide for the possibility of replacing material.
4. Excursion work
In this direction, it is planned to use both traditional forms (excursions and lectures) and new ones - competitions, participation in school and village events, museum festivals.
5. Working with the asset
Without the broad participation of the activists, it is impossible to create a museum or develop work in it. The process of active activity includes various forms of independent work: research, organizing and conducting hikes, establishing kits with public organizations, manufacturing equipment, and processing the collected material. Meetings of the museum's activists are held once every quarter. They plan new work and discuss the work done.
6. Activities related to relations with government, public organizations and the media.
This is achieved by the assistance council created at the school, which includes representatives of the village administration, patronage organizations, the veterans council, parents and school graduates.
The museum maintains correspondence with the country's archives and has a direct connection with the school and village radio centers.
7. Participation in the ASM of Bryansk
ASHM is the coordination center for the work of all school museums in Bryansk.
V. Conditions for the program
Implementation of the program is impossible without material and technical support. In recent years, the museum has acquired a television, video recorder, camera, camcorder, and audio recorder. Methodological and scientific literature, newspapers and magazines, and local history material play an important role in the work. The main and scientific auxiliary funds of the museum are sufficiently full to ensure the successful implementation of the program, but nevertheless the museum is still experiencing difficulties and needs real help, both financially, materially, and methodologically. To do this, it is necessary to involve the administration of the school and the village, the management of the Bryansk paper mill, the Bryansk state district power station, the Bryansk furniture factory, as well as the state museums of the city and the AShM in working with the museum.
There is a need to conduct a special course for museum managers.
VI. Students' knowledge and skills
During the implementation of the program, students gain knowledge and acquire certain skills.
Students should know:
history of museum affairs
foundations of the theory of museum organization
essence and features of the school museum
scientific organization of fund work
accounting and storage of funds
conducting search work
collections of city school museums
memorable dates of military glory of Russia
how to prepare a museum excursion
how to conduct a museum and city tour
Students should be able to:
work with literature, film materials, sources
conduct a conversation, conduct an interview
classify funds
properly maintain records and storage of funds
work with inventory book
search correctly
create small exhibitions
conduct a tour, lecture
VII. Mechanism for evaluating the results obtained
At the end of each academic quarter, as well as at the beginning and end of the academic year, meetings of the museum’s activists and council are held, where not only the work is planned, but also the results of the work for a certain period are summed up. Every year, newly admitted members of the activist group take part in the city competition “Keepers of Russian Glory”. At the end of the school year, the museum competition “Best Museum Guide” is held.
The best museum guide takes part in the city tour guide competition.
The children compile the newly collected material in the albums “History of the School”, “From School to Science”, “They Studied at Our School and Glorify the Motherland with Work”, write abstracts on selected topics for district, city, regional and all-Russian competitions.
Excursions are regularly held for students of schools and colleges in Belye Berega and Bryansk.
The guys are participating in restoration and search work.
VIII. Literature
For the teacher:
Aleksandrov Yu. N. Preparation and conduct of excursions: Method, recommendations - M., Tourist, 1974
Museum studies. Textbook for universities. High School, 1988
Duyalsky D. Yu. “Museum collections and the objective world of culture” - M., 1987
Vansalova E. G. Museum comprehensive education: Recommendation method - M., 1988
For children:
Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play - M., 1972
State Hermitage Museum. Method, guide to excursions, 1979
Suslov V. A. Russian Museum - L, Sov. Artist, 1967
Bolshakova L. A. Tretyakov Gallery: A Brief Guide - M, 1976

Summary of a local history excursion to the museum.

Excursion topic: "Exploring Your Origins"

Excursion goals :

    Deepening, expanding and developing students’ knowledge about the history and culture of their native land.

    Formation of rules of conduct in the museum.

    Development of observation, memory, thinking

Equipment : notepads, pens, camera.

Preparing students for the excursion. Before the excursion, the teacher gives instructions on the rules of conduct in the museum, drawing attention to the fact that you should move silently, talk quietly and discuss. In order to get acquainted with any exhibit, you do not need to stand in front of other visitors.

Then the topic and purpose of the excursion are announced and a preliminary conversation is held on the following issues.

1. What is a museum? (Children's answers)

2. What can we see there? (Children's answers)

3. What types of museums are there? (Children's answers)

Excursion progress:

    Teacher's story.

Dear Guys! The village of Gayny is your native land. He has been familiar to you since early childhood. You grow up here, learn to be exemplary citizens of your country.

Gayny is a wonderful corner of the earth with uniquely beautiful nature.

And today I want to tell you in more detail about the emergence of our village of Gayny.

On the Kama River
Our village stands
Let him not be great
But everyone loves it.
He is our destiny
He is our homeland.
Go around the whole world
You won't find it more beautiful. (Myshkina A.)

Where do you think the name of the village - Gayny - came from? (Children's answers)

In troubled times 600 - 700 years ago, the name Gaina was born, after the Bashkir tribe Gaina, which temporarily captured the rich banks of the Kama River and the forest area.

The indigenous people themselves take a simpler approach to the formation of the name and associate the name with the word “gaino” - squirrel’s nest.

Exhibit "Peasant's Hut".

What do you think the Guyns looked like before? (Children's answers).

Huts with buildings made of round, chopped with an axe. The furnishings of the hut correspond to the lifestylepeasant family. Everything here is extremely modest, strictand expedient. The large stove was heated "black".Apart from this, all the equipment of the hut consists of a built-inframe of furniture. Benches stretch along three walls, restingon wide plank legs - stands. Above the benches underThe ceiling has shelves - shelf holders. They defended the bottomwalls and benches from soot. Above the low doors there are planksbeds on which children usually slept.

Exhibit “Clothing of Komi-Permyak residents.”

Clothes were made mainly from home-produced fabrics. Plain linen fabric was called canvas, and patterned checkered fabric was called motley. Among the northern Komi-Permyaks, bright colors were the most common.

Women's everyday clothing was sundresses. Initially, they were called dubas, since they used canvas painted by tanning - immersion in a solution of dye obtained from tree bark.

Men's and women's outerwear included shabur, ponitok, and zipun. They were worn over a shirt and sundress. Underwear and outerwear must have a belt. The simplest belts were woven and twisted. The costume of the Komi-Permyaks became original and colorful from the patterned belts - sashes, hems, vests. The patterns are based on a geometric pattern formed by straight lines, triangles, squares, rhombuses, which have Komi-Permyak and Russian names: sonan - comb, perna - cross, radz - strainer, katsha kok - magpie's leg, tupds - pancake, dzugan - putanka, ram sur - ram's horn, etc. Belts were the embodiment of the spiritual life of the people, embodied in the meaning of decorative patterns, in the custom of giving belts during a wedding.

They wore bast shoes on their feet. In winter, they wore woolen socks and put straw in their bast shoes. In the shop you could buy cats (shoes made of cow leather).

The main occupation of the Komi-Permyaks has long been:agriculture. They grew rye, barley, oats, and in the southern regions - wheat and millet.Livestockrepresented by the breeding of horses, cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens. Komi-Permyaks were skilled fishermen and hunters. The importance of gathering remains to this day. All Komi-Permyaks were engaged in trades and crafts.

    Inspection of exhibits, photographs, archives.

    Practical activity: photography


Is it important to know the history of your ancestors? (children's answers)

What were we talking about? (Children's answers)

Where have we been? What interesting things did you see? (Children's answers)

What was the original name of our village? (Children's answers)

Why was he called that? (Children's answers)

How old is the village? (Children's answers)

Study the Komi-Permyak patterns on clothes. Decorate this belt with a Komi-Permyak pattern.