“So what next? Parables You may also like these parables.

Christian wisdom

Who needs a temple that is driven into with sticks...

So what's next?

Christian parable

A young cheerful man came to his father and said:

Dad, rejoice with me, I entered the university. I'll be a lawyer! Finally I found my happiness!

“Very good, my son,” the father answered, “that means you want to study hard now.” So what then?

In four years I will defend my diploma with excellent marks and leave the university.

Then I will work as hard as I can to become an independent lawyer as soon as possible.

And then I will get married, start my own family, raise and educate children, help them study and get a good profession.

And then I will go on a well-deserved rest - I will rejoice in the happiness of my children and rest in a good old age.

What will happen next?

After? - the young man thought for a minute. - Yes, no one lives on this earth forever. Then I will probably need to die, like all people.

What then? - asked the old father. - Dear son, what will happen next? - the father said in a trembling voice.

The son thought even more and said uncertainly:

Thank you, father. I understand. I forgot the main thing...

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A young cheerful man came to his father and said:
- Father, rejoice with me, I entered the university. I'll be a lawyer! Finally I found my happiness!
“Very good, my son,” answered the father, “that means you want to study hard now.” So what then?
- In four years, I will defend my diploma with excellent marks and leave the university.
- And what next? - the father did not back down.
“Then I will work as hard as I can to become an independent lawyer as soon as possible.”
- So what is next?
- And then I will get married, start my own family, raise and educate children, help them study and get a good profession.
- So what is next?
- And then I will go to a well-deserved rest - I will rejoice in the happiness of my children and rest in a good old age.
- What will happen next?
“Then,” the young man thought for a minute. - Yes, no one lives on this earth forever. Then I will probably need to die, like all people.
- What then? - asked the old father. - Dear son, what will happen next? - the father said in a trembling voice.
The son thought even more and said:
- Thank you, father. I understand. I forgot the main thing.

One day, four rabbis were walking in the park and arguing about a biblical topic. It turned out that there were three rabbis against one. Then he alone began to pray fervently:
- God, I know I'm right! Please give some kind of sign to let these idiots know they are wrong!
Immediately the sky became cloudy and thunder struck: BOOM!!!
“You see,” the rabbi shouted, “God says I’m right!”
- No! - those three say, “it’s just a coincidence!”
The first rabbi extended his hands to the sky and said loudly:
- Dear God, please give me another sign! I beg you!
And then... BANG!!! ...lightning will strike a nearby tree!
- Look! See! I'm right!
Those three:
- So what! There is always lightning during a thunderstorm! Not proof!
Then that rabbi shouted with all his might:
- Lord, give these goats a more significant sign!
And then the clouds cleared, and a thunderous voice from heaven said:
Those three:
- So what?!! It still turns out to be two against three!
  
There is not a single essential evil: every being in itself is good, and evil as such - if you determine in whom it could be contained - there is no such thing in the world. It always exists in a good thing, just as sin in a person, and in a good thing it always occurs not by the nature of the thing, but by chance, by deviation from the essence, from the real order - such errors are evil... (Plato, Metropolitan of Moscow)

Before putting the pencil into the box, the pencil maker put it aside.
“There are five things you must know,” he said to the pencil, “before I send you out into the world.” Always remember them and never forget them, and you will become the best penciler you can be.
First, you can do many great things, but only if you allow someone to hold you in Their hand.
Second, you will experience painful sharpening from time to time, but it will be necessary to become a better penciler.
Third: you will be able to correct the mistakes you make.
Fourth: your most important part will always be within you.
And fifth: no matter what surface you are used on, you must always leave your mark. Regardless of your condition, you must continue to write.
Pencil understood and promised to remember this. He was placed in a box with a calling in his heart.

“You can learn by looking at any thing,” Rabbi Sadigorsky told his Hasidim, “everything in this world exists to instruct us.”

What does the railroad teach us, asked one Hasid doubtfully?

That if you are a moment late, you can miss everything.

What about the telegraph?

That every word counts.

What about the phone?

What we say here is heard there.

^ Christian parable

One priest copied the entire Old and New Testament on beautiful parchment, which cost eighteen gold coins. One day a certain brother came to him and, seeing the book, took it away. That same day the priest wanted to read from a book. Having discovered her disappearance, he realized that that brother had taken her, but did not send to ask him for fear that he would add a lie to the theft.
Meanwhile, the brother went to a neighboring city to sell the book and asked for sixteen gold coins for it. The buyer told him:
“Entrust me with the book so that I can find out if it is worth that kind of money,” and he brought the book to the priest from whom this book was stolen, with the words: “Father, look at this book and tell me whether, in your opinion, I should , buy it for sixteen gold coins? Is she worth the money?
The priest replied:
- Yes, this is a good book. She's worth the money.
The buyer went to his brother and told him:
- Here's your money. I showed the book to the priest. - Then I told which one. “He found it beautiful and thought it was worth at least sixteen coins.”
Brother asked:
- Is that all he told you? Did he add anything else?
“No,” answered the buyer, “not another word.”
“Okay,” said the brother, “I changed my mind.” I don't want to sell this book anymore.
And he hurried to the priest and begged with tears to take his book back. The priest refused with the words:
- Go in peace, brother, I give it to you.
But the brother replied:
- If you don't take her, I will never have peace.
When we act with wisdom, love and prayer, we will not only be able to return what was stolen from us, but we will also help other people not to sin even more, and even to repent of the evil they have committed.
^ Christian parable

God molded a man from clay, and he was left with an unused piece.
- What else do you need to make? - asked God.
“Make me happy,” the man asked.
God did not answer anything, and only placed the remaining piece of clay in the man’s palm...
^ Christian parable

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides. It seemed like there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.
- Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.
“If they remain on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins to ebb, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping what he was doing.
- But this is just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply littered with them. Your attempts will not change anything!
The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:
- No, my attempts will change a lot... for this star.
^ Christian parables

“I also have an olive tree, look,” answered the other monk. His tree has grown beautifully. “But I prayed differently. I told God that He is the Creator of this tree and knows best what is needed for it. I just asked God to take care of him, and He does.”

This also applies to us. We often ask for what we think we need. But only the Lord knows what we need. Trust Him completely!
^ Christian parables

One traveler sunk near the fry village, which was spread out between the fields. It was sealed in a small square, surrounded by a wooden raft. There were a lot of trees, birds and miracles there. The road walked between graves and light tombstones, which were scattered under the trees.
Having started reading the writings. On the first page there was: “Ian Taper, alive 8 years 2 years 3 days.” Such a small child is buried here...
The man read on the grave: “Denis Kalib, alive 5 years 8 months 3 years.” Another child...
Then I read the inscriptions on other graves. All were similar: nickname, report of the deceased person. Once upon a time there lived a child who suffered 11 fates... Podorozhny became very embarrassed. Sitting down and crying.
An old man, passing nearby, having given him a bath, having slept him, and mourning someone from his homeland.
“No, there are none of my relatives here,” the traveler said. - What’s going on in whose village? What the hell is going on here? What’s worse than the curse that hangs over the Meshkans, that the children themselves die?”
The old man smiled and said: “Calm down, be gentle. There is no thirsty curse. We’re just trying to achieve the old-fashioned name here. The one who turns 15 years old is taken away from my father’s notebook, like the one I have hanging around my neck. According to tradition, everyone who is experiencing the most intense and profound feelings opens the note and notes how it has been for a long time. I started to squirm... How long did it last for a long time? Today? Two? Three and a half? And then the emotions associated with the first kiss - how long did it last? To wash? Two days? A week? And love? What about valority and the people’s first place? Is the world more expensive? And the friend of the brother who returned from distant lands? joy for a long time What kind of days? Years? Days? So we write down the skin of the skin with happiness... the skin with happiness. When someone dies, after our call, we open our notebook, we count the hour when we feel truly happy, And this sum is written on his grave. It is important that there is no longer a real hour to live.

Don’t be limited by your dreams... Live!
Don’t hesitate to reach the tickers... Watch out!
Don't be fooled by the looks... Pobach!
Don't be fooled by the rumors... Smell it!
Don’t hesitate to say anything... Say it right!


There lived a man who did not believe in God and did not hesitate to tell everyone about his attitude towards religion and religious holidays. However, his wife believed in God and raised her children in the faith, despite her husband’s caustic attacks. One winter evening, the wife went with the children to a service at the local village church. There should have been a sermon about the Nativity of Christ. The wife asked her husband to go with them, but he refused.

“This whole story is nonsense! - he said. – Why did God suddenly need to humiliate Himself and appear on Earth in the form of a man? This is funny!
And so his wife and children left, and he stayed at home. A little later, a strong wind rose and a snowstorm began. The man looked out the window, but saw only a snowy whirlwind covering everything. He sat down in an armchair by the fireplace and planned to spend the whole evening like that. Suddenly he heard a loud bang: something hit the window. He went to the window, but could not see anything. When the snowstorm subsided a little, the man went outside to see what could have knocked like that.

In the field near the house he saw a flock of wild geese. Apparently, they were flying south for the winter, but got caught in a snowstorm and were unable to fly further. They got lost and found themselves near his farm without food or shelter. Flapping their wings, they flew in low circles over the field, blinded by the snow. Apparently, it was one of the geese who knocked on his window.
The man felt sorry for these poor geese, and he wanted to help them. He thought the barn would be a good place for them. It's warm and safe there, they could certainly spend the night there and wait out the snowstorm. He walked to the barn, opened its doors wide and waited, hoping that the geese would see them and come in.

But the geese only circled aimlessly and did not seem to notice the barn doors or did not understand what it was for. The man tried to attract their attention, but this only scared the geese away, and they flew further and further away. Then the man went into the house and returned with a piece of bread; he crumbled it, making a path out of bread crumbs leading to the barn. But the geese didn’t fall for that either.
He was already on the verge of despair. He came from behind and tried to drive them towards the barn, but the geese only became even more frightened and began to scatter in different directions, but not towards the barn. Nothing could force them to go to the barn, where they would be warm and safe.

“Why don’t the geese follow me? - the man exclaimed. “Don’t they see that only here they can survive such a storm?”
He thought for a while and realized that they simply did not want to follow the person. “If I were a goose, I could save them,” he said out loud. Then an idea came to his mind. He entered the barn, picked up one of his geese and carried it in his arms into the field, away from the circling wild geese.

Then he released his goose. The goose flew through the flock and returned straight to the barn - and one by one, all the other geese followed him to safety.
The man stood quietly for a minute, and suddenly the same words that he said a few minutes ago sounded in his head again: “If I were a goose, I could save them!” And then he remembered what he had told his wife a little earlier. “Why would God suddenly want to become like us? This is funny!

And suddenly everything became clear. That's just what God did. We were like those geese - blind, lost, perishing. God sent His Son to become like us so that He could show us the way and save us.
When the wind and blinding snow began to subside, his soul also calmed down and was pacified by this beautiful thought. Suddenly he understood why Christ had come. Years of doubt and disbelief disappeared along with the passing snowstorm. He fell to his knees in the snow and said his first prayer in his life:

“Thank You, Lord, for coming in the form of a man to lead me out of the storm!”

There were two angels in heaven. One always rested on a cloud, and the other flew from the earth to God.
The resting angel asked another:
- Why are you flying back and forth?
- I carry messages to God that begin - “God help...” Why do you always rest?
- I must carry messages to the Lord that begin - “Thank you, Lord...”

One person thought that his life was very difficult. And one day he went to God, told about his misfortunes and asked him:
- Can I choose a different cross for myself?
God looked at the man with a smile, led him into the storage room where there were crosses, and said:
- Choose.
A man entered the storage room, looked and was surprised: “There are so many crosses here - small, large, medium, heavy, and light.” The man walked around the storehouse for a long time, looking for the smallest and lightest cross, and finally found a small, small, light, light cross, approached God and said:
- God, can I have this one?
“It’s possible,” God answered. - This is your own.

A young cheerful man came to his father and said:

Father, rejoice with me, I entered the university. I'll be a lawyer! Finally I found my happiness!

“Very good, my son,” the father answered, “that means you want to study hard now.” So what then?

In four years I will defend my thesis with excellent marks and leave the university.

Then I will work as hard as I can to become an independent lawyer as soon as possible.

And then I will get married, start my own family, raise and educate children, help them study and get a good profession.

And then I will go on a well-deserved rest - I will rejoice in the happiness of my children and rest in a good old age.

What will happen next?

After? - the young man thought for a minute. - Yes, no one lives on this earth forever. Then I will probably need to die, like all people.

What then? - asked the old father. - Dear son, what will happen next? - the father said in a trembling voice.

The son thought even more and said:

Thank you, father. I understand. I forgot the main thing.

Parables of humanity Lavsky Viktor Vladimirovich

“So what next?”

A young cheerful man came to his father and said:

Father, rejoice with me, I entered the university. I'll be a lawyer! Finally I found my happiness!

“Very good, my son,” the father answered, “that means you want to study hard now.” So what then?

In four years I will defend my thesis with excellent marks and leave the university.

Then I will work as hard as I can to become an independent lawyer as soon as possible.

And then I will get married, start my own family, raise and educate children, help them study and get a good profession.

And then I will go on a well-deserved rest - I will rejoice in the happiness of my children and rest in a good old age.

What will happen next?

After? - the young man thought for a minute. - Yes, no one lives on this earth forever. Then I will probably need to die, like all people.

What then? - asked the old father. - Dear son, what will happen next? - the father said in a trembling voice.

The son thought even more and said uncertainly:

Thank you, father. I understand. I forgot the main thing...

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