Scenario of a journey to the land of books. Scenario of a literary game - travel “There on unknown paths”

Modern forms of public

works - 2 (K-Y)



Zucchini- theater of miniatures (playful performances) in a “mini cafe” setting or "zucchini".

Literary pun- an event dedicated to writers of the same name or different works with the same plot, different meanings of the same word (or two similar-sounding words) with the aim of making a comic impression.

Calendar– an event on any topic, repeating a certain calendar cycle in structure.

Kaleidoscope– an event built with a quick change of small forms of mass work (for example, a quiz, an informinutka, a blitz, a mini-scene, a mini-review, etc.).

Skitis a fun amateur performance with jokes, parodies, poems and songs on any topic.

Caravan- an event with repeated sequential changes in themes and images.

Caravan of impressions– an event on a specific topic, emphasizing a change in impressions.

Caravan of stories- an event consisting of the most interesting stories associated with famous people, historical places, traditions and events.

Caravan of books– an event dedicated to the presentation of several books, both on the same and on different topics. For example, a caravan of new products, a caravan of forgotten books.

Carnival- a holiday with processions, street masquerade, theatrical games, a costume party based on a literary script. Such holidays imply mass participation. In the library version there may be fewer participants, but everyone should have a place in the script. Important condition; all participants must wear costumes, otherwise the holiday loses its meaning.

Carnival of books– a costumed, theatrical event showcasing the best books.

Literary carnival– a carnival dedicated to books, literature, writers.

Literary cafe- specially organized entertainment on literary topics on one site, simulating a feast. Varieties: party, gatherings, salon, club, reception, assembly. This form assumes such attributes of a cafe as tables, dim lighting, refreshments, etc.

Discussion swing - dialogue-discussion, built on the imitation of a swinging swing; two partners swing the “swing” in alternating performances. Two groups of children, located opposite each other, become partners. The subject of discussion on the “discussion swing” can be everything that surrounds and occupies children. Situational issues, problematic topics, and conflicts can be discussed. Discussion see-saws may have pre-announced rules of behavior: the rule of one class, the rule of pluralism, the rule of delicacy, etc. After a question is proposed for discussion, participants from each group take turns expressing their opinions. Encouraging, correcting, directing, strengthening the children’s statements, the librarian maintains the progress and rhythm of the discussion swing until it seems to him that the children’s strength has been exhausted. At the end of the discussion, its results are summed up.

Club- a public organization that unites people for the purpose of communication on the basis of joint political, scientific, literary, artistic and other interests.

Readers' club based on interests- a form of organizing leisure time. There may be clubs for lovers of poetry, music, literature, clubs for bibliophiles, vegetable growers, flower growers, healthy lifestyle promoters, experts, etc. Librarians organize reading clubs and are obligatory participants in all their work (they determine the topics of the next meeting, select the necessary literature and audiovisual materials, prepare reviews, help the speakers). Sometimes classes are taught by specialists: museum employees, teachers of literature, music, agronomists, local writers and poets, etc. Types: a family reading club, a club for lovers of anything, a literary club, a club for experts, a discussion club, a video travel club.

Club of the cheerful and well-read- educational and entertaining team game-competition on literary topics. Usually two teams of teenagers of 10-15 people take part.

Book blind man's buff. The librarian invites children to take books home to read from a special selection: the books are wrapped in thick paper, and the reader does not see which book he chooses. For courage he receives a prize. When returning a book, it is recommended to talk with your child about what he read. This form of work allows us to revive readers’ interest in good, but undeservedly forgotten books.

A cocktail is an evening, but not too formal, event, usually with drinks and a buffet table, implying light, casual communication on light topics.

Collage– the event is a mixture of heterogeneous elements, a bright and expressive message from scraps of other texts.

Literary compass– a bibliographic game on any topic, dedicated to searching for any information, usually with practical tasks.

Composition - an event whose structure consists of a combination of any elements united by a common plan, idea and forming a harmonious unity. A work that includes various types of art (for example, a literary and musical composition) or is composed of various works and passages.

Literary and musical composition- complex event,

dedicated to a specific topic or person. The script usually consists of entertaining information arranged in a certain order, poetic and musical fragments. It is advisable to arrange a book and illustrative exhibition, an exhibition of paintings, decorative and applied arts. If possible, use computer projection. Interior design should be simple and strict; coffee table, several chairs and banquettes. Options: literary, musical, poetic, stage composition.

Contest– personal or team competition in order to identify the best participants, performers, best work, etc. The competition can be an independent form of work (musical, folklore, dance, poetry) or an integral part of any event, holiday, or game. Thematic competitions: local history, professional, search competition, scholars. Forms of competitions: reading families, readers, concert, photo competition, drawings.

Baron Munchausen Competition- personal or team competition to identify the best inventors. Whose story is the most interesting, funny, will turn out to be the best liar, the best inventor and the most cheerful person. The competition should be announced one to two days before it takes place. Participants in the competition can demonstrate photographs, photo collages, drawings, drawings, projects; attract “witnesses” - friends, parents.

Forest reporting competition- an improvised environmental game-competition, during which readers try themselves in the role of a journalistic team working on environmental problems. Participants in the competition must prepare a “report from the scene” for information broadcast. To complete the task, you need know the secrets of reporting. Firstly, find an interesting topic, Secondly, determine the genre of the report (investigative journalism, interview with a “celebrity” or game story), Thirdly; compose a bright and original text. The librarian has to become the leader; imitate the call signs of the program, start a fun conversation with the audience, an entertaining overview of forest, field and river events, bring your speech to the first report, with the words “Our correspondents are reporting...” give the floor to the first journalistic team, etc. After each report you need thank its creators, at the end of the entire program, report the weather forecast for tomorrow and say goodbye to the audience. The results of the competition are summed up by a competent jury.

Consultation- advice from a librarian to the reader on any issue related to the choice of literature. Consultations are held at bookshelves near exhibitions, at catalogs and card files, mainly individually, but can also be in groups. The librarian’s goals: to help understand requests, to suggest a rational way to independently search for the necessary literature. The consultation is accompanied by practical exercises, during which readers independently search for the information they need.

Conference– takes place in the form of meetings (scientific, reading, final). Any type of conference requires careful preparation: determining the topic and timing, notifying participants, developing a program, lists of literature for preparation, formulating debatable issues, etc.

Scientific-practical conference- specially organized collective discussion of professional problems. Participants' reports characterize scientific analysis and concrete practical experience.

Readers' conference- an active method of mass work, which involves the participation of readers, discussion of what they read, is carried out, as a rule, on a group of publications united by a series, genre or topic, less often on one book or on the work of individual authors.

Press conference– an educational event organized in the form of a role-playing game: a meeting of members of a certain “delegation” with “press representatives”, “correspondents” of various newspapers and magazines, “radio, television, film and photo correspondents”. Goal: exchange of knowledge, development of the correct attitude to historical and current events in the public life of the country, city, school.

New Year's confetti- a New Year's holiday, which includes a set of various comic, theatrical, and game forms and implies the participation of all those present.

The concert is fabulous- a concert related in theme to fairy tales or a set of concert numbers performed by fairy-tale characters.

Kingdom bibliographic– a complex event that combines various forms of bibliographic work, usually having a fairy-tale setting.

Round table - a form of collective discussion that allows

maximum opportunity to conduct fruitful discussions, comprehensively consider various issues and develop joint solutions. Authoritative experts, theorists and practitioners, researchers, representatives of authorities, public organizations and other interested parties may be invited to participate in the discussion.

Circle- an event that is held for a small group of people united for some intellectual or social activity. Or a group of people with common interests who have united to constantly do something together, as well as such an association or organization itself.

Literary cruise– a literary journey in the form of a sea cruise, dedicated to books on any topic.


Laboratory– an event of a research nature, stylization of research activities.

Laboratory of Reader's Taste- an event in which the reading of a particular group of readers is studied and the best reading preferences are identified.

Laboratory of Reading Creativity– an event in which participants perform some creative work related to reading.

Labyrinth- an event, a search game with complex, confusing moves and tasks.

Lecture hall– a series of lectures united by one topic, held regularly over a period of time.

Lecture- public speaking - a monologue demonstrating a set of views on any issue. As a rule, this is followed by answers to questions from the audience.

Ruler– a ritual performance involving the formation of participants in ranks on any site; then announcements, messages, etc.

Literary mysteries- this is guessing the work and the author from an excerpt from a book, from a book illustration, from a portrait of the writer, etc. It is necessary to clearly organize the system of answers in order to avoid offense and bias in the assessment.

Literary Court- it is recommended to conduct it among young audiences in the form of a role-playing game simulating a court hearing. The event should be built on stimulating the cognitive reading activity of participants.

Lyceum– a series of events with in-depth study of certain topics.

Lyceum for kids- a series of developmental activities for preschool children.

Lottery- an organized game such as a quiz, in which the distribution of questions depends on the random extraction of a particular ticket or number (lot, lot).

Literary lotto- a specially organized competition in knowledge of literature according to the rules of traditional lotto. Lotto is played by two teams with an equal number of players. A team representative selects a task card from a pre-prepared set and reads it out loud. The tasks on the cards are texts from literary works by different authors. Based on the narrative style and content, players must determine where these lines are taken from and who their author is. If the answer, in the opinion of the jury, is correct, then the player shades one cell of his playing field. The team that shades the earliest (most) squares of its field wins.


Marathon— a cycle of public events united by a common theme. The sports name justifies the covering of a certain route from start to finish, the presence of obstacles, and the competitive nature. Intellectual questions and creative tasks, various competitions make up the program of the library marathon, which can last several days. A large number of readers take part in the marathon. See also: Travel game.

Masqueradesee Carnival.

Master Class- one of the forms of effective teaching, the transfer of experience, skill, art to students in the exact sense, most often through direct and commented demonstration of work techniques.

Masterilka- a practical lesson with young children dedicated to handicrafts.

Workshop of Joy- a practical activity where participants are engaged in some type of creativity (drawing, singing, dancing, music, handicrafts, writing fairy tales, etc.), allowing them to enjoy the creative process itself.

Monthly- a cycle of events held in a period of time equal to a month (for example, a month of ecology, patriotic education, a month of knowledge, etc.).

Microphone free (open podium)- value-oriented activity of children in a situation of dialogue on a given topical topic, based on the principles of democracy and pluralism of opinions. Passing an improvised microphone to each other (going to the podium), readers freely express their point of view and ask pointed questions. Speeches from readers should be brief, non-trivial, and related to real life. In general, 7–10 messages are enough.

Mini studio- a short practical lesson that teaches some creative techniques.

Miniatures- a number of small-scale artistic productions, distinguished by accuracy and conciseness.

Fun moment- a small, fun, entertaining event.

Picturesque minutes- a small event consisting of

several parts, thematically related to creativity and painting.

Minutes of joyful reading- a small event dedicated to

reading with pleasure.

Rally- a meeting to discuss any significant issues, involving the demonstration of views in the form of oral monologues by individual speakers.

Mosaic- a complex event made up of a number of small events of an entertaining nature, varied in form and theme.

Brainstorm (attack)- an effective method of collective discussion, a creative search for a solution to a problem, which is carried out through the free expression of the opinions of the participants and allows the use of their intellectual abilities. Structure: defining the problem, expressing ideas, selecting ideas, developing solutions.

Museum- an event telling about some rare facts or information.

Book Museum- an organization that represents the book as the most important means of information, dissemination of knowledge, education and upbringing, as a tool of communication, labor and struggle, as an object of material culture and as a unique work of graphic and decorative art. As an event, it is dedicated to rare and valuable books.

Literary Museum- an event telling about some rare facts, information in the field of literature (little-known literary facts). May be dedicated to different literary genres. For example, a poetry museum.

Musical- a musical stage production in which dialogues, songs, music are intertwined, and choreography plays an important role.


Information Week- a series of events on a specific topic thatare held throughout the week and inform about new literature received by the library over a certain period. These days, exhibitions (books, illustrations, scripts) are organized in the library, storage folders are formed, thematic conversations are held, and reader requests are fulfilled. Such weeks of information allow you to cover the entire issue, opening up new forms of presenting material for readers.

Week (decade) of books (branches of knowledge)- includes book exhibitions, excursions and conversations on them, bibliographic reviews, information days, meetings with authors, literary evenings, etc. Mass events are held throughout the entire specified period (week or decade). The goal is to promote literature and knowledge, to attract people to reading.

Housewarming books— an entertaining and theatrical event dedicated to new books. Non-stop is an event dedicated to the reading of poems on one topic, one author or original ones.

Nostalgia- an entertainment and journalistic event dedicated to the past (for example, “books that were popular in the past”, “what our parents read”, “undeservedly forgotten books”, etc.).


Review (bibliographic review, literature review)- a summary of any documents arranged in a logical sequence. There are types of documents: a review of books, a review of periodicals, etc. A separate type is information reviews, reviews of new arrivals, which can be universal, thematic, and comprehensive. For example, review-reflection, review-trip, review-show.

Review of bibliographic aids- dedicated to one manual or several, can be thematic, etc.

Review of popular science literature- should draw attention to the educational material contained in the literature. There may be a need to clarify complex points, show how to use this book and the information given in it, it is especially important to emphasize the connection of scientific information with life. The number of books that can be used in a review can vary - from one to ten. It depends on the purpose, topic of the review, time allocated and library capabilities.

Theatrical review– a review with theatrical elements or including small dramatizations.

Review-game- game moments are included in the review, information about books is interspersed with fragments of games.

Review-interview– a review that includes elements of an interview.

Review-lecture- information about books is interspersed with interesting factual material.

Discussion- a mass event that is controversial in nature.

Book discussion- a mass event that is of a discussion nature and dedicated to books. Book discussions are usually prepared in advance, but can also begin spontaneously. The librarian leads the discussion and prepares questions.

Open microphone (open podium)- value-oriented activity of children in a situation of dialogue on a given topical topic, based on the principles of democracy and pluralism of opinions. Passing an improvised microphone to each other (going to the podium), readers freely express their point of view and ask pointed questions. Speeches from readers should be brief, non-trivial, and related to real life. In general, 7-10 messages are enough.

Creative report- an event dedicated to the analysis of the library’s activities in front of readers, containing a long-term plan for upcoming activities for the next period designed based on the results of the work, often held in the form of a theatrical performance.


Panorama– an event that broadly and comprehensively covers a topic.

Parade of books (literary heroes)- an event that includes a solemn procession, viewing of books on one topic or literary characters.

Area– an event on any topic, held outdoors in a limited area.

Gift to the reader (on the Day...) – an entertaining event about books and reading dedicated to a specific date.

Podium- an event containing a solemn, majestic passage in the script.

Literary podium (book fashion show) - a solemn, majestic passage across the stage of participants in bright, beautiful costumes, demonstrating the best books, possibly a fashion show of literary heroes, book covers.

Duel of Dreamers– a competition between participants and teams for the best fantasy on any or a specific topic.

Field of Dreams- an entertaining show game. Consists of 3 rounds, each of which involves 3 players, a final and a super game. The presenter thinks of a word (rarely a phrase) indicated on the scoreboard, and during the course of the game gives guiding hints. Players take turns spinning the reel. Sectors with different numbers of points may appear on the reel, which the player will receive if they guess the letter, or special sectors: musical pause, prize, chance, plus, bankrupt, etc. One player from each round advances to the finals. The winning player is given the right to a super game: he must guess the word by revealing any 3 letters.

Dedication to readers- a holiday at which the title of “library reader” is given to preschoolers or elementary school students (1st grade).

Gatherings- a meeting for a leisurely conversation, usually on folklore or historical topics or acquaintance with folk traditions, may be accompanied by some kind of needlework, tea drinking. For example, literary gatherings, folklore gatherings.

Theatrical production (dramatization)- staging a staged performance of a literary work.

Praise for the reader (book)– the same as a benefit performance for a reader or a book.

Holiday - a mass event dedicated to a significant date or event of a national, traditional, school or class nature. The holiday dedicated to the solemn date includes: a solemn part (congratulations, greetings, summing up); entertainment concert, performance, solo performances, games, parodies, attractions. For example, book holiday, family holiday, folklore holiday, reading holiday.

Celebration of Reader's Pleasures– a festive event that includes a number of literary games, book presentations, exhibitions, etc., addressed to different groups of readers.

Performance- theatrical or circus performance, performance. There may be: puppet, musical and playful, theatrical, folklore, etc.

Premiere– an event dedicated to the first presentation of something in front of an audience. Corresponds to the informational nature of the event. Something strict, solemn.

Book (magazine) premiere- carried out after preliminary work:

reading books and critical literature, individual and group conversations with readers. The book exhibition is pre-arranged and recommended literature lists are prepared. Structure of the event: brief presentation by the librarian; book review or talk (magazine submission); reading the most interesting passage; brief reader reviews of the book; meeting with the author, publishers, and event participants. The goal is to promote literature. The most successful use of book premieres is for lit. local history, as this allows us to involve everyone who took part in the publication of the book in the event.

Declaration of love for a genre (book, author)– an event based on the reader’s personal impressions of a given genre (book, author).

Adventure– an interesting event, the script of which is drawn up as an exciting incident, a chain of unexpected events for the participants.

Press conference– an event stylized as a meeting of media representatives, held by officials to provide information on current issues; to chat and answer their questions.

Game program- an event consisting of a series of games.

Information program- an event that informs participants on a topic.

Concert program- an event consisting of concert performances.

Educational program- an event that attracts participants to the cognitive process.

Educational and game program– an event that combines educational and entertainment purposes, consists of educational material, which is also reinforced through game forms.

Reading program (summer, family)– a cycle of events aimed at promoting books and reading, timed to a specific time or on a specific topic. For example, a summer reading program.

Raffle program– an event consisting of a series of drawings.

Promo action- an action aimed at a specific target audience in order to stimulate the sale of a product or service, product demonstration.

Guide– an event in the form of an oral, electronic or audiovisual reference book about a city, historical site, museum, country. Often talking about literary places.

Travel (stagecoaches, excursions)– activities in the form of a game. When preparing a trip, it is necessary to stylize the road or journey with obligatory stops - stations, forest edges, islands, paths, houses. Travel can be themed, for example, a musical journey.

Virtual travel- electronic or audiovisual travel.

Literary journey - a game based on local history, geography, history, popular science and fiction. A mandatory element of a literary journey is a map or route diagram. Travel can be full-time or part-time. For example, a journey along the golden ring of Russian literature (19th century), a journey along the silver ring of Russian literature (beginning of the 20th century), a fabulous journey.


Book collapse– an event where books are given away for free. More often than not, this is an exhibition from which anyone can take books.

Thinking/reasoning- an event structured as a series of topics on any topic, presented in a logically consistent form, and proceeds calmly and unhurriedly.

Story dramatized- dramatization of a short narrative work with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted.

Boxing ring- an event where in each “round” 2 participants, one against the other, answer difficult questions from the audience; the participants can be famous people, writers, and the best readers.

Literary ring– a game-competition between 2 teams for the best knowledge

literary work, writer's work, etc.

Ring legal- a game-competition between 2 teams for the best knowledge of law.

Ring of Erudites- a game where two teams of players simultaneously answer the same question, and the first one to answer correctly deprives the opponent of the opportunity to answer the same question. The team with the most points wins.

Genealogy of the book - an event dedicated to the history of the book.

Literary (bibliographic) raffle- a holiday in the most unusual form, making all kinds of literary and other charades, bibliographic tasks.


Literary salon- a literary and artistic circle of people of a select circle.

Svetelka literary- a folklore festival dedicated to folk traditions and literature.

Fairy tale out loud– loud reading of fairy tales for children of preschool and primary school age.

Buffoons– an event dedicated to Russian folk humor, comedic and satirical stories, tales, and parables.

Slide program– a program consisting of viewing slides, photographs on any topic with comments.

Slide journey- a program consisting of viewing slides and photographs dedicated to traveling somewhere.

Meeting- the joint presence of team members somewhere to discuss and resolve some issues. For example, a meeting of experts.

Competition (contest) - confrontation and competitive struggle between several parties (teams, players) to achieve superiority (winning, recognition, etc.).

Play- theatrical performance.

Dispute- an event - a clash - a clash of opinions, during which one of the parties (or both) seeks to convince the other of the validity of its position.

Discussion table– a round table of a discussion nature.

Literary court (literary court)– it is recommended to carry out among

youth audience in the form of a role-playing game simulating a court hearing. The event should be built on stimulating the cognitive reading activity of participants.

Literary chest- a literary game where questions and tasks are taken from a chest.

Lucky case- intellectual game. Three teams of 4-5 people each take part in the game. The game is played in 4 games: blitz, “barrel troubles”, “dark horse”, “race for the leader”. The team that scores the most points wins.


Creative laboratory– an event for the exchange of experience, knowledge, etc. in an interesting, creative way.

Book Theater- staging of books, with attributes of theatrical space: scenery, screen, backstage, etc.

Puppet theater- one of the varieties of puppet theater art.

Intellectual shooting gallery– an intellectual game, the game involves 2 or more participants (teams); paraphernalia: targets, multi-colored circles (stickers) indicating hit locations. The game is played in 3 or more stages. At each stage, the distance to the target is set from 10 to 100 meters (difficulty of questions), each participant receives from 3 to 5 shots (questions), the correct answer means accuracy of the hit (from 1 to 5 points). The one with the most points wins.

Talk show. A philosophical question is brought up for discussion (for example: what is love?). Participants are invited to discuss several life situations played out by actors. The librarian leads the discussion. The goal is the moral education of readers. discussion, discussion of any issue in which spectators invited to the studio take part.

Tournament – competition, a competition on different topics between 2 or more participants (teams), which is held in the form of a series of battles. For example, a literary tournament.


Lesson- a form of organizing education with the goal of students mastering the material being studied (knowledge, abilities, skills, ideological and moral-aesthetic ideas). For example, a literature lesson, a memory lesson. May include entertaining and playful elements. For example, a funny lesson, an entertaining lesson, a game lesson, a travel lesson, a fairy tale lesson, a fantasy lesson.

Library lesson (bibliographic)– lessons that allow you to give knowledge about a book, library, bibliography in a certain system.

Integrated lesson- a lesson during which the relationship between different subjects is realized.

Complex lesson- a lesson that uses various techniques,

forms and methods in their harmonious combination to achieve a common goal.

Creative lesson- teaching creative reading. The librarian’s task is to give work to the child’s heart, to awaken the brightest feelings in him. During the lesson, creative works are created.

Oral journal- an active form of propaganda of new print products. The content and structure are similar to a printed magazine. It consists of a number of sections - “pages”. Each page contains literature information on a specific topic and ends with a recommendation of printed sources. traditional method of operation. A distinctive feature is the reflection of current issues that concern many. Has periodicity. The design of the magazine is important: cover, title page, section headings, symbols and attributes. Computer presentations can be used to create an oral journal.

Matinee– a festive event on a specific topic in order to attract new readers and promote books, libraries, and reading.


Extravaganza- a performance of fairy-tale content, characterized by magnificent staging and stage effects. A magical, fabulous spectacle.

Festival- a wide public festive meeting, accompanied by a review of the achievements of some form of art. Can be on a variety of topics, for example: youth book festival, profession festival, health festival.

Flashmob– translated from English as “fast crowd”, “flash” of the crowd”, “instant crowd”. Gathering of people for the purpose of conducting a one-time event. This is a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people suddenly appears in a public place, for several minutes they perform pre-arranged actions of absurd content (according to the script) and then simultaneously quickly disperse in different directions, as if nothing had happened. Preparation and coordination of the action takes place through communication on the Internet.

Forum- a broad representative meeting, congress.

Photo cross- a photography competition, a race with thematic and time limits. The most talented and active participants receive prizes at the award ceremony, which takes place after each photocross. To determine the winners, artistry is taken into account; originality; speed; compliance with the task. For example, the photo-cross “The City is Reading” - within a certain time, take photographs of people reading on the streets of the city.


Hit parade- a parade of popularity of works or their authors, determined as a result of a survey.

Hobby club– a club that brings together people with a specific hobby

(a type of entertainment, a certain activity, a hobby that does not provide any particular material benefit).

Round dance- an event consisting of successive small comic questions, tasks (for example, a round dance of questions) or telling about small folklore genres (for example, a round dance of fairy tales, a round dance of riddles).

Chronograph- an event - a story by year about some historical events, built like a chronicle.

Chronicles of literary life- a story about any literary events in chronological order.

Social hour– an event dedicated to the development of communication culture skills and correct treatment of each other.

Readings- a set of forms and methods of promoting literature on a specific topic. Readings include scientific and practical conferences and seminars, book evenings, book exhibitions, lectures, literary evenings and oral journals, bibliographic reviews. Most often, events take place over several days. Various institutions and public organizations can take part in the events. The goal is to promote literature and knowledge. They can be thematic or for specific user groups, for example, youth readings, Lomonosov readings.


Sabbath (All Saints' Night)- an event dedicated to mystical or exoteric literature, stylized as a revelry of evil spirits, used to work with a youth audience.

School– a cycle of training events according to a pre-developed program.

School of geniuses- a series of intellectual events on various topics.

School of Communication- a series of events that teach communication skills.

Show- a bright performance designed for a noisy external effect, an entertainment program with spectacular musical and visual accompaniment.

The show is intellectual– a bright intellectual entertainment program.

Show program- a program consisting of several spectacular, bright numbers.

Just a minute joke– a small event of an entertaining and humorous nature.


Excursion– an outing, a trip, a collective visit to places of interest, usually of a cultural, educational or educational demonstration nature. The topics are varied. Preliminary preparation is required on the part of the organizer and participants, as well as instructions on safety precautions and etiquette.

Library tour- the excursion introduces the library as a whole, its SBA, all departments of the library, focusing on the functions of each division, departments with specialized collections. It is important to have an excursion plan, a text from the guide and an exact route. Features of excursions

Anniversary- a solemnly celebrated anniversary of a significant event, the life or activity of a person, the existence of an institution, enterprise, organization, etc. The library may have: anniversary of a book, genre, anniversary of a writer, anniversary of a library

Humorina- festival of humor and satire; an event dedicated to humorous or satirical literature.


Fair– an event dedicated to folk customs, holidays with games, fun, and songs. It must be accompanied by an exhibition where the products on display are sold.

Fair of creative ideas- an action aimed at identifying

projects that can bring novelty and creativity into the cultural life of the institution, that can increase the interest of various segments of the population and public groups in cultural forms of leisure and independent creativity, are carried out in the form of oral speeches or media presentations telling about projects and ideas.

Other forms of events

Russian libraries already have experience in using such forms of events as an elective for success, a family toy library, a reader's dream day, book processions, a congress of dreamers, and a newspaper fence.

On the eve of the Olympic Games, libraries can attract user interest in the current sporting event with events such as intellectual all-around, book marathon, literary competitions, library and athletic platform.

Compiled by Koshkina I.G., head. innovative method. Department of the Central Bank, pos. Sernur, Mari El.

For many centuries, among all peoples of the world, fairy tales existed in oral form, passed on from mouth to mouth. Why did people carefully preserve their songs, legends, and fairy tales for thousands of years?

The history of mankind is full of dramatic events. The time of peaceful labor gave way to times of hardships, when invaders ravaged their homes, when serious diseases and epidemics claimed thousands of human lives. However, the peoples did not give up; they preserved their vitality, embodied in those seemingly ingenuous works of folk art that have survived to our times.

By passing on their folklore from generation to generation, peoples thereby preserved that unbreakable thread of time that connects the past with the future. Folklore was their historical memory, the loss of which was tantamount to the death of the people. History left its mark in folk art, but it was not a direct reflection of certain historical events.

The image of an old, evil witch from European fairy tales, like the image of Baba Yaga from East Slavic fairy tales, is a tailed old woman from Georgian fairy tales of very ancient origin. These images reflected that historical era when the patriarchal clan system replaced the previously dominant matriarchy and Baba Yaga, who was previously revered as the ruler of nature, ceased to enjoy the respect of people and turned into a persecuted creature, instilling fear in everyone who encounters her. This reincarnation helps us understand why Baba Yaga sometimes helps the hero in fairy tales and does not harm him.

In fairy tales, simple, poor, deprived people voiced their dreams of a better life, their belief in a miracle that could save them from a hopeless life.

A real folk hero was a poor man or a simple soldier who fought bravely, but was left without awards or ranks.

Most fairy-tale heroes are fictitious images, sometimes they don’t even have a name.

But all these entertaining stories about the amazing adventures of brave, brave, lucky people are not only highly artistic works of folk literature, but also monuments of “living antiquity” and a unique national history. Just as there are no two identical people in the world, the fate of each nation is unique and instructive in its own way. Behind the seemingly implausible fairy tales, you can see the real life of ordinary people.

Remember the wise proverb: “A fairy tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and does not stop in the middle.”


· Practical application of school knowledge, testing the ability to think productively under conditions of stress - anxiety, lack of time.

· Development of auditory attention, long-term and operational memory of associative connections, reaction speed, logical thinking, manifestation of erudition, ability to work in a team, manifestation of leadership qualities.


· The game involves 3 teams of 6 people (from each class)

· The presenter reads the questions, the players listen carefully to the end. Within 1 minute, the teams consult and decide who will answer.

· The team captain raises the signal and calls the name of the player who will answer the question.

· The team that gives the correct answer first without making a false start wins.

· A team does not receive a point if it gives an incorrect answer. The right is transferred to the opponents.

· The team that scores the most points wins.

Progress of the literary ring:

HOST. There is nothing better in the world than reading magazines and newspapers, meeting with a smart book every day, gaining knowledge and skills. We read about seas and countries, About animals, birds and giants. The doors to fairy tales are also open for us - We will follow Masha and Emelya. We have all been waiting for this meeting for a long time, and we have read many books. We’ll organize a competition now, Lenya, we’ll drive away the melancholy and boredom.

So, dear guys, today we met with you to identify literature experts. In our literary ring, you must demonstrate your erudition, show your knowledge, ability to work in a team, and show leadership qualities. The competition will consist of 7 rounds in which the team receives points for correct answers. As a result, we will determine who will be the winner! At the end of the game, our patrons will reward the winners.

Round 1 “Warm-up”: identifying the degree of readiness of teams for the competition.

1 .What is the name of an academic subject that allows you to think deeply, be able to reason, ask questions and simply help you live? (Literature)

2 . What are the genres of literature? (Epic, lyrics, drama)

3 . This term has two English roots. Literally the word translates as “folk wisdom.” Name the term. (Folklore)

4. Which genre of folklore has the following features:

Beginning and ending

Replay episodes

3-stage plot structure? (Fairy tale)

5. What does the word “bible” mean in Greek? (Book, scripture)

7 . At what age did P.P. Ershov write the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? (At 19 years old)

2. The author of this tale is a famous storyteller. He introduced us to the Little Mermaid and the Tin Soldier, and told the story of Thumbelina and Ole Lukoye. And in this fairy tale he proved to us that true art is immortal. The name of the storyteller and the title of the fairy tale? (H.K. Andersen “The Nightingale”)

3. Hercules' brother's name? (Iphicles)

4. Why should Hercules receive immortality? (For 12 labors on behalf of Eurystheus)

5 . What is the name of N.V. Gogol’s work, in which he talks about the last day before the great holiday, teaches us caroling, arranges a meeting with the devil? ("Christmas Eve")

6 . What is the name of the 19th century writer, Gemini according to the sign of the Zodiac, who wore a headdress - a top hat, had a sister Olga, received the military rank - chamber cadet, considered his talisman to be a ring given by Vorontsova, and did not like mathematics at school? (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

7. Continue the lines:

“Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous // air invigorates tired forces..."? (“...The ice is fragile on the icy river, // It lies like melting sugar”)

2. This term comes from a Greek word meaning “legend, tradition”; it is based on fiction, fiction, something unreal. What is this term? (Myth)

3. What was the name of a singer-storyteller, poet, instrumentalist in Ancient Greece? (Aed)

4. Name the brothers of Zeus? (Hades and Poseidon)

5 . Which goddess is nicknamed Foamborn? (Aphrodite)

6. Arina Rodionovna – nanny of A.S. Pushkin. What's her last name? (Matveeva - maiden name; Yakovleva - married)

7 . Continue the lines:

“A storm covers the sky with darkness, // swirling snow whirlwinds, ...”? (“... then she will howl like a beast, // then she will cry like a child”)

Round 2 “Start of the battle”: identifying the strengths and weaknesses of teams.

Assignment: Identify the heroes of literary works.

1. “The boys have grown up; Like wheat dough on dough, they stretch to the top. When the kids turned 10, their mother sent them to science; soon they learned to read and write and put the boyars' and merchants' children in their belts - no one could read or give an answer better than them. The boyars’ and merchants’ children were jealous and let them rock and pinch those children every time.” (“Two Ivan peasant sons”)

2 . In honor of which hero “poets composed poems”, because he “sang so wonderfully, sang louder, sweeter, his singing was enough for the heart”? (Nightingale from Andersen's fairy tale "The Nightingale")

3. What heroine had a trough, a hut, and a noble title, but was still left with nothing? (The old woman from A. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

1 . Which of the heroines of A. Pushkin “was brought up on French novels”, lived in the village of Nenaradov, was slender, young, “considered a rich bride”? (Marya Gavrilovna from “The Snowstorm” by A. Pushkin)

2. Which of N. Gogol’s heroes “rose high into the sky, collected stars in his sleeve, and then salted them in a tub”? (Solokha, the witch, from Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas”)

3 . “In front he was a perfect German... but in the back he was a provincial attorney in uniform.” What kind of hero is this? (The Devil from Gogol's "The Nights Before Christmas")

1 Which of A. Kuprin’s heroes “went around in a summer coat, a summer felt hat and without galoshes. His hands were blue from the cold, his eyes were sunken, his cheeks were stuck around his gums, like a dead man’s”? (Emelyan Mertsalov from “The Wonderful Doctor”)

2 . “About 10 years old, with raised freckles all over his face and hair about the same color as a magazine cover. A desperate hooligan and a bully." Who is this? (Johnny Dosert from O Henry's story "The Redskin Chief")

3 . “Blessed boy,” Grandfather Lodyzhkin said about this hero. (Trilli, hero of A. Kuprin’s story “White Poodle”)

Round 3 “Clash of captains”: the struggle of captains for the title of the best.

1 .Types of folk tales? (Magical, about animals, social and everyday life)

2 . What time of year does the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” take place? (Winter)

3 . What was the name of the princess’s young groom from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A. Pushkin ? (King Elisha)

4 . What historical event occurred when Saints Boris and Gleb appeared to one of Alexander Nevsky’s military leaders, according to the “Life of Boris and Gleb”? (Battle on the Ice)

5 . How long was Berendey's beard from V. Zhukovsky's fairy tale? (“Knee-length beard”)

6 . Hair color of the sleeping princess? (Black)

7 . What rank did Ivan receive for capturing the firebird from P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? (Stremyannoy)

8 . Who helped Yakov from V. Gauf’s fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” find the herb “sneeze for health”? (Goose Mimi)

9 . The hero of A. Pogorelsky’s fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” received a hemp seed. Where did he put the gift? (In pocket)

10 . Who cured the Chinese emperor from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale? (Nightingale)

1. Who owns the words: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows!”? (A. Pushkin)

2. How does the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” begin? (“In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant”)

3 . Genre of “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A. Pushkin? (Poem)

4 . What is “Lukomorye”? (Bend of the seashore)

5 . Who does the hero of Lermontov's Borodino turn to with a request to tell about the War of 1812? (To uncle)

6 . Name of I.S. Turgenev's mother? (Varvara Petrovna)

7 . What kind of relationship did Gerasim, the hero of Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​have with the servants? (“ short”

10 . Which of the great writers signed their works with the following pseudonyms: Alov, Rudy Panko, Panko, ***, O.O.O.O., Foma Grigoriev, Almomun, Yanovskoy, Stepanov, Ryazansky, Kyusel-Garnen, Mamon? (N. Gogol)

1. What kind of eyes did the toad have from V. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Toad and the Rose”? (Evil and ugly)

2 . What did the heroes of Gogol’s story “The Enchanted Place” grow on the tower? (Watermelons and melons)

3 . The age of Dina, the heroine of L. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”? (13 years old)

4 . In what work of F. Dostoevsky did the hero hear a quiet voice with the words: “Come with me to the Christmas tree, boy!”? ("The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree")

5 . What is the legacy of Kish, the hero of D. London’s story “The Tale of Kish,” from his father? (A spear)

6 . Time for fortune telling for girls from V. Zhukovsky’s poem “Svetlana”? (Epiphany evening)

7 . Who gave Hercules a bow and arrows? (Apollo)

8 . The color of the eyes of Vanya Solntsev, the hero of V. Kataev’s story “Son of the Regiment”? (Blue)

9 . What was the name of the village where Liza, the heroine of A. Pushkin’s story “The Young Lady-Peasant”, lived? (Priluchino)

10. A. Pushkin's least favorite subject? (Mathematics)

Round 4 “Who is stronger?” (quick questions):

continuation of the literary ring (questions for fans)

1. Name the literature teachers of our school. (Kuznetsova Vera Viktorovna, Naumova Marina Nikolaevna, Rozhkova Lilya Ananievna, Parutina Tatyana Borisovna)

2 . Tatiana Borisovna Parutina's office number? (307)

3 (Is it true)

4. What were the names of storytellers in Ancient Rus'? (Bahar)

5 (to Arab)

6 . How many sorceresses were invited to the feast in honor of the birth of Tsar Matthew's daughter?

(11 sorceresses)

7 . Nickname of the younger brother from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? ( Ivan is a fool)

8 . What are the names of Hercules' parents? (Zeus and Alcmene)

9 (“... the French moved like clouds, // And everyone came to our redoubt. // Lancers with colorful badges, // Dragoons with horse tails, // Everyone flashed before us. // Everyone was here.”)

10. (F. Tyutchev)

11 . What are the compositional elements? (Exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement, epilogue)

12 ("Lonely)

13. Complete the proverbs:

Don’t rush to answer – hurry up…. (Listen)

Don’t have 100 rubles, but…. (Have 100 friends)

Small things are better... (Big idleness)

It's time -... (Fun hour)

14 (Iambic and trochee)

15 (V. Zhukovsky)

Round 5 “Identification of the leader”: the fight continues.

Assignment: Identify the work and name the author based on the “set” of characters.

1 . Mirror, queen, Snow Maiden, huntsman, Seven dwarfs? (“Snow Maiden, German folk tale)

2 . Boris, Gleb, Svyatopolk, boyars, prince? (“Holy Martyrs Princes Boris and Gleb”)

3 . Ivan Tsarevich, Marya Tsarevna, Tsar Koschey, old man, head cook, Tsar Berendey? (“The Tale of Tsar Berendey” by V. Zhukovsky)

4. Ivan, Danilo, Gavrilo, the horse, the firebird, the king, the maiden king? (“The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov)

5. Emperor, bandmaster, courtiers, “gray bird”? (“The Nightingale” by H. Andersen)

1 . Kashchei, the sorcerer, Ruslan, Ratmir, Rogdai? (“Ruslan and Lyudmila.” A. Pushkin)

2 . Levko, Head, Ganna, witch? (“May Night, or the Drowned Woman.” N. Gogol)

3 . Gerasim, the dog, the lady, Tatyana, the wardrobemaid? (“Mumu”, I. Turgenev)

4 . Dunya, old caretaker, maid, Minsky? (“Stationmaster”, A. Pushkin)

5 . Alexander Pavlovich, Platov, the cross-eyed man, Count Kiselvrod? (“Lefty”. N. Leskov)

1. Rose, toad, boy, sister Masha? (“The Tale of the Toad and the Rose”, V. Garshin)

2 (“Prisoner of the Caucasus”, L. Tolstoy)

3 . Klosh-Kwan, Aikiga, Ug-gluk, Kish? (“The Tale of Kish”, D. London)

4 . Karakol, Grandma Tafaro, Click-Klyak, Veronica? (“The City of Masters, or The Tale of the Two Hunchbacks, T. Gabbe )

5 . Sergeant Egorov, Captain Enakiev, Captain Akhunbaev, Vanya Solntsev? (“Son of the Regiment”, V. Kataev)

Round 6 “Rhetorical”: checking homework.

Each team presents an expressive reading of a poem from the school curriculum to the jury.

Round 7 " Final": identifying clear leaders.

Task: identify the HVS in these passages.

“It’s midnight sometimes

The light spilled over the mountain,

As if noon is coming:

The firebirds swoop in;

They started running and screaming

And peck the millet with wine"

(Epithets, personification, hyperbole,)

“Thunder struck, light flashed in the fog,

The lamp goes out, the smoke runs out.

Everything around is dark, everything is trembling,

And the soul froze in Ruslan..." (Personification, repetition, gradation)

“The snow is still white in the fields.

And in the spring the waters are noisy -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout..."

(Personification, epithet, anaphora, repetition)

LEADING: Let's sum it up! The jury's word.

(Speech by the Chairman of the Jury)

LEADING: So, our journey to the country of Literature has ended. Today we practically applied school knowledge and tested our ability to think productively under stress - anxiety, lack of time. We got a good result.

(Awarding the winners and participants of the literary ring)

LEADING: Remember the words of L. Settembrini that “a book is a man’s best friend.” “Communication with a book is the highest and irreplaceable form of human intellectual development,” said A. Tvardovsky.

Questions for the literary ring in grades 5-6.

  • 1 .What is the name of an academic subject that allows you to think deeply, be able to reason, ask questions and simply help you live?
  • 2 . What are the genres of literature?
  • 3 . This term has two English roots. Literally the word translates as “folk wisdom.” Name the term.
  • 4. Which genre of folklore has the following features:
  • - beginning and ending - repeat episodes - 3-stage plot structure?
  • 5. What does the word “bible” mean in Greek?
  • 6. What are the names of the authors of hagiographies?
  • 7 . At what age did P.P. Ershov write the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?
  • 8. First name, patronymic, last name of the author of the textbook “Literature 6th grade”?
  • 9. The author of this tale is a famous storyteller. He introduced us to the Little Mermaid and the Tin Soldier, and told the story of Thumbelina and Ole Lukoye. And in this fairy tale he proved to us that true art is immortal. The name of the storyteller and the title of the fairy tale?
  • 10. Hercules' brother's name?
  • 11. Why should Hercules receive immortality?
  • 12 . What is the name of N.V. Gogol’s work, in which he talks about the last day before the great holiday, teaches us caroling, arranges a meeting with the devil?
  • 13 . Give the writer's name XIX century, Gemini according to the sign of the Zodiac, who wore a headdress - a top hat, had a sister Olga, received a military rank - chamber cadet, considered his talisman to be a ring donated by Vorontsova, and at school did not like mathematics?
  • 14. Continue the lines: “Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous // air invigorates tired forces..."?
  • 15 . First name, patronymic, last name of the author of the textbook “In the World of Literature”?
  • 16. This term comes from a Greek word meaning “legend, tradition”; it is based on fiction, fiction, something unreal. What is this term?
  • 17. What was the name of a singer-storyteller, poet, instrumentalist in Ancient Greece?
  • 18. Name the brothers of Zeus?
  • 19 . Which goddess is nicknamed Foamborn?
  • 20. Arina Rodionovna – nanny of A.S. Pushkin. What's her last name?
  • 21 . Continue the lines: “The storm covers the sky with darkness, // whirlwinds of snow whirling, ...”?
  • 22. “The boys have grown up; Like wheat dough on dough, they stretch to the top. When the kids turned 10, their mother sent them to science; soon they learned to read and write and put the boyars' and merchants' children in their belts - no one could read or give an answer better than them. The boyars’ and merchants’ children were jealous and let them rock and pinch those children every time.”
  • 23 . In honor of which hero “poets composed poems”, because he “sang so wonderfully, sang louder, sweeter, his singing was enough for the heart”?
  • 24. What heroine had a trough, a hut, and a noble title, but was still left with nothing?
  • 25 . Which of the heroines of A. Pushkin “was brought up on French novels”, lived in the village of Nenaradov, was slender, young, “considered a rich bride”?
  • 26. Which of N. Gogol’s heroes “rose high into the sky, collected stars in his sleeve, and then salted them in a tub”?
  • 27 . “In front he was a perfect German... but in the back he was a provincial attorney in uniform.” What kind of hero is this?
  • 28 Which of A. Kuprin’s heroes “went around in a summer coat, a summer felt hat and without galoshes. His hands were blue from the cold, his eyes were sunken, his cheeks were stuck around his gums, like a dead man’s”?
  • 29 . “About 10 years old, with raised freckles all over his face and hair about the same color as a magazine cover. A desperate hooligan and a bully." Who is this?
  • 30 . “Blessed boy,” Grandfather Lodyzhkin said about this hero.
  • 31 .Types of folk tales?
  • 32 . What time of year does the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” take place?
  • 33 . What was the name of the princess’s young groom from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A. Pushkin ?
  • 34 . What historical event occurred when Saints Boris and Gleb appeared to one of Alexander Nevsky’s military leaders, according to the “Life of Boris and Gleb”?
  • 35 . How long was Berendey's beard from V. Zhukovsky's fairy tale?
  • 36 . Hair color of the sleeping princess?
  • 37 . What rank did Ivan receive for capturing the firebird from P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?
  • 38 . Who helped Yakov from V. Gauf’s fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” find the herb “sneeze for health”?
  • 39 . The hero of A. Pogorelsky’s fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” received a hemp seed. Where did he put the gift?
  • 40 . Who cured the Chinese emperor from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale?
  • 41. Who owns the words: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! A lesson to good fellows!”?
  • 42. How does the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful” begin?
  • 43 . Genre of “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A. Pushkin?
  • 44 . What is “Lukomorye”?
  • 45 . Who does the hero of Lermontov's Borodino turn to with a request to tell about the War of 1812?
  • 46 . Name of I.S. Turgenev's mother?
  • 47 . What kind of relationship did Gerasim, the hero of Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​have with the servants?
  • 48. Name the author of the lines: “My first friend, my priceless friend!”?
  • 49. The author of the drawing “Sail”, placed in your anthology?
  • 50 . Which of the great writers signed their works with the following pseudonyms: Alov, Rudy Panko, Panko, ***, O.O.O.O., Foma Grigoriev, Almomun, Yanovskoy, Stepanov, Ryazansky, Kyusel-Garnen, Mamon?
  • 51. What kind of eyes did the toad have from V. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Toad and the Rose”?
  • 52 . What did the heroes of Gogol’s story “The Enchanted Place” grow on the tower?
  • 53 . The age of Dina, the heroine of L. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?
  • 54 . In what work of F. Dostoevsky did the hero hear a quiet voice with the words: “Come with me to the Christmas tree, boy!”?
  • 55 . What is the legacy of Kish, the hero of D. London’s story “The Tale of Kish,” from his father?
  • 56 . Time for fortune telling for girls from V. Zhukovsky’s poem “Svetlana”?
  • 57 . Who gave Hercules a bow and arrows?
  • 58 . The color of the eyes of Vanya Solntsev, the hero of V. Kataev’s story “Son of the Regiment”?
  • 59 . What was the name of the village where Liza, the heroine of A. Pushkin’s story “The Young Lady-Peasant”, lived?
  • 60. A. Pushkin's least favorite subject?
  • 61 . Continue the proverb: “A fairy tale is a lie, but a song is...”?
  • 62. What were the names of storytellers in Ancient Rus'?
  • 63 . To which people does the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights” belong?
  • 64 . How many sorceresses were invited to the feast in honor of the birth of Tsar Matthew's daughter?
  • 65. Nickname of the younger brother from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?
  • 66 . What are the names of Hercules' parents?
  • 67 . Continue: “Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke..."?
  • 68. Which Russian poet called winter “the enchantress”?
  • 69. What are the compositional elements?
  • 70 . What epithet did M. Lermontov “award” to the sail?
  • 71. Complete the proverbs:
  • -Don’t rush to answer – hurry up…. -Don’t have 100 rubles, but.... -A small thing is better...- It’s time -...
  • 72 . Name the two-syllable meters of the verse.
  • 73 . Who gave A. Pushkin his portrait with the inscription: “To the victorious student from the defeated teacher”?
  • 74 . Mirror, queen, Snow Maiden, huntsman, Seven dwarfs?
  • 75 . Boris, Gleb, Svyatopolk, boyars, prince?
  • 76 . Ivan Tsarevich, Marya Tsarevna, Tsar Koschey, old man, head cook, Tsar Berendey?
  • 77. Ivan, Danilo, Gavrilo, the horse, the firebird, the king, the maiden king?
  • 78. Emperor, bandmaster, courtiers, “gray bird”?
  • 79 . Kashchei, the sorcerer, Ruslan, Ratmir, Rogdai?
  • 80 . Levko, Head, Ganna, witch?
  • 81 . Gerasim, the dog, the lady, Tatyana, the wardrobemaid?
  • 82 . Dunya, old caretaker, maid, Minsky?
  • 83 . Alexander Pavlovich, Platov, the cross-eyed man, Count Kiselvrod?
  • 89. Rose, toad, boy, sister Masha?
  • 90 .Zhilin, Kostylin, Dina, Abdullah?
  • 91 . Klosh-Kwan, Aikiga, Ug-gluk, Kish?
  • 92 . Karakol, Grandma Tafaro, Click-Klyak, Veronica?
  • 93 . Sergeant Egorov, Captain Enakiev, Captain Akhunbaev, Vanya Solntsev?

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary (complete) comprehensive school No. 6"

city ​​of Volzhsk, Republic of Mari El




AWARDED ________________CLASS,


DIRECTOR of municipal educational institution No. 6: ___________ (VOLKOV V.B.)


AND LITERATURES: ______________ (NAUMOVA M.N.)



Round 1 “Warm-up”

Round 2 “Start of the fight”

Round 3 "Clash of captains"

Round 5 “Identification of the leader”

Round 6 “Rhetorical”

Round 7 “Final”



Round 1 “Warm-up”

Round 2 “Start of the fight”

Round 3 "Clash of captains"

Round 4 “Who is stronger?” (fan competition)

Round 5 “Identification of the leader”

Round 6 “Rhetorical”

Round 7 “Final”



Round 1 “Warm-up”

Round 2 “Start of the fight”

Round 3 "Clash of captains"

Round 4 “Who is stronger?” (fan competition)

Round 5 “Identification of the leader”

Round 6 “Rhetorical”

Round 7 “Final”


Developed by

teacher Smirnova M.M.


Objectives: Using various techniques, help children remember the names and contents of familiar literary works.

Continue to teach how to navigate the genre diversity of literature (fairy tales, stories, poems).

Develop speech. Replenish your vocabulary. Develop a sense of rhyme.

Cultivate interest in fiction, love for Russian folk tales.

Equipment: Books, illustrations, audio recording of calm music, colored pencils, paper circles, sweetened water.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we are going on a journey through the most interesting world of literature. We are waiting for a flight on a magic carpet, three stops - in a fairy-tale kingdom, in the land of stories and in the world of poetry. Make yourself comfortable, let's go. (Music sounds).

"Fairytale Kingdom"

What is the difference between a fairy tale and a short story? (Children's answers)

Things happen in fairy tales that don't happen in real life. Animals can talk, people use magic objects. What magical objects do you know? (Children's answers) Baba Yaga's broom and mortar, a magic ball, a magic wand, running boots, a flying carpet, an invisible hat, Koscheev's death in an egg, etc.

Didactic game “Guess the fairy tale”

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side



My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What a weird one

Wooden man

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this?..


Cinderella's feet

fell down by accident.

She was not simple,

and crystal...


She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents.

(Mouse from the Russian folk tale "Turnip")

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

(kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”)

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three Bears)

The nose is round, with a snout,

It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what extent?

Friendly brothers look alike.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three piglets)

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

Didactic game “Whose words are these?”

Children are asked to name the hero of the fairy tale, who owns the phrase and the name of the fairy tale itself.

“I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother”

(Kolobok from the fairy tale “Kolobok”)

“Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie”

(Masha from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”)

“Stove, mother, hide us!”

(Sister from the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”)

“Who found the spikelet? Who carried the grain to the mill? Who kneaded the dough?

Did you carry firewood? Did you heat the stove? Who baked the pies?

(Cockerel from the fairy tale “Spikelet”)

“I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers, not paws, not teeth,

and zubishchi - I’m not afraid of anyone!”

(Hare from the fairy tale “The Boasting Hare”)

“As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go down the back streets!”

(Fox from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”)

Dynamic pause “The fairy tale will give us a rest.”

A fairy tale will give us a rest.

Let's take a rest and hit the road again!

Malvina advises us:

The waist will become an aspen,

If we bend over

Left and right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

So that your back is straight,

Get up on your toes

It's like you're reaching for flowers.

One two three four five.

Little Red Riding Hood's advice:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One two three four five.

Say it again:

One two three four five. (Children repeat the described movements.)

The fairy tale gave us a rest!

Have you rested? On the road again!

"Land of Stories"

What is the difference between a story and a fairy tale? (Children's answers)

The stories are about what really happened.

Didactic game “Which story is the illustration for”

“Bone” by L. Tolstoy

“Who said “meow”? V. Suteev

“Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring” K. Ushinsky

“Like an ant rushing home” by V. Bianchi

“Fox Bread” M. Prishvin

"World of Poems"

How are poems different from stories?

Poems are written in a column. Like this. (Display of poems in a book) And stories are written down on a line. Like this. (Showing prose in the book). And in the verses, some of the last words are consonant.

And then the bunnies called:

Can you send me some gloves?

The last words in these verses are consonant: bunnies and gloves. What words are similar in the following verses?

And then the monkeys called:

Please send me books! (Children's answers) Monkeys and books. Do you know what work these lines are from? (Children's answers) From the poem "Telephone". Who is the author of this poem? (Children's answers) Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Didactic game “Give me a word”

The girl began to put the kitten to bed.

Here's under your back

Soft... featherbed.

On top of the feather bed

A clean… sheet.

Here's to your ears


(“Mustachioed and Striped” by S. Marshak)

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you rush...jump?

I smacked you with my palm.

You jumped and stomped loudly. (“Ball” by S. Marshak)

Masha put on her mitten.

Oh, where am I going...what's going on?

There is no finger, it’s gone,

I didn’t get into my little house!

(“Where is my finger” N. Sakonskaya)

If the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run along... the path.

She would dance

Together with us,

She would knock... her heels.

(“Christmas tree” by E. Trutnev)

Tanyusha has a lot to do,

Tanyusha has a lot to do,

In the morning I helped my brother -

He's been eating candy since morning.

(“The Assistant” by A. Barto)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...

Well, I didn’t play...

I don't start a top

And I sat down and... I sat.

(“Let’s sit in silence” by E. Blaginin)

Snow was falling on the threshold

The cat made himself... a pie.

In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed away in a trickle!

(“Pie” by P. Voronko)

And then the bear called

Yes, how I started, how I started... roar.

(“Telephone” by K. I. Chukovsky)

Finger gymnastics “We counted on our fingers” (based on a poem by I. Tokmakova)

We counted on our fingers

And they laughed terribly:

Are these fingers?

They're just boys!

Here's a big, funny fat man,

Likes to brag just like that.

How are you? - ask him.

He will jump up and shout: “Wow!”

The index beckons,

Will threaten, show the way,

And then it gets stuck in your nose:

You need to rest somewhere!

Middle finger - angry boy.

Click on the forehead - there will be a bump,

Click on the ball - the ball will burst,

Click - and the mosquito faints.

Nameless until the morning

Selects names:

Maybe Petya? Or Vova?

Or Alla Pugacheva?

Thumb Boy? Karabas?

Everything has happened a thousand times!

I'm tired, it's time to sleep,

I'd better choose in the morning!

And the little finger is my favorite!

I'll take him to the menagerie,

I'll buy him a popsicle -

I love very little ones!

(Children are invited to draw different faces on small paper circles and stick them with sweet water on their fingers. You can go as a “guest”: touch your thumb to the other fingers one by one).

It's time for us to return home. One, two, three, carpet, bring us home.


Did you enjoy the trip? What's your mood? What do you feel? Why?

What did you find most interesting about our trip? What did you find difficult?

Scenario for the travel game “Dahl’s Literary Stagecoach.” - page No. 1/1



Perov, Vasily Grigorievich

Portrait of V.I. Dalia. 1872.


"Dahl's Literary Stagecoach".

(for students in grades 5-9)

teacher of Russian language and literature



2008 -2009 academic year

Presenter 1: The travel game “Dal's Literary Stagecoach” is dedicated to the Russian writer, collector of folk songs, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, author of the famous “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”, for which he was awarded the title of Honorary Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Presenter 2: Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born in 1801 in the city of Lugansk in the family of a doctor.

Father Johann Dahl, a Dane by nationality, had an excellent knowledge of Russian, German, English, French, Latin, Ancient Greek and Hebrew. Having received a theological and philological education at Jena University, he was invited to Russia. After which he returned to Jennes to study medicine, then returned to Russia as a doctor for the mining department at the Lugansk foundry.

Mother - Maria Freitach - German on her father and French on her mother - was an educated woman.

The parents managed to create a real Russian family. And Dahl’s father always said: “Be proud that you are Russian!”

Vladimir was sent to study at the naval cadet corps, where he became friends with Pavel Nakhimov. There Dahl developed an interest in language, and he compiled a 34-word dictionary of cadet jargon.

In March 1819, he was released with the rank of midshipman and sent to serve in Nikolaev.

Presenter 1: On the way to his duty station, Dahl stopped at a postal station. The coachman asked him:

Well, master, shall we go or warm up a little more?

Will we get there in such a blizzard?

Don't doubt it... Rejuvenates.

How does this “rejuvenate”?

It will become cloudy. Towards warmth.

Is this what they say in the Novgorod province?

So. The sky is overcast with clouds; leads to bad weather.

Presenter 2: This frosty March day became the main thing in Dahl’s life. He wrote down the first word in his notebook.

And in 1825, Vladimir Ivanovich retired and entered the Imperial University of Dorpat at the Faculty of Medicine. During the Russian-Turkish War he served as a military doctor.

Presenter 1: In between operations and dressings, he kept walking around with a pencil, watching the soldiers. And when they asked him what it was, he smiled and wrote down. He answered: “I have a hobby - collecting words. There are also various sayings and riddles...”

Presenter 2: He heard a lot during the war. Every day the notebooks were filled with new entries. And one day Vladimir Dal began to compose fairy tales. At first he was a little afraid to hand them over to the readers. But then I decided to print a few, but I didn’t put my last name. He came up with a pseudonym - Cossack Lugansky (after his place of birth).

The first book, which included five fairy tales, was published under the title “The First Heel.” Many of you have read the fairy tales “The Bear is a Half-Maker”, “The Snow Maiden”, “The Fox is a Lapotnitsa”, but few people know that they belong to the pen of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl.

Presenter 1: In the fall of 1832, Dal gathered his courage, took a book of his “Russian Fairy Tales” and went to Zhadimirovsky’s house on the corner of Gorokhovaya and Bolshaya Morskaya, where A.S. Pushkin lived at that time. He received him well, said that he had already seen this book and was pleased with it. He praised me for the fairy tales, but suggested that I go further and start compiling a dictionary. To Dahl's doubt:

Will I be able to handle it?

The genius replied:

You will definitely master it!.. There is nothing to think about here. I can envy you - you have a life goal.

And V.I. Dal set to work with even greater zeal.

Presenter 2: In the fall of 1833, Vladimir Dal married the girl Walia Andre. She bore him a son and a daughter, but soon, unfortunately, she died.

Time has passed. Once during the operation, Dahl met the hero of the Battle of Borodino, retired Major Sokolov. Subsequently, Vladimir married his daughter, who gave him three more girls.

In the winter of 1837, the family lived in St. Petersburg, where Dahl communicated a lot with A.S. Pushkin.

A few minutes before his death, the poet gave Dahl a bullet-riddled frock coat and his ring with a green stone as a souvenir.

Presenter 1: With a light hand, Dahl began compiling a dictionary of the Russian language, although he was not a philologist by training. This work continued for 53 years. Dahl's work was awarded a Gold Medal from the Russian Geographical Society.

Presenter 2: Dahl's explanatory dictionary consists of 4 volumes and contains more than two hundred thousand words and thirty thousand proverbs, sayings, and riddles.

And the complete collection of Dahl's works is 10 volumes. He alone collected more fairy tales than the entire Russian Geographical Society. And how many of them did he compose himself...

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was a sailor, doctor, writer, and naturalist. He sailed the seas, fought, traveled, composed fairy tales and stories, performed complex surgical operations, and wrote textbooks “Botany” and “Zoology” for schoolchildren.

But wherever Dal was, whatever he was doing, he listened to the speech of people - peasants, artisans, soldiers. Because he believed that the people have a precise, expressive word. Where can we learn Russian if not from him?

Today, in the 21st century, we remember with gratitude the author of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” - Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. The man who collected words.

Presenter 1: Dear teams, the time has come to show you knowledge on Autobiographical station.

(Remember in turn the information about the life and work of V.I. Dahl. Whoever names the most wins).

The jury's word

Station "Igrovoy"

After a short journey, we arrived at the Igrovaya station, where we will play with you Dahl’s game “Flight”.

All members of both teams sit at the same table and place their index finger on the table. The presenter, naming a flying insect, bird or vehicle, raises his finger up - everyone should do the same. Anyone who hesitates to raise a finger or “flies” with a flightless animal or vehicle (for example, a cow or a tractor) is eliminated from the game. The last one remaining at the table wins the toss and gives his team the right to be the first to start the game.

The jury's word

Station "Tolkovaya"

Here the children take part in the Vocabulary Ear game. Each of the participants, armed with a fishing rod (it has a magnet instead of a hook), takes turns going to the “pond” and catching a task fish (a card with a paper clip), on which words from Dahl’s “Explanatory Dictionary” are written.

A participant who does not catch the question fish on the first attempt is deprived of the right to move. The player who caught the fish must find the right volume of the dictionary, the right word and give it an interpretation. A player who completes the task earns his team 1 point.

Words to search: calendar, mendryuga, wheat, agility, remember, prituryat, frown, pokklushit and others.

The jury's word.

Station "Zagadkino".

At this station the Tree of Riddles grows; riddles from Dahl’s book are written on its leaves, to which you need to answer. For a correct answer, the team receives 2 points. This competition provides for the help of spectators and fans who can help out their team and bring them 1 point for correctly guessing the riddle.


  1. What's higher than the forest? (Sun).

  2. A piece of bread hangs above my grandmother's hut. (Month).

  3. The entire path is strewn with peas. (Stars on the sky).

  4. A sister goes to visit her brother, and he backs away from her. (Day and night).

  5. The bird waved its wing and covered the whole world with one feather. (Night).

  6. It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life in autumn. (Snow).

  7. One says: “Let’s run, let’s run,” another says: “Let’s wait, let’s stand,” and the third says: “Let’s stagger, let’s stagger!” (River, bank and grass).

  8. Small, remote, he passed through the earth and found Little Red Riding Hood. (Mushroom).
The jury's word.

Station "Mountain of Proverbs". Captains competition.

You need to take an illustration picture from Dahl’s book, make a copy, cut it into 8 equal squares. On the back (blank) side of each square, write the continuation of the proverbs, the beginning of which will be read by the presenter. The presenter reads out the first part of the proverb, and the captains, having chosen the second part, begin to compose a picture according to the principle of children's cubes. If the proverbs are guessed correctly, then by turning over all 8 squares, the captains should get a whole illustration. If the cubes are folded incorrectly, then 1 point is deducted from the team for each mistake.


  1. A rolling stone gathers no moss).

  2. Labor feeds a person... (but laziness spoils).

  3. The master's work... (afraid).

  4. Fear has eyes like small bowls... (but they don’t see a crumb).

  5. Well done to the sheep... (and well done to the sheep itself).

  6. Eat bread and salt... (and listen to the truth).

  7. When you are looking for a fox in front...(then it is behind).

  8. He who boasts...(he will fall from the mountain).
The jury's word.

Presenter: Having descended from the “Mountain of Proverbs”, we go to the next station.

Station "Skorogorovkino"

Here, according to the terms of the competition, each participant must pronounce the tongue twister “Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves” (from Dahl’s collection). Players who pronounce a tongue twister earn their team 1 point.

The jury sums up the results of the game.

Presenter: Well done! Guys, this is where our journey “Dahl’s Literary Stagecoach” comes to an end and ends today the Week of Children’s and Youth Books.

  1. Meeting with a book, what with a friend,
It’s like a holiday for everyone,

And for the child's soul

This is Ariadne's thread

What leads them away from fairy tales,

Epics and legends

Into the world of real life,

The world of science and knowledge.

  1. Books teach children
To all the wisdom of life -

How to be human

And be needed by the Fatherland,

And how truth differs from lies

Everyone must distinguish

How to fight the enemy

And how to defeat evil.

  1. Books help them
To comprehend beauty

How wonderful to see

How to convey it

And how to see in small things

Great value

And how to find in life

Golden ratio.

  1. The wisdom of book pages -
These are life lessons

About the present day

And about our origins.

They encourage them

Dream high

think about the future -

About distant descendants.

  1. In books there is knowledge, light,
In books the memory of centuries,

In books is the wisdom of people -

Our grandfathers, fathers.

Without books we are like without bread,

You can't even live a day

So let's be

Protect and store them!

Song based on the song “If you went on a journey with a friend...”

1). If you are friends with a book,

If you are friends with a book,

Life is more fun.

And without a book, you understand,

And without a book, you understand,

It's getting more and more difficult.

Chorus: What do I need A,

What do I need B,

What do I need A, B, C, D, D,

When I know all the letters.

2). I'm always in class

In class I always

I answer clearly.

The book is my faithful one,

The book is my faithful one

Help me with everything.


3).And I’ll tell you, friends,

And I'll tell you, friends,

You are friends with the book.

Books are true friends

Books are true friends

You love books!

Chorus 2 times .

Teacher: The most solemn moment is coming - honoring the winners - smart girls and smart people who showed their love for books, reading, demonstrated knowledge of the Russian language and literature on the literary track dedicated to Children's and Youth Book Week.

(Presentation of certificates and souvenirs to students and gratitude to teaching assistants).