What jokes on April 1st for parents. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks

How to divorce your loved ones, friends and acquaintances on April 1? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday, popularly called “April Fool's Day,” approaches.

The history of April Fool's Day - April 1

  • The first vague hints of the existence of this custom can be found in the literary works of French poets dating back to the beginning of the 16th century.
  • There is historical evidence describing the actions of one Flemish nobleman, who played a prank on his servant on April 1, 1539, forcing her to carry out playful errands.

The existence of the Feast of Fools was first mentioned by the English writer John Aubrey back in 1686.

  • A decade later, several Londoners attempted a hoax by notifying Londoners that a public lion washing ceremony would take place in the Tower on April 1st.

Muscovites first encountered the April Fool's joke in 1703. Arriving at the site of mass celebrations at the invitation of street barkers to watch an “extraordinary performance,” people saw a stage with a lowered curtain. At the appointed hour, the curtain was opened, and behind it everyone saw a canvas with a mocking text: “The first of April - don’t trust anyone.” No introduction followed.

Despite the centuries-old tradition of April Fools' pranks, the leading positions in the arsenal of traditional jokes continue to be occupied by phrases about runaway milk and a chalk-white back. The most amazing thing is that these jokes continue to work to this day.

How to prank your husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband may cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film. As a rule, an unsuspecting, sleepy person does not notice anything and goes to his natural needs. How good this joke is is decided by both spouses, eliminating its consequences. At best, the joker will hear a few not very flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. Whether or not to organize such a prank is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize the following prank: having previously put a hefty portion of squash caviar into a clean diaper, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the amazed husband, begin to eat... you know what. This must be done with appetite. When your husband comes to his senses, offer him to try the unusual delicacy.

It is considered a fairly standard joke to replace the contents of a sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and in a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of their sleeping husbands by painting their toenails with green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help deal with the green stuff.

How to prank your wife on April 1 - video

A harmless but effective prank for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to make fun of your parents? Or how to divorce your parents on April 1?

How to prank your friends? Or how to deceive a friend on April 1?

How to separate friends on the first day of April?

How to deceive and prank classmates at school on April 1?

There are many ways to prank classmates on the first day of April, which have already become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the advent of joke departments in our shopping centers, classmates now have a way to prank their friends at school. Especially for April Fools' draws, they can buy there:

  1. Chewing gum with a disgusting taste (for example, dichlorvos).
  2. Candies with insects inside them. Made from food-grade plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they make a rather repulsive impression.
  3. A spyglass with an eyepiece that leaves a mark around the eye that resembles a completely natural bruise.
  4. A pen with splattering ink. Having defiantly sprayed them on an overly elegant classmate and enjoying the violent reaction on her part, you can watch with no less pleasure the process of the stain disappearing (this ink disappears after drying).

Harmless pranks on colleagues

Office employees have a huge number of ways to prank each other, because everything they need for this is on any desktop.

Prank with tape in the office - video:

  • Having printed out an image of paper clips on a photocopier, they place it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them out of there.
  • The computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided tape.
  • A notice is posted on the doors of the toilets (preferably on a couple of floors) that they are undergoing renovations.
  • The drawers of the desks are covered with double-sided tape so that they open at the same time.

How to divorce your boss on April 1?

Before you divorce your boss, you need to think carefully about whether you will later regret it. If he has no problems with a sense of humor and does not suffer from rancor, you can begin preparing an April Fool's prank.

How to divorce your beloved guy on April 1? Or a prank on a loved one

How can you make a joke on the Internet?

There are a great many ways to play harmless pranks, and as information technology develops, the number of ways to easily convey comic misinformation also increases. Nowadays, it has become possible to deceive your loved ones over the Internet and via SMS.

Methods for April Fools' Day pranks on the Internet can be as follows:

  • Secretly from someone close (parents or boyfriend with whom they live), they change the password for their favorite computer toy. Imagine their frustration when they make several attempts to enter it.
  • You can prank your loved one in contact by sending him a special link, following which he will be confused by the sudden change of language on his page. Information on exactly how this is done can be obtained by using the search bar in your browser.

How to prank a friend on VKontakte by sending a message from a celebrity - video:

  • You can confuse your boyfriend on VK with a simple change of status or marital status. Sometimes you can create intrigue by opening and closing access to different blocks of personal information. In this case, not only he, but also simply acquaintances begin to show interest in the personal life of the user of the mysterious page.

April Fools SMS

April Fools' SMS texts might look something like this:

  • Dear, come quickly: the husband has already gone to work, and the child is still sleeping. I kiss you tenderly and wait (“by mistake” sent to my husband).
  • Hello! I am a lost SMS. On the way to you I met some friends and forgot who I was going to. Send me to someone again. Thank you in advance.

April 1 is a rare day when you can tell the truth with impunity, since not a single living soul will believe it.

  • If on April Fool's Day you become a victim of a prank, then you feel like the last fool, and if you were the one who was able to prank someone, then you will be the first.

How to divorce your loved ones, friends and acquaintances on April 1? The relevance of this issue increases as this amazing holiday, popularly called “April Fool's Day,” approaches.

The history of April Fool's Day - April 1

  • The first vague hints of the existence of this custom can be found in the literary works of French poets dating back to the beginning of the 16th century.
  • There is historical evidence describing the actions of one Flemish nobleman, who played a prank on his servant on April 1, 1539, forcing her to carry out playful errands.

The existence of the Feast of Fools was first mentioned by the English writer John Aubrey back in 1686.

  • A decade later, several Londoners attempted a hoax by notifying Londoners that a public lion washing ceremony would take place in the Tower on April 1st.

Muscovites first encountered the April Fool's joke in 1703. Arriving at the site of mass celebrations at the invitation of street barkers to watch an “extraordinary performance,” people saw a stage with a lowered curtain.

At the appointed hour, the curtain was opened, and behind it everyone saw a canvas with a mocking text: “The first of April - don’t trust anyone.” No introduction followed.

Despite the centuries-old tradition of April Fools' pranks, the leading positions in the arsenal of traditional jokes continue to be occupied by phrases about runaway milk and a chalk-white back. The most amazing thing is that these jokes continue to work to this day.

How to prank your husband?

  • A wife who loves to make fun of her beloved husband may cover the toilet with the thinnest cling film. As a rule, an unsuspecting, sleepy person does not notice anything and goes to his natural needs. How good this joke is is decided by both spouses, eliminating its consequences. At best, the joker will hear a few not very flattering expressions addressed to her. At worst, there will be a scandal. Whether or not to organize such a prank is up to you.
  • In a family with a child, you can organize the following prank: having previously put a hefty portion of squash caviar into a clean diaper, wait for the moment when the husband enters the kitchen and, in front of the amazed husband, begin to eat... you know what. This must be done with appetite. When your husband comes to his senses, offer him to try the unusual delicacy.

It is considered a fairly standard joke to replace the contents of a sugar bowl and salt shaker: salt and sugar are poured from one container to another. As a result, for breakfast the husband makes himself either sweet scrambled eggs or salty tea, and in a particularly “successful” set of circumstances, both.

  • Quite often, wives make fun of their sleeping husbands by painting their toenails with green. For those who choose this option, we give a hint in advance: hydrogen peroxide will help deal with the green stuff.

How to prank your wife on April 1 - video

A harmless but effective prank for a wife with a sense of humor.

How to make fun of your parents? Or how to divorce your parents on April 1?

How to prank your friends? Or how to deceive a friend on April 1?

How to separate friends on the first day of April?

How to prank your friends on April 1st - examples in the video:

How to deceive and prank classmates at school on April 1?

There are many ways to prank classmates on the first day of April, which have already become traditional. Let's remember them:

With the advent of joke departments in our shopping centers, classmates now have a way to prank their friends at school. Especially for April Fools' draws, they can buy there:

  1. Chewing gum with a disgusting taste (for example, dichlorvos).
  2. Candies with insects inside them. Made from food-grade plastic, they will not cause the slightest harm to health, although they make a rather repulsive impression.
  3. A spyglass with an eyepiece that leaves a mark around the eye that resembles a completely natural bruise.
  4. A pen with splattering ink. Having defiantly sprayed them on an overly elegant classmate and enjoying the violent reaction on her part, you can watch with no less pleasure the process of the stain disappearing (this ink disappears after drying).

Harmless pranks on colleagues

Office employees have a huge number of ways to prank each other, because everything they need for this is on any desktop.

Prank with tape in the office - video:

  • Having printed out an image of paper clips on a photocopier, they place it under a transparent tray: someone will certainly try to get them out of there.
  • The computer mice of all employees are glued to the table with double-sided tape.
  • A notice is posted on the doors of the toilets (preferably on a couple of floors) that they are undergoing renovations.
  • The drawers of the desks are covered with double-sided tape so that they open at the same time.

How to divorce your boss on April 1?

Before you divorce your boss, you need to think carefully about whether you will later regret it. If he has no problems with a sense of humor and does not suffer from rancor, you can begin preparing an April Fool's prank.

How to divorce your beloved guy on April 1? Or a prank on a loved one

How can you make a joke on the Internet?

There are a great many ways to play harmless pranks, and as information technology develops, the number of ways to easily convey comic misinformation also increases. Nowadays, it has become possible to deceive your loved ones over the Internet and via SMS.

Methods for April Fools' Day pranks on the Internet can be as follows:

  • Secretly from someone close (parents or boyfriend with whom they live), they change the password for their favorite computer toy. Imagine their frustration when they make several attempts to enter it.
  • You can prank your loved one in contact by sending him a special link, following which he will be confused by the sudden change of language on his page. Information on exactly how this is done can be obtained by using the search bar in your browser.
How to prank a friend on VKontakte by sending a message from a celebrity - video:

The first of April is approaching - the traditional day of laughter, jokes and practical jokes. On this day, everyone plays pranks: parents play on their children, and children play on their mothers and fathers; subordinates are allowed to play tricks on their boss, and schoolchildren and students play on their teachers. It’s not customary to be offended by even the most evil and sharp jokes, you just have to laugh with everyone!

We already seem to know all the jokes, but we still want to present some special one to our friend, colleague, family, classmates.

The approach of a holiday that symbolizes fun and smiles gives us positive emotions in the form of laughter, humor, and positivity.

Laughter prolongs life

In this article we tried to collect all the old and new, familiar and unknown jokes. You’ve already heard about something, someone was pranked in exactly the same way last year, or maybe there’s something new here, just for you? With our jokes and pranks you can please your relatives, friends or employees at work and give them and yourself vivid impressions and positive emotions.

It turns out that there is even a special list of the world’s famous April Fool’s jokes and pranks – “The Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes of All Time”, used by pranksters of all nations and generations. It included a message about the fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, an announcement about the landing of an unidentified flying object in London, the appearance of flying penguins, the application of the decimal system to the measurement of time, the new value of Pi - 3.0 and much more.

The main rule on this day is not to forget that all jokes must match the sense of humor of the person you are going to laugh at. Don't forget about moderation! Do not overdo it in your zeal, because in theory, not only you, but also your victim should laugh.

Playing pranks on colleagues

A little positivity and fun in the office never hurts!

It’s especially pleasant to prank a colleague precisely because this person is close to you, you spend a huge amount of time with him every day, and he’s probably already prepared some special joke for you. But being first is always better!

“A box (box, bag, container) without a bottom”

“What’s inside?!”

This April Fool's prank is suitable for those who always need to look into all corners and need to know about everything. In a place, for example, on a cabinet (on a rack or open mezzanine), placed above a person’s height, place a small box (or whatever you have prepared), but without a bottom. This item should have a bright sticker, visible to everyone, that arouses curiosity - for example: FOR SEX, BOSS’S PERSONAL ITEMS, DO NOT TOUCH WITH YOUR HANDS, OPEN ON APRIL 2 or similar to these, but relevant in your team. The box is filled with small, lightweight objects: confetti, feathers, foil glitter, etc. As soon as the object of the joke enters the room, everyone needs to leave so as not to interfere with his curiosity about the contents of the mysterious box. When removing an object from a height, he will not suspect that there is no bottom in it, and will be showered with its contents from head to toe. You can come in and give him the broom and dustpan you prepared for the curious.

Playing a gullible secretary

Making fun of your boss's secretary is a nice thing to do!

If the secretary girl in your office is a naive and gullible person, call her from the phone in the next office and seriously and strictly inform her that the telephone exchange employees are cleaning the telephone cable. To do this, they will supposedly run hot steam through the wires and immediately need to pack all the phones in polyethylene or cloth, or, in extreme cases, put all the handsets on the floor. If you have convinced the victim of what is happening, do not stop him from putting all office telephones into “safe operating mode”.

A prank for those who don’t understand anything about computers (only for those who are friends with a sense of humor)

“Somehow it’s not working!”

1. Take a seat at a colleague’s computer in his absence.
2. Click “PrintSrceen” or “prt sc” for short, that is, take a photo of the screen.
3. Open: Start > Accessories > Graphic editor Paint.
4. Insert the photo you took, or using the Shift+Insert keys, it will be inserted automatically.
5. Save the joke.bmp to c:windows and close the editor.
6. Find “Display Properties” and make “joke.bmp” the background image on your desktop.
7. Remove all desktop icons from the screen. You can also send the “Taskbar” there.
After returning, your unfortunate colleague will not be able to click on icons or open folders. Restarting the computer won't help either. Only you will know that you need to open “Arrange icons by..” and restore the main background. If you don’t want to get a scolding from your superiors after a complaint from an unlucky colleague and a call to the IT service, the main thing is to confess in time.

Playing pranks on friends

What could be nicer than a friendly joke?

The old, proven "Hot Water" prank

We call a friend, preferably later, and ask: “Is there hot water running? - Yes! “Wash your feet and go to bed!”

For the faint of heart friend

While drinking coffee and having a calm conversation together, make an extremely frightened expression on your face and, pointing to your hair, shout: “Cockroach (spider, caterpillar, bee)!” The success of the joke will depend on your acting skills and the surprise of the moment.

Don’t overdo it so that your friend doesn’t take it out on you later!

For friend

Go with a friend to a gas station and while refueling his car or after, ask: “Are you, of course, filling up with winter diesel fuel?” Before realizing that this is a prank on the first of April, he will be at least a little scared. If you ask this question to a girl, you will get a 100% hit. In this way, by the way, you can meet the young lady you like.


Even though this joke is very old, it has an amazing effect. The main condition remains that the person being played must smoke. You invite him to try a new type of cigarettes, allegedly brought by relatives from abroad. According to an agreement with friends, a short time after a friend has lit a cigarette, you do all sorts of special effects - turn on quiet music, release cockroaches from a box, open a can of paint so that the smell fills the rooms, whatever. Everyone present must maintain a calm appearance, not showing that anything is happening, “not seeing or hearing” what the smoking comrade is talking about. We assure you that the expression on the face of your character will be remembered for a long time!

"Reliable comrades"

Early in the morning, call close friends and, with alarm in your voice, ask them to immediately bring you a ten-liter bucket (with water or empty, it doesn’t matter).
The prank will only be discovered when a dozen cars and people with buckets and anxious faces arrive at your yard. Believe me, the neighbors’ reaction to this spectacle is also amazing; some also jump out into the street with buckets.

Relatives' prank

The family is not without... jokes!

“Who will milk the goat?”

If you have children of primary school age and live in a city apartment, this joke can be remembered for a long time. While having breakfast with the whole family, you put on a serious expression and address one child in a stern tone, informing them that you have decided to buy a goat. Describe all the benefits that you will receive from keeping it, and responsibly instruct your son (or daughter) to milk the animal. Cleaning and feeding, by the way, are also her or his responsibilities. Despite the child’s reaction, try not to admit to the prank and hold out as long as possible. If your child has doubts about the veracity of your words, pretend that you are making arrangements over the phone about how to get the goat home.

Husband's prank: "Woman driving"

“Honey, I have a little problem...”

Go shopping in your husband's or boyfriend's car. Agree with his friends, let one of them contact your husband in half an hour on the phone with an unfamiliar number and report with a Caucasian accent that you crashed his very expensive car (the more expensive the better). Your health is supposedly fine, but he takes you hostage and demands money for the damage. The more unrealistic the amount, the better. The husband's other friends, who should also be aware of what is happening, can monitor the husband's condition, helping him get out of the situation.

“Congratulations, you are homeless!”

This prank is suitable if you are planning to change the locks on your front doors. Change it and at the same time you will prank your soul mate. Before your wife arrives, you negotiate with a stranger who will open the door after your wife’s unsuccessful attempts to do so with her keys. A strange, half-dressed man at the entrance to your own apartment will naturally puzzle your wife at first. And his question: “What did you want?” will completely baffle her. To all questions, the “new owner” must answer that he bought the apartment today and can show the documents. How long to play on your nerves will be determined by the condition of your loved one; it is better, of course, not to expect that she will call the police or fall unconscious at the door. Everyone will have fun later, when the intensity of passions passes and everyone calms down.

Prank of a jealous but easy-going husband

Serious passions can flare up from your joke!

Unbeknownst to your husband or boyfriend, sign your phone number in his contacts with another name, it could be a neighbor, a work colleague, an acquaintance. Before your husband leaves home, give him the opportunity to suspect that you are preening. After a while, call and in a changed voice say that his wife is visiting a handsome man, and you saw him giving her flowers and champagne. You can quickly set the table with your beloved’s favorite delicacies, because he will arrive faster than the wind. Be strong: you started this joke, and you are responsible for it. If your husband is the second Othello, we don’t recommend joking like that, try something easier.

Children's pranks

A child's laughter is the most valuable gift!

"Talking Horse"

Call the children and quickly say: “Good afternoon, is this a circus? Do you want a horse that can talk? Don’t hang up, dialing a number using a hoof is very difficult!”

"Wet Holiday"

Fill a plastic bowl with water, use a ladder or stool to climb up to the ceiling, and lean the bowl against it. Shout: “Flood!”, call the one you planned to prank. Ask the person who comes to hold the bowl a little with a mop (which you previously placed next to it). You leave the room, leaving the unfortunate man with a mop in his hand and a bowl under the ceiling. What happened next can be filmed on camera. To prevent you from getting nailed after this, prepare a gift for your already wet “helper.”

"Items on Strings"

This joke will work if the door to your sibling's room opens outward. Use a thread to connect more objects in the room to each other. They should not be heavy; for example, a pen, a book, a toy, a vase, or whatever else they have in their room will do. Go out and attach the end of the thread to the slightly open door. You close it. Whoever opens the door will cause the objects in it to teleport. It’s better to immediately take mom as an accomplice so that she doesn’t get into trouble later.

Joke with a newspaper sheet

If you share a bedroom with your sister or brother, place a sheet of newspaper under their sheets. The “victim” lying on the bed will hear a slight rustling sound and her reaction will be very funny.

Joke "Good morning!"

Now your brother or sister will have an hour to come up with an answer joke for you!

In the evening, when the person being played falls asleep, set all the clocks an hour earlier. In the morning, perhaps, nothing will be discovered, but a surprise will await your brother or sister near a closed school or institute. By the way, you will also have an hour left, you can easily follow him and enjoy the success.

"Pot of Water"

Water is poured into the pan, covered with a paper sheet, the pan is turned upside down and placed on the table. The paper is pulled out, but water should not run out. The “victim” of the prank will be the one who decides that the pan is not where it needs to be and in the wrong way. The same trick can be done with a three-liter jar, leaving the family member being pranked with thoughts of how to clean it all up.

"April Fool's Firecracker"

The firecracker is tied to the staircase railing, and the rope from it is tied to the neighbors' door. Ring the doorbell and hide in the apartment. Further observation can be carried out through the peephole in the door. We don't recommend laughing loudly - you'll get caught. The usual reaction of neighbors after this is to check the entrance every three to five minutes with a burning desire to catch the joker “in the act.”

"Magic Drive"

For a person who has little understanding of what a computer is, tell them that there is e-mail and you should receive a money transfer soon. Then you can solemnly take out the money hidden in advance in the drive.

Pranks for classmates and classmates

Student jokes are always remembered for a long time

"Mop on the Ceiling"

A note that says: “There is a mop on the ceiling” is passed around the class during class. But it also says: “Pass it on!” Everyone who receives the note will automatically look at the ceiling. When a chain reaction of those looking up occurs, the teacher will look up along with them.
"I'm skiing"


Tell your classmate that you will perform a magic trick and ask him to stand exactly in the middle of the class with his arms extended forward. Insert a match between his thumb and forefinger on both hands (sulfur head down). You slip the same matches under the toes of his shoes. You ask loudly: “What month is it now?” Naturally, he will say: “April.” Your response: “Why are you skiing?” Let's all have fun!


Your joke may not be to everyone's taste.

This is an amateur's joke, as they say. It is better not to test them for people with weak stomachs. It will only work if you relax in nature that day.
Unnoticed, not far from your friends, you make a pile of squash caviar on the ground, decorate it with a piece of toilet paper and shout: “Fresh!” – you start eating caviar with a spoon pulled out of your pocket. We warn you that your joke may literally hurt many people’s throats.

"The impossible is possible"

Announce to the “victim” in the presence of spectators that you have psychic abilities and can make the “victim” climb the wall. Convince him of this by any means and words, using all sorts of “scientific” terms: aura, chakra, subconscious, etc. After your unfortunate friend agrees to participate in this experiment, put him against the wall, invite him to concentrate and try the power of contact of parts bodies with a wall - sliding movements with arms, legs, elbows. At the same time, he should repeat the text after you (this is like a “mantra that overcomes gravity”), without stopping his movements. Approximate content of the text: “The power is in me! I have dexterity! I can do this! I am sure about that! I'm not afraid of any obstacles! My brain is ready for any stress! No one will fool me! But I still climb the wall!”
If you have certain acting skills, your chosen “victim” will automatically repeat the last line, no longer suspecting anything!

Video drawings for April 1

The holiday of April 1 is a day of practical jokes, surprises, laughter and fun. On this day, they play pranks on friends, colleagues, acquaintances and relatives. It’s not surprising, because jokes and pranks on April 1 will lift your spirits and leave good memories. And although April Fool’s Day is not designated in any way on the official calendar, it enjoys enviable popularity among residents of many countries.

After reading the article, you will make the first day of April unforgettable. I will look at successful April Fools' jokes, jokes and practical jokes that will help you make a good-natured, but incredibly funny joke, and this is the key to general fun and positive emotions.

Remember to have a sense of proportion and do not overdo it with humor on April Fool's Day. If you successfully choose a victim for the prank, get the timing right and do everything correctly, it will be funny for everyone. And don’t forget to be vigilant, because at any moment you can become a victim of a prank.

The best pranks for the first of April at school

Many people love April Fool's Day, especially schoolchildren. They are ready to play pranks at any moment, because on the first of April no one punishes them for this. At the same time, every student does not forget about attentiveness and constantly expects a trick from his peers. In this part of the article I will consider several ideas for pranks for schoolchildren. They require little preparation and provide incredible results.

  • "Paper Draw". Before the holiday, prepare several sheets of paper with various inscriptions. Notification of repairs, lack of water, or cancellation of classes is ideal. Post messages on the walls of the school and in the school yard. Just don't get caught by the teachers.
  • "Holiday Brick". A classmate who has a roomy backpack with a lot of pockets is suitable for the role of the victim. When the target of the prank leaves the property unattended, hide a brick or large rock in one of the pockets. After classes, the student will automatically put on a backpack and will not pay attention to the fact that the burden has become heavier. The results of the drawing will be known the next day.
  • "Goodbye, school" . The draw is suitable for classmates who often miss classes. On April 1, give your peer a letter on behalf of the class teacher notifying you of expulsion from school.
  • « Fantômas". Burn a dozen matches. Cover both hands with the remaining ashes, then approach the victim from behind and close his eyes. As soon as the target of the prank guesses you, remove your hands and quickly put them in your pocket. A classmate will not suspect that he has undergone a facial.
  • « Soap and blackboard» . On April Fool's Day, not only schoolchildren, but also teachers play pranks. If the teacher's anger is not scary, rub the board with soap before class. The teacher's attempts to write something on the board will fail.

When choosing a prank, remember that your actions should not offend your classmate. In general, on this day it is recommended that both schoolchildren and teachers be attentive, because school-age children are unpredictable.

Popular pranks for friends

Laughter improves mood and has a positive effect on life expectancy. And the first of April is a wonderful occasion to make fun of your friends and have a good laugh. It is possible that thanks to the prank, the life of a close friend will increase by one bright day. In this part of the article you will find ideas that will help you organize a five-minute laugh.

  1. "Head in a Jar". Invite your friends to get together and spend April Fool's Eve at your home. Before your guests arrive, fill a jar with water, dip a friend’s photo into the liquid, and place it in the refrigerator. During an evening out, ask the victim to bring a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. The surprise effect will work one hundred percent.
  2. "Fizzy". A great way to prank. Invite friends home, offer cola with ice. Just instead of regular ice, put pieces with Mentos candies frozen inside into glasses. When the ice melts, the candy will react with the drink, resulting in a fountain gushing out of the glass.
  3. "It's time to get up." Before April Fool's Day, ask a friend for a phone number to make a call. Step aside and secretly set your alarm for 5am. In the morning, call your friend back and ask if he liked getting up early.
  4. "Screen of Death". If a friend spends a lot of time on the computer, the following April Fool's prank is recommended. Take a screenshot of the blue screen and secretly set the resulting image as your desktop wallpaper on your friend's computer. Don't forget to create a folder and put all the shortcuts in it to make it more believable.
  5. "Prank by phone". Call a friend for any reason, and after a few minutes of conversation, say that you will call back in 5 minutes. During the next call, make sure that your friend hears an unexpected scream instead of the usual greeting.

Video tips

Most of these pranks require advance preparation, but provide impressive results. And the emotions and memories gained are worth it. So get ready for a fun holiday in advance.

How to joke with your parents

If you decide to play a prank on your parents on the first of April, you will have to try hard. In the case of parents, topical pranks are inappropriate, since dad and mom are the closest people who require attention and reverent attitude. As for the main purpose of the April Fool's prank for relatives, it is about family fun. How to make a joke?

  1. "Dessert with a surprise". Pass the processed cheese through a grater, add crushed garlic and chopped hot pepper. Roll the resulting mixture into balls, sprinkle generously with coconut flakes. The spicy taste of the mouth-watering dessert is guaranteed to surprise parents.
  2. "Sudden Letter". On April Fool's Day, place a letter in the mailbox on behalf of one of the utility companies. In the letter, indicate that in the near future a new cable will be laid on the roof of the house, and during work, fragments of concrete may fall from the roof. To protect your windows, we recommend sealing them with tape. If parents believe, don't let them go too far. Tell them it's a prank.
  3. "Toothpaste with a twist". In the daily bustle, parents usually forget that the first of April is approaching and regularly fall for this prank. Stretch the cling film over the tube where the paste is squeezed out. Then close the lid and remove excess material. When parents want to freshen their breath, they will not be able to squeeze out the paste.
  4. "Bad news". Ask someone you know to call the parents on behalf of the school principal and report the child’s expulsion due to persistent absenteeism. The main thing is to notify your family about the draw in a timely manner.
  5. "Merry communal apartment". Scan the old payment using a graphic editor, change important information and set the exorbitant amount. After that, print out a new receipt on the printer, delicately cut it out with scissors and slip it under the door.

Remember, it’s much more difficult to prank your parents on April Fools’ Day than it is to prank your friends or classmates. Therefore, to achieve results, use your imagination and demonstrate your acting skills to the maximum.

Funny office pranks for colleagues

The first of April is the best reason to lighten up the work environment, play pranks on your colleagues and laugh together. Lately, more and more people are playing office pranks on co-workers. If you want to join them, look below for original ideas that will help you prank your colleagues and make the holiday unforgettable.

  • "Naughty Mouse". On the eve of April 1st, stay late in the office and cover your optical mice with thin paper or stationery tape. The expected effect will appear the next morning, when, after turning on the computer, colleagues notice the loss of control over the system.
  • "Spot" . Mix ammonia with phenolphthalein. Both products are sold at the pharmacy. The result will be a red liquid. Pour the mixture into a fountain pen and, if successful, shake it onto a colleague’s shirt or blouse. After a few seconds, the alcohol will evaporate and the stains will disappear.
  • "Clerical confusion". A colleague's stationery will help organize the draw. Replace the pens with analogues whose caps are glued with glue, and cover the ends of the pencils with a layer of colorless nail polish. When you arrive at work, watch the victim suffer.
  • "Unexpected Guest". If the office receives many visitors every day, and each colleague has a separate office, replace the sign on the victim's door. The inscription "Toilet" will do.
  • "Top secret". The raffle is ideal for accounting or an office with a huge turnover of documents. Collect a bunch of unnecessary papers, file them in a folder, stick a “top secret” note on top and place it on the desk of one of the employees. Believe me, you have never seen such a detective show before.

Video instruction

When choosing a drawing option, be sure to take into account your relationships with colleagues. Use the most “cruel” pranks on colleagues with whom you have a warm relationship. Also remember that a joke should not interfere with the normal course of the work day.

Harmless pranks for girls

Girls are different. Some react adequately to innocent jokes, others are very offended. If you decide to prank a girl on the first of April, don’t overdo it. Stupid and cynical jokes and gags are inappropriate in this case. Only a beautiful and original prank will provide the desired effect.

  1. "Cosmetics with a catch". Buy your girl an expensive face mask. Pour the contents of the jar into another container, and pour thick mayonnaise instead. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a gift and will want to immediately try it in practice. After laughing, give the real remedy.
  2. "A haircut" . In advance, get a strand of artificial hair that matches the girl’s hair in color. Having chosen the right moment, take the large scissors, approach the girl from behind, click the scissors loudly and throw her hair on the floor. The effect is simply amazing.
  3. "Request" . Hide a spool of thread under a sweater or T-shirt, and use a needle to bring the tip of the thread out. Ask the girl to remove the thread from her clothes and enjoy the spectacle. The efforts of the discouraged assistant look comical.
  4. "Miracle hairdryer". If a girl uses a hairdryer every day, pour a little flour or starch into it. When she decides to dry her hair, she will be in for a surprise. This prank is very effective, but after the fireworks the instigator has to clean up.
  5. "Feeling of fear". It so happens that spiders cause fear in girls. On the eve of April 1, buy a rubber spider at the store and tie a string to it. At the right moment, quietly lower the creature onto the girl’s shoulder. You will hear the effect in a few seconds.

When playing a girl, remember that she is a gentle and fragile creature. Therefore, forget about pranks that cause physical or mental pain. You will do everything right if after the prank she laughs too.

How to make fun of a guy

In the case of guys, the range of April Fool's jokes is no worse than with girls. And if a young man also has a wonderful sense of humor, there are no restrictions on the implementation of even the most daring ideas. The main thing is to avoid sensitive situations.

  • "Flood". While the guy is sleeping, carefully sew the duvet cover to the sheet. In the morning, run into the bedroom and say that the neighbors have flooded the apartment. The guy, shocked by the news, will try to quickly get out of bed, but that’s not the case.
  • "Good news" . If a guy is not ready for family life, please him on April 1st with the following joke. Use a colored marker to draw the number of lines required for a positive result on the pregnancy test.
  • "Hero-Savior" . On the eve of April 1, tell your boyfriend that you are not feeling well. In the morning, ask him to run to the pharmacy for herbal tincture. Come up with a name for the grass yourself. Get dressed quickly, follow the guy from behind and watch how the young man tries to buy a non-existent product. Very funny.
  • "Hijacking". If the guy has a car while he sleeps, take the keys and drive the vehicle to another location. After this, wake up your betrothed and tell him that the car was stolen. Just be sure to report the prank before calling law enforcement.

I have listed a few ideas for an original April Fool's prank for a guy. And these are not all the options. Using your imagination, you can come up with something of your own that will suit the guy’s temperament and will not harm the relationship.

April 1 jokes for children

Pranks are popular with many people, especially children. They have a lot of fun when their parents play pranks on them. Below I’ll look at a few ideas for April Fool’s pranks for kids. They will help fill the house with laughter on the first day of April.

  1. "Teleportation". If babies sleep soundly at night, carefully move them to another room. When they wake up, they will find themselves in an unusual environment, which cannot but surprise.
  2. "Milk juice". Offer your kids a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Just serve orange milk instead of a drink. To do this, add food coloring to it.
  3. "Products with eyes". Ask your baby to get milk from the refrigerator. He will be very surprised when he sees on the middle shelf a tray with eggs with funny faces drawn on them. I also recommend giving fruits and vegetables their appearance.
  4. "Snow-white smile". To make morning washing more fun, sprinkle salt on your children's toothbrush. Just don't overdo it.
  5. "A pleasant surprise". While the kids are sleeping, take things out of the closet and replace them with a large number of helium-filled balloons. When the child opens the doors, the balls will fly out like butterflies.

Children are the most capricious and vulnerable audience. Therefore, make every effort to ensure that they receive a vivid impression, and not another portion of stress and disappointment. Let them have fun from the heart.

How not to joke on April 1st

As April approaches, many people are thinking about playing a fun and funny prank on their comrades, colleagues and loved ones. On this day you can joke about different topics, but there are exceptions. In order not to lose face or get into an unpleasant situation, do not use jokes that mention:

  • Death;
  • Kidnapping;
  • Accident;
  • Mining a building.

Have you already thought about how to prank your parents on April 1st and, in general, your beloved family members? Making your family laugh and have fun is always a huge plus for a relationship. Again, on April 1, you need to try and prepare everything in the evening so that no one has time to prank you before you do it first.

As for preparing various kinds of pranks for the family on April 1st, you should follow the standard rules. The prank should not offend or injure a person, and it should not interfere with the normal course of things. That is, time should be calculated in such a way that parents are not late for work, and sister or brother is not late for school. Otherwise, in principle, there are no prohibitions.

The main thing is that in the end, everyone laughs heartily together, has fun, and celebrates a wonderful life in this way.

How to prank your parents on April 1st at home

With soap

An excellent option for an April Fool's prank, which is aimed not at anyone in particular, but at all family members who live in the same room with you. You will need to take clear nail polish and new, fresh, dry soap. The night before, apply a clear varnish to the soap and let it dry.

The person who first decides to take a shower in the morning will especially come under fire from this prank. No matter how much such soap is wet, it still won’t lather, and right away, when you wake up in the morning, it will hardly be clear what happened and what specific actions to take in this situation.

Thread and insect

Another interesting and easy to implement option is how to prank your parents on April 1st at home in an easy way. You will need to prepare in the evening, and it is best to hold this draw in the evening of April 1st. When someone goes to the bathroom, you need to take a long thread and put it under the sheet. The end of the thread should extend outside the room. When a person goes to bed, he will begin to pull the thread and pull it out from under the sheet. And you will feel like some kind of insect is moving on the bed.

The joke will be remembered for a long time, only here you need to take into account that if a person is terribly afraid of insects, then it is better to refuse this version of the joke. If, on the contrary, he has strong nerves, then such a test will ultimately be fun and will help diversify the jokes on April Fool's Day with the family.

With mattress

In the evening, when the day of laughter seems to be coming to an end and everyone decides to relax, you can perform this joke. You just need to wait for the person to fall asleep soundly. An accomplice is required to pull off this prank. You need to take the sleeping person along with the mattress and carefully move him from the bed to the floor. Next, wake the person suddenly and watch as he tries to jump to his feet. After all, he thinks that he is lying high on the bed, but in fact he is already on the floor.

With toothpaste

This is a traditional April Fool's prank that will never lose its relevance. Everything should be prepared in advance so that on the morning of April 1 you will be in full combat readiness. Instead of paste, you will need to squeeze cream into the pack, add sugar or salt. The first person to go to the bathroom on April 1 will definitely brush his teeth with something original, but not with toothpaste.

Another toothpaste-related prank, this one is easier and more harmless. You can simply tape the paste to the cup, and the brushes to the cup in which they are located. In the morning, a person will be very surprised when he cannot take familiar things from their usual place. It’s not immediately clear what exactly is interfering and, in general, what day it is.

Connecting objects

This is a great way to play an April Fool's joke on your brother or sister. You will need to connect things together and tie them to the door handle. When the door to the room opens from the outside, it turns out that these objects will simply fly away in different directions upon entering the room, which will cause a slight shock to the person entering. This is quite enough for a joke. Among the items you can take pens, pencils, toys and other small items. As for the tying method, you can use thread or tape. Which ones can be carried out?

With a doll

You will need to take a doll that is the size of a baby. Wrap her well in a blanket and put her in a basket. Now place this basket near the door and put a note in it. Place the doll near the front door, ring the bell and run away. When one of the family members opens the door, he will be surprised, to put it mildly.

With shower

While all family members are sleeping, you should get up early and take a cube of soup broth or just food coloring. Next, unscrew the shower sprayer and send broth or dye there. Now, when the first member of the family goes to take a shower, instead of ordinary water, broth or red liquid will be poured onto him. Of course, at first this family member will be terrified, but you will definitely start the morning of April 1 in a cheerful and cheerful mood.

With a saucepan

The next option is how to prank your parents on April 1st. You can take a pan of water or just a jar. Next, take a sheet of paper and attach it to the jar, turn it upside down. Then place it on a flat surface and the joke is that the water will not flow out of the vessel. Now, when someone enters the room, he will want to turn over a jar or pan, which, for no apparent reason, is on the table. A lot of water will be poured on this man!


This is a very good prank, but only someone who has a good sense of humor can be the target of the joke. When a brother or father falls asleep, he needs to get a manicure. Then set the alarm clock ahead half an hour so that, in a hurry to get to work, a person can notice the manicure, be shocked, laugh, and then have time to remove the polish before going to work. Other options, .

As for how to prank parents on April 1 over the phone, there may not be many options. You should immediately clearly understand that even if you call from another number, they will definitely recognize your voice. Therefore, a neutral accomplice will be needed. And there you can come up with anything, you can say that the neighbors are flooded, that the milk on the stove has run away. Everything is limited only by your own imagination and the desire not to seriously injure your parents with your jokes.