The scenario in the world of musical instruments is a fairy tale. Journey into the world of musical instruments

Municipal institution
additional education for children
"Children's art school. Branch No. 3" p. Inderka
Sosnovoborsky district
Penza region

"Music Stories"
(as part of cooperation with MBOU Secondary School
village Inderka)
Compiled and conducted:
class teacher
button accordion, accordion
Erneeva Gulsyum

Purpose: show amazing world musical images; increase
children's cognitive interest in classical music; introduce
musical instruments: piano, button accordion, accordion, guitar.
Educational: introduce students to the imaginative world of music; reveal connection
music with life; increase motivation to learn to play an instrument.
Developmental: develop imagination, creative activity, thinking,
emotionally figurative content of music; recognize acquaintances
works, express your impressions of what you listened to;
Educational: cultivate the ability to listen consciously and emotionally
music; understand artistic beauty music; raise a stable
interest in music lessons, musical taste.
Equipment: musical instruments; computer, projector, screen.
All this is necessary for children to develop, listen and
joined high art world of music and grew up worthy,
educated, cultured people of its time.
Stop and look around:
What music in nature!
Every leaf rings like a string
And the timbre changes depending on the weather.
A brook babbles, a river flows,
Or the rain pours down from the sky,
And a breath of wind
All this is called music.
And how much music there is in flowers,
Their bouquets are amazing!
There are sounds in the clouds,
And poets sing about them.
The sunset will give music
And every blade of grass in the field.

The mountains have their own music,
Other music at sea.
There is music in the soul,
It sounds and inspires.
I dream about music in a dream,
Wake up and it will melt...
What can music tell us? About everything in the world! Music is the most
the most mysterious of all arts.
She can tell you about the time of year, oh natural phenomena, repeating in
music the sound of rain, clap of thunder, convey the movement of a train, horse running, singing
and the flight of birds. But main feature music - the ability to convey mood and
human feelings.
Good afternoon, our dear listeners! Today we have an amazing concert.
Children who are learning to play at the children's school also came to visit you.
arts on various instruments. They will perform for you the music that
composed by composers. Who knows who these composers are? (children's answers).
Composers are people who can tell any stories that happen in
life is depicted with sounds. They compose music and record it
special signs called notes. In music, as in
human speech has its own words. These are musical intonations similar to
conversation - cheerful, sad, angry, tender. And we are together with the children
learning to understand their language and portray music stories on our
favorite instruments in the same way that artists paint their paintings with a brush and
To better understand the language of music, you need to know and be able to use a dictionary
emotionally figurative content of music (on screen). Taking advantage of this
Using a dictionary, describe the nature of the music.
Children know everything in the world
There is a lot of music in the world!
From seven ordinary notes
The composer creates:
Plays, operas, sonatas,
Arioso il cantatas,
Symphonic tales,
Minuets or dances.

Today our students will play four different instruments for you.
These are piano, button accordion, accordion and guitar.

We recognize each other by face, and each musical composition- let's find out
by melody. Because Melody is the soul of music, this is what we can
repeat and sing in your own voice. We can sing it like a song. Each
melodies have their own character and mood.
Listening to a melody, we can have fun, be sad, dream, fantasize,
think with the composer who composed it for us.
We sing, dance, and even march to the music, introducing ourselves
at the parade in the fairy kingdom. Today, listening to our musicians play,
we will fantasize and invent different stories and you guys will
listen carefully and look for the moods and characters of the characters
musical stories.
But what does it mean to listen to music? (Children's answers)
This means distinguishing her character and mood. The mood of the music
Like a person, it can be different - both cheerful and sad. Music, like
a person may be thoughtful or mischievous.
Pay attention and listen.
Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.
How many keys look:
Black and white -
Fingers run over them.
My keyboard instrument.
There is no better piano!
Our concert opens with the play “Bunny”. It will be performed by Gumerova Laysan
on an instrument called a piano.
Once upon a time there was a bunny with long ears.
The bunny's nose froze at the edge of the forest.
Frostbitten nose, frostbitten tail
And he went to visit the kids to warm up.
Music is playing.
You guys see what a timid and sad character this musical
stories about a bunny. The sounds of the melody sound cautious and timid, and we can
imagine how cold the bunny was, he shifts from paw to paw.
Really guys? What words from the dictionary would be suitable to describe this music?
Now there will be a play Soviet composer S.M. Slaminsky “Under
We sing in the rain” will be performed by Mustafina Kamilya, a 3rd grade student.
Rain in pairs looks like someone's tears
Only there is no bitterness in its drops

And the earth waits with excitement for every rain
How does white light exist?
Music is playing.
The sounds of the melody bounce rapidly. Is it true
Guys? What is the mood of this play?.... It’s easy for us
imagine raindrops dripping. What words can be used from
A new story you will now hear in the play “Clown”. This music
written by Soviet composer Natalya Baklanova. And he will perform it for you
student Soolo Aisylu, 3rd grade student
Listen to the music and tell me what its character is.
In red trousers,
In the red hood
Sits and smiles
Clown in the corner.
Music is playing.
The music is calm and a little sad. What do you guys think, what
can the musical story be heard in this piece?
Our clown was in the circus arena all evening and amused the audience. But why
is he sad? (Children answer) Well, of course, he always wants to be in the arena
circus and give laughter and joy to people, but, alas, the show is over and
the lights went out. And our cheerful clown quietly sat down in the corner and a little
The next performance will be Kazaeva Aisylu, a 5th grade student.
Tchaikovsky "Sweet Dream"
Sweet dream
You are so Beautiful.
Dreams and tears
The joy of a flower.
The mind flies
Furrowing the clouds.
Like a dream
Like waking up
My dream sings to me.
Music is playing.

And here guys, what did you hear? What does this piece sound like?
This is a lyrical play, the work is very emotional, quiet, sweet
and dreamy. Music reflects a beautiful dream and awakening
first flower. The waltz rhythm gives a special charm to the tender,
excited melody, elements of a duet are heard.
And now it's time for a new musical story.
You take it in your hands, then stretch it, then squeeze it,
If you repeat this, he starts playing.
There are rows of keys on the side to sing in all modes.
Not a piano or a trombone, but a beautiful accordion
We present to you a wonderful accordion instrument.
Music played on the accordion always sounds loud and loud.
And we will hear another colorful story performed by Ryakhimov
Salavat, a 1st grade student, we’ll guess the name now! Ready?
Yellow lumps, light as cotton wool,
They are chasing the chicken. Who is this? (Chicks)
That's right, guys!
The song “Chickens” was written by composer Arkady Fillipenko.
Listen and tell me what is the character of the music?
Music is playing.
Children's answers. Yes, guys. The character of the music is perky, in the melody
short notes sound. We can imagine the chickens running around and
pecking grains!
And now Khairov Airat, a 1st grade student, will play a song for you
dance character, which you probably know well! Called
she “A bear and a doll are dancing a polka,” and she composed this song in Polish
composer Maria Kachurbina.
The bear and the doll are stomping briskly,
They're stomping smartly, look!
And they clap their hands loudly,
They clap loudly, one, two, three!
Teddy bear is having fun, Teddy bear is having fun,
Mishenka turns his head;
The doll is having fun, it’s also fun,
Oh, how fun, oh, oh, oh!
Guys, what did you hear in this music? What kind of music suits your mood?

The children's answers are heard. Yes, that's right! Indeed, in the melody of this piece we
heard the dancing bear stomp and clap loudly and
doll The music is fun and energetic. What words from the dictionary would fit
this melody? (Children's answers).
And now a popular children's song by an Estonian composer will be played
Gustav Ernesaks "Steam Locomotive". This is a story about a cheerful driver who
takes the little animals to visit on his locomotive. The song has a very simple melody and
the words in the chorus are repeated twice to make them better
The locomotive is moving, moving -
Two pipes and a hundred wheels,
Two pipes, a hundred wheels,
The driver is a red dog.
We're going to visit our neighbors,
We're going to see the tigers and bears.
Expect to visit us
We'll arrive exactly at one o'clock.
Music is playing.
(Children's answers)
The music is fun and rhythmic. In the music you can hear the sound of wheels, a melody
it goes up and down, just like our locomotive - it’s hard
rises up the mountain and comes down from it at full speed!
And we continue our journey through musical stories. AND
the next musical story will be told for you on a wonderful
instrument guitar.
The string rings, she sings,
And the song is heard by everyone.
Six strings play anything
And that instrument is always fashionable.
He will never get old.
We call that instrument a guitar.
The music of the Soviet composer Kalinin "The Frisky Goat" is performed by
2nd grade student Daniel Ruzeev.
If the donkey says stop,
Forget about the gallop
Because among the bad guys,

The donkey is the main animal!
Music is playing.
Guys, what is the mood of this music? Right! Merry,
humorous. This is a song about a stubborn donkey. The music is rhythmic.(Apply
You will listen to another performance performed by Akhmerov Almaz, student 2
class in arr. Alexandrova “Finnish polka”
Polka! Let's dance quickly!
There is no more fun dance.
Everyone will dance briskly
And the polka will spin us around!
What was the mood here? What story is hidden here?
(guys' answers). Well done boys!
It's time again for a new musical story. Introducing
wonderful instrument - accordion
The play “Joke” will be performed by Aigul Kaftaeva, 5th grade students.
The accordion player wants to have fun,
Takes the button accordion by the sides
And tickles them, tickles them -
Doesn't let you catch your breath!
Counts buttons with fingers
Smoothly spreads the fur,
And it flies out from there
Musical, sonorous laughter.
Music is playing.
And how amazing ringing sounds This instrument has a button accordion! And so that
to make the melody brighter, the button accordion was accompanied by the sounds of the piano, on
played by the teacher, Galia Ravilievna Baisheva.
What musical story did you hear? (Children's answer.)
We continue to listen to the amazing instrument bayan. Now two will perform
student Marat Magdeev and Aigul Kaftaeva. What will it be called
performance if played together? What about the three of us? four of us?
Children's answer: Duet, trio, quartet.
The duet will perform French folk song"Dance of the Ducklings"
And the funny ducklings
Very friendly guys.

In the morning everyone goes to the pond,
Adventures await them there.
Music is playing.
Well, guys, what musical story did you hear? (children's answers)
(words from the dictionary)
Did we tell you an interesting musical story? (Yes)
Let's remember - who composes such beautiful music?
(Children's answers) Correct! Composers. And what special signs
Do composers record music? (Children's answers) Correct! Notes.
We recognize each other by face, but how do we recognize this or that
musical composition? That's right, guys! By melody. After all, the melody is
this is the soul of music.
Today, together with you, our dear listeners, we carefully
listened to music, fantasized and came up with different musical
stories, using a dictionary to look for the moods and characters of the characters
musical paintings.
We hope you enjoyed our music stories! (YES!)
If you liked the performances of your friends, classmates, how they
own different instruments, then we invite you to enroll in our school
arts Also thank our wonderful teachers for
preparation of musical numbers:
Shaipov N.M. teacher department fogo
Baishev G.R. teacher fogo department,
Erneev R.D. teacher Guitar class
Rezakov N.D. teacher Guitar class
And I, Erneeva Gulsyum Makhmudovna, teacher of button accordion and
This concludes our concert. Thank you for your attention!
Goodbye, guys! See you again!


and I
sneaking up
and I
and I
I am
and I
Lulling me to sleep
and I
Round dance
and I


Stage of a chamber or assembly hall.

On the stage:

  • musical instruments: piano, synthesizer, grand piano;
  • coffee table on which posters with images are laid out musical instruments.

Presenters in appropriate costumes take the stage:

  1. Nesmeyana - in a Russian sundress and crown (kokoshnik).
  2. Malvina - in elegant dress with a big bright bow.
  3. Cinderella is in a ball gown. In his hands is a metallophone musical instrument.


Hello, dear guys! You probably know us. We came to you from different fairy tales. My name is Malvina. I taught Pinocchio to read and write.


And my name is Nesmeyana. It is very difficult to surprise and amuse me. And I'm Cinderella. The most hardworking. I love music and dancing. And everyone knows that there is no music without musical instruments. To me Kind fairy gave me a magic wand ( shows), with its help we will make an unusual journey and introduce you to different musical instruments.

(Makes a “glissando” on the metallophone - quickly runs the stick across the metallophone records).

They appeared a very long time ago. People made them from sea ​​shells, bones of animals, plants, and after many centuries, they acquired a modern appearance. And then they formed groups. Some instruments are called strings, other keyboards, brass And drums.

(During the story, other presenters show the corresponding posters)


Yes. But there are so many of them, and is it possible to remember everything?


Of course, if a person is interested. I think we'd all be interested in learning about them, right guys? So, let's hit the road. Cinderella, wave your magic wand, now we are going to a beautiful warm country Spain.

(Sounds “glissando” on a metallophone)

This country is famous for its arenas where people have competed with bulls since ancient times. And many centuries ago, brave knights danced at royal receptions, composed and sang serenades. And the instrument on which they accompanied themselves is known to everyone. This is a guitar.

(A student with a guitar comes on stage, the presenter approaches him)

Of all the instruments of modern times, the guitar is the oldest. It has been known since the 13th century (as much as 700 years!). Look at her (showing with gestures). It has a flat body and is shaped like a figure eight. It has a neck and 6 strings, and that's why it's called strings. The strings are attached to the pegs. The sound is produced using the fingers. Loved the guitar different peoples and began to consider her theirs folk instrument. Let's listen to how this instrument sounds.

Christina Fatykhova (5th grade) speaking. Antique English song"Green sleeves".

(The number is performed on the guitar)


And I also know that there is a seven-string guitar. It appeared here in Russia. Maybe we can return home? No. We will go to another wonderful country - Italy. For many centuries this country has been famous for its artists and musicians. City on the water Venice with numerous canals and bridges were depicted by artists on their canvases. A Rome considered the main city of the country. There is even a proverb: “All roads lead to Rome.” And for good reason! Italy is the birthplace of many musical instruments. In Italy, almost everyone can sing and play an instrument.


I'm getting curious. What kind of tools are these? A lot of them? Now we will get acquainted with the tools called stringed - bowed (poster showing). Strings- because they have strings. A bowed- because the sound is produced using the fingers and a bow, which is made of a wooden cane and horsehair.

(A student comes out with a violin and shows the instrument)

Look guys.


It's a violin! Everyone knows this tool. Violin known since the 16th century. She's small. It has 4 strings. And the sound is very high.

The violins were made by Italian craftsmen. These were entire families. The most famous of them is the family Stradivarius. Stradivarius violins are highly prized. The secret of making some of them has not yet been discovered. They have survived to this day. Only the best performers are allowed to play Stradivarius violins. The famous Italian violinist Niccolo Paganini played this instrument.


Let's quickly hear how it sounds. Look how beautiful she is!

Nastya Paley (2nd grade) performs.

(Number performed on the violin)

The violin has a family. These instruments are larger than the violin itself. This is a viola, a cello and the biggest one – a double bass. (showing posters).

(A student comes out with a cello)

Look guys. This cello. Unlike the violin, it is played while sitting, and the metal spire serves as a support. (showing with gestures). Previously, there was no spire, and the musicians held the cello on a special stool. The cello has a lower and deeper sound. It also has 4 strings, just like a violin. Let's listen to the sound of this instrument.

Speakers: Lilya Kuznetsova - cello and Abdullaev Murad - party piano(2nd grade).

(He sits down at the piano and talks)

200 years ago, the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori from the city of Florence made an instrument in which, using keys and hammers located inside the body, loud sounds were produced - forte, and quiet - piano (shows on the instrument). That's why the instrument got its name - piano. And this instrument is its relative ( approaches the piano). It's called - piano, which means “royal”. It is big, beautiful, and stands on three legs. His place is always in concert hall, and the instrument piano (or piano) is similar to a cabinet and is used for playing music at home.

Let's listen to the performance on the piano.

Vika Tsygankova (4th grade) performs.


And I know that others were invented even earlier keyboard instruments. This harpsichord And clavichord (poster display). And they sounded completely different, and they were much smaller. Kings and princesses played them in their palaces, they dressed in long dresses and wore wigs! Remember, guys, the cartoon about Bremen Town Musicians? The princess played this instrument.


Yes. They appeared long before the piano. Their sound was not so loud. It was extracted using a crow feather, which, when pressed on a key, hooked a string. The sound was ringing. And before us is a modern keyboard instrument - a synthesizer. It can be used to extract the sounds of different instruments. Now we'll listen to what it would sound like antique harpsichord.

Danilenko Dasha (3rd grade) speaking.

(Performs a minuet on a synthesizer)


I really like this kind of music. As if I was in some kind of palace or ancient castle... And this music is very familiar to me! Everyone knows that I danced with the prince at the ball and, running away, lost my glass slipper.

And now, Nesmeyana, we will go to Russia and get acquainted with other musical instruments, and also learn their history. Here's my magic wand!

(“Glissando” sounds on a metallophone)


I think that Russia is the most wonderful country. It's very big. We live here, and that's why we love her. The Russian people have always been distinguished by their ingenuity, and in Rus' there were also many different craftsmen. First I will introduce you to a Russian folk instrument - domroy.

(Ensemble of domrists comes out)

In Rus' domra appeared in the 16th century. This instrument was played by buffoons - traveling actors and musicians at various fairs, folk festivals and festivities. They sang comic songs in which they ridiculed greedy and evil people, unjust rulers and priests. For this, the buffoons were persecuted, and their instruments were destroyed, they were burned in front of everyone. But domra survived. And today they play it, just like 400 years ago.

(The presenter approaches one of the performers and points to the instrument with gestures)

The domra has an oval body, a neck, pegs and 3 strings. The sound is produced using the fingers - pinch or mediator- using a plastic plate to make the domra louder, the sound is brighter . That's why the tool is called plucked string. Arrangements of Russian folk songs and Russian tunes are performed on the domra. Let's listen.

(Number being performed)


Domra is much older than the Russian folk instrument - balalaikas.

(A student comes out with a balalaika)

Guys, the name of this instrument comes from the ancient times from the words “to babble”, “to babble”. They play the balalaika rattling or blow index finger along the strings from top to bottom and bottom to top pinch(student shows the technique of the game). The balalaika has a triangular body and 3 strings that are attached to pegs. It also applies to plucked string instruments.

The balalaika appeared in Russia under Peter I, in early XVIII century. On it, just like on the domra, buffoons played at holidays and fairs. Together with the domra, the balalaika is part of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments.

The first such professional orchestra arose in late XIX century and was called Great Russian. It was organized by composer and balalaika player Vasily Vasilievich Andreev (poster showing).

Vladislav Dunaev (6th grade) performs

(Performance on balalaika)


(the presenter has a harmonica)

Guys, I’ll introduce you to two instruments that are very similar. This accordion And accordion.

(Students come out: button accordion player and accordion player)

They originated from the accordion, or as it was called “harmonica”. They are labial and manual (showing illustrations). And here is the labial (shows and plays). Harmonica was born in Germany, 200 years ago. Noticed foreign novelty and Russian craftsmen. Russian craftsmen began to make it in the city Tula. The instrument quickly spread throughout Russia. The accordion has become a truly folk instrument. It was played in the city and in the countryside. It was light and large, some of them could even be carried in your pocket (showing illustrations).

Tools accordion And accordion refer to keyboard wind tools.

(The presenter approaches the performers and shows with gestures)

This- accordion.

It consists of two bodies and a fur. Harmonic, or fur is located in the center and connects the right and left parts of the body. Look: on the right side of the case there is a keyboard, or keys, just like on a piano, only there are fewer of them. And on the left are rows of buttons. By pressing a key or button with a finger, the musician, with a movement of his hands, unclenches the bellows into which the air enters. This is how we hear sounds. The accordion is often used to perform dance music.

And this tool is called accordion. It looks like an accordion, only it has buttons on both the right and left sides of the body. And the name of this instrument is named after the singer-storyteller folk epics Boyana (“to fear”, “to say”).

Let's listen to how these instruments sound.

1. Nikita Yakovishin speaks. Belarusian folk dance.

(Performed on accordion)

2. Andrey Shklyaev speaks. Polka.

(Performance on accordion)

(The presenters come out)

Guys! Our journey is over. Let's invite all the artists to the stage and thank them with applause!

(All concert participants come on stage with their instruments)

Today, guys, you got acquainted with musical instruments: guitar and piano, violin and cello.


: We learned the history of the origin of the domra and the balalaika, the button accordion and the accordion.


We are always glad to see you. Come to the next concert in our music room. We will go on a new journey, and you will learn a lot more interesting things about music and musicians. See you again!

Scenario 09:00 am

Presenter: Hello guys! We are pleased to welcome you to our music school.

There is an unusual school,

You can always hear music in it.

The choir is singing there, the orchestra is playing.

There's someone there sometimes strumming,

And sometimes there is a creak,

And the false notes are in a noisy system.

They study magic there -

It doesn't come easy,

But the fairy of Music flies

And he helps everyone in their studies.

Today we will take you on an amazing journey into the world of Musical Instruments and Fairytale Sounds! Young musicians will help us with this.

We are going to the first city. It's called Keyboard City. These instruments are called this because they have keys. When you press a key, a hammer strikes a special string inside the instrument.

There is a special chest in this city. What is stored in it? Let's get a look. But first, guess the riddles:

Mystery: He stands on three legs

Legs in black boots

White teeth, pedal

And his name is (ROYAL)

This is a jack of all trades.

Any sounds live in it:

Piano, drum,

Violin, pipe, accordion...

Keys and generator...

What is this? (SYNTHESIZER)

Forte is loud, piano is quiet. Who's playing for me?

No mistake, no flaw. Well, of course... (PIANO)

Presenter: Our tool chest has opened! Now you know what types of keyboard instruments there are. Now let's listen to how the piano sounds.

Filippova Ksenia will perform the Belarusian folk song “Sharmanka”.

Now he will play for youKonyukhova Nastya work "_____________________"

Presenter: Our next stop is the city of wind instruments. They are called brass because musical sounds are born in them due to air vibrations. Do you guys know any wind instruments? (trumpet, flute).

Let's see what tools are hidden in our chest:

A cheerful bird sang in the hazel tree,

A trickle of a forest stream rang somewhere,

Or maybe a bell rang in the grass?

Or maybe it wasn’t a bird, but the wind that whistled?

A cheerful, sonorous song of summer

The magic pipe sang- flute

And nowMambetova Alina will play us the piece “The Lonely Shepherd” on the flute.

What is the next tool hidden in our chest?

The sound in my lips trembled,
Byrecorder He was running.
I played and he played -
It escaped from under my fingers.

He will play the play “A Bear with a Doll” on the recorder.Laishevkina Daria.

Presenter : And to find out what tools are left in our chest, let's guess the riddle!

The signal sounds, calling for battle!

Get up, soldier, she's singing!

Do you know what this is?(PIPE)

The trumpet will play “Waltz” for youNikolaev Mikhail.

And we have one more instrument left from the city of wind instruments

How can we find out whereCLARINET ,
The dictionary gave the answer to this:
Wooden, wind,
Small tube-shaped
Whose end is widened by the skirt...
There are also valves on the tube!

These are the tools in our chest! We visited the city of wind instruments. Many more interesting tools live in this city, but we need to move on, to the city of stringed instruments!

Guys to find out about string instruments, guess what?puzzles !

Triangle, three strings – sonorous soundsimportant.

I don’t dare boast about myself, I only have three strings!

But I work hard, I'm not lazy. I'm mischievous... (balalaika)

The string rings, she sings,

And the song is heard by everyone.

Six strings play anything

And that instrument is always fashionable.

He will never get old.

We call that instrument...


Well done boys! We guessed what tools were hidden in our chest. Let's listen together to what the guitar sounds like.

On the stageKhairieva Samira with the play "Polka".

Let's listen to another piece that he will perform for us

Guseva Vika , called “Lyrical Round Dance”.

And we arrive in the city of bellows instruments. They puff up their furs and make sounds. Let's get acquainted with the instruments living in this city!

He has a folded shirt and likes to dance in a squat.

He dances and sings - if he gets his hands on it.

There are many buttons on it with mother-of-pearl fire.

A merry fellow, not a brawler. My vociferous… accordion

You will take her in your hands,

Either you stretch it or you squeeze it!

Voiced, elegant,

Russian, two-row.

It will play, just touch it,

What is her name?......(Harmonic)

He looks like the accordion's brother, where there is fun, there he is.

I won't give any hints. Everyone knows... (Accordion)

And on the accordionBorisov Denis will perform for us the Belarusian folk song “Quail”.

And the next piece"Bear with a doll" we already heard today. Let's listen to how it sounds on this instrument.

These are the tools that ended up in our miracle chest.

Our new stop will be at unusual city! There are no musical instruments here, but music still sounds thanks to an instrument called the Voice. And nowKonyukhov Vyacheslav will sing for you the song “Can you hear the sea?”!

Our last stop is the city of noise instruments! Even from noise music can be born. Let's see what's in our chest.

Eatspoons for porridge
And there is for jam,
who feed
Yummy us.

And eat for fun
And for fun,
With whom people
Let's start dancing!

Oh, what tricks
Can domaracas !
Their pleasant noise is free-flowing
Suitable for any occasion.

A little bear is dancing in the circus

And he waves his tambourine provocatively,

He knocks on it with his paw.

Tambourine rings joyfully.

This is how we met you and noise instruments. Before this, we listened to the guys playing instruments, now let's try to play it ourselves.

Phonogram. Children play noise instruments.

Presenter: That's the end of our journey today. musical country. Or maybe it has just begun? After all, traveling in this country can be long and exciting. Here you can find many more amazing and mysterious instruments! The doors of this country are always open to new guests. Come visit us to get into Magic world Music. See you again!

Scenario of a musical leisure trip to the Philharmonic for preschoolers “This magical world of music”

The script has been prepared for children of all groups kindergarten. Leisure information can be used as conversations on music lessons to the music listening section. The event has the opportunity to involve not only employees of the children's institution who can play musical instruments, but also parents and graduates. Musical repertoire can be replaced at your discretion, depending on the performing capabilities of the speakers.

Kudryavtseva Irina Viktorovna, preschool educational institution No. 287 “Teremok”, Donetsk.
Target: Introduce preschoolers to musical art, develop aesthetic taste, cultivate respect for artists and interest in “live” performance of musical works.
Preliminary preparation: introduce middle and older children preschool age with new terms “philharmonic”, “legend”, “fakir”; repeat the names of musical instruments; remind children about the rules of behavior in public places.
Equipment: Piano, harps, sopilka, tambourine, spoons, maracas, violin, music stand.


Leading: Today we will dive into unusual world music and imagine that we came to the Philharmonic. We are waiting for spectator seats, a stage and musicians who have prepared for you concert program. During the performance, you need to sit very quietly so as not to disturb the musicians, not to knock them down, not to distract them, and not to disturb the spectators sitting nearby. You will hear music performed live.

What is MUSIC? Where did it come from, why and for whom does it exist in the world? Beautiful and very ancient legend tells that once upon a time the sweet-voiced Orpheus conquered nature with his playing on the golden harp. Hearing sounds beautiful melody, even the trees and rocks moved from their places and surrounded the musician, the waterfalls stopped making noise, and the ferocious animals cried like children.
Now you will hear the sound of harps, of course, these are not the golden harps of Orpheus, but their sound awakens in us all that is most tender, kind, and affectionate.
“Santa Lucia” by T. Kottrau (harp) is performed.

Leading: And the legend about the wonderful flute of the Pied Piper? With her help, a skilled musician defeated an entire army of rats. Obeying the enchanting tune, the rat pack followed the flutist to the seashore. Without stopping to play for a moment, so that the bewitched rats would not have time to come to their senses, the musician entered the water. The long-tailed army obediently followed him and disappeared into the sea waters.
This only happens in fairy tales. But...
An Indian magician-fakir plays the flute, and a terrible poisonous snake, sticking its head out of the basket, listens to the quiet tune as if enchanted. The lightning-fast stinging throw of a formidable cobra could have stopped this unusual concert in an instant. But, raising its head and spreading its hood, the tamed snake only sways quietly to the beat of the music.
Is it true, gossips They claim that music has nothing to do with it. It’s just that once a fakir-trainer used a pipe as a stick for punishment if the snake did not obey him, and now the snake is afraid to disobey its tamer.
However, Hindus also pacify elephants by playing the flute. But you can’t frighten an elephant with a blow from a wooden pipe. This means that it is music, and not the stick, that affects animals.
Here is a sopilka, this is not a flute, but it is its close relative, and the sound is extracted from it in the same way as from a flute.
Performed “Waltz” by A. Grechaninov (sopilka and piano).

Leading: And what has been proven by the experience of flower growers who placed each flower family - roses, tulips, poppies, dahlias, orchids - in their own greenhouse house? Flowers that were exposed to music bloomed earlier than those that heard normal street noise or silence. It turned out that flowers sense the difference between happy and sad music, the sounds of various instruments. They even chose composers to suit their tastes. Some of them stretched their buds towards the melodies of Mozart, others exuded a wonderful aroma, listening to the melodies of Tchaikovsky.
Today we decided to invite you to listen to a work by P.I. Tchaikovsky in our concert.
"Dance of the Little Swans" from the ballet " Swan Lake"(piano, ensemble for four hands).

Leading: If musical instruments suddenly began to speak and each one began to talk about himself, we would hear many fascinating stories with adventures and amazing transformations. Each instrument has its own life and its own destiny.
Performing "Waltz" from the film "My affectionate and gentle beast» E. Doga (piano and violin).

Leading: Each sound has its own “face”. And we even eyes closed, without seeing anything, we can only guess by sound what is happening around. Let's remember together what sounds are familiar to us.
Rustling, rustling, crackling, hissing, creaking, wheezing, grinding, stomping, hum, roar, buzzing, squeaking, slurping, gurgling, gurgling, chirping, clattering, buzzing, sobbing, puffing, howling, moaning, whistling, screaming, chirping, squealing, clanging...
All these sounds are familiar to us from birth. Moreover, even in absolute silence we can hear each of the listed sounds with our inner hearing. Close your eyes and try to hear the sound of a tree branch cracking... How the dirt crunches under your feet... How the leaves rustle... The creaking of doors... Not only sounds appear before us, but sound images, some kind of plot, a story. And if we say that music is not just a phenomenon of musical sound, but the life of sound, we will not be very mistaken.
“Kalinka”, a Russian folk melody, is performed (orchestra of folk instruments).

Leading: Can we exist without music? You guys have to find the answer to this question for yourself. But we will be grateful to everyone who created for us beautiful art for centuries.
Our journey into the world of music has come to an end. And let us thank our musicians with our applause. Goodbye! See you again! (For preschool institutions)

Leading : Hello, dear guys! Today students and teachers of the art school came to visit you. We will show you the musical instruments that we learn to play in lessons at our school, and tell you the stories of their origin.

For many peoples, the origin of musical instruments is associated with the gods and lords of thunderstorms, blizzards, and winds. For example, the ancient Greeks credited Hermes with the invention of the lyre, his son, the forest demon, with the flute of Pan, and the god of thunder and lightning, Perun, with the lute. Ancient people honored their ancestors and worshiped gods.

But over the centuries, musical instruments have changed as well as a person’s worldview; instruments have been improved by the hands of people who were the creators and custodians of the best musical instruments.

Folk instruments created by the people have come down to us in a slightly modified form, for example, the Russian balalaika. Our guys will introduce you to her.

S. Nikolaev “Polka” Spanish. Darkness Daniil and Timirov Nikita.

Leading : The youngest folk instrument is the button accordion. The name appeared not so long ago in honor of the legendary ancient Russian singer-storyteller Bayan. Listen to the play on the button accordion, arranged by Mikhail Milman.

"Song" in Spanish Kolesnikov Ilya

Leading : Satellite of the Great Patriotic War The accordion became a very colorful instrument. Since that time, it has also been considered a truly folk, original instrument.

E. Botyarov “Quadrille” Spanish. Novik Evgeniya

Leading : And now you will hear an instrument that is called universal. It can transmit all musical sounds: high, mid and low, it is called a stringed percussion keyboard instrument. The string tension is...20 tons! I wrote very accurately about this “giant” children's writer Sergey Volkov:

“A piano has many keys and strings.

Each string has a hammer.

The keys have two colors - black and white.

Every student plays the piano skillfully.

And in another way the name of the piano is strange, wonderful, incomprehensible -


And the piano is called this:

Forte - loudly means

And the piano is quiet, quiet.

Touch the keys lightly with your hand.

Do you hear? The piano begins to play...

It can sound quiet and loud!”

F. Schubert "Waltz" Spanish. Arteeva Sofia

Leading : Flute…. About how much it is ancient instrument tells ancient history: “One day, wandering through the fields of Phrygia, Marsyas found a reed flute. He picked it up and soon learned to play so well that everyone listened to this simple music. Marsyas even challenged the patron of music, Apollo, to a competition. The flute made wonderful sounds of fields and forests. The flute, of course, cannot be compared with either the piano or the guitar, because it, like all wind instruments, can only play a one-voice melody. But is it possible to imagine music without its beautiful sound, which smells of freshness and spring?

A. Alexandrov “Aria” Spanish. Cherdynkin Evgeniy

Leading : Now you will hear an instrument that sounds similar to human voice or the singing of a singer. This, you guessed correctly, is a violin. The man with the violin has long been a symbol of serious music. Everyone knows the great Paganini, who managed to play on one string instead of four when ill-wishers cut the strings before the concert; and everyone knows violins Italian master Stradivarius, who are being hunted by the entire criminal world and detective series with abductions and discoveries have been created on television.

J. Haydn "Andante" Spanish. Kanipov Aidar

J. Metallidi “At night a dream comes to us” Spanish. Kanipov Aidar

Chetchasova Varvara

Podorova Daria.

Leading : The guitar will continue our program - the ideal soloist and accompanist. We will hear a play with characteristic folk intonations and classical, Western European music. Such different compositions can be played on the guitar!

W. Mozart “Allegretto” Spanish. Melnik Igor


Leading : Dear Guys! Our acquaintance with musical instruments is coming to an end. Finally, you will hear ensemble piano performance.

J. Metallidi “Elephant” Spanish. Banu Viorika and Belova Anna

Leading : Dear guys, dear viewers, colleagues! We hope you enjoyed the performances of our guys. You learned a lot of new and interesting things. Let this concert remain in your memory, and maybe some of you will want to learn to play this or that instrument. We will be glad to see you within the walls of our art school. Thank you for your attention, see you again!