The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - A New Beginning. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episodes One and Two: Killer Duo


Artyom Luchko

Most people tend to think that if modern technologies allowed us to begin exploring the Moon and Mars, sending spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, then there is nothing special to study on Earth. Actually this is not true. There are still quite a lot of areas on the globe that remain poorly understood for one reason or another.


Namibia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world (only 2.3 million people live on an area of ​​824 thousand square kilometers). It is located in the south of the African continent and gets its name from the Namib Desert, which is home to a quarter of all cheetahs in the world. (there are about 2.5 thousand of them). The desert land is known for its giant dunes, ancient rock paintings, meteorite craters and waterfalls, and Namibia's landscape is one of the most pristine in Africa. This place is an ideal haven for poachers, so the country’s constitution spells out a program to protect the unique nature reserve, which includes many thousands of kilometers of unexplored desert (including the famous Kalahari).

Greenland ice sheet

Greenland has the world's second largest ice sheet (after Antarctic), and the island is used as a testing ground for basic research glaciers: glaciologists here study the dynamics of the glacier, microbiologists - ancient life, frozen in ice. However, the most significant aspect remains the study of the paleoclimatic aspects of the research, since the ice has air inclusions that can provide information about the atmosphere of the past. A total of six deep wells have been drilled in Greenland, and the least explored place is the Northern edge of Greenland, the Lincoln Sea and other surrounding ice-covered waters. Throughout their history, only a few ships have visited here, among them were our nuclear icebreakers. But this entire icy desert is gradually melting, and at current rates the shield will disappear in 2,000 years.

Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha is an archipelago of four islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, part of the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena. Along with Easter Island and the Pitcairn Islands, it is one of the most remote inhabited places on Earth. The distance to the nearest mainland coast - that is, to South Africa - is 2,816 km, and to South America - as much as 3,360 km. There are no mammals on the islands (except for seals on the shore and mice brought by humans), reptiles, butterflies, but many endemic plants. The main asset of the island is the smallest flightless bird on Earth - the “Inaccessible Island Shepherd” or “Tristan Shepherd”. According to the 2008 census, the population of the largest island, Tristan da Cunha, is 264 people. Three other islands - Gough, Nightingale and Impregnable - are nature reserves.

Mariana Trench

Almost the entire bottom of the World Ocean can be called the least explored space on our planet. However, the most mysterious known point is the oceanic deep-sea trench in the western Pacific Ocean. The depression is named after the nearby Mariana Islands, and its deepest point, “Challenger Deep,” is located in the southwestern part. According to measurements in 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level. Only 3 people have visited this place: Jacques Picard and Donald Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960, and James Cameron on the bathyscaphe Deepsea Challenger in 2012. The pressure at this depth is 1,106 times the pressure at sea level, but 20 thousand microorganisms were discovered at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. Fauna collected included isopods and six species of shrimp-like amphipods. Further study of the depression, according to scientists, can tell us more about the adaptation of organisms to high pressure and, perhaps, even reveal the secret of the origin of life.


The continent of Antarctica, covered with a thick layer of ice, is also one of the most poorly studied parts of our planet. Research is hampered by the harsh climate, but in the future, with warming, its development is quite possible. There are many abandoned settlements, military and whaling bases in Antarctica and the surrounding islands. Currently, there is no permanent population in Antarctica, but there are about 45 year-round scientific stations, where, depending on the season, live from 1 thousand people in winter and up to 4 thousand people in summer. Studying the ice sheet, which records hundreds of thousands of years of climate and atmospheric composition, sheds light on the Earth's past and future. The least explored part of the continent adjoins the Weddell Sea (West Antarctica). Recently it turned out that there is a hidden pool the size of a small European country (area about 20 thousand square kilometers), and its depth in some places is up to two kilometers.

Gangkhar Puensum

Gangkhar Puensum is the highest unconquered peak in the world. The mountain is located in the disputed territory between Bhutan and China and reaches a height of 7570 meters. The mountain was first described in 1922, but the first attempts to conquer it began only after 1983, when mountaineering was allowed in Bhutan. Four unsuccessful attempts were made in 1985 and 1986, but in 1994 Bhutan again banned climbing mountains higher than 6,000 meters out of respect for local faith, and in 2003 mountaineering was banned completely. A Japanese expedition in 1998 decided to summit the peak from the Chinese side, but in the end the climbers were only able to climb the neighboring Liankang Kangri.

Amazon rain forests

Northern Andes

It's hard to say how well the northern Colombian Andes region has been explored because guerrillas and drug lords don't keep official records. This area is known for hiding criminals of all kinds. After all, unexplored mountain ranges, covered with forests and shrouded in fog, are best suited for this. Most of civilians in nearby areas - local tribes. Every time one goes to the northern mountains of Colombia scientific expedition, she discovers previously unknown plants and animals there. In 2006 it was discovered the new kind birds were the Yariga Atlapete, and in 2010 a new subspecies of the bird, the Lachrymose Mountain-Tanager, was discovered.

Jungle of New Guinea

New Guinea is the last of the little-studied large islands. More than a thousand different ethnic groups and hundreds of different tribes live here, some of which are completely isolated from influence modern world. On the slopes of the Foggia Mountains in western New Guinea in 2005, a group of American researchers discovered a place they called the “Garden of Eden.” An area of ​​about 300 thousand hectares was isolated from the influence of the outside world, and more than 20 previously unknown species of frogs, several species of butterflies, tree kangaroos, and six-feathered birds of paradise were discovered there. (which were previously thought to be extinct), as well as species of palm trees unknown to science and many other plants. At the same time, many animals were not afraid of humans and even allowed scientists to take control of themselves.

Northeastern Siberia

The northeastern part of Siberia, located northeast of the Lena River, is known harsh nature and climate. The winters here are long, with severe frosts, and the summers are very, very cool. It is here that the “pole of cold” is located - Oymyakon. North-Eastern Siberia has a complex topography of folded-block areas and ridges. Permafrost is also common in the area. Agriculture in this region is open ground is impossible, and the development of natural resources is difficult due to climatic conditions, remoteness of the area, and lack of a wide network of transport routes (first of all railways) . This territory is the most sparsely populated part of Eurasia, and most of the human presence here is associated with the constant search for minerals.

IN South America There are still many tribes cut off from the outside world. In the Vale do Javari reservation alone, or the Javari Valley, there are more than a dozen of them. Their way of life and way of life have not yet been fully studied.

This area, comparable in area to Portugal, is generally one of the most isolated places not only in South America, but also in the world.

It's hard to imagine what else can be found in these rain forests on the border with Peru. The Javari Valley is protected by a special government agency, so getting there is not easy.

Man conquered mountains and landed on the moon. But the resources of the world's oceans have not yet been studied. Therefore, it is the water spaces that attract researchers from all over the world.

One such unexplored area is the Mariana Trench. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, between the islands of Japan and Australia. By latest estimates, it has a depth of almost 11 kilometers, so it is at least difficult to explore. That doesn't mean people haven't tried. For example, director James Cameron became the third to reach the lowest point of the Challenger Deep. He took rock samples and surveyed them using modern cameras.

Created by nature itself millions of years ago, it still holds secrets to this day. Perhaps it is there that we will find not only new forms of life, but also a whole undersea world, cut off from civilization.

Another place that is difficult to access for research is caves. They are often difficult to access, sometimes even dangerous, and are located in remote mountain ranges and regions across the planet.

The Yucatan Cenotes are one such example of unexplored caves. This is a fairly large cave network in Mexico, combining eight of the most famous peculiar wells (cenotes). Their stunning snow and ice caves are too dangerous even for experienced experts.

Interestingly, cenotes were once used by the ancient Mayans for sacrifices.

There are also mysterious and unexplored places on the territory of our vast Motherland.

The Republic of Sakha is a huge part of Russia, making up about a fifth of our territory. In comparison, this is the size of India. But due to harsh weather conditions, most of the cargo flow is carried out by water transport.

It is as a result of the extreme climate that a significant part of this area remains unexplored. For example, in January the temperature can drop to -43 degrees Celsius. It is so cold in places that much of the land is covered in permafrost.

Since much of it is untouched by man, you will find beautiful natural sites such as the Lena River Delta.

If there is one place on Earth where it will definitely be difficult to establish a civilization, it is Antarctica.

Cold, barren and largely uninhabited, the continent is literally the coldest place on the planet. The lowest recorded temperature on the planet (-89 degrees Celsius) was recorded in Antarctica. Colonization is also complicated by heavy snow, dangerous crevasses and glaciers. Until now, on the territory of this frosty continent the main reasons for the appearance of humans are Scientific research and fishing.

Given the dangerous climate and unsafe natural features its landscape, Antarctica remains and will likely remain one of the least explored places on the planet. At least in the coming decades.

Despite being the largest island on the planet, Greenland is still largely unexplored.

Many people don't even realize how big Greenland is. This is more than 2 million square kilometers. Of these, approximately 80 percent are covered with ice. The ice is incredibly thick, reaching 3,000 m in some areas. The ice sheets covering most of the island are also very old - between 400,000 and 800,000 years old.

The population here is mainly engaged in hunting and fishing in those areas that can be reached.

It's no surprise that such a sparsely inhabited region is filled with pristine natural wonders - hot springs, northern lights and even ice-water rivers.

Patagonia is a geographical region in South America belonging to Argentina and Chile. But it is the Northern part that is the least populated and unexplored.

There is a wild landscape all around, there are places where it is still impossible to reach by transport. Here nature is largely untouched - there is a massive rainforest, many peaks, steppes, lakes, rivers, glaciers and other natural wonders. And the huge ice mass, called the Northern Patagonian Ice Field, is one of the largest outside the polar regions.

Only the bravest travelers venture into this region. But if you venture into this unexplored area, the landscapes and nature will blow your mind.

These forests, like many others, still conceal not only wild world flora and fauna, but also dangers lurking at every turn.

The area of ​​this territory is estimated at 5.5 million km2 and contains almost half of all tropical forest in the world. Due to their size, many of them have not yet been studied. In the Amazon, it rains all year long, leading to flooding. This in turn makes crossing the river difficult. The impenetrable jungle also played a role in the development of the area.

Maybe it's good that the Amazon rainforest is to a greater extent not yet mastered - there is a range of deadly animals, from poisonous frogs and piranhas to anacondas.

People have never sought to explore deserts because of their remoteness and extreme climate. But it is the Namib Desert, located in the southern part of Namibia, that is one of the most unexplored deserts in the world.

Diamond deposits have been found in small areas with a total area of ​​100,000 km2, which attracts the population. Most of it lives in the northern part of the country, leaving the southern part completely empty.

Scientists believe that the Namib is the oldest desert in the world. You can guess the absence of civilization from the name, because in the Nama language “Namib” means “a place where there is nothing.”

IN Papua New Guinea you can find the "Star Mountains" - a mountain range stretching from the Indonesian border to the Hindenberg Range. This natural wonder of the world is rich in its ecosystems and natural species.

Rainfall here is plentiful, over 10,000 mm per year, and it is said to be one of the wettest places on the planet.

Unconquered today, this place will certainly be of interest to researchers in the near future. After all, one of the biological surveys showed the presence of at least 100 species of plants and animals that have not yet been discovered.

Unexplored Russia with a territory of more than 17 million square meters. km. - Indeed, it will take several lifetimes to see all its beauties with your own eyes. Or at least understand the scale sung by poets and writers: “My native country is wide, / There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.” “How wide and how much…” we know from school, but is this “dry knowledge” enough?

Russia - great country, and today there are no people in the world who are indifferent to it. She is either idolized or hated.

Often we want to believe that we know everything about our homeland. But this is far from true. This is especially true for attractions about which we know little. Surprisingly, as mysterious as Russia is for foreigners, it is so unknown to its native inhabitants. And there are a lot of such unexplored places in our country.

Let's try together to take a short trip to the little-known places of our homeland. Whether they are interesting is up to you to judge. So, 5 little-known places in Russia that are definitely worth seeing:

Lake Darashkol

Photo: National Geographic Russia

The Altai country is generous with miracles and beauty. Here you can see a fairy tale at every step.

There is in this amazing land the most beautiful place, which is impossible not to fall in love with. Lake Darashkol. From Altai “Dyarash Kol” is translated as “ Beautiful lake" As they say, it is what it is. In fact, it’s not enough to say beautiful, it’s bewitching, charming, unearthly.

The lake is located in the upper reaches of the Ioldo-Ayra valley. A cape crashes into the very middle of the lake from the south, reminiscent of Italy in miniature, that very “boot”. There are low-growing and accessible cedars growing around, and there are a lot of lingonberries and blueberries. The constant change of lighting, almost every minute, gives the lake a special magnetism. The color of the lake can change from bright aquamarine to light green, and all this is literally before your eyes. The waters of the lake are so clean and transparent that all the beauty around is reflected in them, as in a mirror.

Weathering pillars


This happened a very, very long time ago. In the forests adjacent to the Ural Mountains lived a very brave Mansi tribe. The men from this tribe had the strength of a bear and the speed of a deer. The leader of the tribe was the wise Kuuschai. And the leader had a daughter - the beautiful Aim.

Rumors about her beauty spread over long distances, and the giant Torev (the bear) also learned about this, and he desired Aim. But the girl did not want to connect her life with the giant monster. And then Torev, together with his 6 giant brothers, went to war against Kuushchai. But, as always, good defeated evil, and brother Aim, the brave and strong Pygrychum, repelled the attack. Using a shiny shield, he directed rays at each of the giants, and one by one they turned into stones.

We, modern children Earth, we no longer believe in fairy tales about giants. But such a place exists. Tourists simply call these stone sculptures “Pupas”. And the energy here is incredible. Everyone who has ever been to these places repeats this. The Mansi still consider this place holy and do not approach it. By the way, to get to Stolby, you need to go through an equally legendary place - the Dyatlov Pass.


In fact, these former giants arose from ordinary mountains. For many millennia, these mountains were subjected to natural attack in the form of rain, snow, wind, which led to destruction weak breeds and the emergence of bizarre forms of idols. The pillars are truly majestic, reaching a height of 34 meters. Depending on the viewing angle, they can take on the appearance of a person or an animal.

This place is located in the Komi Republic.

In 2008, the Weathering Pillars were ranked among the 7 wonders of Russia.

Lake Elton


Lake Elton is unique natural object, which is located in the Volgograd region. This body of water is one of the most interesting salt lakes not only in Russia, but throughout Europe, and about its healing properties And unique origin there are legends.

Local residents call Elton the pearl of the Volga steppes. Its depth reaches only 15 centimeters, and only in spring in places large cluster melt water depth can increase to 70 centimeters.

Lake Elton attracts with its healing salt waters and mineral mud. People who visited this healing town say that even nature heals and soothes there.

Here, in the middle of the steppe massifs, you can see sand dunes of natural origin and eye-catching salt mountains.

Curonian Spit


In the Kaliningrad region there are unique place called the Curonian Spit. This small, narrow piece of land separates the Baltic Sea from the Curonian Lagoon. The length of the spit is about 98 km, but, unfortunately, not all of it belongs to Russia. Part of the spit passes through the territory of Lithuania.

The migratory route of birds passes through the Curonian Spit, which is why there is a terrible hubbub here in spring and autumn. One of the first ornithological stations in the world was built here.

Photo: Nina Karenina

There is a legend about the origin of the Curonian Spit that has been passed down from generation to generation.

A long time ago, when there was no trace of the Curonian Spit, commander Karvait and his beloved wife lived on the seashore in their beautiful castle. They lived in perfect harmony, but they did not have a child for complete happiness.

And then one day, while hunting, Karvait managed to catch a large elk. And he and his wife decided to make a donation to the good fairy Laima so that she would fulfill their cherished dream about the child. Laima took pity on the couple and gave them beautiful child. They named the child Neringa.

When the girl grew up and was about to get married, a storm suddenly came and lasted for 13 long years. The waves poured blocks of sand onto the shore, and Neringa saved her land by collecting this sand in her hem. She poured it back into the sea, which is why the Curonian Spit appeared.

Volcano Maly Semyachik

Maly Semyachik Volcano, Photo:

With the help of the power of his intellect, man was able to discover many of the secrets of the Earth. In addition, man visited the surface of the Moon and recognized other planets solar system. However, there are still some left on planet Earth mysterious places. Harsh weather conditions and destructive forces of nature are what prevent people from exploring some areas. At the same time, these same forces of nature help protect places unique in their pristine beauty from human intervention. So, the rating the most mysterious unexplored places on earth.

7. Greenland Ice Sheet

Greenland is the largest island on the planet. Most of this island is covered with an ice sheet, which makes the island so uninhabitable and poorly explored. Greenland's ice sheets are 3,200 meters thick and 100,000 years old. Also in Greenland there are glaciers, rivers formed from melting ice, and hot springs. In addition, you can see beautiful white nights and the northern lights there, but due to unstable weather conditions, Greenland remains one of the least explored places in the world.

6. Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench is located in the deepest part of the planet, in the western Pacific Ocean. The depression was formed millions of years ago due to the occurrence of tectonic plate faults in the ocean. Deepest point Mariana Trench, known as the Challenger Deep, is located at a depth of 11 kilometers. Such depth and high pressure in the depression make it a dangerous place for people exploring it. At the same time, the Mariana Trench is home to deep-sea organisms and rare minerals. The bottom of the depression contains fossils dating back millions of years and other rocks, the study of which can help reveal many of the Earth's secrets. However, exploring the Mariana Trench turns out to be very difficult due to dangerous conditions.

5. Kankar-Punsum

Kankar Punsum is the highest unclimbed peak in the world, located in Bhutan. The height of this mountain is 7570 meters, which ensures its place among 40 highest mountains planets. There are only four known attempts to climb Kankar Punsum, in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994. But all these attempts failed due to heavy snowfall and harsh weather conditions. Out of respect for local beliefs, the Bhutanese government banned climbing Kankar Poonsum in 2004. Thus, this peak remained completely unexplored.

4. Deserts

Everyone knows that deserts are one of the least explored areas due to unbearable weather conditions. The Antarctic desert is the largest area devoid of vegetation. The Sahara in Africa is recognized as the hottest desert in the world. Deserts receive very little rainfall and also experience large temperature variations - days are extremely hot, while nights are very cold. Such weather conditions are almost unbearable for most animals, plants and people. Fourth place among mysterious places.

3. Deep caves

There are many caves scattered across the Earth. Their exploration is a great challenge due to difficult weather conditions, rocky terrain, acidic environment and the difficulty of descent. Some underwater caves have conditions so unsuitable for life that even marine inhabitants do not live in them. The flooded Cenotes of Yucatan in Mexico are good for that example. Ice and crystal caves are also too dangerous to explore due to their unpredictability.

2. Amazonian jungle

The Amazon jungle makes up half of all tropical forests on the planet and covers an area of ​​5.5 million square kilometers. The wide diversity of species and the presence of rare animals in the forests make the Amazon jungle interesting field for research. Despite this, the Amazon jungle remains one of the most unexplored corners of the planet. It rains in this area all year round, and heavy rains that continue from February to May contribute to a strong rise in water levels in the Amazon and flooding of nearby areas. Thus, crossing the turbulent current of the Amazon River also turns out to be a serious obstacle in the path of researchers. In addition, the Amazon jungle is inhabited by extremely dangerous representatives of the animal world: jaguars, rattlesnakes, poisonous spiders and frogs, mosquitoes, piranhas, alligators and huge anacondas. In addition to all of the above barriers to exploration, the Amazon Jungle has limited access to safe food and clean water.

1. Antarctica

The most mysterious unexplored place on the planet. In addition to being the coldest place on the surface of the Earth, Antarctica experiences huge temperature changes: from -10C° to -30C° in one day. The minimum temperature recorded in Antarctica is -89C°. The harsh climate makes Antarctica the most unexplored area in the world. The maximum wind speed of 200 mph in Antarctica was recorded in 1972. Sheets of ice 2 miles thick, heavy snowfalls, glaciers and deep crevasses pose a serious danger to explorers.

The nature of our planet delightful, and it would seem that all its green and not so green corners have been studied and known to everyone, but that was not the case! We present to you 12 unimaginable and little-known miracles light and 14 incredible interesting places where you need to visit.

Banaue Rice Terraces, Philippines

The Banaue Rice Terraces are 2,000-year-old terraces that were carved into Mount Ifugao in the Philippines by the ancestors of the indigenous people. The terraces are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. It is believed that the terraces were built with minimal equipment, mostly by hand. They are located approximately 1,500 meters above sea level and cover 10,360 square kilometers of mountainside. They are fed by an ancient irrigation system from the rainforests above the terraces. It is estimated that if they were placed closely, they would surround half globe. Locals Rice and vegetables are still grown on terraces to this day. The result is a gradual erosion of this wonder of the world, which needs constant reconstruction and care.

Ice towers and caves of Mount Erebus

Mount Erebus is the second largest volcano in Antarctica, active since 1972. Erebus has many ice towers formed as a result of steam emissions due to volcanic activity. Many ice towers constantly emit steam. In addition to these chimney-like pillars, the volcanic mountain is home to a number of naturally formed ice caves, with blue, eerily cavernous underground chambers.

Tent rocks Kasha-Katuwe

The Kasha-Catuwe tent rocks in New Mexico were formed approximately seven million years ago as a result of ash deposited by a pyroclastic flow from a volcanic explosion. As with most rock formations, weathering and erosion can be credited with creating the area's remarkable geography. Noticeably pointed tent-like rocks get their due interesting name from native language region, and means "white cliffs". The rocks vary in height, sometimes reaching 30 meters in height.

Lion Rock Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

Sigiriya (Lion Rock) is the remains of an ancient mountain fortress and palace, located in the central Matale region of Sri Lanka, surrounded by the remains of an extensive network of gardens, tanks and other structures. A popular tourist destination, Sigiriya is also famous for its ancient paintings (frescoes) that are reminiscent of the Ajanta Caves in India. Sigiriya was built during the reign of King Kassapa I (477 AD - 495), and it is one of the seven sites World Heritage Sri Lanka. During prehistoric times, Sigiriya was inhabited. Used as a mountain monastery from around the 5th century BC.

Lechuguia Cave

One of the most popular little known wonders of the world, Lechuguia Cave is another location found in New Mexico. The cave is the seventh explored chain in the world, with a known length of 134.6 miles. The cave is the most famous spectacular crystal formation of gypsum and aragonite. Before its discovery in 1986, Lechuguia had been untouched for hundreds of millions of years, being one of the most ancient ecosystems.

Krubera Cave

Krubera Cave, located within the Arabica Mountains in Abkhazia, is the deepest known cave on Earth, with a depth of 2,191 meters. The cave is also known as Crow Cave, due to large quantity nesting crows.

Valley of Flowers in India

Valley of Flowers, National Park in India - one of the most beautiful miracles lights on this list. There's something incredible about high peaks, rising into the clouds and steep slopes, completely covered with lush vegetation and unique flora. The Valley of Flowers is home to many rare, endangered animals such as the Asiatic black bear, Snow Leopard, brown bear and blue ram.

Glencoe Valley in Scotland

Situated at the northern tip of Scotland, Glencoe is a narrow river valley that is often considered one of the most spectacular places in the country. The Glencoe Valley is home to a stunning variety of flora, as well as high peaks on both sides and a crystal clear river running through its heart.

Quinta da Regaleira in Portugal

Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra, Portugal features a descending spiral staircase that leads to multiple exits. The name came from the belief that this place was the birthplace of Masonic rituals. At the base lies a compass rose on a Templar cross. The symbolism directly concerns life and death, general theme for initiation rituals.

Plitvice lakes in Croatia

Plitvice Lakes National Park is home to spectacular views of beautiful open lakes and waterfalls. Contrast of deep blue with bright green creates incredible landscapes that excite the imagination. The park is no less exciting even in winter, when some of the waterfalls and lakes freeze. While in Croatia, be sure to visit Plitvice Lakes, one of the natural wonders of the world.

Wulingyuan in China

Head to more than three thousand huge sandstone pillars, many of which are towers more than two hundred meters high - this is Wulingyuan in China. It is one of the most stunning natural sites in the world. The tall pillars are composed of quartzite and sandstone and are karst formations. The incredible area is located one hundred and seventy miles northeast of Changsha and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992, however it still remains relatively unknown to most of the world's population.

Kay Gompa Monastery

Ki Monastery or Kay Gompa is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery that stands spectacularly on a hill overlooking the small Indian village of Kibar. The monastery stands at an altitude of 13,668 feet above sea level and the village below is said to be the highest in India. Founded in the 11th century, the Kay Gompa monastery has experienced many turbulent events. It was repeatedly attacked, ravaged by Mongol armies, and devastated by fires and earthquakes. Constant destruction and reconstruction has resulted in the building being shaped like a box, providing maximum protection.

Incredible places to visit

Thanks to the talent of designers, architects and landscapers, amazing inspiring places appear on earth that are worth visiting for a person who is partial to beauty and thirsty for new experiences.

The world is amazingly huge and beautiful. It seems that a lifetime is not enough to see all its beauty in person. It doesn’t hurt to sketch out a rough plan of inspiring trips and excursions, which will make your head boil with new ideas and thoughts. Start with the most beautiful places on our planet. And watch a review of unusual hotels, shocking attractions, historical wonders and other things to do creative hands and human minds.

Underwater hotel

Conrad Maldives Rangali Island offers underwater apartments and a restaurant.

Igloo Hotel

The transparent roofs of the rooms at Hotel Kakslauttanen in Finland allow you to admire the Northern Lights from your bed.

Flower Park

Wisteria tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Japanese Flower Garden, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Ice aquarium

In the Japanese city of Kesennuma, 80 species of sea creatures are frozen in ice blocks.

Restaurant in a cave

Is located in Italian city Polignano a Mare on the grounds of the Grotta Palazzese hotel.

Markizyak Castle Garden

Located in the French city of Vezac and was created over 3 centuries.

Hotel underground

The Sala Silvermine Hotel in Sweden is located in a former mine at a depth of 155 meters.

Restaurant by the waterfall

Located at the Villa Escudero Resort in Quezon Province, Philippines.

Lost City of Machu Picchu

Located in the territory of modern Peru at the top of a mountain range 2450 meters above sea level. Awarded the title of New Wonder of the World.

Skyscraper in Huaxi village

Residents of a Chinese village pooled their money to build a hotel 328 meters high and costing $470 million.

Snow hotel

Every winter in Finland, the Alps and Pyrenees, a winter resort is built from snow for lovers of extreme recreation.


The natural basin of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe is located at an altitude of 128 meters.

Observation deck

Glass balconies of the 103-story Willis Tower skyscraper in Chicago.

Attractions at the site of the nuclear power plant

Wunderland Kalkar Park is located on the territory of an unfinished nuclear power plant in the German city of Kalkar. The main attraction is located in the central tube.