World Heritage Monuments in Russia. Office for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites

    Universal cultural and natural values ​​(architectural complexes, nature reserves, unique landscapes). In 1972, on the initiative of UNESCO (English UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization - Organization ... ... Art encyclopedia

    There are 25 items on the UNESCO World Heritage List in the Russian Federation (as of 2012), this is 2.6% of the total (962 as of 2012). 15 objects are included in the list according to cultural criteria, and 6 of them are recognized... ... Wikipedia

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    There are 2 names on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Niger, which is about 0.2% of the total (936 in 2011). In addition, as of 2012, 19 objects in Niger are among... ... Wikipedia

    This article or section describes the situation in relation to only one region. You can help Wikipedia by adding information for other countries and regions. Template:Dynamic list There are many ... Wikipedia around the world

    UNESCO World Heritage Site No. 540 Rus. ... Wikipedia

    Commemorative coins of the Bank of Russia, dedicated to architectural monuments of Russia. Main article: Commemorative coins of Russia Series: “Architectural Monuments of Russia” Contents 1 Part 7 1.1 Kazan Station (1862 1864), Moscow ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Golden Ring. The Golden Ring of Russia is a family of tourist routes passing through ancient Russian cities, in which unique monuments of the history and culture of Russia have been preserved, centers ... ... Wikipedia

    Historical Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings* Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings** UNESCO World Heritage ... Wikipedia

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  • Domestic tourism and tourist resources of Russia, E. G. Istomina, M. G. Grishunkina. The main provisions and definitions of the subject essence of domestic (regional) tourism, its legislative framework, current state and development strategy are considered. Special attention…


1. What is ethnicity? How do the formation of races and ethnicities differ?

Ethnicity is a historically established community of people that has a common language, culture, economy, territory and ethnic identity. Ethnic groups combine all of the above, and race is a genotype.

2. By what characteristics are peoples distinguished?

1) The language they speak; 2) External signs: skin color, clothing, etc.; 3) Lifestyle; 4) Culture; 5) Religion (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism).

3. Name examples of large and small ethnic groups. Show on the map the territories where they live.

Large: Greeks, Spaniards, Italians. Small: Teleuts, Telengits, Chelkans

4. Within each cultural and historical region, highlight the largest countries.

Iberian CIR: Portugal, Spain. Balkan KIR: Greece, Türkiye

5. Find and systematize information about cultural heritage monuments in any cultural and historical region.

Athens Acropolis. It is a 156-meter rocky hill with a flat top (approx. 300 m long and 170 m wide). This was the main place for the king. There were also many temples inside where prayers were offered to the Greek gods and sacrifices were made. During the conquest by the Turks, the Acropolis served as a mosque. Today it is an ancient monument of architectural art.


2. Using the text of the textbook and atlas maps, make a table with columns reflecting world religions, the main regions of their distribution, and the main religious centers.

a) Christianity:

Catholicism (countries of North and South America, countries of Southern Europe, etc.)

Orthodoxy (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, etc.)

Protestantism (countries of Northern and Central Europe, USA, Canada, South Africa, etc.)

b) Islam (Muslim):

Shiism (Iran, Iraq)

Sunnism (countries of Asia, North Africa, etc.)

c) Buddhism (South-East, East Asia)

National religions:

Shintoism (Japan);

Confucianism (China);

Hinduism (India);

Judaism (Israel);

Local religions:




(mainly countries of Africa, Oceania, tribes of Asia)

3. Show on the map the largest countries in the world, single-national and multinational countries.

Uninational (i.e. the main nationality is over 90%). There are most of them in Europe (Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal), Asia (Saudi Arabia, Japan, Bangladesh, Korea, some small countries), in Latin America (since Indians, mulattoes, mestizos are considered parts of single nations), in Africa (Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Madagascar);

With a sharp predominance of one nation, but with the presence of more or less significant minorities (Great Britain, France, Spain, Finland, Romania, China, Mongolia, USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc.);

Multinational countries with a complex and ethnically diverse composition (India, Russia, Switzerland, Indonesia, the Philippines, many countries in Western and Southern Africa).

The most diverse region is South Asia, and the most diverse country is India.

Classification of historical and cultural monuments:
Immovable historical and cultural monuments include:
urban planning monuments:
historical planning structure, territories within the system of historical city fortifications and other historical and urban planning formations related to zones of special urban planning regulation and generally determining the value of Moscow as a monument to the history of urban planning art and a historical city;
architectural monuments:
individual buildings, structures and structures for fortification, religious, palace, residential, public, administrative, commercial, industrial, transport, scientific, educational purposes, together with their territories, space and inseparable works of painting, sculpture, decorative and applied art; historical gardens, parks;
ensembles: a set of immovable monuments and open spaces in their artistic and compositional connection, including archaeological sites of universal value from an architectural, historical, archaeological, aesthetic or socio-cultural point of view: streets, squares, blocks, architectural complexes and ensembles with surrounding their urban and natural landscapes, as well as works of monumental, fine art, decorative and applied arts, landscape art and landscape architecture inextricably linked with them;
historical monuments:
buildings, structures, memorial sites, complexes and ensembles associated with the life of outstanding historical figures, with the life and work of scientists, literature and art;
buildings, structures, memorial sites, complexes and ensembles associated with the most important historical events in the life of the country and city;
buildings, structures, memorial places, complexes and ensembles, other immovable objects related to the development of science and technology, culture and life of the population of Moscow;

Historical necropolis: individual cemeteries, graves and burials, complexes of graves and burials of outstanding government and military figures, national heroes, scientists, writers and artists, mass graves and burial places of soldiers and citizens who died for the freedom and independence of the Motherland;
archaeological monuments:
residential objects: cultural layer of ancient settlements, including fortifications, settlements, parking lots;
ancient fortifications: earthen ramparts, ditches, remains of wood-earth and stone fortifications;
objects of religious significance: the remains of ancient temples, monasteries, religious complexes, sanctuaries, places of ritual;
places of ancient burials: mounds and ground burial grounds, individual burials;
objects of economic purpose: remains and traces of hunting, cattle breeding, agricultural, fishing grounds, mining and manufacturing industries, workshops, irrigation structures, hydraulic structures (ponds, canals, etc.), transport arteries and structures (roads, bridges, parking lots, etc. ), infrastructure of waterways and waterways;
monuments of art:
city ​​monuments (monuments) and memorial signs dedicated to the most important events in the history of Moscow and Russia, outstanding citizens; works of monumental sculpture, monumental painting, monumental decorative art, mosaics, stained glass; works of decorative and applied art, painting, sculpture associated with immovable monuments as elements of a furnishing complex.

Immovable monuments of history and culture can include objects that have been preserved entirely in their original form, or that are in ruined or fragmentary condition, as well as those that are part of later objects.
Signs of monuments:
1. Materiality of historical and cultural monuments. Monuments of history and culture are material objects (houses, temples, ancient mounds, military vehicles, sculptures) that have material characteristics - they have size, weight, hardness, material, color, etc.
2. Anthropogenicity of monuments. Monuments of history and culture are the result of human activity, i.e. they are anthropogenic in nature. Human society transforms or influences changes in its natural environment not only in the process of production, but also in any other activity: military, political, spiritual, cultural. As a result, objects appear that subsequently become for society monuments of military or political history, architecture or art, science or technology.
3. Monument property. Real estate is understood as its unity with the environment. This is the main feature of historical and cultural monuments, which distinguishes them from objects in the museum collection. The immovability of historical and cultural monuments is an expedient condition for the preservation of monuments, justified by the practice of their use, which recommends not to separate them from their natural environment, the place of their origin, where they were “participants” or “witnesses” of events.

Properties of monuments:
1. Property of sensory influence. Monuments of history and culture are material objects and, as such, have the ability to influence the senses and evoke sensations in humans. Through sensory knowledge of monuments, a person is convinced of the fact of a historical event.
2. The ability to be a source of information. Monuments of history and culture have the ability to store and transmit information. Being the result of human activity, they bear traces of his transformative influence, i.e. store information about what they themselves are the result of.
The information contained in monuments is of the following types: historical, aesthetic, technological.

Functions of monuments:
- The function of translation or historical continuity of social experience.
It is also often called the information function. Monuments are rightfully a concentration of the social memory of humanity about different eras, events and people. It is expressed in this case in sign systems, for example, monuments of art, etc. Thanks to monuments, social experience is transmitted from generation to generation, from era to era, from one country to another. In this case, monuments act as a mechanism for transmitting the rich experience accumulated by humanity.

Ideological function.
Historical and cultural heritage has always been one of the most important means of forming public consciousness and improving the spiritual life of people, since in the process of its existence it is subject to social interpretation and evaluation, and more than once. The first interpretation occurs during the creation of the monument and is aimed at contemporaries and sometimes descendants.

Educational function.
Since the late 1960s, when monuments began to be actively used in the USSR for the purpose of educating a comprehensively developed personality, they began to attract the attention of researchers not only as an ideological tool, but also as a special category of historical and cultural heritage, comprehensively reflecting the past. Historical and cultural monuments are therefore widely used for the purposes of moral, aesthetic, cultural and environmental education.

Cognitive (epistemological) function.
It is associated with the use of historical and cultural monuments in order to obtain new information about past historical and cultural events and phenomena. The study of monuments is not an end in itself, but contributes to a deeper insight into the essence of historical and cultural phenomena.

Communication function.
Since monuments have that outwardly expressed form that society identifies with certain events, phenomena, concepts, ideas, they also perform a communicative function. The greatest potential in this regard is provided by symbolic monuments that were created as signs of some events. But they often lose their original meaning and acquire the meaning of a monument - an original. For example, St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow, erected as a sign of victory over the Kazan Khanate, is perceived by contemporaries as a masterpiece of architecture.

Utilitarian function.
It is associated with the use of monuments for economic purposes, if this does not damage their safety.

Compensatory function of the monument.
This function allows a person to be distracted from production activities, take a break from life’s problems, and receive emotional release. Another name for this function - recreational - reflects the coincidence of this function with the period of leisure and rest, i.e. time formally free from production activities. A person can receive spiritual compensation from tourism, communication with nature, etc.

Educational function.
It is associated with the use of historical and cultural monuments for educational purposes. Direct, sensory perception of monuments in the process of teaching history gives a great effect. Communicating with a monument during the learning process easily removes the age-old problem of the lack of objectivity and clarity in the study of humanities.

Regulatory function.
The regulatory function is associated with the determination of various aspects, types of social and personal activities of people. In the sphere of work, everyday life, and interpersonal relationships, cultural monuments in one way or another influence people’s behavior and regulate their actions, actions, and even the choice of certain material and spiritual values. The regulatory function of culture is based on such normative systems as morality and law.

Objects of cultural heritage are immovable objects that have cultural value for the population of Russia, and are also included in the world cultural heritage.

The concept of the objects under consideration

These objects have a special legal status. The category of objects under consideration includes:

  • real estate with an integral part of painting;
  • scientific and technical objects;
  • objects of decorative and applied art;
  • sculptures;
  • other cultural objects that have value from the perspective of various sciences, technology and social culture, are monuments and serve as evidence of the original birth of culture and its subsequent development.

Objects of cultural heritage include: built-in real estate (memorial apartments), buildings located separately, as well as ensembles and complexes of various buildings, structures and other structures. Moreover, these objects may be completely preserved, or they may be partially destroyed or be an integral part of objects of a later period.

Legal framework of the objects under consideration

The laws on cultural heritage sites in force in our country include:

  • Federal Law No. 73-FZ.
  • Law of the RSFSR, adopted in 1978 in part that does not contradict the modern legislative framework of the Russian Federation.
  • Regulations of the USSR Council of Ministers “On the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments” of 1982 in the same part.
  • Instruction No. 203 of the USSR Ministry of Culture of 1986, in the same part.

Signs of the objects in question

Objects of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation must have the following characteristics:

  1. Real estate. Thus, movable property a priori does not belong to the objects in question.
  2. Historical and cultural value. If we take into account only the “real estate” attribute, then the objects under consideration can include all apartments, dachas, and garages that exist in the country. Therefore, the subject of interest to us includes objects that have a certain scientific and technical interest (value) for various sciences and social culture. This value is determined in the process of historical and cultural examination, which is carried out at the initiative of the state.
  3. Age. In addition to memorial apartments and houses, which were recognized as objects in question as a result of the fact that outstanding personalities lived there, other monuments are included in the register of cultural heritage sites after at least 40 years have passed from the date of their creation or the occurrence of events of historical value.
  4. Special status. This status is acquired in a certain order by inclusion in the state register and state list by decision of certain executive authorities.

The presence of these 4 features in combination makes it possible to talk about the object in question as an object of cultural heritage.


All historical and cultural monuments under consideration are divided into places of interest, ensembles and monuments.

Ensembles are a group of cultural heritage objects that arose at the same time or complemented each other in the process of historical development on the same territory, as a result of the combination of which a single composition is formed.

Ensembles include monuments and structures located in areas that can be uniquely localized in territories that have developed historically, including those with religious purposes, as well as fragments of various settlements (buildings and layouts), which belong to urban planning ensembles; parks, boulevards, squares, gardens, as well as necropolises.

Places of interest include:

  • creations that were created anthropogenically or with the participation of nature;
  • the same fragments that can be classified as ensembles;
  • centers of historical settlements;
  • various places associated with the formation of ethnic groups on the territory of our country;
  • ruins of ancient settlements and sites;
  • places where various kinds of rituals related to religion were performed;
  • reserves recognized as cultural heritage sites.

Types of monuments

Monuments have a more complex classification. Let's take a closer look at it.

Monuments as objects of cultural heritage arose as a result of certain historical events. At the moment, they represent evidence of civilizations, eras when culture began to emerge and develop.

In this type, the following subspecies are distinguished:

  • separate various buildings with the territories in which they are located historically;
  • separate rooms for different religious denominations;
  • separate burials and mausoleums;
  • traces of human existence underground or water, which may be completely or partially hidden, as well as movable objects related to them;
  • scientific and technical facilities, including military ones;
  • works of monumental art;
  • memorial apartments.

In addition, monuments are classified into monuments of history, urban planning and architecture, and archaeology. Their belonging to one of the varieties is determined during the preparation of state registration documents for these objects and is established during the approval of the list of acceptance of these objects for protection.


All objects under consideration, depending on their value, are classified into categories:

  • federal objects - of particular importance for the culture and history of our country, this also includes objects belonging to the archaeological heritage;
  • regional cultural heritage sites - having special significance for the culture and history of a particular region of the country;
  • municipal (local) objects - having appropriate significance for a particular area or municipality.

In addition, particularly valuable cultural sites are identified, some of which are included in the UNESCO heritage.

Examples of objects in question in the world

Examples of cultural heritage sites are cities (Athens, Rome, Venice, Prague, Jerusalem, Mexico City), ancient palaces, temples, religious centers (for example, the Taj Mahal), the Great Wall of China, the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, Olympia and Carthage (their ruins ).

Russian national cultural heritage

There are a huge number of federal facilities in our country. These include, for example, the Likhachev House in Tatarstan, the Vladimir Church in Cheboksary, the Caucasian Riviera sanatorium complex in Sochi, the building of a women's gymnasium in Krasnoyarsk, the people's house in Vladivostok, the State Bank building in Khabarovsk, the Trinity Church in Bryansk, Ivanovo, Kirov, the ensemble Resurrection Church in the Vladimir region, many residential buildings in the Vologda region and Irkutsk, the Lutheran Church in Voronezh, the ensemble of St. Basil's Church in Kaluga and a huge number of others located, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

There are also many regional and local facilities. Each subject of the federation has its own register of cultural heritage objects in which they are listed.

World cultural heritage sites in our country

There are 16 sites designated by UNESCO in Russia.

There are not many of these objects, so let’s look at them in more detail.

One of them is transboundary: Struve Geodetic Arc (Baltic states, Moldova, Russian Federation, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Finland).

The center of St. Petersburg, which has preserved its historical appearance with a group of monuments associated with it. These include many canals, bridges, the Admiralty, the Hermitage, the Winter and Marble palaces.

Kizhi Pogost is located in Karelia on the islands of Lake Onega. There are two wooden churches from the 18th century. and a wooden bell tower from the 19th century.

Red Square with the Kremlin located on it in Moscow.

Monuments of the history of V. Novgorod and its suburbs with many medieval monuments, monasteries, churches.

Complex of history and culture of the Solovetsky Islands. Here is the largest monastery in the north, built in the 15th century, as well as churches of the 16th-19th centuries.

Monuments made of white stone and located in Suzdal and Vladimir, consisting of many religious buildings of the 12th-13th centuries.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra (architectural ensemble) is a monastery with the features of a fortress. The tomb of B. Godunov is located in the Assumption Cathedral. The icon of A. Rublev “Trinity” is located in the monastery.

Church of the Ascension (Kolomenskoye, Moscow) is one of the first churches in which the tent is made of stone, which influenced the subsequent development of church architecture in Russia.

The Kremlin in Kazan is a complex of history and architecture. There are several historical buildings from the 16th to 19th centuries. Civil buildings are adjacent to Orthodox and Muslim churches.

Ferapontov Monastery (ensemble) - monastic complex of the XV-XVII centuries. in the Vologda region.

Derbent with its fortress walls, the Old Town and the Citadel was a strategically important site until the 19th century.

Novodevichy Convent (ensemble) - was created in the 16th-17th centuries. and was part of the Moscow defense system. Refers to the masterpieces of Russian architecture; representatives of the Romanovs were placed here, where they were tonsured and then buried, as well as representatives of noble boyar and noble families.

The Struve geodetic arc includes geodetic “triangles”, which were laid down by Struve, who with their help first measured the large arc of the earth’s meridian.

Yaroslavl (historical center) - many churches of the 17th century, Spassky Monastery of the 16th century.

Bulgarsky complex is located on the banks of the Volga south of Kazan. It represents evidence of the existence in the 7th-15th centuries. city ​​of Bulgar. Here we can trace the historical continuity and differences between different cultures.

Tauride Chersonesus with a choir - located on the territory of Crimea, was destroyed in the 14th century, after which it was hidden underground in the 19th century. excavations began.

Office for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites

In different regions of our country these departments are called differently. So, in the Oryol region it is called the Department for State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects, the Ministry of Culture and National Policy - in Bashkortostan, the Department of Culture and Art - in the Kirov region, etc.

In general, all of them are institutions (or also perform the functions of departments) for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

These bodies are regional, which carry out executive, administrative and supervisory functions in the field of protection of the above-mentioned objects, contribute not only to their preservation, but also to their popularization.


The objects considered in the article include various monuments, which can be located singly or collected in ensembles, as well as places of interest. In our country there are federal, regional and local in relation to national sites, in addition, in different parts of the country there are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Work on the preservation of cultural heritage objects is entrusted to the relevant departments, departments, committees in the regions, and for federal objects - the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with its territorial representative offices.