Mount Elbrus brief description. Elbrus - the highest peak in Europe

I had to face this question as a child; my parents were not supporters of children's camps, so they chose an alternative form of recreation for me in the summer! And it was great, I was assigned to a children's tourism club. Every summer we went on unforgettable trips to different parts of Russia. One day we had a hike to Elbrus.

Let's try to figure out where Elbrus is located

Elbrus located in the south of Russia, it occupies a special place in the Greater Caucasus Range system. This is an amazing place on earth, so amazing and beautiful that you definitely need to see it with your own eyes. He is located at the junctionRepublics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. In clear weather, Elbrus can be seen from several tens of kilometers away.

Its peaks dominate the mountain range, near Elbrus two peaks: Western and Eastern. MoreWestern is considered high, although the difference in height is insignificant. On the slopes of Elbrus at different altitudes there are shelters, as hotels are called, places where tourists gather, where you can relax and wait out the bad weather.

How to get to this amazing place in Russia

The first thing you need to do is get to Mineralnye Vody or Nalchik.

  • The fastest and most convenient way is air travel. You will be able to admire beautiful views of the mountains from above if it is clear and cloudless.
  • But I'm one of those who are ready to immerse themselves in romance railway with its pros and cons and hit the road with this particular type of transport.

I can imagine how the landscapes outside the train window will change, the quiet swaying, the conductor offering to order tea from her in a beautiful glass holder - beauty and that’s all.

Once you reach the city of your choice, the matter remains small, since there will be enough people willing to help you get to your destination. Also from Mineralnye Vody and Nalchik daily flights to the foot of Elbrus are organized. From the foot to the top you can take an unforgettable trip by cable car, it will be a long and exciting journey. Don’t forget to have a snack in a cafe and listen to the stories of experienced tourists.

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Until recently, my knowledge about Elbrus were limited to almost forgotten data from boring geography textbooks and an angry tirade from a geography student about how it’s a shame not to know where you are the highest peak in Russia and Europe. But last year, my theoretical knowledge was replenished with practical ones, in other words, I visited the Caucasus and I saw this miracle of nature with my own eyes, and before that I studied all the guidebooks about this wonderful place.

The trip to the Caucasus was not spontaneous, it was long-awaited and carefully planned. Therefore, I decided to prepare in advance and scout out the situation, so to speak. I was interested in the following questions:

  • where is it and how to get to Elbrus;
  • what transport can you use to get there? to a local attraction;
  • where to start climbing on mountain.

Where is Elbrus

I knew before that Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, and to be more precise, then 150 kilometers from the city of Nalchik. And to be completely precise, it is located between two republics - Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, but it is believed that the mountain is located on the territory of the latter. It is interesting that in these republics Elbrus is called differently, for example, the Circassians call Mount Oshkhomakho, and the Kabardians call it Mingi Tau. Inexplicable but the fact!

First misleading impressions

Driving close to the city, you can see a Caucasian landmark. From a distance, it didn’t seem so impressive and huge to me, but when I arrived at my destination, my opinion changed. Of course I knew that the height of the mountain is more than 5500meters. But I had no idea how high it was. I would say too high. I couldn’t look at this beauty for a long time; my neck was stiff.

How to get to Elbrus

You can get to the mountain get there by car, this is the most popular option, also excursion buses run, fortunately they go often. We traveled by car, so We reached the mountain in 2 hours, the bus will take a little longer. But it's worth it! Elbrus is very popular among climbers, it’s not surprising, who wouldn’t want to conquer this famous Caucasian peak. If you decide to climb the mountain, then your the path will run through the village of Azau. Most climbers start climbing from this place; before climbing, locals advise spending a couple of days in the village for acclimatization. And then hit the road to conquer the inaccessible peak!

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I rightfully consider climbing Elbrus one of the most important achievements in my life. An indescribable feeling of being on top of the world. In principle, this is so, because Elbrus is one of the highest mountains on our planet. Follow me, I will tell you where this mountain is!

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

The 5642-meter peak is the pride of Russia, located in the north Greater Caucasus, what is between the territories Kabardino-Balkaria And Karachay-Cherkessia. Included in the list of the “seven peaks” of Europe. By the way, I want to say that the height of 5642 m is only western peak. Second, eastern, has a height of 5621 m, that is, Elbrus has a double peak. You will be surprised to know that the mountain is actually a dying volcano. This is Elbrus with a secret! You might also be interested in Name mountains. There are a couple of versions of its origin:

  • translated from Iranian, Aitbares means “high mountain”;
  • or from Georgian Yalbuz, which means “storm and ice”.

Climbing a Giant

We started our climb with cable car to the village called Azau(3750 m). Here we spent a couple of days (for acclimatization) at the Bochki shelter. Then one day we climbed to a height of 4700 m at Pastukhov rocks. The next route was through the saddle at an altitude of 5300 m, located between 2 peaks of the mountain. After a short rest, we only had to overcome about 500 m, which we did safely.

I want to tell you that the spectacle is magnificent! Mountain landscapes and nature of stunning beauty will not leave you indifferent. And for ski resort lovers, this place will seem like paradise, take my word for it!

I hope I was able to answer your question and ignite a spark of thirst for adventure and new emotions in your heart. Finally, I would like to add that we should be proud of such a miracle of nature, such a uniqueness of the Caucasus. Today this place is very popular. It's huge rest zone, is also located here national park, in which the nature of the Elbrus region is in its original form.

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Gray Elbrus is young at heart. Powerful and passionate - just touch him. There is a universal cold in his brow. There is a crazy fire in his chest.

While thinking about how to start my report today, I suddenly came across a poem by a little-known person named Lvovich Belilovsky. I was amazed - Belilovsky’s naive lines, in contrast to the florid pathos of Pushkin and the hysterically decadent style of Mandelstam, accurately conveyed the essence of the famous Caucasian peak - after all, covered with mighty snows Elbrus is a volcano. But first things first.

Where is Elbrus

The two-headed giant settled down in the Caucasus, on the very border of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. How one of the peaks of the Side Range of the mountain system called the Greater Caucasus, Elbrus is a volcanic mountain range with a clearly defined a pair of vertices - Eastern And Western(height 5621 and 5642 m, respectively). The peaks are separated by a one and a half kilometer saddle - Elbrus pass(altitude 5416 m), where the station is located RedFox 5300(climbing shelter). It should be noted the difficult fate of this shelter: previously a hut was built here " Saddle", abandoned in 1959 due to the fact that it was constantly clogged with snow. In its place, a new one was built in 2010. station EG 5300, but squally winds and miscalculations in the design led to its destruction.

How to get to Elbrus

Elbrus region(official term) very well developed in terms of transport, since the highest Russian and European mountain is extremely popular among fans of extreme climbing.

You can get to Elbrus from nearby settlements - Nalchik or MineralWaters(well, or directly get to the place in your own car). Get there to the above cities can be done in several ways:

  • on a Kuban Airlines plane(flight from Moscow lasts 2–3 hours and will cost 4 thousand rubles);
  • by train(departing from Kazansky railway station the train will take you for some 38 hours, and, having bought a compartment ticket, you will spend the same 4 thousand rubles);
  • by bus(the road will take day, and you’ll have to pay for the ticket 2 thousand rubles).

Looking at the dazzlingly shining cone of the Caucasian giant, I would like to end (as I began) on a poetic note.

... And in their (clouds) circle, a two-headed colossus, Shining with an icy crown, Elbrus is huge, majestic, White in the blue sky.

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Do you dream of visiting the mountains? Once upon a time, a similar desire was firmly in my head. But, as you know, if you really want something, it will definitely come true! Sometimes it happens that it’s as if the Universe itself is pushing you, circumstances develop on their own, and now your dream has already come true. This is what happened to me too. That spring I met my future husband, who turned out to be an amateur climber. And in the summer we are together went to conquer Elbrus. Needless to say, that I will remember the trip for the rest of my life.

Where is Elbrus

Then I didn’t know where it was either. But now I can find it on the map instantly. You just need to find the Black and Caspian Seas on it. Found it? Do you see a huge mountain system between them? This is Caucasus. It is usually divided into Big and Small. Exactly Greater Caucasus Range that's what interests us. It serves as a natural border between Russia and Georgia. On the side of our state, its territory was divided by the republics: Adygea, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. Now find the city of Nalchik and, moving from it towards the Black Sea, on the border of two of the above republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, you will definitely see Elbrus. By the way, don't be surprised, but Elbrus - volcano, which originated a very long time ago, more than two million years have passed since then. Its last eruption occurred a little less than two thousand years ago. By the way, scientists even today cannot agree whether Elbrus has gone out or just fallen asleep, and the thermal springs originating in its depths only fuel these disputes. Elbrus has two peaks, the western one rises to a height of 5642 meters, and the eastern one is only 21 meters lower.. Above 3.5 thousand meters, the mountains are covered with glaciers, the melt waters of which give life to several large rivers. Here are the largest of these glaciers:

  • Terskol;
  • Big Azau;
  • Maly Azau;
  • Irik.

Climate or when to take risks

In the Elbrus region the climate is mild with fairly low humidity, but the volcano itself is not a hospitable host. In winter, the average air temperature at its foot is -10 degrees, at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters - already -25°C, and at the top - all 40 degrees below zero. And it’s not hot in summer: if the air is up to 2500 meters and warms up to +10 degrees, then at an altitude of 4.2 thousand meters, even in July the thermometer does not rise above –14 °C. And all this disgrace is accompanied sudden change of weather. The sun was just shining and there was no wind when a snowstorm began. Therefore, even experienced climbers most often They plan to climb for the period from July to August.

Climber or hiker

At all You don’t have to be a climber to enjoy the grandeur of Elbrusand feel all its power. It is enough to be an ordinary tourist, come here, see this two-headed giant, and then, perhaps, dare to climb.

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As a child, I really loved reading Russian classical literature. And the theme of the Caucasus has always been something special, its nature seemed magical, as if from another world. One day, while searching for visualization, I came across a reproduction of M. Yu. Lermontov’s painting “Elbrus at Sunrise” and was struck by the beauty of this mountain. I couldn’t believe that this extinct volcano was located not somewhere in the Himalayas, but here.

Geographical position

Elbrus -highest peak in Russia, and the entire European part of the continent. I have always been amazed by the appearance of this true pearl of the North Caucasus, because the size of the volcano is truly incredible. Don't notice it while traveling around Main Caucasian Ridge, impossible - the peak is located in its northern part, away from other mountains, and the gaze returns to it every now and then. It is a kind of natural border between the republicsKabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia.

How to get there

If you are going to not only enjoy the view of this mountain, which, by the way, has two peaks (double beauty), but also to conquer Elbrus, then there are more detailed coordinates. Nearest settlement - villageVerkhniy Baksan. Its picturesque nature sank into my heart: mountains, river, in a word - beauty and freedom. And the proximity to the top is only 28 km! A little further from the peak there is a city Tyrnyauz, administrative center of the Elbrus region. Those who do not consider themselves fans of rural romance can enjoy the view of the mountain from there. Traditionally considered a gathering place for climbers Azau glade - the largest sports ground, which is located directly at the foot of Elbrus. It is recommended to get there by car, but you can also get to the parking lot and by bus, flights depart from almost all nearby cities.

Before you travel, research popular routes. For myself, I selected several popular ones and safe directions.

  1. Climbing the southern slope is the most popular climbing option. The route contains several ropes of simple climbing in bundles.
  2. Climbing the northern slope assumes the same level of complexity, but is aimed at more experienced lovers of mountaineering, there are fewer parking areas.
  3. Climbing along the eastern ridge you'll like it for extreme sports fans, climbing it is noticeably more difficult.

There are other routes, but they require good physical preparation. Unfortunately, I don’t have one. But I’m sure the mountain will not leave you indifferent, and perhaps next time you’ll want to try this route.

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Oh... I remembered the old days when my health still allowed me to go hiking regularly. We had our own company of 8 people. Every year we conquered more and more mountain peaks. Unfortunately, everything tends to end. So our company broke up, everyone had a family and children. And all we have left are memories and a couple of photographs. The most memorable expedition was the climb to Elbrus.

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Located this incredible peak in the Caucasus mountains, namely in the Side Range. You probably know that Elbrus - not just a mountain, but highest peak in Russia. To conquer it, you need to be an experienced traveler, have steely health and endurance. The climb is not easy and requires a lot of physical effort, but believe me, it is worth it. When the top is reached, the beauty of the whole world opens up before you in full view. It's like you're God. Before you are mountains, forests, fields, sunset.

Interesting fact about Elbrus: It was only recently that geologists concluded that this mountain was in the past a volcano that went out.

For those who want to conquer Elbrus

Elbrus - five thousand meter(that is, its height is more than 5000 meters) . It means that you need to remember that:

  • lifting requires a lot of material costs(gear, equipment, food). And most importantly - air cylinders;
  • adaptation will take quite a long time(adaptation is time spent at an altitude of approximately 3000 meters so that the body gradually gets used to the altitude);
  • at an altitude of more than 4000 meters you need to climb while breathing with the help of a cylinder(it's physically difficult);
  • There is always a risk of developing altitude sickness- this sore is dangerous because you may not immediately feel the symptoms, and when you do feel it, it may already be too late, mountain sickness is deadly!

To get to the point from which the ascent will begin, you must arrive on the border of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Exact location of Elbrus

Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, in the Caucasus Mountains, 130 kilometers from the city of Nalchik, if you move to the west.

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You can find out where Elbrus is by looking at any geographical guide. Having opened the world map, it is very easy to find the mountain ranges and the highest point of the planet Elbrus, and get acquainted with the territory and features of the Greater Caucasus.

Having a cone shape and a base diameter of about 18 kilometers, the peaks of Elbrus are covered with eternal glaciers. This is where the rivers originate:

  • Kükurtlyu.
  • Ulluhurzuk.
  • Ullukam.

Connecting with each other, they form the largest river in the northern Caucasus, the Kuban River. Elbrus, having southern and northern slopes, differs in its flora. The southern one is more like Asian. The northern one has European-type forests and even grassy vegetation. The famous glaciers located on it are called Terskol, Bolshoi and Maly Azau.

Mainland near Elbrus

The stratovolcano is a decoration and symbol of the Caucasus. Located on the edge of two parts of the world, Asia and Europe, Elbrus is located in the northern part of the Eurasian continent. The highest mountain in Russia is located at the border of the two republics of Kabardino - Balkar and Karachevo - Cherkessk. The surrounding areas of Elbrus amaze with their unique nature, topography and climate.

About the highest mountain in Africa in the next article

The areas located near the peak have an ecologically clean territory where the inexhaustible riches of nature are stored:

  • Circassian;
  • Chegemian;
  • Zolsky;
  • Elbrus

The pearl of a resort holiday

Elbrus is the largest operating tourist resort in the country. The main ski areas in the Elbrus region are Elbrus, Cheget, Azau. The most beautiful mountain recreation areas provide an opportunity for climbers and tourists to rise to unprecedented heights to admire the fantastic beauty of nature.

The giant Elbrus stores inexhaustible riches in its depths. Near the source of the Malki River there is a famous resort area - the Narzan Valley. It is notable for its healing mineral springs. The mountain's glacier system shapes the landscape, climate and vegetation, creating picturesque places in the Elbrus region.

The majestic Elbrus attracts climbers from all over the world like a magnet. Double-headed, huge and majestic, shining with icy slopes against the blue sky, it is the dream of all tourists. Climbing to the top of the giant, a panorama of the beauty and power of nature opens up. The opportunity to see the Caucasian Ridge vertically is an incomprehensible fantastic sight, breathtaking.

Blessed is the mountain, the sparkling mountain, the mountain of joy, the pearl of the Caucasus, whatever names one of the highest mountains of Russia and Europe is called. But in reference books and guidebooks we know it under the name Elbrus, which from the Balkar language means “a mountain around which the wind swirls.” The fact is that the Balkar tribes who lived at the foot of the mountain often noticed the so-called “Elbrus whirlwinds” - these are masses of air visible to the human eye, which seem to be twisted into a horn.

Mount Elbrus: description, photo, video

Elbrus is a volcano with two peaks that died out two thousand years ago. The western peak has a height of 5641, the height of the north is 5621 (a difference of twenty meters). To help you imagine the height more clearly, we inform you that Elbrus is 4400 meters higher and 2300 meters higher. The first ascent to the summit took place on July 22, 1829, led by Georg Emmanuel. Despite the fact that since the discovery of this by scientists, it is considered extinct, gas eruptions have recently been noticed, which may indicate that the volcano is only dormant.

But tectologists are confident that an eruption could theoretically occur only in a couple of thousand years, and the obvious processes of gas eruption are only the beginning of a long process of awakening the volcano. And the current prospects for an eruption do not prevent tourists from all over the world from visiting one of the largest and most beautiful mountains in Europe.

The air on Elbrus is of high purity and crystal clear, thanks to which it offers views of two seas that are nearby: and. Experienced climbers always warn: Elbrus is a two-faced mountain with a changeable character. At an altitude of 3756 meters (where the cable car leads), the weather can be warm and little windy, but after a couple of hours of ascent it changes sharply and the ascent can become very difficult. Therefore, you must always be prepared for the manifestations of this miracle mountain, because the climb is worth it.

It is also worth separately noting the territory of the Elbrus region. During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place here, in which the Edelweiss special forces division took part. This division brought together the most resilient Wehrmacht soldiers who had previously served and trained in mountainous regions. Interestingly, Hitler himself considered the operation to capture Elbrus and raise the flag on its top a waste of effort and resources.

Panorama of Mount Elbrus

The first attempts of the Soviet army in August 1942 to liberate Elbrus were in vain. The fighters had neither special equipment nor alpine skills and were doomed. There were several attempts to storm Elbrus and liberate the Shelter of Eleven, the Ice Base and the 105th picket, but only at the end of the 42nd with the joint efforts of the NKVD, aviation and special forces. A group of soldiers with mountaineering skills and the proper equipment managed to dislodge the Edelweiss from Elbrus and raise the Soviet flag at its peak. Monuments to our fallen heroes testify to these battles in the Elbrus region.

Today, the Elbrus region is one of the most developed tourist regions in the Caucasus; due to the number of tourists, this territory is among the ten most popular and visited in the world.

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Elbrus is located on the border of two republics: Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, within the northern part of the Main Caucasus Range.

Mount Elbrus on the map

Coordinates of Mount Elbrus on the map:

  • Latitude — 34°69′35′′
  • Longitude — 45°28′69′′

The volcano mountain is located 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik.

How to get to Mount Elbrus

As a rule, most travelers prefer to join or form tourist groups. These groups are transported by excursion bus to the towns of Neutrino, Terskol, Tegenekli, Elbrus and Baidaevo. These villages, as well as the Elbrus-Azau and Cheget ski resorts, are located along the main route. Also, you will not have any difficulty getting to them by car. There are no other options today.

When is the best time to visit Mount Elbrus?

As mentioned above, Elbrus has unstable weather conditions, which change quite sharply and quickly. It’s as if he’s trying to prevent the climber from reaching the top, testing him: with a nosy, cold wind, the smell of hydrogen sulfide, and fatigue. Therefore, people with poor health are highly discouraged from starting such a climb, and everyone else must use the services of a professional guide, due to the need to undergo training.

As for the optimal season for climbing, experienced climbers say that summer is best for beginners. Then the ascent conditions are a little milder, the daylight hours are longer, and the temperature is within normal limits. The only significant obstacle is thunderstorms that are quite frequent in this area, from which it is difficult to find shelter. Therefore, carefully study the weather forecast, and try not to start climbing on a day when there is supposed to be a thunderstorm.


The volcano mountain itself and the Elbrus region are quite tourist developed. This resort is in no way inferior to its Himalayan and Alpine counterparts. Of course, he has his own Slavic characteristics. On its territory there are a number of hotels of various price categories, and several ski resorts. So, even without planning a climb, you'll have a great time skiing some of the longest ski runs in Europe, or reflecting in the local spas. In general, there is something to do.

Also at your discretion, at an altitude of 4110 meters, there is the highest mountain hotel in the world called “Shelter of the Eleven”. From the cable car (height 3750 meters) there is a path to this hotel. If you wish, you can use the lift, and then walk to it.

What to see in the area

What else is interesting in the vicinity of Elbrus and is a must-see? Mount Cheget, which is located on the opposite side of Elbrus and offers views of the entire volcano. By the way, most of the presented photographs of Elbrus were taken either from or from Mount Cheget.

The Baksan River is one of three rivers that flow from the glaciers of Elbrus with a beautiful azure hue of water. Visit the blue lakes of Nalchik - one of the favorite attractions of local residents.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose you are going to this mountain: to visit places of military glory, test yourself in climbing, walk around the outskirts of Elbrus, or just relax at local resorts and go skiing Elbrus will entice you. It will interest, entice and leave behind the memory of a proud and self-sufficient mountain, the highest mountain in Europe and one of the seven wonders of Russia.

And if he allows you to climb, if you can climb to the highest point of Elbrus, the view that will open before you will be worth not only the effort and money spent, but also a new ascent, because according to the statistics, 6 out of 10 people who climbed Elbrus for the first time , do it again.

Who among us has not heard about the greatness and beauty of Elbrus? Does everyone know where Mount Elbrus is? What is the height of Mount Elbrus? Rising in the ridge of the Caucasus Mountains, it is the highest and most famous point in Russia.

In the last century, Elbrus inspired travelers and climbers to climb. Overcoming dangerous areas, people strengthened their will and strength. Enjoying the beauty of the snowy mountains and contemplating the amazing local landscape from above, poets and bards composed their songs and poems.

It is on Elbrus that you get a feeling of complete freedom from the surrounding bustle, and you have the opportunity to enjoy the deafening silence. The region where Mount Elbrus is located has long been considered a place that can be described as “paradise on Earth.”

The pioneers of the famous mountain were Russian scientists. In 1913, academician and astronomer V.K. Vishnevsky calculated the height and exact location of Elbrus. In 1829, the first Russian expedition was equipped to Elbrus. The researchers included distinguished scientists: academician Lenz, botanist Meyer, architect of Pyatigorsk and others.

The expedition was accompanied by Cossacks, a detachment of a thousand people, under the leadership of General Emmanuel. A detachment of Cossacks stopped at the northern foot of Elbrus at an altitude of 2400 meters. The general and his detachment did not go further, but watched the pioneers through a telescope, ready, in case of unforeseen circumstances, to come to the rescue.

A commemorative inscription was carved on a large stone, which has survived to this day: “1829, from July 8 to 11, the camp led by General Cavalier Emmanuel.”

And the expedition continued its ascent. After spending the night at an altitude of 3000 meters, the travelers moved on. Part of the expedition stopped at an altitude of 4800 meters and did not go further. A memorial sign was carved at this point - the St. George Cross and the date: 1829. In 1949, a group of climbers from the Science society discovered this monument. Only Lenz, two Cossacks and two Kabardian guides continued to go higher.

Lenz and the Cossack Lysenkov reached the saddle of Elbrus. They could no longer go further, since the loose, softened snow prevented the ascent. Only one Kabardian, Killar, went higher. He was able to reach the very top of Mount Elbrus because his body was accustomed to the mountain climate and mountain paths.

General Emmanuel saw through a telescope on the eastern peak of Elbrus the brave mountaineer Killar. When Killar returned to the travelers' camp in the evening, the scientists greeted him with the honors that Killar deserved as a brave pioneer.

In honor of the discovery of the summit of Elbrus and the first ascent of it, two cast iron boards were cast, with an inscription describing this event. Later, these memorial signs were installed in Pyatigorsk near. Currently they are kept in the museum.

First steps to the top

Where to start your first ascent of Mount Elbrus? The first step is to find the mountain on the map of Russia in order to have an idea of ​​the scale and size of the object. After you have found out where Mount Elbrus is located, you will need to tone all your muscles by performing active physical exercises.

Push-ups, squats, exercises on the horizontal bar. All these exercises must be done two months before the expected date of travel. Be sure to jog for several kilometers: to increase the body's endurance. Pistol squats on one leg improve the tone of the leg muscles.

Before the trip, you need to take a break from physical activity so that the body recovers and there is no overexertion. They say that Elbrus carries a special energy charge. Elbrus makes strong-willed people stronger, but it drains weak-spirited people. So it is useful to do yoga, breathing exercises, to put in order not only the body, but also the spirit. It is necessary to feel the harmony of strength and spirit.

Beginners are usually accompanied by instructors. There is no need to be ashamed of this and thoughtlessly risk your life by starting the ascent without an experienced accompanying person. Moreover, it is unknown how a beginner’s body will react to altitude. The height of Elbrus in meters is 5642. Five kilometers, six hundred and forty-two meters! On a horizontal surface, the journey would take only a little over an hour on foot.

But you will have to go up the frozen slope, overcoming obstacles and enduring hardships along the way. Ascent to altitude is accompanied by pressure changes, so there are several guides for a group of several people. As a rule, this is one guide for three people. If someone becomes ill, the group will have to return to the camp and accompany the sick traveler.

On the second day after arrival, experienced guides first lead travelers to Mount Maly Cheget. The height of this mountain is 3360 m. The walking route lasts 2-3 hours. According to the results of this path, beginners who are already accustomed to the environment are led to the southern slope of Elbrus the next day. The southern slope is the classic climbing route.

In modern perception, with the use of the latest climbing equipment and with the help of experienced mentors, the path will not seem very difficult and dangerous. But this is in the case of unquestioning obedience to the guides.

The main difficulties in overcoming snowy peaks can arise when passing through cracks in glaciers hidden by snow, in strong winds, at very low temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to visit Elbrus for the first time in the second half of summer, in July-August.

Coordinates and history of the famous mountain

Of course, having arrived in Nalchik, the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, any local resident will be able to show where Mount Elbrus is located. Yes, it’s hard not to notice - it towers over the city like a snowy hat and is even marked on the flag of the republic. The height of Mount Elbrus fascinates and delights with its cold beauty.

Elbrus is a volcano that lost its strength many millennia ago. More than 218 thousand years ago, erupting more than 15 times, Elbrus emerged from the bowels of the earth as a huge giant. And in modern times, people feel tremors, but they are no longer as dangerous as active volcanoes.

Elbrus is known for its harsh climate. Snowy hills do not melt even on the hottest summer days. On Elbrus, the average temperature in the warmest month is 1.4 degrees. There is more precipitation on Elbrus than on the plains of the Stavropol Territory, but it falls mainly in snow flakes. At the Elbrus meteorological station, rain has never been observed for three years.

Some people even joke that Elbrus is a piece of ice abandoned from the Arctic. Warm air currents coming from the Atlantic, meeting this cold barrier on their way, pour out rain on the foothills of Elbrus. And Elbrus changes the weather in nearby regions. Local residents even noticed: if Elbrus is covered with clouds on a clear day, expect the weather to worsen.

Legends and songs have long been written about Elbrus. Herodotus wrote about him even before our era. The peoples of the Middle East and the Caucasus have written folk epics about him.

Mount Elbrus has more than two dozen names in different languages ​​and dialects. Moreover, the Kabardian language does not translate the word “Elbrus” in any way. There is an opinion that the word “Elbrus” is of Iranian origin. But, in Kabardian and other local languages, there are 40 different names for the great mountain. It is difficult to write about such a great grief. And it is impossible to describe in words all the beauty of Elbrus. This beauty must be seen with your own eyes.

Elbrus is the largest mountain in Russia and Europe! One of the “magnificent seven” of the highest peaks of our planet, from which you can even see the Black Sea and the Turkish coast..

Elbrus is located just north of the Main Caucasus Ridge on the border of the republics Karachay-Cherkessia And Kabardino-Balkaria.

Elbrus(Mount Elbrus) is a two-headed volcano in the north of the Caucasus mountain system.
The height of the Western peak is 5642 m.
The height of the Eastern peak is 5621 m.
The height of the saddle is 5300 m.

The white two-headed volcanic cone of Elbrus is noticeably different from the entire mountain landscape of the Caucasus and can be seen hundreds of kilometers away in good weather. Nearest town - village Terskol (Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria) in the Baksan Gorge at the foot of the mountain itself.

Elbrus coordinates on maps:
43°21’11″ N 42°26’13″ E

Peaks of Elbrus.

Due to its status as the highest point in Europe, climbing to the top of Elbrus is popular among climbers all over the world and is considered one of the “steps” to conquering the “seven peaks”.

Despite the ease of the routes, Mount Elbrus annually takes dozens of human lives. To a greater extent, the lethality of the mountain is determined by the difficult climate with changeable weather, as well as the poor training of climbers without experience. Visually, the peaks of Elbrus seem easily accessible, which instantly excites the hearts and minds of many people to “conquer the mountain” and even those who have never climbed before... In fact, this simplicity is deceptive and in reality a person without preparation finds himself in difficult conditions in which he cannot always manages to survive...

Climbing Elbrus.

The peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East composed a large number of songs and legends about Elbrus.

One of the legends tells that the mountain used to have one hump. At its top lived the magical bird Simurgh, who bestowed happiness and prosperity on the mountain people who inhabited the valleys of the mountain gorges. This idyll lasted for many centuries, until the desire to seize the bird’s heavenly throne led to its possession by two greedy people. Their fierce struggle was stopped by higher powers: blinding lightning cut the sky, terrible thunder erupted and Elbrus split in two, spewing out streams of fire that incinerated everything in its path. After such a terrible fight, the magical bird Simurgh hid deep underground, upset by the ingratitude and greed of people.

According to research by scientists, Elbrus has not been visible for quite a long time, but despite this, the current level of activity does not give experts a reason to classify it as an extinct volcano; now it has the status of “dormant”. The volcano is indeed quite active in external and internal activities. In its depths there are still hot masses that heat the local “Hot Narzans” - springs saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches +52°C and +60ºC. In the depths of the volcano, life begins for many famous springs in the healing resorts of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire Caucasian Mineral Waters region.

Flowers on the mountain peaks of the Caucasus mountains.

The climate on Elbrus is characterized by severity, making it similar to the Arctic regions. The average temperature in the warmest month of the year does not rise above -1.4°C. There is quite a lot of precipitation here, but it is mainly represented only in the form of snow.

The most beautiful peaks of the Caucasus are located around the two-headed giant: Nakra-Tau, Ushba, Donguz-Orun .


  • Made his first ascent Kilar Khashirov - conductor of the Russian scientific expedition, Kabardian by nationality on July 22, 1829 to the Eastern peak of Elbrus.
  • The western peak of Elbrus was conquered by a team of climbers led by Florence Grove in 1874.
  • The first to reach both peaks was a Balkar hunter and shepherd Ahiya Sottaev . Over the period of his long life, he conquered Elbrus nine times: he made his first ascent at the age of over forty, and the last in 1909, when he was 121 years old.

The study of Elbrus by Russian scientists began actively in the 19th century. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky in 1913 he was the first to determine the height and location of the volcano. In addition to its status as a unique natural attraction, the famous Caucasian peak is also an important scientific base. Even before the war, the first experiments with cosmic rays in the Soviet Union were carried out here, and today it houses the highest geophysical laboratory.

The territory of the Elbrus region is a major center of tourism and skiing. The bulk of the guests are fans of winter sports, including extreme sports, which are very popular in these mountains. In addition to the usual snowboards, sleds and freeride, a new entertainment was organized for thrill seekers, which was an ascent to the top of Elbrus by helicopter and subsequent descent from the mountain on skis. For more conservative skiers, there are cable cars with an average capacity of 2,400 people per hour.

On the slopes of Elbrus.

How to get to Elbrus?

  • By plane fly to the nearest airport in Mineralnye Vody. There are many regular flights to Mineralnye Vody from Moscow from airlines: Aeroflot, Sky Express, Kavminvodyavia, S7 Airlines, UTair, Don Avia.
  • By train you can get to Pyatigorsk or Nalchik - these are the closest settlements from which it will be faster to get there by minibus or taxi. Already from these places there are beautiful views of the Caucasus Mountains, which you can admire all the way.

It will be most convenient to get from the airport or train station by taxi, it will be cheaper to use the services private cab drivers. The best and cheapest option is to find the phone numbers of private bombers from the village of Terskol on the Internet and arrange a meeting upon arrival and the price in advance. The journey to Elbrus will take about four hours. You need to get to the city of Baksan, then turn into the Baksan Gorge and to the end along the Baksan River, where the road will lead to the very foot of Elbrus.

You can also get there regular buses And minibuses. Only this method is less convenient and will take longer, since there are no direct flights to Terskol. First you will need to get to the city of Baksan and there transfer to a minibus to the village of Terskol. The road in the Baksan Gorge passes through the settlements: Tyrnauz, Upper Baksan, the village of Elbrus and Tegenekli.

  • Based on materials from the sites:,
  • March 24, 2015