Lakes of Russia. The largest and most beautiful lakes in Russia

Our country boasts the largest reserves of fresh water, most of which are contained in lakes. 19% of all world reserves are concentrated in just one. In total, within the Russian Federation there are about 2 million lakes with a total occupied territory of more than 700 thousand square meters. km including the Caspian Sea.

The top 10 includes the largest lakes in Russia by area.

Area 1.29 thousand square meters. km

It opens the ranking of the largest lakes in Russia and occupies an area of ​​1.29 thousand square meters. km, but due to the low banks, the area may fluctuate throughout the year. The volume of water mass increased sharply in 1964 and this is due to the construction of the Sheksninsky reservoir. The huge natural basin is filled with water using seventeen large rivers. The total number of rivers and streams flowing into the lake is about 60. The lake belongs to the Caspian Sea, since the only river flowing from it flows into the Volga.

Area 2 thousand square meters. km

It occupies ninth place in the list of the largest lakes located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Endorheic salt reservoir with an area of ​​2 thousand square meters. km. It is located in the Barabinskaya lowland of the Novosibirsk region. The name of the lake comes from the Turkic “chan”, which means “large vessel”. On its territory there are about 70 islands, the largest of which are Lezhan, Amelkina Griva, Medvezhiy and Kolpachok. Chany is home to 16 species of fish, including pike perch, perch, carp, silver carp and others.

Area 3.3 thousand square meters. km

It is one of the ten largest lakes in Russia with an area of ​​3.3 thousand square meters. km. The length of the reservoir is 85 kilometers and the width is 80 km. Part of the lake is located in Mongolia, where Ubu Nur is considered the largest body of water. About 29 species of fish live here, of which only one is consumed by humans - the Altai osman.

Area 3.5 thousand sq. km

It is located in seventh position among the largest bodies of water in Russia. Its total area is about 3.5 thousand square meters. km. 30 water arteries flow into the lake, and the only river outflows is Narva. The reservoir is located on the borders of Russia and Estonia. On the territory of Lake Chudsko-Pskov there are 29 islands with an occupied territory of about 26 square meters. km. In the coastal zone there is the ornithological reserve “Pskov-Chudskaya Lakeside Lowland”, which is the most valuable reserve of rare species of plants and animals in the Baltic region.

Area 4 thousand sq. km

The sixth place in the top 10 largest lakes in Russia goes to the reservoir. Its location is the border between the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation and the Heilongjiang province of China. Khanka is the largest freshwater reservoir in the Far East with an area of ​​4 thousand square meters. km. 24 water arteries flow into the lake, including Melgunovka, Komissarovka, and the Ilistaya River. Only one river flows out of Khanka - Sungacha. The international Russian-Chinese Khanka Nature Reserve is located here.

Area 4.6 thousand square meters. km

It ranks fifth among the largest lakes in Russia by area. The largest body of water in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has an area of ​​4.6 thousand square meters. km. Its peculiarity is that for 9 months the lake is under ice. Representatives of the local flora include arctic fish species, including char, whitefish, muksun and others. Local islands serve as a nesting site for migratory birds - red-breasted geese and geese. The Western, Northern, Upper Taimyr, and Baikura rivers flow into Taimyr, and the Lower Taimyr flows out.

Area 9.6 thousand square meters. km

It occupies fourth place in the ranking with an area of ​​9.6 thousand square meters. km. Its length is 245 km and its width is 91 kilometers. The reservoir is located on the territory of Karelia, as well as the Vologda and Leningrad regions. About 50 rivers flow into it, and the only river flows out is the Svir. Within Lake Onega there are about 1,650 islands with a total occupied territory of 224 kilometers. The most famous is the island of Kizhi, where the museum-reserve of the same name is located. The inhabitants of the reservoir are 47 species of fish, including salmon, trout, sterlet, pike perch, eel and others. Due to the habitat of valuable species of fish, fishing is developed here.

Ladoga lake Area 18 thousand square meters. km

Discovers the three largest lakes in Russia. It belongs to one of the largest fresh water bodies in Europe. Its area is about 18 thousand square meters. km, and the maximum depth reaches 230 meters. From south to north, Lake Ladoga stretches for 219 kilometers, from west to east - for 138 kilometers. About 40 rivers and streams flow into the fresh water body, and the only river flows out is the Neva. There are more than 600 islands on Ladoga with a total area of ​​435 square meters. km. The largest of them are Riekkalansari, Kilpola and Vaalam. In the depths of the water, 120 species of plants grow and 53 species of fish live, of which the most valuable are salmon, trout, pike perch and others. The Ladoga ringed seal, which is the only representative of pinnipeds, lives here. The species is protected and listed in the Red Book.

Area 31.7 thousand square meters. km

It occupies second place in the ranking of the largest lakes in Russia. It is the deepest lake in the world and the largest natural reservoir of fresh water, containing about 19% of all world reserves. Its area is 31.7 thousand square meters. km, and the depth is 1642 m. Baikal stretches 636 km in length and 80 km in width. On its territory there are 27 peninsulas and islands, the largest of which is the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula. According to some reports, about 500 rivers and streams flow into it. The largest rivers flowing into Baikal include the Selenga, Upper Angara, Turka, Tyya, etc. Only one river flows out of the lake - the Angara. The water in Baikal is very clear: at a depth of up to 40 meters, the flora and fauna of the reservoir is visible. There is a very rich fauna here, represented by 2,600 species, of which about a thousand are endemic.

Area 371 thousand square meters. km

The name of this lake already speaks of its incredible size. The largest lake in Russia has an area of ​​371 thousand square meters. km. with a maximum depth in the South Caspian depression of more than a thousand meters. Its length is 1.2 thousand km and its width is about 500 kilometers. It is also the largest enclosed body of water in the world, which due to its size is equated to the sea. The lake supposedly got its name in honor of the Caspian tribes who lived on the coast in ancient times. The Caspian Sea is located at the junction of the continents of Europe and Asia. About 130 rivers flow into it, including such large waterways as the Volga, Sulak, Samur, Ural, etc. The sea washes the shores of 5 states at once: Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. The flora and fauna of the salty reservoir is very rich and has about 2 thousand representatives of the animal world and more than 700 species of plants.

The largest lakes in Russia January 14th, 2012

Lakes of Russia are one of the national treasures of our Motherland. They can be large and small, freshwater and salty, deep and shallow. Let's figure out what largest lakes in Russia and why!

The Caspian Sea is

largest lake

Not only in Russia, but throughout the entire Earth. It is located on the border of Asia and Europe and washes the shores of 5 countries (Kazakhstan, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan). The area of ​​the Caspian Sea is approximately 371,000 square kilometers, with a maximum depth of 1025 meters. The waters of this lake are salty. According to one theory, the Caspian Sea got its name thanks to the ancient tribes - the Caspians, who lived on the southwest coast.

This is the deepest (about 1640 meters) lake on our planet, located in eastern Siberia. The area of ​​Baikal is more than 31,700 square kilometers and it is the largest reservoir of fresh water (90% of Russia's fresh water reserves). It is also worth noting that the waters of this lake are unusually clean and transparent, and in ancient times they were considered healing.

Lake Ladoga lies on the territory of the Leningrad region and Karelia. Its area is more than 17.6 thousand square kilometers, and its greatest depth is 230 meters, it is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. 35 rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, and the Neva originates. It is home to about 60 species of fish, half of which are of industrial importance.

This lake is located on the territory of Karelia, Vologda and Leningrad regions. The area of ​​Lake Onega is about 9,700 square kilometers, with the greatest depth being 127 meters. “Onego-father” - as this lake is popularly called, is famous for its clean water and many historical monuments located on its shores.

Taimyr Lake is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the Taimyr Peninsula and is the northernmost in the world. For most of the year, this lake is covered with ice. Due to fluctuations in water levels, the area of ​​this lake can change and reach 4,560 square kilometers, and the maximum depth can reach 26 meters. The flora of Taimyr is represented by Arctic fish species.

This lake is located in the Russian Far East and borders China. The greatest depth of Lake Khanka is about 11 meters, and its area is 4,070 square kilometers. Due to its location, it attracts a large number of tourists who can get acquainted with the culture and customs of two countries at once. About 75 species of fish live in the waters of this lake, and even some of them are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Chany is a salt lake located in the Novosibirsk region. The area of ​​the lake, according to various sources, varies from 1400 to 2000 square kilometers, and its greatest depth is 7 meters. There have long been legends about this lake, one of which says that a huge snake lives in it, devouring people and livestock. Of course, there is no scientific evidence or information for this; perhaps this is just a legend created to attract tourists.

This lake is located in the Vologda region. The area of ​​this lake varies, mainly due to its low banks, and is approximately 1,284 square kilometers. The average depth of White Lake is about 5-7 meters, but due to underwater holes it can reach 10-12 meters. This lake is home to about 29 species of fish, making it a fisherman's paradise.

Topozero is located in the north of Karelia, in the Louhi region. The lake has a winding coastline and its area is 986 square kilometers, with a maximum depth of up to 56 meters. Topozero is a favorite place for kayakers, and especially fishermen.

This lake is located in the Novgorod region of Russia. The area of ​​Lake Ilmen is 982 square kilometers, but depending on the water level it can vary. Its maximum depth can reach up to 10 meters. Many legends are associated with the name of this lake, among which there is a myth about the Scythian princes Ruse and Slovene, who named this lake in honor of their sister, Ilmera.

This is not the entire list of lakes located on the vast territory of our Motherland.

Our Motherland, Russia, is rich in water resources. These include reserves of clean fresh water and vast salty seas and lakes. This article is dedicated to the largest lakes in Russia. There are a lot of them, we will highlight ten main ones. And if you are concerned about the question: what is the largest lake in Russia?, then by carefully studying this TOP, you will get the answer.

1. Caspian Sea

This lake is considered to be a sea because it has salty waters and is huge in size. It is the largest lake not only in Russia, but on the entire planet. There are five states along its banks: Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan). The territories of Russia washed by this lake are Kalmykia, Dagestan, Astrakhan region. The area of ​​the Caspian Sea is more than 370 thousand sq. km, and the maximum depth is 1025 meters. It bears its name as a legacy of ancient tribes - the Caspians, who lived in ancient times in the southwest of its coast.

2. Baikal

The second largest lake in Russia. This is the largest freshwater lake. It is located in Eastern Siberia on the territory of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. Baikal is the deepest lake on the planet. Its maximum depth is 1640 meters. The area of ​​this lake is more than 315,000 sq. km., it is the main reservoir of fresh water in Russia (90% of the total reserves). The Angara River flows out of Lake Baikal. The waters of this beautiful lake are clean and fresh. For now we have something to be proud of.

Located on the territory of the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad region, a large lake with an area of ​​17,600 sq. km amazes with its beauty and picturesque nature. Lake Ladoga is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe, with a maximum depth of 230 meters. 35 large rivers stretch to its bosom, and the proud Neva flows out of it. Industrial and private fishing flourishes on Lake Ladoga, which is facilitated by the abundance of different species of fish.

4. Lake Onega

Freshwater lake in Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions. Along its wide banks there are numerous monuments of Russian culture. The clear water of “Onego-father”, as it is lovingly called by the people, extends over 9616 sq. km and has a greatest depth of 127 meters. The Svir River flows out of the lake.

The lake spreads over 4,560 sq. km in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. it is located on the peninsula of the same name. Taimyr is the northernmost lake on Earth. The depth and width of the lake varies depending on the ice density and time of year, but in general the deepest place is 26 meters. Mostly the Taimyr Lake is home to arctic fish species adapted to survive in harsh cold conditions.

6. Khanka

The lake is located in Primorye, on the border with China. A favorite place for tourists who want to visit both the Russian Far East and China, and get acquainted with the culture and customs of two countries so different from each other.
The maximum depth of Khanka is 11 meters, and the area is about 4070 sq. km. The lake is rich in its fauna, but many species of fish are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and are prohibited from catching.

Located in the Pskov region. It has an area of ​​3550 sq. km and a greatest depth of 15 km. The Narva River originates from here.

8. Uvsu-Nur

This salty, beautiful lake with an unusual name is located in Tuva. Its area is 3350 sq. km, and its maximum depth reaches 15 meters.

9. Lake Chany

Salt lake in the Novosibirsk region. There is a legend that a huge snake lives in this lake and devours people. And what? There is plenty of room to wander around. After all, the area of ​​this lake varies, reaching 2000 sq. km, and the depth in some places is 12 meters. And although these may be fairy tales for tourists, the lake fascinates with its living beauty.

10. White Lake

The freshwater lake, located in the Vologda region, covers an area of ​​about 1290 sq. km, reaches a maximum depth of 20 meters, although the shore of White Lake is quite low and its average depth is 5-7 meters. The Sheksna River flows from its depths. The lake is rich in fish, and happy fishermen catch up to 30 different species of fish.

We have listed some of the many lakes located in our country. As you can see, Karelia is the richest area in Russia with lakes. Lucky!

Well, the smallest lake in Russia has not yet bothered to get its name. Apparently, because there are thousands of such lakes in Russia! Some people call them by the names of the surrounding villages. The official version of the smallest lake is Lake Ertso, on the territory of South Ossetia. Every 3-5 years the lake completely goes underground, as if it never existed, and after a while it appears again with a solemn appearance. A kind of “ghost”. In high water it reaches 0.5 sq. km. This is such an unusual lake.

Russia is a country with rich and unique natural resources, it has something to surprise and amaze: forests, rivers, fields, and of course its lakes too, which are also called “the blue eyes of our planet,” which is undoubtedly very beautiful and poetic. On its territory of the Russian Federation there are about two million lakes, their total area is 350 thousand km 2, the volume of water in all lakes is more than 26 thousand m 3. Most of the lakes are of glacial origin.

Large lakes of Russia

The largest lakes located in the European part of Russia are Onega, Ladoga, Chudsko-Pskov, Ilmen, and a huge number of lakes in the “lake region” of the Republic of Karelia.

The lakes of the Asian part of Russia are the Caspian Sea-lake, Lake Baikal, Russia's northernmost lake Taimyr, the Far Eastern Lake Khanka and the salt lake Chany in southwestern Siberia.

The Caspian Lake is the largest closed, closed reservoir on Earth, its area is 371 thousand km 2, and its level is 28 meters below sea level (in Russia this is the Baltic Sea). Due to the large size and specific structure of the bed (it contains the oceanic crust), it is also called the sea. The conventional border between Europe and Asia runs along its surface; it washes the shores of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. The Russian Caspian region is the territory of the Republic of Dagestan, Kalmykia, Astrakhan region (northern and northwestern part of the Caspian Sea)...

Lake Baikal is one of the most picturesque places in our country, it is the deepest lake on the planet; huge reserves of fresh water are stored here - 85% of all Russian reserves and 22% of the world's. Its area is 31.7 thousand km 2, length - 636 km, width 48 km, maximum gulf indicators - 1637 m. Baikal is the oldest lake, it is about 30 million years old, its basin is located in a rift basin, its water is particularly clean and transparency, the area around the lake (mountains, hills, dense deciduous forests) is uniquely picturesque...

The northern and eastern coasts of Lake Ladoga are located in the Republic of Karelia, the southern and western coasts are in the Leningrad region. Its area together with the islands is 18.3 thousand km 2, it is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. It has access to the Atlantic Ocean, more than 40 rivers and lakes flow into it, and the Neva River flows out (it flows into the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, which is part of the Atlantic). In the southern part there are three large bays, large cities on its coast - Priozersk, Shlisselburg, Novaya Ladoga (Leningrad region), Sortavala, Lakhdenpokhya (Karelia)...

Lake Onega is located in the north-west of Russia, 80% of it is located on the territory of the Republic of Karelia, 20% - in the Leningrad and Vologda regions. Its area together with the islands is 9.7 thousand km 2, it is the second largest freshwater lake in Europe. The lake basin is located at the junction of the Baltic Shield and the Russian Platform. About 50 rivers carry their waters into the lake, only one flows out - the Svir. Kondopoga, Petrozavodsk, Medvezhyegorsk (Republic of Karelia) were built on its banks...

Lake Taimyr with an area of ​​4.5 thousand km2 is called the “northern brother” of Baikal, because it is the second largest freshwater lake in the Asian part of Russia. It is located on the Taimyr Peninsula in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Russian Federation. The lake is located beyond the Arctic Circle, its surface is covered with ice from September to July. The Upper Taimyr flows into it, and the Lower Taimyr (Kara Sea basin) flows out...

There are many lakes on our planet. To form a lake, it is necessary for a basin to appear on the surface of the earth - a closed depression, and it would be filled with water. Some lakes fill only during the wet seasons and remain dry the rest of the year. They're called temporary.

Origin of lakes

Based on their origin, lakes are divided into two main types: natural And artificial. Artificial lakes are created by people. Typically these are reservoirs built in river valleys. The basins of natural lakes, in turn, have different origins:

  • tectonic formed as a result of faults in the earth's crust;
  • glacial formed in areas subject to continental glaciation;
  • volcanic lakes appeared in the craters of extinct volcanoes;
  • oxbow lakes occur in floodplains of rivers when they change their direction.

Fresh and salty

There is water in lakes fresh, salty And salty or mineral. Those lakes into which rivers carry a lot of water are fresh. In them, for example in Baikal, Ladoga and Onega, the water salinity is about 1%. The water of brackish lakes has a salinity of 1 to 25%. For example, the salinity of water in Issyk-Kul is 5-8%, and in the Caspian Sea - 10-12%. Lakes whose water has a salinity of more than 25% are called saline or mineral lakes. Thus, the salinity of the Dead Sea, lakes Elton and Baskunchak is 200-300%. Salt lakes tend to form in arid areas where evaporation is high.

Although the Dead Sea is called a sea, it is actually an endorheic lake. Moreover, the concentration of salt in it is so high that a person can calmly lie on its surface on his back

Some are so salty that the salt precipitates and settles to the bottom.

It is believed that the fresher the water, the cleaner it is. Lake Baikal is filled with the freshest water in the world, and therefore the cleanest. It contains many millions of microscopic living organisms - more than any other fresh water body.

The Dead Sea received its name for a reason: neither fish nor other organisms live in its water. High salt content is the main reason for this.

Sewage and closed

Rivers flow from the surrounding area into the lake. Rivers flow from some lakes, but not from others. Those from which at least one river flows are called sewage, and those from which none follows - drainless. Drainage lakes include Baikal, Ladoga and Onega, and drainage lakes include Balkhash, Chad, Issyk-Kul, and the Dead Sea. The Aral and Caspian Seas are also closed lakes, but due to their large size and regime similar to the sea, these reservoirs are conventionally considered seas. There are so-called blind lakes, for example those formed in the craters of volcanoes. Rivers do not flow into them or flow out of them.