Simple graffiti on paper. Possible errors during operation

Has graffiti art touched you? If yes, then you've probably already drawn a bunch of sketches (sketches) with pencil on paper, and now it's time to go outside and create. Don't know how to do it correctly? Need some advice? Then you've come to the right place! Read and remember!

First, you need a ready-made sketch. It is very important that the layout of your future drawing is neat and legible. It must be carefully designed, otherwise problems may arise when painting on the wall.

Secondly, we need to find a good place for drawing. 50% of the result depends on the quality of the wall. It is best to paint on a smooth wall. But it should not be porous so that it does not absorb paint and should not be smooth so that the paint does not drain. And don't forget to buy paint cans. And to make sure that you have chosen a good place for the drawing, try to make a couple of strokes first, and only then get to work.

Thirdly, it is best to start with the background. Prepare the wall by painting it the color you want. Of course, you don’t have to do this, but believe me, with a well-chosen background, your drawing will look much better. If the wall is smooth and the paint still flows, the wall can be pre-primed. Well, now that workplace ready, you can safely start creating.

Where to begin? You need to start with a sketch. Take a paler paint and mark the main elements of the picture on the wall (contours, outlines of letters, etc.). The more invisible and paler the paint, the easier it will be to correct mistakes, if any. It is better to evaluate what happened from afar. This makes it easier to see and easier to compare with a sketch made on paper. The main thing is that the drawings on paper and on the wall are as similar as possible. If it turned out well, then now your task is to distribute the colors and estimate the amount of paint. It will be a shame if it ends prematurely.

How to draw? All lines must be drawn smoothly and accurately. You need to paint quite quickly so that the paint doesn’t run. Try not to move your hand so as not to make a mistake and for everything to turn out neatly. First you need to color the drawing, and only then draw the contours. Pay attention to right angles and arcs, there should not be a break in the line, so draw without lifting your hand. Now step back two meters and evaluate your work. If there is something to correct, then carefully correct it and...that’s all. Your drawing is ready! Although forgot to subscribe, or sign a few more words. But now that’s all for sure. And now you are familiar with the technique of drawing large drawings.

But for small drawings and for bombing, the drawing technique is slightly different. In general, everything is conditional: for example, you don’t have to prime the wall, you can immediately start drawing without a sketch on the wall, etc. You don’t even have to draw a sketch. This is called freestyle. It all depends on the circumstances. Found good wall, or an interesting idea suddenly appeared in your head... in short, you start drawing right away, or you quickly draw a sketch right on the spot. In this case, the result can both please and disappoint, since it does not always turn out what you intended. But some people simply have talent or extensive experience in such drawings, and they don’t draw sketches at all, but the result of their creativity is amazing (in in a good way, Certainly).

Here are some more tips from those who are pros in this matter:
· To avoid getting dirty with paint (and it washes off quite poorly), it is better to wear gloves when painting. In summer, regular rubber ones will do. medical gloves, and in winter you can wear something warmer.
· The quality of the drawing directly depends on the quality of the paint. Choose your paint carefully and don’t buy the cheapest one.
· The drawing on the wall should be well thought out. It’s better not to improvise, but to draw a sketch. A wall is not paper after all.
· Whether you like it or not, the quality of your drawing also depends on the weather. I don’t recommend painting at temperatures where the water freezes, the cylinders will act up, and your hands may not obey due to the cold. Warm and windless weather is the most ideal option. And if there is still wind, then it is better to paint “in the wind” so that the paint does not end up on you.
· Before painting, shake the can vigorously so that the paint and solvent are mixed. Otherwise, you will paint with a solvent, and the paint will remain in the can. By giving the paint a shake, the color will be more saturated and there will be no smudges.
· When painting, hold the can vertically.
· Come up with your own tag - this is your signature, written in one solid line. Essentially it is an expression of your own style.
· If you intend to large drawing, you can’t do without a sketch. Marking the wall can also help you. This can be done with chalk, marker or paint. This will make it easier to create a drawing.
· You can adjust the thickness of the line using nozzles. But if there are none, then the distance between the wall and the cylinder will help you draw what you need. The closer the cylinder is to the wall, the thinner line, and vice versa. If you draw slowly, the color is more saturated; if you paint quickly, it is more diffuse and pale.
· Avoid dirt and smudges in the drawing, otherwise your work is worthless. And don't forget to clean up after yourself after drawing. Needs to be protected environment and your work of art. After all, if a can of remaining paint falls into the wrong hands, then your drawing can be “corrected.”
· All materials must be prepared in advance and there should be a little more of them than needed, that is, with a reserve. But you shouldn’t carry everything you have for drawing with you.
· When drawing, watch your hand. It must move quickly to avoid leaks. If you still need to stop your hand, be sure to remove your finger from the cap.
· Color the drawing correctly. Apply more first light colors, then darker ones. Agree, it is easier to paint yellow with blue than blue with yellow.

That's basically all you need to know about the technique of drawing graffiti. I hope these tips will help you avoid unpleasant mistakes that could ruin your drawing. Have fun drawing!

Graffiti is a new word that is becoming more and more popular. It's on everyone's lips. Graffiti has great amount fans. Are you one of them? Do you want to start doing this, painting, decorating your city? But where to start? What to do and what to do if you have never done this? Don't worry, we will answer your most main question, how to draw graffiti with a pencil and more. We will help you understand questions about graffiti. Our article will help both beginners and professionals in this matter. Everyone will find what they were looking for, tips that are useful to them and much more.

How often do we walk around the city and admire graffiti? It is everywhere, on houses, fences, even asphalts. The term graffiti has Italian origin, and transfer to scratch. Today, the concept of graffiti means a type of art that is very common on the streets among teenagers and young people.
Graffiti was born in New York. At first it was just writing your nickname. Now these are various signs, not very clear inscriptions and intricate drawings. Those who create graffiti call themselves writers or rewriters. Writer is translated from English as a writer, and a rewriter is someone who rewrites.
Many people thought it was cool to paint the train and its carriage. Writers gathered into groups and teams. They were friendly and worked together. They certainly knew how to draw graffiti names. After all, that’s exactly what they were doing. They drew their nicknames. Their handwriting was beautiful, but difficult to read.
It is also necessary to mention that graffiti as an art form has a huge number of both positive and negative reviews. Some people believe that this art beautifies the city. Graffiti covers battered buildings, tattered bus stops and rickety fences. And some believe that this is a waste of time, which no one needs and does not bring benefit.
If you decide to create graffiti, be prepared to be criticized, be prepared to be misunderstood. Remember that in some countries graffiti is illegal. After all, it spoils state property.
But if you like to draw, consider it your hobby. If drawing helps you relax and unwind, then don’t even hesitate, draw graffiti, have fun and don’t listen to anyone. After all, many famous artists was not appreciated during his lifetime. If you don't succeed the first time, try again. It’s better to find someone who knows how to do this and create graffiti with him.

Before answering the question of how to draw beautiful graffiti, you need to choose a place where to draw it.
As already mentioned, graffiti usually carries a criminal penalty, this could be a fine or imprisonment. That is why it is better to choose a quiet, inconspicuous and calm place. There are also those who ask to draw graffiti themselves. For example, residents may ask to decorate the entrance. Or some company needs graffiti. There is also a graffiti option for the holidays. In such cases, it is legal and you can safely work.

First, I would like to dwell on some tips for beginners. First of all, we think about the background. This is the main thing and all work must begin with it. Next, you need to think through all the stages of your work.

For beginners, it’s best to start by signing your name or nickname. It's easier than drawing, but also has many nuances. It’s better to make the signature three-dimensional, with a contour, shadow, and think about the color in advance.

That’s why think about how to draw graffiti step by step. Let your first stage be training on paper. It is better to create several options at once and choose better. There is also no need to skimp on colors. Graffiti should be bright and colorful. The main thing is its visibility.
How to draw graffiti on paper is also an important question and cannot be ignored. After all, your graffiti depends on what kind of design it comes out with. Work on all the details until everything is perfect. You can also draw with a pencil. But it will be less clear.
The second stage is the stencil. For beginners, it’s still better to create a stencil of your graffiti. It is cut out of paper and then transferred to the place where the graffiti will be. In the future, you will have a huge number of stencils that can be used more than once.

Now we move directly to the graffiti on the wall. As already mentioned, we start with the background. We think it through in advance. Next, draw the outline of your future drawing or signature. Next, we draw what is needed and add our own details.
Sometimes it happens that your drawing runs out. What to do? The vowel is not to worry. We're just waiting for it to dry so we can paint it over. To avoid this altogether, you need to apply the drawing very quickly.
Paint cans must be used to the end, otherwise the paint will dry out and become ineffective. We also remember about respect. No need to sketch other people's graphite. We respect the work of others and value it. Then your work will be appreciated and admired. Also, there is no need to throw paint and litter, because people live there too. Be human and use these rules, then you will not have problems. We remember that how you treat people is how they will treat you.
Let's not forget about the material. You need to buy paint in advance. Think about the colors you need and the amount of paint. It’s better to take a little extra, but what if the drawing starts to run and needs to be painted over, what then?

If you are not sure that you are ready to create graffiti, you can watch a video on how to draw graffiti. It will help you see everything clearly. Many visually understand and remember better if they see it. The video can be found everywhere, for example on YouTube. There are a huge variety of video types. There is a video of graffiti on paper, there is a video of graffiti on a wall, there is a slow motion explanation and much more. You can create graffiti at the same time as video.
If your child is interested in graffiti, there is no need to worry. The main thing is to tell him all the nuances of this matter, that it can be dangerous. You also need to show him where he can paint graffiti, because more and more more countries create places where you can draw. Keep an eye on your child’s social circle. After all, it is because of his friends that he can end up in bad story. The main thing is that graffiti can be an impetus for drawing, for entering art school. Give your child the opportunity to learn how to draw graffiti. After all, there is nothing wrong here. Learning is always good.
So, graffiti is new way drawing, which is becoming more and more popular. Let this be your new hobby, don’t be afraid to start, be bold.

Graffiti - popular look street art, which involves applying drawings to the walls. It will take a lot of time to learn the art of graffiti (to become a writer). Therefore, before you start drawing images on the walls, you need to try your hand at pencil on paper. After all, even the most experienced writers start with sketches, so they think through colors, individual parts, shading.

Standing against the wall with a can of spray paint, it’s not easy to immediately draw a fictitious abstract drawing. But when you have it in your hands finished sample, it becomes much easier to implement your plans.

Where to begin?

Before you start creating your drawing, check out the work of established graffiti artists. Carefully study their creations, pay attention to the nuances, try to grasp the basic techniques.

To begin with, you can copy the drawing style you like. In any case, you will gradually develop your own original, unique approach. Samples of the work of famous writers can be easily found on the Internet.

Necessary equipment

To work on sketches you will need: thick A4 paper or a regular sketchbook, colored and simple pencils, eraser, gel pens, paints, pastels, markers, felt-tip pens - depending on your preferences.

First drawings

What should I draw first? Usually everyone starts with 2D images. Later, when you gain enough experience, you can try to give your graffiti volume. First, try drawing the letters of the alphabet. For example, draw your name or nickname, that is, a unique signature for your future graffiti.

The simplest and most common style of depicting letters is considered to be bubbles. Its meaning is clear from the name - these letters are round in shape and resemble bubbles. There are no sharp corners in the inscription itself.

In addition to names, graffiti often includes small inscriptions - one of the most important components of this art form. To an ordinary person Sometimes it is difficult to make out these inscriptions, since the words in them are hidden in forms that are difficult to perceive.


Before you start drawing, be sure to position your drawing correctly. Composition in graffiti is extremely important. By placing the drawing in the center of the sheet, you definitely can’t go wrong.

If you draw with a pencil, try experimenting with the pressure applied. When pencil drawing will be finished, you can trace all the contours gel pen. And make some shading inside the outline.

The term "graffiti" is translated from Italian as "scribbled drawings." IN modern concept These are images or inscriptions made in ink or spray on any surface. This type of art also includes a street branch - wall painting.

History of appearance

The first graffiti on the walls is dated ancient centuries. They are most widespread in Ancient Rome, Greece, in the East. A striking example This can be illustrated by the famous paintings of the catacombs in the capital of Italy.

In addition, such drawings gained wide popularity in Mesoamerica back in pre-Columbian times. The Mayans were the most successful in this. Just look at their city of Tikal with its unique and clear wall paintings. Also, graffiti is still found in ancient Scandinavian and Romanesque churches, on burial mounds in Ireland.

During the Renaissance, writing on walls made everything famous artists, even Raphael, Lippi, Michelangelo, Pinturicchio and others. They came up with their own grotesque styles, which were subsequently repeated by their students. At the beginning of the 20th century in Egyptian pyramids Numerous graffiti were found on the walls (see photo below). Traditionally, traces were left behind by Napoleon's soldiers during the campaign of conquest. Lord Byron also scratched his initials several times. Soviet soldiers left their mark on the walls of the Reichstag on the day the Second World War ended.

Today, graffiti on the walls of houses is a street subtype of art, which many compare to acts of vandalism. Nevertheless, this is a very popular form of self-expression among today's youth. It is not for nothing that she is considered closely related to hip-hop culture. By the way, in many civilized cities street artists huge areas are allocated for their undoubtedly complex and labor-intensive art.

Becoming graffiti

IN South America art came through the Brazilian slums. It’s not for nothing that today Sao Paulo is considered the center street culture. This is where graffiti appeared on a brick wall for the first time. Since ancient times, thousands of young and promising artists have come to Brazil, seeking recognition through their mesmerizing images and inscriptions. Interestingly, New York competes with Sao Paulo for the right to be considered the capital of graffiti.

In the Middle East, street art is developing at a slow pace. Largest clusters alternative artists are observed in big cities Israel, UAE and Iran. It is noteworthy that it is in these countries that graffiti artists are considered illegal, and their work is considered vandalism. In Israel, huge amounts of money are allocated to combat this type of art. In this region, graffiti on walls often takes a religious form.

In Russia, the so-called bombing movement is developing - illegal images or inscriptions on state or private property. Both law enforcement agencies and social services are fighting against such manifestations of vandalism. The graffiti movement in the country began in the 1980s.

Graffiti styles

Today, there are several main variations of street art. One of the most common styles is called tagging. Such inscriptions contain a meaningful message from the author or his initials, identifying him among many other artists. Sometimes mysterious messages are encrypted in tags. An offshoot of the style is pissing. It is characterized by the use of a fire extinguisher filled with paint to create tags up to 5-6 m high.

Bombing is considered the most common in Eastern Europe graffiti style on the walls (see photo below). Such inscriptions or images are applied quickly. A minimum of colors is used, sometimes artists resort to stencils. This type of street art is illegal in most countries around the world.

"Wild Style" is a complex variation of graffiti on a wall. His distinctive features Sharp corners and endless tangles of letters are considered.

Application Basics

To create graffiti on the wall, artists use a whole arsenal of devices and tools that an inexperienced beginner does not even know about. The main attribute of application is aerosol paint. It is sold in special cans. Second important nuance are caps. These are paint sprayers that differ in hole diameter. U experienced artist In the arsenal there are whole sets of spray cans and caps. Also, do not forget about a respirator and safety glasses so that the fumes do not corrode your eyes.

Some artists use prepared stencils for individual elements of the design. They can be quickly made from any dense material. It is recommended to spray paint in close proximity to the stencil so as not to stain the rest of the surface. To work on large drawings, you should take several pairs of thick gloves with you.

Home graffiti

In an apartment, it is best to use aerosol paints to apply a picture or inscription. They are harmless and dry quickly. Graffiti on the wall in an apartment will not only diversify the interior, but will also help disguise flaws in the layout.

The advantages of such drawings are that they are able to zone and increase space. The theme of home graffiti can be different: from children's to alternative chaos.

Aerosol designs are durable and bright. The paint lays down in a perfectly thin layer on the surface. If necessary, the wall can be repainted at any time.

Where to start applying

First, you should prepare the surface. For optimal paint atomization, the wall must be primed. At the next stage it is important to choose color scheme drawing and decide on its size. All aspects of the image must be thought out to the smallest detail. Once you start applying there is no turning back.

It will be worth taking care of a sketch of the drawing on paper or a tablet. Beginning artists can transfer the image onto a surface using a projector to trace important contours and lines.

To create graffiti on the wall you will need brushes, paint, working spray cans, caps different sizes, respirator and gloves.

Before you start drawing a picture on the surface, you can practice on the side: test your strength; see what the colors look like; what line width is needed, etc.

It is important to understand that graffiti does not like to be rushed. You should draw measuredly, with smooth movements.

To protect your hands from paint, it is better to use latex gloves. They make the brush more sensitive to the spray can.

Don't skimp on paint. High-quality spray cans are the key to durable and beautiful graffiti on the wall.

Shake the can well before using it. The solvent and paint should mix well.

When drawing, the can should only be held vertically.

Contemporary art provides limitless ways of self-expression. One of the most controversial types is graffiti. How to master this skill while avoiding fines for hooliganism and the condemnation of others? The answer is simple - draw so-called pencil sketches in albums.

First of all, let's understand the definitions. Roughly speaking, graffiti is writing on walls, subway cars and other surfaces. But it is worth remembering that “Vasya was here”, “Spartak the champion” and any other vulgar or offensive inscriptions made in haste are in no way graffiti. There are several types of this street art, each of which has its own history and style. Types of graffiti are represented by writing, bombing, tagging and scratching:
  • Rating – main category street painting, which includes both colorful inscriptions and real paintings.
  • Bombing is the so-called extreme graffiti; the important criterion here is not the beauty and quality of the drawing, but the place where it is performed. The most common area for bombing to occur is in subway or overland train cars.
  • Tagging is the simplest type and is essentially the artist's signature.
  • Scratching – drawings on glass using a sharpening stone.

As you can see, only writing or tagging can be reproduced on paper.

Let's start with tagging. Before you start drawing, you need to come up with a word that you will use. The essence of the tag is a signature, so you can use your first name, last name, or come up with a nickname. The more difficult it is to read the inscription, the more your talent will be valued. Therefore, decorate the letters with curls, do them in an original manner and use standard elements tagging: dots, stars, crowns and the like.

If you have some drawing skills, you can try yourself in creating more complex pencil sketches, that is, in writing. To begin with, you can depict any inscription, be it your name, the name of your favorite dog, or just any word you like. Beginners should try their hand at the srow-up, blockbuster or bubble style. Blockbuster is characterized in capital letters with right angles, often depicted with shadows. Therefore, take a piece of checkered paper and draw letters about one or two centimeters wide. Now take a pencil in a contrasting color and outline each letter with a wide (about one cell) outline. If you want to add dimension, imagine that the light is shining on your graffiti and outline only the sides of the letters opposite the light.

For a row-up style lettering you will also need two contrasting colors– for outline and fill. This style allows you to go beyond right angles. Try drawing a straight letter, and then simply extend each corner, extending it in any direction. Fill in the letter and draw an outline or add volume as in the previous style.

Bubbles-style graffiti looks quite light and bright - pictures consisting of bright, as if “inflated” letters. You can depict them as follows: write a letter by hand, then outline it with a smooth line without corners. Then again, stepping back a little more from the previous contour. Draw each subsequent letter, slightly capturing the previous one. After that, paint over all the letters with color, draw an outline or indicate volume, add paint smudges or highlights. The graffiti is ready.

Drawing graffiti on paper is much easier than doing full-fledged work on the wall. Try to start with the simplest sketches, draw individual letters, syllables and words, gradually complicating them and developing your own style.