Galina Grossman: biography and weight loss techniques. Negative reviews about Galina Nikolaevna Grossman

I lost weight according to Galina Grossmann’s system from July 1 to August 12, 2014 (6 weeks), during which time I lost 11,200.
Weight 89.100
OG minus 5 cm
FROM minus 0 cm
FROM minus 5 cm
Then, after stabilizing my weight from August 12 to November 11, I lost another 3 kg.
Weight 85.100.
OG minus 4 cm
FROM minus 4cm
FROM minus 3 cm
From November 11 to December 16 (5 weeks), dropped 7,900
Weight 81.200

Key points of proper weight loss according to Grossmann
Strictly observe meal times.
Strictly follow the list of permitted products and their quantities.
Always have a “water day” on Thursdays (analogous to a one-day health fast on water according to Bragg).
Drink water according to thirst; on a water day, the amount should be a little more.
Recommendations for nutrition during a weight loss course
Meals 4 times a day, meals at certain hours. The diet is something like this
Breakfast from 08 to 09 hours.
Lunch from 1 to 2 p.m.
The first dinner is from 5 to 6 p.m.
Dinner 2 from 21:00 to 22:00.
The time, depending on your lifestyle, can be adjusted to suit you.

Important: If for some reason you miss the scheduled meal time, then simply skip this meal and do not eat anything until the next one.

List of approved products
1) 100-150g of protein (lean fish, lean beef, chicken, turkey, shellfish, shrimp, beef liver, lean skinless jellied meat, cottage cheese, 1 egg) Egg, the worst protein for weight loss, use only if there is no other protein at all product. Naturally, one thing from this list, the products are arranged according to the degree of usefulness, the best first, the latter it is better to use less often.
2) 250g of any vegetables (except potatoes, avocados, chestnuts)
3) 30g black bread
4) A glass of tomato juice (you can wash it down with food) or kefir or milk with a fat content of 1-0%
5) Tea or coffee, if desired, can be with 1-2 spoons of honey, milk or dry cream
1) 1-2 cups of any protein broth (not vegetable) with 50 grams of herbs
2) 100g of raw vegetables (if there are no stomach problems)
3) 150g low-fat yogurt or kefir with 1 teaspoon of muesli
4) Tea or coffee or buttermilk
1) 200g of any fruit (except bananas)
2) A glass of tomato juice or kefir or tea
Second dinner
1) 5 pieces of large prunes
2) Half a glass of tea or kefir or buttermilk or milk

Water day
Every Thursday you need to observe a water day (daily fasting).
The water day begins with the first dinner on Wednesday. For the first and second dinner, the menu only includes hot water, with lemon or tea, without cream or sugar. Be sure to cleanse the intestines before the water day using a cleansing enema or any other method.
On Thursday, instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner - only a glass of hot water, maybe with lemon.
On Friday, immediately after waking up, a glass of tomato juice. For breakfast, a glass of tomato juice or sour milk. Further according to the schedule.
Physical activity
Walk for at least an hour every day, dance or exercise.
Weight stabilization after Galina Grossmann's weight loss course
There are several stages in the weight loss course using Galina Grossmann’s method:
- 4-6 weeks - weight loss course
- 4 weeks - weight stabilization course.
Further, if you are overweight, the entire cycle (several cycles) can be repeated.
When you reach a normal weight, nutrition is approximately at stabilization level. As a rule, you simply don’t want any other food, because... food habits have already been formed to eat properly.
A water day should still be held once a month. Galina Grossmann usually has a water day for her weight loss team on the 4th of every month. Then the weight can be maintained for a long time.
What is weight stabilization
The stabilization period after intensive weight loss is the time required to adapt all processes in the new body, to take a psychological break from food restrictions, and to consolidate correct eating habits.
Nutrition to stabilize body weight
What do you eat to stabilize body weight after a weight loss course according to Galina Grossmann’s method?
It is still important to eat according to the clock.
1. First breakfast- a glass of orange or grapefruit juice (will help remove fat breakdown products from the body).
2. Breakfast- approximately the same as when losing weight + sometimes you can allow 20 grams of sweets.
3. Lunch- any soup, 200-300 grams of vegetable salad, 30 grams without yeast bread, for dessert - yogurt.
4. First dinner- 100 grams of protein delicacies (cheese, red fish, caviar, nuts, cottage cheese, meat), 30 grams of bread, 100 grams of vegetables, 100 grams of fruit, a glass of tomato juice or 1% fermented milk drink.
5. Second dinner– some prunes or other dried fruits.
Drink tea, coffee, hot water - as much as you want during the day. You can have some fruit during the day. 3 times a month you can afford almost everything :), a kind of “celebration of the belly”.
Water day to stabilize body weight

A water day is carried out once a month, or once a week if you want to lose another 2-3 kg in a month of stabilization. A water day just eliminates our errors in nutrition (how could we live without it;-))
Physical activity to stabilize body weight

Galina Grossman is a famous nutritionist and author of weight loss techniques. During the experiments, she developed a special diet, thanks to which you can successfully lose weight. Currently, Galina Grossman’s weight loss method is quite popular among men and women of all ages who want to lose excess weight.

The weight loss system according to Galina Grossman provides a complete and balanced diet, thanks to which you can lose unnecessary pounds in just a month.

The exact date of birth of Galina Nikolaevna Grossman is unknown, but followers of her diet say that it doesn’t matter how old she is, what matters is how she looks. And if you consider that she devoted about 40 years to scientific and practical work alone, and look at her photo, then the answer is obvious: for her age, this woman looks simply amazing.

Galina Nikolaevna was born in Estonia. After school, she entered the biochemistry department of Krasnoyarsk State University. She defended her thesis on the influence of phytoncides of taiga plants on entomopathogenic fungi. Her work has been published in academic journals, she has participated in various conferences in the following disciplines:

  • ecology;
  • Protection of Nature;
  • medicine;
  • pedagogy;
  • physiology;
  • microbiology;
  • Physiography.

In the mid-90s, she founded the Center for Human Biology and Ecology. Since its foundation, active scientific work has been carried out there, which was devoted to the problem of excess weight, as well as other human addictions.

Currently, on the website “Losing Weight-99” you can familiarize yourself in detail with Galina Nikolaevna’s articles, as well as sign up for thematic author’s courses.

Galina Nikolaevna Grossman: diet and its description

The weight loss system developed by Doctor of Biological Sciences Grossman is based on the biocompensation method. According to the author, this technique not only heals the body, but also rejuvenates it.

The diet does not include giving up key foods; it remains varied and includes four meals a day. It also eliminates various types of exhausting physical activity; you do not need to take all kinds of medications and nutritional supplements.

Starting from the first day of this diet, fats begin to burn and leave the human body in a natural way - through breathing, sweat or urine. In a month, on average, women can lose up to 15 kilograms of weight, and men - up to seventeen. The diet also has a healing effect on the body, because already in the first few weeks the following is noted:

  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • sugar content is normalized;
  • cholesterol levels are reduced;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • signs of diabetes disappear.

This diet also has a positive effect on appearance:

  • the waist becomes toned;
  • the face becomes younger;
  • the skin becomes even and smooth.

The Grossman diet occurs in two stages:

  • within a month, the menu should include fiber and protein foods;
  • then two weeks are allotted to exit the diet; during this period, the range of the menu expands noticeably.

The most intensive weight loss occurs in the first phase of the diet, since the menu is formed on the basis of low-calorie foods, and food intake is carried out strictly according to the clock. This approach allows you to quickly and painlessly lose weight, it is suitable even for those who suffer from various diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of Galina Grossman's diet

Compared to other methods of losing weight, this diet has many advantages:

There is only one drawback to this method - the need to eat food strictly by the hour. If a person has a busy work schedule, then this can be a problem.

What products are allowed

Most people who want to lose weight are primarily interested in how many kilograms can be lost during one course of such a diet and what foods can be eaten.

So, you should definitely take your initial weight into account. The larger it is, the faster a person can lose weight. On average, you can lose 8-15 kilograms within a month.

At the first stage of the program, the following products are allowed:

At the second stage, such products are supplemented;

  • fried meat or fish;
  • sweets (50 grams three times a week);
  • more fruits and juices.

Diet rules

Sample menu and recipes

So, what could be the menu for this diet? During the first stage, which lasts a month, the menu may be something like this:

The second stage of the diet is stabilization, at this time there is an exit from the diet. The nutritional rules at this time are as follows:

  • also eat by the hour;
  • add fried and sweet foods to your diet, but no more than three times a week and in limited quantities;
  • We do fasting days twice a month;
  • salads are seasoned only with vegetable oil;
  • Don't forget to eat cereals and soups on a regular basis.

Diet recipes

To prepare dietary meat soup, you need to boil beef or chicken in water. When the broth boils, add chopped onions and carrots. About 10 minutes before readiness, add greens to it. Serve to the table in this form.

To prepare the salad, you need to chop white cabbage, as well as chop tomatoes, tomatoes, dill and parsley. Mix the ingredients and season with lemon juice.

You can bake beef in the following way:

Weight loss results and reviews

There are practically no negative reviews about Galina Grossman and her weight loss method on the Internet. Experts note it as effective, safe and versatile. And in order not to gain weight again after leaving the diet, you just need to limit yourself to fatty and sweet foods, and also sometimes do fasting days.

Typically, losing weight looks like this:

  • a person intensively loses weight during the first month, his blood pressure returns to normal and his well-being improves;
  • In the future, the body is fully cleansed of waste and toxins.

Exit from the Grossman diet is provided already at its second stage and can last from two weeks to a month.

As for the reviews of those losing weight, we present some of them.

Thanks to the Grossman nutrition system, I easily lost almost 15 kilograms within a month. Now I eat healthy and exercise regularly to keep myself in shape.

Marina, Kazan

My initial weight was almost 90 kilograms. After I started following the Grossman diet, within a month I lost more than 10 kilograms, and this is an excellent result, in my opinion. There is no need to go hungry, and due to the fact that meals occur at certain hours, the body is constantly full and does not crave sweets.

Larisa, Ivanovo

I can’t say that the result was great, but even 10 kilograms in a month is nothing at all. A huge plus of this diet is that you don’t have to starve, like many others.

Irina, Tambov

Such a nutritional system has a positive effect on a person’s health; he can not only lose excess weight, but also improve his health.

Attention, TODAY only!

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Galina Grossman- a well-known nutritionist who has devoted decades to developing her original concept of body rejuvenation. The body cannot cleanse itself and become younger if there is excess weight - therefore, the problem of extra pounds, poor nutrition and the fight against fat deposits is one of the central ones in the healing course developed by Galina Grossman.

"Galina Grossman's diet is an effective method for normalizing weight, rejuvenating and cleansing the body."

Weight loss is achieved through balanced, timely eating and fat burning. In addition to the immediate effect, the diet also allows you to get rid of painful heartburn, normalize blood pressure, remove salts and toxins from the body, and improve the condition of the knee joints and spine.

Basic principles

The main rules that Galina Grossman recommends following: the diet should be supplemented by physical activity and adherence to a daily routine. Only in this case will the result be possible - loss from 8 to 15 kg , which go away in one month. The nutritionist identifies these principles:

  • Meals are taken by the hour, and the schedule cannot be violated (shifts are allowed only for people working the night shift).
  • Strictly follow not only the list of permitted products, but also consume them in the recommended amount.
  • Make every Thursday (or any clearly designated day) a “water day” - on it you should drink one and a half to two times more water than usual.
  • When denying yourself prohibited foods, never give up water - drink as much as your body requires.

How does weight loss happen?

The whole diet consists of two parts - the actual removal of excess and bringing the weight to a stable normal. The latter is necessary to avoid sudden jumps and weight gain, as often happens after other diets.

Approximate Galina Grossman's diet menu for one day as follows:

Breakfast. From 9.00 to 10.00

  • 100-150 g of protein food. This can be steamed or baked fish, lean beef tenderloin, turkey meat, seafood, 1 hard-boiled egg or cottage cheese).
  • 250 g of vegetable stew or salad (do not dress the salad, exclude potatoes and “heavy” vegetables).
  • 1 piece of black bread.
  • A glass of kefir or tomato juice (salt and pepper are prohibited).

Dinner. From 13.00 to 14.00

  • Any meat broth - 300-400 ml with herbs.
  • 100 g vegetable salad from raw vegetables; without refilling.
  • A glass of low-fat, unsweetened yogurt without additives. You can add 1 tablespoon of muesli or bran.
  • One small cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

First dinner. From 17.00 to 18.00

  • 200 g of fruit - orange, apple, pear are suitable. You can't eat a banana.
  • A glass of unsalted tomato juice or low-fat kefir. It can be replaced with tea.

Second dinner. From 21.00 to 22.00

  • 5 pieces of prunes or large dried apricots.
  • Half a glass of kefir or a cup of unsweetened tea.

As you can see, this menu is as balanced as possible, not strict and resembles a healthy eating regimen rather than a strict restrictive diet. You should eat in this mode for 4 to 6 weeks - of course, varying foods while maintaining their calorie values.

Every Thursday (Grossman recommends this particular day, but, in principle, any other can be chosen) you should fast. This is a water day, you should drink more water than usual (1 - 1.5 liters). The day after a “hungry day” should begin not with a hearty breakfast, but with a glass of tomato juice. Instead of breakfast, drink another glass of juice or kefir. And only lunch can be eaten according to the schedule.

During the diet, special attention is paid to physical activity - Grossman recommends playing sports or at least walking briskly outside for one to one and a half hours a day. The ideal option is to go dancing, yoga or start running in the morning.


At the stage of weight stabilization, “exit” from the diet occurs. You should still eat strictly according to the clock, but the range of foods may be wider. Occasionally allow yourself fried bread, vary juices and fruits, include a little sweet (up to 50 g per day, and not every day).

The time of weight stabilization is not only physiological, but also psychological consolidation of the effect. It is necessary to maintain the result and not “break down” in the future. During stabilization, it is also important to carry out water fasting days - but they can only be done 1-2 times a month.

Correct adherence to the instructions will allow you to lose 8-15 kg in 4-6 weeks, and continue to maintain this excellent result.

Everyone dreams of maintaining a young, attractive appearance without additional effort. The bustle of everyday life does not allow you to devote the necessary amount of time to maintaining beauty. Cardinal intervention does not always have a positive outcome. Alternative approaches are needed. There are techniques based on the “power of thought.” The author of the course, Galina Grossman, suggests facial rejuvenation, the video of which is a success, to be carried out through influence on the psychological level. Let's figure out whether this technology can produce effective results.

about the author

Galina Grossman was born in the Estonian countryside. The remoteness of civilization allowed me to encounter the extraordinary abilities of rural healers even in childhood. Interest and her own penchant for unconventional influences pushed the girl to develop her skills.

Having received a biologist education, defended her dissertation, and worked in the field of space development, Galina acquired a lot of additional knowledge. The growing interest in healing prompted us to seriously engage in the development of unconventional abilities.

Now Grossman heads the Center for Biology and Human Ecology in his native Estonia, gives lectures, conducts sessions aimed at rejuvenating the body and combating excess weight. Activities are supported by numerous scientific studies and successful participation in various thematic conferences.

The essence of the technique

The method of rejuvenation proposed by Galina Grossman is very unusual. The essence of the impact is psychological correction. A number of trainings are conducted to help you become aware of your own appearance.

The influence is aimed at forming in the subconscious an ideal image to which one must strive. A psychological “reboot” starts the process of achieving a goal.

Bioenergetic influence, according to Galina Grossman, helps to accept one’s own appearance with all the shortcomings and problems. There is an internal connection between the desired and the actual.

The program is divided into 2 stages. The first is psychological reconfiguration aimed at achieving a youthful image. The second is consolidation of the result. The process is reminiscent of the basic teachings of yoga, but biolifting has a stronger meditative part.


According to the author, external rejuvenation with the help of psychological practices is achieved using one’s own thoughts. y. The stronger the desire to get an effective result, the faster and better the process goes. Galina Grossman calls bioenergetics an alternative to plastic surgery. Psychological practices were developed and tested by the author on himself and numerous patients.

Note! Most participants in the rejuvenation sessions were convinced of the effectiveness of the method and left rave reviews.

Training process

Before the session begins, you need to prepare. It is recommended to cleanse the skin of cosmetics. The cream is used as desired. Be sure to choose the right position. The best option is to sit sitting in front of a mirror. The pose must be collected, the posture is straight, the body is generally relaxed, thoughts are neutral.

First of all, they establish a “connection” with the body: in a state of relaxation, you need to feel your right hand, then your left hand. The legs feel in the same sequence. They do not move their limbs, sensitivity is exclusively at the energy level.

Start psychological auto-training. Carefully examine the reflection in the mirror. Every detail needs to be studied in detail. The process does not involve admiration. They remember the smallest features and are aware of shortcomings. Determine what you would like to change.

The next step is to reproduce your own image in the subconscious. To do this, close your eyes and carefully consider your image. They present the real picture with the existing shortcomings. Mentally they do “work on mistakes”, erasing existing shortcomings. The imaginary image becomes ideal. The resulting picture is carefully preserved in the imagination.

At the next stage, they relax, establish a connection with the body, and reproduce with admiration the formed ideal image. You need to admire every detail of the new face. The thorough implementation of a positive attitude helps to quickly change for the better. The consolidation stage helps to maintain the desired features.

Duration of the recovery period

Bioenergetic lifting is a complex process that requires a certain psychological attunement and time to obtain an effective result. It is impossible to achieve rejuvenation in 1–2 weeks of sessions. Thanks to regular training, dynamic wrinkles are reduced and smoothed out.

The psychological impact helps the muscles and skin fix the condition, taking the desired position. After this, small facial wrinkles are smoothed out, and a full rejuvenating effect is achieved.

It is advisable to consolidate the result with a therapeutic massage. It will help strengthen the oval from the outside and fix the position. The duration of the process depends on the individual attitude towards achieving the goal and the initial condition of the skin.

Precautionary measures

A clear positive side of the rejuvenation method proposed by Galina Grossman is the absolute safety of training. Psychological concentration on the desired result cannot harm your health or appearance.

You will have to give up training only if you develop nervous disorders of various natures. It is not advisable to engage in psychological training for overly impressionable people who are unable to achieve their goals.

The simplicity of the method and the absence of obvious restrictions gives the maximum number of people who want to train a chance. The sessions will not require special knowledge or complex preparation. The popularity and attendance of Galina Grossman’s courses over the course of 2 decades speaks volumes about the real work of the technique.

Getting a youthful reflection in the mirror without making any obvious effort is accessible to everyone. You just need to pay a minimum of attention to your own appearance.

Useful videos

Removal of the age complex and rejuvenation session. Galina Grossman.

Make your facial muscles work. Galina Grossmann.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Galina Grossman is a successful information businesswoman who makes money by selling video courses on weight loss. In them, the woman gives recommendations regarding proper nutrition and physical activity (mainly dancing), which are used for weight loss, healing and rejuvenation of the body. The price of Galina Grossman's video courses starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Principles of losing weight

Galina Grossman does not have a medical education, so her publications, books and video tutorials contain a lot of nonsense. For example, a woman states that:

1. You should not eat large amounts of crushed food, because it penetrates the gallbladder and forms gallstones there.

2. Light physical activity for weight loss is more effective than heavy physical activity, because it causes subcutaneous fat to burn, turning it into carbon dioxide and water. At the same time, during heavy loads, fat does not burn, but goes to the muscles, which provokes a feeling of hunger in a person.

3. Cucumber is absorbed by the body and goes to build tissue. But cucumber with mayonnaise does not have this ability, because it is unhealthy food. The body throws it into the “trash can”, which is located on your stomach.

However, despite the nonsense that Galina Grossman writes, the basic principles of losing weight are correct. A cucumber is really healthier for your figure than a cucumber with mayonnaise, albeit for a different reason.

The basis of weight loss according to Grossman is:

1. Healing and energy sessions.
2. Diet.
3. Low and medium intensity physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, dancing).

The goal of energy therapy sessions is to correct eating behavior. The diet is aimed at limiting the intake of calories into the body. Physical activity is necessary, according to Galina Grossman, to improve blood circulation in tissues and trigger the fat burning mechanism.

Diet principles

Galina Grossman's diet is divided into two stages: main and additional. During the main stage, a person normalizes weight.

An additional stage allows you to consolidate it, avoiding a relapse of obesity. Diet rules:

1. Meals – 4 times a day. Moreover, this must be done strictly according to the clock. Breakfast - from 9 to 10. Lunch - from 13 to 14. Dinner - from 17 to 18. Another dinner - from 21 to 22.

2. The diet is based on protein foods, vegetables, fruits, broths. Foods rich in fats and carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet.

3. Most food will be eaten during the first half of the day (two out of four meals). Evening meals have extremely small volumes, and these meals are aimed only at reducing the feeling of hunger.

4. If you miss the time of your next meal, you can no longer eat. Wait for your next meal.

5. Every Thursday is a fasting day.

Diet menu

The calorie content of the diet is significantly reduced, which is the basis for the effectiveness of the diet. Here is an approximate menu of Galina Grossman’s nutrition plan for every day:

Breakfast. You need to eat 150 g of protein food, 250 g of non-starchy vegetables and 30 g (one slice) of bread. You can diversify your breakfast at your discretion. You can eat meat, fish, dairy and seafood as protein foods. You can also take any vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbage.

Dinner. Two glasses of low-fat broth. To prepare it, it is advisable to use chicken breast. You will eat it tomorrow morning. You can’t add anything to the broth except greens. For the second you can eat 100 g of raw vegetables, 150 g of kefir or yogurt and a teaspoon of muesli.

Dinner. In the evening you can eat 200 g of any fruit except bananas.

Second dinner. Half a glass of kefir and dried fruits (for example, prunes or dried apricots - 5 pieces).

Doctor's review

Undoubtedly, Galina Grossman’s diet will be effective. In combination with physical activity and correction of eating behavior, strict restriction of caloric intake will lead to a gradual normalization of the figure. Of course, this will only happen if you strictly follow all of Galina Grossman’s recommendations and do not abandon the diet after a week from its start.

Is it worth buying her weight loss course? Yes, if you are ready to put into practice the techniques discussed there. Treatment of obesity according to Galina Grossman will proceed as follows:

1. They won’t let you eat.
2. You will be forced to exercise.
3. They will convince you that eating a lot is bad.

If you expect that they will offer you some unique weight loss techniques that will allow you to lose weight by eating bread rolls in front of the TV, you will be disappointed. Ways to lose weight will be the most common - diet and exercise. True, motivation will be increased. Still, you have to pay 10-20 thousand rubles for several video lessons in which the rules of healthy eating will be explained to you.

Galina Grossman's diet does not offer anything new..


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