I want to learn Arabic dance. Basic belly dance moves

Why not pamper your loved one with an exquisite treat. After all, only the most gentle, loving and chic men deserve such a gift. Is your lover like this? A romantic evening, flickering candles, an oriental aroma, sensual music, a sexy outfit, smooth movements of the hips, a playful look from underneath - your man is completely smitten. But you don’t stop: you tease, you entice, you delight. You have turned into a charming oriental beauty, but so dear and beloved. He is intrigued, discouraged, intoxicated, in love again.

Are you afraid you don't have enough courage and skill? No problem. All you need is desire and a few rehearsals. For your attention, below are several video lessons for beginners absolutely free.

How to learn to dance East Dance

Two good news:

  1. Oriental dancing is suitable for all women, neither age, nor size, nor nationality matters, only your passionate desire to become sensual, erotic and desirable.
  2. You can study at home, completely free, using video lessons. Bookmark this page, at a time convenient for you, you can prepare for a surprise for your man at home.

Belly dance lessons

9 training videos for your attention Belly Dance for beginners 14 minutes each. The first 5-7 minutes are warm-up, the next 7-9 minutes are learning a new movement. The last lesson involves combining all the movements into a dance. For convenience, the numbering of lessons is as in the video. Valeria Putitskaya helps you master it.

Video 1. Warm-up. Introduction to basic movements.

Bellu dance awakens the feminine principle in us, teaches plasticity and awakens self-confidence. , learn to move beautifully and harmoniously. If you suddenly cannot watch the video, click on the link.

Video lesson 2. Hands.

Due to the great popularity of this article, it takes a lot of workload and the videos take a long time to load, so I divided them for your convenience and moved them to the article and. There you will find tips for beginners on how to look confident, relaxed and captivate your favorite viewer, and much more interesting things.

To watch the following Videos

  • lessons 4, 5, 6. please go to.
  • lessons 8, 10, 16

Professional oriental belly dance.

Overcome your shyness, listen to your body, let it lead you into the world of oriental dance, so exotic, mysterious, sensual. Don't be afraid of awkward movements, your intuition will tell you your body language. Let go of all your thoughts and worries, immerse yourself in the music. Feel like a fabulous Scheherazade, confident and desirable. Dance in your own way, adapting the movements to suit your body. This also applies to your outfit; give yourself the freedom of personal choice. A few memorized movements, spied ligaments from professionals and you can put your private dance watch the video professional dance. There is something to strive for. link


  • endurance is developed,
  • the heart is trained,
  • joint flexibility increases,
  • well-being improves,
  • the mood lifts.

As you can see, it is not only beautiful and erotic, but also useful.

What benefits does oriental dance have for the female body?

It is not without reason that it is called belly dancing. All dance movements are concentrated in the abdomen, waist, and hips. Created load,

Beautiful rhythmic music, subtle ringing of jewelry, intricate, eye-catching and alluring movements of a beautiful female body, slim figure, smooth lines and a mysteriously attractive look - all this splendor is called oriental dance. No one can resist a woman who masters the art of oriental dancing (or belly dancing)! Dancer creates magic under unusual music, attracting eyes and hearts with smooth but refined movements, she surprises every minute and fills the air with magic, which is only possible in the Arabian Nights...

Yes, oriental dancing is real magic, a bewitching exotic that every man dreams of, and which every woman can create. And those presented on website video lessons for beginner dancers who want to learn the basics of this art form.

Oriental dances - an unlimited variety of styles and trends for women

It is difficult to find a person indifferent to oriental dances - these movements of the hips, belly dancing, incredibly beautiful movements and mystery awaken the interest of any man, and women are always delighted with these dances. That is why in our time oriental dances have gained enormous popularity; many girls and women want to understand and learn how to dance oriental dances, but many simply do not know how to start and join this world.

In fact, everything is very simple - it’s not school that will help you master the basics of various styles of oriental dances, but training at home online along with video lessons from Timestadi.ru! By carefully repeating and practicing the movements that oriental dance coach Alexandra Shkodina talks about in detail, you will master this art, learn to win hearts, win the attention and attract the gaze of men without a single word, literally with one body movement!

Learning oriental dances for beauty and health

But oriental dancing is not only about beauty. All the movements on which they are based various styles and directions of oriental dances have the most beneficial effect on the female body. Perhaps this best workouts for girls at home, which affect the organs and muscles of the pelvis (which is very important for all girls and women!), as well as the muscles and ligaments of the whole body.

Oriental dance training (video) allows you to develop both the external muscles that form the characteristic silhouette of the female body, and the internal muscles that hold the internal organs. So this type of dancing is an excellent prevention that prevents displacement and prolapse internal organs, and this is extremely important for women, both for those who already have children and for those who are just thinking about motherhood.

So all the movements that a dancer performs are not only aesthetics and attractive beauty, but also exercises that develop the body and maintain health. It really is a perfect combination of useful and pleasant!

What is the secret of oriental dances?

Many women think that mastering oriental dances is very difficult, and that it is “not for them.” In fact, everything is not like that - if you carefully watch and listen to each video lesson, you will easily master this unusual and interesting art, and you will understand what a pleasure it is! After all, dancing is, in essence, a set of certain movements that you need to learn to perform correctly. And all these movements not only look beautiful, but also have one or another effect on the body. Therefore, oriental dancing is an excellent home workout for beginners, which will help improve health, develop the body, develop grace, smooth movements and special attractiveness.

In total, two oriental dance techniques can be distinguished:

Slow technique. By performing movements in this technique, you will feel and become aware of your body, work all the muscles and ligaments;

Fast technique. Moving quickly is a real strength and endurance workout, it's a great cardio workout, and it finally builds definition. dance moves, reaction and coordination of the whole body.

And this is not an exaggeration, since oriental dances (belly dance) contain movements that affect all muscle groups.

Hip strikes. They are made up, down, diagonally, and also have many variations. Working on the core muscles, gluteal muscles, oblique muscles, and hip joints. Interestingly, these movements improve the relationship between the hip, knee and ankle.

"Eight" hips. Produced inward, outward, etc. Working out the muscles of the torso, back, intercostal space, gluteal muscles, adductor muscles of the thigh. These movements affect the spine, ensuring the functioning of each vertebra. The chest and, of course, the hip joints also actively work. As a result, a relationship is established between hip joint, knee and ankle, spine and chest.

Hip rotation (“skeet”). The most active study of external and internal muscles back and abs, as well as all the joints described above. And most importantly, these movements are a smooth massage of the pelvic organs.

Movements of the chest (circles, figure eights). The muscles of the back and neck are worked on, deep pectoral muscles, flexor and extensor muscles of the spine, muscles of the shoulder girdle. The shoulder joints, shoulder blades, and most importantly, the entire spinal column also actively work. These exercises are best job on improving your posture.

“Shaking” and “rocking” (movements of the hips, shoulders and knees). It is these movements that are the basis of oriental dances; they are based on supplying an impulse from a joint to certain muscle groups that are in a relaxed state. The resulting vibrations have positive influence on the blood supply to the pelvic organs, massage the organs, and also have an anti-cellulite effect.

However, in order for all movements to have a positive effect, it is necessary to adhere to the standard requirements for any training - regularity, precision of execution and a deliberate approach. But another factor is also important here - you need to immerse yourself in the world of oriental dances, feel its beauty and philosophy. Learning and practicing oriental dances brings real pleasure only to those who really want it!

Oriental dances on Timestadi.ru - learning online with pleasure

So, are you looking for something to do at home and have turned your attention to oriental dancing? Then the online video lessons presented here are what you need! The direction is led by coach Alexandra Shkodina, with whom oriental dancing is a real art that every woman can experience and learn. By paying attention to this course, you will master the basics of oriental dances, and you will be able to easily move further in this incredibly beautiful and broad direction.

The first video lessons are available for free, and you can start dancing right now! Have fun with oriental dances from Shkodina Alexandra and video lessons on the site.

IMPORTANT!!! Subscription gives access to all directions and video lessons on the site!




Lesson 1 (free)

Watch online video lesson

This video opens the “Oriental Dance” course - lesson 1 will introduce you to the basic movements and dance techniques and the features of their implementation. You will see that learning to dance is simple and accessible to every woman, regardless of age! You can watch experienced dancers (and a coach) dance oriental dances and learn this art at home. And most importantly, all video lessons bring real pleasure from training!

An interesting detail: in this and subsequent video lessons there are live drums that charge you with energy and set you in the right mood. We are sure that fiery rhythms will help you master all the subtleties of oriental dance.

Lesson 2 (free)

Watch online video lesson

We continue the course “Oriental dances” - lesson 2 will help you correctly practice the movements you have already learned and learn new ones. Here we will pay attention to a movement that is one of the foundations of oriental dance - shaking. You will learn how to do shaking, as well as various ligaments and other movements that make up the dance. After this lesson, you will be able to note all the benefits of oriental dancing for your body, soul and mood.

Lesson 3 (free)

Watch online video lesson

You have already mastered the first lessons of oriental dance, and this online video will help you consolidate your knowledge and skills. Here we will continue to work on hand movements in oriental dance, on correct positioning body and other nuances that make oriental dance so exciting and attractive to men.

Please note that in previous lessons you studied simple oriental dance, all movements were performed in at a slow pace, and now we move on to fast oriental dance - the movements will be performed at an ever-accelerating pace. You will see that it is incredibly beautiful and also helps for weight loss and staying in shape.

Lesson 4

Available by subscription

New online video lesson, and new joy from dancing! You have already practically mastered the slow oriental dance, and it is time to learn and practice more complex movements performed at a fast pace. You can learn this at home and be sure to succeed!

And after this lesson you will be able to dance for your loved one, show yourself with the best side and it’s nice to surprise him!

Lesson 5

Available by subscription

Half of the course “Oriental Dance” (Belly Dance) on the site has already been studied, you have learned how to perform basic movements and exercises, and now it’s time to learn more complex and beautiful elements of oriental dance. Get ready for the fact that this work will not be easy, but its result will give you real pleasure!

Learning oriental dances at home, especially at this stage, has another result - burning fat, strengthening all the muscles of your body, and maintaining a good mood.

Lesson 6

Available by subscription

A new video lesson of oriental dances will help you master complex movements and combinations to rhythmic music - during this hour-long training you will be one step closer to your goal and improve your skills. You can no longer be called a beginner, but there are still movements, connections and nuances, to master which you should continue to learn oriental dance.

Surely you have already noted that in last lessons Oriental dancing and fitness are intertwined, and this is not surprising - complex movements and serious loads make dance similar to fitness training, and have the most beneficial effect on your body. And this is one of the advantages of oriental dance!

Lesson 7

Available by subscription

The new video lesson of the “Oriental Dances” course, which you can watch here, will help you consolidate a number of complex movements and combinations. You have already been able to learn the dance and confidently show this show to your man, but, as you know, there is no limit to perfection! Therefore, we recommend that you continue to study oriental dances at home, and if difficulties arise, turn to the lessons you have already watched and practice all the movements.

Lesson 8

Available by subscription

This online video lesson completes the oriental dance training course. Here you can try on an outfit for oriental dances and show a real show for which all the last lessons have been preparing!

The course has been completed, and now you know how to perform basic techniques - the correct warm-up of oriental dances, all the basic movements and combinations, and much, much more. Now you feel confident and perform a magnificent oriental dance!

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Decide how you want to practice Arabic dancing: with a teacher or on your own. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. At the first stage of training, it is recommended to still seek help from a qualified specialist. He will not only show you basic elements dance, but will also teach you how to perform them correctly without damaging your joints and spine. Completing the first stage will take you at least a month: it all depends only on your physical training, intensity and frequency of training.

At the next stage, he will teach you how to connect the learned elements into a single dance. In addition, to at this moment you should no longer just listen to Arabic music, but also hear it, be able to distinguish between its styles: modern and classical.

If you are more comfortable practicing on your own, then you need to follow a few simple tips. Help with learning Arabic dance Maybe a video course, there are a lot of them on the Internet. You can also purchase CDs and books in the store with detailed details of each lesson. However, do not forget that you should not repeat all the movements from the training program at once. It is better to start with simpler ones, only gradually moving on to intricate and difficult movements.

It is recommended to create a quiet and calm environment before class. Make sure that nothing can distract you: turn off the TV, computer and mobile phone. This will help you relax and get into the right frame of mind. If possible, create a schedule for your workouts and decide how much time you are willing to devote to training. Optimally, this is an hour of classes spent as intensively as possible. In addition, your efforts will not be in vain if you dance at least once a week. There is no point in straining yourself for two or three hours in a row, but do it once a month. Exercise little by little, but more often.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Practice in front of a mirror: this way you can observe your movements and immediately see errors in execution.


  • How to learn to dance at home in 2019

Belly dancing has long fascinated men in the East. Like everything eastern, this one is now at the peak of popularity in Europe and Russia. In the East, almost every woman can dance it. This is instilled in them from childhood and for them it is as natural as for us to be able to read and write. But she does not dance for everyone, but only for her husband. It seems that Russian men will not mind watching their charming wives erotically twist their hips.

U Russian women Belly dancing is popular not only as a dance, but also as an excellent way to keep fit and gain a seductive figure.

So, let's learn how to dance oriental dances. Belly dancing is taksim, the dance itself and the shaking.

From time immemorial, people have been attracted to oriental beauties and their charming ability to move. Nowadays anyone can learn this art of belly dancing, even at home. After all, there are a large variety of techniques that allow you to teach this, at first glance, seemingly difficult art.

At the same time, it is a symbol of femininity, sexuality and charm. Many admirers of oriental belly dance say that it not only teaches beautiful and smooth movements, but also allows you to get rid of extra pounds. The important thing here is to learn how to perform all the movements correctly, and it will be much easier to achieve the desired result. Belly dancing to burn fat is an excellent alternative to diets and traditional physical activity( , ). But there is nothing to be surprised here, because there are special techniques that can surpass many methods of body correction.

For those who don’t know how to learn oriental belly dance at home, but really want to, it’s worth knowing that this is an opportunity not only to receive aesthetic enjoyment. Spending this time brings many benefits. To rhythmic music, movements are performed in which all the muscles of the body work. If you practice belly dancing regularly, you may be surprised at the results, because this way you can get a slim and toned figure. In addition, during classes, self-esteem increases, the woman begins to love herself and her body.

For those who don’t know how to learn belly dancing at home, you need to know that classes have a lot of advantages, such as:

  • Receiving aesthetic pleasure
  • Feeling great
  • Development of a sense of rhythm
  • Increased body endurance
  • Active weight loss process
  • Femininity and sophistication
  • Self-confidence and love for your body.

If a girl wants to buy slim stomach and a wasp waist, then oriental belly dancing will become excellent helpers in this field. It is impossible not to note their benefits for those girls who are preparing to become mothers. During belly dancing, all muscles are involved, you need to move your body, neck, smile beautifully, and hone the mystery in your gaze. In order for all the subtleties of the process to become known, you need to do this regularly. To the advantage homeschooling It is worth considering the fact that you can practice at any convenient time.

Home belly dancing training is the best option for beginners. Famous choreographers record their videos where they teach how to master the basic elements. Such a tutorial will greatly help you feel much more confident in classes with a trainer.

Video lesson No. 1, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (basic movements)

Belly dancing as a way to lose weight

Dreams of thin waist persecute many representatives of the fairer sex. Wasp waist, toned and thin thighs are the main culprits of these desires. Oriental belly dancing, contrary to popular belief, is not smooth and melodic. These are rhythmic and intense movements that involve all muscle groups, not just the abdominal area. While listening to pleasant music, you can move your body and work on your muscles, making them more elastic and toned.

Along with these movements, centimeters on the body begin to “melt away”. Oriental dances last so long that there is enough time for body changes. Blood flow in the body increases during belly dancing, and this in turn has a positive effect on the process of fat breakdown.

Belly dancing classes are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Many girls start dancing eastern directions, this allows you to develop femininity and refinement of character.

Physical activity is the best option for weight loss, because during the day you need to spend more calories than they are consumed with food. It is belly dancing that can burn a sufficient amount of calories. This sports method easily replaces standard ones.

Video lesson No. 2, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (arms and waist muscles)

Additional belly dance elements

So that while dancinglook harmonious, it is important to choose many elements, in particular:

  • Costume
  • Shoes
  • Costume jewelry
  • Makeup.

Even beginner level requires looking beautiful in belly dancing. Maintaining a dancer's sexy image is extremely important. In addition, the suit and additional elements allow you to completely immerse yourself in belly dancing.

Practical advice: It is better to buy a belly dancing costume after some time has passed after classes; in any case, the figure will become more feminine and the waist will become more refined. Beginners will only need a short top and breeches.

Once the basic movements are learned, you can purchase a loincloth with coins. This element looks playful and sexy, and also creates a special mood. And now to talk about shoes. All Arabic dances are performed barefoot. Thus, a special connection between man and the Earth is noted. If you don’t want to dance barefoot, then socks, slippers or ballet shoes will do.

Basic belly dance moves

Belly dancing lessons for beginners may seem difficult, because at the same time you need to control every part of your body, move your arms beautifully, control your facial expressions, gaze, and smile. However, learning belly dancing can be started with simple videos.

By gradually performing the following dance movements, you can quickly and easily master this, at first glance, difficult direction:

  • The basic belly dance movement is rocking. It must be performed correctly while standing on tiptoes. The legs need to be placed together, they bend slightly at the knees. Mentally swipe vertical line through the navel. Move your hips along this line, but the navel should remain motionless.
  • Pendulum– the technique of the exercise is to lift the right thigh to the armpit, move it to the right side and lower it down again. We do the same with the left thigh.
  • Circular rotations of the hips. It is important that your back is level and straight during movements. You need to imagine a circle in front of you, use your buttocks to outline it, while bending your lower back as much as possible.
  • Circles. You need to describe a circle with your hips, while the pelvis needs to be pulled back, and the hip is thrown from top to bottom. The next laps must be non-stop. You can do circular rotations in the horizontal direction, vertical. They can be large, small, or medium. A new movement can result if movements are made in the frontal plane.
  • Wave. In this case, you only need to move your hips. The upper body remains motionless. You need to stand on high half-toes, half a turn. You need to move in a vertical plane and describe a circle through the hip bones. It is possible to move forward or to the side. You can do side or frontal wave rotations.

Such exercises are only First stage. There are many other techniques that need to be improved step by step to achieve good results. Oriental belly dancing is not only beautiful figure, but also graceful posture, femininity and sophistication.

Video lesson No. 3, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (hips and buttocks)

I want to tell you how I learned to dance Arabic dances.
I am an active and enthusiastic girl. At different periods of my life, I was fond of tennis, alpine skiing, and simply attended shaping classes, etc. Learning to ski is a different story. But I always had huge problems with plastic surgery. I remember when I was at school the only girl, who was never able to pass the bridge exercise. My body simply refused to perform such a difficult element for it.

In the building where our office was located, a sport Club. The company where we work encouraged sports. The company partially reimbursed expenses for sports activities, thereby maintaining the health of her team. It would be a sin not to take advantage of existing favorable conditions. My colleagues and I decided to devote ourselves to fitness at lunchtime. We had a group of 5 girls, and the choice fell on Arabic dances. From the first lesson, the leaders were identified - my colleague, an economist, immediately caught all the movements. Looking at her, there was a strong feeling that her origin had eastern roots. I was a clear outsider. I couldn’t master any of the movements right away. To understand the principle of movement of this or that dance element, I and my logical thinking, it was necessary to first pass this element through the brain, analyze it, and only then my brain would decide whether to give a command to the corresponding muscles. In general, the coach had a hard time with me. I was constantly behind the team. My colleagues giggled at me and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t do it. But he who laughs last laughs!

As a result, I was the only one in our entire company who not only learned to dance, but also came up with our original dance together with the coach, sewed an “awesome” costume and made a surprise at the New Year to your beloved man.

And I was convinced once again that it doesn’t matter whether you have any abilities or not - the main thing is the goal and the incentive to move towards this goal.
For me, the incentive was the cooling of our family relations, and I definitely needed to surprise my husband somehow. To do something that he did not expect at all. Certainly arabic dance, this is not the only means to which I had to resort, there were other surprises, but this one also played a role. Not only did I learn to submit my body to beautiful Arab movements, I regained the attention of my man.

I managed to create an effect when I came out in translucent trousers, in a golden bodice to a beautiful Arabic melody and started dancing. My face was covered with a scarf, which I skillfully manipulated in my hands, and at a certain moment, when the accent of the melody sounded, I threw the scarf to my husband.
My coach danced a dance we invented at the competition and won the audience award.

After this dance was invented and learned, the coach said, “I would never have thought that you would reach the end and still master it, because you have absolutely no ability for this.”

I had to take individual training, and I dedicated myself to achieving this small goal whole year. This year has been a confrontation between my abilities and my goals. Perseverance won.

Tell us if there have been similar small or big victories, it would be interesting to know other people's stories.