What Vetlitskaya looks like now. Natalya Vetlitskaya is one of the most beautiful women on the Russian stage

This article will briefly describe the biography of Natalya Vetlitskaya, once a very popular Russian singer, lead singer of the legendary group “Mirage”. The artist proved herself not only as a talented singer, but also as a film actress. What is she like in life - Natalya Vetlitskaya? Her biography can give us answers to many questions. Including why she left the stage.

Biography of Natalia Vetlitskaya: childhood

On August 17, 1964, a daughter was born into the family of nuclear physicist Igor Arsenievich and professional piano teacher Evgenia Ivanovna, who was given the name Natalya. At the age of ten, the girl was taken to a dance club, and after a while Natasha went to study piano at a music school. In 1979, she received an honors diploma in extracurricular music education. From 1974 to 1984, Natasha Vetlitskaya took part in all possible dance and music competitions.

Biography of Natalia Vetlitskaya: on the path to fame

The first serious work of the future artist was to simultaneously perform the duties of both an organizer and a teacher at a ballroom dancing school, which she successfully coped with at the age of 17. Later she worked as a choreographer at Recital and as a choreographer for Rondo. As part of the group, Vetlitskaya performed as a backing vocalist and dancer, and also recorded several solo songs for an album called “Rondo-86”. Natalya also managed to work in the groups “Class” and “Idea Fix”, and during the same period of time. In 1983, they recorded songs for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye,” and Vetlitskaya’s voice can also be heard in them. The country first saw the aspiring artist in 1985 in the program “Morning Mail”, and in 1988 she sang the song “Closing the Circle” for the first time along with popular performers at the “New Year’s Light”.

Biography of Natalia Vetlitskaya: life in “Mirage” and after

Real fame came to the artist when she became the lead singer of a group with the memorable name “Mirage”. While working in the team, Vetlitskaya performed in almost all cities of the former USSR.

After leaving the group, Natalya began a solo career. Over the entire period of her work, she released 8 albums, collaborated with such famous people as Sergei Mazaev, Dmitry Malikov, Pavel Smeyan, Maxim Pokrovsky.

In addition to successfully building a singing career, Vetlitskaya also acted in films. Among the films with her participation, the following should be highlighted: “The Snow Queen”, “Above the Rainbow”, “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Criminal Tango”.

Natalya Vetlitskaya: biography (children and personal life)

Children are what caused the singer to leave the world of concerts and tours. It is known that after the artist gave birth to her daughter Ulyana in 2004, she practically never appeared on stage again. This is because for Natalya a child is the most important thing in life, the artist always sacrifices his children for the sake of the stage, but she did the opposite. Natalya is now painting, writing poetry, and practicing yoga in one of the studios in India. She is also involved in charity work, regularly providing financial assistance to one of the children's hospitals in the Moscow region. The artist was married several times; now her husband is her yoga trainer Alexey.

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Biography, life story of Natalia Vetlitskaya


Natalya was born on August 17, 1964 in Moscow. Mother - Evgenia Ivanovna Vetlitskaya, piano teacher. Father - Igor Arsenievich Vetlitsky, nuclear physicist. Russian by nationality. At the age of ten she began to practice ballroom dancing professionally, and then entered a music school where she studied piano, graduating in 1979 with a gold medal.

Pure beauty that knows no limits is the deity itself. Like all great people, Natalia understood very early what she was destined to be, which in turn served as the cause of constant and painful boredom. To be the most beautiful all the time, to catch the admiring glances of others, to recognize oneself as the ideal of female beauty and, in a sense, its limit - all this could drive any woman crazy with joy, but not Natalya Vetlitskaya. „ How to live further if the most important thing has already been given by nature? What and why should we strive now?“- these questions haunted little Natasha.

At the age of 17, Natalya began running a ballroom dancing school on her own. For ten years, starting in 1974, the future singer repeatedly took part in various ballroom competitions.


In 1983, Natalya took part in the recording of songs for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye.” A year later, she starred in a cameo role in the film “Above the Rainbow” (episode with a cat), and in 1985 she was shown in “Morning Mail” with Romina Power's song "Ci sara".

Natalya Vetlitskaya’s first appearance on New Year’s television took place in 1988, when she, along with other Russian pop stars, sang the song “Closing the Circle.” She then took part in the groups “Rondo”, “Idea Fix”, “Mirage”, and since 1991 the modern stage begins.


In 1993, Natalia Vetlitskaya’s video “Look into your eyes” was shown on European MTV. The video represented Russia at the annual competition for the best music videos in Europe: “Eurovideo Grand Prix”. One of Natalia’s main rivals was the famous French group “Les Rita Mitsouko”. Viewers from 20 European countries, due to their rejection of Russian musical standards, were unable to make the right choice and the victory was awarded to the French.


Contemporary music

In 1997, Vetlitskaya played one of the main roles in the musical film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.” She recorded two musical compositions for the film - “Sleep, Karabas” and “Taj Mahal” in a duet with, who played the cat Basilio in the film. And also in 1997, he recorded the song “Rivers” in a joint duet with Maxim Pokrovsky (leader of the group Nogu Svelo!).

In 2002, Natalya Vetlitskaya and Tee Smith, a resident of the prestigious London club and techno label "Ministry of Sound", recorded a dance remix of "Mama Loka", which was included in the rotation and charts of a number of British radio stations.

In 2003, Maxim Papernik’s musical film “The Snow Queen” was aired on New Year’s Eve, where Natalya played the role of the Princess and sang the song “Lanterns” in a duet with Vadim Azarkh.

The singer’s latest album, “My Favorite...”, was released in early 2004.

During 2004-2009, Vetlitskaya released new videos for the songs “Bird” and “Everything is for a reason,” and also made numerous performances at various television competitions and festivals. These are duets with the song “Words that you won’t say”, with N. Tumshevits - “Look into my eyes”, with - “Vernissage” and others.

Vetlitskaya not only sings, but also writes music, composes poetry, and is engaged in painting and design. Since 1998, he has been practicing Kriya Yoga and attending Sri Sri Ravi Shankar courses in India.

After this, Natalya Igorevna records two albums in parallel in the studio, one of which will be non-commercial, with a jazz-rock focus.


In addition to her musical activities, Vetlitskaya is also involved in charity work. Since 1999, she has constantly provided financial assistance to the children of psychoneurological hospital No. 4, located in the village of Nikolskoye, Ruza district.

Personal life

One of the most beautiful women on the Russian stage, Natalya Vetlitskaya, got married for the first time at almost 17 years old. After graduating from school, she came to Moscow and got a job as a dancer. Soon she was noticed by musician Pavel Smeyan from the Rock Studio group. His name already had weight, he participated in the legendary performances of Lenkom: “Til”, “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta”, “Juno and Avos”, sang songs for cult films of that time - “The Trust That Broke”, “Military Field novel”, “The weather is good on Deribasovskaya”. Pavel was seven years older than Natasha and became an indisputable authority for her. Vetlitskaya is still grateful to him for many things. After all, it was he who suggested that she take up singing. But soon life with Smeyan became unbearable. He started drinking heavily. And after drinking a glass or two, he became extremely picky and attacked the girl with his fists. One day Pavel almost killed her. Natalya recalled with horror how she barely got out of the apartment and ran away from her husband. A criminal case was opened for the beating, but Vetlitskaya forgave the offender.

The beauty, of course, was never left alone for a day. Her next high-profile romance happened with an aspiring singer.

I was very young – 17–18 years old. At this age they usually become victims of femme fatales., - recalls Dmitry, - and her cunning was manifested in the fact that at the same time she took possession of not only me.

Later on his path there were many girlfriends. But he still had a passion for older women. He chose a young lady with a child as his wife. He still lives with her to this day. Their happiness was sealed by their common daughter.

Hinting at Vetlitskaya’s deceit, he meant her affair with singer Zhenya Belousov. Natalya and Zhenya met at a social gathering at the Cosmos Hotel. Vetlitskaya by that time was the lead singer of the super-popular group “Mirage”, and Belousov’s hits “My Blue-Eyed Girl” and “Night Taxi” were heard from every window. That evening in “Cosmos” they got terribly drunk in the bar, after which they walked around hugging each other. Their romance lasted only three months. Vetlitskaya later admitted that Zhenya loved her very much, but she did not take him seriously. Belousov fell head over heels for the singer, forgetting about his common-law wife Elena and her child.

Kristina was three months old when Zhenya arrived and told me about the upcoming wedding with Vetlitskaya, Elena recalled. – Then I talked to Natasha on the phone. I had to wish her happiness.

And here’s what Vetlitskaya said about it. According to her, Zhenya complained that a girl wanted to marry him. So they came up with the idea of ​​registering so that she would get away from him. The day after the wedding, Belousov left for Saratov with Integral. And when he returned, he found a note on the table: “ Goodbye. Your Natasha».

Vetlitskaya flew off to her next admirer. She had a long-term relationship with producer Pavel Vashchekin. The singer also spoke about his passionate affair with the pop diva.

After a quarrel with Vashchekin, Natalya began to experience creative stagnation. The billionaire oligarch Suleiman Kerimov brought her back to life on the stage. It was he who, on the singer’s 38th birthday, rented a 19th-century noble estate in the Moscow region. All Moscow bohemia celebrated. “Modern Talking” and Toto Cutugno sang especially for Vetlitskaya and her guests. Thanks to Kerimov’s connections and money, Vetlitskaya’s videos were played on television for months.

As a farewell gift, the oligarch gave Natasha a plane. His imagination was shocked by another star - a ballerina. Having met her former lover in a restaurant with Nastya, Vetlitskaya, in a fit of jealousy, promised to give her rival a good beating by hiring bandits.

She followed difficult love paths to Suleiman. In her arsenal she already included the philanthropist and authoritative person Anzori Aksentyev, she won off Ksenia Sobchak’s fiancé - oil oligarch Vyacheslav Leibman. He was replaced in turn by the metallurgical oligarch Mikhail Zhivilo and the construction magnate Sergei Polonsky. But Suleiman’s relationship with him also turned out to be short-lived. They gossiped that the ballerina had hurt him. In any case, it was after their breakup that she began to have problems in the theater.

Kerimov’s next passion was another gorgeous diva -. The details of their romance did not become public knowledge. The couple was caught only once in the Moscow restaurant “Aist”. And after Zhanna, the oligarch showered the television presenter with signs of attention. It was she who ended up in Kerimov’s car during the famous accident in Nice, when his car caught fire and he and Tina miraculously survived.

Natalya Vetlitskaya, dismissed by Kerimov, did not grieve alone for long. She started an affair with Mikhail Topalov, the producer of the Smash group and the father of its lead singer -

The singer, who moved to live in Spain, cannot sell her house of 3,000 square meters in New Riga, which was left to her after a breakup by a famous oligarch, at its real price.

One of the brightest pop stars of the 90s, Natalya VETLITSKAYA, has not appeared on television for a long time, does not participate in social events and does not communicate with journalists. She reminds of her existence only with poisonous posts about show business and politics on LiveJournal and other social networks. We decided to find out where the favorite of many Russian men disappeared, and turned to those who worked and communicated with her.

- It was I who once opened Natasha Vetlitskaya to the general public,” the legendary producer did not fail to boast Andrey Razin. — We met her in the mid-80s on tour in Saratov. I was then the director of the Mirage group. And she performed with her husband Pavel Smeyan and danced at the same time Serezhi Minaeva. One day I was walking along a hotel corridor and saw a girl with a black eye fly out of Smeyan’s room, followed by a suitcase. Smeyan swore at the girl and locked himself in the room. She began hitting the door with her fists and calling him an “asshole” and other words. I calmed her down and asked: “What happened?” “I am Smeyan’s wife,” she explained. “He got jealous of Minaev, beat me up and threw me out.”

Since she was left on the street and had nowhere to go, I decided to take her into the Mirage group as a dresser. Soon, on tour in Almaty, I quarreled with the lead singers of the group Natasha Gulkina And Sveta Razina. They got me. They demanded higher wages - 50 instead of 25 rubles. Although they just opened their mouths to the “plywood” of Margarita Sukhankina. And I convinced the producers of Mirage Andrey Lityagin And Sasha Bukreeva kick them out and put in their place Vetlitskaya and the keyboard player’s wife Slava Hromadsky Tanya Ovsienko, who also worked as a costume designer for us. True, the author of the texts prevented this in every possible way Valera Sokolov, who was madly in love with Razina. But I still achieved my goal.
From the first day, when Vetlitskaya appeared with a black eye, I felt great potential in her. Compared to these collective farmers Gulkina and Razina, Natasha looked like Mount Elbrus with a height of 5.5 thousand meters next to the 100-meter Mount Podkumok. And how beautifully she danced! Better everyone in the group! It is not surprising that after “Mirage” she immediately became a star.
Unfortunately, her secret oligarch husbands, who gave her money for expensive videos and television broadcasts, actually drowned the artist in her. These owners were jealous of her at every post and did not let her go anywhere. They wanted her to stay at home. “Well, why don’t you tour? – I asked her once. “You are so popular.” “My husband doesn’t allow me,” she replied. Natasha has not crawled out of this quagmire to this day. She crossed out everything. Leads a closed lifestyle. As artistic director of the Olympic Committee and director of the International Olympic Festival, I tried several times to arrange her concerts. But it was no use.

Wedding night for four

— On the New Year 1989, I had the opportunity to be a witness at the wedding of Natasha Vetlitskaya and Zhenya Belousova, who started in my group “Integral,” another legendary producer reminisced Bari Alibasov. — The second witness was the Integral illuminator Andrey Popov. First, Zhenya and Natasha and I went to the registry office in one of the working-class districts of Moscow. We walked for a long time along the gray identical streets with identical Khrushchev-Brezhnev houses. Then they came to Natasha’s one-room apartment to celebrate the wedding. Apart from the Christmas tree that stood in the middle of the room, there was absolutely nothing in the apartment - no table, no chairs, no bed. I remember we drank champagne and vodka from a bottle and spent a very long time looking for something to lie down on. In the end, they laid some kind of rag on the floor and the four of us spent our wedding night on it. Popov and I’s presence did not hinder the newlyweds at all. Since there was practically no snack, after drinking they passed out and forgot about their marital duties.

And nine days later, the marriage of Zhenya and Natasha ended successfully. To be honest, I still don’t understand why he was imprisoned at all. Yes, they had a close relationship before that. At that time I still lived in Zelenograd. And the two of them came to see me in Zelenograd several times. They even stayed overnight. This mating season lasted for almost a whole year. But perhaps by the time they got married, everything had already boiled over.
In the early 90s, Natasha formed a very successful tandem with a businessman Pavel Vashchekin. With his help, she shot “Look into your eyes” and a couple of other interesting videos, becoming the founder of a certain style in music and video. No one had ever done anything like this before. It was very original, impressive and fresh. The image of a successful socialite she created was later adopted by Ksenia Sobchak and many other media personalities.
But I haven’t seen or heard from Natasha herself for many years. They say that she became a recluse and devoted herself either to charity or to some kind of spiritual quest. However, recently many of the artists who made a name for themselves in the 90s have not been seen or heard from. This is the problem of our show-mother!-business. Talented people are simply washed out to clear the way for someone else's new protégés.

Sperm donor

“We unexpectedly became friends with Natasha Vetlitskaya 13 years ago,” said the singer Tatyana Antsiferova. – She was brought to my house by the lead singer of the Kalinov Most group. Dima Revyakin. He said that Natasha is a longtime fan of mine and really wants to meet me. At that time she was living in a civil marriage with Suleiman Kerimov. But she never told me anything about him or about her other men. We talked mainly about musical topics. For example, I always really liked the singer Mine. I've been following her since the 60s. And Natasha, as it turned out, was also interested in her work. She even had Mina's notes that I didn't have. This immediately endeared her to me.

When Natasha broke up with Kerimov, I introduced her to Misha Topalov. He was then promoting the group “Smash”, asked me to do vocals with the guys and often came to see me. On one of his visits, Natasha happened to be my guest. They began a passionate relationship. They even talked about a quick wedding. But in the end, something didn’t work out.

The last time we saw Natasha was in 2009. Her daughter Ulyana was 5 years old at the time. The girl was very beautiful - fair-haired, blue-eyed. Both Topalov and Kerimov were attributed to her as fathers. From whom Natasha actually gave birth to her, I don’t know. Maybe she even used donor genetic material from a data bank. One of my students gave birth to a daughter this way. I went somewhere and chose. No one knows where dad is. Information from the data bank is not disclosed. Maybe Natasha did the same.
She now lives with her daughter in Spain. According to her, living abroad is calmer. From time to time I receive links from her on social networks - either to some photographs, or to excerpts from yoga, or to advice on how to “let go of the brain.” But I communicate with her extremely rarely. We somehow grew apart from each other. Despite the fact that my health does not allow me to perform, I still continue to make music. And Natasha lost all interest in her. Once, friends from Israel sent me their songs. I asked Natasha for advice on who to offer them to. “I cut ties with everyone in show business,” she replied. “I’m far away from all this now.” It was very strange for me to hear this. If music is your calling, it seems to me that you can’t just pick it up and throw it away. Maybe Natasha will also shudder and remind everyone of herself. Personally, I'm very sorry that she doesn't sing anymore. Our stage is full of musical “hillbillies” that I hate. And there are practically no such intelligent “urban” singers as Vetlitskaya.

Ofigela from Kerimov

“I think I’m one of the few who have recently communicated with Natasha Vetlitskaya,” suggested the famous composer and arranger, who asked that his name not be used in the newspaper. – She has always been a person of mood, and keep with her good Not everyone succeeded in relationships. Our acquaintance began back in the mid-90s. Natasha then broke up with Pasha Vashchekin and hung out with Vlad Stashevsky, with whom I collaborated. When Stashevsky recorded with Arkady Ukupnik at the studio at Olimpiysky, she constantly came and left with him. I often went to his apartment, where he lived with his mother. She brought him gifts. And then they suddenly quarreled to smithereens. They had a joint concert at the Harlekino club in the Cinema Center. And Vetlitskaya had a conflict either with the make-up artist or with the costume designer, who did something wrong.

And the producer of Stashevsky Yuri Aizenshpis had the temerity to interfere. Natasha freaked out and started yelling at him. It almost came to a fight. After that, she no longer communicated with either Aizenshpis or Stashevsky. Even her director got it from Vetlitskaya Andrey Chernikov, who had worked with her since the days when she lived with Dima Malikov. “Natasha sometimes beats me,” he complained to me. “When she’s in a bad mood, she’ll punch me in the face!”
Having met Suleiman Kerimov, Vetlitskaya did not hide her delight. “I was blown away by what kind of person this is! - she told me. “He doesn’t spare anything for me.” He gives me bags of money.” But the material benefits that fell on her also had a downside. Once Stashevsky mentioned in an interview that Vetlitskaya was his mistress. Kerimov became furious and began to attack Aizenshpis: “What kind of bullshit is this?!” You owe me 100 thousand dollars in compensation. If you don’t bring this money in two days, I’ll kill you.” Aizenshpis, who usually threatened to kill and bury everyone himself, was so scared that he went to the hospital with a heart attack. As Vetlitskaya said, Kerimov was not pleased with her director Andrei Chernikov. “Who is this bald fagot hanging around next to you? – he was indignant. - I hate fagots! Get him the hell away!”

Gradually, Natasha practically stopped communicating with her show business colleagues. She performed only on television filming and at expensive “reserves”, where she was paid 30-40 thousand euros. And then, according to Vetlitskaya, Kerimov tensed: “What the hell are concerts?! How much do you need? "Half a lemon" of dollars? Take it and don’t go anywhere!”
And four years ago Natasha and her daughter moved to Spain. Her house is located on the coast opposite the island of Ibiza. She said that she bought it at a big discount - almost half the price. It was just the height of the crisis then. Real estate prices collapsed. And she successfully took advantage of this situation.
During our last conversation on the phone, Natasha complained that she wanted to sell her house in New Riga, which Kerimov left her, but could not find a buyer. Her house is huge - 3000 square meters.

All stuffed with electronic stuffing. As they say now, “smart home”. You can, say, being in America, press a button, and the cameras will show who went where. A house like this costs a lot of money. Well, who will buy it? The price needs to be greatly reduced. However, Natasha is determined to get rid of Moscow real estate. “I’m not going to return to Moscow,” she said. “There’s not much to do here.” I'm already tired of show business. I don’t want to be like Alla Pugacheva or Sonya Rotaru. They are already old ladies. But they go on stage for the sake of money. Why do I need this? I have no problems with money. I just live for my own pleasure."

Mikhail Filimonov

In the Vetlitsky family - nuclear physicist Igor Arsenievich and pianist Evgenia Ivanovna - two children grew up, a boy and a girl.

Natasha studied at a regular school, was a kind of tomboy, and was only friends with boys. No one could discern the future sex symbol of the country in the thin, homely girl. Her favorite subject was history, but she never got the highest grade in the subject: restlessness got in the way.

All photos 7

At the age of 10, Vetlitskaya began taking ballroom dancing, participated in competitions, and a little later she entered a music school to study piano and graduated with honors.

The family lived modestly, they had to save, and the total shortage stimulated the development of cutting and sewing skills. Vetlitskaya said that she often altered her mother’s clothes, or cut and sewed them from fabric that she managed to get somewhere. She knew how to spot something interesting in thrift stores.

Of course, the parents wanted their daughter to enter some university after graduating from school in 1981, but the same restlessness kept her away. After school, Natasha went to teach at a ballroom dancing school, and later got a job as a choreographer in the show ballet “Recital”. And soon she married a member of the Rock Studio group, composer and performer Pavel Smeyan. He was 7 years older than her and already had connections in music and theater circles. It was he who introduced Vetlitskaya into the world of the great Soviet stage. At Smeyan’s insistence, Natalya began to sing, and together they recorded songs for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!”, which was released in 1983. A year later, Natalya starred in an episode in the film “Above the Rainbow”, in 1985 she appeared in the program “Morning Mail” on Central TV... and recorded a song that sounds in the disaster film “Train Off Schedule”. In 1985-1986 she worked in the State Variety Orchestra of the RSFSR under the direction of Maxim Dunaevsky. And she worked as dancers and backing vocals in the Rondo group.

The career developed, but the marriage was bursting at the seams. And although Natalya and Pavel got married, after three years of marriage Vetlitskaya filed for divorce. When Pavel drank, he beat his young wife. Once she almost killed her, but she managed to break free and run away. She never returned to Pavel.

However, the girl did not remain alone for long. Soon she met the rising star Dima Malikov, with whom they lived in a civil marriage for three years. During this time, Natalya managed to take part in the recording of the song “Closing the Circle” in 1987 along with other Soviet pop stars. And in 1988 she became the soloist of the then mega-popular group “Mirage”, with which she traveled all over the country. She appeared in the video for several already popular songs of “Mirage” and a completely new hit – “Music Connected Us.” Vetlitskaya's popularity grew, Natalya began to think about a solo career.

In 1989, she left Mirage, and a little earlier, Malikov: on the eve of 1989, Natasha married singer Zhenya Belousov, no less popular than the Mirage group. By that time, they had been dating for several months, although Belousov had just had a daughter. The day after the wedding, the new husband went on tour, and when he returned, he found a “Goodbye” note at home. This marriage of Vetlitskaya lasted from January 1 to January 10, 1989.

After her divorce from Belousov, Natalya plunged headlong into working on a solo album. Producer Igor Matvienko introduced her to composer Andrei Zuev. The work was in full swing. For the singer’s birthday in 1990, ex-lover Dmitry Malikov gave her the song “Soul”. “This is the best gift of my life,” Vetlitskaya said. The song was included in the debut album “Look into your eyes,” which everyone heard in 1992. And he immediately became popular.

At the same time, Natalya met businessman and producer Pavel Vashchekin. There was an affair. The relationship lasted three years. Vashchekin helped Vetlitskaya shoot several videos, including the song “Look into your eyes.” The clip was filmed by Fyodor Bondarchuk. The video is considered a reference: it was played on MTV in Europe and nominated as the best European hit of 1993.

The 90s for Vetlitskaya were a series of successful albums, filming, duets and novels.

In 1994, her second disc, “Playboy,” was released. In 1996 - the album “Slave of Love”. A year later - a disc with the best songs. In 1998 - the album “Think What You Want”, in 1999 - “Just Like That”. The singer is called a style icon, sex symbol and socialite.

She starred in the musical film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio” (1997), for which she recorded two compositions – “Sleep, Karabas” and “Taj Mahal” - in a duet with the leader of the Moral Code group Sergei Mazaev. Recording a duet with the founder of the group “Nogu Svelo” Maxim Pokrovsky.

In the 90s, Vetlitskaya formalized her third official marriage, with fashion model Kirill Kirin. They met on the set of the “Look into the Eyes” video. As the singer said, the marriage was fictitious: Natalya needed a separate apartment, for this she had to sign with someone who had a small living space. Kirin was the right choice. Vetlitskaya assures that there were friendly relations between them, and the couple did not divorce for five years due to unnecessary reasons. Kirin later worked as an administrator for Philip Kirkorov.

After breaking up with Vashchekin, Vetlitskaya had a short affair with singer Vlad Stashevsky.

In 1998, the show diva became interested in yoga. Since then, she regularly attends an ashram in India, courses with her guru, and introduced her mother and brother to Kriya Yoga.

The creative life of Natalya Vetlitskaya was in full swing again after she met businessman Suleiman Kerimov in 2002. He showered her with luxurious gifts, and she played the role of the Princess in the New Year's musical film “The Snow Queen” (2003), performed at the “Song of the Year” festival with a new composition “Flame of Passion”, and in 2004 released the album “My Beloved...”.

Soon after breaking up with Kerimov, Vetlitskaya met businessman Mikhail Topalov, who promoted the group “Smash!!” with the participation of his son Vlad Topalov and Sergei Lazarev. The romance was short-lived. Vetlitskaya discovered that she was pregnant. On August 7, 2004, in France, she gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. The father of the child was not Mikhail Topalov; many believe that it was the singer’s yoga coach Alexey. Vetlitskaya does not name the child’s father.

Since 2004, Natalya Vetlitskaya has not performed. She recorded several compositions and released videos for the songs “Bird” and “Everything is for a reason.”

Since 2013 he has been living permanently in Spain. Runs his own blog.

Natalya Vetlitskaya has a nephew and goddaughter - the daughter of singer Svetlana Lazareva.

One of the brightest pop stars of the 90s, Natalya VETLITSKAYA, has not appeared on television for a long time, does not participate in social events and does not communicate with journalists. She reminds of her existence only with poisonous posts about show business and politics on LiveJournal and other social networks. We decided to find out where the favorite of many Russian men disappeared, and turned to those who worked and communicated with her.

It was I who once discovered Natasha Vetlitskaya to the general public,” the legendary producer did not fail to boast Andrey Razin. - We met her in the mid-80s on tour in Saratov. I was then the director of the Mirage group. And she performed with her husband Pavel Smeyan and danced at the same time Serezhi Minaeva. One day I was walking along a hotel corridor and saw a girl with a black eye fly out of Smeyan’s room, followed by a suitcase. Smeyan swore at the girl and locked himself in the room. She began hitting the door with her fists and calling him an “asshole” and other words. I calmed her down and asked: “What happened?” “I am Smeyan’s wife,” she explained. “He became jealous of Minaev, beat me up and threw me out.”

Since she was left on the street and had nowhere to go, I decided to take her into the Mirage group as a dresser. Soon, on tour in Almaty, I quarreled with the lead singers of the group Natasha Gulkina And Sveta Razina. They got me. They demanded higher wages - 50 instead of 25 rubles. Although they just opened their mouths to the “plywood” of Margarita Sukhankina. And I convinced the producers of Mirage Andrey Lityagin And Sasha Bukreeva kick them out and put in their place Vetlitskaya and the keyboard player’s wife Slava Hromadsky Tanya Ovsienko, who also worked as a costume designer for us. True, the author of the texts prevented this in every possible way Valera Sokolov, who was madly in love with Razina. But I still achieved my goal.
From the first day, when Vetlitskaya appeared with a black eye, I felt great potential in her. Compared to these collective farmers Gulkina and Razina, Natasha looked like Mount Elbrus with a height of 5.5 thousand meters next to the 100-meter Mount Podkumok. And how beautifully she danced! The best in the group! It is not surprising that after “Mirage” she immediately became a star.
Unfortunately, her secret oligarch husbands, who gave her money for expensive videos and television broadcasts, actually drowned the artist in her. These owners were jealous of her at every post and did not let her go anywhere. They wanted her to stay at home. “Well, why don’t you tour? - I asked her once. “You are so popular.” “My husband doesn’t allow me,” she replied. Natasha has not crawled out of this quagmire to this day. She crossed out everything. Leads a closed lifestyle. As artistic director of the Olympic Committee and director of the International Olympic Festival, I tried several times to arrange her concerts. But it was no use.

Wedding night for four

On the New Year 1989, I had the opportunity to be a witness at the wedding of Natasha Vetlitskaya and Zhenya Belousova, who started in my group “Integral,” another legendary producer reminisced Bari Alibasov. - The second witness was the Integral illuminator Andrey Popov. First, Zhenya and Natasha and I went to the registry office in one of the working-class districts of Moscow. We walked for a long time along the gray identical streets with identical Khrushchev-Brezhnev houses. Then they came to Natasha’s one-room apartment to celebrate the wedding. Apart from the Christmas tree that stood in the middle of the room, there was absolutely nothing in the apartment - no table, no chairs, no bed. I remember we drank champagne and vodka from a bottle and spent a very long time looking for something to lie down on. In the end, they laid some kind of rag on the floor and the four of us spent our wedding night on it. Popov and I’s presence did not hinder the newlyweds at all. Since there was practically no snack, after drinking they passed out and forgot about their marital duties.

And nine days later, the marriage of Zhenya and Natasha ended successfully. To be honest, I still don’t understand why he was imprisoned at all. Yes, they had a close relationship before that. At that time I still lived in Zelenograd. And the two of them came to see me in Zelenograd several times. They even stayed overnight. This mating season lasted for almost a whole year. But perhaps by the time they got married, everything had already boiled over.
In the early 90s, Natasha formed a very successful tandem with a businessman Pavel Vashchekin. With his help, she shot “Look into your eyes” and a couple of other interesting videos, becoming the founder of a certain style in music and video. No one had ever done anything like this before. It was very original, impressive and fresh. The image of a successful socialite she created was later adopted by Ksenia Sobchak and many other media personalities.
But I haven’t seen or heard from Natasha herself for many years. They say that she became a recluse and devoted herself either to charity or to some kind of spiritual quest. However, recently many of the artists who made a name for themselves in the 90s have not been seen or heard from. This is the problem of our show-mother!-business. Talented people are simply washed out to clear the way for someone else's new protégés.

Sperm donor

Natasha Vetlitskaya and I unexpectedly became friends 13 years ago,” the singer said. Tatyana Antsiferova. - She was brought to my house by the lead singer of the group “Kalinov Most” Dima Revyakin. He said that Natasha is a longtime fan of mine and really wants to meet me. At that time she was living in a civil marriage with Suleiman Kerimov. But she never told me anything about him or about her other men. We talked mainly about musical topics. For example, I always really liked the singer Mine. I've been following her since the 60s. And Natasha, as it turned out, was also interested in her work. She even had Mina's notes that I didn't have. This immediately endeared her to me.
When Natasha broke up with Kerimov, I introduced her to Misha Topalov. He was then promoting the group “Smash”, asked me to do vocals with the guys and often came to see me. On one of his visits, Natasha happened to be my guest. They began a passionate relationship. They even talked about a quick wedding. But in the end, something didn’t work out.

The last time we saw Natasha was in 2009. Her daughter Ulyana was 5 years old at the time. The girl was very beautiful - fair-haired, blue-eyed. Both Topalov and Kerimov were attributed to her as fathers. From whom Natasha actually gave birth to her, I don’t know. Maybe she even used donor genetic material from a data bank. One of my students gave birth to a daughter this way. I went somewhere and chose. No one knows where dad is. Information from the data bank is not disclosed. Maybe Natasha did the same.
She now lives with her daughter in Spain. According to her, living abroad is calmer. From time to time I receive links from her on social networks - sometimes to some photographs, sometimes to excerpts from yoga, sometimes to advice on how to “let go of my brain.” But I communicate with her extremely rarely. We somehow grew apart from each other. Despite the fact that my health does not allow me to perform, I still continue to make music. And Natasha lost all interest in her. Once, friends from Israel sent me their songs. I asked Natasha for advice on who to offer them to. “I cut ties with everyone in show business,” she replied. “I’m far away from all this now.” It was very strange for me to hear this. If music is your calling, it seems to me that you can’t just pick it up and throw it away. Maybe Natasha will also shudder and remind everyone of herself. Personally, I'm very sorry that she doesn't sing anymore. Our stage is full of musical “hillbillies” that I hate. And there are practically no such intelligent “urban” singers as Vetlitskaya.

Ofigela from Kerimov

I think I’m one of the few who have recently communicated with Natasha Vetlitskaya,” suggested the famous composer and arranger, who asked that his name not be used in the newspaper. “She was always a person of good humor, and not everyone was able to maintain a good relationship with her. Our acquaintance began back in the mid-90s. Natasha then broke up with Pasha Vashchekin and hung out with Vlad Stashevsky, with whom I collaborated. When Stashevsky recorded with Arkady Ukupnik at the studio at Olimpiysky, she constantly came and left with him. I often went to his apartment, where he lived with his mother. She brought him gifts. And then they suddenly quarreled to smithereens. They had a joint concert at the Harlekino club in the Cinema Center. And Vetlitskaya had a conflict either with the make-up artist or with the costume designer, who did something wrong.

And the producer of Stashevsky Yuri Aizenshpis had the temerity to interfere. Natasha freaked out and started yelling at him. It almost came to a fight. After that, she no longer communicated with either Aizenshpis or Stashevsky. Even her director got it from Vetlitskaya Andrey Chernikov, who had worked with her since the days when she lived with Dima Malikov. “Natasha sometimes beats me,” he complained to me. “When she’s in a bad mood, she’ll punch me in the face!”
Having met Suleiman Kerimov, Vetlitskaya did not hide her delight. “I was blown away by what kind of person this is! - she told me. - He spares nothing for me. He gives me bags of money.” But the material benefits that fell on her also had a downside. Once Stashevsky mentioned in an interview that Vetlitskaya was his mistress. Kerimov became furious and began to attack Aizenshpis: “What kind of bullshit is this?!” You owe me 100 thousand dollars in compensation. If you don’t bring this money in two days, I’ll kill you.” Aizenshpis, who usually threatened to kill and bury everyone himself, was so scared that he went to the hospital with a heart attack. As Vetlitskaya said, Kerimov was not pleased with her director Andrei Chernikov. “Who is this bald fagot hanging around next to you? - he was indignant. - I hate fagots! Get him the hell away!”

Gradually, Natasha practically stopped communicating with her show business colleagues. She performed only on television filming and at expensive “reserves”, where she was paid 30-40 thousand euros. And then, according to Vetlitskaya, Kerimov tensed: “What the hell are concerts?! How much do you need? "Half a lemon" of dollars? Take it and don’t go anywhere!”
And four years ago Natasha and her daughter moved to Spain. Her house is located on the coast opposite the island of Ibiza. She said that she bought it at a big discount - almost half the price. It was just the height of the crisis then. Real estate prices collapsed. And she successfully took advantage of this situation.
During our last conversation on the phone, Natasha complained that she wanted to sell her house in New Riga, which Kerimov left her, but could not find a buyer. Her house is huge - 3000 square meters.

All stuffed with electronic stuffing. As they say now, “smart home”. You can, say, being in America, press a button, and the cameras will show who went where. A house like this costs a lot of money. Well, who will buy it? The price needs to be greatly reduced. However, Natasha is determined to get rid of Moscow real estate. “I’m not going to return to Moscow,” she said. - There's not much to do here. I'm already tired of show business. I don’t want to be like Alla Pugacheva or Sonya Rotaru. They are already old ladies. But they go on stage for the sake of money. Why do I need this? I have no problems with money. I just live for my own pleasure."