Feng Shui is the magic of the home. Feng Shui is real magic

According to Feng Shui, wealth does not mean a lot of money.

Feng Shui pays special attention to wealth, its accumulation and preservation. To magic of wealth worked for you, you need to understand some principles of Feng Shui. From the outside it may seem that Feng Shui practitioners are greedy people and preoccupied with material things. But this is very far from the truth.

Wealth in Feng Shui is not associated with big money. First of all, it is associated with abundance and the absence of poverty. And this can be achieved at any material level. . In general, Feng Shui recognizes the different types of wealth and that there are many ways to achieve wealth, and that people are different in the sense that their needs and desires are not the same.

Start with practice

Define your financial goals

If you wish to increase your income, add zeros to your salary and receive higher dividends from your investments, Feng Shui will take your efforts to a new dimension. Here, as in any other area of ​​life, Feng Shui cannot replace common sense and practical action. He cannot guarantee wealth and is unlikely to help you if you do nothing to achieve wealth. But if you have knowledge of economics, if you are able to set goals correctly and actively work to achieve them, Feng Shui can help you. If your goal is financial well-being, first examine your financial life. Make a list of practical ways you could increase your income and reduce expenses. Analyze your investments and their benefits. Then think about possible ways to increase your dividend. These pragmatic steps should be the first on your path to wealth.

Now evaluate your attitude towards money. Perhaps you are worried that you don't have enough money, even if your income has been growing for the past ten years? Do you feel disgusted when thinking about your finances? Many people are poor not because they don't have money, but because of the quality of their thoughts and attitude towards money.

If you continue to worry about not being able to meet your financial needs, you will never believe that you have enough money, even if you have millions in your accounts. Perhaps the problem is not in your bank account, but in your attitude towards money. If you are burdening your financial health with a negative attitude towards money, you must first understand this, because in such a situation feng shui is unlikely to help you...

Define your financial goals

Imagine your new lifestyle

Now think about your financial needs and desires and decide for yourself how much money you need. There is no rule that says that you should stop accumulating wealth, it is simply recommended that you initially decide on a certain amount. Understand that the more accurately you define your goals, the sooner you will achieve them. What do you see as your ultimate goal? Where will you be? Visualize the lifestyle you will lead. When your goal is achieved, you can continue to lead your usual lifestyle, but you may want to stop going to work, start a business or hobby, or devote your time to charity. There may be many reasons for you to accumulate money and they do not necessarily have to do with selfishness or greed.

Now try to take a realistic look at the qualities that you need to develop in yourself to get from point A to point B: self-confidence, integrity of character, knowledge, ambition, hard work, and evaluate how much these qualities are present in you. Work on developing those qualities that you consider weak. When you can honestly and openly say that your relationship with finances is healthy and that you are ready to take concrete steps to achieve results, then you can turn to feng shui and magic of wealth will come to your aid. If you find it difficult to decide on your goals, then you can start creating good Feng Shui at home and in the office to feel more comfortable. Remember that your personal space affects your personal energy.

How to create the magic of wealth at home

Feng Shui is closely related to the culture that gave birth to it. There are many symbols of wealth in Chinese folklore. Use them to attract the energy of abundance, stimulate cash flow and focus your attention on financial matters.

Clearing the wealth sector of stagnant qi

It is very important to keep in mind the factors that influence the wealth sector in your home (Southeast). All negative elements, as well as dried out plants and musty odors, can negatively affect this sector. All the things you don't use but keep, old papers and documents also block the energy of prosperity. Therefore, this sector needs to be cleared of all unnecessary things.

Money trees

Money Tree

Money trees remind us of abundance and wealth due to the shape of their leaves - round and succulent.

Place these money magnets at home or work, especially in the wealth sector.

These plants can be placed in any room.

Gods and spiritual teachers

Lakshmi - Indian goddess of wealth

You can strengthen the career sector (North) by attracting the blessings of your spiritual teachers and spirits close to your spiritual tradition: God, Allah, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, guardian angels.

Do not hesitate to ask them for help, guidance and wisdom in order to comprehend higher truths.

If you are religious, this will be your first necessary step, and not just a tool to strengthen the sector. Place saint figures in your living room, dining room, kitchen or study.

Bamboo of happiness

Strong, direct, full of life and a powerful symbol of wealth and growth, growing all the time, just like your prosperity! Place a tall plant in the wealth sector. Bamboo is often decorated with red or gold ribbons and other symbols of financial good luck. Wherever you place bamboo, it is very effective. In many countries, bamboo is planted outdoors. Plant the bamboo stalks so that they can be seen from the northwestern sector of your house. It is better to plant bamboo in pots to prevent it from growing.

Wind chimes and crystal balls

The music of wind

Hang in the Helpers sector (Southeast) wind chimes or faceted ones of different colors that correspond to the six syllables of the Buddha’s mantra - Om Ma Ni Pad Mae Hum: white, red, yellow, green, blue and black.

These items will help you find assistants who will help you find a good job or get promoted at work.

If possible, hang wind chimes on the eaves outside.

And at home you can hang both crystals and wind chimes in the missing sectors of your home.

And in conclusion, I bring to your attention a Feng Shui video lesson from Natalia Pravdina. Be rich!

If you want to attract a certain energy into your life, you first need to be clear about your desires, and then you can easily find the area of ​​​​your home that best attracts the energy related to your desire.

I want to immediately warn you, dear friends, that good Feng Shui must be present throughout the house and by observing this condition and strengthening a certain area, you can easily achieve what you want. If you follow the rules of Feng Shui in a separate area, I can confidently say that nothing will work out for you. Declutter your entire home and let's strengthen the area you need the most.

Are you interested in love and marriage?

Focus on the southwest area of ​​your home, using specific feng shui colors, materials and shapes. Most importantly, be sure to express your own request in a very specific way, whether it's a photo of lovers that really touches your heart or 2 candles in your favorite colors and scents. Roses, geranium, ylang-ylang and jasmine are powerful scents for attracting the energy of love and romance.

Are you interested in a career?

The northern region is the main feng shui area to focus on your career. Use the feng shui element of water and be sure to decorate the area with elements specific to your career. Your diplomas or photos of successful professional conferences will look great here, as will photos of people whose careers you admire. Place them in a black or metal frame and clearly state your career goals.

Are you interested in money?

Focus on the Southeast zone of your home and ensure that the energy here is balanced and inclined towards abundance. Find a way to visually express what having money really means to you. Take your time, don't buy a three legged frog or koi fish pictures unless you really know what to do with them. Do something personal. What will everything look and feel like when you reach your goal? Make it clear and as accurate as possible. Stay in this area more often and take better care of it.

Are you interested in health?

Your health and well-being depends on the quality of feng shui energy throughout your home, not just in one area. You have to get rid of the clutter and keep the air fresh, there are no other options. You should have a good kitchen and a relaxing bedroom, and you should also take good care of the bathroom. If you are doing well in these areas, focus your attention on the East Bagua Sector, as this area is responsible for health energy.

I wish you, dear friends, great love, high career growth, material well-being, and, of course, good health!

In recent years, more and more people in our country are recognizing the influence of Feng Shui on life in general, and its individual aspects in particular. As is widely known to everyone who is even the slightest interested in Eastern culture, Feng Shui originated in ancient times as the art of correctly arranging and decorating graves. The ancients perfectly understood how important the energy of a place and environment was in order to achieve certain goals. As a result of the development of the art of Feng Shui, it has gone beyond the afterlife and today, one can say without exaggeration, has reached the apogee of its development.

One of the most important aspects of the protective magic of Feng Shui is the use of various figurines of mythical and semi-mythical creatures in decorating rooms. Properly positioned, these figures accumulate magical energy and direct it in a certain direction. Each of the Feng Shui figurines has its own meaning and performs strictly defined functions. In order to protect home and family, the following Feng Shui figures are usually used:

Makara- a creature from ancient Asian mythology, which is a terrifying cross between a crocodile, dolphin and other sea animals. However, despite its terrifying appearance, Makara is necessary not to scare away thieves and other scammers from your home, but to protect you and your family from a more terrible and evil enemy - from quarrels and disagreements. The figurine must be placed in a prominent place in the room where the family most often gathers together, for example in the kitchen or living room.

Fish wearing fur- another product of the inventive fantasy of eastern peoples. This Feng Shui figurine has very specific functions. She must protect the financial situation of the family. A fish wearing fur gives all family members the calmness and prudence necessary to increase and maintain financial well-being.

Eight-legged lion- This is the best guard for your home. Located near the entrance to the home, a figurine of an eight-legged lion will prevent illegal entry into it and will not allow anything valuable to be taken out of the house without the consent of the owners. A powerful and furious beast is obliged to instill fear and uncertainty in its actions in attackers, and when used correctly, the power of this figure is truly amazing! According to ancient Eastern myths, the eight-legged lion was the head of the guard of the supreme kami gods.

"If you want to change your life, move 27 objects in your house"
(ancient Chinese wisdom)

In the center of Hong Kong stands the Bank of China. A bank, like a bank, is no worse than others. But bankers from neighboring buildings constantly received complaints that were completely incomprehensible to the European consciousness. And they complained that the sharp edges of the bank “irradiated” nearby buildings with negative energy. As a result, the poor have to equip their offices with curved mirrors in order to “protect themselves from misfortune.” It’s not just a bank, but some kind of Chernobyl!

Well, we would, of course, send these “complainers” to a popular Chinese surname, and continue their hard work. But in the East, the “negative energy” was treated with understanding and the six lower floors of the sharp-edged building were rebuilt, to the delight of the neighbors... Special “shamans” - Feng Shui masters - were in charge of this.


The East has always been an attractive opposite for the West, like a woman for a man. Following the fashion for chinoiserie, martial arts, and Zen Buddhism came the fashion for feng shui, or feng shui. The very concept of "feng shui" (feng shui) is interpreted differently: some Asian masters consider it an applied, natural science, others - the doctrine of mysterious metaphysical forces. It is important to us that Feng shui is the art of managing and placing objects around you in order to improve your life.

The art of Feng Shui, which combines elements of mysticism, common sense and good taste, is translated from Chinese as “wind, water”. The great Chinese sage Confucius is considered the pioneer of Feng Shui. According to his teachings, there is a force in the world that connects a person with the environment - qi (translated as “spirit, energy” or “breath of space”).

Qi, or chi (Chi) is a philosophical, spiritual concept, but at the same time also material, completely concrete. Qi is one of the ancient hieroglyphs that the Chinese used to denote steam, air, and breath. Everything in the world carries qi: mountains, water, trees, stones, buildings, furniture, cars, computers and, of course, people. This elusive but omnipresent energy flows through streets, paths, rivers, train tracks, stairs and corridors, penetrating through doors. Or it doesn’t flow anywhere, stumbling over sharp corners and drowning in the junk that fills our houses. In order to properly build a house and harmoniously arrange furniture and yourself there, you need to take into account many factors. For a person who has correctly positioned himself in the physical Universe, fortune smiles more often, favorably sending him a successful marriage, a happy family, a successful career, a healthy and long life.

Hieroglyphs Feng Shui views a home or workplace as a living organism that is either in harmony with you or in conflict. As already mentioned, the main thing is that the energy flows through the room slowly and calmly, and does not gallop or slow down. The long corridors that exist in many buildings are like a highway for positive energy - it whizzes through them. But mirrors are able to slow down and direct life-giving qi into all cabinets and nooks and crannies.

According to Feng Shui experts, the location of desks in offices is of great importance. They should be located diagonally as far from the door as possible. Those who sit with their backs to the door attract troubles and failures. In general, details that seem insignificant - like an uncomfortable chair, harsh light, a table with sharp corners - suck energy.

The main thing in workplace layout - place the desk correctly. Orientation to the east is favorable for beginning businessmen. The energy of the rising sun will act together with you. The North-West favors those who strive for leadership, willingly take on organizational and managerial responsibilities, and seek responsible positions. The southeast attracts creative energy. The West is good for stable business. But a strictly southern direction can cause tension and stress.

Five Elements Principle - another cornerstone of the theory of Feng Shui. Wood, metal, water, earth, fire are present in everything, including in humans. Elements can support each other, forming harmony and comfort, or destroy each other, then everything in the house goes awry, spouses quarrel, children study poorly, old people get sick. The four elements (except earth) correspond to cardinal directions, animals, colors, directions, seasons, materials and shapes.

Any piece of furniture can be classified according to the five-element Feng Shui system, this creates an endless number of options and combinations - there is room for imagination and creativity to unfold. Which element controls a person is determined by the date of his birth. Based on this, the specialist makes recommendations. For example, a “fiery” person should not fill his home with aquariums, computers, glass and other “wet” things, so as not to extinguish the ardor of life.

Feng Shui masters do not recommend rearranging many things at once, because it is not possible to trace the positive consequences of each rearrangement.


But, in addition to recommendations on which items in your home will be desirable and which will not, the Feng Shui master must also suggest where to put them. To do this, use the good old compass and a special octagonal map of the ba-gua trigrams.

According to one legend, it was discovered by a sage who had long been looking for a diagram of world harmony, but only saw the light when his gaze accidentally fell on the shell of a turtle. This is how it appeared
the magic square Ba Gua (Bagua - “eight houses”) is the basis of the foundations of Feng Shui.

1 - Career (zone symbolizes growth in your chosen business) BLACK COLOR
2 - Marriage (relationship zone) PINK COLOR
3 - Family (zone of close people) GREEN COLOR
4 - Wealth (finance zone) PURPLE COLOR
5 - Luck (central zone) YELLOW
6 - Teachers (zone - in a broad sense - of all beginnings and improvements) GRAY COLOR
7 - Children (young people area) WHITE
8 - Knowledge (zone symbolizes learning) BLUE COLOR
9 - Fame (zone of reputation and position) RED COLOR

According to this map, the entire space (in this case, an apartment or office) is divided into eight sectors. In the center is the sign of yin and yang, connecting everything in the world. How to use this scheme? Very simple. Imagine (or draw) a plan of your home, and place a proportionally enlarged ba-gua square on top. The side where the numbers 8-1-6 should be on the same side as the front door.

Now you can draw conclusions - where and what you have. Remember all your difficulties and try to find explanations for them. For example: in zone 4 - Wealth there is a wardrobe filled to the brim with clothes, half of which you have not worn for a year. Is it any wonder that money can be tight? Or in zone 8 - Knowledge - there is a bed on which you sleep... Do you need to explain why you have problems with your studies? And so on...

If your home is strictly rectangular in shape, consider yourself lucky - this is a favorable shape. So does the octagonal one, but this is rare, if at all. Protrusions and cutouts on the plan, respectively, increase or decrease the ba-gua zones.

Now let's put the symbolism in order. So:

- East - tree, green dragon, spring, wooden objects, column shapes.

- South - fire, red bird, summer, materials of artificial (plastic, rubber) or animal (leather) origin, pointed shapes.

- West - metal, white tiger, autumn, metal objects, round shapes.

- North - water, black turtle, winter, glass objects, abstract fluid forms.

- Center - earth, yellow, brick and clay, square or even shapes.

- "Wooden" signs - appropriate furniture, plants, silk and cotton, wallpaper, draperies,
sheets, images of landscapes, gardens and flowers, dining room, children's room, restaurant.

- "Fire" signs - all light sources (electricity, candles, fireplaces), leather, fur, feathers,
wool, silk, animals, images of people and animals, blood, chemistry, God's temple, intelligence,
kitchen, library.

- "Earth" signs - ceramics, brick, images of deserts and fields, block house, farm, garage, tunnel.

- "Metal" signs - rocks and stones, sculpture, money, jewelry, railway tracks.

- "Water" signs - crystals, glass, mirrors, communications, mail, bathroom, laundry, advertising, art, literature, music, computer.


In all things, including home furnishings, God speaks to us through details, but the mood of the temple is created by color. We see a huge amount of information, but color affects us most quickly. That’s why it’s a shame that the power of color over us is rarely taken into account in the interior. Most new houses and almost all apartments are decorated according to a template - walls painted in shades of white, floors brown or beige...

In Feng Shui, each ba gua zone has a corresponding color. The right color will raise energy in the corresponding area of ​​your life. Of course, few people would paint entire rooms these colors. But Feng Shui art is subtle and comprehensive, by shifting emphasis, it allows everyone to find their own harmony.

To raise your chi, try placing a purple lamp in your wealth zone, a vase full of soft pink flowers in your relationship zone, and a black marble sculpture in your career zone. When choosing specific items and shades, rely on your intuition. Soon you will feel how Feng Shui will help you find harmony around you.

If you don't like a color, don't use it. If bright colors bother you, there are literally hundreds of shades to choose from. If you are not an artist, pay attention to the following points. Red, yellow and orange - warm colors. They have an exciting effect on people. Green color - calm, neutral, as it is located in the middle of the spectrum. Blue, indigo and violet - cold, very calming colors.

Denis Lin, an expert and author of many books on Feng Shui, gives the following definitions of color: yellow symbolizes wisdom and stimulates the intellect, blue encourages reflection and relaxation, green - balance and health, red stimulates physical activity and excites, orange brings good luck and relieves inhibitions, white symbolizes purity, violet stimulates intuition and pink calls for love.

Color is one of the most important forces that can create mood. Each room has its own purpose in your life. Ask yourself what mood you are looking for and then choose a color that matches it. Don't rush into big changes; it might be better to start with small but targeted changes. A small lamp in one place, a decorative pillow in another and you will achieve your goal drop by drop.


Like any art, Feng Shui requires special education. It, like the help of a trained craftsman in home improvement, costs a lot of money. But, if you want to change something in your life right now through rearrangements, take completely free advice from Feng Shui.

1. The most important “healing remedy” is clearing the house of junk. If you hide it in the basement, closet or mezzanine, it will clog your subconscious thinking. Put it in the attic and your life's possibilities will be limited (upward movement is blocked). Chaotic qi wandering around in a crowded closet can affect your punctuality and stall your career advancement, causing financial stress and health distress. In addition to junk, immediately get rid of items that you don’t like or that evoke unpleasant memories or associations. Give them to someone who loves them, or trade them.

2. Add lights and mirrors. Feng Shui considers mirrors to be the main assistants: they reflect energy as well as the image of a person. Mirrors should be hung so that you can see some space above your head and around you. This way you leave room for ideas to develop. Mirrors must be of good quality, framed, with a clear reflection. Round and oval shapes are most effective. Never place them opposite each other: the energy will bounce back and forth without moving. Avoid mirrors in the bedroom: When we sleep, we release negative emotions, and if the mirror near the bed reflects them back, you risk waking up unrested in the morning.

3. Crystal objects enhance vital energy and improve any area of ​​your apartment. If, for example, you want to spice up your love relationship, place the crystal in the relationship area.

4. Hanging bells also attract positive chi energy. Hang a bell by your front door. Its melodic ringing will invigorate you and your guests.

5. Plants can slow down energy that moves too quickly in a long corridor and transform energy that stagnates in corners. If you are striving for career growth, “heal” the career area with the help of living plants. Avoid pest plants with sharp leaves, dotted colors and thorns - they create bad energy, conflicts and failures.

Of course, each apartment has its own problems. However, we all live in standard boxes designed like twin brothers. Therefore, in addition to general advice, you can also give some specific ones.

If the entrance door located in the quarry area is adjacent to an elevator, which creates an endless vortex of qi up and down, then the quarry will jump in the same way.
It is recommended to place something heavy at the entrance: a cabinet or sculpture that stabilizes qi. If you're unlucky in love, we put pink roses in the bedroom. If we can’t find a job, we place a piece of black art in the kitchen. We don't have enough money - we put three purple pillows on the sofa in the living room. With difficulty we gnaw on the granite of science - we hang a mirror in a blue frame in the office. They tarnished their reputation - kitchen curtains should be red. Tired of scandals in the family, we light green candles in the living room.

If you want to end your loneliness, take a closer look at your home decor: you'll likely see plenty of single items that reflect your marital status. Your task is to generate “paired” energy. Use double candlesticks, couple portraits and soft, romantic landscapes in the bedroom and relationship areas.

If your well-being zone is located in the bathroom, there is a danger of money leakage. Keep the toilet lid closed and place a mirror on the outside of the door to prevent energy from escaping down the drain. The worst thing a bedroom can have is ceiling beams above the bed. If they are located across, you cannot avoid health problems. Their longitudinal arrangement threatens divorce for a married couple. Of course, you can’t get them anywhere, but you can protect yourself with the help of a suspended ceiling. Or sleep in another room.

Feng Shui does not recommend:
- Use mirror tiles. It breaks your reflection and, therefore, your life into fragments.

Combine a study and bedroom. Different types of energy will collide and reduce your progress in both areas.

Sitting with your back to the door (dooming yourself to a “dagger blow”) and window - you will lack support in your work.

Have “aggressive” corners - corners of walls, cabinets, ceilings that seem to “aim” at the place where you sit, sleep or work.

Hang a mirror opposite the front door or directly opposite the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage or (which is also bad) causes a rival to appear on the horizon.

Paint large surfaces black: black absorbs energy.

Work in an office located opposite elevators, escalators, or regular stairs. The office at the end of the corridor also brings bad luck. And rope curtains and potted plants soften the chi in the long hallway.

Feng Shui advises:

Increase lighting and clean windows regularly - this will allow solar energy to penetrate your home.

Fix leaking faucets that could drain your health or wealth.

Replace burnt out light bulbs and broken windows as quickly as possible so that positive energy does not disappear.

Replace fluorescent lamps with traditional incandescent lamps: flickering disrupts the movement of energy.

Create paintings that depict a waterfall, a babbling indoor fountain, or an aquarium. Water represents energy and wealth.

Arowana, a tropical freshwater fish, contributes to incredible success in business. But it is so expensive that only those who have already achieved success in business can buy it.

Get flowers and greenery. Flowers are considered carriers of energy, but in the bedroom they spoil a woman’s love happiness and lead to quarrels and infidelity between spouses.

And in conclusion, the most important advice from Feng Shui expert Lam Chuen: “If you see a certain disorder and are able to change it, act; if for some reason you are powerless in front of it, erase it from your memory.”

Have you ever wondered what is most important in a home? Comfort and beauty? Combination of colors and objects? Comfort and ergonomics? All these are, of course, very valuable qualities. But probably the most important thing is Harmony. Between all objects and how their aura affects our mood and health. After all, it is here, in our beloved home, that we relax our soul and body and recharge ourselves with energy to communicate with the rest of the world.

How did you ensure that the impact was positive? The first thing that comes to mind is the desire to give love and attention to our home, because the energy that we give to it returns to us a hundredfold. And the second is compliance with certain rules. This is exactly what Feng Shui talks about so much - the science (or maybe the art) of creating psychological comfort in the home.

To talk about all the laws of Feng Shui, it will take a whole series of articles and, perhaps one day, we will fill this gap. In the meantime, we offer learn about 10 simple ways to quickly improve your home health, which Feng Shui considers the most important. The best approach is to try to master each of them, but you can choose the one that seems most attractive.

You may be skeptical about the main laws of Feng Shui, but this will not make it lose its position. But if you try to use its laws, perhaps the world around you will change for the better. Without pretending to be complete, we will try to voice

Feng Shui truths that it makes sense for a practical modern person to know:

  • All objects have their own energy, and everything in the house forms its aura, which affects its inhabitants.
  • A house is a living organism, and the only way to receive positive energy from it is to make sure that it has a balance of all components (movement and rest, light and shadow, decor and emptiness).
  • Most of the energy that enters our home (unless it is associated with people, but penetrates naturally) does not carry a pronounced positive or negative charge. But it is in the house that it becomes “positive” or “negative,” and this depends on the speed and direction of its movement. When encountering obstacles, this movement becomes abrupt and chaotic, and movement stagnates in corners and under furniture.

Secret No. 2. Get rid of clutter.

Well, no one has canceled the truth that by getting rid of unnecessary things, you clear space for everything new and more necessary for you, including events in life.

Secret No. 3. Strive for balance.

As already mentioned, Feng Shui masters believe that balance in the home is one of the most important qualities that promotes positivity and prosperity. It is generally accepted that any object in one way or another belongs to one of the 5 elements: earth, metal, wood, fire and water. This is judged either by the origin of the item (material) or by color.

The first way to create a balance of elements is to place in especially significant areas of the house objects belonging to the element that controls this zone or is consonant with you personally (after all, according to Feng Shui, every person is also controlled by one of them). You can find out more about this in special manuals.

The second way (simpler) is to manage the balance using the color scheme of the house, combining different shades so that the main colors of the elements are present in each room, at least in the form of small spots of color. Earth - shades of brown and yellow, metal - white, wood - green, fire - red, water - blue and black.

The third way (the most elementary) is to create “islands” of the elements using natural materials. Earth is ceramics and stones, fire is candles, water is fountains, aquariums and glass, wood is flowers and plants, and metal is understandable.

The fourth method, in addition to attracting positive energy, will also perfectly decorate your walls. These are photographs, paintings and posters depicting the elements.

Secret No. 4. Take inspiration from nature.

Nature is the most striking example of growth and prosperity. In the atmosphere of city bustle, even small reminders of it contribute to relaxation and return us to peace of mind.

Flowers and plants that you like, wicker furniture and accessories, souvenirs brought from a trip to the sea. And, of course, images of beautiful natural places and phenomena (rainbows and sunsets).

Feng Shui considers some plants to be especially “lucky”. For example, bamboo, pine and crassula (money tree). You can find out about the rest in specialized literature.

Secret No. 5. Use mirrors wisely.

As you know, the main quality of mirrors is to double what is reflected in them. Therefore, think carefully about what exactly it will reflect. A pleasant view from the window, a beautiful painting, a flowering plant, a festive table - these are things that should obviously fall into the “sphere of influence” of mirrors. Feng Shui believes that in this case there will be much more “pleasantness” in your life.

But in the hallway, bedroom and nursery you should be careful with mirrors. Mirrors should not reflect doors, especially those leading to the bathroom or entrance. And also sleeping people, although there is a widespread opinion that a mirror in the bedroom adds variety to intimate life.

Secret No. 6. Promote the correct movement of energy.

For private houses, this secret means that there should not be an emergency exit, stairs to the second floor or entrance to the basement opposite the front door, otherwise the positive energy will fly away as quickly as it flew in. Plus what is true for an apartment.

For an apartment, the rules are slightly different. At a minimum you should:

  • keep the bathroom door closed or (if you have a completely indoor cat that also uses it) unfold the door so that it opens in the direction opposite to the entrance to the house;
  • ventilate rooms more often, opening wide not only windows, but also doors;
  • if there are rooms in which the owner is temporarily absent, it is advisable to keep the doors in them open for at least half an hour a day.

Secret No. 7. Create an oasis of true relaxation.

Therefore, be careful to ensure that your vacation is truly beneficial. A mattress, pillows and blanket, selected taking into account exactly your ideas about comfort, are a smarter investment than buying particularly fashionable furniture. After all, this is an investment in your health and longevity. This is not about abandoning items that simply please the eye, but I think the priorities are clear.

Another point concerns everything that reminds you of work. If your bedroom is also a home office, consider a zoning method so that when you wake up or go to bed, objects that remind you of the worries of the day do not immediately catch your eye.

And if you sleep on a bed that has legs, check more often what has “accumulated” under it: even small debris and objects that accidentally get there can become a source of negativity.

Secret No. 8. Let your loved ones support you, but not interfere.

Feng Shui has a special opinion on this matter. It makes sense to place photographs of family members, ancestors, close relatives and friends where you want to remember them more often and experience pleasant feelings or even pride. The living room, dining room and home office are the best rooms for this.

Secret No. 9. Fill your home with blooming beauty.

Indoor plants help us feel our connection with living nature, and flowers help us feel the beauty of the world in all its diversity. Delicate buds and spectacular inflorescences, an intoxicating aroma and elegant lines - all this is especially important for every woman to have in her home. After all, at any age she remains a flower.

It’s nice when people give us flowers, but, you see, in real life this doesn’t happen very often. Therefore, at least once a month, acquire this joy for yourself and enjoy not only the sight and aroma of flowers, but also the very “ritual” of purchasing, choosing a vase and arrangement.

Regardless of whether it is one laconic flower or a lush bouquet, the effect of positive changes in life will not take long to appear. It is important that such a “ritual” just becomes a habit.

Feng Shui believes that flowers in the kitchen add balance to the inevitable frequent temperature changes. In the dining room they promote abundance, and in the living room they preserve health and connections between loved ones.

Secret No. 10. Add light to your life.

  • the lighting should be varied enough and change so that part of the room remains slightly in the shade (this does not apply to situations of general cleaning and receiving guests);
  • illumination of corners and nooks and crannies in the apartment solves the problem of dispersing excess energy accumulation;
  • lighting beautiful objects and areas of the room (for example, niches) not only focuses your attention on them, but also transforms a positive attitude towards them into the overall positive energy of the house.


These are all the most important secrets of Feng Shui that you need to know. Everything else is from the area of ​​narrow specialization. And the principles we told you about are not so difficult to follow. Maybe it's worth a try? What if life really changes for the better?! But don’t forget that the most important thing is your positive attitude towards yourself and the world!