What are pole exercises called? Pole exercises are an effective sports activity

The article will reveal all the secrets of pole dancing and help you make a choice among the variety of ways to lose weight and tighten your body.

Pylon is a pole on which striptease dancers dance. This fitness trend is also called half-dance and is directly related to strip plastic. In Russia, this type of fitness has recently gained popularity.

The effect of pole dancing on your figure

Pole dancing has a beneficial effect on the female figure. Thanks to acrobatic sketches and unlike conventional strip dance, pole dancing effectively tightens the skin and promotes weight loss. Thus, by dancing for an hour you can lose up to 600 calories, as well as become more flexible and learn to move beautifully.

These classes are similar to gymnastics, only on a vertical bar. It is useful for women who cannot maintain their posture or have a deformed back. Classes will help you gain beautiful posture and gait while working on all muscles and joints, and become more flexible, attentive and coordinated.

When practicing pole dancing, girls lose up to 10 kg per month. It’s better to exercise 3 times a week, but not every day, alternating workouts with weekends, thereby giving your muscles a rest and preparing for the next load. Pol-dance your image of a gym without exercise equipment. All exercises take place on the floor or pole.

Where to begin

First, you need to decide where and how your classes will take place: at home on your own or with a personal trainer, in a fitness room, in group classes or individual ones. Make your choice based on your capabilities and character. Shy girls will very quickly lose interest in group classes, and some get lost alone with a trainer. The best choice would be to start by training individually with a master about three to four times, while gaining a basis for training in a group.

Pole dancing is available to girls aged 18 to 30. It is not necessary to be physically fit and trained, as all this is acquired during the training process. This sport helps to gain external beauty and self-confidence.

Interesting fact! In Russia there is a sports federation for pole dancing and it was officially recognized as a sport in 2009.

What is necessary

The following clothing is required for pole dancing:

How the training goes

The entire dance process is dedicated to the interaction of the dancer with the pole, and the main elements pass vertically. In this case, vertical positions are divided into several types:

Warm-up is needed for:


  • on the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • easy running;
  • body rotation to develop flexibility;
  • main part.

The main part of the classes includes practicing elements of pole dancing. Tricks, acrobatic elements, unusual combinations between tricks. All actions take place on the pole.

The following elements are processed:

These and many other elements are included in the bulk of pole training.

Strength exercises– practicing new complex elements that require heavy loads, taking place on the pylon.

Particular attention in half-dance is paid stretching, since most elements and tricks are performed using it. performed either alone or with the help of a partner.

Where to learn

You can learn this dance technique in specialized dance schools. In fitness clubs. There are also online courses with which you can learn pole dancing at home. Pay special attention to choosing a place to study, thereby ensuring your future success. When choosing a club, school or coach, read reviews, talk to someone who is already doing it.


As in any other sport, there are contraindications in dancing:

  1. body mass index above 32;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  4. mental disorders;
  5. classes after operations;
  6. weak heart;
  7. weak musculoskeletal system;
  8. asthma;
  9. pregnancy.

You should immediately prepare yourself mentally. The first time in class will be very difficult, especially for those who are physically unprepared. You need endurance, training will hurt, there will be bruises and failures, but it’s worth it. The result will not keep you waiting: in 4-5 lessons, endurance will be developed automatically, and after 3 months, complex acrobatic feints will be achieved.

Problems with loved ones may arise. It is very difficult to explain to many that pole dancing is not a striptease, but a sport. You can introduce your family to half-dancing through videos or by attending classes.

Keep a positive attitude, believe in yourself, and everything will work out!

Recently, Pole Dance, or dance on a pole, has become widespread - an apparatus that is a vertical steel pole for performing acrobatic tricks. Beginners should practice beginner pole exercises before demonstrating them. This will allow you to learn basic movements and prepare the main muscle groups.

Pole dancing - health benefits

Dancing helps to shape your figure and remove extra pounds, which is much safer than liposuction, strict diets and other weight loss methods. The weight will disappear gradually and evenly from all parts of the body - it will become toned, cellulite will disappear.

Dance classes have the following benefits:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • increasing immunity and reducing the risk of infectious diseases;
  • the appearance of an even and beautiful posture, developed muscles.

The main thing is that mood and self-esteem improve, the athlete becomes liberated, shyness and uncertainty disappear. Dancing allows you to escape from everyday worries and bad thoughts, and makes you love yourself.

Preparation for training

Preparation for training is an important step for successful exercise performance.

It is important to have the attitude and desire to achieve your goal. If you have everything, then you can start studying, but before that you need to prepare. Decide for yourself what is more convenient for you - to attend group or individual lessons. The latter option is preferable for those who want to carefully study the material and hone their skills under the close attention of the teacher. Group classes will appeal to people who are interested in communicating with other students and monitoring their progress.

Choose comfortable shoes and clothes. For warming up, it is better to use leggings and a T-shirt - due to them, heat will spread throughout the body, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and affects adipose tissue. Beginners should perform pole exercises in short shorts and a top to ensure better grip on the surface of the pole. When dancers receive professional skills, they wear strips - high-heeled shoes with a 4.5 cm platform.

Warm-up is a mandatory step

Each lesson should begin with a 15-minute warm-up to stretch the muscles - as a result, physical activity is easier to bear, and the likelihood of sprains and other injuries is halved.

Set of exercises:

  • For the neck. Tilt your head in different directions - 16 repetitions left and right and back and forth, make full turns and semicircles - 8 repetitions.
  • For chest muscles. Arch and round your back, move your upper part from left to right - 16 repetitions.
  • For the press. Perform abdominal crunches - 2 sets of 20 repetitions are enough.
  • For the buttocks. Do regular squats - 40 repetitions.

Pay attention to your hands - during the dance they bear the main load. It is necessary to train your arm muscles not only during warm-up, but also during breaks between lessons. Bend and extend your wrists with a barbell in a sitting position - 10 repetitions. It is useful to curl your arms with dumbbells weighing up to 3 kg - 3 sets of 10–15 repetitions. Do pull-ups on the horizontal bar and do push-ups on the floor or bench - this will help strengthen the muscles of your arms, back and abs.

Pole exercises for beginners: basic level

All pole dancing movements are divided into tricks - static elements (fixed) and twists - rotations around the pipe. The category of tricks includes “hanging” and “sitting” - the athlete hangs or “sits” on a pole.

Static elements for beginners:

  • Firefighter. Cross your bent legs around the pole, hold onto the pole with your hands, and beautifully arch your back.
  • High chair. You grab the pole and squeeze it with your inner thighs, straighten your legs perpendicular to the pipe or bend it, and hold the pole tightly with your hands.
  • Slingshot. Hang on the pipe upside down, hold onto the pole with straightened arms, and straighten your legs to the sides.

Beginner dancers need to strive for perfect pole movements.

Rotating pole exercises for beginners:

  • Stretching. Hold the pole above your head with your straight hand and at hip level with the other. You push off the floor with your legs, spread them and scroll. Your arms should be straight.
  • With double rearrangement of legs. Grasp the pole with one leg under the bend of the knee, twist, grab the pole with the other leg and gracefully complete the turn, holding tightly to the pipe with your hands.
  • Frog. With your left straightened hand, hold the pole above your head, and with your right bent hand, hold it at chest level. Grab the pipe with your left foot, push off with the other, bend it and twist.

You should practice under the supervision of a teacher - he will tell you how to perform the movements correctly. After training, you need to reduce the load and relax, restore your breathing and heart rate. It is better to attend classes 2-3 times a week, and during breaks, rest or take time to stretch (of course, within reasonable limits, so as not to overexert yourself).

Learn new things with Anix Dance studio

At the professional dance school Anix Dance, every beginner will be able to learn the directions and other types of pole dancing. Professional trainers will teach dancers the basic elements and monitor their implementation. Exercises will help develop strength, endurance and allow you to master more complex movements.

Even despite the rapid development of Pole Dance, many still do not know the correct name for pole dancing. So, Pole Dance is a dance style that has nothing to do with striptease. This is a pole dance (pole acrobatics), where the performance takes place on a static or rotating pole, simultaneously combining:

  • choreography;
  • artistic gymnastics;
  • acrobatics.

Over the past decades, the direction of Pole Dance has become widespread throughout the world due to its diversity and versatility. Perhaps this is exactly the sport in which there is always something to strive for and there is no limit to perfection. It is impossible to perform all elements equally well at once, due to the physiological characteristics of the body. Gradually building strength, flexibility and endurance, the athlete replenishes the stock of mastered exercises and increases their level of complexity.

Main directions of Pole Dance

Among dancers all over the world, there are three main areas of Pole Dance in which competitions are held:

Pole Art

The emphasis of competitions in this area is on the artistry and choreography of the dancer. Each performance must have a clearly thought-out image, a story, which is accompanied by appropriate musical, sometimes visual, accompaniment. The flight of imagination of the competitors is absolutely unlimited; there are no strict requirements or frameworks. The main task is the artistry, entertainment and scale of the performance. The most popular competitions in the world among dancers are: Pole Art France, Pole Art Cyprus, Pole Art Italy.

It is a discipline of aerial and strength athletics and has become an independent sports direction. Competitions are organized by international organizations and federations, which can only be judged by accredited judges. Strict requirements are put forward for athletes, costumes and music; failure to comply may result in points being removed or disqualification. The performance itself necessarily consists of a set of gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, each of which is worth a certain number of points. Technical execution guarantees the athlete a high overall score. IPSF - international pole sport federation, or the international pole sport federation, is the main organizer of competitions of this type.

The peculiarity of this direction lies in the minimum set of power elements. The main attention is paid to the ground choreography, plasticity and eroticism of the performance. Dancers compete in special shoes - strips. Don't be fooled into thinking that Pole Exotic is an easy destination. It requires not only strength and endurance, but also flexibility, the ability to work with the public, captivate and intrigue them. This is a triumph of femininity and dance, not every dancer can achieve.

Now, thinking about what pole dancing is called, you can remember not only the general name, but also a separate branch of the sport, understanding the subtleties and differences in the name.

Pole Dance as fitness

The high popularity of Pole dance is due to its versatility. During pole training, the load is evenly distributed across all muscle groups, increasing their elasticity and endurance. Working with your own weight helps develop the upper muscles, back, abs and legs without overloading a particular muscle group. Thus, the whole body is kept in good shape. The result is noticeable after the first month of classes.

It should be noted that after the first lessons on the pole, students develop bruises and small hematomas on the body. This is due to the fact that unusual pressure and force are applied to the skin. After about a month, the elasticity of the skin increases and the number of bruises is noticeably reduced. Apparent ease is achieved through regular and diligent training, but those who take the path of Pole Dance will never turn away from it.

Equipment for Pole Dance

Pylon - the direct equipment is a polished metal pipe, the diameter of which varies from 38 to 55 millimeters. The material of manufacture is stainless steel, sometimes a special coating is used:

  • chromium;
  • titanium;
  • brass;
  • plastic;
  • rubber.

This coating provides reliable grip and smooth gliding at the same time. The rubberized surface is used on Chinese pylons, which have become increasingly popular lately. It is recommended to exercise on them in clothes, since sliding on such a pole can cause burns. Pylons are installed and secured depending on the characteristics of the room. These can be special braces, mounting frames or platforms. In any case, a prerequisite is stability and reliability of fastening. Particularly popular today are Chinese pylons, which are fixed only at the top, thanks to which the athlete works not only in the vertical or horizontal planes, but also diagonally.

Did I think four years ago, getting ready for my first Pole Dance training, where this would all lead me? Of course not. But I'm glad everything turned out the way it did.

Now the pole is a part of my life. It feels like I've always been doing it. It’s hard to imagine what else, besides him, can help you understand and reveal yourself so well.

What is Pole Dance? Kinds

Pole Dance – pole dance. A young trend that is rapidly developing all over the world and gaining enormous popularity. The history of its appearance is connected with Indian yoga, when exercises were practiced on a wooden pole, circus art and the development of the dance industry. Includes several types:

  1. Pole Sport– power and acrobatic elements on the pole, various interceptions, stands. The most serious type, it has rather strict rules for competitions.
  2. Pole Art- dance direction. The performance must have its own image and story that the dancer tells the audience.
  3. Exotic Pole Dance– a dance with fewer acrobatic elements. Involves working on the ground and requires special high-heeled shoes.
  4. Pole Fitness– mixed direction. Pole tricks and dance routines.
  5. Pole Contemporary– a mixture of Pole Dance and Contemporary. This type has become popular quite recently. Does not require good preparation. The pylon itself here acts as an additional attribute.

Pole Dance – a combination of strength and femininity

My introduction to the world of Pole Dance

The first time I came to Pole Dance training was four years ago. Several schools had just opened in my city and I wanted to try something new. I remember how impressed I was by the girls who had been training for a long time. They did everything so beautifully and easily. I even envied them a little then, but for some reason I didn’t have the desire to do the same at any cost.

I came to the first training session with good physical preparation.: Before this, I had been rock climbing for several years and my hands were already accustomed to the load. By the way, this later became a big plus for me. Under the guidance of a trainer, I performed a few simple elements and that was all. About such cases they say “it didn’t catch on.” There were no emotions. Yes, overall I liked it, but there was no desire to come again. I returned to the climbing wall and forgot about the pylon for several months.

The second time I went for company with a friend. And again by. I didn't like the way the instructor conducted the training.

Even now, when I have been training beginners myself for several years, I understand that they need to pay maximum attention and chew on every little detail. It's incredibly hard. Beginners are very energy-consuming.

Probably, the girl instructor thought the same and preferred to devote time only to those who were good at something.

It took me quite a long time to understand: Pole Dance is what I want to do

After the training, I decided that my friendship with the pole would never happen and I didn’t make any more attempts. Until a friend told me about the trainer she trains with and invited me to a training session. I put off going to the studio for a long time, there were always more important things to do, but in the end I signed up and came. And since then I have never regretted it. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I am immensely grateful to my coach for opening the door to the pole world for me and showing me how multifaceted it is.

Editorial opinion

Elena Kalita

Magazine editor

What can incredibly load the muscles, skyrocket self-esteem, develop cat-like grace, plasticity and stretching? What can squeeze out every last drop, but make you load your body again and again, polishing it down to the smallest muscle? This is a combination of sport and dance, training the body and revealing the soul, this is a complex and multifaceted Pole Dance.

I used to think that Pole Dance was just tricks, but it turned out that it is just an incredible mixture of strength, grace and femininity. And together it all turns into a dance that can be used to express anything. Using this example, I was once again convinced of how important it is to find “your” person. Be it personal relationships or the training process. To get hooked on Pole Dance forever, it took me three lessons from different trainers and six months of time.

From beginner to coach

Having convinced myself that the pole was truly mine, I began to devote all my free time to training. After work I ran to the gym. Weekend? No, I didn’t hear, I have something to do. It seems that then every centimeter of my body hurt, bruises and calluses appeared on my fingers, but I didn’t feel tired, I really enjoyed working out.

My progress in stretching my back and shoulders

A great desire and initially good physical shape did their job: my progress went by leaps and bounds, and very soon I became one of the strongest students at the school, surpassing even those who studied more than me. And then there was a series of master classes from famous pylonists, new knowledge, applying it in practice, trips to classes in other cities, participation in the school’s reporting concerts and the first public performance. Pole Dance introduced me to a wonderful girl, with whom we quickly became friends, formed a duet and still dance together. There were competitions planned, but we never got to them.

During one of the training sessions I miscalculated the load and injured my knee. Dislocated joint, MRI, torn ligaments, long recovery. After the injury, I decided that I needed a break, and returned to classes after a couple of months. On the same day, my trainer came up to me, told me about moving to another city, that she would no longer be able to teach classes, and invited me to stay in her place. After thinking about it, I decided that this was probably where everything was heading, coaching would become a new level for me. And I agreed.

I still remember my first training session. I have never been so excited. It’s one thing to come to class as a student and trust the coach, but it’s another thing when the coach is you. This is a huge responsibility, motivation for the student and an example. It was then that I understood why the coach does everything better than the student. The coach always tries and gives his best, he can’t do anything bad or somehow, he must always be on top.

Six months after my first lesson as a trainer, I completed training and received an instructor certificate. Now I have several groups of students of different levels: from beginners to advanced. We have been training with some of them for several years now and communicate well outside the gym with the pylons.

I always welcome new faces and do everything possible to interest a person and show him that a pylon is not just a metal pipe.

Pole Dance: striptease or sport?

Over the years of practicing on the pole and my teaching career, I have become accustomed to different reactions from people. From time to time I hear people say to me: “Ugh, this is a striptease! And how only your boyfriend, husband or parents allow you!” Previously, at such moments, I was simply speechless and did not know what to answer. Now I only say one thing: well, be reasonable in the end! Open the Internet, or even better, come to training. You don’t even have to study, just watch.

Yes, Pole Dance once originated from striptease, but now it has stepped far forward in its development and has nothing in common with it. Contrary to popular belief, we do not take off our clothes while dancing and do not strive to attract as many male gazes as possible. Pole Dance is, first of all, about expressing yourself, about emotions and feelings, but not about vulgarity. In any case, all beauty or non-beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone sees only what he wants to see. It's difficult to convince people otherwise. Yes, this is not necessary.

Everyone understands the concept of “pole dancing” in their own way.

Can Pole Dance be considered a sport? I think yes. Performing elements on the pole requires strength and good physical fitness, which can only be achieved by practicing regularly. And it's not easy at all. There is even a special Pole Sport category at the competition, where competing pole skaters demonstrate all their skills and amazing control of their own body. But I still wouldn’t say unequivocally that pole is a sport.

And if not sports and not striptease, then what? Its own, separate, unlike anything else category. This is a mixture of dancing, gymnastics, acrobatics, and sports. I don’t know of any direction that would offer so many development options. Everyone can find something of their own in Pole Dance. That's what makes him so beautiful.

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone can practice on the pole. And that's a fact. The only exceptions are medical indications. In order to start classes, age, weight, height, gender and physical fitness are not important.

My oldest student is 48 years old, my youngest is 18. Both thin girls and overweight girls come to classes. I won't say that they do everything equally well. Everyone develops at their own pace and that's normal.

Much also depends on the purpose for which the student comes. For some, the pole is just a pleasant time spent in the evening after work, some really like performing, and others see themselves on the podium and are going to become a champion.

Anyone can do Pole Dance

It is important to know that during the first lesson the coach does not expect anything from the student and does not place any hopes on him. It is a mistake to believe that when you come to the gym and see the pylon for the first time, you need to immediately do something on it. Otherwise, how can it be: “Everyone can, but I can’t.”

There is no need to look at others, you can only compare yourself with yourself. Everyone fails at something and everyone started somewhere at some point. If you are not afraid and make an effort, the result will not be long in coming.

Often, when meeting new people, I tell them about my work and hear in response: “Oh, well, that’s definitely not my thing.” This phrase always amuses me. How can you understand that something is not yours without even trying it? It took me quite a long time to become convinced that Pole Dance is what I really want to do.

Popular myths about Pole Dance

Only girls practice on the pole. No, not only. Recently, more and more guys prefer the pole. Largely due to curiosity, but also for the almost limitless possibilities for development. In Russia there are quite a lot of world-famous male pole skaters who compete in competitions, judge championships and give master classes not only in our country, but also abroad. Some of them train only strength elements, excluding typical female ones, while others work on flexibility and add more dancing to their training.

Pole training requires good physical fitness.

No, not needed. The pole is available both to those who are friends with sports and regularly visit the gym or, for example, go to fitness, and to those who came to their first lesson “from the couch.” Working with a pole is a fundamentally different load. It’s just that for those who are physically well developed, everything will work out a little faster.

No, you won’t be able to get pumped up, but it’s quite possible to get a beautiful figure. Regular exercise will tone your body and tighten your muscles. In addition, women physically cannot reach the size of men. The level of the hormone necessary for this is too low in their body. The exception is professional athletes, for whom sports are not a hobby, but a way of life. For those who are not convinced by my words, I advise you to look at what world champion Anastasia Skukhtorova looks like.

Pole dancing is difficult

Yes, it's difficult. Sometimes even very much so. As a coach, I often observe students who come to class for the first time. They have a great desire and burning eyes. They try to do one thing - it doesn’t work, and another thing doesn’t work either. Enthusiasm noticeably decreases and, as a rule, girls no longer come to the next training session. Because we didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Working with a pole is primarily working with your own weight. A simple example: we come to the gym and the instructor, as beginners, gives us a dumbbell weighing 5 kg to begin with, then 10, 15, and after six months we can easily bench press 50 kg. This gradual increase in load is important for the proper and safe functioning of all muscle groups and the body as a whole.

On the pole you have to work with your entire body weight at once. If a girl has 50 kg, then she has to lift this weight; it is impossible to start with less. Therefore, some beginners find it difficult to even pull themselves up. Strength will come with time, but you need to work for it.

Pole dancing is a complex discipline that requires constant work.

You must undress during training

Yes need. Especially for beginners and especially for the first time. But “undressing” in the pole means wearing shorts and a short top for training. For good grip on the pole you need as much exposed skin as possible. This will prevent slipping and protect against falls.

Later, when your grip becomes stronger and your body understands the technique of performing the elements, you can practice on the pole in pants and a long-sleeved sweater.

To practice on the pole you need a good stretch, and I’m a “beam”

Yes and no. To perform most elements on the pole, no stretching is needed. Only a relatively small percentage of elements require a flexible back and splits. Of course, you can’t completely forget about stretching. She will add beautiful lines to any element.

Stretching will add grace and beauty to every element

Pole dancing is painful

Yes, it still hurts! Bruises, abrasions, and calluses on the hands are common for everyone who practices on the pole. The hardest thing is for girls with sensitive skin: they may experience pain even from performing the simplest elements. But it is not all that bad. Over time, the skin gets used to the constant friction against the pole, becomes less sensitive and there are practically no bruises. However, this does not work with calluses. They have appeared and will continue to appear.

I love Pole Dance with all my heart. First of all, for its versatility and the opportunity to develop in a huge number of directions. You can mix acrobatics and dance, add sensual exoticism or gentle contemporary. In any case, you will get your own dance, unlike anything else. I don't know what other than Pole Dance can offer such freedom of action.