Children of Kim Jong-un. Kim Chen In

Kim Jong Un 김정운 Party: Workers' Party of Korea Formation ... Wikipedia

- (Kim Jong Ir) (b. February 16, 1942, Samji County, Ryanggang Province, Korea; according to other sources, born on the territory of the USSR), Korean statesman and political figure, leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (see KOREAN PEOPLE ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Kim Jong Ir) (b. February 16, 1942, Samji County, Ryanggang Province, Korea; according to other sources, born on the territory of the USSR) Korean statesman and politician, leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, son and heir of Kim Il... ... Political science. Dictionary.

Kim Jong Il- Leader of the DPRK, died in 2011 Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and Chairman of the DPRK Defense Committee in 1994 2011. Son and heir of the founder of North Korea... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Kim Chen In- Leader of the DPRK, First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and first Chairman of the Defense Committee of the DPRK since 2012, Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army since 2011, Chairman of the Party's Central Military Commission. Son and successor of Kim Jong Il on... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Date of birth... Wikipedia

Kim Jong Il was born at the foot of a sacred mountain. For the leader's anniversary- Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Il was born on February 16, 1942. According to the official version, he was born in a secret partisan camp in the Paektusan Mountains in Korea (in a partisan camp, Samjien County, Province... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Kim Jong Il Main articles: Kim Jong Il, Democratic People's Republic of Korea In North Korea, it is customary to use certain titles before the name Kim Jong Il (from 1994 to 2011, the leader of the country, chairman of the State Defense Committee of the DPRK and ... ... Wikipedia

Kim Jong Il family- The leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong Il, was born, according to North Korean historiography, on February 16, 1942. Place of birth: according to the official version, a camp of Korean partisans in the area of ​​Mount Paektu (North Korea), according to the unofficial version, the village of Vyatskoye, 70 km from... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


  • Juche. My country is my fortress, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il. Kim Il Sung - founder of the North Korean state (DPRK) and its leader from 1948 to 1994; After his death, he was declared the "eternal president" of North Korea. Kim Jong Il, son of Kim Il Sung,...
  • The film company Kim Jong Il presents, Fischer P.. Love, cinema, espionage, North Korea, Kim Jong Il - an incredible cocktail that could form the basis of an implausible action movie, but which happened in reality. A documentary novel by Paul Fisher...

On August 29, the Yonhap agency, citing South Korean intelligence, reported a new addition to the family of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The day before, representatives of the National Intelligence Service of South Korea announced the birth of a child, whose gender and name are unknown. According to them, the child was born in February.

According to media reports, this is the third heir to Kim Jong-un. It was reported that his two oldest children were born in 2010 and 2013. But there is no official confirmation of this information.

Little is known about the family of the North Korean leader and his close and distant relatives. The Kim Dynasty - in the RBC photo gallery.

Kim Il-sung (1912–1994)

Eternal President and Founder of the DPRK. Generalissimo. Grandfather of the current head of North Korea, Kim Jong-un.

The founder of the Juche ideology (Marxism based on national traditions).

He spent his childhood with his family in China, where he joined a Marxist circle, for which he was imprisoned at the age of 17. In 1945, he became chairman of the North Korean organizing bureau of the Communist Party of Korea (1945-1946). In 1948 he led the country. In 1998, he was declared the eternal president of the DPRK.

Was married twice. The first wife died shortly after the birth of their son. The second wife was Kim Song Ae, who is believed to have previously been the secretary of the head of the personal security of Kim Il Sung.

Since the mid-1950s, the regime began to tighten in the DPRK. All North Korean students were required to return from Europe and undergo ideological retraining. It was under Kim Il Sung that the entire economy of the country switched to strict central planning. Market trade was declared a bourgeois-feudal relic and liquidated.

Kim Jong-suk (1919–1949)

Mother of Kim Jong Il, wife of Kim Il Sung, grandmother of Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Suk became known only a few years after her death. In 1972, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the DPRK, and then the titles of “heroine of the anti-Japanese war” and “great mother of the revolution.” In addition, if the DPRK talks about “three commanders,” then everyone knows that we are talking about Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk.

Kim Jong Il (1941 (1942?) - 2011)

Great Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Generalissimo (posthumously). Eldest son of Kim Il Sung. Father of Kim Jong-un.

Kim Jong Il was born in 1941, although, as is customary in the DPRK, the official biography reduces the ruler's age by a year. Like his father, he studied in China. Returning to his homeland, he began working in the party, initially being considered the successor to Kim Il Sung.

After the death of his father, he led the country de facto for three years, without officially holding senior leadership positions in the country. Thus, traditional Korean norms were observed, in particular the Confucian principle of filial piety, which prescribes three years of mourning.

After Russia stopped cooperating with North Korea in the 1990s, the country was forced to look for new allies. In May 1999, Kim Jong Il traveled to China, and in 2000, there was a historic meeting between the leaders of the warring south and north of Korea. In October 2000, then-US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright flew to Pyongyang, after which preparations began for US President Bill Clinton's visit to North Korea at the end of 2000. However, it never took place, and the new US President George W. Bush was in no hurry to restore relations with the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il died on December 17, 2011. The funeral took place on December 28. According to the South Korean newspaper The Chosun Ilbo, they cost $40 million.

Ko Young-hee (1953–2004)

Kim Jong-un's mother.

Ko Yong Hee is one of Kim Jong Il's wives and the mother of his youngest son, Kim Jong Un. Before meeting Kim Jong Il, she was a dancer. She died in 2004 in Paris from breast cancer. In the last years before her death in the DPRK, she was called nothing more than “respected mother.” ​

Kim Chen In

The youngest of Kim Jong Il's three sons, Kim Il Sung's grandson.

In January 2009, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that, fearing for his health, Kim Jong Il had appointed his youngest son, Kim Jong Un, as his successor. He was educated in Bern (Switzerland), then studied at the military academy in Pyongyang. In 2010, he was elected to the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and became deputy chairman of the party's Central Military Committee.

After his father's death in 2011, Kim Jong-un was declared the supreme leader of the party, army and people of the DPRK.

Very little is known about Kim Jong-un, and almost everything is from a book that was published in Tokyo in 2003. Its author was allegedly the chef Kim Jong Il. From the book, in particular, it became known that Kim Jong-un’s mother was one of Kim Jong-il’s wives, actress Ko Yong-hee.

Under Kim Jong-un, North Korea is committed to developing its economy in parallel with strengthening its nuclear arsenals. Several nuclear tests were carried out, an artificial earth satellite was launched.

Since 2016, Kim Jong-un has been subject to unilateral US sanctions imposed due to human rights violations in the country.

In 2012, it was announced that Kim Jong-un was married to Ri Sol-ju. According to various sources, from 2010 to 2013, the couple had a daughter, Kim Joo E.

Fourth wife of Kim Jong Il, stepmother of Kim Jong Un.

For the last, fourth time, Kim Jong Il got married in 2006. His wife was his former personal secretary, Kim Ok. South Korean media reported that Kim Ok studied piano at the Pyongyang University of Music and Dance, and became the personal secretary of the DPRK leader in the early 1980s.

Lee Seol-ju

First Lady of the DPRK. Kim Jong-un's wife.

On July 25, 2012, the Central Telegraph Agency reported on the opening ceremony of the Rungna People's Amusement Park, where Kim Jong-un came with his wife, Ri Sol-ju. This was the first mention of the first lady as the wife of the leader of the DPRK.

Until now, almost nothing is known about her and her acquaintance with Kim Jong-un. Many observers note that her name and appearance indicate a resemblance to the young singer who performed in 2010 at one of the gala New Year's concerts in Pyongyang.

According to one of the versions expressed in the South Korean media, Ri Sol Ju graduated from Pyongyang Kim Il Sung University and studied natural sciences. Her father is a professor at the same university, and her mother is an administrator at a large Pyongyang clinic.

According to another version, Lee Sol-ju did not study at the university, but received a musical education in Beijing.

Kim Jong-nam (1971–2017)

The eldest son of the Great Leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Il and the brother (on his father’s side) of the Chairman of the State Council of the DPRK Kim Jong Un.

Even less is known about the eldest son of Kim Jong Il than about the current head of the DPRK. His mother was actress Song Hye Rim. The media reported that as a child, like his brother, Kim Jong Nam studied in Switzerland. There is no official confirmation of this information.

In 2001, Kim Jong Nam was detained while trying to enter Japan using a fake passport to visit Tokyo Disneyland. He was deported to China, where he lived until his death. On February 14, 2017, the South Korean Yonhap agency cited a source about the assassination of Kim Jong Nam at the Malaysian airport.

Kim Jong Chul

Kim Jong-un's older brother.

Born in 1981. The media wrote that Kim Jong Chol, like his brother, studied at a Swiss school. For some time (from 2003 to 2009), it was believed that he could succeed his father as leader of the DPRK. In 2007, Kim Jong Chol was appointed to a position in the Workers' Party of Korea.

He is known as a big fan of the work of guitarist and singer Eric Clapton: media reported that he was seen at the latter’s concerts in 2006, 2011 and 2015.

Kim Kyung Hee

Daughter of Kim Il Sung, younger sister of Kim Jong Il, aunt of Kim Jong Un.

In 2010, together with her husband Jang Song-thaek, she was appointed executor of her brother and, in the event of his death, was to become Kim Jong-un's guardian. In the government, Kim Jong Il led the DPRK's light industry, and her husband was Kim Jong Il's deputy in the State Defense Committee. In 2013, Jang Song Thaek was accused of treason and executed. The death of Kim Kyung Hee has not been confirmed.

Jang Song-taek (1946–2013)

Uncle of Kim Jong-un.

In 2013, Jang Song Thaek was accused of trying to seize supreme power in the party and state, as well as selling national resources to foreigners at unreasonably low prices, and was executed. Before that, he was deputy head of the State Defense Committee, was a member of the Politburo and headed the organizational department of the Central Committee, which was in charge of personnel selection and supervised the intelligence services. Many experts called him an eminence grise, the right hand and mentor of Kim Jong-un.

Kim Yo Jong

Younger sister of Kim Jong-un.

Born in 1987. She studied at an international school in Bern, Switzerland in 1996-2001 with her brother, Kim Jong-un. Possibly also studied at the military academy in Pyongyang after returning.

In 2014, Kim Yo Jong was appointed deputy department head of the WPK Central Committee. Kim Yo Jong is the only relative of the DPRK leader who holds an officially confirmed post in the country. According to South Korean sources, she is responsible for personnel appointments, as well as propaganda.

Kim Jong-un is the most mysterious and unpredictable figure of our time, about whom almost nothing is known. It is worth noting that he is not only a prominent political and government figure, but also a military figure, as well as a North Korean party leader.

There is little that can be said about his personal or family life, since it is possible to pay for photographs or videos with life and health. However, his political exploits are painted in vivid colors, and reports on trips around the country are supplied with vivid photographs and laudatory comments.

Height, weight, age. How old is Kim Jong-un

At the insistent requests of the workers, we will try to figure out what the Korean leader’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Kim Jong-un is a rather complicated question, since the official date of birth is not publicly available.

According to one version, Kim Jong-un was born in 1983, and according to another in 1984, most likely, all this is done in order to preserve youth longer in the eyes of his people. Kim Jong-un: photos in his youth and now are also the same photo, although in the last of them the man is already waving to his people after several plastic surgeries and makeup.

According to more or less official data, the politician was born in 1982, so he was thirty-five years old. According to the zodiac circle, Kim Jong-un received the sign of the persistent, stable, calm, hardworking, creative Capricorn.

The Eastern horoscope endows the politician with the character traits of the Dog, namely, loyalty, friendliness, intelligence, and resourcefulness.

Kim Jong-un's height is one meter seventy-five centimeters, but his weight often exceeds ninety kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Kim Jong-un

The biography and personal life of Kim Jong-un are areas that are also filled to capacity with secrets, omissions and even strange gossip. The guy was born in North Korean Pyongyang, and his parents were known far beyond the borders of the DPRK.

Father - Kim Jong Il - was the permanent political and state leader of the DPRK from 1994 to 2011. He died suddenly of a heart attack, which people learned about only two days after this tragic event.

Mother - Ko Yong Hee - was one of the favorites of the Great Leader, she was a sought-after and brilliant ballerina. She met the leader of the DPRK during one of the parties at which girls danced naked in front of the leader. The woman died tragically either in 2003 or 2004, however, why this happened is unknown. There are versions that the beauty had breast cancer, and also that she died in a terrible car accident.

Brother - Kim Jong Chol - the middle brother of Kim Jong Un, who also aspired to a high post. His mother was Ko Young Hee, so the young people were siblings. Kim Jong Chol was the leader of the country's Workers' Party, but in 2015 he moved to the UK, where he still lives, without getting involved in political games.

Brother - Kim Jong-Cher - the eldest son of Ko Yong-hee, about whom practically nothing is known; by the way, they say that in addition to this unreal brother, the future leader also had a younger sister on his father’s side.

The brother, Kim Jong Nam, is the eldest and at the same time his paternal half-brother; his mother was the politician’s first favorite, actress Song Hye Rim. The guy was educated at home, but graduated from university in Switzerland. The young man was excluded from inheriting the post of head of the DPRK because he had fallen out of favor. In February 2017, he was treacherously killed at the Kuala Lumpur airport when a mercenary threw a handkerchief soaked in some kind of poison over his face.

The boy received an excellent education, since he was first taught at home, for which his father invited the best teachers. Then it turned out that Kim Jong-un had very poor eyesight, so he studied at a specialized prestigious school with in-depth study of the German language, but two grades lower than expected.

The young man received his higher education outside the country; according to the latest versions, this happened in Switzerland, namely, at the Berne International School. The guy did not appear there under his own name, so he went by the pseudonym Eun Park.

Later, the talented young man graduated from the University named after his famous father and the Military University named after him, but in an individual form. He often appeared in prestigious restaurants, and he was accompanied by the North Korean ambassador to Switzerland himself, who paid for the entertainment of the future head of state from the secret treasury.

Since 2003, the powerful Kim Jong Il declared his beloved son his successor, ordering him to be called nothing more than “King of the Morning Star.” He strongly recommended that his people wear pins with the image of Kim Jong-un on their hearts, and already in 2009 he officially confirmed the status of his son as the future head of the DPRK.

Under the pseudonym Kim Jong, he won the elections in 2010, and at the same time he was appointed head of state security of North Korea. And after the death of his father in 2011, he received the status of “Brilliant Comrade”, became the commander-in-chief of the DPRK army, and also became the head of the republic.

By the way, foreign economic policy was very scandalous and daring, since Kim Jong-un joined the union of space states in 2012. And in 2013, he frightened the world several times with nuclear tests, although he signed a Non-Aggression Pact with his closest neighbor, South Korea.

Almost nothing is known about the young man’s personal life, since this affects the image of the head of state. It is known that the politician has been married for a long time and is happily married; he claims that he loves and respects the mother of his children.

Kim Jong-un is overweight because he is both diabetic and hypertensive. He loves to travel, is an NBA fan and loves movies starring Mel Gibson.

Family and children of Kim Jong-un

The family and children of Kim Jong-un are another dark spot in the life of the great North Korean leader that will never be solved. Some information can be gleaned from foreign intelligence data and stories from athletes or actors whom the politician invited to visit him at different times.

It is worth immediately making a reservation that the surname of the Kim family, but Jong-un is a double traditional Korean name. The most interesting thing is that Koreans do not and never have had a middle name, and the surname is placed before the person’s name.

Kim Jong-un's daughters

Chen-un has mixed blood in his veins, since his father was Chinese by nationality, and his mother was Japanese. It is also unclear how many children and from which women were born in the noble Kim family.

The same story happened with Kim Jong-un himself, because he is the father of several children. It is not clear how many there really are, what gender they are and what their names are. Thanks to the ubiquitous military intelligence of other countries, it became known that, apparently, there are three children and all of them are the daughters of Kim Jong-un.

The eldest girl was born in 2010-2011, the middle one in the first month of winter 2012. The year of birth of the last child became known after one of the NBA basketball players visited the DPRK; this event happened in 2017. Presumably the second or third girl's name is Kim Ju-ae, but this information has not been officially confirmed.

The most interesting thing is that there is information that Kim Jong-un’s wife gives birth to children under duress, first from her father-in-law, and now from her husband, since he demands the birth of an heir.

Kim Jong-un's wife - Ri Sol-ju

Kim Jong-un's wife, Ri Sol-ju, was once a popular dancer; she graduated from Pyongyang University named after her beloved father-in-law. The girl’s parents had nothing to do with politics; her father taught at the university, but her mother was an ordinary doctor.
At the same time, no one can say how the romance of the young people began and how long it lasted. In 2012, Kim Jong-un simply let slip that he had been married for more than three years and was incredibly happy in his marriage.

Rumor has it that the great Kim Jong Il himself chose his daughter-in-law when he saw her during a performance of the national orchestra in tandem with the ensemble. It is worth noting that Ri Sol-ju has weight in government administration; at her request, her husband relaxed the requirements for the appearance of representatives of the fairer sex of the DPRK.

What is known about this man? What is his lifestyle and management style? What do the facts say? What was invented? Where will the young politician lead the country? What are the real prospects? Let's figure it out.

Origin and biography

It is not known for certain when Kim Jong-un was born. All information concerning the leader of the country is kept strictly confidential. It was officially announced that his date of birth was January 8, 1982. Other sources say that Eun was born a little later, the dates vary. Such data is provided in reports from the intelligence services of states that are particularly interested in affairs in a closed country. These are organizations of hostile South Korea and the USA. They agree on only one thing: Pyongyang, the capital of the country, is declared the place of birth. In any case, it turns out that one of the youngest world leaders is Kim Jong-un. His biography, like that of other North Korean leaders, is not made public. Only scanty facts are known.


Even less is known about the woman who gave birth to our hero. The only thing we can say with certainty is her name - Ko Young Hee. They say she was a ballerina. There was no official marriage between her and the previous leader of the country, Ir. The girl delighted the leader at “pleasure parties.” Kim Jong Il loved these forbidden evenings. To the accompaniment of American (banned in the country) music, naked beauties gave him magnificent performances. According to rumors, this is how she received the future leader. Kim Jong-un never talks about her mother. In any case, there is no such information in the press. And there is something to discuss. The death of Ko Young Hee, which allegedly occurred in 2003, is causing a lot of speculation. The official version insists that the cause of death was cancer. Other sources say that she died mysteriously in a car accident. The circumstances of the case are not disclosed. It is interesting that at this time a unique campaign was held in the country, positioning a woman as a “respected mother.” Analysts considered the event a sign of the appointment of a successor to the then leader. They called Eun and his brother Kim Jong Cher.


This is another terrible secret that North Korea does not want to reveal. Kim Jong-un, according to unverified information, received a European-style education. How the process took place is a mystery. Rumors name a number of educational institutions, among which the most often heard is the International School in Interestingly, the leadership of this institution denies that Kim Jong-un has ever crossed the threshold of the school. But there are enough rumors about his life in Europe. Official sources claim that the teenager received knowledge at home. His talent and even genius are not in doubt.

Political connections

He was most often seen in chic restaurants in Bern. The company of Ri Chol, North Korea's ambassador to that country, was his favorite. This may have been the path that led him to the presidency of the DPRK. Ri Chol, according to unverified information, was the secret treasurer of Kim Jong Il. That is, an influential and respected figure. They also say that Kim Jong-un played basketball in Europe. These rumors are refuted by the complexion of the heir. He was returned home even before that, at the age of about twenty years. Then the sources of information lose sight of him. If he worked in the country's governing bodies, he used a pseudonym. No photographs of him appeared in the press. It is known that Kim Jong Il showed preference to the young man over his other sons.

King of the Morning Star

They said that the mother ordered officials from the DPRK leadership to call her son that way. No one dared to contradict. Rumors about the death of Kim Jong Il began to appear in the press closer to the end of 2008. Then it turned out that he was struck down by a serious illness. This was a worrying factor. Officially, a dry information message was provided that the leader had suffered a stroke. Analysts began to worry. The main topic of geopolitical discussions was the candidacy of the next leader of the people. They started calling candidates. Kim Jong-Cher, according to rumors, did not arouse much sympathy from his father, who considered him weak. Another brother, Kim Jong Nam, disgraced himself with his addiction to gambling establishments. Ir considered him a follower of the corrupting Western culture. Experts believed that his beloved son could become the main contender for the presidency of the DPRK. Kim Jong-un was still too young. He was twenty-six years old. This was the only negative fact. In all other respects, his father considered him a completely acceptable figure, especially noting his intelligence. An additional factor in Eun’s favor was the advertising campaign that his mother ran back in 2003.


In mid-January 2009, it was officially announced that the analysts were right. Kim Jong-un was proclaimed the official heir to the leader of the people. This came as a surprise more to the country's elite than to the world community. According to rumors, some forces inside North Korea were making plans to ascend to the “throne” of Kim Jong Nam. There were even reports about this in the press. The leader decided otherwise. He assigned an adviser to his beloved son, Chas Song Taek. This influential politician ruled the country with an iron fist during Ira's illness. The procedure for the official “introduction” of Eun into power began with the elections in February 2009. He was registered as a candidate for membership in the Supreme Assembly of the DPRK. Elections took place in March. It is interesting that the names of Ir’s sons were not included in the officially published lists of winners. However, Eun was introduced as the leader's successor and appointed to the post of head of the Security Service. It was explained to the press that he was elected under a pseudonym.

Brilliant Comrade

A heart attack ended the reign of the leader of the people. In 2011, Kim Jong-un died and was immediately named Supreme Commander of Korea. This is one of the main jobs of this state. About a week later, he was confirmed in the main position - Chairman of the Central Committee of the Labor Party. The birth of a new leader took place. About a year earlier, Eun received the honorary title “Brilliant Comrade,” which remained with him. For three and a half months after being confirmed in office, the new leader did not appear in public. He made his first statement at an event dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung on April 15, 2012. The solemn speech was made during the parade in honor of the ideological creator of the state.

First steps

Kim Jong-un has established himself as a daring politician. At times his uncompromising nature was shocking. The first thing he did was to step up efforts to create a nuclear program. In 2013, the third tests in this area were carried out. He violated all UN Security Council resolutions. Previously, a non-aggression pact was concluded with South Korea. The young leader categorically announced his unilateral break. The UN has called for tougher sanctions against North Korea. Ng was not at a loss, but responded to this by threatening to use the country’s nuclear potential against the United States. The world could plunge into the horror of World War III using the most terrible weapons. At this time, the press was full of headlines saying that Putin and Kim Jong-un were scaring the planet. Just two states were carried out simultaneously (without agreement between the leaders). However, hopes for liberalization of North Korean policy, which were associated with a change in leadership, collapsed overnight. This country has become a constant topic of discussion in In addition, the world is excited by North Korea's space programs. There are regular reports of attempts to launch a satellite from its territory. This is a direct violation of the UN Security Council resolution.

Personal life

Everything that surrounds the leader is shrouded in mystery. So, only in 2012 it became clear that he is a family man. Kim Jong-un, whose wife has not appeared in public, turns out to be the father of two children. Their dates of birth are not reliably known. Mother - Lee Sol-ju graduated from a university in Pyongyang. She grew up in the family of a teacher and a doctor. It is believed that the young people met at a concert in 2008. The girl took part in the performance. What official sources say about the leader’s personal life is remarkable. Under my father, this topic was not leaked to the press. He married three times, and not a single word was published about it. Eun is not in good health. Its fullness led to the onset of early hypertension, aggravated by diabetes. Among his hobbies is his love for Hollywood films. Sports preferences - American basketball.

Kim Jong-un executed his uncle

December 2013 was marked by a cruel event. Kim Jong-un executed the man who, by the will of his father, looked after and protected the heir from other contenders for the throne. Chan Song Thaek was rightfully considered the most influential person in the country. He was still close to Father Eun during his decline, when Ir’s health weakened. According to rumors, he practically led the DPRK. And then in December 2013, a message came from behind the veil that Taek was accused of treason. It was officially announced that he created his own faction within the leadership, which was preparing a coup d'etat. The act is called a “heinous crime” and an intrigue. Thaek is accused of wanting to create a branch in the ruling party that seeks to overthrow the current regime. The perpetrator, as it turned out, was the president's uncle. In addition to treason, he was also accused of corruption. It was officially stated that he took drugs and often spent time with women, which indicated his moral decay. Thaek was found guilty by a military tribunal. Immediately after the meeting, the criminal was executed. There were reports in the press that the people of North Korea supported their leader in a united “front”.


Analyzing Eun’s activities, political scientists make allowances for his young age. However, everyone notes the emergence of a strong leader, who is sometimes compared to Stalin. North Korea is in a difficult situation due to economic sanctions. The exit routes have been outlined. Analysts believe that the young leader will be able to survive and revive the country. who hoped to guide the young leader was mistaken. The country is still far from prosperity, but no one is starving, and they support their Eun. Kim Jong Il showed himself to be a wise man and leader in choosing his successor. Continuing his father's work - the creation of nuclear weapons, Eun does not forget about the economy, which now seems to be the main problem. Under his leadership, the word “reform” became firmly entrenched in the country. The economy began to gradually change; old structures that hindered development began to be broken down. First of all, the reform affected the agricultural sector. The shortage of products is the main problem of the state. To strengthen the producer, Eun practically gave the peasants the right to engage in a kind of entrepreneurship, which had previously been strictly prohibited. Now a team of five people can produce agricultural products and keep a third for themselves. The reforms also apply to other sectors. Prospects for the state are outlined. The young leader leads the people with confidence and firmness.

Kim Jong-un (Korean: 김정은?, 金正恩; English: Kim Jong Un). Born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang (DPRK). Political, state, military and party leader of North Korea. Since the end of 2011, he has held the highest government and party positions in the country.

Supreme Leader, Leader of the Party, Army and People of the DPRK, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, First Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the DPRK, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Korean People's Army, Marshal of the DPRK, Deputy of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK.

Officially declared "great heir" after the death of his father Kim Jong Il.

The youngest sitting head of state in the world.

notice, that Kim is a surname, personal name is Jong-un. Koreans do not have middle names or middle names. Moreover, according to Korean rules, the surname comes before the personal name.

Kim Jong-un was born on January 8, 1982 in Pyongyang (DPRK). This date of birth is considered official. However, according to other sources, he could have been born in 1983 or 1984. It is assumed that Kim Jong-un was made older due to the fact that he was his father’s heir and was supposed to lead the state.

North Korea is a major supplier of missile technology. The largest buyers of North Korean ballistic missiles have traditionally been Egypt, Syria, Libya, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan. It is assumed that the Iranian Shahab-5 and Shahab-6 missiles were created on the basis of Taepodong-2.

Under Kim Jong-un, the process of spreading information technology has actively begun in the DPRK - imports from China of smartphones and regular mobile phones have sharply increased.

Kim Jong-un's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Kim Jong-un:

Married. His wife is Ri Sol Ju (리설주), a graduate of Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang. Her father is a teacher, her mother is a doctor. She visited South Korea in 2005 as part of the support group for the North Korean delegation during the Asian Athletics Championships in Incheon.

The DPRK media first reported their legalized relationship on July 25, 2012. The couple began appearing in public a few weeks earlier.

It is assumed that Kim Jong-un legalized relations with her in 2009. According to media reports, in the fall-winter of 2010 or winter of 2011, she gave birth to a child, whose birth her father-in-law Kim Jong Il insisted on. Her second child was born at the end of December 2012, the child was named Zhu E.

According to a number of observers, under the influence of his wife, Kim Jong-un made some relaxations in the requirements for the appearance of North Korean women: they are now allowed to wear pantsuits and jeans, black tights, platform shoes and heels, and the ban on women driving on bicycle

Kim Jong-un's titles:

Supreme Leader of the DPRK, Leader of the Party, Army and People (since December 19, 2011)
New star
Brilliant comrade
“Genius among geniuses” in military strategy
Marshal of the DPRK (since July 18, 2012).

Kim Chen In. Prohibited biography