Anton Sevidov personal life. Anton Sevidov: “Pesnyary is as cool a group as The Horrors

You have just returned from Sweden and are soon going to perform in Lithuania and other countries. Has Tesla Boy already become so popular in Europe?

I certainly can't say that we have a 1989 Depeche Mode chart or Rolling Stones 68th. But every week, yes, we have concerts, and what’s doubly nice is that Lately increasingly in Europe, and not only in Eastern, but also in Western. The other day we played in a small town in Sweden where the Popadelica festival was held, and if at the beginning there were not many people, then by the end there was a full house, and people wanted more and more.

When creating the group, did you initially focus on Western audiences?

If the word “oriented” means some expectations, then yes, these expectations were more related to Western Europe. But to my pleasant surprise, we were received very well in Russia.

And outside Moscow and St. Petersburg too?

Well, in the regions, of course, the number of people interested modern culture, a little smaller, but nevertheless, there are cities where there are a lot of them. For example, Novosibirsk, Perm or Izhevsk - it can generally be considered one of the main cities in Russia, where they love electronic and dance music. I don’t know what this is connected with, historically it happened this way. Sometimes I did not expect such interest in us in many cities - not in the sense that some city is less or more developed, but simply due to the total absorption of space by Russian pop or rock music.

I believe that music is one of the most powerful and good medicines for the soul.

You have Belarusian and Serbian roots, you have many friends in Georgia and other countries. How has this whole international mix affected your music?

I did not analyze what and how influenced me. But of course, communication with people from different countries– this is a powerful experience, after which you begin to feel life differently. It’s one thing when you know that there was a war in Yugoslavia, and saw the bombings on TV, and how former prime minister Primakov turned the plane around on the way to America - in general, it’s all some kind of virtual history. But it’s another thing when you fly to Serbia, and the promoter who meets you tells you how he was walking through the city center, and suddenly, before his eyes, the market exploded. An ordinary food market is falling apart because the NATO military thought it was a barracks. And after they tell you such things, you feel and understand much more.

You once said that music no longer impresses you as much as it did two years ago. Has the music scene become less interesting during this time or is it just your personal perception?

I think it’s just such a period now. Now there is a kind of swamp-like stagnation, a process of accumulation of new ideas, strength and energy, after which a new surge should come. Music certainly hasn't gotten worse - on the contrary, the problem is that there is a lot of very good music, and people no longer appreciate it as much as they used to. It’s just that two years ago there were several places where there was always a feeling children's party. Now there is nothing like this anywhere - neither in Solyanka, nor in Simachev, nor in Strelka, that is, people come to some concerts, but there is no inspiration. But according to my feelings, by autumn and winter it will come new wave, and everything will be no less exciting than before.

Tell me, what was the last time you quarreled in the group?

I think the guys in the group were quarreling over who should put a cosmetic bag in their luggage.

And who won?

I don’t know who won, but in the end I had to pay for the advantage. (Laughs.) Despite the fact that the cosmetic bag was not mine, I don’t have a cosmetic bag!

The main thing for a man is the ability to do what he really wants

Since we're talking about cosmetic bags. Do you think a man should follow fashion?

It depends on the man. Everyone has their own sense of fashion. I am surprised every time when they tell me: “Anton, you are a style icon, many are trying to imitate you, you are so passionate about fashion...” In fact, this is completely inconsistent with reality. Simply due to the fact that my girlfriend is from the fashion world (she is a model), and I have friends who design clothes, I am a little aware of certain trends. But again, I don’t understand or understand anything about this. In general, I am very impressed by people who do not overdo it - they look restrained, but elegant. This, by the way, applies to women too. Pretentiousness does not make a person more beautiful.

What qualities do you think a real man should have?

It seems to me that the main thing for a man is the ability to do what he really wants. You need to create something and achieve your goals. This does not mean that you always have to go ahead - after all, as the saying goes Japanese wisdom: “The samurai who decides to defeat the tsunami will be defeated.” So it’s not worth fighting against a tsunami, it’s better to wait it out.

Tell me, do you follow politics?

In my opinion, in our country music and politics are two parallel lives. I don't have a single boyfriend or girlfriend who watches TV. Although many people have been increasingly talking about politics lately, I don’t see any influence of politics on music. Besides the fact that probably on the eve of the elections there will be many musicians who will be bribed big fees and travel on election campaigns. But Tesla Boy is far from all that.

What if you were invited to a pre-election tour?

And they called us. We are regularly invited, but as a matter of principle we do not participate in such events.

If I wanted to change something in society, I would initially go into politics. But I am a musician, and I believe that music is one of the most powerful and good medicines for the soul. So I have something else to do. I'm something of a soul doctor.

What can knock you out of a calm state of mind?

When your neighbor watches MTV all night.

As I understand it, this was recently?

You are insightful. But a box of chocolates with liqueur decided everything in my favor. He not only turned down the volume, but even moved the TV to the kitchen.

What is the best dope for you?

Doping? Probably falling in love, and as a result, passion. And falling in love and inspiration, as a rule, arise from an image female beauty. In this regard, I am absolutely banal.

And romantic.

Well, our obligatory question: how are you doing with self-destruction? Alcohol, drugs, other crazy things?

(Smiles.) I don’t have any problems with this.

Anton Sevidov
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basic information
Birth name

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Full name

Anton Olegovich Sevidov

Date of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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Years of activity

2003 - present time

A country

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Anton Olegovich Sevidov(May 11, Minsk) - Russian musician, composer, DJ, creator of the groups “Neonaut” and “Tesla Boy”.


Born in Minsk, raised in Moscow. Grandfather is football player Alexander Sevidov, uncle is football player Yuri Sevidov.

Since 1992, Anton begins to engage in creativity: writes music, participates in various competitions (including “Morning Star”), tours as part of “Russian Talents” (1992), Grand Prix winner international festival"Crystal Note" (1997) and I All-Russian competition young composers"Crystal Tuning Fork" (1998).

Since 1995, Sevidov created his first groups: “Critic Acid” - took part in jazz festivals and toured Russia. Mentions of her can be found in the cult magazine “Ptyuch”. "Da Funk" - dance project, the tracks of which entered the charts of the radio station 106.8 FM.

In 2003, Anton organized a new music project"Neonaut", which lasted until 2007. In the mid-2000s, he announced himself as a sound producer, collaborating with the groups “Brazzaville”, “Esthetic Education”, “Bi-2” (including working on the project “The Odd Warrior”), “Punk TV”. Author of music for fashion shows, performances and films.

In 2006, Sevidov, at the invitation of Chris Korner (“Sneaker Pimps”, IAMX), spends more than a month in Berlin, where he works on the tracks of the album “Breathe Me”, which appeared in free access online.

At the end of 2008 he founded the group “Tesla Boy”.

In 2010, Sevidov was named one of the most stylish men 2010 Russia and the world according to the magazine.

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An excerpt characterizing Sevidov, Anton Olegovich

– Yes, but I’ve been here more than once. – I answered calmly.
- Oh, not here, but “above”! – my friend corrected me, laughing. “We definitely wouldn’t come back here, would we?”
“Yes, I think this will be enough for a long time... At least for me...” I shuddered from the recent memories.
- You must leave here. “The young man said again softly, but more insistently. - Now.
A sparkling “path” stretched from him and ran straight into the luminous tunnel. We were literally pulled in without even having time to take a single step, and after a moment we found ourselves in the same transparent world in which we found our round Leah and her mother.
- Mom, mommy, daddy is back! And Great too!.. - little Leah rolled head over heels towards us, tightly clutching the red dragon to her chest.. Her round little face shone like the sun, and she herself, unable to contain her wild happiness, rushed to her dad and, hanging on him neck, squealing with delight.
I was happy for this family that had found each other, and a little sad for all my dead “guests” who came on earth for help, who could no longer hug each other as joyfully, since they did not belong to the same worlds.. .
- Oh, daddy, here you are! I thought you were missing! And you took it and found it! That's good! – the radiant little girl squealed with happiness.
Suddenly a cloud flew over her happy face, and it became very sad... And in a completely different voice the little girl turned to Stella:
– Dear girls, thank you for dad! And for my brother, of course! Are you going to leave now? Will you come back someday? Here's your little dragon, please! He was very good, and he loved me very, very much... - it seemed that right now poor Leah would burst into tears, so badly she wanted to hold this cute marvelous dragon just a little longer!.. And he was about to be taken away and there will be no more...
– Do you want him to stay with you some more? And when we return, will you give it back to us? – Stella took pity on the little girl.
Leah was at first stunned by the unexpected happiness that had fallen on her, and then, unable to say anything, she nodded her head so strongly that it almost threatened to fall off...
Having said goodbye to the joyful family, we moved on.
It was incredibly pleasant to feel safe again, to see the same joyful light filling everything around, and not be afraid of being unexpectedly grabbed by some kind of terrible nightmare...
– Do you want to take another walk? – Stella asked in a completely fresh voice.
The temptation, of course, was great, but I was already so tired that even if the greatest miracle on earth seemed to me now, I probably wouldn’t be able to truly enjoy it...

- You first performed at the Afisha Picnic seven years ago. What changed?

I'm afraid my assessment will be inadequate. There is a feeling that music at the Picnic is no longer so important. As a musician, I am somewhat upset - in 2009, everyone stood at the stage and absorbed everything that came from there. Now people with their families choose clothes and walk around the food court. In 2009, there was a feeling that there was pure endorphin in the air and everything was in a slightly altered state. Because Roma Mazurenko sits and says: “What a great band Late of the Pier, let’s bring it?” And after 4 months they perform at the Afisha Picnic. It seemed that all the most important things were happening here and now. Maybe younger guys have this feeling today. As a person who is more immersed in hip-hop, maybe you see it there?

And I see this not only there, but also in the techno that has infected the capital’s youth. And in the audience that listens to Russian rock, which has suddenly rebelled and follows the examples of the 80s, it is very unkempt, lo-fi and, it seems to me, ideally suited to the current crisis moment. Just like English-language indie pop and indie rock corresponded to the wonderful and relatively well-fed time of the early 10s, when we believed in the theory of small things and imagined that we existed in the same world as Europeans and Americans.

At least there was such an illusion, yes. And now, in your opinion, this is not the case?

This is exactly what I want to ask you about. Because I just re-read the interview you did. There, the point of view was very convincingly defended that it is possible to be in dialogue with the world, to sing in English in Russia, and so on. But then came 2014, and with it Crimea, sanctions, and confrontation with the West. In this regard, do you have any doubts that you are doing everything right?

There were no doubts, that's for sure. I still had the feeling that I didn’t have to, I just wanted to do it. Another question is that 2014–2015 really became a time when a feeling of alienation and separation arose. It’s funny that even in America I met young people who said: “Yes, yes, this Putin of yours, he’s cool, now he’ll cold war, now you will have a very cool fight.”

- So they are inspired by this?

Yes, and for them it’s all absolutely virtual game. They also have a difficult situation: it is unclear what will happen next, everyone sighs for the days of Reagan, I even saw a poll “Who is the coolest president?” - and it was not Kennedy or the first great presidents who led, but Reagan. Because never again have Americans felt so powerful and cool. Despite the fact that the dude was just an actor, he looked like a preacher and said spectacular phrases about the Evil Empire, and this is a story about the fact that politics is a show.

This is the sound of Tesla Boy’s latest release, the “Moses” EP, which was released a few days before this conversation

On the other hand, Ivan Dorn is even more difficult situation, because he sings in Russian and here in Ukrainian. I remembered him because in response to the question “Who do you consider your competitors?” . Do you see yourself in the same field with him?

It seems to me that we have so much different music And different story… In fact, I am glad that a new generation of musicians is emerging. For example, I am very inspired by the group Parks, Squares & Alleys. This creates the right background. In Moscow, it was often like this - you go to some cafe, and “music for toilets” is played there, but in New York you go into the simplest bar, Morrissey is playing there. These seemingly little things are very important, this is what constantly drips into your brain and creates a coordinate system in your subconscious.

And regarding the political situation... My good friend Zhenya Filatov, The Maneken, produces the group Onuka, which over the past two years has become national stars and almost a symbol of a new stage Ukrainian history with its movement to Europe. But they cannot perform in Russia, because they will immediately begin to be persecuted in their homeland. There's a song on my new EP called "What's Going On" that I wrote in August 2014. This was the moment when you understand that where we played a concert 6 months ago, where friends live who love our music, to whom we love to come, is now there there is a war going on, and no one announced it.

- Still, to Dorn: do you feel like an artist on the same stage with him?

No, probably not. It seems to me that we are somehow different in general. In general, comparisons are a thankless task and they are not always correct. Let's just say, I'm still not talking about taking some now fashion styles and exploit them. This will sound very pretentious, but I want to hone my handwriting, draw out my style. This is already a little bit possible, at least with the new EP. Although some fans have already written that the song is similar to “M83”, and I even understand why - because of the sample that sounds over the voice. In general, if we take it apart, we can say that here the harmony is similar to Blood Orange, here the drums are from Prince, here the melody is like Phoenix. But in the end it turns out something different.

At the last Afisha Picnic, I saw practically no fashionistas, so to speak.

If you were making a film that would mythologize Moscow at the turn of the 2000s and the 1900s and this Moscow city aligned with the West music scene, then who would be the heroes of this film and what would you tell about them first of all?

The first person who comes to mind is a man who, unfortunately, passed away - Roman Mazurenko. It’s difficult to say whether he was the trigger for changes for which everything was ready and all that was left was to strike a match, or whether it turned out that he simply found himself in right time V in the right place. But, of course, he is one of the heroes of that era and it is a great pity that he is not here now.

It’s quite difficult to explain today who Roma is. Not to call him a party promoter - this concept does not contain everything he did. These are cool texts, concepts, and ideology. Roma seemed to be connected to some super-fast Internet channels, with the help of which he was absolutely on the same wavelength with what was happening in the West. He absolutely knew how to spin stories around himself that would be remembered for a long, long time.

An amazing recording of a moment that characterizes Moscow at the turn of the 2000s and the 1900s - Anton Sevidov and the famous English producer Mark Ronson play four hands at a party in the recently opened Strelka.

2015 was the year when Roman Mazurenko, the Lookatme website and Afisha magazine simultaneously disappeared. There was a feeling that some bold point delivered, the page turned, another life began.


- In this regard, it would be interesting to know how easy it is for you?

It’s like when you were a child, you looked into a Kaleidoscope tube, twisted it, and the picture changed. And now the picture has changed. You know, one of the main complaints against the Tesla Boy group has always been that it is a fake, a parody, an unviable artificial story. But if this were so, then we would have sunk along with this era. It's nice to indulge in nostalgia, talk about how cool it was then, and be sad that it will never happen again. It won't happen again, but it will be something different. At the last Picnic I saw practically no fashionistas, so to speak.

- This has been like this for quite a few years.

Yes. It is believed that the main hipster group is Tesla Boy. But at our concerts there are ordinary students, young guys who are normally dressed in a modern way, and not “fashionistas” with some kind of amazing things from thrift stores and Balenciaga on feet. And there are no more fashionistas at Picnic either; this is truly a closed page. There is no need to lament that we no longer see unusual bows that we would like to post in the “Bows from the Afisha Picnic” section. In general, I have a feeling that such things as family and home are becoming the values ​​of the new time. Previously, all this was very snobbish, everyone was lonely, independent, career-oriented. I see confirmation of this at the Picnic, where there are more people with children than ever before.

It would be interesting to talk about this with eighteen-year-olds who rock at a concert, or with people who rock out to techno. By the way, this is where you can still shoot.

You can build all sorts of conspiracy theories about this in the spirit of “It’s better to dance than go to Bolotnaya.” But even I, a person who rarely goes out, notice how much the youth are now in an altered state. Last time I saw this when I was 15–16 years old, when you were leaving the Frunzenskaya metro station, and the junkies near the Youth Palace were selling ecstasy. It was 1996.

- Golden years of Russian rave!

Yes! In 1995 I heard electronic music, and I got very upset. I then studied jazz piano at Ordynka, but my dark side I wanted to immerse myself in a rave. I walked past this Youth Palace and it was real hot spot, the facade of the building simply shook from this kick drum, which, as a rule, did not slow down below 130 BPM.

Well, there was a corresponding audience there: ravers, bandits, all mixed up, drove up in Mercedes and threw pills. I managed whole year be a resident at MDM. The most funny story was associated with the need to announce DJs. Timur Mamedov performed with us, legendary character, who constantly moved with a retinue of 15–20 people, reminiscent of a sect. He basically didn’t play from vinyl, but only from DAT cassettes. So, he comes on stage, his assistants turn on these DAT tape recorders, I ask: “Timur, it’s very nice, Anton. How can I announce you?” He says: “Very simple, very simple. Aerodance sound system, Kvassa Theater rave performance presented by: Timur Mamedov, XP Voodoo, guardian of the rave.”

-Did he already shave half his head?

Yes Yes! It’s interesting that that club culture left nothing behind, except for a few DJs like Sanchez and Kubikov, and also the Propaganda club. There is no cult of those heroes; the glamor of the 2000s blurred everything out. I wonder which of the heroes of the 10s will remain in people's memory.

Speaking of heroes - from your point of view, a person like Prince, who is obviously one of your heroes and who left this world this year, and a person like the hero of the current era, Kanye West, are comparable figures ? By how influential are they and their musical ideas?

The rational part of me tells me that, probably, yes, these are figures of equal size. But we are still tied to our background - to the point from which you look at everything else. Probably, Kanye for young people, divorced from the context of the music of the 80s and even the 90s, is a figure absolutely equal in scale to both Prince and the great blacks jazz musicians. He really has a lot cool ideas, this shows freedom, arranging and producing courage. He's a very talented dude and definitely very charismatic. I like the way his relationship with show business is built: that one person can so easily mock this colossus. I understand this and accept it with my mind, but I won’t lie, I can’t sincerely feel it in my heart.

Prince was once asked about modern music, he replied: “Modern music is made by children for children.” There's something about it. If you take the TomorrowWorld festival, where I once had the imprudence (and at the same time the honor) to play a DJ set, then Kanye West, compared to what was sounded there, is simply the Beethoven of our days.

- Was there commercial EDM sound there?

There was EDM and some kind of trap music everywhere. This sobered me up a lot. Because you see 50,000 young guys standing in front of a stage the height of a 10-story building, from which they act tongues of fire flames and fountains falling, a lot of light and a sound that I have never heard before. And a teenager comes out and opens up his laptop, presses the play button, and trap comes on, and people are like, “... this... this is just...!” And you stand: “What the fuck is going on here?”

In your head you understand that this is a natural process. In the same way, in the 80s, computers and sequencers appeared that made it possible to record music at home: then an entire trade union demanded that all this be banned and limited, because musicians were losing their jobs. There is an Australian musician Flume, his musical instrument- this is a laptop, with which he gathers stadiums. An excellent musician, by the way - I would single out him and James Blake from the point of view of musicality as such bright spots in this modern movement.

As for Kanye West, I don’t know, but do you perceive him as a genius? I have at least one person on Facebook who rants about Kanye West all the time, it's very funny.

I don’t know if I love him, but I’ve been listening to him since 2004, from his first album, when he was still a beatmaker who successfully wrote music for Jay Z and suddenly suddenly took the microphone. To me, he certainly seems like a very powerful figure - contradictory, complex, funny, and yet very powerful.

The manager who worked with us in America is a black guy. And we argued with him on this topic. I asked him directly: “Explain what his genius as a musician is?” He then told me a very important thing: “You see, when a guy achieves such success, it’s very important for us. He was one of us, so his success is our success.” They are very supportive of him, absolutely no questions asked. But this is a typically American thing that we don’t even really understand, among other things.

The latest on this moment Tesla Boy's "Nothing" video was directed by Ryan Patrick, the same person behind the band's most viewed video, "Fantasy."

- On the Facebook group Tesla Boy, the location now indicates “Moscow - New York”...

Hmmm, we need to remove New York. It’s just that two or three years ago I spent a lot of time there. And this was such a sign that the group was international.

There is a certain myth that the Tesla Boy group regularly performs in Northern and South America, where it gathers huge venues. At the same time, it is unclear...

It’s not clear why we see him all the time on the Chamberlain, right?

- Almost. It’s just a thing that someone tells you, but you yourself can’t verify it.

Well, yes. These myths sometimes seem funny to me. There is a myth that we are constantly mistaken for foreigners, that we are much more popular abroad than here. Although in fact our Facebook page, do you know where most of the subscribers come from?

- I’ll assume that from Moscow.

No. From Mexico. Sometimes Russia comes out on top, but when we just started, for some reason America, Los Angeles, was in the lead.

- What are you doing to move into the American market?

We don't do anything special. We have a booking agent who books concerts. There is a manager who does roughly the same thing as the manager here: a record comes out, he contacts several publications. Otherwise, everything somehow works on its own. In general, there is a more streamlined system and a clear division of labor. Unlike Russia, where the manager does PR, concerts, and also goes on tour with the group. As a result, the person overexerts himself, begins to hate the artist, tells you that you are a tyrant, and leaves for another musician.

For the last six months I lived with the idea that I would finish the record and need to go there. Because many things are still decided in personal communication. Because I feel potential and excitement in myself. I don't want to say that we're going to tear America apart now. No, I just have a desire to gain a more thorough foothold there. It is important to me that music lovers around the world know who the Tesla Boy group is. Another question is that someone doesn’t like it, but everyone is aware. Now I want a wider mass of people to know about us.

Plus I have a desire to achieve more high level- truly create something unique and valuable. You've probably heard this story, with which everyone makes fun of me: “Oh, you erased the album again!” A year and a half ago, I had the Tesla Boy album ready, but I simply decided not to release it and pressed the “Delete” button. At the same time, I understood why one song would work, who would like the second, but it’s boring, these are templates. That's why my new release is like this, that's why I want to go to the Western environment, where there is more music, more competition, more musicians from all over the world.

That case when they were shooting a video, but it turned out historical document- 2010, Strelka, old composition Tesla Boy dancing in front of the stage Roman Mazurenko, intense nostalgia.

“But you also need to push harder with your elbows.”

On the one hand, you need to push with your elbows. On the other hand, there is a feeling that there is a place for everyone. Here is the example of Gosha Rubchinsky, who offered Russian brutality and fashion-gopism to the Western world. And he became a star. Do you know which is the most popular? Russian group in America? Pussy Riot. I ask: “What songs of theirs do you know?” They tell me: “We don’t know the songs, but they play some kind of punk and they’re very cool.”

So I don’t know what else to say about America. You know, I finally realized that I wouldn’t want to live there. In NYC great concerts, but this is the most dreary city in terms of club life. Moscow today, on the contrary, lives very brightly. nightlife, which is confirmed by the New York DJs who come here.

There’s something else I wanted to ask about - Afisha’s last interview began with the author’s summary that this was a conversation with the leader of Tesla Boy, the fashion group Moscow. Now how true is this statement?

You know - no, I don’t feel like a member of a fashion group. I really like that we have become just a group that exists, which makes its own music, whose concerts people come to. We modern group, which makes modern music with some, according to famous critic Nikitin, with a retro slant. Do you have the feeling that we are a fashionable group?

Not anymore. Although the group historically looks very fashionable. In this regard, it is interesting to know whether there is some kind of tyranny of the artistic director, who, well, obliges everyone.

In the last couple of years, if it's not a performance at " Evening Urgant“, where the picture is important, the discussion of the stage image looks something like this: “What will you wear today? In a black T-shirt or a white one?” "I'll be in black." - “Then I’ll wear white.” I laughed a lot when I read somewhere about Anton Sevidov’s neatly shaved beard in the context that, look, everything here is very calculated and even this supposed unshavenness of his is actually very correctly and carefully corrected by the stylist. Okay, at least he’s dressed fashionably, that’s something. Here in these “reeboks” and expensive pants from Uniqlo for 800 rubles. It's important to stay in the flow.

Moscow apartment of the creator of the Tesla Boy group Anton Sevidov, to which his girlfriend, model and DJ Dasha Malygina, has now moved from St. Petersburg, is located in the Sokol metro area. When Anton was looking for a place to live, he looked great amount options, and everything was wrong: it seemed to the musician that his native Frunzenskaya embankment he can't find anything. But once in this apartment on Novopeschanaya Street, Sevidov immediately realized that he wanted and would live here: “This is a Stalinist house, built with high quality after the war by captured Germans. It is notable for the fact that it has an attic. Actually, this is where we live. For St. Petersburg this is almost a common thing, but in Moscow it is very rare. In general, it’s like a small town inside a big metropolis, with its own fountain, park and alleys. And the courtyards are more reminiscent of Holland than Russia.”

The owners do not organize crowded parties here: Still, there is not enough space for this. One room is a bedroom and the other is a work room, containing a Petrof piano, Yamaha, Korg and Roland synthesizers, a computer, drum machines, a yoga mat and a jump rope. “Since the formation of the Tesla Boy group in 2008, I have been home less and less,” says Anton. “And I know the layout of the capital’s airports so well that if they decided to sell them like apartments, I could become a realtor and take people to inspect them: “Please note, on the left there is an escalator to the security check area for domestic flights in sector A. On the right is an elevator that will take you to a capsule hotel where you can while away a few hours in case of a flight delay.” Dasha confirms that with their crazy work schedule, the apartment is a nest in which they sleep and spend the quietest evenings, away from the hustle and bustle. “Anton plays concerts, I play DJ sets. Plus filming, shows - we are constantly on the road, sometimes we see each other only a couple of hours a week, so our housekeeper sometimes sees us more often than we see each other. But we sometimes cross paths in other cities, and if possible, we go on tour with each other,” says Dasha.

The guys admit that they were not seriously involved in the design of the apartment. They try to leave in it things that lift their spirits, objects that are valuable to them because of their history. So, the library is the books that Sevidov’s parents collected. His grandfather was famous football player, my father started out as a hockey player, but left the sport at a young age, graduated from law school and for some time even worked as an investigator. “My father was an extraordinary person, and I consider him one of the most bright people whom I had the chance to meet in my life. He opened one of the first disco bars in Moscow, on Kerchenskaya Street, for a long time was a bartender at the Cosmos Hotel, from where he periodically came with broken hands after a showdown with bandits. Could talk freely about paintings of the 19th century century and at the same time about Stevie Wonder's albums. He was a very sociable person; among his friends there were many musicians who often came to our house and sat until the morning, discussing the last notes and watching new videos." The paintings on the walls of the apartment are the work of Anton's father. But the painting “Girl with a Bear” is a gift from producer Sasha Markvo: it was painted right in the cafe by film director and artist Rustam Khamdamov. Even vinyl records- from the collection of the father and grandfather of the Tesla Boy frontman. All these things create the character of the apartment.

Thinking about your dream home, Dasha and Anton decide that this should be a place somewhere near the sea, where it is always warm and there is no winter. A building with a large and bright terrace where you can gather all your friends. “I have never had a feeling of home anywhere, always and everywhere only temporary residence or hotels in different cities, - admits top model Malygina. - In the 1990s, when I was very little, my parents found an abandoned house on Nekrasova Street in St. Petersburg, broke down the door, and as a result we lived in the attic with access to the roof. Then we moved in the same house to a huge apartment, where I roller-skated and in which my mother had a studio, where she made the first collections of the Pirosmani brand. There were rolls of fabric, sewing machines and my mother’s paintings everywhere - the atmosphere was so inspiring that I also learned to draw at the art lyceum, studied music, studied Italian language, ran across the roofs of St. Petersburg, read a lot. Since childhood, I wanted to do everything I could and be like my mother - strong, purposeful, ambitious and independent. Later, having already become a model, I lived in New York ten different places all over Manhattan. With my travels, I don’t stay anywhere, but when I come somewhere where there is a sea, that’s the only place I rest, and I get a feeling of home comfort. However, we cannot live without work, so we can keep our dream house until old age, but there will definitely be a dog and a huge bed there.”

Anton also likes the lifestyle he leads:“Endless tours, planes and trips completely suit me. I may be physically tired, but the picture before my eyes is constantly changing and never gets boring. I can’t imagine how I could stay at one point for a long time. From a certain point in my life I have no connection to home. I really like to live in hotels, I like places that have nothing to do with the past and in which there is a feeling of a blank sheet.”