The most expensive actors in the world. The highest paid actors in Russia - how much do our movie stars earn? The biggest fees for actors

Most films get their recognition thanks to the actors who star in them. Good game movie stars are half the success of a film. It is for this reason that "screen masters" are so highly valued and received high fees for your work.

The article presents the highest paid actors in Hollywood in 2015. According to the data of the past year, it was these Hollywood stars who collected the most fees for filming in the most successful films.

Danniel Craig $27 million

Danniel Craig is among the 10 highest-paid actors this year, thanks to the release of the next Bond movie called “007: Spectre.” The twenty-fourth film was released in October of this year. The already middle-aged Craig played the role of Bond for the 4th time and received a substantial fee for this role. The film grossed about $800 million and was a stunning success. The American actor became famous and gained worldwide fame thanks to this role. His income this year was $27 million.

$29 million

Still in the top 10 most paid Hollywood stars. The most sensational films for last years, in which the actor played main role– “The Wolf of Walt Street” and a film based on novel of the same name F.S. Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby". Thanks to them, DiCaprio was one of the 4 highest paid actors. In 2015, the actor's income dropped significantly and amounted to $29 million. Last premiere entitled “The Revenant,” in which he starred, will be released in theaters at the end of January next year.

$30 million

- famous Hollywood actor and nominee for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor in the film “Black Mass” (2015). The world's favorite, known as Jack Sparrow from the film "Pirates" Caribbean Sea"set sail for the fifth time." Filming for the next installment of Pirates began in February of this year. According to the filmmakers, the film was supposed to be shot back in 2013, but at that time the producers were not satisfied with Depom’s requested fee, and further work on the premiere had to be postponed. Jack Sparrow will appear on screens again only in 2017. To date, Johnny Dap's income is estimated at $30 million.

$31.5 million

He occupied a leading position last year among highly paid actors and took 2nd place on the list. To date, the wrestler's income has dropped significantly and is $31.5 million. In April, the 7th Fast and the Furious was released with his participation, as well as new picture“San Andreas Fault”, where the actor starred. Previously, the actor was involved in theatrical wrestling. His first starring role in The Scorpion King (2002) earned him $5.5 million. It was a stunning success for the aspiring star.

$32 million

He firmly holds his position in the ranking of the most “expensive” Hollywood stars. The two-time Oscar nominee is known to audiences for such films as Boogie Nights, The Departed, Planet of the Apes, Transformers: Age of Extinction and others. In June, the comedy “Ted 2” with Mark Wahlberg in the title role premiered. Besides acting Wahlberg is involved in charity work: in 2001, he founded a foundation to support young talents. The Hollywood star is also a model.

Today, the actor earns about $32 million from filming.

40 million dollars

- one of the brightest stars of Hollywood cinema. The triple Golden Globe Award winner took first place several years ago in the ranking of the highest paid actors. Then the actor’s financial success came from his participation in the film “Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol” (2011), which grossed about $700 million at the box office. The next part of the film “Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation” did not bring Cruise as much income as the previous one. Today's earnings American star is estimated at 40 million dollars.

$41 million

Known as American comedian and film actor. Half a million dollars separates the Hollywood star from the top three. The owner of his own film studio returned to the top 10 most expensive actors, thanks to a signed contract with by Netflix There are 4 films to be released in which Sandler will star and also produce them.

The most famous works, in which Adam played the main role - “Billy Madison”, “Spanish English”, “50 Kisses”, “Pretend to be My Wife” and others. The movie star's earnings this year amounted to $41 million, which allows Sandler to take fourth place among the highest paid Hollywood actors.

$41.5 million

Leads the top three most expensive Hollywood stars, holding this place for the 2nd year in a row. Cooper gained wide popularity thanks to the films “The Hangover”, the TV series “Alias”, “Promise does not mean marriage.” For his leading roles in the films My Boyfriend Is Crazy, American Hustle and Sniper, he was nominated for an Oscar 4 times, but was never awarded the long-awaited prize. According to the data of the past year, the American actor earned 41.5 million dollars.

$47 million

− one of the leaders in the ranking of the most paid movie stars this year. The actor earned a lot of income from his role in the film Fast and Furious 7. The film, like the previous parts, was a stunning success and collected more than $1.5 billion. Diesel's popularity came with the release of the first part of "The Fast and the Furious" and the subsequent famous film"Chronicles of Riddick". In addition to acting, he is involved in producing activities and is the founder of the video companies One Race Films and Tigon Studios.

One of latest paintings with the actor, which has already appeared on the screen - “The Last Witch Hunter”. And filming of the next film, Xxx: Return of Xander Cage, starring Vin Diesel, is scheduled to begin in December this year.

To date, the actor's annual income is $47 million.

Robert Downey 50 million dollars

Robert Downey-Jr., who has topped the top ten highest-paid actors for a year in a row. The amount of fees for filming the most paid star in America is growing more and more every year.

Fame came to Downey Jr. after starring in the films Air America and Natural Born Killers. But the actor gained great popularity and love from the audience after the release of fantastic action movie"The Avengers", where he played the main role. The last released part of the film “Avengers: Age of Ultron” this year brought Robert an incredible fee of $50 million. The film itself grossed about $1.5 billion.

At the end of 2015, income Hollywood star amounted to $80 million. The winner of numerous awards is also one of the most sought-after actors today.

We present to your attention the TOP 10 highest paid actors of 2013 according to Forbes magazine.

1 place

And so, as mentioned above, first place in the ranking went to Robert Downey Jr.American actor, producer and musician, two-time Oscar nominee, two-time Golden Globe winner and winner BAFTA. According to Forbes estimates, the actor earned $75 million between June 2012 and June 2013.

2nd place

American actor, producer and fashion model took second place in the ranking Channing Tatum. 33-year-old Channing is known to the world for his roles T Iler Gage in the movie "Step Up" Jonah Tyree in the film "Dear John", in the film "Macho and Geek" and Brand of Aquila in the film "Eagle of the Ninth Legion". His income for last year amounted to $60 million.

3rd place

Rounding out the top three Hugh Jackman. Hollywood actor Australian-born Hugh Jackman became famous for his role as the mutant superhero Wolverines in the X-Men film series. Hugh Jackman is the winner of such prestigious awards as the Golden Globe, Emmy and theater award"Tony". His income was $55 million.

4th place

Fourth place went to the actor, producer, musician and philanthropist Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg started out as a rapper, but still achieved great success as an actor. Mark Wahlberg's breakthrough roles were in the films Boogie Nights, The Perfect Storm, Planet of the Apes, The Italian Job, The Departed and Max Payne. The actor's income for the year amounted to $52 million.

5th place

The fifth position in the ranking was taken by the American actor and wrestler. Dwayne Johnson. It should be noted that Johnson succeeded in both fields. Among him sporting achievements includes an eight-time WWF/E Championship, a two-time WCW Heavyweight Championship, a Triple Crown Championship and a 2000 Royal Rumble. The titan’s acting career also includes many big names - he is known for the films “The Scorpion King”, “The Mummy Returns”, “Treasures of the Amazon”, “Witch Mountain”, “Fast and Furious 5”, “Fast and Furious 6”, “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” . Dwayne Johnson's annual income was $46 million.

6th place

Sixth place went to the Hollywood handsome man and the eternal boy Leonardo DiCaprio, whom we all mourned in Titanic and Romeo and Juliet, cheered for in Gangs of New York, Catch Me If You Can and The Aviator, and in 2013 we waited for his appearance like the second coming Christ in the film The Great Gatsby. Over the past year, Leonardo DiCaprio earned $39 million.

7th place

Popular comedian of all times Adam Sandler took seventh place in the ranking. He is known for his roles in the films “Billy Madison”, “Happy Gilmore”, “Big Daddy”, “The Wedding Singer”, “Knock Down Love”, “Spanish English”, “Empty Town”, “Click: With Remote Control” through life”, “The Reluctant Millionaire”, “50 First Dates” and “Pretend to be My Wife”. His income was $37 million.

8th place

With a treasury of $35 million Tom Cruise took eighth place in the ranking. The actor has played in so many films that it’s difficult to list, but greater success He got roles in the films Interview with the Vampire, Vanilla Sky, Operation Valkyrie and Mission: Impossible.

9th place

In ninth position in the ranking is Denzel Washington with an income of $33 million. In addition to his acting career, Denzel Washington is involved in directing and producing. He is the winner of several Oscars, Golden Globes, MTV Movie Awards and Silver Bear.

10th place

The last place in the ranking went to an American actor of Irish descent. Liam Neeson. Liam Neeson has starred in more than 70 films. Fame came to him after his role in the film "Schindler's list". He then starred in the films " Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace", "Gangs of New York", "K-19", "Kingdom of heaven", "Batman Begins", « Real love» and others. His income was $32 million.

Forbes magazine has revealed a list of the highest paid actors on the planet. These hard-working people are able to earn such sums that anyone would be envious.

This top list includes the names you'd expect - Robert Downey Jr. is in first place, with Tom Cruise and Bradley Cooper close on his heels (with a "small difference" of $39,608,000). And there are a couple more interesting facts. For example, Adam Sandler, who can be called the most boring of them, receives about $41,528,200. What an unfair world we still live in...

Two days later Forbes published the same list, only with female names. Everything is right 10 most highly paid actresses , the richest women on the planet that you can only dream of. It may come as no surprise that the lady in first place earns half as much as her husband, suggesting the sexism plaguing Hollywood. Although, there will be a person who will say that they are all paid too much there.

As was the case with the list of male actors, the current list will be compiled in ascending order of the amounts received per year by actresses and we will find out who really deserved fat checks and who just had their luck turn in the right direction. Most of them are famous, but there are names that may come as a shock.

10. Anne Hathaway ($11,816,200)

There is something tiresome about this actress that makes her somehow interesting; even if she's in real life it can be simply unbearable.

Even those who labeled her "annoying" never doubted her talent. Indeed, the star of such films as “ The Dark Knight: A Legend Reborn, Les Misérables and Rachel Getting Married" - one of the best actresses of this generation.

Role in the science fiction film " Interstellar» added a lot of money to her wallet. Despite her moments when she is simply insufferable, it is difficult to name another actress her age who possessed such great enthusiasm, talent and beauty.

9. Kristen Stewart ($11,865,200)

Now, Kristen is being put in the way. No one perceives her as a serious actress, due to the fact that she remains “ the girl from the movie Twilight"and cheated on Robert Pattinson with the director of the film Snow White and the Hunter(and people don't like it when celebrities do that).

She recently proved her outstanding acting skills a role that was no worse than Bella Swan. In February she became the first American actress, who received prestigious award Caesar in the nomination Best Supporting Actress for her role in the film Sils Maria. She is included in the ranking of the 10 sexiest actresses in Hollywood.

Stewart is improving and she is confident that she will do many great things if, of course, she hones her acting skills in next years. And we must not forget, of course, that she is in 10th place among the most well-paid actresses in the entire globe.

8. Angelina Jolie ($14,787,700)

Jolie was once considered the most desirable woman on the planet, and there is a reason why people don't hold that opinion now - Jolie is no longer a sex symbol for humanity. Frankly, this is because she no longer starred in quality films, and instead chose a career as a director.

During her career, she managed to prove that she is an excellent and very talented actress. Her best roles since the beginning acting path(For example, " Interrupted Life", "Gia"), but you can't ignore a recent character Maleficent- a real manifestation of strength (apparently, this is the reason why she received 984,316,500 rubles for the role).

She has starred in amazing films such as Pretty Woman, Captain Hook, Wedding best friend" and "Notting Hill“, and her best role, of course, is in Steven Soderbergh’s film “ Erin Brockovich", which proved that Roberts deserved the Oscar.

5. Jennifer Aniston ($16,266,500)

Aniston is one of the public's favorites, and nothing can be done about it. When she started playing Rachel Green in the popular, still best series"Friends" secured her a lifetime of fame and is still culturally relevant today. But even as an actress, she doesn't get everything she deserves.

Now we are not talking about the most serious roles, as, for example, in the film “ Cake", which won an Oscar. We are talking about comic works that have remained almost as popular as they were several years ago. The actress's sense of comic timing is impeccable. You can find the actress among the 20 sexiest legs in Hollywood.

4. Fan Bingbing ($20,764,100)

There's a good chance you're familiar with her work in films like X-Men: Days of Future Past or a couple of very famous and criticized Chinese films. Fan is very popular in China for her versatility. She tried a lot of things: being a model, singing, and acting in films.

If her films don't make as much noise in America, at least in China she does. big success and her compatriots go to the cinema to see what new she has come up with.

3. Melissa McCarthy ($22,741,600)

Everyone knows her thanks to the film Bachelorette Party in Vegas, and a bunch of other mediocre comedies - and everyone began to wonder why Hollywood was arguing so much about it. The film came out this year Spy, who gave the actress the most best role, and just in time, gave the feeling that she was about to become something akin to box office poison.

Melissa McCarthy is not a bad actress and she can show her abilities. Compared to Adam Sandler (who was featured on last place among actors), she's just Meryl Streep! The problem is that she's a little unbearable when she's playing the wrong role. In this case, it simply loses its zest.

2. Scarlett Johansson ($35,124,300)

None of Hollywood stars did not build such an interesting, varied and daring career as Scarlett did - an actress who was able to find an absolute balance between regular films and indie films.

The last 7 films in which she starred:

  • « The Passion of Don Juan"
  • "Be in my shoes"
  • "She",
  • "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"
  • "Cook on Wheels"
  • "Lucy",
  • "Avengers 2".

These films prove her ability to handle films for the general masses (to remain everyone's favorite) and films for special audiences, such as " Walk in my shoes”, which do not affect overall popularity at all. Then there are interesting and crazy topics like “ Lucy”, which inspire Johansson to simply be an unpretentious person who enjoys the process of filming.

These kinds of films create a certain balance in one’s career and allow one to star in films created by “ For delicate taste " Even though she is not in first place, she is still the best.

1. Jennifer Lawrence ($51,449,600)

Jennifer ranks first on the list of the highest paid actresses in the world! She has a salary that most people have never even dreamed of, and she gets even more than the leader in men's top– Tom Cruise (thanks to his role as the cool Katniss Everdeen from the franchise The Hunger Games", due to which her fortune increased significantly).

Lawrence is completely engrossed in any film she stars in and is able to convey both dramatic heights and great comic sensibility well. Overall, this girl has it all and it’s rare that she doesn’t completely own the screen. There's something about her that makes her watchable - you can't help it and want to be her best friend.

In order to compile such a list, Forbes had to talk with many people close to the industry, such as agents, producers and managers, in order to identify the highest paid over the past year - from June 2012 to June 2013. So this is Forbes rating Top 10 Most Expensive Actors in the World 2013-2014

We all love movies. We like to sit on the couch, wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and watch the best movies. Some people are such fans of the film industry that they try not to miss the premieres of films that are shown in cinemas on big screens. But every year the public begins to demand more and more from producers, so the most sought-after and most expensive actors in the world are attracted to filming films.

As a result, the fees of sought-after movie stars have increased to enormous amounts. Therefore, we decided to invite you to familiarize yourself with the ten highest paid actors in Hollywood.

The highest paid actors in the world

10. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most beautiful girls in Hollywood. Although she is only 26 years old, she has already starred in some of the best films the beginning of this millennium. Her sweet smile and good body made Jennifer a huge success among male audiences. Lawrence starred in the 2016 blockbuster “X-Men Apocalypse” and in the 2015 film “Joy.” But the actress achieved her greatest popularity thanks to her starring role in the Hunger Games trilogy. Every year the popularity of the actress increases, and with it the amount of fees increases.

9. Angelina Jolie

She is beautiful, sexy and very talented actress. Jolie starred in large quantities films, each of which she complemented with her incredible acting and charm. Angelina already long time married to Brad Pitt - also one of best actors Hollywood. Together, this couple is considered the most spectacular in Hollywood circles. Interestingly, according to Forbes magazine, Angelina Jolie was the highest paid actress in 2009, 2011 and 2013.

8. Julia Roberts

The 48-year-old mother of three is one of the most... beautiful actresses who were models. Julia has a legion of fans who are passionate not only about her beauty, but also about her acting talent. Roberts began acting in films in the early 90s, but to this day she is in demand in Hollywood. Julia Roberts has many different awards, including an Oscar for Best Actress.

7. Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan is the most famous Chinese actor in Hollywood. This actor requires no description because modern generation grew up watching his films such as Rush Hour, the Armor of God trilogy, Who Am I?, Around the World in 80 Days and many others. In 2015, Jackie Chan earned approximately $50 million, making him one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

6. Scarlett Johansson

Beauty plays important role in the career of any actress, and Scarlett Johansson is so good that she manages to become more and more popular every year. At 31 years old, she has starred in many films and a large number of producers have already lined up for Scarlett. Johansson’s most famous films were “Lucy”, “Captain America”, “The Avengers”, etc. While still so young, Scarlett is already on the list of the highest paid actresses in the world.

5. Tom Cruise

We're just sure that you've seen at least one movie in which this handsome guy starred. Greatest glory Cruise succeeded thanks to his starring role in the Mission: Impossible film series. Tom plays good guys in most films and he does it well. In 2015, the actor managed to earn about $40 million, thanks to the film Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation. Other films that made Tom Cruise earn big money were Edge of Tomorrow and Oblivion. But no matter how talented Tom is, he is still on the list of actors who do not have an Oscar.

4. Adam Sandler

The films Adam Sandler stars in are very quick and witty, which makes this actor very popular and in demand for filming in family films. He began acting in comedies while still in adolescence and Adam's passion for this art has made him one of the best comedians of our time. Every year, Adam Sandler stars in several films, which demonstrate great popularity at the box office, and also fail large sums box office receipts.

3. Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel doesn't star in a lot of films, but those films in which he plays roles always collect big box office receipts. "Dominic Toretto" is his very own famous role in the Forsah franchise, which already has 7 parts, and the eighth should appear in the near future. Vin Diesel earned around $47 million for his latest film, Furious 7, making him one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

2. Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper is a well-rounded actor who is one of the most... talented actors Hollywood. But he's not only hot and handsome man with big acting skills, but also a successful businessman. Highlight one of his films, since all of his works are unique and inimitable, as well as equally wonderful.

1. Robert Downey Jr.

At the top of our list of the TOP 10 highest paid actors in Hollywood is Robert Downey Jr. He is the star of the franchise " iron Man", "Sherlock Holmes" and "The Avengers". The last movie, in which Robert Downey Jr. played “Captain America: Civil War" All these films made money large amounts money, thanks to ticket sales, both in America and in other parts of the world. This, in turn, was reflected in the income of the main character in the above films. Therefore, Robert Downey Jr. is the highest paid actor in the world.

But just recently, Forbes magazine decided to carry out new calculations and published a new list, which included some changes. So, according to the latest data, Dwayne Johnson took first place in the list of the highest paid actors and actresses. Behind him are Jackie Chan and Matt Damon, respectively.

20 highest paid actors and actresses in the world

1. Dwayne Johnson - £48,850,000
2 Jackie Chan - £46,190,000
3 Matt Damon - £41,650,000
4 Tom Cruise - £40,140,000
5 Johnny Depp - £36,350,000
6. Jennifer Lawrence - £34,840,000
7. Ben Affleck - £32,560,000
8. Vin Diesel - £26,510,000
9. Shah Rukh Khan - £24,990,000
10. Melissa McCarthy - £24,990,000
11. Robert Downey Jr - £24,990,000
12. Akshay Kumar - £23,850,000
13. Brad Pitt - £23,850,000
14. Adam Sandler - £22,720,000
15. Mark Wahlberg - £22,720,000
16. Salman Khan - £21,580,000
17. Leonardo DiCaprio - £20,450,000
18. Pratt - £19,690,000
19. Scarlett Johansson - £18,930,000
20. Jennifer Aniston - £15,900,000

Every year, the authoritative American magazine Forbes compiles and publishes the top highest paid actors in the world. The publication has already published the 2018 rating. Places were distributed according to the stars' income received during the period from July 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018. Let's start from the end in order to maintain the intrigue for as long as possible.

In 10th place on the list of the highest paid actors in the world is American Chris Evans with an income of $34 million. Most the amount he received for the film “The Avengers. Infinity War."

Evans' star role was Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Other iconic works of the actor include “Fantastic Four”, “Gifted”, “Snowpiercer”.

Khan's fees for the year amounted to $38.5 million. Salman Khan started acting career at 22 years old minor role V Indian film"Spouse". The project was not successful with viewers.

Resounding success and recognition came a year later, when the film “I fell in love” was released, in which Khan played the main role. Today Salman is a Bollywood star.

In 2017, viewers saw the film Tubelight, where Khan plays a man searching for his missing brother. The film failed at the box office. In the same year, another project was released - “The Tiger Is Alive,” the sequel to “Once Upon a Time There Was a Tiger.” This time the box office collections were good and the fee secured Salman a place in the top ten.

8th place in the top most highly paid stars occupied by Adam Sandler. A comedian, musician and screenwriter rolled into one, he earns money by filming, dubbing and solo concerts. Fees for live performances of a comedian are calculated in amounts with 6 zeros.

It is not surprising that his annual income amounted to $39.5 million and secured an honorable place in the top ten richest movie stars.

Adam played the most popular roles in Billy Madison, Odnoklassniki, The Reluctant Millionaire, 50 First Dates, and other comedies and dramas. Sandler's voice is used by Dracula in the "Monsters on Vacation" cartoons.

Sandler has been called "the king" home video" This nickname stuck to him after signing a cooperation contract with the Netfix service, specializing in streaming media content.

52-year-old Akshay Kumar is a superstar of Bollywood. Last year became successful for the actor's career - two films with his participation were released at once.

The first is called the Clean India Project. Love story". The plot raises an important social problem lack of sufficient public toilets and the need to relieve oneself on the street. The second film, Padman, is about a guy interested in selling inexpensive sanitary pads to villagers. Both projects became commercially successful.

Will Smith occupies 6th place in the honorary rating with earnings of $42 million. He received almost half of this amount for starring in the film “Brightness.”

Smith went down in Hollywood history as the all-time box office record-breaking actor. Each of Will's nine films grossed more than $100 million. The interesting thing is that the films were released in a row - one after another.

Will Smith was nominated for an Oscar twice and for a Golden Globe 5 times. He ended up winning a Grammy Award.

At 64 years old, Jackie Chan is popular and in demand: in a year by wide screens 6 films with his participation were released. Chan played the main roles in “The Foreigner” and “Bleeding Steel.” The total income of the famous Asian amounted to $45.5 million and provided him with 5th place in the top of the highest paid celebrities.

Jackie Chan's filmography includes more than 100 roles, which revealed not only his fighting style, but also his comedic talent. He is not only an actor, but also a singer. In many films, songs are performed by Chan.

Australian Hemsworth made it into the Forbes top ten with a capital of $64.5 million. His most famous role– Thor in cinematic universe"Marvel".

Chris's film career began in 2002, when he was 19 years old. Popularity came to the actor 9 years later - with the release of the films "Thor" and then "The Avengers", in which he played the main role.

Filming in “Ragnarok” and “Avengers: Infinity War” increased Hemsworth’s fortune.

Forbes experts estimated Robert Downey Jr.'s capital at $81 million. He occupies an honorable third place among the top three. Over the course of a year, the Hollywood “Avenger” managed to almost double its capital.