Japanese proverb about home luck. Japanese proverbs: folk wisdom and character

Be careful with your wishes - they tend to come true.

A novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"- the brightest masterpiece and the most mysterious of the novels in history Russian literature XX century. A book that you can read and reread dozens, hundreds of times, but never fully understand. The cult novel is full of adventures, mysteries, irony and endless wisdom.

The novel was first published only 26 years after the author’s death, in 1966, and even then only in an abbreviated magazine version. The novel immediately gained popularity and was distributed in hand-typed copies until its official publication in 1973.

  1. Who told you that there is no real, true, eternal love? May the liar be cut off vile language!
  2. We are talking to you in different languages, as always, but the things we talk about don’t change.
  3. An unhappy person is cruel and callous. And all just because good people mutilated him.
  4. Sometimes The best way to destroy a person is to let him choose his own fate.
  5. A person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting.
  6. Everything will be right, the world is built on this.
  7. – Margarita Nikolaevna did not need money. Margarita Nikolaevna could buy whatever she liked. Among her husband's acquaintances there were interesting people. Margarita Nikolaevna never touched a primus stove. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a shared apartment.
    - In a word... Was she happy?
    - Not a single minute!
  8. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never!
  9. It's nice to hear that you treat your cat so politely. For some reason, cats are usually called “you,” although not a single cat has ever drunk brotherhood with anyone.
  10. Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!
  11. Do you judge by the suit? Never do this. You can make a mistake, and a very big one at that.
  12. He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.
  13. There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people.
  14. - Is this vodka? – Margarita asked weakly.
    The cat jumped up in his chair from offense.
    “For mercy, queen,” he croaked, “would I allow myself to pour vodka for the lady?” This is pure alcohol!
  15. A brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason at all..
  16. “You are not Dostoevsky,” said the citizen, confused by Koroviev.
    “Well, who knows, who knows,” he answered.
    “Dostoevsky died,” said the citizen, but somehow not very confidently.
    “I protest,” Behemoth exclaimed hotly. – Dostoevsky is immortal!
  17. People are like people. They love money, but this has always been the case... Humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous... well, well... ordinary people... in general, they resemble the previous ones... housing problem I just ruined them...
  18. Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!
  19. The most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word.
  20. All theories are worth one another. Among them there is one according to which everyone will be given according to their faith. May it come true!
  21. Nonsense! In three hundred years this will pass.
  22. What country's wine do you prefer at this time of day?
  23. My drama is that I live with someone I don’t love, but I consider it unworthy to ruin his life.
  24. – Cowardice is one of the most terrible human vices.
    – I dare to object to you. Cowardice is the most terrible human vice.
  25. Never be afraid of anything. This is unreasonable.
  26. Most terrible anger- anger of powerlessness.
  27. I'll tell you a fairy tale. There was only one aunt in the world. And she had no children and no happiness at all. And so at first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry.
  28. Annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even bottled it. So the meeting will not take place.
  29. What would it do your good, if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?
  30. No matter what pessimists say, the earth is still absolutely beautiful, and under the moon it is simply unique.

So, for example, one city dweller, as I was told, having received a three-room apartment on an earthen rampart, without any fifth dimension and other things that make the mind go beyond reason, instantly turned it into a four-room apartment, dividing one of the rooms in half with a partition. He then exchanged this one for two separate apartments in different areas of Moscow - one with three rooms and the other with two rooms. agree that there are five of them. He exchanged the three-room apartment for two separate rooms of two each and became the owner, as you can see, of six rooms, although scattered in complete disorder throughout Moscow. He was about to make his last and most brilliant volt by placing an advertisement in the newspaper that he was exchanging six rooms in different areas of Moscow for one five-room apartment on Zemlyanny Rampart, when his activities, for reasons beyond his control, ceased.

At first she cried for a long time and then she became angry

I ran to the pantry and saved the salmon. I ran into the kitchen and saved the robe. History will judge us. My speeches are not at all dirty, as you deign to express yourself in the presence of a lady, but a string of firmly packaged syllogisms that would be appreciated by such experts as Sextus Empiricus, Martian Capella, and, of course, Aristotle himself. Hello, pest! Koroviev: And what are those steps on the stairs? Azazello: And they are coming to arrest us. Koroviev: Oh, well, well.


Koroviev and Azezello at breakfast Police? Police? Comrade on duty, order now that five motorcycles with machine guns be sent to capture the foreign consultant. What? Come pick me up, I'll go with you myself. The poet Homeless from a madhouse speaks... Are you listening? Hello! Ugliness! The knight has appeared here small man, who says that he needs messir.

Master and Margarita

The mermaids finished their dance in the moonlight and melted in it. The goat-footed man respectfully asked Margarita how she arrived at the river; Having learned that she had come riding on a broom, he said: “Oh, why, this is inconvenient,” he instantly built some kind of suspicious telephone from two branches and demanded that someone send a car right away, which happened, indeed, in One minute. A dun open car crashed onto the island, only in the driver’s seat sat not an ordinary-looking driver, but a black, long-nosed rook in an oilskin cap and gloves with bells.
The island is empty. The witches who flew away disappeared into the moonlight. The fire was burning out, and the coals were covered with gray ash. the sideburner and the goat-legged man lifted Margarita, and she sank into the wide back seat. The car howled, jumped and rose almost to the moon, the island disappeared, the river disappeared, Margarita rushed to Moscow.
Chapter 22.

I cried for a long time, and then I became angry...

Oh, what are you like? boring guy“, Nikolai Ivanovich,” Margarita continued, “in general, I’m so tired of you all that I can’t express it to you, and I’m so happy that I’m parting with you!” Well, to hell with your mother! Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” added: 1 year ago Forgive me and forget me as soon as possible. I'm leaving you forever. Don't look for me, it's useless. I became a witch because of the grief and disasters that struck me. I have to go. Goodbye. Margarita. Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” added: 2 years ago Everything will be right, the world is built on this.

© The Master and Margarita added: 1 year ago If you forget me today, don’t remember me tomorrow. Margarita Aliger added: 2 years ago Why chase in the footsteps of what is already over? M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” added: 4 months ago +1 And so at first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry. M.A.

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich


A woman in love blossoms, her eyes glow, and she is beautiful. beautiful quotes about a beloved man: Beloved is your mirror. You are his reflection. At the first stage, the shortcomings of your loved one become advantages for you, or small, appetite-stimulating pranks. Reciprocity is sought in relationships. Love reveals a person from an unexpected side - his mind would be the envy of geniuses.

Virtue, tenderness, affection and tact outweighed all other character traits, becoming fundamental. When your loved one is nearby, a passionate little motor jumps out of your chest. Your essence has expanded its boundaries - another particle has penetrated into your flesh from the outside with passion.


To fall in love means to transfer your happiness into the hands of a stranger who can dispose of it at the behest of his heart. Cooking food for a loved one is an act of voluptuousness or passion. A loved one is more than rich - happiness is always higher than wealth.

Margarita Quotes

Looking at himself in the mirror, Nikolai Ivanovich howled desperately and wildly, but it was too late. A few seconds later he, saddled, was flying somewhere to hell from Moscow, sobbing with grief. - I demand the return of my normal appearance! - Suddenly, either frantically or pleadingly, the hog croaked and grunted, “I don’t intend to fly to an illegal gathering!” Margarita Nikolaevna, you must calm down your housekeeper. - Oh, so I’m your housekeeper now? Housekeeper? - Natasha screamed, pinching the hog's ear, - was there a goddess? What did you call me? - Venus! - The hog answered tearfully, flying over the stream murmuring between the stones, and rustling his hooves against the hazel bushes. - Venus! Venus! “Natasha shouted victoriously, placing one hand akimbo and extending the other to the moon, “Margarita!” Queen! Ask for me to leave me as a witch.

At first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry.

Margarita made another jerk, and then the entire cluster of roofs fell underground, and instead of it a lake of trembling electric lights appeared below, and this lake suddenly rose vertically, and then appeared above Margarita’s head, and the moon flashed under her feet. Realizing that she had turned over, Margarita took a normal position and, turning around, saw that the lake was no longer there, and that there, behind her, there was only a pink glow on the horizon. And it disappeared a second later, and Margarita saw that she was alone with the moon flying above her to the left.

Margarita's hair had long been standing in shock, and Moonlight hissingly washed over her body. By the way below two rows of rare lights merged into two continuous lines of fire, by how quickly they disappeared from behind, Margarita guessed that she was flying at a monstrous speed, and was amazed that she was not suffocating.

At first she cried for a long time and then she became angry

No evil women“There are unlucky women.” At first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry.” (M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”) No matter how much we boast of our independence, independence and advancement, I think not a single ordinary woman will agree to live without love, but with hard work and an awesome career. Of course, a career and deeds for the good of the Fatherland are quite welcome if they go in sync with a happy family life, but such options are extremely rare. A happy, mutually in love woman rarely strives to prove something to anyone, jump higher, sing louder, buy a Hummer and a million with her own money. Red roses and prove to everyone around that she is already cool. Whatever one may say, women’s happiness lies elsewhere. It is in a beloved man and, perhaps, in children, in quiet evenings together, in HIS look, in HIS voice, in the tenderness of HIS hands - and in love, to be honest.

At first she cried for a long time. and then she became mean and mean

Articles about cinema, comics, books and legends Data: 10/14/2011 12:53 | Author: Administrator Best Quotes Woland, Master, Behemoth and others. Enjoy. It is difficult to say what exactly let Ivan Nikolayevich down—the visual power of his talent or complete unfamiliarity with the issue on which he was going to write—but Jesus in his portrayal turned out to be completely like a living, although not an attractive character. - O satirical poem Ivan Bezdomny Who said that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in the world? May the liar's vile tongue be cut out! Never talk to strangers - Title of the 1st chapter In a white cloak with bloody lining, a shuffling cavalry gait, early in the morning of the fourteenth spring month On the eve of Nissan, the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, came out into the covered colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.

At first she cried for a long time and then she became angry. Michael Bulgakov

By candlelight The steady hum of the car flying high above the ground lulled Margarita, and the moonlight warmed her pleasantly. Closing her eyes, she gave her face to the wind and thought with some sadness about the unknown bank of the river she had abandoned, which she felt she would never see again. After all the magic and miracles of this evening, she already guessed who exactly they were taking her to visit, but this did not frighten her. The hope that there she would be able to achieve the return of her happiness made her fearless. However, she didn’t have to dream about this happiness for a long time in the car. Whether the rook knew his business well, or whether the car was good, but only soon Margarita, opening her eyes, saw beneath her not the forest darkness, but a trembling lake of Moscow lights. The black bird driver unscrewed the right front wheel on the fly, and then landed the car in some completely deserted cemetery in the Dorogomilov area.

At first she cried for a long time and then she became angry.

“Get out,” Woland told him. “I haven’t had coffee yet,” answered the cat, “how can I leave?” M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” added: 5 months ago ... why chase in the footsteps of what is already over? Mikhail Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” added: 5 months ago “Get out,” Woland told him. “I haven’t had coffee yet,” the cat answered. “How can I leave?” M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” added: 9 months ago +1 At first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry. M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” added: 7 months ago “Get out,” Woland told him. “I haven’t drunk coffee yet,” answered the cat, “how can I leave?” M.

She cried for a long time and then became angry

Never go back to the past. It just seems to you that you need this or that person. Actually this is not true. This is a lie. Appreciate what you have now, not what you had long ago. There is no need to return under any circumstances. Don't need this.

Especially to the person who found your replacement. Don't go back to those. You don't need people like that. And they don't need you. It's all a lie. There was a time when every minute it seemed to me that I wouldn’t live to see the next minute. In general, to be honest, I’m just tired. I’m tired of finding people and losing them. Getting used to them and watching them disappear from my life. Tired of trusting and then being disappointed. Tired of telling the truth when they don’t hear it. I’m confused, when it needs to be said, and when it’s better to remain silent. tired of offending your loved ones, losing your temper over trifles. tired of feeding on empty hopes. tired of starting all over again.

The Japanese are a nation inhabiting the country of Japan. Total number There are more than 130 million Japanese people in the world. Of these, 127 million live in Japan itself and 1.5 million in Brazil. They speak Japanese.
The traditional religion of the Japanese is Shintoism. Some Japanese profess Buddhism, which remained state religion Japanese until 1868. Shintoism was significantly influenced by Buddhism.
On this page you can find ancient Japanese folk proverbs about love, about life, about nature, about family, about work with translation, the most frequently used proverbs in Japan.

  • An eggplant will not grow on a melon stem.

  • Spoiling a child is the same as abandoning him.

  • Misfortune never comes alone.

  • Without polishing, a diamond does not shine.

  • The slacker is talkative.

  • Take an umbrella before you get wet.

  • More useless than writing numbers on flowing water.

  • Useless as a lantern during the day.

  • Heartless children are trashing their father's house.

  • Remember gratitude no less than resentment.

  • The shine of gold is brighter than the shine of Buddha.

  • Close to smart children, they read without studying.

  • Those close in spirit are drawn to each other.

  • You don't cut off a flea's head with an axe.

  • God lives in an honest heart.

  • Wealth and nobility acquired through dishonest means disappear like a cloud.

  • A rich man is like an ashtray: the fuller, the dirtier.

  • Skill is more important than strength.

  • Great luck will cause many small troubles.

  • You can't live more than one life.

  • Great misfortunes come from small causes.

  • Great talent matures late.

  • A big actor needs a big stage.

  • The brothers quarrel among themselves, but defend themselves from strangers.

  • They do not cross the ford following the instructions of a baby carried on their back.

  • Give up the buddhas, don't worry about the gods.

  • He blinded Buddha, but forgot to breathe his soul.

  • If you sleep in a boat with the sails spread, you won’t see the shore.

  • IN big things minor flaws They don’t think about it.

  • In the upbringing of children, the mother has seven shares, and the father three.

  • In a village without birds and bat- bird.

  • Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.

  • In a fight, both sides are to blame.

  • In friendship, too, know the boundaries.

  • There are seven failures and seven successes in life.

  • Everything in life is changeable.

  • In excess, medicine is poison.

  • IN beautiful dress and the groom is good.

  • In rags, even a courtier will be mistaken for a beggar; in silks, even a groom will pass for a prince.

  • In shallow waters the waves are louder.

  • There are no shortcuts to science.

  • Ignorance is bliss.

  • The thief is not given keys to keep.

  • Defeat is the key to victory.

  • In the dark, even dog droppings don’t get dirty.

  • In joy there is a seed of sorrow, in sorrow there is a seed of joy.

  • IN different places their customs.

  • The one who screams loudest will win the argument.

  • In fear, the devil will be a ghost.

  • They do not interfere in a marital quarrel.

  • It is difficult for the mind to function in the body of a giant.

  • IN Hard time you don’t know either the parents or the children.

  • An arrow is not shot at a smiling face.

  • It's important to start.

  • They don't spit up.

  • Great self-interest seems to be selflessness.

  • Great talents mature slowly.

  • A loyal vassal does not serve two masters.

  • Fun taken to extremes gives rise to sorrow.

  • The branches that provide coolness are not cut down.

  • The wind and the cherry blossom cannot be good friends.

  • A branch is not more perfect than a tree.

  • A drunkard in the evening is a lazy person in the morning.

  • Things look like their owners.

  • The item for sale is decorated with flowers.

  • She looks like a goddess, but at heart she's a witch.

  • Seeing someone else's shortcomings, correct yours.

  • The owner of the golden mountain is also greedy.

  • To a lover, the road of a thousand ri seems short.

  • First - care, then - medicine.

  • In times of peace, do not forget about the danger of war.

  • There is no time to warm your hands during a fire.

  • The water takes the form of a vessel, and the man gets it from his friends.

  • You can't put out a fire with water from afar.

  • The age of a man is his spirit, the age of a woman is her face.

  • Devils always hover around good deeds.

  • The ox clings to the ox, and the horse to the horse.

  • Will will pass through rock.

  • A crow imitating a cormorant will drown.

  • Upbringing more important than origin.

  • Fighters are not lent to the enemy.

  • No outpost can stop time.

  • Time waits for no man.

  • Everything starts with one.

  • Everything that blooms will inevitably fade.

  • The universe is the temporary home of all things.

  • He lost his temper and ruined the business.

  • Meeting is the beginning of separation.

  • Every thing has its time.

  • Yesterday there was deep water, and today there is shallow water.

  • I fed the dog, and he bit.

  • A horse's endurance is learned along the way, a person's character is learned over time.

  • He straightened the bull's horns and twisted his neck.

  • Tall trees are more likely to be broken by the wind.

  • Arrogant people do not prosper for long.

  • The fortuneteller does not know his fate.

  • Where stupidity reigns, reason is forced to hide.

  • Where there is sorrow, there is joy.

  • Where there is good, there is evil.

  • Where people grieve, you grieve too.

  • Where there is no sense of duty and human eyes, everything is possible.

  • Where might is right, right is powerless.

  • Where there is happiness, there are many devils.

  • It is better for the general of a defeated army not to talk about battles.

  • You can’t line up heroes in a row.

  • The wind will not break a flexible willow.

  • The eyes are as eloquent as the lips.

  • The one who eats puffer fish soup is stupid, and the one who doesn’t eat it is also stupid. (*fugu is a poisonous fish)

  • Your anger is your enemy.

  • Rot the tree while it is young.

  • It's easy to say, hard to do.

  • Talking about the future is making the mice under the floor laugh.

  • Talk about a needle like a club.

  • A hungry dog ​​is not afraid of a stick.

  • It is not difficult to prepare food for a hungry person.

  • A hungry tiger is not assigned to guard a pig.

  • When chasing a deer, you don’t notice the mountains.

  • Pride leads to defeat, but modesty is rewarded.

  • Grief, like a torn dress, should be left at home.

  • The master is the boat, and the servants are the water: the water holds the boat on itself, but can also capsize.

  • States perish, but mountains and rivers remain.

  • Even a greyhound horse in old age is no better than a nag.

  • Even from skillful hands, water leaks.

  • Even between close friends there should be distance.

  • Even to become a thief you need to study for ten years.

  • Even the excellent is surpassed.

  • Even parents and children are strangers in money matters.

  • Even when suffering from thirst, do not drink secretly from someone else's source.

  • Even a fool can have talent.

  • Even the devil is good at eighteen.

  • They give in order to receive.

  • There are no two truths.

  • The day on which you conceived it is a happy day.

  • Money will quarrel between parents and children.

  • Money clings to money.

  • Trees are planted by ancestors, and their shade is used by descendants.

  • Fighting sparrows are not afraid of humans.

  • Children of celebrities are rarely famous.

  • Buy cheap - lose money.

  • The good fame came out of the gate, but the bad fame has already run for a thousand years.

  • Good done in secret is rewarded openly.

  • A kind heart is better than a beautiful face.

  • Argument is stronger than violence.

  • A house with strong foundations will never fall into disrepair.

  • At home he is brave, but among strangers he is a coward.

  • Dragon and tiger do not get along together.

  • Firewood is not used to extinguish fire.

  • A friend who helps in trouble is a true friend.

  • Friends in misfortune feel sorry for each other.

  • No medicine can cure a fool.

  • Fools always gather in crowds.

  • A bad person tries to justify his mistake, a good one tries to correct it.

  • If people at the top have a conscience, the bottom will live in peace.

  • If the seller's compliments are skillful, then the product is bad.

  • If you love your son, send him to travel.

  • If you don't take care of the distant future, it will be bad in the near future.

  • If you hit the dirt, the splashes will hit you.

  • If we were to take shelter, it would be under a large tree.

  • If handled skillfully, both a fool and dull scissors can be useful.

  • If you want to kill a commander, kill his horse first.

  • He who thirsts for water does not choose.

  • A pathetic apology after a blunder.

  • The heat has passed and the shadow is forgotten.

  • To desire a lot is to desire nothing.

  • Wife and tatami, the newer the better.

  • If a woman wants to, she will pass through the rock.

  • Life experience is the father of wisdom, memory is its mother.

  • You can't live life if you don't maneuver.

  • Living life is difficult, but dying is easy.

  • vouch for money, never for a person.

  • Excessive modesty hides pride.

  • Vouch for yourself, never for others.

  • After good comes bad, after bad comes good.

  • Beyond this bottom there is another bottom.

  • Worries are poison to health.

  • Tomorrow's wind will blow tomorrow.

  • A hunted bird is forced into a person's bosom.

  • An ant decided to move Mount Fuji.

  • Illness doesn't bother a busy person.

  • The evil done to others will come back to you.

  • Evil cannot defeat good.

  • Famous things are not always as good as they say.

  • The one who knows does not speak, and the one who speaks does not know.

  • And Buddha endures only up to three times.

  • In both singing and dancing, you need to know when to stop.

  • Both good and evil are in your heart.

  • And to hell you can get used to it.

  • And the stone can let it slip.

  • And Confucius was not always lucky.

  • And the wise man is wrong once out of a thousand times.

  • And the ants can destroy the dam.

  • And pearls have scratches.

  • And the hunter can fall into a trap.

  • And a simple matter can be confused.

  • And a rare guest gets bored on the third day.

  • And the falcon flies, and the fly flies.

  • And stupid parents have smart children.

  • And the devil's horns break.

  • The player is bad, but he loves to play.

  • Of the vices, the greatest is debauchery; of the virtues, the highest is filial duty.

  • Make a profit out of a loss.

  • Excessive politeness turns into flattery.

  • Treason is always covered up by fidelity.

  • Sometimes death is mercy.

  • Sometimes the devil cries.

  • Sometimes running away means winning.

  • Look for shellfish in a dry field.

  • Sincerity is a precious human quality.

  • True knowledge is not apparent.

  • He is looking for something sweet, and the pie is lying on the shelf.

  • Everyone is more precious to themselves.

  • Like water from a frog.

  • Like a crowd of blind people feeling an elephant.

  • As soon as the trouble is over, dress up.

  • The same soul at three years old is the same at one hundred years old.

  • As is the master, so are the servants.

  • Like the father, like the son.

  • As are the poems, so is the song.

  • The eve of the holiday is better than the holiday itself.

  • Quality is more important than quantity.

  • When a madman runs, the sane ones run after him.

  • When they talk about the future, the devils laugh.

  • When the coffin is closed, the deeds will be assessed.

  • When a clam fights with a snipe, the fisherman wins.

  • When you have money, the devil will serve you.

  • When your heart is light, your walk is light.

  • When there are many helmsmen, the ship hits the reef.

  • When you get drunk, you forget about thirst.

  • When violence enters the courtyard, justice leaves.

  • If you drink poison, then drink to the bottom.

  • Quantity makes devils strong.

  • The ear is ripening - it bows its head; a man gets rich - he lifts his head.

  • Those who are not destined cannot be saved.

  • The end of chatter is the beginning of action.

  • When money runs out, so does love.

  • Mistakes a horse for a deer.

  • Beauty is a sword that cuts down life.

  • Beauty does not come with happiness.

  • A crooked branch is crooked and a shadow.

  • Meekness often breaks strength.

  • There are no large fish in the swamp.

  • Major betrayal feels like devotion.

  • He who is poor is stupid.

  • He who is in power, God does not question him.

  • Anyone who is stupid at forty will not become smart.

  • Whoever is hungry, malt is tasty.

  • He who goes ahead subjugates others.

  • He who lies steals.

  • He who loves people lives long.

  • He who makes excuses incriminates himself.

  • He who can swim can also drown.

  • Those who drink do not know about the dangers of wine, those who do not drink do not know about its benefits.

  • Those who were born under the roar of cannonade are not afraid of gun salvos.

  • He who has not obeyed himself cannot command.

  • He who is too smart has no friends.

  • He who is patient does not succumb to poverty.

  • He who is in a hurry will not become a master.

  • Anyone who begs for three days will never get out of the habit.

  • He who feels shame also feels duty.

  • The marten brags while the ferret is away.

  • The merchant is the enemy of the merchant.

  • What is bought is cheaper than what is given.

  • What is easily found is easily lost.

  • It's easy to follow etiquette when you're full.

  • The goose flew in the tail, but took the lead.

  • An extra thing is an extra worry.

  • Let the boatman steer the boat.

  • Lying is the first step to theft.

  • The lotus grows in the swamp, but it is white.

  • A horse is recognized by riding, a person by communication.

  • It's better to be an enemy good man than a bad friend.

  • Better a cake than a flower.

  • Better fifty sen now than a hundred later.

  • It's better to crash precious stone than to survive with tiles.

  • The best God is the one we worship.

  • Loves to stir up tea.

  • Love and hate are one thing.

  • The love of a silent firefly is hotter than the love of a chattering cicada.

  • You won't be full of love.

  • People are the same everywhere.

  • People who talk a lot know little.

  • I appear to people to be on horseback, but to myself I appear to be on foot.

  • People tend to worship power.

  • Small fish are crowded where the big ones are.

  • Jacks of all trades are masters of no art.

  • Mastery is learned in comparison with mediocrity.

  • Metal is tested by fire, man by wine.

  • The bag of desire has no bottom.

  • You can't be young twice.

  • The sea is large because it does not disdain small rivers.

  • Sea robbers accuse mountain robbers of crimes.

  • He takes revenge on the guy from Edo, and beats his grandfather in Nagasaki.

  • For a wise man, it is not water, but a loved one who serves as a mirror.

  • Rice with tea is good on an empty stomach.

  • You can't hang a door on every mouth.

  • They don't complain about the gift.

  • On the snow and even frost.

  • Do not raise your hand to a dog that is wagging its tail.

  • A patched lid will also work for a cracked cauldron.

  • Forced relationships do not last long.

  • You must be able to speak and hear.

  • A true warrior is one who has mercy.

  • A bow that is drawn will sooner or later weaken.

  • Start climbing up from the bottom.

  • Don't be afraid to bend a little, you'll straighten up straighter.

  • If you don't bend, you won't straighten up.

  • There is no need for someone who works all the time.

  • The title is not important, the upbringing is important.

  • The one who does not know is calm.

  • Not all people are evil devils.

  • Do not do evil - you will not be in eternal fear.

  • Don't trust the person who praises you.

  • Do not detain the one leaving, do not drive away the one who has arrived.

  • Doesn't even know the first letter of the alphabet.

  • A seed that is not sown will not sprout.

  • Do not despise the enemy if he seems weak; do not be afraid of the enemy if he seems strong.

  • Don't make a decision after hearing only one side.

  • It's not scary to retreat, it's scary not to continue the fight.

  • Don't judge people by their appearance.

  • The sky is silent, people speak for it.

  • You cannot become an elder from the very beginning.

  • Necessity is the mother of invention.

  • A non-drinker does not know how tasty water is for a hangover.

  • Adversity will turn you into a gem.

  • There is no enemy more dangerous than a fool.

  • There are no children who are not like their parents.

  • No illusions - no disappointments.

  • There's no place like home.

  • There is no light without shadow.

  • There is no such difficult situation from which there would be no way out.

  • Failure is the basis of success.

  • Ill-gotten gains are not good for future use.

  • Neither old nor young know when their time will come.

  • The lower classes learn from the current government.

  • Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.

  • No one stumbles while lying in bed.

  • Nobody feels their own weight.

  • Pour new wine into new wineskins.

  • The night traveler will not be delayed by the sunset.

  • Well, he got the happiness - the size of a small shell!

  • Need will come - eat the last seeds.

  • He was needed - he was made into a tiger, but the need passed - he was turned into a mouse.

  • You need it like a fan in winter.

  • It is needed like the hilt of a kitchen knife.

  • Ask the sailors about the sea.

  • A person is judged more accurately after death.

  • There is no arguing about customs.

  • A monkey and with a crown on his head is a monkey.

  • The monkey falls from the tree.

  • Having burned yourself with soup, you blow on the salad.

  • Education is what remains after you forget everything.

  • Look at yourself three times a day.

  • You can't put out fire with fire.

  • He escaped the fire, but ended up in the water.

  • The fire burns brighter before it goes out.

  • One God forgot - another will help.

  • One general has succeeded, but the bones of thousands of soldiers rot.

  • One rotten peach will spoil a hundred good ones.

  • One dog yelps, and thousands will start howling after it.

  • One swallow does not make a summer.

  • One leg is sore and the other is swollen.

  • One victory is not worth much.

  • For all the work I got one tiredness.

  • Kill two birds with one stone.

  • One effort - two successes.

  • You can’t immediately draw a circle with one hand and a square with the other.

  • If you borrow a shed, you'll lose your entire house.

  • The wait is always long.

  • The ocean does not neglect small rivers.

  • A fallen chrysanthemum will not return to the bush.

  • You won't hear the truth from a harlot.

  • Great intelligence is not far from stupidity.

  • There is no use for the former strength.

  • There is no cure for falling in love.

  • You can escape from everything except death.

  • There is no cure for stupidity.

  • Blind devotion is not far from infidelity.

  • What remains from a tiger is the skin, but from a person - a name.

  • Treat poison with poison.

  • Return good for evil.

  • Give the keys to the thief for safekeeping.

  • Differs like the Moon from a turtle. (i.e. not different at all)

  • When you make a mistake, don’t be ashamed to correct yourself.

  • The hairdresser does not do his own hair.

  • The pen (with which one writes) is mightier than the sword.

  • Strangers come to feast, our own people come to grieve.

  • The writer does not recognize the writer.

  • They cry not when there are no children, but when they are there.

  • You can't get spit back.

  • A bad craftsman blames the tools.

  • A bad speaker is verbose.

  • A bad owner grows weeds, a good one grows rice, a smart one cultivates the soil, a far-sighted one trains a worker.

  • Dance when everyone else is dancing.

  • They recognize their owner by their belongings.

  • The protruding pile is hit.

  • All actions are judged by one act.

  • The stories are always better than the reality.

  • Devils live next door to the temple.

  • Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

  • Victory or defeat depends on chance.

  • Once you win, tighten the helmet straps.

  • If you're lucky, horse manure will turn into miso.

  • Suspicion breeds ghosts.

  • Once you have thought, make up your mind, but once you have decided, don’t think.

  • Rise and decline are the order of the day.

  • Fire and fighting are fun not in your own home.

  • Late repentance will not correct what you have done.

  • As long as there is life, there is hope.

  • While we are alive, we do not value him, but when he is dead, we regret him.

  • Conquer some with the help of others.

  • If he falls in love, he will seem handsome to anyone.

  • Sometimes one moment is more valuable than a treasure.

  • After high tide there is always low tide.

  • What is lost always seems bigger.

  • The need for food is stronger than love.

  • You can recognize the revered temple by its gates.

  • Poets, without leaving home, know about the beauty of nature.

  • Truthful speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches not truthful.

  • The righteous do not dream.

  • Celebration - after work.

  • The object and the shadow sympathize with each other.

  • The fortune teller does not know his own destiny.

  • Habit becomes character.

  • The time will come - and the bitter will turn into sweet.

  • The diligence of a new employee is enough for twenty days.

  • The time comes, and the mulberry garden turns into the sea.

  • The cause and the patch can be stuck anywhere.

  • Causes in the father, effects in the children.

  • When trouble comes, rely on yourself.

  • Having walked fifty steps, do not laugh at someone who has walked a hundred.

  • You can't put spilled water back into a bucket.

  • Even the sword is powerless against mercy.

  • There is no weapon against reasonable arguments.

  • Running water does not spoil.

  • The past is a mirror of the present.

  • The past is in the past, and the present is today.

  • Forgive others, but don't forgive yourself.

  • A straight person like straight bamboo is rare.

  • Dust accumulates and forms mountains.

  • Let them no longer praise, as long as they don’t scold.

  • A running mill has no time to freeze.

  • Rejoice, too, if others rejoice.

  • A raging sparrow is not afraid of a person.

  • Can swallows and sparrows know the thoughts of a stork?

  • Revelry destroys a person.

  • Discord in the home breeds poverty.

  • You won't call a dog by waving a stick.

  • A difference of one step becomes a difference of a thousand ri.

  • Getting up early is equal to three virtues.

  • Wounds from the sword heal, wounds from the tongue remain.

  • Debauchery deprives you of both money and strength.

  • Hair is disheveled at the hairdresser.

  • They grow like bamboo shoots after rain.

  • The child is behind her, and she is looking for him.

  • A child born during the day is like his father, and a child born at night is like his mother.

  • The speeches of the great are not for ordinary ears.

  • The speech of Buddha, but the heart of a snake.

  • I drew a tiger, but it turned out to be a mongrel.

  • Rice cakes don't grow on trees.

  • Parents love children more than children love parents.

  • Parents work, children enjoy life, grandchildren beg.

  • They give birth to the body, but not the character.

  • The mouth is the cause of both our illnesses and our misfortunes.

  • You can’t shake a sleeve that isn’t there.

  • The rosy apple praises itself.

  • You won't go to hell with money.

  • With money comes worries.

  • You can't get off a departing ship.

  • He is rude to his subordinates, and crawls along the ground in front of his superiors.

  • With those who are silent, keep your ears open.

  • Once it comes out of your mouth, it will spread all over the world.

  • Sake is the first of a hundred medicines.

  • He himself is in rags, but his heart is in brocade.

  • If you don't respect yourself, who will respect you?

  • They correct their behavior based on the behavior of others.

  • His reluctant brother.

  • They don’t notice their baldness for three years.

  • Do everything you can, and only then rely on fate.

  • Fashionable now, unsuitable tomorrow.

  • Check seven times before you doubt a person (first impressions can be deceiving).

  • You can't catch a hare sitting on a stump.

  • Strong attachment can turn into strong hatred.

  • He who is strong in evil is also strong in good deeds.

  • The strong growl, the powerless squeal.

  • A strong falcon hides its claws.

  • To say “I hate” is to say “I love”.

  • Modesty is the adornment of wisdom.

  • While observing other people's manners, correct yours.

  • The gilding came off, and what remained was the wooden Buddha.

  • A blind snake is not afraid of anything.

  • A blind person does not need glasses or a flashlight.

  • Too much is just as bad as too little.

  • Words cannot be taxed.

  • The servant, like the falcon, needs to be fed.

  • It happens that after a fire they become rich.

  • What happens twice can happen a third time.

  • Death does not choose time.

  • First a person drinks sake, then sake drinks a person.

  • Treat an old man like your father.

  • Collect in a pinch, scatter in a handful (measure income with expenses).

  • A falcon is against sparrows, and a mouse is against a cat.

  • Doubts give birth to truth.

  • When people grow old, they become children again.

  • It is not difficult to grow old, but it is not easy to gain intelligence.

  • Compassion is the beginning of humanity.

  • The mountain shook with a roar, and gave birth to one mouse.

  • A crab in a hurry will not get into its hole.

  • You will trip not over a mountain, but over an anthill.

  • A fair person treats himself strictly and treats others leniently.

  • You can't cover up a quarrel with a hat.

  • Try to win even when you fail.

  • The old proverb will not deceive.

  • Old rivers never dry up.

  • A hundred days' preaching is undone by one ugly act.

  • A sharpened sword is only good for the kitchen.

  • A person’s suffering is not noticeable from the outside.

  • People suffering from the same disease sympathize with each other.

  • An arrow at flight cannot pierce even thin silk.

  • In an effort to straighten the branches, do not dry out the root.

  • The walls listen, the bottles speak.

  • Similar things add up.

  • Happiness comes through cheerful gates.

  • Happiness and unhappiness live close together.

  • Talented people are sickly, and beautiful women have an unhappy fate.

  • Talents are not inherited.

  • The tiger protects its skin, the man's name.

  • Only by throwing yourself into the water can you swim to a new place.

  • The protruding nail is hammered in.

  • Three daughters are ruin.

  • You need a cane before you fall.

  • It is difficult to say what is in the soul of a person who constantly laughs.

  • Anyone is susceptible to vanity, just like rashes.

  • A godly man has a lot of troubles.

  • For others, everything seems better.

  • Others have redder flowers.

  • He who has a cheerful disposition will pass through iron.

  • He who has a wound on his leg is afraid of even a head of reeds.

  • The observer from the outside has eight eyes.

  • Pepper grains are small and hot.

  • Locusts have 5 abilities, but no talents. (runs, but not fast; flies, but not high; crawls, but only on the ground; swims, but not for long; digs, but shallow)

  • A person's appearance is deceiving.

  • The runner does not choose the road.

  • An opportunity is easy to take advantage of and easy to miss.

  • The person who left becomes more alien every day.

  • A person bitten by a snake is afraid of the rope.

  • Smiling doesn't hurt anyone.

  • Dying is easy, living is difficult.

  • A fallen leaf brings back the arrival of autumn.

  • The missing fish seems big.

  • Diligence is the mother of success.

  • Success gives birth to new success.

  • Give way to fools and madmen.

  • If you lose, you win.

  • It’s too late for a drowned person to call a boat.

  • A drowning man clutches at straws.

  • Scientists talk about books, a butcher talks about pigs.

  • Learning is like pushing a cart up a hill.

  • It's never too late to learn.

  • Pinch yourself and find out if it hurts someone else.

  • A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy.

  • Whether a bow is good depends on the hand that strings it.

  • The good and bad in a person depends on the environment.

  • Good medicine tastes bitter.

  • Good meat doesn't smell.

  • Any tool is good for a good craftsman.

  • A good merchant does not lay out all the goods at once.

  • Good work, good rest.

  • If you want to know yourself, ask others.

  • If you want to get to know a person, get to know his friends.

  • A person is supported by his mind, like a bird by his wings.

  • A man is still a boy at fifty years old.

  • A person does what he loves well.

  • If you curse a person, you yourself will end up in two pits.

  • Every person can find a green hill where they can leave their ashes.

  • You understand human good and evil with the help of friends.

  • Instead of doing poetry, cultivate rice fields.

  • How more beautiful rose, the longer its spines.

  • Rather than wait, it’s better to let them wait for you.

  • The more carefully they hide, the sooner it becomes known.

  • You can’t scrub a black walnut white in three years.

  • Honesty is the best policy.

  • The source is clean and the stream is clean.

  • Read a sermon to Buddha.

  • Excessive obedience is not yet devotion.

  • What is expensive is good, what is cheap is rotten.

  • Both faces and hearts - no two are alike.

  • What's on the mind is on the face.

  • Why bother about something that can’t be turned back?

  • What comes from the heart reaches the heart.

  • How to evaluate the skin of an unkilled badger?

  • What's scary is also interesting

  • What about releasing a tiger into the jungle?

  • It takes two to fight.

  • To understand parental love, you need to raise your own children.

  • Strangers will stroke you more painfully than your parents will hit you.

  • You can endure the suffering of others for at least three years.

  • To swim, you need to throw yourself into the river.

  • You can't stop the flow with a sixth.

  • An egoist is always dissatisfied.

  • Etiquette must be observed even in friendship.

Literature used: "The Japanese" (V.A. Pronnikov, I.D. Ladanov; Publishing House "NAUKA", Chief Editorial Office oriental literature; Moscow, 1985)

Japanese proverbs: about fate, wealth and life's twists and turns. This is exactly the topic that was chosen this time for the post of the next publication, which will be included in.

So, let's begin. Conventionally, all proverbs can be divided into 2 parts: about something happy and suddenly “falling” and “about fate as an inevitability” (however, the division is quite arbitrary: a minus can also be a plus, which is discussed below).

First, proverbs about “suddenly arriving”

笑う門には福来たる(わらうかどにはふくきたる) – Happiness enters through the laughing gates (happiness settles in the house where they laugh)

禍を転じて福と為す(わざわいをてんじてふくとなす) - Having gone through disasters and misfortune, you will meet a happy fate. (The way life works is that when you exalt yourself, heights await you that you never dreamed of).

勿怪の幸い(もっけのさいわい) – more of an idiom meaning unexpected happiness, a gift from heaven

残り物には福がある(のこりものにはふくがある) – Happiness may be hidden in the leftovers (about a person who saw good chance where others have passed by)

好機逸すべからず (こうきいっすべからず) – don’t miss your chance (strike while the iron is still hot)

鴨が葱を背負って来る(かもがねぎをしょってくる) - to harbor Napoleonic plans.

一富士二鷹三茄子(いちふじにたかさんなすび) – having dreams, especially a dream on the first night of the new year, is a good omen.

And now the second part, about the inevitability of fate and life’s twists and turns

犬も歩けば棒に当たる (いぬもあるけばぼうにあたる) - The dog, sooner or later, will meet with a stick. proverb means “you can’t escape fate”

当たるも八卦、当たらぬも八卦 (あたるもはっけ、あたらぬもはっけ) - if you guess, there will be 8 trigrams (I-Jing) and if you don’t guess, they will still fall out. The meaning of the saying is that predictions do not always come true, because... there is a higher order.

一か八か(いちかばちか) – a stable expression about risks. Vaguely reminiscent of our “sink or perish”

一期一会 (いちごいちえ) favorite expression author of this collection: once, one meeting, or more adaptively “one single chance in life”, “we live once”. The saying is associated with the tea ceremony.

一蓮托生(いちれんたくしょう) - share all the sorrows and sorrows together, “be in the same boat”, “be in the same trench”

一寸先は闇(いっすんさきはやみ) – you never know: where you will find – where you will lose

運根鈍 (うんこんどん) – luck, perseverance and patience, the three components of success

運否天賦 (うんぷてんぷ) - trust the chance. Leave everything to chance

鬼が出るか蛇が出るか (おにがでるかじゃがでるか) – verbatim whether the devil or the snake will come out... Another analogue of the proverb “you never know: where you will find it, where you will lose it”, or “you never know what awaits you around the corner”

京の夢大阪の夢 (きょうのゆめおおさかのゆめ) - Dreams of Kyoto - Dreams of Osaka. This proverb is said when dreams are too far from reality as a warning that the fall will be hard...

苦しい時の神頼み (くるしいときのかみだのみ) – Sorrows have passed and God has been forgotten. The saying represents that we remember God or someone only when we need them.

乾坤一擲(けんこんいってき) – another analogue of “hit or miss”, “all or nothing”

事実は小説よりも奇なり(じじつはしょうせつよりもきなり) – when reality looks more extraordinary than fiction (and you can’t imagine it in a dream)

弱肉強食(じゃくにくきょうしょく) – The strong always eat the weak. "Law of the jungle". Hello 日本語総まとめ一級, where this expression was first encountered

勝負は時の運 (しょうぶはときのうん) – luck depends on the will of chance (luck depends on how fate favors you this day), or like the allegory “the strongest does not always win”

人事を尽くして天命を待つ (じんじをつくしててんめいをまつ) – Man posits, but God disposes

果報は寝て待て(かほうはねてまて) - everything comes to those who know how to wait

石の上にも三年(いしのうえにもさんねん) – everything comes to the one who knows how to wait, patience and work will grind everything down

And another from the same opera: – literally “if you wait, the way to sea will be good”, “everything comes to the one who knows how to wait”

袖振り合うも多生の縁 (そでふりあうもたしょうのえん) - even chance meeting- it's just a matter of chance

人間万事塞翁が馬 (にんげんばんじさいおうがうま) – Fortune is a capricious lady (a distant analogue of “you never know: where you will find it, where you will lose it”)

明日は明日の風が吹く (あしたはあしたのかぜ がふく) – verb. Tomorrow will blow tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll see how it turns out. The morning is wiser than the evening

有為転変は世の習い (ういてんぺんはよのならい) – nothing lasts forever under the sun, changes – happen to many people

烏頭白くして馬角を生ず (とうしろくしてうまつのをしょうず) - literally “the crow’s head is white, and the horse’s horns grow.” Once a year the stick shoots. Just because we think it's impossible doesn't mean it's actually impossible.

邯鄲の夢 (かんたんのゆめ) - empty dreams

地獄で仏に会ったよう(じごくでほとけにあったよう) -Meet Buddha in hell. It means finding help in a difficult situation literally out of nowhere.

沈む瀬あれば浮かぶ瀬あり (しずむせあればうかぶせあり) – when one door closes, another opens

七転び八起き(ななころびやおき) – there are ups and downs

冬来たりなば春遠からじ(ふゆきたりなばはるとおからじ) – just because winter has come does not mean that spring is far behind. Our analogue “there will also be a holiday on our street”

山の芋鰻になる( やまのいもうなぎになる) - it may be that you come across a whole mountain of unagimo (such a dish). Again, “there will be a holiday on our street,” and “you never know where you’ll find...”

Today it turned out pretty large selection proverbs and sayings, please, if this collection was useful, share it on social networks

The Japanese proverbs for this article are partially taken from the Japanese Wikiquote. As in any language, proverbs and sayings play a significant role in human life. They add a unique flavor to a person’s speech and contain folk wisdom that has evolved over years, or even centuries. And even though nowadays we do not often say proverbs out loud when communicating with each other, their meaning is constantly present in our lives.

When you don’t want to share your joy with others, the thought “happiness loves silence” plays in your head, and when you make a mistake in something, you think “if I knew where to fall, I would have laid out straws.” I also have my favorite Japanese proverbs, which I repeat in appropriate situations, and one of them, which I understood over time and now it’s like a lifesaver when I have a lot of work to do:

Fast is slow, but without a break

Having spoken it, vanity and nervousness disappear as if by magic. In everything that you would not like to achieve, you do not need to storm mountains, you need to slowly and surely move towards your intended goal. For others it may be different. I'm talking about my feelings.

A motivating Japanese proverb for me is:

A journey of a thousand ri begins with the first step

There is also one wonderful statement by the Japanese athlete Antonio Inoki.

Don't be afraid for the result. If you take a step forward, your steps will create the path themselves.

Well, now Japanese proverbs about life, friendship, war and simply proverbs containing the centuries-old wisdom of the people.

For those who want to practice, all options for writing proverbs are listed - in their original form - in Japanese, i.e. using hieroglyphs, repeating proverbs in Japanese characters, transcription - romaji and translation from Japanese language into Russian.

  1. 弱り目に祟り目/ よわりめにたたりめ/ yowarimenitatarime - Trouble after trouble. Other options adapted to the Russian language: trouble has come, open the gate, trouble does not come alone.
  2. People with the same disease sympathize with each other. The unfortunate understand each other.
  3. 三日坊主 / みっかぼうず / mikkabouzu - Bonza for 3 days (about those who quickly give up what they started). Seven Fridays a week.
  4. To be bitten by your own dog (Warm the snake on your chest).
  5. Onimojūhachibanchamodebana - At eighteen, even a demon is attractive, and the first brew of even bad tea is fragrant.
  6. 氏より育ち / うじよりそだち/ Ujiyorisodachi - Education is more important than origin
  7. 出る杭は打たれる / でるくいはうたれる / Derukuihautareru - The protruding stake will definitely be driven in / The protruding nails will be driven in. (No need to stick your head out)
  8. Ikarihatekitoomoe - Your anger is your enemy
  9. 千里の道も一歩から / senri no michi moippokara - The path of a thousand ri begins with the first step. (Down and Out trouble started).
  10. 鬼に金棒 / おににかなぼう / Oninikanabō - Give the devil a metal rod (about strengthening the power of someone who is already strong).

  11. Bakanitsukerukusurihanai - There is no cure for fools. There is no cure for stupidity.
  12. 論より証拠 /ろんよりしょうこ / ronyorishouko - Evidence is better than reasoning. (Facts are stubborn things)
  13. - If the fish wants, the water will give way.
  14. 急がば回れ / きゅうがばまわれ / kyuugabamaware - If you are in a hurry, take a detour. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get).
  15. Heat and cold end in Higan. (Both heat and cold end before the equinox).
  16. Tomorrow, tomorrow's wind will blow. (Everything has its time).
  17. 猫の手も借りたい / ねこのてもかりたい / nekonotemokaritai - So busy that the cat’s help will come in handy. (Busy until the aisle).
  18. 河童の川流れ / かっぱのかわながれ / kappanokawanagare - And the kappa drowns. (Kappa is a Japanese merman). Horse o four legs Yes, he stumbles. Most often, good swimmers drown.
  19. 猿も木から落ちる / さるもきからおちる / sarumokikaraochiru - And the monkeys fall from the trees. (And there is a hole in the old woman).

  20. - And one falling leaf heralds the coming of autumn.
  21. ならぬ堪忍するが堪忍 / ならぬかんにんするがかんにん / Naranukan"ninsurugakan"nin- True patience is the kind of patience when it is impossible to endure.
  22. 水の泡となる / みずのあわとなる / mizunoawatonaru - Disappear like foam on water. (Go to dust. Go to zero.)
  23. 三つ子の魂百まで / みつごのたましいひゃくまで / mitsugonotamashiihyakumade - What a soul is at three years old, so is it at a hundred.
  24. 花より団子 / はなよりだんご / hanayoridango - Dango is better than flowers. (Dango is Japanese rice balls on a stick). (The nightingale is not fed fables.)
  25. Nodomotosugirebaatsusawowasureru - When you get drunk, you forget about thirst. (when the trouble is over, you forget to learn the lesson.)
  26. 馬には乗ってみよ人には添うてみよ / うまにはのってみよひとにはそうてみよ / U— A horse is learned by riding, and a man by communication.
  27. 門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む / もんぜんのこぞうならわぬきょうをよむ / Monzen"nokozōnarawanukyōwoyomu - A boy living near a Buddhist temple , without studying, reads the sutras.
  28. 言わぬが花 / いわぬがはな / iwanugahana - Silence is a flower. (Silence is golden. There are things that are better not to be talked about.)

  29. 知恵者一人馬鹿万人 / ちえしゃーひとばかばんにん / Chiesha 一hitobakaban"nin - For one wise man, there are 10,000 fools.
  30. 猫に小判 / ねこにこばん / nekonikoban - Need money like a cat. (Cast pearls before swine).
  31. / Rainen"nokotowoiebaonigawarau - Talking about the future makes the devil laugh.
  32. Suterukamiarebahiroukamiari - One god forgot - another will help.
  33. - The bargain hunter loses money. (Miser pays twice).
  34. 触らぬ神に祟りなし / さわらぬかみにたたりなし / sawaranukaminitatarinashi - As long as you don’t touch God, he doesn’t curse.
  35. かってかぶとのおをしめよ / kattekabutonoo o shimeyo - After winning, tighten the straps around your neck.
  36. 堪忍袋の緒が切れる / かんにんぶくろのおがきれる / kanninbukuronoogakireru - Cut the string from the bag with patience. (The cup of my patience has overflowed. Patience has burst.)
  37. 七転び八起き / ななころびやおき / nanakorobiyaoki - Fall seven times, rise eight times. (Fighting the vicissitudes of fate).

  38. 能ある鷹は爪を隠す / のうあるたかはつめをかくす / Nōarutakahatsumewokakusu - A strong hawk hides its talons.
  39. Gossip only lasts for 75 days.
  40. ikuhaichijino hajikikanuhaーisshōnohaji - Asking is a shame for a minute, but not knowing is a shame for a lifetime.
  41. The lost fish seems big.
  42. 同じ釜の飯を食う / おなじかまのめしをくう / onajikamanomeshi o kuu - Bread from one pot. (Living under the same roof with someone).
  43. Ryōyakuhakuchininigashi - Good medicine tastes bitter.
  44. 挨拶より円札 / あいさつよりえんさつ / Aisatsu yori ensatsu - Money is better than friendly words. (Words won't fill you up.)
  45. 会うは別れの始め / かいうはわかれのはじめ / kaiuhawakarenohajime - Meeting is the beginning of parting.
  46. 悪銭身につかず / あくせんみにつかず /akusenminitsukazu - Badly acquired goods are not good for future use. Unjust gains will not last long. (Easily gained, easily lost).

  47. Ashita no hyakuyorikyounogoju - A hundred tomorrow is better than fifty today. (A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush).
  48. 青菜に塩 / あおなにしお / aonanishio - verbatim. Salt in greens. (if you salt the greens, they give out juice and become flabby). (Be depressed, look pale).
  49. Chi ni ite, ran o wasurezu - Living in peace, do not forget about war.
  50. Dare shimawagami wa kawaii - Everyone is dearer to themselves. (Your shirt is closer to your body).