How to draw a rose step by step with a pencil beautifully. The third example is how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step

The rose is the most famous flower in the world. He managed to gain such popularity with his aroma and his appearance. A combination of tenderness and menacing thorns. A gift in the form of cut flowers does not long remind one of its giver and quickly loses its valuable properties of kindling feelings and not allowing one to get lost in the everyday routine.

Therefore, it is worth trying to depict one or several copies. But how to draw a rose step by step so that it turns out beautiful bouquet? Then you can purchase beautiful frame- and the gift will please the thief of your heart much longer.

Materials for successful drawing

To draw well and calmly, you need to prepare in advance necessary materials. It would be good to try several drawing methods. For example, pencil and watercolor, pastel and gouache. Perhaps, using some technique, you will be able to create real miracles on paper, and your bunny will have a certain reason for pride and envy of her girlfriends or acquaintances.

Method for testing strength

We take passionate feelings, a pencil and a sheet of paper. Now look how easy it is to draw a rose:

  1. Draw a vertical curved line, this will be the stem. To it add a ball at the top and an oval along the diameter of the ball a few centimeters from the bud.
  2. Connect the oval and the ball with smooth curved lines so that your drawing looks like a champagne glass.
  3. Add two curved lines on the sides of our glass, they will become separate petals.
  4. In the oval, draw a curl approximately like that of a snail, only half as long. This will give you the appearance of many petals in your bud.
  5. Now draw the outer petals, from two curved lines. All that remains is to draw a couple of leaves on the stem and make hints of thorns.

The last stage is to free the main drawing from the side lines. Your rose is ready.

Here is another example showing how to draw a rose step by step.

  • Draw a vertical line, preferably along a ruler. This is needed to support the drawing.
  • Now we begin to draw leaves and thorns, starting from the line.
  • At the top we draw a receptacle of small leaves. Your bud will start from there. To do this, draw 3 teardrop-shaped petals, with wide part in the receptacle and add hints of the pith to them.

All that remains is to remove the extra touches - and the flower is ready.

Two rose buds

Try drawing two buds, see how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step or two flowers. This method is also extremely easy to understand. Persistence and ardent feelings are the most best helpers in such a matter.

This pattern is more delicate and closed. It seems to symbolize you as a single whole, and your feelings have not yet opened, like the buds of these roses.

  • Sketch a couple of circles, one intersecting the other, about a quarter of the way across.
  • In one, make an artistic curl, as in the first method, but more elongated. And in the second, cut off the quarter with a line with a smooth bend, and also a curl.
  • Draw the centers of our buds. This can be done by eye, however you like. Petals of beautiful flowers will depart from them. They are pointed and look in opposite directions.
  • Now draw the beginning of the stems and a couple of leaves at the base and erase auxiliary lines.

The drawing is ready.

Rosebud ready to bloom

Roses come in many shapes and colors. One of the most attractive forms of a flower is the moment it is ready to open. See how to draw a rose with a pencil and enjoy the process.

Start by marking the stem and bud. Now add leaves and petals. Then draw more carefully significant details flower, for example, the large outer petals.
Move on to drawing the core of the bud and detail the parts of the stem, leaves and thorns. Don't forget about the sharp tips of the leaves.

That's all. Your rose is ready and can be painted in bright colors.

Among the incredible abundance flowering plants The rose can safely be called the most popular flower. The rose is rightfully considered the queen, because it boasts a rich variety of shades, a slender stem and incredibly delicate petals. It was a million roses that he gave Unknown artist to your beloved. You don’t have to spend your entire fortune on bouquets that will sooner or later lose their beauty, but give a painted bouquet of roses. Following simple tips, you can easily cope with this task and give good mood to your beloved.

If you've never drawn before, try drawing a rose in the easiest way known, in just four steps. You will need a red pencil or felt-tip pen (you can take any other color or shade you like) for the bud and green for the stem. We draw an arbitrary spiral, then we design the petals and last stage We finish drawing the stem and several leaves. Once you have mastered this simple method, you can move on to more complex techniques. Let's look at one of them. Let's begin. Draw a vertical thin line in the middle of the sheet. On each side of the line, draw arbitrary wavy lines with sharp edges to create spikes. Add some oval sheets.

Draw in the leaves and add a few banana-shaped leaves at the top of the stem. Try to form a kind of platform for the future bud.

On the drawn basket of leaves, draw two large drop-shaped petals. Be sure to leave a little space between them. Add two more petals under the drawn ones, now place them next to each other. Add a center bud.

To add volume and realism to the picture, add shadows. First, think about which side the light falls on the rose. After this, using gentle pressure, shade the required areas. If desired, you can color the rose watercolor paints or colored pencils.

As you can see, drawing a rose is not so difficult if you follow it exactly step-by-step recommendations. Look at fresh flowers, understand their structure and constantly practice your acquired skills - this is the key to a good result.

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Art strives to make us all better people. That’s why many artists, noticing the beauty of the world around them, try to stop the moment and transfer it to paper. This is how a floral motif is born, where the harmony of beauty reigns. So today we’ll talk about how to draw a rose.

Mastering this skill will be useful for both adults and children. After all, then we will be able to cook with our own hands original gift, decorate your room with an ornament, and in general, drawing a rose, according to psychologists, is a great way to make boring meetings more interesting, especially if you do it in your notebook, unnoticed by others). The last statement is, of course, a joke, but there is a drop of truth in it.

Therefore, due to the fact that drawing is a useful activity and satisfies one of the most important human needs, namely, it realizes creative potential every person, no matter how old he is, should learn how to draw beautiful rose. But first, a little about the flower itself.

What types of roses are there?

Everything, even Small child knows what this one can have absolutely different colors and shades. From the most delicate white to incredibly dark, almost black. But this is not the only difference in this huge family. Before you start the drawing lesson, it is worth saying that there is different types, for example, simple, terry and semi-double. And hence the different number of petals in the bud. There are also various varieties: miniature, climbing, large-flowered, border, park, etc.

And, if you look at different photographs with these luxurious flowers, you will notice that most of these varieties are different bud shape: goblet, spherical, cupped, etc.

And, if you look at different photographs with these luxurious flowers, it will become noticeable that most of these varieties differ in the shape of the bud: goblet, spherical, cupped, etc. You can draw a rose without knowing all these details, but then the drawing will not be realistic, you will not get an image that looks like a natural plant.

What else do you need to know before moving on? step by step instructions? It turns out that there are varieties that are painted in 2, 3 or more colors.

Simple technique image of a flower

How to draw a rose step by step? Let's first try to draw roses with a pencil. At the same time, let’s see how this can be done correctly and easily, even for beginners, even for kids who are 5 years old. And then we’ll try to color the pictures.

In order to understand how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step, we will divide the work into small steps. This way we will easily and without problems overcome the path of mastering this technique.

Step 1. Preparation

Let's prepare everything that will help us draw and color the rose: paper, pencils, eraser. What else might you need to create an image in pencil? Photo. It is worth choosing suitable clear photographs, but you can also take drawn works on our website (see below).

Step 2. Blooming spherical climbing rose

We are learning to draw a rose that has fully opened and has a round, small bud shape. To do this, draw a circle.

We make several more smaller circles in the workpiece. We make them quickly, it doesn’t matter if they come out uneven.

Most small circle These are the inner petals of a flower. There are usually no more than 5 of them. They are rolled up and look like a small glass.

Completed with a simple pencil the preparation of the rose is already beginning to resemble our final goal. Therefore, we continue to make the remaining circles in the same style. We draw each petal beautifully. And we get a preparation very similar to our plant.

Step 3. Goblet bud

How to draw a rose with a pencil that has a goblet bud? We imagine the shape of the glass and transfer it to paper.

We make another “glass” inside it. These are the inner petals of a rose that are gathered together. And there are no more than 5 of them either.

We decorate the outer petals. How can you draw them? Like those that slightly on the sides hide the glass in their folds, like Cinderella’s dress, which she wore to her ball. A goblet rose made in pencil in stages, in just 3 steps, looks very believable.

Step 4. Cup-shaped large-flowered bud

Learning how to draw a cupped rosebud. To do this, we make an incomplete circle, where one side is a straight line.

How to draw a rose next? It's best to start with the lower petals. They are located exactly in a straight line. We can see only 5 of them: three of them are at the very bottom, the rest are on the sides.

We rise higher and draw the next “floor”.

This flower is a little “ruffled”, and its inner petals bear little resemblance to those arranged in a certain order. And yet, it is there. How to learn to draw them? It's like they're wrapping the core.

Step. 5. Coloring

First we erase all the auxiliary lines. Let's see what we got:

And this is what the drawing looks like, not fragmented:

We depict stems and leaves. We “lower” the roses into the vase. It turned out to be a good bouquet.

Let's start coloring. We paint each detail with our own color.

When we are about 5 years old, it is enough to simply fill the white space with the intended color.

But this is not enough if we have much more years. We are able to make a slight shadow on the petals.

Or, remember that the edging may be a different color.

That's all, the picture is ready. In less than a year of training, you and I will be able to boast of our skills, which will not be inferior even to Jan Brueghel himself.

And below are a few more options for drawing a rose:

Hello, Dear readers of my blog, Recently my child asked me to help her draw a flower. And since I am a complete zero in drawing. Then I decided to definitely draw a flower. Of course, the most famous flower is the rose. Therefore, we will draw a rose. Of course, I won’t post my art here, but I will show several different ways.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it may not work out the first time, it’s impossible to do it correctly using instructions or photos if you don’t know how to draw. Skill comes with practice. At the end of the article there will be several videos where you can see how roses are drawn live

How to draw a rose with a pencil for beginners step by step

1. Draw a simple spiral with a pencil on a piece of paper. We choose the size ourselves.

2. From the middle of the spiral we drew, draw a perpendicular thin line straight down. We select the length of the line ourselves, depending on the length of the flower you want to have. Below from the point of the line, draw a wavy line upward along

3. On the other side, draw another similar line and connect it to the base of the drawn spiral

4.Now we need to draw leaves for our rose. From our wavy line that is connected to the spiral, draw another line.

5. Connect our lines by drawing leaves.

6. We finish drawing the leaves by connecting the lines together. after which we draw lines inside the spiral connecting them to the base of the rose

7. Our rose is almost drawn, all that remains is to draw the stem below and the receptacle from which it will come.

9. We just need to add a few more elements with a pencil to make our rose come alive. draw leaves on the left side.

10. To maintain the symmetry of the flower pattern, on the other side we draw more leaves. By using simple steps we were able to draw a rose

How to draw a rose with a pencil easily

From the example above, you understood how you can make a wonderful drawing step by step. In the picture below you can see how within 5-15 minutes, depending on your drawing experience, you can draw a rose with a pencil.

How to draw a rose with a pencil very quickly
  • draw a circle and immediately lower the stem from it. Draw an oval a little higher above the circle
  • connect the oval and the circle with two wavy lines. From the circle to the sides we draw two more wavy lines, from which we will create the leaves of our rose. We draw leaves to the stem.
  • Inside our oval, carefully draw a spiral and the leaves of the flower with a pencil.
  • Use an eraser to erase the circle line inside the rose.

How to draw a rose with open petals step by step

1. First of all, to create our rose, we create a simple outline - draw a circle of the size we need. Our bud with petals will be located in it. draw a stem from below

2. In the middle of our circle we draw an oval which will be the center of our flower. We draw thin oval lines and a triangle from which we will build and draw our rose petals.
3. Now you can carefully draw our bud petals. We are planning thin line outer and inner petals, if it doesn’t work, you can always carefully erase it with an eraser and try again. Once you are satisfied with the sketch, you can proceed to the next stage.
5. Once you are completely happy with the drawn petals, start tracing the outlines with a pencil to highlight the petals even more.
Then we draw shadows. If you don’t know how to apply shadows with a pencil, I recommend reading special articles about it on the Internet. As a rule, shadows are cast under objects in dark places. If you have a rose at home, take a look at it. Where are the darker places in it? Shadows are drawn in the same way. You can also look at other objects in the house and how they cast shadows.

How to draw a rose with a pencil step by step with photos

We draw our sketch of a rose bud with a petal in which we will draw our flower.

As you have already seen in other examples, we need to draw a circle in which we will draw a rose. When your hand is already well filled, you can already do without it. And immediately draw the contours of the petals.

create the outline of our rose

Gradually, we draw the contours of the petals inside our circle. If something doesn’t work out, you can always erase it with an eraser and start again.

After you have finished the rose petals on the inside, start creating the outer ones.

We erase unnecessary elements that we no longer need.

I have prepared for you interesting master classes drawing roses in pencil and watercolor: from simple to the most complex. So quickly arm yourself with colored pencils and a brush - let's get started!

How to draw a rose with a pencil

1. Using light pencil movements, draw a sketch of a rose: draw an oval bud and stem.

2. In the center of the oval, draw petals that look like a spiral.

3. Draw each petal clearly. Pay attention to all the bends and folds.

4. Make the necessary thickenings, highlighting the main lines on the flower and stem.

5. Great! Now do some shading in the shadow areas. This will make the rose more voluminous and more realistic.

Our masterpiece is ready to be tried on and decorate one of the walls of your room.

Interesting! Persia (Iran) is considered the birthplace of the rose. In the Persian language, the name of the flower sounds “gul”, and the country itself has long had a second name - Gulistan.

The Persians' interest in growing roses was picked up by the Greeks. One of Greek myths says: “When the goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite learned about the death of her beloved Adonis while hunting, she went to the mountains of Cyprus to look for the handsome man’s body. Thorn thorns and sharp stones wounded her fragile legs, and drops of blood falling to the ground turned into red roses.”

How to draw a rose step by step

If you are not new to drawing, and paper and pencil are your best friends, I suggest a complex version of drawing a rose with a pencil. Let's take the following image as an example:

1. Draw a long arc - a stem. Mark the upper and lower boundaries of the bud, as well as its center.

2. Now draw the middle of the bud. It consists of many curled leaves.

Gradually add other petals to the rose. Pay attention to the rigor and geometricity of the forms.

You will get a rose like this:

3. Draw the stem and leaves of the rose.

4. It's time to add shadows and make our flower voluminous. Look carefully at the photo of the rose and start shading the dark areas of the image. A soft pencil is ideal for shading.

5. Now add penumbra with light pencil movements. Note: petals that curl outward must have highlights and become darker closer to the edges.

6. Detail the leaves and add shadows to them.

That's all! The Queen of Flowers is ready.

Interesting! IN Ancient Rome The white rose was considered a symbol of silence. If during a ceremonial meal in the hall a flaunted White Rose, everyone understood: the conversation at the table is not subject to disclosure. Still preserved popular expression“Sub rosa dictum” (“I said under the rose”). This means that everything said is a big secret.

Roman soldiers wore rose wreaths to ward off fear before battle. Pink wreaths were also awarded to prominent figures in Rome.

How to paint a rose with watercolors

Roses painted in watercolors look especially sophisticated and elegant. To create the following image, the artist used professional paints. You can take the most common ones.

1. Select an image of a rose and make a subtle sketch. If it is difficult to do this yourself, on a sunny day, attach the drawing to the window and transfer it onto paper.

2. Apply an initial layer of paint. Color each petal separately. Before you paint the next petal, let the previous one dry well, otherwise the colors will run.

To ensure the colors mix harmoniously:

  • wet the petal with water and then apply paint,
  • apply one color, then add another.

3. In addition to pink and orange shades, add purple, blue and cherry shades. This way you will be able to make the drawing rich.

4. When the roses are completely dry, move on to the background. The role of the background will be played by colored spots. Paints must be applied to wet paper.

5. When the first layer of paint is completely dry, start working on the shadows of the flowers. Along with coral, pink and red flowers, add yellow, purple, and blue shades. The flower will become beautiful and expressive.

6. Make the background deeper by applying another layer of paint on top of the previous one. But make sure that the background does not stain the flowers or overshadow them. It is not very good if the surroundings are brighter than the object being depicted.

7. Detail the image by adding veins and shadows to some of the petals.

Congratulations! The picture is ready.

Interesting! Today there are 6,000 known species of roses bred by humans. But the Japanese were the most impressive. They managed to grow a chameleon rose. This amazing flower changes color depending on the light. During the day the rose is scarlet, in the evening it is white.

How to quickly draw a bouquet of roses

It’s not for nothing that they say: if you want to win a girl’s heart, give her roses. But don’t be sad if you don’t have enough money for a luxurious bouquet. Rather, run for whatman paper and colored pencils - a bright picture will be an excellent birthday present and, unlike fresh flowers, will remind the birthday girl of the caring author for a long time.

1. Make a drawing of a bouquet, vase and bow.

2. Using light pencil movements, sketch out the buds in the shape of ovals, complete the stems and bow. Make the bottom of the vase round.

3. Give the buds characteristic shapes for roses. Draw a second line along each stem to make them thicker. Detail the bow.

4. Draw petals inside the buds. Don't forget the sepals.

5. And lastly, draw the leaves. There must be a lot of them, because we have a whole bouquet of roses. Draw on a vase vertical lines. Make shading in the right places.

Color the picture with colored pencils and give it to someone you love very much.