Alexey Khlestov. Biography

There are people who exist for us as images - stage and screen. They seem to wake up and fall asleep there: on television.

In fact, they wake up and fall asleep next to their loved ones. In a house whose foundation was created together.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, we managed to persuade not only those who were not used to interviews, but also their non-media halves to talk about personal things.

In conversation over delicious coffee are the families of Denis Kuryan, Alexey Khlestov, Sasha Nemo and Larisa Gribaleva.

Denis and Julia

Denis and Yulia Kuryan have been together for 6.5 years, and have been married for almost 6 years. Together they manage a production studio for creating presentation videos and a chain of coffee machines. Well, most importantly, they are the parents of Kiryusha (5 years old) and Milana (2.5 years old).

– Denis, you and Yulia had an interesting and beautiful story of meeting each other. Share!

Denis: The funny thing is that it was preserved on video. It was a December evening in 2007 in Zhodino at the BelAZ testing site. We filmed there New Year's video for BT - how presenters in huge cars carry huge boxes to the audience. Yulia was invited as an actress whose car broke down according to the script, and Sergei Kukhto, Andrei Mukovozchik and I had to help her and take the BelAZ in tow. It seems that my help turned out to be the most effective, because I arranged Yulia’s personal life! (Smiles.)

– Julia, please tell us what was your first impression when meeting Denis?

Julia: At that time I worked in two jobs: in the regional executive committee and at the same time in a modeling agency - shows, filming, and so on. There was no time to watch TV, and I had no idea who Denis Kuryan was. Yes, as it turned out later, I used to watch the Eurovision broadcasts, which Denis commentated on. But the picture and the voice somehow didn’t fit together based on the way he was “hooligan” on air, I thought that Kuryan was such a freak with tattoos and dyed hair. And Denis somehow looked too neat, more like a bank employee than a presenter entertainment program.

– How did your relationship develop?

Denis: Well, although I really liked Julia at first sight, at that time I had a girlfriend. It all happened a little later, almost a year later Julia invited me to officiate the wedding best friend. While preparing for this event, we began to communicate more closely, and then somehow it was decided that the next wedding would be ours.

- Julia, weren’t you worried about Denis’ media presence? After all, there is a common opinion that a man from the world of show business cannot be with one woman for a long time, much less remain faithful to her?

Julia: I don’t perceive Denis as some kind of “media” person, for me he is just my husband, my beloved person, and not a “media person”. It’s just his job, public. And then, today, due to the new specifics of Denis’s work, you can more often see him in the company of a director and cameraman or directors of plants and factories than with any models. Therefore, I am absolutely calm.

Denis: By the way, there was Funny case at our wedding. At the end, each guest had to pass a candle, as if a symbol of the family hearth, and say a wish in one word. Aunt Yulina said “Fidelity” and for some reason blew out the candle... although she should have just passed it on to the next one. For 6 years now, this incident has been a topic for teasing each other.

Denis, you’ve probably met a lot of interesting girls in your work life. How was Julia different from them?

Denis: Of course, people are greeted by their appearance, and, as you understand, it was hard not to notice a girl with a height of 177 cm! But the main thing that immediately captivated me was that Yulia is a very positive and energetic person. Surely guys have been in situations when they invite a girl on a date, but there is nothing to talk about, awkward pauses arise, and you feel uncomfortable. This has never happened with Yulia, perhaps because we have the same views on life and many common interests. I immediately felt that this was “my” person.

- Julia, did you have any moments of doubt that Denis is definitely “your” man?

Julia: No, it wasn’t, and it’s not today, I just felt it. Reliable, with a sense of humor and a vision for the future, this is my “ideal”, which Denis corresponds to. Over these 6 years, Denis has become more mature, wiser, more patient, and I am even more confident in my choice.

- When you started living together, did you, as young couples often do, encounter domestic problems?

Denis: No, our apartment was so small that you could wash and vacuum it all while standing on the rug front door. (Smiles.)

The main thing is that both look at things the same way - we want cleanliness in the house - let's clean it together, even if it has to be done at night. It is clear that with the birth of the first child most Julia took on the trouble, and I began to work even more intensely. I can do anything: change diapers, change clothes, feed, bathe, and cook simple porridge, but Yulia rarely used these skills of mine, she felt sorry for me.

Julia: It became more difficult and interesting for us when Kiryusha was born, and this happened 9 months and 2 days after the wedding. But, apparently, my mother’s example is in my genes. Dad is a military man, he served in absolutely different places– from the GDR to Buryatia. We couldn’t always be close, and my mother basically raised two children alone; my brother and I are only a year apart. And, naturally, she never reproached her husband for the fact that in some situations he could not be there: such a profession, such a fate. Denis and I have the same thing - I take on everyday issues and treat them with understanding. I wish all the girls not to “drill” their men over any everyday nonsense.

- You are supporters of partner childbirth, the attitude towards which in our society is still ambiguous. Tell us why this was the right decision for you?

Denis: This is the greatest happiness in life - to see your babies born. Thank God that I had the opportunity not to walk under the maternity hospital or sit with handset waiting, but to see it is a miracle. After the weigh-in, I took both Kiryusha and Milana into the ward and then it was I who spent the next 20 minutes of their new life with them, waiting for Yulia to be brought in.

Julia: I felt comfortable and comfortable that my husband was nearby at that moment. He helped to breathe correctly, joked, supported, in general, did what he had to do a real man in such situation. Of course, we want more children, and I am sure that the next birth will also be a partnership.

- Share the rules and taboos of a happy family!

Julia: Our rules: have fun and relax in a way that is interesting for both; find time to be alone, without children; do not be shy to ask for forgiveness and take the first step; find a way to be happy under any circumstances!

Denis: Well, our taboos: do not blame and do not evaluate; do not raise your voice to your “other half”; don't forget about important dates family life; don't go to bed having quarreled and not made up

Alexey and Elena

According to singer Alexei Khlestov, his wife Elena is a true partner both in creativity and in business. And the listener is the most devoted and partial.

To all this she, of course, loving woman and a wonderful mother who creates the weather in the house. So that later her popular husband, in turn, would create the weather on stage.

Let’s ask them themselves what laws the Khlestov family lives by.

- Alexey, Elena, how and where did you find each other?


- In the Kingdom of Bahrain! Lena and I worked there in the early 2000s. True, in different teams.

And then one day the team in which Lena worked came to us for a rehearsal. As I remember now, I was singing Bryan Adams and the Backstreet Boys back then. The next fifteen years indicate that she apparently liked the way I did it!


- Yes, then that same spark slipped between us. I am a classicist, not a pop artist. And I didn’t know such an artist as Alexei Khlestov at all. And accordingly, I was very skeptical.

But it was the same mistake that you later rejoice at. His insight amazed me! Well, what to hide: it still amazes me.

– Do you believe in the destiny of people for each other?


Yes, I believe it. I believe in fate and that the stars align as intended. Every man is looking for not just a lover, but kindred spirit. I found her. And not just anywhere, but far from home. How can you not believe after this?


- Agree! We were very closely connected from the very beginning. This way they can only tie from above.

We immediately found common ground, made sure that we looked at things the same way, and realized that we were close in spirit. I always tell Lesha: “You are my man!” And he answers me the same.

– Being a good wife for an artist and just a good wife are different stories, right?


– Yes, being a good wife for an artist is more than that. Here's Lena. She is not just a beloved woman, she is a creative unit. She has impeccable musical intuition: she feels what a song should be and knows how to present it to me.

She is aware of all my affairs and plans - support in what has already been done, and ideological inspirer in what is still on the drawings.

We men are only outwardly such strong guys. But in reality, we need a strong rear. Especially artists!

To know that after working on stage and on camera, you can come to a person who loves and accepts you for who you are.

Lena is the keeper of the family hearth and mine peace of mind. She is engaged in home production of happiness.

– Elena, are these titles difficult for you?


– Yes, perhaps more difficult than any business achievement. (Smiles.)

Therefore, I am always amused by the stereotypes that an artist’s wife is an idle creature, and a housewife is a woman who has settled down in life and can rest on her laurels.

This is work: to make you want to return home. So that the husband knows for sure: he is loved. For children to grow up good people.

And at the same time, you must not lose yourself as a woman and a person!
So the task is not easy. I didn’t even realize how much. But her decision is what makes me happy.

– How do you spend your family time?


– And we always have our family day – Sunday. After a week when every day is scheduled by the hour, this very Sunday saves us.

We try to spend this day with those closest to us: parents, godmothers or family friends. We're going to visit or the children's entertainment centers. And we can even treat ourselves to something that we Everyday life strict taboo: dessert, pizza or homemade hamburger!

But all this is not the point. The main thing: we just feel good together.

- How did you manage to maintain this feeling for 15 years?


– We always trusted each other and never abused this trust.


- And they also knew how to find common denominator and remembered that this is precisely the most important thing.

Sasha and Sveta

Sasha Nemo - then still Alexander Efimik - met his wife Sveta fifteen years ago, when he had neither a stage name nor, in fact, a career on the big stage.

However, together Sasha and Sveta managed to overcome difficulties, make their wildest dreams come true and, most importantly, not lose each other along the way. How did they do it?

Now we'll find out!

– Sasha, tell us how you first saw Sveta?


- ABOUT! This interesting story. The first time Sveta and I saw each other was in 1999 at a festival in Novogrudok, where we arrived as students of the Grodno College of Arts. We were about 18 years old at that time. We walked around the city, chatted about something, smiled and ran away...

Of course, I didn’t forget Sveta and in college I looked for her with my eyes. But she studied at the choreography department, and there all the girls were like a choice - in black training uniform, with their hair tied up, exhausted from rehearsals. Can't tell the difference, by God!

You could get lost that way!

But then there was a student disco. And I, inviting you to a slow dance The first girl I noticed on the site, I realized with surprise: so here she is, the same one!

– Sveta, when did you catch yourself thinking “so this is the one”?


– Probably at that moment, which Sasha cannot know about. We didn’t know each other, and the girl students near the assembly hall were whispering, “He’s such a talented boy, he sings like that, he sings like that!” I came closer, listened - and fell in love with the voice. Who then sang Serov’s song “I love you to tears.”
Then, when I saw the owner of the voice, I won’t hide it, I was somewhat disappointed by the discrepancy. (Laughs.)
But even then I thought: it’s okay, she’ll grow up! And he succeeded with interest!

- But before this happened, it was necessary to overcome the period of formation. How did you manage to go through it together?


– You know, it was this difficult period that brought us together most of all.

Sveta graduated from the College of Arts and continued her studies in the city of Mosty. I continued to study in Grodno, but had already received an offer to work with Finberg’s orchestra, and therefore constantly went to her, then to Minsk.
It would seem: what is the relationship between two very young guys who live in three cities?
But in fact, the distance made us appreciate every minute that we could spend together. And we dreamed of living together so much that when it finally happened, we were not afraid of everyday life - we shared one plate of pasta between two and were glad of it. This period taught me: you shouldn’t overestimate material things, no matter how much they cost.


- Yes Yes! When we arrived in Minsk, we had all our things: dishes, bed linen and a tape recorder. And we were so happy about every joint acquisition and achievement, every success of each other! It would be a huge mistake to refuse this and ruin everything.

I think so - fortunately! – didn’t happen, because we have always been not only lovers, but also friends. They advised, supported, and sincerely supported each other. It was interesting for us to grow together... And so we grew up. (Smiles.)
Having gone through both fire and water.

– What about copper pipes – with long tours and, of course, fans?


- And this too. Anything has happened in 15 years. But even if ambiguous situations arose, people show their love for the artist in every way! – Sveta never forgot how important it is in a relationship common sense and trust. God has given us a wonderful ability to speak. And hear. Luckily, my wife and I know how to use them.


- It's true. But here’s what’s also important: Sasha talks about ambiguous situations, but I don’t even remember them! Honestly! I didn’t have time to record this and dwell on doubts, fears, and jealousy. My favorite thing (I'm a makeup artist with twelve years of experience), traveling to international competitions, communicating with interesting people– all this has always occupied a significant part of my life. And when I left to create beauty - for myself and others - Sasha, I think, also had something to think about and worry about! (Laughs.)

– Sasha (as he noted in one of the interviews. – Ed.) had to worry when you left for the maternity hospital. And both times!


- Oh yeah. When Sveta gave birth to our eldest daughter, Anechka, I was incredibly worried. My wife was taken to the maternity hospital, and I was left completely alone. Alone with your thoughts.

Ani’s older brother reassured me. I think this is normal: for every man, the birth of his first child is a real emotional test. And he also needs someone to lend a shoulder.
But during the birth of my second daughter, Masha, I, unfortunately, was far away. I went to a concert in Ryazan. I was sure that I would have time to return, but I couldn’t. You can’t imagine how I scold myself for this!
He should have stood under the door of the chamber, but he stood on the stage...


– To be honest, I’m pleased that Sasha is so repentant. It's masculine!

But, perhaps, I’ll admit now: I sent him to that concert on purpose. Knowing already that I will give birth that day.

She also asked her parents and their eldest daughter not to sit with me, but to go for a walk. “Well,” they say, “be sure to call if anything happens!” “I’ll call, I’ll call.”

And when the door closed, I packed my things and went to the maternity hospital.

Why did I do this? Because it was calmer for both me and them. For the first time, I realized that my family was more worried than I was, and their excitement was passed on to me. I’m getting scared, I’m starting to feel sorry for myself... There’s no point in this!

- Sasha, your wife is brave...


- Exactly! And most importantly, he knows how to control emotions, pull himself together and keep a cool head in any situation. I've had problems with this my whole life!


- Well, you're being modest now. I don’t know if this will be a revelation, but I’ll say it anyway: Sasha, the boy I fell in love with, has really become a real man who knows how to make decisions and take responsibility for them. A dad to whom children come to look for answers - and find them.

Today you are a husband one can only dream of and a father one should be proud of.


– I’m happy to hear this!

– What is the secret of your family’s happiness?


– The fact that we always remembered: after any crisis comes a rise! The main thing is to wait it out hard time together. And they also accepted that we were different, like... soda and vinegar! But that’s why the chemistry between us still happens!


– And also, probably, that our goal was not to “preserve, hold, tie”... But simply to live the way you feel. To raise children. And try to be happy!

– Is there anything you haven’t accomplished in these 15 years?


- Give birth to a third child!


- And get married. (Smiles.)

Alexander and Larisa

"It's okay, mom!" - Larisa Gribaleva can confidently say when answering questions about her creativity, business... and husband!

Larisa and Alexander have been together for about twenty years and are raising two beautiful children - Alisa and Arseny.

Alexander, unlike famous wife rarely gives interviews. But today the couple agreed to remember their story from the very beginning... And tell it to us!

– Larisa, Alexander, please share your story of how you met.


– We met Sasha when I was a student at BGUKI. It so often happens that Minsk residents like to “hang out” in hostels, and it is there that the most fun companies. So our Minsk football player friends periodically came to visit us, one of whom was in love with my girlfriend. Apparently she's coming to him strong feelings I didn’t, because their relationship didn’t work out... But Sasha and I met each other thanks to this acquaintance.

As I remember now, it was December 1st. Why did you remember? Because the guys made fun of us: they said that on this day they celebrate World Footballer’s Day every year.


- And you believed it? (Smiles.)

- Well, yes! They say: we will come to you about this and, if you don’t mind, we’ll take one with us nice guy- He is a professional cameraman, he films us. Very talented.

“That guy was me!” (Laughs.)
True, I was not any professional operator at that time. Maximum - a photographer.


“Nevertheless, this is where our friendship began.”

- Friendship?


– Yes, for about six months Larisa and I met as friends: we walked together, talked a lot, shared secrets with each other. We had a truly trusting relationship.


“I keep asking myself: maybe Sasha had such a wise masculine tactic, a strategy for conquest?” But he still won’t admit it to me and now, of course, he won’t admit it to you either... (Laughs.)

The fact is that in the initial period of our communication I was in a relationship with another guy. Also Sasha, by the way.


“But I was completely different, right?”


- The complete opposite. There was a musician there, the same one" creative person". Words, flowers and serenades. But all this is for everyone. The relationship was painful, and despite the fact that it had outlived its usefulness, the breakup was difficult.
Therefore, I definitely didn’t expect “love at first sight and Brazilian passions”. Enough!

But communication with a man who knew how to listen, joke, and instead of strong drinks (as many guys did) brought strawberries and cream to the dorm, turned out to be really necessary for me.

- Alexander, did you look after Larisa beautifully?


– In the generally accepted understanding, probably not... I confess: I could have come on a date without flowers.


- And I ask: “Sasha, why are you without flowers?” And he responded: “But I bought you juice!” (Laughs.)

This is a man's concern.

– Was there a male initiative?


– This is a different story! Somehow, at the beginning of the relationship, I shared with Sasha that I didn’t want to live in a hostel anymore and was planning to rent an apartment. And he says to me: “So let’s shoot it together!” To be honest, I was confused even by such a proposal. But I couldn’t or didn’t want to refuse!


“That’s why when Larisa jokingly says, “You didn’t really ask me to get married!”, I always answer: I did. Even at the moment when he proposed to rent an apartment together. It meant: together forever. (Smiles.)


-...And until death do us part! (Laugh.)

– And yet, what does “didn’t really ask for marriage” mean?


- Everything was, of course. But somehow unconventional and quite funny.

Here we go with wedding ring Same. Sasha ordered it on his own, and for some reason two days before the wedding he decided that a fitting was needed. I say: “Okay! But only so that I don’t see anything.” And as I remember now: I extended my hand over his shoulder - I was sitting in the front seat of the taxi, and he was in the back.

And... the ring doesn't fit!

Of course, there was no time to redo it. And my mother, using the money that had been put aside for an apartment (by that time the default of the nineties had just eaten it up), bought me a ring, with which we went to the registry office.

True, it should be noted: Sasha remade it to my taste - stones and white gold appeared in it. By the way, I also wore my first “Thumbelina ring” for a long time – on my little finger.

But I still love the joke “I didn’t ask you to marry me, I didn’t give you a ring, I didn’t ask for children.” (Laughs.)

– Tell me honestly, did you fall in love with each other for your sense of humor?


- Including!

But, to be honest, Sashka has always been a handsome, prominent guy. Athletic and tall. It made an impression!

I always thought: “Lord, if only I wouldn’t fall in love with a meter with a cap! We’re daring to mice!” (Laughs.)

Jokes aside, I was captivated by the fact that Sasha is a man not of words, but of actions. I think this is how a man should be: active. Not a buffoon.


– The fact is that Larisa and I complement each other. She is choleric - temperamental, emotional, sensitive. And I try to react to everything calmly and, as far as possible, judiciously. Larisa jokes: “Sanya, you will live forever, because you have no nervous system". This is not true, of course, but I restrain myself to maintain balance. (Smiles.)

– Do you support Larisa in her creative development?


– It seems to me that at home Larisa needs not a crazy fan of her work who knows all the songs by heart, but good husband and dad, who can always get a mammoth for the family...


- And buy juice!

– Larisa, does Alexander help you in everyday life?


– When Sasha suggested living together, I couldn’t find anything better than to answer: “Then you wash the dishes!”


- It wasn’t like that! I don't remember this!


- So I remind you. Constantly. (Laughs.)

This is what I mean: dishes are still Sasha’s sacred duty in those moments when the dishwasher does not perform it. And he cooks very tasty! He can find an interesting, original recipe and cook some masterpiece on his own.

- And there are no stumbling blocks - neither in everyday life, nor in relationships?


- It doesn’t happen that way, of course.

There is one thing that I cannot understand and accept. We should come to terms with it and just live with it, but this doesn’t always work out.

Sasha can never warn me about his plans, or rather, that they are changing. And I start to beat myself up.

He might fall asleep before I return late from the performance. But if I don’t know where he is and what’s happening to him, no.


– In my defense, I can only say one thing: this is how a reluctance to disturb loved one. And not at all indifference, as it might seem.

– Do you have any differences in raising children, Alisa and Arseny?


- Well, everything is as it should be: Sasha is a good policeman, and I am a bad one. For example, children can’t go to bed, even though it’s high time. I say: “Sasha, at least shout at them for the sake of decency!” But where is it?


– You’re just better at it! (Laughs.)


- On the other hand, Sasha has his own methods of education. He communicates with children as equals. According to the principle: as you are to me, so am I to you. Did you offend dad? Don't expect ice cream from him! And you know: it happens to be very effective!


- That's right. A mother in a family is boundless love. And dad is a model of behavior that sons adopt and daughters look for in their future husbands...

– Your family will soon celebrate a small age for a person, but a big one for a couple – 20 years together. How did you cope with the notorious relationship crises in years 3 and 7?


– You know, we never marked on the calendar the days when not everything went smoothly in our relationship. But of course there were such days.

And compromises helped to cope with them. The ability to understand and accept.

Despite my emotionality, I can’t imagine what it would be like to throw a show scandal at my husband and defiantly put his suitcase on the staircase. And it’s not even that this is not a female method... It’s just humanly wrong.


- That's right. We also leave each other personal space. Larisa meets with her friends, for example, and I go to volleyball with my friends. We respect each other's freedom. We can spend time in our circle, but we always strive to go home!

– Is this the happy secret of your family?


– Our secret is love. Nowadays you can often hear the phrase “build relationships” on the screen... So: funny! Without love you can't build anything. It is she who is the foundation on which everything rests.

And so that this foundation does not crumble over time, you need to wait for your person.

Alexey Khlestov was born on April 23, 1976 in Minsk into a working-class family. “My father, as he said, loved to sing yard songs with a guitar on a bench under the house. Mom also took part in school amateur performances. That is, they had musical inclinations, but they could not realize them at that time,” says Alexey. Alexey's abilities manifested themselves early - in kindergarten It was he who was always asked to sing at matinees. Then his mother, Lyudmila Nikiforovna, took him to a school with a musical bias, which was located nearby. The establishment was prestigious, and therefore they took it there based on a competition. “I sang a tearful song about Cheburashka, I cried and sympathized with him that he had no friends. I couldn’t understand how this was so,” recalls Alexey. A few days later he was enrolled in the piano class.

However, the first to realize the innate musical abilities The eldest son Andrei, who is also known to the general public, started in the Khlestov family. When Alexey was ten, he sang in VIA “Rovesnik” - popular at that time children's team. Then I got there younger brother. “I finished nine grades and decided to enter School of Music, but because of the concerts I didn’t have time to submit the documents,” he says. “As a result, I entered a regular vocational school.” But he didn't give up music.

In 1993 on the second republican competition young performers in Minsk Alexey received a prize audience choice. Then he tried to enroll again - this time at the Institute of Culture. I passed vocals with flying colors, but failed Belarusian literature. Flaw theoretical education replaced by extensive practice. First, participation in the “Slavic Bazaar” (hit the top ten), and then three years of work in the “Syabry” studio. At one time he also performed in a duet with his brother Andrey.

At the end of 1996, Alexey Khlestov went to work in the East, to Bahrain, where he spent six years intermittently. However, this could not continue forever. In February 2003, Alexey Once again visited Minsk: “I decided to take a closer look at what was happening here. I listened, looked... I tested the market, one might say... and recorded the first song “Forget You”, with which I starred in “Hit Moment”. She dialed a large number of votes, enjoyed success on the radio and then I realized that I had to work further.”

Then hits began to appear one after another, thanks to which Alexey became the most rotated Belarusian performer of 2003. Released on December 19, 2003 on West Records debut album Alexey Khlestov “Answer me why”, which includes hits and still unknown songs. The musician is currently working on his second disc.

On January 29, in one of the capital’s registry offices, Alexey Khlestov officially formalized his relationship with his beloved girl Elena.

The first one was sold out solo concert in the small hall of the Palace of the Republic (November 24, 2004), then tour in the cities of Belarus plus participation in a tour with the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus (March-April 2005), which ended with a large solo concert at the Palace of the Republic (April 29, 2005), which already attracted a full Big hall!
And while waiting for the second disc, Alexey pleased his fans with the maxi-single “Burst into the Sky”, released in April 2005, which included songs already loved by the public, such as “It didn’t come true”, “Nothing happened”, 2 versions of the song “ Burst into the sky" and a duet recorded with the popular Belarusian group "Pull-Push" - "Ocean of the Taiga". The presentation of the single took place on May 3, 2005 at the Mystery of Sound store on Nemiga.

In the summer of 2005, he took part in the competition of young performers, which took place from July 27 to 29 in Jurmala. Alexey is the first participant who managed not only to show the full range of his voice, but also to adequately represent the niche country! “Participation is already a victory,” says Alexey. While the singer was practicing vocals without a break in Jurmala, his son was born in Minsk (July 19), who was named Artyom.

On April 23, at the capital's Coliseum club, Alexey Khlestov celebrated his anniversary on a grand scale! Friends, colleagues, and numerous fans came to congratulate the birthday boy. The party was also attended by Moscow composer Andrei Slonichinsky, with whom Alexey fruitfully collaborates in Lately. But perhaps the most shocking and unexpected gift for Alexey was a certificate for naming celestial body, donated by fans. This means that since April 23, 2006, one of the stars in the constellation Taurus bears the name of Alexei Khlestov!

Alexey Khlestov was born on April 23, 1976 in Minsk into a working-class family. “My father, as he said, loved to sing yard songs with a guitar on a bench under the house. My mother also took part in amateur performances at school. That is, they had musical inclinations, but they could not realize them at that time,” says Alexey.

Alexey’s abilities manifested themselves early - in kindergarten it was he who was always asked to sing at matinees. Then his mother, Lyudmila Nikiforovna, took him to a school with a musical bias, which was located nearby. The establishment was prestigious, and therefore they took it there based on a competition. “I sang a tearful song about Cheburashka, cried and sympathized with him that he had no friends. I couldn’t understand how this was so,” recalls Alexey. A few days later he was enrolled in the piano class.

However, the eldest son Andrei, who is also known to the general public, was the first to realize his innate musical abilities in the Khlestov family. When Alexey was ten, he sang in VIA “Rovesnik”, a popular children’s group at that time. “I finished nine grades and decided to enter a music school, but because of concerts I didn’t have time to submit documents,” he says. “As a result, I entered a regular vocational school.” But he didn't give up music.

In 1993, at the second republican competition of young performers in Minsk, Alexey received the audience award. Then he tried to enroll again - this time at the Institute of Culture. I passed vocals with flying colors, but failed Belarusian literature. The lack of theoretical education was replaced by extensive practice. First, participation in the “Slavic Bazaar” (hit the top ten), and then three years of work in the “Syabry” studio. At one time he also performed in a duet with his brother Andrey.

At the end of 1996, Alexey Khlestov went to work in the East, to Bahrain, where he spent six years intermittently. However, this could not continue forever. In February 2003, Alexey once again visited Minsk: “I decided to take a closer look at what was happening here. I listened, looked... I tested the market, one might say... and recorded the first song “Forget You”, with which I starred in “Hit Moment”. She gained a large number of votes, enjoyed success on the radio, and then I realized that I had to work further.”

Then hits began to appear one after another, thanks to which Alexey became the most rotated Belarusian performer of 2003. On December 19, 2003, West Records released Alexey Khlestov’s debut album “Answer Me Why,” which included hits and still unknown songs.

On January 29, in one of the capital’s registry offices, Alexey Khlestov officially formalized his relationship with his beloved girl Elena.

His first solo concert was sold out in the small hall of the Palace of the Republic (November 24, 2004), then a tour of the cities of Belarus plus participation in a tour with the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus (March-April 2005), which ended with a large solo concert in the Palace Republic (April 29, 2005), which already gathered a full Great Hall!

In March 2005, Alexei Khlestov’s concert tour with the program “Answer Me Why” was a success in the cities of Belarus.

And while waiting for the second disc, Alexey pleased his fans with the maxi-single “Burst into the Sky”, released in April 2005, which included songs already loved by the public, such as “It didn’t come true”, “Nothing happened”, 2 versions of the song “ Burst into the sky" and a duet recorded with the popular Belarusian group "Pull-Push" - "Ocean of the Taiga". The presentation of the single took place on May 3, 2005 at the Mystery of Sound store on Nemiga.

In the summer of 2005, he took part in the competition of young performers, which took place from July 27 to 29 in Jurmala - he became the FIRST Belarusian participant International Festival young performers popular music"New Wave 2005". After which he took part in the Russian television projects “The Secret of Success” (RTR channel), “Saturday Evening” (RTR channel). And for the New Year’s Light of the ONT channel, a duet with Alexey Glyzin was recorded “ Winter Garden».

On April 23, at the capital's Coliseum club, Alexey Khlestov celebrated his anniversary on a grand scale! Friends, colleagues, and numerous fans came to congratulate the birthday boy. Moscow composer Andrei Slonichinsky, with whom Alexey has been fruitfully collaborating recently, was also present at the party. But perhaps the most shocking and unexpected gift for Alexey was a certificate for naming a celestial body, donated by fans. This means that since April 23, 2006, one of the stars in the constellation Taurus bears the name of Alexei Khlestov!

On May 30, 2007, the solo concert of Alexei Khlestov “Because I Love” was held at the Palace of the Republic with a full house, accompanied by the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus.

In July 2007, at the International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk 2007,” Alexey Khlestov took part in five concerts, which is a kind of record for any performer. Also, as part of the Slavic Bazaar, the international premiere of the duet song “Two Stars” took place, which Alexey Khlestov performed together with his young Russian actress and singer Lena Knyazeva.
In October 2007, Khlestov performed in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog as part of the International Festival of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia. In Rostov-on-Don, Alexey was awarded an honorary diploma “For Creative Achievements.”

Alexey Khlestov is currently one of the most toured and rotated Belarusian performers: his songs have been at the top of television and radio charts for five years.

Alexey Ivanovich Khlestov (April 23 ( 19760423 ) , Minsk) is a popular Belarusian performer, multiple winner of the title “Best Singer of the Year” in Belarus. Released two solo album and several singles.


The first disc “Answer Me Why” became the absolute leader in sales of audio products in Belarus at the end of 2004.

Alexey Khlestov is the first Belarusian performer to take part in International competition young performers "New Wave 2005" in Jurmala.

Khlestov is also the first in Belarus, whose concerts were sold out three times at main stage countries - in the Palace of the Republic.

In 2004, Khlestov recorded a duet with Alexei Glyzin (the song “Winter Garden”), in 2005 a duet was recorded with Lena Knyazeva (the song “Two Stars”), in 2009 - two duets with Honored Artist of Belarus Inna Afanasyeva (the song “When Someday", "Hold Me"), and in the spring of 2010 a duet was recorded with the singer, composer and co-producer " New wave» Brandon Stone (song “Somewhere in the Distance”).

Alexey Khlestov is permanent participant International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, television projects “Song of the Year of Belarus”, “Silver Gramophone”, “Live Sound”, etc.

Awards, diplomas of competitions and festivals

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Excerpt characterizing Khlestov, Alexey Ivanovich

Whether they were playing ring, string or ruble, or talking, as now, Nikolai did not leave Sonya and looked at her with completely new eyes. It seemed to him that today, only for the first time, thanks to that corky mustache, he fully recognized her. Sonya really was cheerful, lively and beautiful that evening, like Nikolai had never seen her before.
“So that’s what she is, and I’m a fool!” he thought, looking at her sparkling eyes and her happy, enthusiastic smile, making dimples on her cheeks from under her mustache, a smile that he had never seen before.
“I’m not afraid of anything,” said Sonya. - Can I do it now? - She stood up. They told Sonya where the barn was, how she could stand silently and listen, and they gave her a fur coat. She threw it over her head and looked at Nikolai.
“What a beauty this girl is!” he thought. “And what have I been thinking about so far!”
Sonya went out into the corridor to go to the barn. Nikolai hurriedly went to the front porch, saying that he was hot. Indeed, the house was stuffy from the crowded people.
It was the same motionless cold outside, the same month, only it was even lighter. The light was so strong and there were so many stars on the snow that I didn’t want to look at the sky, and the real stars were invisible. In the sky it was black and boring, on earth it was fun.
“I’m a fool, a fool! What have you been waiting for so far? thought Nikolai and, running onto the porch, he walked around the corner of the house along the path that led to the back porch. He knew that Sonya would come here. Halfway along the road there were stacked fathoms of firewood, there was snow on them, and a shadow fell from them; through them and from their sides, intertwining, the shadows of old bare linden trees fell onto the snow and the path. The path led to the barn. A chopped barn wall and a roof covered with snow, as if carved from some kind of gemstone, sparkled in the monthly light. A tree cracked in the garden, and again everything was completely silent. The chest seemed to breathe not air, but some kind of eternally youthful strength and joy.
Feet clattered on the steps from the maiden porch, there was a loud creaking sound on the last one, on which snow had been deposited, and a voice old girl said:
- Straight, straight, along the path, young lady. Just don't look back.
“I’m not afraid,” answered Sonya’s voice, and Sonya’s legs squealed and whistled in her thin shoes along the path towards Nikolai.
Sonya walked wrapped in a fur coat. She was already two steps away when she saw him; She also saw him not as she knew him and as she had always been a little afraid. He was in women's dress with tangled hair and a happy and new smile for Sonya. Sonya quickly ran up to him.
“Completely different, and still the same,” thought Nikolai, looking at her face, all illuminated moonlight. He put his hands under the fur coat that covered her head, hugged her, pressed her to him and kissed her on the lips, above which there was a mustache and from which there was a smell of burnt cork. Sonya kissed him in the very center of his lips and, extending her small hands, took his cheeks on both sides.
“Sonya!... Nicolas!...” they just said. They ran to the barn and returned each from their own porch.

When everyone drove back from Pelageya Danilovna, Natasha, who always saw and noticed everything, arranged the accommodation in such a way that Luiza Ivanovna and she sat in the sleigh with Dimmler, and Sonya sat with Nikolai and the girls.
Nikolai, no longer overtaking, drove smoothly in Return trip, and still peering into this strange moonlight in Sonya, in this ever-changing light, from under his eyebrows and mustache, he looked for that former and present Sonya, from whom he had decided never to be separated. He peered, and when he recognized the same and the other and remembered, hearing that smell of cork, mixed with the feeling of a kiss, he deeply inhaled the frosty air and, looking at the receding earth and the brilliant sky, he felt himself again in a magical kingdom.
- Sonya, are you okay? – he asked occasionally.
“Yes,” answered Sonya. - And you?
In the middle of the road, Nikolai let the coachman hold the horses, ran up to Natasha’s sleigh for a moment and stood on the lead.
“Natasha,” he told her in a whisper in French, “you know, I’ve made up my mind about Sonya.”
-Did you tell her? – Natasha asked, suddenly beaming with joy.
- Oh, how strange you are with those mustaches and eyebrows, Natasha! Are you glad?
– I’m so glad, so glad! I was already angry with you. I didn't tell you, but you treated her badly. This is such a heart, Nicolas. I am so glad! “I can be nasty, but I was ashamed to be the only happy one without Sonya,” Natasha continued. “Now I’m so glad, well, run to her.”
- No, wait, oh, how funny you are! - said Nikolai, still peering at her, and in his sister, too, finding something new, extraordinary and charmingly tender, which he had never seen in her before. - Natasha, something magical. A?
“Yes,” she answered, “you did great.”
“If I had seen her before as she is now,” thought Nikolai, “I would have asked long ago what to do and would have done whatever she ordered, and everything would have been fine.”
“So you’re happy, and I did good?”
- Oh, so good! I recently quarreled with my mother over this. Mom said she's catching you. How can you say this? I almost got into a fight with my mom. And I will never allow anyone to say or think anything bad about her, because there is only good in her.
- So good? - Nikolai said, once again looking for the expression on his sister’s face to find out if it was true, and, squeaking with his boots, he jumped off the slope and ran to his sleigh. The same happy, smiling Circassian, with a mustache and sparkling eyes, looking out from under a sable hood, was sitting there, and this Circassian was Sonya, and this Sonya was probably his future, happy and loving wife.

Alexey Khlestov
Alyaksey Ivanavich Khlyastoi
basic information
Birth name

Alexey Ivanovich Khlestov

Full name

Alexey Ivanovich Khlestov

Date of Birth
Date of death

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

A place of death

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Years of activity

1996 - present time

A country

USSR 22x20px USSR → Belarus 22x20px Belarus

Singing voice

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Alexey Ivanovich Khlestov (April 23 ( 19760423 ) , Minsk) is a popular Belarusian performer, multiple winner of the title “Best Singer of the Year” in Belarus. He released two solo albums and several singles.


The first disc “Answer Me Why” became the absolute leader in sales of audio products in Belarus at the end of 2004.

Alexey Khlestov is the first Belarusian performer to take part in the International Competition of Young Performers “New Wave 2005” in Jurmala.

Khlestov is also the first in Belarus whose concerts were sold out three times on the main stage of the country - in the Palace of the Republic.

In 2004, Khlestov recorded a duet with Alexei Glyzin (the song “Winter Garden”), in 2005 a duet was recorded with Lena Knyazeva (the song “Two Stars”), in 2009 - two duets with Honored Artist of Belarus Inna Afanasyeva (the song “When Someday”, “Hold Me”), and in the spring of 2010 a duet was recorded with the singer, composer and co-producer of the “New Wave” Brandon Stone (the song “Somewhere in the Distance”).

Alexey Khlestov is a regular participant in the International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, television projects “Song of the Year of Belarus”, “Silver Gramophone”, “Live Sound”, etc.

Awards, diplomas of competitions and festivals

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Excerpt characterizing Khlestov, Alexey Ivanovich

We were again greeted by the same gloomy, ominous landscape, which I almost didn’t pay attention to, since it, like everything else, after so many trips to the Lower Astral, had become almost familiar to us, as far as one could get used to such a thing in general. ..
We quickly looked around and immediately saw Maria...
The baby, hunched over, sat straight on the ground, completely drooping, not seeing or hearing anything around, and only affectionately stroked the shaggy, motionless body of the “departed” friend with her frozen palm, as if trying to wake him up... Severe and bitter, completely not childish tears flowed in rivulets from her sad, extinct eyes, and, flashing with brilliant sparks, disappeared into the dry grass, watering it for a moment with clean, living rain... It seemed that this whole already quite cruel world had now become even more cruel for Maria colder and even stranger... She was left completely alone, so amazingly fragile in her deep sadness, and there was no one else to console her, or caress her, or even just protect her in a friendly way... And next to her, a huge , a motionless mound lay her best friend, her faithful Dean... She clung to his soft, furry back, unconsciously refusing to acknowledge his death. And she stubbornly did not want to leave him, as if knowing that even now, after death, he still loved her just as faithfully and also sincerely protected her... She really missed his warmth, his strong “furry” support, and that familiar, reliable, “their little world”, in which only the two of them lived... But Dean was silent, stubbornly not wanting to wake up... And some small, toothy creatures were scurrying around him, trying to grab at least a small piece of him hairy “flesh”... At the beginning, Maria still tried to drive them away with a stick, but, seeing that the attackers were not paying any attention to her, she gave up on everything... Here, just like on the “solid” Earth, there existed “ the law of the strong,” but when this strong one died, those who could not get him alive, now with pleasure tried to make up for lost time by “tasting” his energy body, at least dead...
From this sad picture my heart ached sharply and there was a treacherous pinch in my eyes... I suddenly felt wildly sorry for this wonderful, brave girl... And I couldn’t even imagine how she, poor thing, could, completely alone, in this terrible, sinister world, stand up for yourself?!
Stella’s eyes also suddenly sparkled wetly – apparently, similar thoughts came to her.
- Forgive me, Maria, how did your Dean die? – I finally decided to ask.
The little girl raised her tear-stained face at us, in my opinion, not even understanding what they were asking her about. She was very far away... Perhaps where she was true friend was still alive, where she was not so lonely, where everything was clear and good... And the baby did not want to return here. Today's world was evil and dangerous, and she had no one else to rely on, and there was no one to protect her... Finally, taking a deep breath and heroically gathering her emotions into a fist, Maria told us sad story Dinya's death...
– I was with my mother, and my kind Dean, as always, was guarding us... And then suddenly he appeared from somewhere scary man. He was very bad. I wanted to run away from him wherever I could, but I just couldn’t understand why... He was just like us, even handsome, just very unpleasant. It smelled of horror and death. And he laughed all the time. And this laughter made my blood run cold... He wanted to take my mother with him, said that she would serve him... And my mother struggled, but he, of course, was much stronger... And then Dean tried to protect us, which he always managed to do before. Only the man was probably something special... He threw a strange orange “flame” at Dean, which could not be extinguished... And when, even while he was burning, Dean tried to protect us, the man killed him with blue lightning, which suddenly “blazed” from his hand. That's how my Dean died... And now I'm alone.
-Where is your mother? – Stella asked.
“Mom is still here,” the little girl was embarrassed. “She just gets angry very often... And now we have no protection.” Now we're all alone...
Stella and I looked at each other... It was felt that both of us were simultaneously visited by the same thought - Luminary!.. He was strong and kind. One could only hope that he would have a desire to help this unfortunate, lonely girl, and become her true protector at least until she returned to her “good and kind” world...
-Where is this terrible man now? Do you know where he went? – I asked impatiently. - And why didn’t he take your mother with him?
“I don’t know, he’ll probably come back.” I don't know where he went and I don't know who he is. But he is very, very angry... Why is he so angry, girls?
- Well, we will find out, I promise you. And now - would you like to see good man? He is here too, but, unlike that “scary” one, he is really very good. He can be your friend while you're here, if that's what you want, of course. His friends call him Luminary.
- Oh, what beautiful name! And good...
Maria gradually began to come to life, and when we invited her to meet a new friend, she, although not very confidently, nevertheless agreed. A cave already familiar to us appeared in front of us, and golden and warm sunlight poured from it.