Why do Koreans love older girls? How do Koreans treat Russian girls?

The capital of South Korea, Seoul in 2010 was recognized as the best capital in design. It should also be noted that over the past few years the number of tourists to this Asian country has been steadily increasing.

The popularity of toilet humor.

Everyone in South Korea is obsessed with "toilet humor." Whether it's poop-shaped cookies, poop-themed phones, or an entire museum in Seoul dedicated to poop. The logic behind this obsession is explained by locals as being that the shape of the crap is "cute" and "adorable".

While the country boasts the advantages of any other major cosmopolitan center in Asia: amazing food, cutting-edge technology, efficient public transport and incredible shopping, here Europeans may encounter local traditions that seem strange. Foreigners visiting the country will be delighted by everything they can see here and may also be puzzled by ten strange aspects of life in South Korea.

Sexual touching.

In Western society, two men holding hands on the street will automatically be perceived as a gay couple. But not in South Korea. While touching relationships between opposite sexes in public is highly frowned upon and is considered disrespectful, sitting on friends' laps or playing with their hair is completely acceptable. Grown women and men can usually be seen exchanging drinks and hugging.

Plastic surgery.

South Korea has quickly become known as the plastic surgery capital of the world. Many tourists from all over the world travel to the country to visit surgeons for nose jobs, face lifts, cosmetic injections and much more. etc. South Koreans become obsessed with the concept of achieving a perfect appearance from a very early age, and most boys and girls from wealthy families undergo eyelid surgery to make their eyes look more European. Almost all metro stations have advertisements with photographs of people before and after plastic surgery operations. The country's obsession with cosmetic perfection has led to a significant number of divorces after husbands or wives discover that their spouses looked completely different before they had surgery and married them.

Love sanatoriums.

Because public displays of passion are viewed as inappropriate in Korea and the fact that most young people live with their parents unless they are married, love motels are incredibly popular in South Korea. These tiny motel rooms serve as retreats for young couples in love. You can see such mini love motels in any part of the city. These motels are always clean and comfortable. They are also available for rent by the hour, in case you were interested.

K-Pop (short for Korean pop music) is a music movement native to South Korea. Although there are many popular genres of music, K-Pop reigns supreme in South Korea. These groups typically consist of several men and women aged 16-24 years. Hundreds of thousands of people attend their concerts, fans swoon from the pure joy of seeing their idols. K-po music is characterized by high budgets, with outfits costing a fortune.

"Ayyummas" (Korean for "old ladies") tyrannize passers-by on the streets. In South Korean society, there is a special respect for older people, which forgives them many actions, no matter what they do. For example, Ayummas can loudly shush you in the subway, push you on public transport, spit on young people, or shout at a person if they don’t like what he’s doing. Although their actions may not always seem fair, they must nevertheless be tolerated.

Alcohol consumption

The ability of Europeans to drink alcoholic beverages is nothing compared to South Korea. Year after year, South Korea ranks among the top alcohol consumers on the planet. In South Korea, if someone puts a drink in front of you, it is considered rude to refuse it. South Koreans are especially fond of their Soju liqueur, a strong liquor made from rice or barley.

Identical clothes.

The same clothes? The same jeans, sweaters and sneakers? Dressing in matching outfits is a very popular trend in South Korea today. It is not at all uncommon to see young people on the streets of the city dressed exactly the same, like twins. The logic behind matching a pair of identical outfits is to show everyone around you how much people love each other. Companies from large chain stores to small boutiques are planning their marketing around this very popular trend.

Verbal filter.

Foreigners in South Korea may be shocked by how many people tell them they are "overweight" or "badly dressed." Although these statements are considered incorrect in Western society, the logic behind such statements is that South Koreans are concerned about your well-being and want to make sure that the person is okay.

"Without pants"

After landing in South Korea, Westerners immediately notice how short the local girls wear their skirts. The concept of "No Pants" youth fashion is very popular in the country and the skirts are so short that women often hold a newspaper or bag to cover their appetizing curves when walking up the stairs. While skirt length has no value in the country, wearing a cleavage is considered completely unacceptable. If any girl wears a cleavage, then almost every passerby will look at her disapprovingly, and the Ayummas grandmothers will definitely scream and spit after her.

Netizens discussed 10 qualities that girls with special charm have.

In Korea, "maeryuk", which translates to "unique attractiveness", is considered as important a trait as beauty or kindness. The boundaries of this uniqueness can range from manifestations of masculinity, femininity, charm, and other qualities that make you stand out from the crowd.

The original post appeared on Pann, In it, netizens have compiled a list of qualities in a girl that can turn a guy off.

“10 qualities in girls that repel guys,” below you will find the translation of the article and user comments.

"1. Girls who are not easy to talk to. When a man tries to interest them in a conversation, the girls have fun themselves and don’t even know how to answer. They don’t even know how to start and continue a conversation correctly.”

“2. Shy girls think that they are not interesting because they are not sociable and do not know how to be funny in communication. But this is all wrong, girls without “maeryuk” cannot know why men are not interested in them.”

“3. Girls who think there are no men around them because they have a cold heart and are too chic, when in fact they just don’t have that special trait.”

"4. Girls who have no sexual attractiveness and who don’t know what men want from a relationship. They just think that all men are the same and they need the same things.”

"5. Girls who think that just positive reactions to guys' conversations make her special. But they don’t understand the difference between them and the popular girls around.”

“6. Girls who don’t understand or don’t want to understand what makes them unique. They just blindly believe that they have some attractive feature.”

“7. Girls with too high demands. The guy must be at least 180 cm tall, attractive, with a good body and kind. They don’t care what the men around them think of them and naively believe that they fit above average standards.”

"8. Girls who complain to everyone around them about relationship problems. Everyone has their problems, but these girls are just driving everyone crazy with theirs. And they don’t even understand what they’re doing.”

"9. A girl who thinks that if a guy looks at her, it means he likes her. Girls make this mistake all the time. Some attractive girls can tell guys' signs from mere glances, but these girls can't.”

"10. Girls who are proud or stubborn even in small things. And when people try to express their opinion to them, they don’t even know how to listen to advice and simply ignore it.”

[ +284 / -3] Are you talking about me now? You're just describing me... That's probably why there aren't any guys around me

[ +197 / -3] When I read articles like this... I wonder what my unique feature is...

[ +59 / -2] But do people have to be funny? ? People with the same interests always find each other. I will be respectful and keep the conversation going, but I won't seek out someone who isn't right for me just to talk to someone. I want to find someone who will appreciate me for who I am, because sooner or later they would recognize the real me. Like, for example, the author of this post doesn’t want to date a girl who isn’t funny, but I want to meet someone who looks a little deeper. I think that as long as there is chemistry between people, that's enough to keep the conversation going. I think it's personal preference.

[ +55 / -7]Guys who don't have an attractive feature = guys who write articles like this

[ +48 / -4] Another offensive post... First think about whether there is something special about you

Russian guys treat Korean women either with delight or with indifference - it all depends on their tastes and attitude towards Asian women.
But how do Korean girls treat men from Russia?
An article for those who adore Korean women...

The Korean woman looks at me and thinks: what kind of stranger is taking pictures of me?))

Korean girls and Russian guys

It must be said that Korean women, in principle, have an uneasy relationship with white guys.
There are two reasons:
1. White skin is beautiful and sexy
2. A white guy is rich by definition.

Korean men are aware of the situation and are fighting it as much as possible, but what is there is: Korean women really like white guys and they are not at all against meeting Europeans.
Those. During your trip to South Korea, you will be able to meet Korean women without any problems - all you need to do is not be an asshole and have some financial freedom.

True, for a Korean woman, any white man, by definition, came to their country from the USA.
Well... at worst, from some Europe.

This is an important point: at the beginning of the conversation, ANY Korean woman will definitely ask you about where you come from.
“From Russia,” you say, and put the girl in a dead end.
But in any case, Korean women are generally friendly towards Russians.
But they don’t know how to treat us and how to perceive us.
Is Russia cool or not? - they do not know.

But this Korean woman clearly says to me: “Hello!”))

Dating Korean women

Issues of status and financial status in Korea are extremely important.
Cooler country >>> potentially higher financial situation >>> more respect.

For example, being from the USA is much more prestigious than being from France.
But from Russia?..
At such moments, intense work occurs in the girl’s head - she tries to assess our status and how she should behave with us.
Korean women know about the existence of Russia, but they know very little.
Well, except for our participation in the Second World War, polar bears on the streets of Moscow, and that we have 365 days a year minus 35...

The paucity of knowledge Korean girls have about our country both complicates communication and provides opportunities.
Therefore, if you show the breadth of your soul, imagination and will look after you beautifully, your Korean friend will be happy... and will give up on the sidelong glances of Koreans...

Let me note again: the financial issue when meeting a Korean woman comes first.
A Korean woman meets a European man with only one goal: to get married, improve her financial situation and leave Korea.
Those. dating “student style” doesn’t work.

The exception is dating in bars and clubs and bars for one night.
Girls are also not against such acquaintances, but this is a completely different topic - in the morning your girlfriend will disappear.

In fact, Korean girls are friendly and friendly. It’s just... everything is complicated.))

But almost 52 million people live in South Korea - among them there are enough girls who would not mind marrying a European and leaving with him.
And if the European is Russian, well... so be it.
The main thing is the material basis of the future family.

And... to meet a Korean woman, you still need to be in Korea - dating sites will not help.
And there they themselves will look at you with interest - don’t get confused. 😉


From a very young age, Victoria wanted to leave her native Perm and see the world. And not just to see overseas sights, but to live in another country and understand the mentality of its inhabitants. She ends up living in South Korea. And although she loves this country, the girl constantly thinks about her hometown.

To distant countries

When Victoria graduated from school and faced the choice of her future life path, she entered a university that promised foreign internships. The girl received two higher educations, but never went abroad.

After graduating, she got a job and took a trip to Tunisia during her vacation. This trip completely turned her life around. In Tunisia, she saw the work of tour guides and realized that this was exactly what she wanted.

By getting a job as a guide, she made her dream come true. Over the next four years, she visited ten different countries, but finally decided to settle down in Korea.

First acquaintance with Korea

Victoria had a special relationship with this country before. She was interested in romantic South Korean TV series from an early age. Korea seemed to her a beautiful, distant and mysterious country.

The pattern broke already at the airport. It seemed to her that she was in the distant future and felt like some kind of Neanderthal. She didn't expect that South Korea was so highly developed. The girl saw with her own eyes technical devices the existence of which she had never even suspected before. But Victoria had not lived somewhere in a deep forest before; by that time she had seen a lot.

How do Koreans live?

Of course, the level of technical development is not the main thing. The most important thing is people. It’s amazing how disciplined the Hanguk, as Koreans call themselves, are. Everything is on schedule, everything is orderly and clear.

They take their work very seriously, try to be professionals in their field, and strive to ensure that the work is done flawlessly. These people are real workaholics.

It’s nice to feel the friendliness of these people, and it’s sincere. They are always open to communication. Everyone is ready to smile, show interest, and enter into dialogue. A quarrel between passengers of a crowded transport is simply impossible. Any careless push will end in smiles and apologies.

However, if you are facing real difficulties, no one here will help you. They will also politely and quietly disappear, and you will be left alone with the problem. In Russia it is much easier to find sincere sympathy and participation than in Korea. Our people, despite their outward coldness, are much more soulful.

While Russians perfectly understand the meaning of the word “settle down,” it is difficult to explain to a Korean. They remain children until old age. And thirty years of age for them is almost youth. They rarely marry before age 33. And for them there is no such thing as clothing that is inappropriate for their age.

With all this, Koreans are very respectful to their elders. Even an age difference of one or two years makes one express respect. In Korea, it is unthinkable for a younger person to be rude to an older person, especially an elderly person. But this does not mean that elders humiliate younger ones, this is also unacceptable. The situation is the same with differences in official position. Subordination is strictly observed.

Caring for children and the elderly is a matter of course here. After a divorce, no Korean man leaves children. He will continue to take care of them and support them financially. There are no old people abandoned and forgotten by children here either. This is not accepted here. Family and family values ​​in Korea are not just empty and loud words, they are the basis of Korean society.

For all their friendliness, Koreans have great hostility towards the Japanese. The long years of Japanese occupation left a deep mark on this country. And if you don’t speak Korean, you shouldn’t try to speak Japanese with locals, hoping that the languages ​​are similar and they’ll understand you. Better try to explain yourself in English. As a last resort, in Russian or on fingers, but not in Japanese.

What you can't get used to in Korea

Two countries with different cultures and mentalities of their inhabitants should not be compared or evaluated. It cannot be said that one country is better or worse than another. They're just different.

Etiquette standards in Russia and Korea are very different. If in Russia it is indecent to slurp at the table, and even more so in a public place, then in Korea this is a sign that you like the treat and you absorb it with pleasure and appetite.

By the way, as for Korean cuisine, it is very tasty and unique. But some dishes are so unique that not every Russian is able to eat them. Not everyone dares to taste silkworm larvae or seafood that is trying to crawl out of your plate.

In a conversation, a Korean can show sincerity bordering on arrogance. There, it is common practice to tell a woman that she is fat, or that she looks much older than her age. And no one is offended by this. Moreover, they are surprised if after such words the interlocutor’s mood deteriorates.

Despite the fact that Russians are considered heavy drinkers in the world, they are very far from Koreans. Their traditional Friday drinking sprees can be shocking. Even on a weekday, the boss can invite his team to go out to restaurants all night. But you can’t refuse, it’s not accepted.

Homeland is always the same

Although Victoria loves Korea and respects its people, she really misses her native Perm. She misses communication in her native language, streets familiar from childhood, sincere conversations, family members, even Russian swearing. It’s even difficult for a girl to name anything in Russia that she would remember with hostility.

Of course, life in our country is far from ideal, but everything that surrounded Victoria in Perm seems so dear and real. She now remembers with warmth even what used to irritate her.

Relationships between boys and girls are always a topic on which one cannot speak unambiguously. Some people are lucky, and some people will be lucky next time. I can't say that international couples in Seoul are something very common. Rather, this is the exception rather than the rule. Sometimes you can still see a Korean woman with a foreigner, but a Korean with a foreigner (not just after a club, but right hand in hand and to look at the stars) is not a very common type of relationship.

Let me remind you that everything written is my personal experience, which was collected either from my own impressions or from the stories of friends and acquaintances who also live in Korea. This is not one hundred percent true and it is not necessary that if you decide to come to Korea that everything will be exactly like this, it is just something that you need to be prepared for.

So, foreigners are different for Koreans. The first criterion is appearance. It can be either European or Asian. Further - knowledge of the language. You can know the Korean language or not, and the inability to conduct a dialogue at the level of an almost native speaker is equated to ignorance, because “you’re in Korea.” Attitudes towards different types of foreign women are built accordingly. If a Korean thinks that the girl is not a foreigner, but a Korean, then he will behave accordingly. Modest, respectful. And with a foreigner, such behavior is desirable, but not required. And it’s clear that without long conversations, a guy in any country is unlikely to sincerely fall in love with a soul, which means you shouldn’t expect something like that from Koreans if you don’t speak Korean well.

I mentioned one more point "golden antelope". If a foreigner is invited to eat together, the cordiality of the Koreans may or may not work. Who pays at the first meeting? Korean women unanimously answer: “Guy.” A Korean guy is already starting to think in the case of a foreigner. Perhaps he will pay, but... “I’ll pay here, and you’ll pay in the next place (which will cost many times more)” or “you’re in Korea, and we have a democracy, and girls pay for dinner.” Sometimes you really want to explain the meaning of the word “democracy”. Once we discussed this issue with foreign friends, and girls of Asian appearance are less likely to encounter such “pay” from Koreans at the first meeting, while Europeans are rich...

A little more about Korean rules. A Korean guy will teach a foreign girl. “That’s how it is with us. We go straight to the motel. Our girls don’t refuse guys. Our girl pays. We only have to eat Korean food (it's just cheaper than European food). We need to drink a lot (it's true, okay). Our girl should be the first to write and invite her to meetings. Our girl has to come to the other end of the city at night if the guy calls. You’re in Korea, so live like a Korean.” There is no need to adapt to anyone. If you are in Korea, this does not make you Korean. Korean women don't do any of the above. And Korean women are similar to us when it comes to building serious relationships. There is no need to try to please someone and “become a jerk.” Otherwise, all the discontent will continue and then with the words: “Well, you’re not Korean...” You need to bear your nationality proudly! There will definitely be someone who will not “accuse” you of being a foreigner at every step. It's normal to not be born in Korea. Nearly seven billion people did just that.

Now further. The boys themselves. They are also different: young (students) and adults (working). There are also old ones, but I don’t know anything about them. So, students. Most likely, they want to increase their self-esteem and show off to their friends. Dating a foreigner is quite prestigious for a Korean. Your friends will be jealous - that's for sure. But you need to understand that even for the Koreans themselves, student relations are student relations and nothing more. Each semester the guy or girl in this relationship may change. Now adults, working Koreans. It depends on your luck. Someone will simply want to “cheat” a foreign woman for food (that is, she will pay) or for something more. Watch very carefully. But there are also adequate people who are looking for a serious relationship, but with a foreigner. Some people really don’t want to “bother” with a Korean woman, because many Korean women themselves don’t want all the “marriages”, “children”, “weddings”. That’s when older Koreans pay attention to foreign women. But there is another option - when Korean women don’t need “such good things”. Here you already need to think ten times.

I’m not saying that all Koreans are like this and that their attitude towards foreign women leaves much to be desired. Of course, there are those for whom the issue of nationality will come last. But for this it is better to know a common language in order to understand each other. Plus you need to consider your location. If you are in Korea, then the golden rule will work for Koreans: “Since you are in Korea, then live by our rules.” There is no need to trust the Koreans, because this is, in any case, a different, albeit safe, country. Koreans know how to court girls and act very nice, but due to different cultural backgrounds, it is true that it is difficult for foreigners to understand when it is for real and when it is just for fun. Of course, in Korea everyone will diligently prove that they are so tolerant (but they will again say something about democracy) and, supposedly, respect the interests of everyone, but just try to mention that you don’t eat kimchi every day... :)
