What does day and night mean a day away? Day and night - a day away! Or what does the library’s operating mode depend on?

IN Soviet time The State Republican Youth Library, like many libraries in the country, worked from early morning until late evening. And readers always flocked there. Because only city and regional (especially federal) libraries had the literature necessary for studying (university libraries - none), books that you couldn’t buy in a store were loaned out to your home. Then a library working around the clock (the need for which is spoken about from time to time by one or the other) would be welcomed by everyone. The students would pack a “knapsack” with sandwiches and tea in a thermos, and sit in it until the morning. And in the morning - for the exam...

The problem of library operating hours worries the professional community for various reasons. The question of when adult and children's libraries should open and close, and whether all city libraries should have a single day off is being discussed. There are voices in favor of the idea of ​​24-hour work, there are even relevant examples (the capital's F.M. Dostoevsky Library), albeit short-lived. IN in social networks started discussing the possible transition to round-the-clock operation of one of the halls of the Russian state library. And these are not idle questions.

A conversation about the library's operating hours is actually a conversation about the accessibility of library space and resources to people.

And here a lot of other questions inevitably arise. How satisfied are librarians and users with the current regime of the library they use? How much should you focus on the population’s proposals to change the operating hours of city libraries (especially if the question sounds something like this: “Do you agree that...”)? Should a library necessarily respond to the manifested (publicly stated) needs of the population in one mode or another of its operation, if its current capabilities do not allow this?

We tried on specific example Russian State Library for Youth to trace how and why its work schedule has changed over the past 40 years. So, in the Soviet and “perestroika” years, the State Republican Youth Library (now RGBM) worked all seven days of the week. But different halls “lived” according to their own schedules: reading rooms from 10 (then from 11) to 22:00, subscription from 13 to 20:00, art department from 14:00 to 20:00, literature department at foreign languages from 11:00 to 21:00. On weekends - from 10:00 to 18:00.

It is difficult to understand the logic of this now. One thing is obvious: since for the youth of that time the library was almost the only place where they could calmly and thoroughly prepare for training sessions(on house necessary books were not issued), then the 12-hour work of the reading room was fully justified, as well as the seven-day work schedule. In general, it turned out that the library was open to readers 75-80 hours a week.

Since at that time there were full-time guards in the libraries, but there was no “live security”, all employees of the State Library of Lithuania who did not work in the service halls remained on duty after 18:00 (according to the schedule). Morals were stricter, and readers had to “clear” the halls 15 minutes before the end of work. And they, as usual, held out until the last, trying to get the book delivered or delivered to their home before the chimes struck. The attendants felt sorry for them and tried to help them—readers sometimes came from far away—but the librarians in the halls were unshakable.

Since the early 1990s, reader service time in almost all libraries has decreased. During these years reading room GRUB worked from 10 o'clock, but only until 19 o'clock, and the subscription was even less - from the middle of the day. On Saturday the library was still open, but Sunday became a day off.

It was a difficult time. Salaries became meager, and the number of librarians declined. In the evenings, people were afraid to be alone with open doors, especially in small libraries, and it became unsafe to return home late in the evening. The fact that libraries worked for visitors on a reduced schedule was, let’s say, socially determined. This was also compounded by economic reasons. But the fact remains: it was in the 1990s that libraries sharply reduced their opening hours. Total time The work of the youth library was reduced, for example, to 43 hours a week.

The next decade has arrived. The situation in the country has changed for the better. The operating hours of libraries also began to change slightly. Our library increased its work by 2 hours a week, but a second day off was introduced. At that time, the RSL worked the longest - 65 hours (now 66) and the VGBIL - 62.5 hours (now 68) per week.

When in 2007 the Russian State Youth Library entered a period of active modernization (including major renovations), all halls began to work on a single schedule on weekdays.

The transition to the current, longer operating mode took place gradually, step by step - over the course of two years. It was meaningful, calculated and implemented exactly when there was a real need and opportunity for it.

By necessity we understand the clearly expressed, stated need of the majority of visitors with a sharp increase in their total number. This became obvious when more than 400 people began to come to the library every day.

But the desire of visitors is not enough. It was necessary to prepare the library for a change in the usual rhythm of work. The library has seven service halls, and each needed to recruit a sufficient number of employees to work two shifts, ready to return home late (there was a salary bonus for “night shifts”). The conditions for round-the-clock work of “live security” were clarified, additional costs for lighting and utility bills, and wardrobe service were calculated. It was extremely important to obtain the agreement of all other library staff.

And only in mid-2013, when all the above conditions were met, the Library for Youth switched to a seven-day, 71-hour service (on weekdays from 11:00 to 22:00, on weekends from 12:00 to 20:00).

Currently, the main flow of visitors begins at 14:00 and reaches a peak at 20:00 (then up to 170 people can work in the halls at the same time - this is the limit after which complaints about stuffiness and overcrowding begin). Five minutes before the library closes on the radio, a handsome male voice reminds the 20-30 lingering readers that it’s time, it’s time to get ready...

Three years later, all Moscow libraries were transferred to a similar schedule. In the fall of 2016, the news triumphantly spread across the Internet that the Moscow authorities had carried out as part of the project “ Active Citizen» a public survey on the topic “My Library”, in which more than 200 thousand citizens took part. It was preceded by crowdsourcing of the same name, which involved almost 12 thousand people - mostly Muscovites. The result of the survey is the transfer (after six months) of the vast majority of libraries to a single work schedule: from 10:00 (12:00) to 22:00 from Tuesday to Saturday, two hours less on Sunday - with a single day off for all on Monday ( 70 hours per week for libraries located inside the Moscow Ring Road, 58 hours - outside the Moscow Ring Road).

It was apparently believed that on Mondays all Muscovites would either “damp down” their need for library services or migrate to others that were open on that day of the week—primarily federal ones. It is worth noting that gradually the majority adapted to the work schedule of “their” library. This clearly revealed the fact that the user audiences of large libraries with a large resource base and small ones located within “walking distance” to home differ significantly.

We do not undertake to dispute either the results of mass surveys of Muscovites, or the advisability of small libraries located in residential areas, where after seven or eight in the evening, rarely anyone looks into the library. And we do not urge you to follow the example of the capital.
(One thing needs to be taken into account by those who intend to follow this example. If the founders decide that all libraries - from small to large, located in crowded and deserted places, in the center and on the outskirts - should work, for example, until 22 o'clock, then you cannot rely on the saving function of the “button”, but try to provide “live security.” Otherwise, a person, approaching a closed one, usually after 20 o’clock, front door library, will be forced to press the bell and wait for the cautious librarians to open it for him, seeing it on the monitor screen, or looking out the window.)

From our experience, we received an answer to a simple question: what, besides a comfortable, technologically advanced room, smart, friendly employees, can make young people stay late into the night in the library?

Firstly, these are its resources - an extensive printed, electronic, and multimedia fund, specially formed and placed in the halls, updated in accordance with the needs of users.

Secondly, these are various types of specializations and related services - in our case, this is a hall rare book, artist’s office, MediaLAB, “Music Cellar”, comics center, psychologist’s office, as well as additional services (cafe, bookstore, office printing, children’s room, fitness room, etc.).

Thirdly, various kinds of events (lectures, master classes, meetups, trainings), which, as a rule, begin no earlier than 19:00 - so that their participants in a metropolis have time to get to the library after work.

In addition, a 24-hour street book return station was installed at the entrance to the Russian State Library several years ago. It solves the problem of lending books during periods when the library is closed to the public. Now the reader does not have to be afraid that he will not have time to return the book before the library closes; he can calmly plan his time.

And it became clear why 10 years ago this library stood empty, and there was no need for a longer operating mode. In uncomfortable rooms with outdated literature and there is no point in striving for boring events and staying there for a long time.

What mode do they work in? public libraries in other cities of the country?

In 2017, sociologists of the RGBM analyzed the operating mode of almost 50 libraries working with children and youth. It turned out that more than half work until 7 pm on weekdays, a third until 6 pm. However, some of them start work quite early - from 9-10 am.

In fact, libraries work in the same mode with all other institutions, organizations, and companies. Students finish their studies earlier, but then they begin preparing for classes, and by the evening they have time for leisure. It turns out that on weekdays it is quite difficult for students and working youth to get to libraries. There are still weekends, but libraries are open only on one of them. All week only the Youth Library of the Komi Republic, the Voronezh Regional Youth Library, the Ivanovo and Saratov regional libraries for children and youth. At the same time, according to the majority of library employees who took part in the survey, today’s opening hours are quite (more or less) convenient and sufficient for users. Moreover, when libraries host evening events, they may be open late - but only for their participants.

We analyzed the work schedule of almost all regional scientific libraries and about 20 central city libraries. With rare exceptions, they start work quite early - at 9-10 o'clock in the morning, and finish in the range from 18 to 20 o'clock.

Now let's see how some foreign libraries work. This is interesting, if only because, when it is necessary to justify the correctness of their position, the authorities often rely (or only pretend) on the experience of their foreign colleagues. And librarians themselves may be curious about this.
Let us turn to the experience of American libraries.

New York Public Library, one of three library systems city, includes 87 divisions. Each branch has its own operating hours, which depend on the location, the needs of the local community and the tasks that a particular library performs. What they have in common is that most branches are open six days a week (on Friday and Saturday the working day is reduced by two hours). The most common operating hours of branches: from 10:00 or from 11:00 to 19:00 (Friday-Sat. to 17:00). Although there are libraries that work 80 hours a week.

At the same time, the main building of the New York Public Library (as well as its large branches) is open only 44 hours a week. And this is one of the largest libraries in the world.

Another library network in New York is the Brooklyn Public Library, which has 58 branches that open at 10:00 and are open at different days until 17:00, 18:00 or 20:00. The central library is open seven days a week (68 hours in total).

The Queens Library is the third library network in New York City. The Central Library is open every day, and the working hours are longer - 70 hours a week. In any case, the main opening hours are from 10:00 to 20:00. In almost every branch, automated book returns are available 24/7. (The Chicago Public Library, which has 80 branches, has similar hours.)

For the vast majority of public libraries in New York, there is a single day off - Sunday. (This coincides with the current situation in Moscow libraries, where there is also a single day off - Monday.)

Unlike the library systems of megacities, libraries in small American cities, being the main (if not the only) socio-cultural centers for the local community, are open daily and for quite a long time - from 09:00 to 21:00, slightly shorter on Fridays and weekends.

If a library has a youth section, it is usually open during the same hours as the rest of the library. The youth section of the Chicago Central Library YOUmedia operates when teenagers finish school and can spend free time after school in the library (four days - from 13:00 to 20:00, Friday and weekends - until 17:00). Coming here after classes, schoolchildren can do homework, attend clubs and various events, communicate with peers, learn new skills in makerspaces and creative laboratories. In Queens, a borough of New York, we were able to visit a youth library located in a place with a concentration of African-American and immigrant people. Latin America. The library was open for only four hours and closed at 18:00. It is these hours, when young people have left school but have not yet come home, that are considered the most dangerous. And a library (with dozens of computers with video games, a recording studio, board games and a small number of books and magazines) fulfills a very clear social task: to distract children from the street, and in this she is helped by the police, social services, and local entrepreneurs.

The opening hours of libraries in Europe vary greatly, but some trends can be identified here.

Firstly, in the city, central libraries, as a rule, work longer than district ones. Eg, central Library Stuttgart (Germany) is open from 9:00 to 21:00 six days a week, while district libraries there are open less often and open only three to five hours a day.
As a rule, European libraries are closed on Sunday (sometimes on Monday). However, district libraries can have any day of the week as a day off. If the library does open on Monday, it is often a shortened day (another option is Friday).

Saturday is usually a shortened working day (three to five hours). Libraries for young people (Hamburg, Dresden, Stockholm library-workshop) open only at 14:00, 12:00 or 15:00 respectively, and the children's section closes earlier than other library departments (for example, in Geneva).

An interesting practice is observed in Denmark and Norway: the library can be open from early morning until late evening, but in self-service mode. In this case, an employee is present in the library during the daytime, but in the morning and evening there is only a security guard, and readers can borrow or return books only under his supervision.

The fact that European libraries do not tend to work in the evenings is explained, among other things, by the fact that the working day for Europeans begins early. The English start at eight in the morning, the Germans have children at school at seven o’clock, in countries with a hotter climate, such as Greece, the start of the working day varies from six to eight in the morning, but there the middle of the day is the traditional siesta, which lasts two hours. three hours, three o'clock. Accordingly, in many European countries you will hardly see people on the streets after 7 pm. This is especially true for small cities. People can sit in small cafes and restaurants or gather with the whole family at home. Nocturnal lifestyle is not accepted there: people get up early for work, and therefore go to bed early to rest.

But even in Russia, the streets of small towns are empty in the evenings. And there, unlike large cities, it is not accepted in late time be outside the home.

As for university libraries, many of us have heard and are convinced that they are open until the morning. There is some truth in this, but not to that extent.

Please note how complex the work schedules of the research libraries of the largest universities are:
Harvard: Mon.-Thu. 08:30 - 00:00, Fri. — until 18:00, Sat. 12:00 - 22:00, Sun. 10:00 - 00:00 (95.5 hours per week);
Yale: Mon.-Thu. 08:30 - 01:45, Fri. 08:30 - 23:45, Sat. 10:00 - 23:45, Sun. 12:00 - 01:45 (106 hours 45 minutes).

The record was broken by the Milner Library of the University of Illinois - 120 hours a week! Throughout school year she works from seven in the morning until three in the morning- from Monday to Thursday, on Friday - from 7:00 to 20:00, on Saturday - a short rest for librarians - from 10:00 to 20:00, and on Sunday work is again extended until three o'clock in the morning.

Thus, US university libraries certainly operate longer than public libraries. The main university library buildings may open at seven in the morning and remain open until midnight or even until three o'clock on Sunday (before the start of school week) and from Monday to Thursday. At the same time, specialized university libraries (on art, medicine, linguistics, etc.) most often work fewer hours per day. Some halls may be open at night, such as at the Sapienza University of Rome. At University College London, certain rooms are open at night several days a week. Some university libraries offer extended opening hours during session (some public libraries in Madrid also offer the same).

But we must take into account that university students very often live in closed campuses (student towns with their own infrastructure), and in our cities there are so far only student dormitories, where young people do not stay unless there is special need. (A significant part of the RGBM visitors who stay here the longest are students living in dormitories.)

All of the above is just food for thought for now.

But now we can state the following.

The library's operating mode directly depends on:

  • “biological rhythm” of life of citizens and other institutions of the sociocultural sphere;
  • demonstrated needs of target user groups for library resources and services;
  • the material and personnel capabilities of the library to ensure the full functioning of the library (considering that the premises itself should also “rest”);
  • the presence of certain resources, spaces, events at the library for which people will be willing to come late in the evening or stay in the library until late.

Material about work foreign libraries selected and translated by Irina Sokolova and Maria Alekseeva, employees of the RGBM Center for International Programs.

Extracurricular activityin 3rd gradeunder the program “Me and the World of Knowledge”.

Conversation “Day and night - a day away.”


educational – give children an idea of ​​the day;

correctional and developmental – develop memory, attention, thinking, correct students’ speech;

educational – teach students to be careful with time.

Equipment: laptop, multimedia, presentation, clock, crossword, riddles, globe, drawing globe, sun, month, tokens.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time. Greeting guests.

    Conducting a conversation with students:

Educator: - We looked at each other and smiled.

To find out the topic of our lesson, we will solve the crossword puzzle “ Fairy tale characters" For the correct answer, each of you will receive a token. Whoever collects the most tokens will be the winner.

    The fat guy lives on the roof

And he flies higher than everyone else.

He's the funniest in the world

That's why children like it. (Carlson)

    Previously he was a nameless toy,

Not a bear, not an elephant, not a rattle,

And now every mongrel knows him,

After all, this is Gena’s friend... (Cheburashka)

    My father had a strange boy,

Unusual - wooden,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

He pokes his long nose everywhere,

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

    He plays the harmonica

Happy birthday.

He's got teeth, but he's still cute

This is Gena... (Crocodile)

    Doll with blue curls

Come on, guess for yourself

Not Irina, not rowan,

Her name is... (Malvina)

What highlighted word did we get? That's right, a day. So, the topic of our lesson: the conversation “Day and night - a day away.”

    Educator. - Do you guys know what makes up a day? That's right, from night and day. No wonder they say: “Day and night - a day away.” - How many hours are there in a day? That's right, there are 24 hours in a day. During this time, planet Earth makes one full revolution around its axis.

Do you know what a globe is and what it looks like?

This is a model of the globe. The globe can rotate around an axis passing through its center, just as the Earth rotates around its invisible axis. On that part of our planet that is not illuminated sun rays, night reigns, and on the illuminated part of the Earth the bright day shines. The earth rotates continuously, so day and night follow each other.

Several centuries ago, people's lives proceeded in a more measured and at a slow pace. After all, there were no cars, no planes, no electric trains, no telephone communications, no radio, no television. People traveled from city to city on horseback for several days, weeks or months, depending on the distance.

People did not need special accuracy when determining time in everyday life. Therefore, the time of day was determined approximately - morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Peasants knew the time by the ringing of church bells or by the position of the sun.

Important tasks usually began in the morning. No wonder the proverb says: “The morning is wiser than the evening.” Let's read the second proverb: “It’s a long day until the evening if there’s nothing to do.” How do you understand it? Need to save time?

    Educator. – Do you think it is possible to divide the day into four parts? Of course you can! let `s talk about four parts days: morning, afternoon, evening and night.

In the morning the sun rises, the sky becomes bright, the clouds turn pink, birds wake up and chirp, the corollas of flowers open. To visualize this picture, listen to the poem “Morning Rays.”

The first ray fell on the bird,

For a small titmouse.

She woke up: “Shadow-shadow-shadow,

Oh, what a wonderful day!”

The second beam fell on the bunny,

He suddenly raised his eyebrows,

He galloped onto the lawn

Behind the dewy grass.

The third ray of dawn, playing,

Woke up the chickens and geese.

He penetrated through the crack of the barn -

It immediately became brighter!

On the perch, above

The cockerel woke up.

He sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku”

He picked up the scarlet comb.

The fourth ray raised the bees.

He told them: “The flower has bloomed!”

The fifth ray penetrated me,

Lighted up my bed

Ran up the wall

And he whispered: “It’s time to get up.”

5. Educator. - Let's remember what we do in the morning?

(Children's answers). We wake up, wash and brush our teeth, do exercises, and have breakfast. After breakfast, adults rush to work, older kids go to school, and kids go to school. kindergarten or play at home and then go for a walk.

The sun rises higher, shines brighter, the day begins. The day is filled with study and work. In the middle of the day everyone sits down to have lunch. After lunch, the kids rest, and then go for a walk, play or study again. Gradually the sun sinks lower and lower, and everything around is softly enveloped in silver-gray twilight. Evening is coming. The moon appears in the sky and the stars light up.

    What do we do in the evenings?

We get together with the whole family for dinner and evening tea, share news, talk about what happened during the day. Someone is reading a book or watching TV. In short, in the evening everyone relaxes after working day and then go to bed. Evening is replaced by night - the time of day intended for sleep.

    When you were little, your mothers sang lullabies to you.Listen to a lullaby.

The stars have become clearer

Go to sleep, son, quickly.

Maybe you'll dream

Bright feather of the firebird

Or a scarlet flower.

Go to sleep quickly, son!

The moon is shining in the dark sky,

Like a seven-flowered flower.

The star choir sings: “Bye-bye!”

Sleep, son, sleep!

    In winter, the nights are long and the days are short. In summer, on the contrary, there are fewer dark night hours than light daytime hours. And only on the days of the equinox - September 23 and March 21 - days and nights are equal.

Listen to the poem “So much light, so much darkness!”

coming red maiden,

The buckets are not carrying water.

She smiles herself:

There is light and darkness in her buckets.

We looked into the buckets:

So much light, so much darkness!

    And now we will play the game “Say the Word”:

    Rises at dawn

Singing in the yard

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this? ... (Cockerel)

    I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make the bed myself

I quickly do...(exercise).

    I wake everyone up on time

At least I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster).

    There is a clatter of feet in the corridor,

Then he calls everyone to class... (Bell)

    The distance of the fields is green,

The nightingale sings.

IN White color the garden is dressed,

The bees are the first to fly.

Thunder rumbles. Guess,

What month is this? (May)

    Tail with patterns,

Boots with spurs.

Sings songs

Time is counting. (Rooster)

    The watchmaker, squinting his eye,

Repairs watches for... (Us)

    After evening comes... (Night)

    On clear nights

Walking with his daughters.

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

Go to bed, it's late. –

Because mother is the moon,

And the daughters... (Stars)

10) The moon is shining, and the stars... (Twinkle)

    And now, guys, some riddles for you:

    One after another in succession

Brother and sister walk peacefully.

Brother wakes me up all the people,

And my sister, on the contrary,

Calls you to sleep immediately.

(Day and night)

    What kind of birds are flying by?

Seven in each pack

They fly in a line,

They won't go back.

(Days of the week)

    They don’t get angry, but twirl their mustaches,

They are not silent, but they will not say a word,

They walk, but won’t budge.


    Behind the countless flock

At night a tired shepherd walked

And when the rooster crowed -

The sheep and the shepherd disappeared.

(Stars and month)

    We walk at night, we walk during the day,

But we won't go anywhere.

We strike regularly every hour,

And you, friends, don’t beat us.


    Above the houses along the path

A piece of flatbread hangs. (Moon)

    We have no legs, but we walk

There is no mouth, but let's say

When to sleep, when to get up,

When to start work. (Watch)

8) Horned, but not butting. (Month)

9) Shines, sparkles

Warms everyone up.


    They go around the clock,

Not worth a minute

And everything is in one place.


Let's do it phonetic exercise. How does the clock tick? (Tick-tock...)

Who can tell me what a clock is? Why do we need them? Can you tell time using a clock? Let's check. I have an ordinary watch and a magic one that can talk. Tell me what time the clock shows? Let's check if you're right. (Working with the clock).

11) Next riddle:

Along with a golden cloud

The bugler wakes up.

The bugle plays.

“The grass in the meadow is not crushed!

The sun looks into the river!

Get ready to exercise, guys!

To charge - ka-ka-re-ku!

Who is this? (Cockerel). And he invites us to fulfillphysical education minute "Watch":

(Tilt your head first to one shoulder, then to the other)

Tick-tock, tick-tock -

All clocks go like this:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

(Swing to the rhythm of the pendulum)

Look quickly what time it is:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

(Hands on the waist. Body tilts to the right and left.)

Left - once, right - once,

We can do this too.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Well done! Let's sit down.

    1. Next riddle:

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week)

Guys, do you know where the names of the days of the week came from?

There are 7 days or 7 days in a week. This number cannot be divided into 2, 3, or 4 parts without a remainder. It is divisible only by itself and by one. So they called it - a week.

And Monday means the day that comes after the week. Tuesday is the second, Wednesday is the third, Thursday is the fourth, Friday is the fifth. What about Saturday? How to understand this word? Saturday means “six” in the language of the ancient Babylonians. The people are gone, but the word remains.

13) Next riddle:

The book has six plain sheets,

And the seventh is golden.

(Days of the week, one is a day off)

11. - Now let’s complete the task. It's called "Grammar Arithmetic":

Mouth + bob = day of the week


12. – Guys, let’s remember the polite words that you say to others throughout the day. They should contain the names of the parts of the day. (Children's answers). That's right, well done!

Listen to the poems of the poets O. Driz and A. Kondratiev:

Good words not lazy

Repeat to me three times a day.

I'll just go out the gate,

To everyone going to work,

Blacksmith, weaver, doctor,

"WITH Good morning! - I scream.

"Good afternoon!" - I shout after

Everyone going to lunch.

"Good evening!" - that’s how I greet you

Everyone rushing home for tea.

O. Driz

Good morning! - the birds began to sing.-

Good people, get out of bed;

All the darkness hides in the corners,

The sun has risen and is going about business.

Good night! - silence speaks;

Everyone can hear it now;

He speaks in silent words:

Sleep, I will stay with you all night.

A. Kondratiev

13. Let's play the game "One - many." Educate plural from the words:





14. Now we will repeat the material. Let's watch the presentation.

15. Guys, answer the questions:

1. How many hours are there in a day?

2. What two parts can a day be divided into?

3. What four parts can a day be divided into?

4. What time of day is the lightest?

5. What time of day is the darkest?

6. What time of day comes after night?

7. What comes after the morning?

8. At what time of day do we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

9. What is an equinox?

16. Let’s summarize the lesson:

1) what did we talk about in class today?

2) what new did you learn?

3) listen to the poem “What is a day?”

Remember son, remember daughter

A day is day and night.

The day is bright and the sun is shining,

Children playing in the yard:

Then they take off on a swing,

They're circling on carousels.

The sky turned pink -

The sun is setting

The gloom of the garden fell on the shoulders -

So it's evening.

Following the first star

The month will be young.

The sun has set behind the river,

Night has come, everything has become dark.

And in beds until the morning

The child falls asleep.

Remember son, remember daughter

A day is day and night.

4) – And now we’ll find out who is the most active among us all. Count your tokens. (Name the winner). Presentation of the medal.

Day and night - a day away, and everything is closer to death.

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  • - Day after day - carelessly. Wed. Our life is day and night - and a day away! Eating food is good; no - squeak, squeak, and stop... because there is no point in this... M. Gorky. Friends...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - day and night Neism. All the time, constantly, continuously. Only with verbs. nesov. like: how long? work, think... And day and night, the scientist cat still walks around the chain...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - See CARE -...
  • - See GULBA -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Day after day, but closer to death...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Mother Sophia dries day and night: the morning will come, she will leave behind...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Simple. The same as day and night. F 1, 155; SBG 5, 15; POS 9, 23...
  • - day and night adv. circumstances decompression time Continuously all day II 1.; non-stop, around the clock...

    Dictionary Efremova

  • - both day and night adv. circumstances decompression time 1. Continuously around the clock. 2. transfer All the time, without ceasing...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - From day to day - carelessly. Wed. Our life is day and night - and a day away! Eating food is good; no - squeak, squeak, and stop... because there is no point in this... M. Gorky. Friends...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Razg. Express All the time, around the clock. Why work day and night on books? And you sit over the sciences day and night, You hardly drink, you don’t eat, and you don’t sleep at night...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - Sib. Never. Versh. 4, 170...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - day and night, all year round, forever, constantly, always, chronically,...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 plant...

    Synonym dictionary

"Day and night - a day away, and everything is closer to death." in books


From the book One and a Half Eyed Sagittarius author Livshits Benedict Konstantinovich

16. THE NIGHT AFTER THE DEATH OF PAN O night of sacred sterility, You seem to me in the distance! I recognize you, melody of the dried up, joyful land! Without standing up for the ghost of the past, the idol - overthrown - lies. The statue of Your victories, hermaphrodite, goes into the heights of the night. A fragment of the dead


From book Frost patterns: Poems and letters author Sadovskoy Boris Alexandrovich

“GET AWAY GHOSTS! OH, WHERE ARE YOU, YESTERDAY DAY?..” “I saw in a dream...” I saw the Dark Station in a dream. In the pink fire both the buffet and the hall. Everything around is empty, you and I are alone. Suddenly the young days returned. There are flowers on the chest, wine on the table. You turned away and looked out the window. With a crash in

Day and night

From the book Konstantin Korovin recalls... author Korovin Konstantin Alekseevich

Night and day Late evening. From the edge, at big forest, I set up a tent, the tent is spacious, there is a folding table, a camp bed, a box with canvases and paints. In the morning I will paint from life. The place is beautiful, remote, forested. A large sandy cliff is covered with forest, gray spruce trees


From Kipling's book author Livergant Alexander Yakovlevich

Chapter Eleven “DAY-NIGHT-DAY-NIGHT - WE ARE GOING THROUGH AFRICA...” “...He had such broad shoulders and a short neck that it was not immediately obvious that he was below average height. On his head was a wide-brimmed, flat brown hat, the kind the Boers wear, he wore

On the night of his death he saw a shipwreck

From the book What I Got: Family Chronicles of Nadezhda Lukhmanova author Kolmogorov Alexander Grigorievich

On the night of his death, he saw a shipwreck. The cruel sentence to Nikolai Lukhmanov led to reprisals. Soviet power and in relation to his closest relatives, which Russian sovereigns have not allowed themselves since the time of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna! In August 1938, during


From the book 100 cake recipes author Team of authors

Day and night

From the book Year of the Ox - MMIX author Romanov Roman Romanovich

Day and Night One can understand why Bulgakov encrypted in detail in six or seven chapters the events of about three or four years in the early 1990s. The reason is the same as in Woland's attempt to convince Berlioz of the existence of at least the devil. If Berlioz believed it, he would not


From the book London: a biography [with illustrations] by Ackroyd Peter

NIGHT AND DAY Tramps on Westminster Bridge, one of starry nights 1870s as depicted by Gustave Doré. They said that these people could populate a city of medium-sized


From the book London: a biography by Ackroyd Peter


Day and night

From the book London. Biography by Ackroyd Peter

Night and Day of the Tramp on Westminster Bridge on one of the starry nights of the 1870s, depicted by Gustave Doré. They said that these people could populate a city of medium-sized

26. Pralaya and Mahapralaya, Manvantara and Mahamanvantara. Day and Night of Brahma, Inhalation and Exhalation. "Be with us" day. Doomsday, End of the World

From the book Basic Occult Laws and Concepts author Danina Tatyana

26. Pralaya and Mahapralaya, Manvantara and Mahamanvantara. Day and Night of Brahma, Inhalation and Exhalation. "Be with us" day. Doomsday, End of the World In occult literature you can find the following concepts - Pralaya, Mahapralaya, Manvantara, Mahamanvantara. What is their meaning? All


From the book When? author Shur Yakov Isidorovich

DAY AND NIGHT - DAYS AWAY! Celestial inhabitants The Polynesians composed a funny tale. Previously, the sun god Tama, like an idle tramp, wandered around the sky wherever he pleased or flew with the speed of lightning. But in the end he was tamed and tamed by the cunning Maui. Through miraculous feats

Day (days)

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(DE) of the author TSB

Day and night - a day away

From the book Time of the Burning Match (collection) author Krupin Vladimir Nikolaevich

Day and night - a day away So the day has come again. And he goes. And he passed. And I didn't do anything all day. I only sealed the well so that it would not freeze in the winter, so as not to carry boiling water with kettles in the winter to defrost the ice inside the hose. That's all. Yes, in the end, even the well could not be

51 “... Blessed is he who remembers death day and night and prepares to meet it”

From the book Expression of Monastic Experience by Elder Joseph

51 “... Blessed is he who remembers death day and night and prepares to meet it” My beloved son, my child, son of Joseph! I received your letter, my son, and remembered the days that passed. And, kneeling down, he wept bitterly. He said: “How vanity and fickle this world is! Why is the time of this life

Day after day - carelessly.

Wed. Our life - day and night- And day away! Eating food is good; no - squeak, squeak, and stop... because there's no point...

M. Gorky. Friends.

Wed. After all, I’ve been toiling alone for so many years, - day and night - a day away, but I haven’t forgotten the old one.

Dostoevsky. Humiliated and insulted. 2, 5.

Wed. What is my goal in life now? - Absolutely no sleep, I slept at someone else’s expense - and thank you! Day and night - a day away, closer to death.

Sun. Krestovsky. Outlaw. 3, 5.

Wed. Cheer up, brother, and live from day to day: You can’t think of anything wiser than this.

Turgenev. Letters.

Wed. In den Tag hineinleben.

Wed. In diem vivere.


Wed. Deus venter est, et in diem vivitur, et sanctior est ille, qui ditior est.

Hieron. Epist. ad Chromacium.

Wed. In diem vivere, est praesentibus rebus contentem vivere atque ex parato, minime sollicitum de futuribus(live carefree).

Erasm. Adag. 1, 8, 62. Wed. Cic. de Orat. 2, 4, 169. Wed. Plin. Ep. 5, 54.

Wed. In horam vivere.

Cic. Philip. 5, 9.

From the above examples it is clear that the Latin in diem vivere does not mean to toil.

  • - In ancient times, different peoples defined the concept of “day” or “day” differently. For the Babylonians, the day lasted from sunrise to the next sunrise, for the Athenians - from sunset to the next sunset...

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • - Day, 1) the same as day. 2) The light part of the day between sunrise and sunset of the upper edge of the Sun. The duration of D. depends on the geographic latitude of the place and changes with changes in the declination of the Sun...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - day and night Neism. All the time, constantly, continuously. Only with verbs. nesov. like: how long? work, think... And day and night, the scientist cat still walks around the chain...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - See CARE -...
  • - See LIFE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See GULBA -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Mother Sophia dries day and night: the morning will come, she will leave behind...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Simple. The same as day and night. F 1, 155; SBG 5, 15; POS 9, 23...
  • - day and night adv. circumstances decompression time Continuously all day II 1.; non-stop, around the clock...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - both day and night adv. circumstances decompression time 1. Continuously around the clock. 2. transfer All the time, without ceasing...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - about two subjects completely different in merit Wed. Wie Tag und Nacht...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - From day to day - carelessly. Wed. Our life is day and night - and a day away! Eating food is good; no - squeak, squeak, and stop... because there is no point in this... M. Gorky. Friends...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Razg. Express All the time, around the clock. Why work day and night on books? And you sit over the sciences day and night, You hardly drink, you don’t eat, and you don’t sleep at night...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Sib. Never. Versh. 4, 170...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - day and night, all year round, forever, constantly, always, chronically,...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 plant...

    Synonym dictionary

"day and night, and a day away" in books


From the book Frosty Patterns: Poems and Letters author Sadovskoy Boris Alexandrovich

“GET AWAY GHOSTS! OH, WHERE ARE YOU, YESTERDAY DAY?..” “I saw in a dream...” I saw the Dark Station in a dream. In the pink fire both the buffet and the hall. Everything around is empty, you and I are alone. Suddenly the young days returned. There are flowers on the chest, wine on the table. You turned away and looked out the window. With a crash in

Day and night

From the book Konstantin Korovin recalls... author Korovin Konstantin Alekseevich

Night and day Late evening. On the edge, near a large forest, I pitched a tent, the tent is spacious, there is a folding table, a camp bed, and a box with canvases and paints. In the morning I will paint from life. The place is beautiful, remote, forested. A large sandy cliff is covered with forest, gray spruce trees


From Kipling's book author Livergant Alexander Yakovlevich

Chapter Eleven “DAY-NIGHT-DAY-NIGHT - WE ARE GOING THROUGH AFRICA...” “...He had such broad shoulders and a short neck that it was not immediately obvious that he was below average height. On his head was a wide-brimmed, flat brown hat, the kind the Boers wear, he wore


From the book 100 cake recipes author Team of authors

Day and night

From the book Year of the Ox - MMIX author Romanov Roman Romanovich

Day and Night One can understand why Bulgakov encrypted in detail in six or seven chapters the events of about three or four years in the early 1990s. The reason is the same as in Woland's attempt to convince Berlioz of the existence of at least the devil. If Berlioz believed it, he would not


From the book London: a biography [with illustrations] by Ackroyd Peter

NIGHT AND DAY Tramps on Westminster Bridge on one of the starry nights in the 1870s, depicted by Gustave Doré. They said that these people could populate a city of medium-sized


From the book London: a biography by Ackroyd Peter


Day and night

From the book London. Biography by Ackroyd Peter

Night and Day of the Tramp on Westminster Bridge on one of the starry nights of the 1870s, depicted by Gustave Doré. They said that these people could populate a city of medium-sized

Day and night

From the book The book will accept superstitions author Mudrova Irina Anatolyevna

Day and night One of the main meaningful binary oppositions that make up the system with the help of which the world was described. They determined spatial, temporal, social characteristics peace. The dualistic principle of opposing the favorable-

26. Pralaya and Mahapralaya, Manvantara and Mahamanvantara. Day and Night of Brahma, Inhalation and Exhalation. "Be with us" day. Doomsday, End of the World

From the book Basic Occult Laws and Concepts author Danina Tatyana

26. Pralaya and Mahapralaya, Manvantara and Mahamanvantara. Day and Night of Brahma, Inhalation and Exhalation. "Be with us" day. Doomsday, End of the World In occult literature you can find the following concepts - Pralaya, Mahapralaya, Manvantara, Mahamanvantara. What is their meaning? All

Day and night

From the book Where did it come from, how the world was organized and protected author Nemirovsky Alexander Iosifovich

Day and Night At first the earth was opened to Vivasvata and the endless shining day lasted. Therefore, the children of Vivasvata and Saranyu Yama and Yami appeared first, raising their eyelids in an instant to contemplate the Sun and under it blue ocean. Brother and sister, twins, became husband and wife, and

26. Day and night

From the book MMIX - Year of the Ox author Romanov Roman

26. Day and Night One can understand why Bulgakov encrypted in detail in six or seven chapters the events of approximately three or four years of the early 1990s. The reason is the same as in Woland's attempt to convince Berlioz of the existence of at least the devil. If Berlioz had believed, he would not have rushed


From the book When? author Shur Yakov Isidorovich

DAY AND NIGHT - DAYS AWAY! Celestial inhabitants The Polynesians composed a funny tale. Previously, the sun god Tama, like an idle tramp, wandered around the sky wherever he pleased or flew with the speed of lightning. But in the end he was tamed and tamed by the cunning Maui. Through miraculous feats

Day (days)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DE) by the author TSB

Day and night - a day away

From the book Time of the Burning Match (collection) author Krupin Vladimir Nikolaevich

Day and night - a day away So the day has come again. And he goes. And he passed. And I didn't do anything all day. I only sealed the well so that it would not freeze in the winter, so as not to carry boiling water with kettles in the winter to defrost the ice inside the hose. That's all. Yes, in the end, even the well could not be

Day and night - a day away! Day after day

They float away into the “already” from the “later”.

Luck is slipping to hell

From me... Serves it right! - On business.

Day and night - a day away... Help!

I see everything - and I don’t see a single thing!

I hear everything - but I don’t hear myself,

And I despise myself, loving.

Day and night - a day away... My God!

Fed up with this stupid game!

If only this is all a game...

God... Tomorrow-today-yesterday...

Day and night - a day away! Day and night...

There's nothing I can do to help myself:

It turned out to be a cruel game -

The chest is crushed by the emptiness of the evening...

Day and night - a day away... To heaven

But it’s unlikely that this crying is for me...

I am the victim, the judge, and the executioner.

Day and night - a day away. You won't return it

The first intimacy is a sweet thrill,

The first thing you do is genuine excitement;

The first moment, the first damn, the first start...

Day and night - a day away... Besiege!

How many of them do I have ahead of me?!

Somewhere the series of days will end

For centuries, forever, forever...

Day and night - a day away... And the eyes

A tear revives less and less.

Why did I suddenly dream

Seven colors of rainbow arcs?

Day and night - a day away... In the wind

I'll tear up inadvertently in the morning.

I'll make a bet with myself

The one that goes into eternity has a door.

Day and night - a day away... I beg you

I have my godlessness with God.

The Lord will forgive my sins...

And will show the way to Hades.

Day and night - a day away. Blackened

Something light, white as chalk in childhood.

The black abyss is a toothless gap,

And on the other side there is a pedestal.

Day and night - a day away. Delirious

I'm wandering through life inside out;

And the sword is beyond the power of desire

Cut through the cotton wool of indifference.

Day and night - a day away... A moment of life

We were caught unprepared by surprise;

Drives away the whip of vanity!

Not in time... Not in time... Not in time...

Day and night - a day away... I could...

If I were omnipotent like God...

If not the gods, it fell to us to know

Pay off other people's debts.

Day and night - a day away! True False…

New God. old friend. Copper penny.

Day and night, day and night - a caravan;

An invited feast, but I’m not invited...

Day and night - a day away. Loud laughter.

Silent crying. Terrible fear. A grave sin.

Not involved. They don’t curse or mince.

Days and nights are already in great demand...

Day and night - a day away... Not in sight

In the trenches the swaggering nobility.

The truth is hiding - waiting for the dark,

Suddenly ashamed of his nakedness.

Day and night - a day away. Suddenly quiet

Silver flowing verse.

The gray hairs of oblivion are covered

Good deeds are unintentional evil.

Day and night - a day away. Burned it out

The essence of the thread is a pompous syllable.

In that fire of hot words

The cast-offs of the basics are burning out.

Day and night - a day away. Everything is getting paler

The glare of distant lights dances.

Brigantine of a cherished dream

Dissolved in the darkness of emptiness.

Day and night - a day away. To hell

There is a trait in nature

The line that sums it up

Those things that you couldn’t finish?