The further into the forest the more. The further into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the argument, the more words)

Greenpeace Russia has begun collecting signatures for an appeal to the president: activists ask to protect “disenfranchised” forests growing on agricultural lands. According to environmentalists, such forests now occupy tens of millions of hectares in Russia, but no one will extinguish them in the event of a fire, and land owners not only have the right, but also the obligation to destroy trees. Otherwise, due to imperfections in the current legislation, they may face substantial fines. The problem has been discussed for several years: last time The State Duma came up with a proposal to include lands in the Forest Fund exactly a year ago, and for several years now, according to unofficial data, some departments have been considering the possibility of changing the entire system of dividing land into categories..

There is a forest, but there is no idea

The entrepreneur submitted the application within the framework of the same “Vologda Hectare” program, which was announced in the region at the beginning of summer. As officials explained then, it is aimed at returning abandoned agricultural lands to circulation.

The portal site, even before the adoption of the bill, in June 2018, asked the regional government to clarify the conditions of the program. In the comments received (available to the editors), it was then noted that its concept “is designed for any resident Russian Federation interested in the use of agricultural lands and their involvement in turnover for the purposes of agricultural production.” They were ready to give out one hectare for free in the region, but only for intended use and only in some remote areas - including near Veliky Ustyug.

Now residents of the Veliky Ustyug region claim that the disputed site in the Oryol settlement, despite the fact that according to the papers it is agricultural, has never been used by either collective farmers or farmers.

Agriculture has never been carried out on this plot of land. The forest is located in close proximity to the village of Chernevo. Local residents always went there to pick berries and mushrooms. It is obvious that the entrepreneur, pursuing the goal of profit, decided to enrich himself at the expense of the Forest Fund, - a deputy of the Orlovsky Council told the regional publication Premier rural settlement Alexey Chebykin.

The district administration explains to residents that they cannot influence the situation: formally, all requirements have been met.

As for Smirnov’s statement, the land plot he is interested in refers to agricultural land that previously belonged to the Orlovets collective farm. This area does not intersect with the boundaries of areas that belong to the lands of the Forest Fund (including Orlovskaya Grove). We do not have a single legal basis for refusing to provide him with this land plot,” Larisa Boyarskaya, chairman of the committee for municipal property management of the Veliky Ustyug district administration, explained to regional journalists.

At the same time, Nikolai Smirnov himself allegedly said that he plans to engage in “forestry activities and the organization of nurseries for growing coniferous trees and other horticultural crops” on the received site. In addition, according to the entrepreneur, another possible direction for using the site is the tourism business: “in parallel with the organization of the nursery,” he plans to “build a summer camping camp in pine forest"(all this follows from his statement addressed to the district administration, which the Premier publication quotes with reference to its own sources).

And this already contradicts even the rules of the “Vologda Hectare” program itself - in a commentary from the press service of the regional government, received by the website portal, it is emphasized that “agricultural lands cannot be used for the location of tourist facilities.”

Without right and wrong

Opponents of the idea of ​​​​transferring the forest to an entrepreneur are convinced that in reality his goals are completely different and new owner, despite promises, will start cutting and selling wood. The head of the Veliky Ustyug region, Alexander Kuzmin, shares their sentiments.

I see a way out of the situation in changing the current legislation at the federal level. It is necessary to transfer farmland to the lands of the State Forest Fund, and thereby protect the forest,” he commented on the situation to local journalists.

Local residents have reason to be concerned. Similar situations have already occurred in other regions. Thus, in the Tver region in November 2017, activists from the regional headquarters of the ONF contacted the prosecutor’s office with a demand to stop illegal deforestation. At that time, according to the ONF, a little more than 50 hectares had been cut down, and the damage to the state amounted to “tens of millions” of rubles. In total, the unscrupulous owner had about 200 hectares under lease. The fact that logging was finally stopped became known in August of this year.

“We have identified such a scheme - the rural administration of the settlement leased federal property to a private person - a forest, which was cut down,” Yevgeny Kuramshin, a member of the regional headquarters of the ONF, told the Vesti TV channel.

As employees of the prosecutor's office found out, the administration of the Slavnovsky district of the Tver region leased lands to the Romanovsky agricultural cooperative that, according to some papers, were considered fields, and according to others, were already superimposed on the lands of the State Forest Fund.

Currently, logging in the Slavnovsky district has been suspended, for any economic activity a ban has been imposed on the lands of the Romanovsky agricultural cooperative. The case is being considered in court. But, insists the head of the district, Dmitry Tsyb, local officials acted within the law.

“The foresters did not place their land registered in accordance with the law. As for how SPK “Romanovsky” registered land plots, the administration has no information. Ready-made land plots with ready-made cadastral numbers were brought to the administration,” Vesti quotes him as saying.

Moreover, such inconsistencies are not necessarily initially the result of malicious intent. More often, this is the result of confusion with land registration in the 1990s or early 2000s, a former employee of one of the forestries operating in the Tver region explained to the website. In particular, Anton Khlynov agrees with this.

Instead of immediately returning the lands to the Forest Fund after the collective farms to which they belonged disappeared, in the 1990s and early 2000s, confusion was created in the management of these forests. Those involved in cadastral registration, and even, to some extent, legislators had a hand in this,” he explains.

“Everyone understood perfectly well that they were buying land on which a forest grows”

Not that it's still fate non-existent forests no one was doing it. As Greenpeace reminds, Vladimir Putin demanded to solve the problem of preserving and reproducing “agricultural” forests back in 2013. Since then, the issue has been periodically discussed at the most different levels, however, a clear solution to the problem has not yet been found.

These proposals (to resolve the issue of the status of agricultural forests. - Website note) have been going on for many years, they have been repeatedly voiced at parliamentary hearings, at the public council of Rosleskhoz, but have never received any active development, explains Vladimir Lipatkin.

In 2016, the status of such forests in the Arkhangelsk region was discussed at a regional round table- as the publication “Forest Region” writes, then the discussion participants proposed to allow felling of timber on overgrown agricultural plots, but only on the condition that it is used free of charge by the land owners. In 2017, the problem was raised to the federal level - the ONF proposed drafting a bill to include forests located on agricultural lands in the Forest Fund. State Duma deputy Vladimir Gutenev told reporters about this.

At the same time, activists of the “popular front” referred to the support of the regions. Especially actual problem then the representatives called Yaroslavl region, where, as the deputy chairman of the regional government explained, “collective farm forests” occupy about half of all forest areas, activists from the Chelyabinsk region. The issue of such land is no less acute in Siberia - for example, in the Tomsk, Irkutsk and Novosibirsk regions.

In the Tver region, according to Vladimir Lipatkin, by the early 1990s, the area of ​​agricultural forests could reach up to 40% of all forests located in the region.

Theoretically, the initiative was supported by Rosleskhoz - as the department explained to TASS journalists at the time, “such lands retain high potential for forestry, and their transfer to the Forest Fund will allow them to be reclaimed and returned to normal ecological circulation.” At the same time, representatives of Rosleskhoz noted that it would be possible to transfer lands only if they had truly become unsuitable for Agriculture. Actually, both the department and the regions can decide the fate of these forests now, but, according to environmentalists, they are in no hurry to take responsibility.

Anton Khlynov, director regional group public monitoring on environmental issues and forest protection ONF:

The process is not active enough, no one is specifically doing this, but in general such actions are within the powers of Rosleskhoz and regional entities. Furthermore, in some regions, for example in Kabardino-Balkaria and the Moscow region, such procedures were carried out about 10 years ago. Rosleskhoz needs to be pushed to take action in the right direction.

Behind last year However, the legislative initiative did not receive development. As the ONF explains, further work on it should be carried out in the State Duma. When this will happen is still unclear - the portal was unable to obtain a comment from Vladimir Gutenev, who coordinates the work of the ONF on this legislative initiative. Vladimir Lipatkin is convinced that the ONF is in in this case- “not the first and, unfortunately, not the last” to take the initiative to develop such a bill.

According to sources on the site, the reason may also be that at an unofficial level the possibility of changing the entire current system dividing land into categories towards simplification. If this is done, the future of unaccounted agricultural forests will be adversely affected.

True, even without this, those who wish can count enough arguments “against”. Among those that experts interviewed by TASS listed in the summer of 2017 were large financial costs, including for the re-registration and registration of plots, as well as for their subsequent protection. In addition, difficulties will arise with regard to the status of lands that have already been transferred to private owners: it will be possible to transfer them to the Forest Fund only after they have been confiscated from the owners. Largely to protect their interests, Russia adopted a so-called forest amnesty. It came into force in January 2018.

Initially, it was assumed that the document would mainly affect summer residents, whose previously acquired plots, due to confusion in the documents of the late 1990s and early 2000s, bordered on the lands of the Forest Fund. However, according to environmentalists, as a result, the “amnesty” will also include most of privatized “agricultural forests”.

Meanwhile, the return of “lost” forests to the Forest Fund is a matter of correctly setting priorities for national level, Anton Khlynov is sure, and difficult issues, in his opinion, can be stipulated in advance in the law.

We lack the political will to ensure the protection of natural resources. In the code, our priorities are set differently. There is no priority private property, not considering land as a commodity, we consider land primarily as natural resource, partly even as a national treasure. And when all these values ​​are turned the other way around, in favor of imaginary economic benefits, then thoughts arise that the owners need to be compensated for the cost, that this is difficult, and laws on “forest amnesty” appear. Although people understood perfectly well that they were buying the land on which the forest grew, and they were cutting down real forest, the ecologist is convinced.

Be that as it may, in his opinion, a single legislative or systemic by-law on the mandatory transfer of lands with “collective farm forests” to the Forest Fund is necessary. Otherwise, in most regions of the Russian Federation, these trees may simply be cut down en masse as they grow on agricultural lands.

Vladimir Lipatkin gives forecasts with restraint: the question of changing the status of forests is the dean of the Faculty of Forestry of Moscow state university calls forests important and large, but at the same time stipulates that it is most realistic to expect that it will be possible to save, if not the collective farm forests, that is, the lands where trees have grown for decades, then the old arable lands that began to be overgrown already in the post-perestroika years. And in any case, he notes, agricultural forests themselves are really only a small part of the problem.

We have tree and shrub vegetation on reserve lands, on settlement lands, on lands of the State Forest Fund and agricultural lands, and in different places attitude towards her is different. Here are the lands of settlements - there is such an entry in the Forest Code as “urban forests”, but they do not have any status. Therefore, agricultural forests in reality are only the tip of the iceberg, he emphasizes.

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Selection scary comics in the setting of rural America.

Fans of the horror genre are familiar firsthand with the oppressive atmosphere of American forests. You don’t have to look far for examples: you can recall both classics like Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead and the experimental The Cabin in the Woods, directed by Drew Goddard.

However, not only filmmakers, but also many comic book authors turned to this setting, with key works which this selection will introduce you to. You can find more material about comics in my

Hillbilly by Eric Powell

Eric Powell is the creator of the legendary comic strip The Goon. Having completed epic saga, the author changed course to more local stories in his new fantasy universe. A stern-looking protagonist with a mysterious origin, who travels the world and encounters evil spirits from myths and legends. Doesn't remind you of anything? Analogies with Hellboy suggest themselves, but already in the first issue it becomes obvious that the comics are different both in spirit and in execution.

During the creation of The Goon, Powell practiced his craft of screenplay and art, achieving high level in Hillbilly. Drawing inspiration from Appalachian folklore, the author uses a distinctive mountain accent in the dialogue to add authenticity to the work.

In this comic he moved away from the long format plot novel with many characters and twisting lines, focusing on short but fascinating stories. Main character loves listening, telling and discussing stories. At the same time, as in life, stories change from storyteller to storyteller, inviting the reader to decide for himself: what is true and what is fiction.

To convey the mood, Powell actively works with colors: the main part of the world is made in muted yellow-brown shades, with sharp pencil lines, like a rough sketch in a notebook. At the same time, the author has an impressive set of visual styles, without turning the comic into a dull yellow mess. Powell enjoys working with a mythological bestiary: here you have many-faced wolves, and treacherous witches, familiar trolls and creatures typical of Appalachia that you have probably never heard of before.

Overall, a great story that combines a unique fantasy universe with horror elements and great dialogues about repentance, love spells and stupid people.

Harrow County by Cullen Bunn & Tyler Crook

A teenage and sometimes rather naive comic book that talks, among other things, about the problems of growing up. The story of Harrow County is dedicated to the conflict between a girl and the villagers, who are confident that she is the next incarnation of a powerful witch who was once killed. Trying to prove my innocence, main character discovers that he really has a connection with supernatural beings.

After this, the plot of the work begins to develop rapidly, and many minor characters. Cullen Bunn, far from being the most talented screenwriter, performs surprisingly well in Harrow County. He is especially successful at intensifying the horror, which he creates using a simple formula: several pages are spent leading up to the spread, where the next monster appears in all its disgusting ugliness. A kind of analogue of jump scares from movies.

But the star of the comic is artist Tyler Crook, who is known for his work on B.P.R.D. The ability and love to draw monsters and “body horror” is what sets Harrow County authors apart from the rest. In addition to the horde of evil spirits, which range from skinless little boys to giant demons, the comic is replete with nauseating moments, such as people with disfigured faces, rotten food in which maggots swarm, and, of course, large quantity blood.

Freaks In The Heartland by Steve Niles & Greg Ruth

A slow, moving story about the importance and, at the same time, depravity of family ties, about the deeply wounded and wretched - all this through the prism of a closed community.

Greg Ruth, a comic book artist known among other things for his illustrations based on Twin Peaks, did a masterful job of conveying the viscous atmosphere of the work. Autumn, dirty tones are ideal for depicting rural areas: dilapidated barns, endless fields and withered trees. With every frame you plunge into the abyss of hopelessness, saturated with hatred and fear.

Even though the general outline of the universe is unsaid and many elements remain behind the scenes, ignoring the reader’s questions, the comic focuses on the two-faced nature of family ties. The authors are more interested in talking about the ambiguous moral essence of ugliness, where the absence of physical flaws does not make you a good person.

Moonshine by Brian Azarello & Eduardo Risso

Another work from the famous duo responsible for the crime comic 100 Bullets. Without parting with the gangsters, the authors add a pinch of horror and supernatural monsters to their new creation.

Moonshine will tell you a lot with its ambiguous name: having coveted excellent moonshine, polished gentlemen in jackets and with Thompson machine guns send their man to West Virginia in order to conclude a deal and arrange the supply of alcohol. As a result, the hero encounters a family clan of proud werewolves who do not need partners.

By setting the story in forests and swamps, Azzarello gives Risso complete carte blanche, emphasizing his irresistible love of contrast. Having gotten rid of contours, the artist enthusiastically depicts shadows that replace objects, buildings and even entire backgrounds. Whether it’s a hidden werewolf in the thicket of a forest, a character’s languid gaze, or a half-empty room, the artist invariably lines the frame with twilight.

In addition to the amazing art and monsters with bloody mouths, the comic contains reflections on the theme of loss - one of the main leitmotifs of Brian Azzarello. The main character who lost loved one, with every step deep into the wild lands he risks losing himself, forever lost in the madness of moonlight.

Hellboy The Crooked Man by Mike Mignola & Richard Corben

Traveling through 1950s Virginia, a cult demon witnesses otherworldly interference and teams up with a local redneck as they both try to figure out what's going on here.

It is not Mike Mignola himself who is responsible for the drawing, but the legendary author and artist Richard Corben, who specializes in the horror genre and is known for his characteristic style, expressed in the grotesque masculinity of the characters. This time, instead of muscular monsters, Corben surrounds readers with endless masses of coniferous forests. The stunning beauty of the original landscape in Richard's rough, sloppy drawing captivates and points to sinister secrets, hidden in the depths of untouched nature.

While the art most effectively conveys the aesthetic of one-story America, with all its dilapidated chapels in the wilderness and wooden shacks inhabited by witches, the story focuses on the motives of return: returning home, to origins, family reunion. Hellboy serves as a silent observer here, often remaining in the shadows or on the edge of the frame, giving way to the cursed little people who want to find peace in this dead land.

In general, comics are a very difficult medium for horror: the specificity of the image of frames and the absence of sounds pushes Mignola and Corben not to use standard “boo” moments and regular depiction of challenging elements on the pages of the comic, but to consistently build an oppressive atmosphere.

Gradually, page after page, the heroes plunge into the abyss of witchcraft, losing their comrades and all hope of redemption. When it’s all over, the reader will long remember the silent expanses of the mountains, dense forests and the devil's crooked grin.

The material has been updated by the editors

Archpriest Andrey Lemeshonok: The further into the forest, the more firewood. When a person begins some journey, it seems to him that everything is simple, that he needs to go forward, raise his head and walk cheerfully with a song. But then the picture changes, and the person thinks: maybe he went in the wrong direction? Or maybe he won't make it? Or maybe there is some other way, a workaround, simpler and smoother? And doubts and hesitations begin, although at first everything was simple for him.

A man comes to God, and it seems to him that everything has already changed, he is already a saint, and everyone should listen to him, and God will help him in everything. But these illusions, of course, are destroyed very quickly. Or maybe not quickly. The sooner the better, because a lot of troubles can come from such a person who, while admiring himself, teaches everyone how to live with God. A lot of people can be put off by this when they see or feel falsehood, some kind of bravado, some kind of spiritual slogans that have nothing behind them.

And when a person is faced with his complete weakness, when he no longer understands what to do, because he sees: in everything, in all his actions there is sin - of course, this state of his own poverty is sobering. It must be sobering, but not plunge a person into despondency. That's why we talk all the time about that balancing act, about that constant internal work, which is necessary for a believer so that the enemy does not use him or deceive him.

Sometimes our wrong actions and mistakes are revealed to us. You need to stop in time, not deceive yourself and start all over again.

The life of a believer, a Christian, is already in contact with another, new, eternal life, in which we, of course, are guided by old maps, by old markers of life, but we need to live differently. This contradiction tears apart, corrodes and destroys a person. And here, indeed, grace is given to the humble.

If a person resigns himself to himself, to his weaknesses, if he endures, realizes that he, in general, is not worthy of anything and cannot do anything on his own today, then it is easier for the person. And when a person is electrified with pride, when he has a lot of initiative, a lot of energy, then it is very difficult for him. You need to cool down, don’t rush, don’t fuss. This can make a person depressed - because he wants to do everything, but no one hears him, and no one needs this “spiritual” energy.

Personal human energy can be very self-destructive. Therefore, the power of God is not accomplished in human power. If there were the power of God, plus human power, then there would already be two forces. When a person, being in weakness, truly feels his guilt, then he becomes closer to God and begins to really, maybe not completely, but already really, to see correctly, to look at this world differently, because it does not interfere him his opinion, mood, some states, it’s amazing.

So I remember our deceased novice Tamara. She was a very obstinate and hot-tempered person, sometimes she told people things that were wrong, even cruel, I would say. She got used to this at the boarding school. But then what a revolution happened when a person was sick and suffering. She suddenly became completely different - different words, a different state of mind. The correct state is when a person with his truths, grievances, claims dies, but is born new person who humbles himself, accepts the will of God, thanks God, for whom everything really falls into place. See what a difference it can make! But this is associated with illness, with some kind of shock.

There is such a word: I found sorrow and illness and called on the name of the Lord(Ps. 114:3–4). But do we all need to want to be sick? A person can say: I would rather be sick than sin. No, you don’t have to say that! You need to look after your health. But in moderation so that it is not a cult, some kind of idol. And, at the same time, you need to do something as much as you can. To do this, you don’t need to solve any crossword puzzles - everything is in sight, we have our circle of affairs, responsibilities, the people who surround us. Here it’s just virgin soil, here we still need to correct so many things, change so many things!

But sometimes it can be very difficult to overcome yourself. Because you, in general, are infected with sin, and sin shows you human truth, in which, of course, sometimes you do not see God’s providence, you do not see God’s humility, God’s long-suffering and you judge incorrectly, make incorrect assessments. Because you focus on yourself.

Deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me(Luke 9:23).This is how to deny yourself? After all, if you do not deny yourself, you will go in the wrong direction. How to deny yourself? Is it possible to do this on your own? Of course not. But in Christianity nature's rank is defeated. Indeed, what framework does the Holy Spirit set for us through the Apostle: there is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither slave nor free; neither male nor female; For you are all one in Christ Jesus(Cf. Gal. 3:28). Everyone is alive with God: Christ is risen, and not one is dead in the tombs. There are no more dead, but you are a dead man, and it is very difficult for you to become alive, because you are used to life dead, sleepy, relaxed, where everything is built on egoism, on some kind of sensual, spiritual basis. Such a person, of course, will not enter the Kingdom of God.

In order to somehow move us towards eternity, we need the love of God. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden(Matt. 11:28). This means that the Lord does not make any restrictions - neither by age, nor by any abilities - everyone come. It would seem that everyone is on an equal footing, everyone can work.

A man comes up and says: “What should I do?” Do at least something, but do it diligently, carefully, out of love, with humility. There is no need to stand on your head or go into some kind of jungle. Take a rag and my floor so that it is clean, and this deed will be holy. And if you do this with prayer and humility...

"What should I do? How can I be saved? As if it were some kind of riddle - how to escape! Don’t judge anyone and thank God for everything, don’t believe the sin that lives in you. Again, you need to defeat yourself, your opinion, your “I”, trample it. We all know perfectly well what to do, but we don’t have the courage to do it. And therefore we blame someone, look for excuses in some circumstances that we are not ready... We are all looking for something, someone, and the enemy takes advantage of it.

People are not all bad, but simply everyone convinces himself that he is right and sees the untruth of another person. And this, of course, gives rise to some misunderstandings, perplexities, destroys unity, the peace of God that the Lord brought to each of us.

The minutes vary. Sin lives in us, it reminds us of itself. At some moment of grace, when the Lord covers everything, we are awake, and then we feel good, we, like the apostles, are on Tabor: it's good for us to be here(Wed: Luke 9:33)! But on our little Calvary we can say: “I don’t know anything, I have nothing to do with it, leave me alone, don’t touch me!”

Therefore, creating something in this world is a difficult matter. Even creating a simple family is a difficult matter. How many real families are there now, where people serve, obey each other, love, see each other? This is a miracle! And to talk, in general, about the Sisterhood, about the monastery, is humanly insane, because each person has his own little world, in which it is cramped for another opinion, some other vision: my truth, and I believe in myself more than anyone else. But we need God to unite us.

The Church is that unity, that structure in our world that is indestructible, which the gates of hell cannot overcome, because Christ loves us, because the Church stands on love, on the love of Christ for man. And this love, both today and tomorrow, is unrequited, because we do not value this love, we get used to it. This love does not diminish, and even where sin increases, grace abounds (See: Rom. 5:20). The Lord does not ask us: “Are you worthy or not worthy of My love?” He says, “Do you want this love?”

But God does not force His love on us. We live by the grace of God, by the love of God that unites us today, despite all the sinful things that, it would seem, should have separated us long ago. We see how individuals, succumbing to their human vision and some kind of human assessment and truth, they go to a distant side. They decided that their truth is the most correct, that their opinion is the most correct, but this is a mistake. When will a person see this error? He may see her only at the end of his life, or he may see her soon.

It’s so sad when you hear about destruction... You sit for hours in confession, young people come up and talk about how the devil destroys families, how he embitters people against each other. And he manages to do the worst thing - his family because of some material assets, because of inheritance, square meters become enemies. How scary it is! How can a person sell himself short and end up in madness! And this happens all the time.

When you constantly hear things like this, your optimism and joy become less and less. But at the same time, you need to understand that all this is temporary, superficial. We need to talk about the source of life, about the joy that exists and operates in this world and which conquers this world. Although it is sometimes simply impossible to see this with human eyes, it requires faith and trust in God. Here you need to reject yourself, your opinion, your vision, your current situation.

It’s good if a person humbles himself and hears, but sometimes a person doesn’t do this and doesn’t want to hear anything. The saddest thing is that sometimes all this is hidden behind pseudo-Orthodox ideas. Sometimes it can get to the point of absurdity. A person with his “Orthodoxy” does not see his neighbor, who is suffering and tormented next to him - he has no time for it! We need to solve space problems. And similar things happen all the time. This, again, does not increase optimism, but we must not lose hope and faith.

We must help each other, support each other, bear each other's infirmities, so as not to fall and lose touch with God. Our common prayer, meetings probably help us, although this does not always happen. Sometimes there are some funny motives, sometimes sad ones, and sometimes very sad ones. But this is life, we need to live on, living, experiencing some pages of our life, its moments, periods and drawing conclusions from what is happening, so that we do not make a mistake, do not believe sin, which is sometimes much more plausible than what says the Lord.

Our journey continues, and we are trying to find something, discover something in today's life. The most important thing is that God is near, that our lives and the lives of our loved ones are in His hands, and not in the hands of chance, luck, or some kind of coincidence. Everything is under God's control.

A selection of scary comics in the setting of rural America.

To bookmarks

Fans of the horror genre are familiar firsthand with the oppressive atmosphere of American forests. You don’t have to look far for examples: you can recall both classics like Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead and the experimental The Cabin in the Woods, directed by Drew Goddard.

However, this setting was used not only by filmmakers, but also by many comic book authors, whose key works this collection will introduce you to. You will find more material about comics in my Telegram channel.


Eric Powell is the creator of the legendary comic strip The Goon. Having completed the epic saga, the author changed course to more local stories in his new fantasy universe. A stern-looking protagonist with a mysterious origin, who travels the world and encounters evil spirits from myths and legends. Doesn't remind you of anything? Analogies with Hellboy suggest themselves, but already in the first issue it becomes obvious that the comics are different both in spirit and in execution.

During the creation of The Goon, Powell practiced his craft of writing and drawing, reaching a high level in Hillbilly. Drawing inspiration from Appalachian folklore, the author uses a distinctive mountain accent in the dialogue to add authenticity to the work.

In this comic, he moved away from the format of a long plot novel with many characters and twisting plots, focusing on short but exciting plots. The main character loves to listen, tell and discuss stories. At the same time, as in life, stories change from storyteller to storyteller, inviting the reader to decide for himself: what is true and what is fiction.

To convey the mood, Powell actively works with colors: the main part of the world is made in muted yellow-brown shades, with sharp pencil lines, like a rough sketch in a notebook. At the same time, the author has an impressive range of visual styles, without turning the comic into a dull yellow mess. Powell enjoys working with a mythological bestiary: here you have many-faced wolves, and treacherous witches, familiar trolls and creatures typical of Appalachia that you have probably never heard of before.

Overall, a great story that combines a unique fantasy universe with horror elements and great dialogues about repentance, love spells and stupid people.

Harrow County

A teenage and sometimes rather naive comic book that talks, among other things, about the problems of growing up. The story of Harrow County is dedicated to the conflict between a girl and the villagers, who are confident that she is the next incarnation of a powerful witch who was once killed. In an attempt to prove her innocence, the main character discovers that she actually has a connection with supernatural beings.

After this, the plot of the work begins to develop rapidly, and many secondary characters appear on the stage. Cullen Bunn, far from being the most talented screenwriter, performs surprisingly well in Harrow County. He is especially successful at intensifying the horror, which he creates using a simple formula: several pages are spent leading up to the spread, where the next monster appears in all its disgusting ugliness. A kind of analogue of jump scares from movies.

But the star of the comic is artist Tyler Crook, who is known for his work on B.P.R.D. The ability and love to draw monsters and “body horror” is what sets Harrow County authors apart from the rest. In addition to the horde of evil spirits, which range from skinless little boys to giant demons, the comic is replete with nauseating moments, such as people with disfigured faces, rotten food in which maggots swarm, and, of course, a lot of blood.

Freaks In The Heartland

A slow, moving story about the importance and, at the same time, depravity of family ties, about the deeply wounded and wretched - all this through the prism of a closed community.

Greg Ruth, a comic book artist known among other things for his illustrations based on Twin Peaks, did a masterful job of conveying the viscous atmosphere of the work. Autumn, dirty tones are ideal for depicting rural areas: dilapidated barns, endless fields and withered trees. With every frame you plunge into the abyss of hopelessness, saturated with hatred and fear.

Even though the general outline of the universe is unsaid and many elements remain behind the scenes, ignoring the reader’s questions, the comic focuses on the two-faced nature of family ties. The authors are more interested in talking about the ambiguous moral essence of ugliness, where the absence of physical flaws does not make you a good person.


Another work from the famous duo responsible for the crime comic 100 Bullets. Without parting with the gangsters, the authors add a pinch of horror and supernatural monsters to their new creation.

Moonshine will tell you a lot with its ambiguous name: having coveted excellent moonshine, polished gentlemen in jackets and with Thompson machine guns send their man to West Virginia in order to conclude a deal and arrange the supply of alcohol. As a result, the hero encounters a family clan of proud werewolves who do not need partners.

By setting the story in forests and swamps, Azzarello gives Risso complete carte blanche, emphasizing his irresistible love of contrast. Having gotten rid of contours, the artist enthusiastically depicts shadows that replace objects, buildings and even entire backgrounds. Whether it’s a hidden werewolf in the thicket of a forest, a character’s languid gaze, or a half-empty room, the artist invariably lines the frame with twilight.

In addition to the amazing art and monsters with bloody mouths, the comic contains reflections on the theme of loss - one of the main leitmotifs of Brian Azzarello. The main character, who has lost a loved one, with every step deep into the wild lands risks losing himself, forever getting lost in the madness of moonlight.

Hellboy The Crooked Man

Traveling through 1950s Virginia, a cult demon witnesses otherworldly interference and teams up with a local redneck as they both try to figure out what's going on here.

The drawing is not made by Mike Mignola himself, but by the legendary author and artist Richard Corben, who specializes in the horror genre and is known for his distinctive style, expressed in the grotesque masculinity of the characters. This time, instead of muscular monsters, Corben surrounds readers with endless tracts of coniferous forests. The stunning beauty of the original landscape in Richard's rough, sloppy drawing captivates and points to sinister secrets hidden in the depths of untouched nature.

While the art most effectively conveys the aesthetic of one-story America, with all its dilapidated chapels in the wilderness and wooden shacks inhabited by witches, the story focuses on the motives of return: returning home, to origins, family reunion. Hellboy serves as a silent observer here, often remaining in the shadows or on the edge of the frame, giving way to the cursed little people who want to find peace in this dead land.

In general, comics are a very difficult medium for horror: the specificity of the image of frames and the absence of sounds pushes Mignola and Corben not to use standard “boo” moments and regular depiction of challenging elements on the pages of the comic, but to consistently build an oppressive atmosphere.

Gradually, page after page, the heroes plunge into the abyss of witchcraft, losing their comrades and all hope of redemption. When it’s all over, the reader will long remember the silent expanses of the mountains, dense forests and the crooked grin of the devil.

The material has been updated by the editors
